#and the hitball arc was just as good as i remember it being
yerifes · 2 years
hm, anyways... get hype for hitball!!
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fireflysummers · 8 years
Mob Psycho 100 x Paranatural
Okay my dudes, I figure I may as well put these ideas down in one post since I don’t have time to draw them (or any more at least). They all stemmed from a convo a month or two ago between me and @happikattwuzheere concerning how Reigen is the Anti-Spender.
@7bluecats and @cocoa-bee I think you two were asking about this general stuff.
-cracks knuckles- 
Okay so. I have like. Several variations on the theme.
1. Total Crossover: The cast of paranatural meets the cast of MP100 (ignoring language barriers and geographical locations)
Or: The Fun AU where friendships and rivalries abound and there’s not much angst
Johnny immediately picks Mob out for a wimp and attempts to intimidate him...he is immediately stopped by (1) Ritsu, (2) Teru, (3) The Body Improvement Club
Dimple terrorizes PJ and attempts to arm wrestle Lefty
Suzy and Mezato meet. Even to those not physically present, there is an immediate chill as though some unholy partnership has been formed. (Alternatively they also compete for information because one girl is a master at bribery and blackmail, the other one literally started her own cult in her classmate’s image)
Reigen left hooks Spender for putting kids in the line of danger in order to satisfy his own ego (”You f*cked up some perfectly good children is what you did. Look at them. They’ve got anxiety!”)
Spender attempts to convince Mob (and the other Esper kids) to be his disciples. Shou laughs. Ritsu hates him more than he distrusts Reigen. Teru laughs and insults his choice of clothing. Mob is uncomfortable.
Salt Mid Student Council v Mayview Mid Student Council: an immovable object meets an unstoppable force
idk but Tome and Lisa look like they could be related all right?
The Esper kids in general get along with the Activity Club
Isaac and Ritsu have literally no patience for each other; Isaac and Teru have no patience for each other because Teru keeps insisting that he (and especially Mob) are probably stronger than Isaac
Isabel challenges them all to arm wrestles. To Shou’s horror, she wins them all.
Ed and Teru for some reason actually hit it off. Mostly because Teru is a movie buff like Ed and Ed is an invaluable source of creative ideas that Teru can actual implement in battle.
Max doesn’t really like Reigen, but he doesn’t immediately distrust him either because, despite being a con man, Reigen is by and large more honest than Spender
Max isn’t sure if he likes Mob, but he’s nice to him. He finds Teru obnoxious, but finds Ritsu tolerable in a way that Isaac isn’t. Mostly because Ritsu doesn’t demand things like loyalty and friendship right out. He gets along best with Shou, who is King at Wicked Stunts and Lighting Stuff on Fire.
Johnny is kind of terrified of Teru because Teru has expertise in dealing with delinquents and isn’t afraid to pull that card (even without the use of his psychic powers)
Hitball tourney between the two schools. Mob spends the entire time surrounded by the Body Improvement Club. People are reasonably intimidated. Despite that though the teams are pretty evenly matched.
BL makes the mistake of trying to connect into Mob’s mind. She disconnects that one REAL FAST.
Matsuo comes home with a new collection of mundane objects that are infused with spirits of all kinds
Mob accidentally pops the bubble surrounding Mayview and unleashes the apocalypse
2. Spender is Reigen
Spender is a legitimate psychic who runs the Spirits and Such Consultation.
He is a good bit less successful than Reigen because he is actually relatively bad with interpersonal relationships
Also his main goal is boosting his own ego, as opposed to Reigen who was kind of bored but mostly wanted to help people somehow
tbh I don’t think that Mob would have stuck around Spender like he did Reigen. Spender talks too much about himself, and as hard as he tries to be inspirational he lacks the sincerity and emotional depth that Reigen does to pull it off.
But assuming that Mob did stick around, I don’t think that Spender would be healthy to his maturity
Spender wouldn’t trust Mob to make decisions as a rational individual. He’d treat him like he was kind of dumb, just because Mob approaches thoughts very differently from most people. He’d maybe try to shelter him out of this weird protective instinct, but he wouldn’t really respect Mob as an intelligent individual (and he is, that smackdown with Touchirou shows that he not only thinksa bout stuff, he thinks deeply)
Spender would take Mob’s silence as approval. All the time. 
Spender would however be able to teach Mob how to channel his powers to an extent but his teaching would always be hampered by his own inferiority complex regarding Mob’s natural ability.
In the end, Mob would have more technical mastery of his psychic skills (despite that not being what he REALLY wants out of life anyways), and also likely be a lot more doubtful of his own decisions and less likely to take risks
This story would end with the Mogami arc, wherein Spender would think himself the True Hero as he does, and attempt to take on Mogami himself.  He dies.
3. Reigen is Spender
The least developed of the AUs, in which Reigen is an American middle school teacher
He still doesn’t have powers, beyond being able to see the spirits. He can’t use spectral energy or use weapons. 
Everybody thinks he can though
As in, BL thinks that he’s an incredibly powerful spectral because he keeps resisting her attempts to link with him mentally. In reality he doesn’t even know that that dream stuff exists, or is vaguely aware of it only.
He’s known for being a little bit scattered as a teacher, easily flustered and known to bullshit his way through stuff that he obviously doesn’t know
Despite that he’s well loved because at the end of the day, no matter how frustrated or tired he is, he legitimately gives the impression that he cares about his students.
He’s slightly better at handling Isaac than Spender is. For starters, he actually gives Isaac a degree of respect, answering him honestly where he can and giving him “I can’t tell you that right now, but I promise I’ll tell you when you’re no longer inhabited by a highly dangerous spirit monster okay?” where he can’t
Also he wouldn’t have fought Forge. I mean, he doesn’t have any powers anyways, and because holy shit that thing spits fire. If the kids were in danger he would have ditched so fast because the kids always come first.
Actually he probably