#and the dumb binches dont even know it yet
zayashmaya · 6 years
Gods and Monsters - 7 - Love.
Marvus x Reader ll Tagora x Reader; SFWish (mention of pailing in the beginning)
More chapters here!
You meet Marvus’s lusus, and Tagora handles you in typical Tagora fashion.
this chapter was inspired by the most magnificent set of tweets to ever exist, as well as my partner in crime @compositecreature :3
Look at you kids, you know you're the coolest 
The world is yours and you can't refuse it 
Seen so much, you could get the blues 
But that don't mean that you should abuse it 
Though it's enough just to make you go crazy, crazy, crazy 
But you get ready, you get all dressed up 
To go nowhere in particular 
Back to work or the coffee shop It don't matter because it's enough 
To be young and in love
- Lana Del Rey
Bathtime was calling for your filthy body.
You had been eager to see the ocean, but something steered you towards sleep instead. The night had been rife with cat-fights and debauchery, and when you caught a glimpse of the enormous ablution trap, you were hit with a wave of exhaustion that drained you of any motivation to visit the beach.
Marvus was busying himself with removing his jewelry while you turned on the shower spray, letting the water heat up on its own as you padded over to him. You took it upon yourself to wet a nearby wash cloth with the intention to clean off his facepaint. As you stood on your tip toes and struggled to reach over the sink, Marvus grinned and taunted you for your height.
“Ain’t got no ladders round here babe, u gonna b climbin me like a tree to get anywhere.”
“Hilarious. How’s the weather up there, by the way?”
“Feelin a lil chilly axxually, mite need a warm rusty to help me w dat.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, wringing out excess water from the cloth. Marvus looked down at you with a teasing smirk, and it might have looked attractive if not for the comical mess on his face.
“You look like an abstract painting,” you snarked and patted the countertop. “Get me up on here so I can clean that paint off you.”
Marvus quirked a brow at your command, yet obliged you all the same, sitting you down before him and patiently letting you run the wet cloth along his face. You dug your fingers into his mussed up hair to keep it out of the way, focusing diligently on your task while Marvus watched you with amusement.
The paint gradually gave way to neutral gray, and even his eyebrows darkened to their natural black color. You finished off your task with one last swipe along the long, graceful arch of his nose, silently admiring how long his lashes appeared while he kept his eyes closed.
You realized you were staring, much to your embarrassment.
“All done,” you weakly said, tossing the dirtied cloth into the sink, scooting closer to the edge of the countertop in preparation for absconding from this intimate proximity, until you noticed the dark circles under his eyes. You reached out to run a thumb along the evidence of his exhaustion. “Look at this … don’t tell me you’re overworking yourself."
A flash of hesitation flashed across his face. Yet it was gone as quick as it had appeared, replaced with his normal easygoing demeanor. He gently grasped your wrist and moved your questing touch away. “Ain’t nethin to worry bout,” he said, pressing a kiss to your fingertips.
“Liar,” you asserted, stubbornly glaring at him. “I got rid of the facepaint, and yet it seems you’re still hiding behind a mask. You’re lying, and I know it.”
Yet again you managed to shock him into a state of silence, his eyes wide and focused on you during your short tirade. “Damn mama u rly gunna roast me like that?”
“Damn straight.” You took back your hand and crossed your arms, entirely unintimidated by how much larger than you he still was, his arms on either side of you as he leaned over you. “If that’s what it takes to get some honesty out of you.”
“Whoaaa, i don’t remember the last time sumone talked to me this way. 'Specially not a lowblood.” His hands found their way to your hips, and he grinned at you with hooded eyes. “Dat shit b hot, like some kinda pale porn feelz jam. U gettin freaky w me rite now, babe?”
You covered your eyes momentarily and sighed. “No, Marvus. This isn’t a solicitation.”
“Aww :o( “
“Look, all I’m saying is, I notice these things about you. And if there’s no one around to tell you to take better care of yourself, then it may as well be me.”
“Oooh? ;o) “
”Not pale porn.”
“Now who b lyin … “
You were starting to feel a blush bloom across your cheeks. “What did I say about teasing me?” you murmured, bashfully looking away while he pulled you closer to him. With his handsome sculpted body in sight, you were quickly reminded that a platonic relationship with Marvus was out of the question. “Besides,” you continued, sliding your hands up the wide expanse of his chest towards his neck to tilt his face towards you. “ — would a moirail do this?”
You brought him down to your level and planted your lips on his, coaxing his mouth open with a teasing lick as he hummed into the kiss. He effortlessly gathered you in his arms while you made out and brought you both under the running shower spray, reluctantly letting you break off the kiss when you reminded him that you were still filthy.
Everything had been chaste enough, for the first few minutes. You managed to get your hair rinsed and pointedly avoided staring at Marvus’s gorgeous body. The same could not be said for him, however. It all started with his hip bumping against yours as he reached over to grab a bottle, and an offer to help you wash off with something that looked like a mix of a giant beetle and a loofa.
Innocent touches soon led to full-blown groping — you just knew Marvus wouldn’t be able to resist — and eventually you found yourself pressed up against the shower wall with his bulge pumping slowly into your sensitive cunt, overstimulated and yet still craving more of him.
By the time you were clean and swaying on your feet like a sleep-deprived child, Marvus had insisted you stay for the night — or rather, the day — and you couldn’t find the energy to fight him on his impeccable hospitality. So you thanked him with a tired smile and huddled up in the corner of the couch, adorned with a fluffy towel and ready to pass out the moment your head hit the cushion. But Marvus crouched down in front of you with a stupefied expression, and asked, "The fxxk ya doin, baby?”
“Um … going to sleep?”
He blinked at you, still not understanding. “Iz dis a human thang? Sleepin on a couch?”
“Technically we sleep on beds — not that you’d know what that is.”
“Well i ain’t got any o that shiz but i got a slammin cocoon so.” You let out a startled yelp as he scooped you up in his arms. “U coming w me, lil mama.”
And that was how you ended up falling asleep atop Marvus’s very inviting bosom, smiling contently as the sopor slime soothed your aches away.
Marvus had a busy schedule the following day, so unfortunately he was gone by the time you woke up. You blearily rubbed your eyes and stretched, letting loose all the tension in your frame as you looked out to see the sun’s last rays disappearing behind the horizon. Seems like he really doesn’t get that much rest if leaving before sundown was a regular thing for him.
You took a quick moment to freshen up in the bathroom, and after one final glance at the painting tainted with Marvus’s genetic material, you began lazily scooping up your scattered clothing and redressed. The weight of your palmhusk stashed away in a discrete pocket reminded you to check your messages, and sure enough, you had quite a few of them.
Stelsa had texted you about her safe return last night as promised, Chixie hit you up with an invite to a show later, and Marvus sent his apologies for not being able to stick around.
— couldn’t wake u up cuz u were lookin too cute but there’s food downstairs if u want
— n i got a guy parked outside to take u anywhere
— b seein u sumtime soon bby thx fr the amazing time ;o)
You smiled shyly to yourself, hoping that he truly wanted to see you again.
Your good mood promptly disappeared when you realized you had several texts and missed calls from Tagora. You knew exactly what he wanted from you, and you were too hungry to deal with it right now.
Stashing away your palmhusk for later, you made your way downstairs and spent a few minutes looking around the spacious floor for the kitchen. The clicks of your heels echoed through the hallway as you wandered, glancing into spare rooms and admiring the beautiful graffiti decorating the walls.
One particular room caught your eye — a shimmer of aquamarine blue in your periphery steered you inside, and you were met with a gigantic in-ground pool that curved beyond a translucent wall fixture, forming a long U-shape. To the right was a spectacular view of what you believed to be a portion of the backyard deck, the entire wall replaced with floor-to-ceiling window panes. The moonlight from outside filtered into the room, illuminating the glistening pool water to an ethereal color.
It was stunning, to say the least. You kneeled at the edge of the pool and gently dipped your fingertips into the water. The temperature was lukewarm and pleasant, stirring up the urge to take a swim. Maybe you could coerce Marvus the next time you visited his hive.
As you pondered on the future, something seemed to bump against your fingertips. You furrowed your brow and felt around for the obstruction, feeling something smooth and uniform taking shape.
The strange object pushed gently against your touch, moving higher and higher until something white emerged from the water. You quickly retracted your hand and leaned over to get a closer look —
And the water bursted upward like a geyser, splashing you as you fell back onto your ass with an indignant shriek. You protected your face with your hands and curled inward, fearing what horrors you managed to rile up in the depths of this pool.
A loud chitter soon followed, and when you lowered your shaking hands, you were suddenly face to face with a white dolphin, its razor sharp teeth on display as its gaping maw puffed air inches away from you.
You let loose a scream and scuttled backwards from the creature, losing your grip on the wet floor and careening onto your side.
The dolphin chirped at you and tilted its head as you came down from your panicked breathing. You stared back at it, wide-eyed and frozen in fear, until you realized that the beast was actually smiling at you, bobbing innocently in the water and patiently waiting for your next move.
Mirthful Messiahs, this was Marvus’s lusus!
You clambered onto hands and knees and crawled back to the dolphin, hoping you looked every bit as pathetic as you felt. “Oh my gosh that was so rude of me I’m so sorry! It’s so nice to meet you my name is — “
You were cut off by a jovial chirp, and the lusus bumped his snout on your forehead. Thank goodness, he didn’t appear to be as horrid as Zebruh’s custodian. Judging by how kind Marvus was, you always assumed his lusus would have led by example. You giggled and carefully petted his head.
“I hope I didn’t frighten you — “ The dolphin let loose a string of eek eek eek’s and shook his head. “ — no, please, don’t be sorry, I reacted like an idiot. I’m a friend of Marvus’s, by the way! Maybe he told you already?”
“Eek eek! Eeeee!” Another nose bump, followed by a nuzzle to your cheek.
You cupped your cheek and blushed. “I’ll take that as a good sign … “ Your conversation was cut short by a low grumbling, and you peevishly smiled. “Do you mind pointing me to the kitchen? I accidentally wandered in here because I got lost.”
The lusus nodded, and instead of tipping his head toward a direction, he slowly emerged from the water’s depths. You stood up and backed away to give him some room, and you nearly gasped at how enormous he was. Sure enough, the lusus was a dolphin, and yet he sported a pair of dinosaur-like back legs that allowed him to stand upright, trailing his tail behind him as he offered a flipper to you.
You smiled gratefully and held onto the proffered flipper as the lusus led you out of the room, stopping briefly for a moment so he could show you were the spare towels were stored away. You grabbed one on the way out and wiped yourself down as you let him guide you, eyeing the trail of water the lusus left in his wake and wondered if it was okay to leave it all over the floor like that.
The kitchen was as grand as the rest of the hive, a circular space with a towering ceiling from which hung a massive chandelier, its multicolored crystalline lights casting rainbow beams everywhere they could. Everything was as large as Marvus said it would be, but thankfully his lusus caught on to your short stature, and took over the task of getting you well-fed. Within minutes you had a whole five course meal set out in front of you at the table, and you couldn’t stop thanking the kind dolphin with tears in your eyes before he ruffled your hair with a flipper and trilled a happy tune.
When was the last time you had this much food at your disposal? Your heart swelled with love for your generous friends as you stuffed your face with questionable meats, deciding that the delicious taste outweighed their strange appearance. The lusus kept you company all the while, sitting across the table from you and chowing down on some sort of large aquatic animal laid out on a giant dish.
You spent your breakfast in amicable discussion, regaling him with tales of your adventures, your worries about the future, and your ever-growing homesickness. You don’t know why, but you felt like you could trust this dolphin with anything. In turn, he eek'd up a storm of stories about Marvus as a wiggler, and how good of a child he had been. You realized, then, how suitable a dolphin was for Marvus — his lusus chirped with as much flare and gusto as the showman, waving his flippers around and smiling all the while. Two whimsical yet powerful individuals. A match made in heaven.
Unfortunately, the time to leave had come. You didn’t want to overstay your welcome.
Marvus’s lusus seemed disappointed by your announcement, and you imagined he might feel lonely in this mansion all by himself, considering how often Marvus had to go on tour or do other work-related things. You helped the dolphin place the empty dishes by the sink and hugged him tight, marveling at how he was just as cold to the touch as Marvus was.
“I promise I’ll come visit you the next time Marvus invites me over,” you murmured into his soft belly, and you were rewarded with a pat to your head. The palmhusk vibrated in your pocket, startling you out of your hazy comfort and reminding you that you had a certain tealblood to attend to.
As the lusus waddled you over to the front door, you looked up at him and noted how sad and quiet he had gotten. “Hey,” you called out, lightly tugging on his flipper. “Why don’t we take a picture together to show Marvus we met?”
Your idea was met with joyous chirps, and as the lusus crouched down to your level, you snapped a ridiculous amount of selfies from all angles, choosing one where you were both sticking out your tongues. You sent it to Marvus and typed:
— i met your lusus, he’s so cute!!
— and he told me to tell you he says hi.
— so in his own words, i say to you, “eek eek!"
You paused and quickly added:
— i had a wonderful time last night too.
And left it at that, because as much as you wanted to pour your heart and thank him for being so selfless and understanding in light of your self-consciousness, you did not want to come off as desperate. Sometimes it had to be like that. Even with him.
You were settled in inside a cab as you drove straight for Tagora’s hive, scrolling through the texts he had sent you with increasing anxiety.
— Please let me know how your search goes, I’m very eager to move this case along.
— Have you found any dirt on a certain someone yet?
— Still waiting.
Those were sent last night. The more recent ones were more concerning.
— Seeing as you are not responding to me, I’m going to take that as a no.
— You disappoint me, human. Expect an exorbitant fee added to your balance for every minute you are late in texting me.
Shit. Tagora was always serious about those pesky charges. You fired off a quick ’I’m on my way!’ and spent the whole ride looking at troll memes to lighten up your mood. Tagora may be pissed at you right now, but not for long. He could never stay mad at you.
That thought replayed in your mind as you meandered up his front lawn, trying to come up with a million excuses for your tardy end of the deal. At least you managed to protect the clothes he bought you. Maybe that would cheer him up a bit.
You stared at the door and counted to ten before knocking.
Tagora opened the door just a crack, peering at you through the narrow opening. You sucked in a deep breath.
“Okay. You’re going to be upset — “ The door was swinging shut. You hastily shoved your foot through the threshold and fought to keep it open. “ — but I promise I can still make it all worth your while!”
He paused for a moment and leered at you. “How so?”
“ … gossip?”
Surprisingly, it worked. The door opened a little, and as Tagora finally got a good look at you, his peeved expression fell away to one of shock and slight revulsion, perhaps even a hint of concern. “Have you even looked at yourself today? Did you get mauled by a purrbeast?”
You smiled sheepishly and absentmindedly rubbed at a love bite on your neck. “More like I got pailed senseless by a purpleblood.”
”What? And you’re still alive?”
A chatty, questioning Tagora was a good sign. You slipped past him and wandered inside, waving at his lusus in greeting as you toed off your shoes. “This particular highblood is a good friend of mine. I’m sure you remember who he is, considering I begged you to blackmail whoever uploaded that video of him hand feeding me … “
“You pailed with Marvus Xoloto?” Tagora whirled you around and grabbed you by the shoulders, bringing his face inches away from yours. “Did you mention me?” he excitedly asked.
“In what possible context could I bring you up while getting laid? ’Oh Marvus that feels so good, by the way I happen to know a fantastic lawyer —'"
“Uuugh!” He lightly pushed you away and rolled his eyes, running a hand through his impeccable hair. “You’ll pay for giving me that horrible mental image. And furthermore, you are so damn useless.”
“It’s not my fault,” you grumbled, making your way to the couch and sagging down onto it. Tagora’s lusus instantly materialized in your lap, rolling over to expose his tummy while you scratched it. “My night took a turn for the worst during the party, and after all was said and done I was feeling so shitty that I needed a distraction. I just didn’t have it in me to sleuth around for you, I’m sorry.”
Tagora eyed you quietly as though in deliberation. Maybe you looked tired and mopey, because his expression softened marginally. “Are you.” He paused. “Are you hungry?” You shook your head. “Wait here then.”
You watched him curiously while he wandered away to the bathroom. His lusus chuffed at you when you forgot to keep scratching behind his ear. “Soooorry,” you whispered to the ferret, and you were rewarded with a nuzzle to your face as he rearranged himself like a flailing noodle.
Tagora returned with a tube of neon green paste — it was a familiar sight to you by now, considering how often you were getting injured. He sat beside you and shooed his lusus away, motioning for you to turn to him. “Tell me what happened,” he ordered, squirting a dollop of paste on his hand and massaging the medicine into the bruises along your neck and shoulders.
“Well,” you said with a sigh, tilting your head to let Tagora work his magic. “I had the misfortune of stumbling upon Lanque. Or rather, he made the effort to confront me, and made me look like a fool by bringing up personal bullshit.”
“Ah, that cretin. I hope you told him off properly this time.”
“I tried … but it still sucked to have my insecurities thrown back at me out of nowhere.”
Tagora huffed. “At least you’re not the one crashing parties in search of cheap thrills. Show me where else you’re bruised.” You lifted the hem of your dress and up over your hip to reveal fingerprint shaped marks along your outer thighs. You tried your best to keep your private area covered, wishing you still had your underwear. Tagora seemed to not mind, working with detached efficiency. “And. You know. You’re the one who got lucky in the end. Although judging by how fucked up you look, ‘lucky’ is pretty subjective. Was this a pitch romp?”
“Nope, it was really sweet and fun and a hell of a lot more intimate than I expected,” you gushed, blushing at the memory. “But let’s not get side-tracked. I didn’t even tell you the worst part the night!”
“There’s more?”
“Unfortunately. So, Remele apparently had the wonderful idea of painting me as the main subject, and she auctioned it off to the highest bidder. Which thankfully turned out to be Marvus, and I’m pretty sure he did it just to spare me the embarrassment. It was so vulgar, Tagora! Like, she made me naked and cowering in an alleyway and — and covered in troll blood because she was recreating that time we got into trouble with a purpleblood and — “
Fuck. Tagora didn’t know about your and Remele’s connection to that murder. And you knew he tracked it with fervor when news first hit, trying to tie it to her earlier event.
As if on cue, his eyes widened in excitement, pupils narrowing like a predator honing in on its prey. “Wait, wait. First of all, why didn’t you tell me you were involved in such a high-profile case? And how could that conniving bitch know enough about the crime scene to portray it in such an accurate light?”
“I — um … I can’t tell you!”
“Oh you absolutely will. I think this will be more than sufficient to cover for your failure last night."
You groaned and dug your hands into your hair. “You don’t love me, Gor-Gor! You just love my drama. Is that all I am to you?” Tagora reeled back, biting his lower lip. "Just a — an associate who does dirty work for you? A henchman? A dumb, worthless human? A — “
Your freak-out was cut short when a hand gently yet firmly slapped itself onto your cheek.
You blinked and looked at Tagora. He stared right back, looking equal parts shocked and panicked. His hand was slightly cold, yet ridiculously soft.
“Oh my gods are you shooshpapping me — “
”No!” Tagora wrenched his hand away as though he had been burned. "This is strictly a platonic show of camaraderie, as evidenced by your updated fee charge right here — “ He had the nerve to pull up some sort of app on his palmhusk that tracked your debt, pointing at an absurdly high number.
You bemusedly glanced at the screen as he held it right up to your face before moving his hand out of the way. “Does that mean you’d drop your fees for a moirail?”
“I would consider it a fair trade-off in light of their services towards my mental wellbeing.”
“Hmmm.” You did have a lot of debt accrued … and you were technically just inadvertently proposed to. "Well lucky for you, you have just the right candidate for obsessing over your mental wellbeing right in front of you!”
Tagora blushed a vibrant teal and jerked away from you, stammering several times as he tried to unsuccessfully offer a rebuttal. “Th — that’s — you can’t just say that, you uncultured creature! Don’t you have any tact? Any sense of romance?”
“What do you want me to do, serenade you? Build you a nest out of the finest quality of ablution robes and drown you in expensive chocolates for luxurious feels jam sessions?”
“You are ridiculous.” He paused. “As if you could even afford any of that.”
“Are you seriously considering what I just said?"
“I never said that! The absence of evidence is not evidence in of itself!”
"What does that even mean?”
“I swear I don’t even know why I put up with you — “
“Because I’m so cute and pitiable.”
“Well, you’ve certainly got parts of that right,” he said, turning away from you in a valiant attempt to hide his blush. “You’re so pathetic it’s practically obscene. Indecent, even.”
“Is that some backhanded way of saying I’m quadrant material?”
“This conversation is over.” Excellent, hopefully he forgot about Remele. “And don’t think I’m letting that whole Remele thing go so easily.” Damn it. “But you’re clearly not in your right mind to continue that discussion, so we’ll talk about it later."
“You are so benevolent, Gor-Gor.”
“Yes, I am,” he said with a grin. The majority of your bruises had been dealt with by now, so Tagora screwed the cap back onto the tube of paste and stood up to put the medicine away.
“Tagora?” He turned to look at you with a quirked brow. “Thank you.”
He smiled lightly and nodded before going on his way. His lusus was back in your lap in no time, slipping into your waiting arms with a delighted meep. You pulled out your palmhusk and checked if you received any new messages, and sure enough, Marvus had responded to your earlier texts.
— o shit yo pops lookin happy af
— u gonna have to b comin over to keep him company now
— and maybe me 2 ;o)
You giggled and gripped your palmhusk a little tighter between both hands. Tagora glanced back at you for a split second, his smile mirroring your own.
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convxction · 6 years
im usually too nervous for these but i'll bite and slide my url
Send me your URL & I’ll do the following || @jasperlion
Thoughts on the character:.
binch you better. er, i mean i love alm. alm is good. alm is important. i didn’t play gaiden so i dont know the difference between how alm is there and in echoes but man i really like alm. he is a unique lord, loves cats, oranges supporter, likes cold soup, strong-willed, likes cats, gotta protect them tomodachi, likes cats, and just there for everyone. and likes cats. ahem. 
so far, i really love how you handle him. not too bratty or way too serious??? just a good that *italian hand* balance. his resolve shows and if that does not make one blue dork ready to fight then i dont know. thanks for humoring chrom every time my dude.
Have you interacted before:
Favorite part of portrayal:
His sir purr interactions that i always miss them because timezones. lol. alm is super fun character to explore so...i dont have yet a favorite moment except..he is willing just to trust chrom on the whole dress and think of a way to help his tomodachi out of this trouble. gdi who would do this to anyone in this day and age? the true bro.
One piece of advice:
i dont have a certain thing in my mind but ... if alm thinks sheep are not to be trusted he should have met a camel. dont. meet one. i tell you. they are nice but look them in a way they dont like it (or actually insult them) they will fricking hun you until they can chomp your head off...or an arm ..or a leg. what is this advice? i dont know. but yeah alm can come to visit any time he wants. he is a friend and a bro. 
A verse (mine or theirs) I want a thread in:
squint eyes.
not a verse maybe (though heck i dont mind anything) but thread about these two talking about their kingdoms and idk...stuff? how they handle things? like sadness and stress because ho boy ‘a king must not show weakness’ crap all the time. must be tiring huh? 
Thoughts on the mun:
thats it. 
just kidding. okay we may have not talked a lot ooc but i do enjoy your random ooc posts and even the comments you leave on my dumb posts too. bless your soul for making the dash a fun place to be.
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kathvrines-blog · 6 years
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i’m only 1298338 yrs late....pls forgive me & here is my intro !!!
tw: drugs
she slept with the dean of admissions in order to access and tamper with student files and collect dirt on students to use as leverage
she started using cocaine for fun but ended up with an addiction
after having katherine, her mom could not conceive again and her father resents both of them for the situation. he continuously cheats on her mother, who knows about the affairs but does not leave to protect the family image. katherine threatened to expose her father, who retaliated by halting funding her tuition. katherine steals money from her father (with the help of her mother) to continue paying for school and her luxurious lifestyle. 
ok now for a deeper look into kat:
katherine’s dad is the head of this fancy private construction company (hehe...this is gonna b some future blackmail and yes i’m ripping off the show elite) and her mom was a supermodel in her youth but is now a trophy wife (she’s still significantly younger than kat’s dad btw)...basically a rly odd pairing, but her mom liked that he was rich yet not afraid 2 get his hands dirty & kind of rough around the edges
basically her dad got her mom pregnant as fast as he could once they got married because he wanted a child 2 pass the company on to
so katherine’s dad was angry that his first born was a girl but maybe he could have lived w it if her mom could produce more kids...except she couldn’t. so he hated them both and kat was like i fucking hate u back?? anyway
she grew up hating her dad as much as he hated her n the only times he was nice 2 her was when the cameras were around 
kat was always closer to her mom but lowkey she knows that if her mom had 2 pick between her n her dad.....she’d pick her dad. the only persons validation kat wants is her moms :,( but anyway
because kat always had a closer bond to her mom, when she found out he was cheating on her a bitch was PISSED !!! even tho her mom KNEW and didnt care because the parents were just together for the sake of their image at this point, kat was like >:( 
at first she just did shit to scare off his mistresses but eventually that stopped working so she went 2 her dad and was like. if u dont STOP i’m gna tell the world!! not her smartest move bc he was like lol...dumb bitch i pay for everything u have !! so he stopped paying for her shit to teach her a lesson
so what did she do next to pay for school n her lifestyle ?? get a job? SIKE !! she slept with the guy that manages her dads bank acc to steal from him & make it look not sus. her mom lowkey helps cover for it because she feels guilty for being a shitty mom
just putting it out there kat literally wants to kill her dad. she wants that man DEAD like she 100% intends to kill him one day HERSELF, she’s just holding off until she’s certain she will get away with it
aside from that, kat does the MOST to get attention from ppl since shes so ignored at home and wants to be thought and talked abt. thats why she’s like an ~insta baddie~ 
no basically she’s just kind of ig famous and she’s always partnering w brands blah blah it’s why she majored in public relations even tho she doesnt rly intend on doing much with her major she kind of has it in case she RLY has to fend for herself one day. a bitch got smarter after threatening her dad. now she’s always scheming and getting close to ppl so she can use them when it’s in her benefit
kat is a sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, and gemini rising.....because that’s a little chaotic :) basically she comes off pretty friendly and sociable. most ppl from the outside think she’s a nice good christian girl, always wearing her cross necklace n going to church on sunday (the cross is where she keeps her coke...but we’ll get to that in jus one second) but in reality she’s just a lowkey evil >:))) binch. she cares abt only a few ppl...stay tuned for who because i havent plotted yet
drug tw: my girl was partying one day in high school when she snorted her first line of coke for the lolz but then she enjoyed it so she did it again...and then again and again. basically...she has an addiction. she’s come close 2 overdosing a couple times but she can’t stop. most ppl don’t kno how bad her addiction is but maybe someone in the group was there for one of her overdoses....plot idea perhaps ? anyway
overall i would describe kat as a mix between kathryn merteuil from cruel intentions (who she was first based on + named after) and carla from the show elite. she’s jus always scheming n trying to make herself important because she LOVES being in the spotlight and being talked about
basically,,,,, she’s two-faced but most people only know her fake social “nice” side, even most members of the elites prob
except maybe her nasty side showed a little when they tried to get her kicked from the group....but she pretends shes not mad abt it anymore...even tho she def is still very pissed. she’s a fire sign after all she can hold a GRUDGE
ok this is long i’m done :)) please plot with me i’m desperate
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xiaobaobaei · 7 years
get to know me tag💕
i was tagged by @jimoons thank u bb!!💝 rules: answer 30 questions about yourself then tag 20 people you want to get to know better 1. nickname: dont really have one! my name is sonja so theres not many options for nicknames i guess 2. gender: female 3. star sign: taurus 4. height: 158cm i think thats like 5'2? 5. time: 11:03 pm 6. birthday: april 24th 7. favorite bands: uHH i dont really listen to that many bands omg years & years, alt-j, the neighbourhood, and my boys bts obviously 8. favorite solo artists: frank ocean and lorde are my absolute faves atm! also childish gambino (even tho his newest album wasnt that great rip🤧), and uhhh idk i listen to mostly mainstream rap / hip hop / pop stuff 9. song stuck in my head: Rolex by Ayo & Teo someone please help me 10. last movie watched: uhhhh idk but i think the last time i actually went to the cinema was for the purge: election year?? good movie!!!! 11. last show watched: idk what its called bc it was chinese but we had english subtitles n it was really funny!! (also sidenote i agree with sophie avatar: the last airbender is the greatest show of all time...... prince zuko is the love of my life) 12. when did i create my blog: i had this blog since like 2012 (bc of one direction lmao like probably 90% of people on this website) then i abandoned it for years and started using it again last year maybe? 13. what do i post: pink and beige aesthetic pics, bts, memes and uhh text posts 14. last thing i googled: "i feel like absolute shit just want her back meme" what the fuck did i need that for oh my god 15: do you have any other blogs: yeah one reference blog for posts i wanna keep like lists, art reference / inspiration, skincare etc etc so i have it all in one place with a nice tagging system so i dont need to search thru my likes and another one for bts stuff that doesnt fit the colour scheme on my main but i dont want them to get lost in my likes (also to say dumb shit in the tags lol yeet) 16: do you get asks: maybe once every 3 decades most of my followers dont even recognize my existence omg 17: why did you choose your url: uhm its a good time of the day and also aesthetically pleasing i guess 18: following: 170 i think 19: followers: around 200 bc i soft blocked old / inactive followers when i restarted this blog 20: favorite colors: blush pink and olive green 21: average hours of sleep: i dont know tbh im on autopilot 70% of the day i dont pay attention to these things 22: lucky number: i really don’t have one but i like the number 12 for some reason 23: instruments: none binch i am too impatient to learn 24: what am i wearing: babyblue pants (not jeans, the soft ones idk what they're called in english lol theyre more "dressy" i guess), a black oversized shirt and a black belt 25: how many blankets do i sleep with: one and my legs have to be outside or i will overheat and die on the spot 26: dream job: im really interested in graphic design / product design and stuff like that and i also love interior design but im not sure yet 27: dream trip: i always wanted to go to asia and im actually in china right now and i love it so much!!! i also wanna see some scandinavian countries 28: favorite food: uhh pasta tbh its the love of my life and i miss it 29: nationality: german 30: favorite song now: i cant choose one song but french montanas new album is really good!!! i tag everyone who reads this💝💝💝💝 (which means no one will do it but ok i guess😪)
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celestialworm · 8 years
k, so i just wanna infodump about s4 like ben c right now. 
so after a session the other day of hardcore pondering s4 ive come to realize that s4 and tfp in particular calls for the audience to suspend their disbelief WAY too much they just expect us to believe everything. and i know in the previous series’ there have been some things that are a little out there and stupid but s4 is literally the most illogical thing ive ever seen. 
K to start the fucking glowing skull that we’re just supossed to accept is there for no reason and is distracting and serves No purpose for ANYTHING. THIS IS STUPID. 
Also mary’s death is just so cheesy and unrealistic. now i could excuse this if they didn’t spend 15 mins of hlv showing a realistic ‘death by gunshot’ scene and have molly LITERALLY DESCRIBE WHAT IT SHOULDNT LOOK LIKE AND THEN HAVE MARY’S DEATH BE EXACTLY THAT! FUCK YOU! 
so tld doesn’t really suffer too much from illogical bullshit but t-26 or whatever itz called is kinda stupid but thats the only thing i can think of right now.
First, Churros’s X-men powers of mind control i dont even need to get into this its so fucking dumb. 
Second, the convenient tranquilizers that are used i think three time idk cuz ive only seen the ep twice so idk but i think its three and thats too much and too easy to write. 
3rd, the fact the Churris, as a tiny young child, was able to throw a much larger human into a well.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sounds legit. 
4th, the explosion in 221b and how they flew out the windows of a second story building onto CONCRETE and had no repercussions. kewl. 
5th, i dont understand how the little girl on the plane is actually churros and yet she’s so convincing as a little girl that sherlock’s like , okay, and it just turns out it was just eurururus??? KASHDA WHATTTTTT oksy i need to stop this is triggering my dpdr
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survivekohsai · 7 years
Episode 3 - These Little Binches Keep Going To Exile And Mutinying!!!!!!!! ~ Richie
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I am so alone in this game.... like FOR REALS! I can't trust anyone in this game! Like everyone is a liar and a backstabber.... like can't anyone tell me the truth for once!!!! I put my trust and people used that against me! I am cutting the loose ends and going ham on challenges now. I DARE THE OTHER TRIBE TO PICK TYLER AGAIN I DARE THEM!!!
I'm so pissed and sad.. like why can't anything go the way it is planned! I just really want this game to be fucking over give Tyler his unanimous win you stupid premade bitches. 
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There's simply too much to talk about! Again i single handedly took someone out!! I really liked Mo, it's a shame he came at me in the main chat that was his downfall... dont come for me :D Now i asked why i was voted for and Mr Jackson came at me calling me bitter and personally attacking my which was fun. I could only laugh because i wasnt bitter i think he was just upset that he is an absolute failure and failed to get me out twice in a row :( Also apparently i make the tribe chat 'insufferable' which is soooo unfortunate. :D
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That tribal was ugly. Mo leaving is not a cute concept and Tyler finding an idol on exile was like... wow. However, not my tribe, not my problem. Right now I want to focus on winning the reward again. I want to send myself to exile as a sort of retribution for RTP. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. I know that with my idol, however, I will get through a tribal. Plus, the puzzle is a mood and I think we'll get a good time on it.
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forgot to mention this but jordan mutinying is so iconic lol. idk why he did it but i love the drama. what i dont love however is tyler idoling out mo. i wanted to work with mo come swap or merge but now i cant. also raf's dislike of tyler enabled him to go to exile twice where he found the idol so thats annoying. also i think theres tension between raf and rtp/ry so idk whats that about. so far i like working with richie, raf, trixie kind of but she seems cracked, and rtp. but idk if thats a group that could actually come together. i wont have to worry about it until we lose a challenge i guess tho!
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Good golly, Miss Molly. Everybody makes choices...and people have CHOSEN. So going into the tribal, I had my heart set on voting Linus. In the case that three million people played idols again, if I threw my vote, I didn't have to play my own, therefore keeping myself in another day. But, I then paid attention to a chat consisting of Tyler, Isaac and Linus. Tyler wanted to vote for Mo and mentally I was thinking "LOL no you bottom bye" because I really didn't want to be taking such a strong side, especially one so brittle as Tyler's. Not to mention Jordan, who I thought would be my automatic lover, has definitely NOT contacted me about much in this game and it made me shifty. However...I got to thinking. I thought to myself, "Kelsey, who are you?" And the answer was "I am Kelsey Valentana Mikaelson, I'm a cutthroat queen who slashes throats and wears ugg boots." And I realized that if I indeed voted for Linus and didn't take a side, I'd be right up there with the people who always vote me out just for being an "easy vote." That's when I said to myself "Ok Kelsey...screw it, you want Tyler in this game, do something about it." I decided then that hey, even if I vote in minority, girl, does anyone REALLY expect anything different out of a controversial gal like me~? So I changed my vote. About...one minute before deadline, but still, I DID IT and I decided to have no regrets. And then....the GAG. First of all, Tyler apparently told no one, not even Jordan, that he had an idol which I don't believe. But then...Mo goes home...! It was really tragic as well, cause I had JUST told Mo he's not going anywhere. But regardless; the vote is revealed that someone voted Linus. I immediately know it's me. However...following Mo's elimination, it opens up a door. Jackson and Tyler are OBVIOUSLY warring sides now. Both of them are boiling hot personalities and it's oil vs water, gurl, it's split the tribe in two. I've told Jackson's side I was the vote for Linus to avoid an idol massacre. And that's true, I did vote Linus and the hosts can confirm. However, I can also tell Tyler's side that I voted for Mo without knowing about the idol, showing I'm willing to take that leap of faith for them. And if they ask the hosts, that is also true. This has given me the opportunity to be a swing vote for BOTH sides and...if I so wanted...I think that really choose who goes next? It's kinda weird to think that I have like...power, cause it NEVER HAPPENS LOL but...I'm just going to plug ALL my effort into this next challenge. The longer I stay in this position without having to make a move, the better. I just really really really REALLY hope it stays this swell forever! And...no one realizes what happened X'D And THAT'S all there is to it~! Vamos, bailar! -Kelsey V Mikaelson
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i wanna die just a lil bit
im mutinying!!!!!! *janelle voice* bye bye bitches!!!
okay so! im back in the game FOLKS. on my old tribe im leaving behind Chelsea and RTP who although I wanted to work with them I was way too inactive... oh well. That Rafael guy was sweet. But on exile I got to seriously bond with Akito. I helped her with the puzzles (even though the reward is already gone since Tyler got it, and all i got to know is that THEY DON'T REPLACE IT). But I get an ally! finally! And she's telling me all this stuff about her tribe and how Tyler and Jordan M are beefing people. blah blah. I didn't really follow or understand what the dynmaics are like there. But I can tell Quillynn and Jackson that Chelsea and I worked well together and maybe work with them. Akito said that they're together. And Kelsey is in the middle? Since I'm mutiny'ing I can use this as a fresh start! Maybe I won't have to use my idol the first tribal I go to. But I probably should lol. The second I get to this new tribe (even if we lose which we probably will) I'm gonna go 100% social.
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hi im dumb i dont know what the challenge is but i will go look and do that! furby out~~~
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I dislike Casanova. I hate that game too much to even try and attempt, but eh. This tribe needs some clipping tbqh.
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do people like know others on the other tribe and feel confident or something. why mutiny off the winning tribe idgi. But go us!! Regan and richie are good at everything i want t align with them!
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We stan Regan!
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my entire tribe needs to realize that Im the most iconic person here and people leave because they hate me like anyone who knows me hates me. I can be annoying. ryan and jordan both left because Im annoying-
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I'm going to get out all the people who decided it would be smart it mutiny.
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I hate that this tribe can't win anything but it's better than being told what to do by regan and trixie. God if I had to deal with them for one more round I was gonna scream into the void and never come out of it.
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Sorry for being such a lame duck in this game hostos
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Hi I'm Jackson and this is my third confessional. Obviously the elephant in the room is my fight with Tyler, he's kind of arrogant and obnoxious so I don't really regret it. I still want him out and even though I told him we're voting Isaac I still think he has to go this time since he couldn't possibly have another (if I go home cause of that tho I'll be glad, fuck idols) But anyway I'm kinda high and I don't have much to say, we lost the challenge because we suck, no I actually don't care about challenge strength, yes I am okay continuing to lose The alliance of me, Kelsey, Quillynn, Linus and Akito will hopefully stand together even though we're back to being a tribe of 9 (Ryan is here wtf he prob doesn't trust me I tried to vote him out a million times in Kvaloya) Ok bye I hate this
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we won again :D but these little binches keep going to exile and mutinying!!!!!!!! i don’t get it….. like okay yeah this tribe is probably terrible or maybe its just me because its like day…..10 and i still haven’t had a single conversation with anyone on this tribe but we haven’t lost a single challenge either reward or immunity yet so like I’m cool with being on this tribe…. what annoys me is that now we’re down in numbers despite winning everything????? RUDE
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so this game has been pretty quiet for me...people keep mutinying from my tribe but we keep winning....ryan and jordan are dumb huh....otherwise no one talks to me at all..im hoping to just be the crummudgeony gramps this season
Voting Confessionals
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Well I'm switching my vote to Tyler but this is gonna be a bad time since im predicting another idol use on tyler.
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I wanted it to be Jackson but since Linus asked I'm voting for him
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I vote for Jackson because I just want to help get him away from the constant suffering of listening to people in the main chat.
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I vote tyler I guess
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Voting for tyler again!
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Okay nvm since idk where linus or kelsey are I'll vote tyler
Tyler voted out 4-2-1-1-1
Quillynn, Jackson, Linus, Akito voted Tyler
Jordan, Isaac voted Linus
Ryan voted Isaac
Tyler voted Jackson
Kelsey voted for herself!
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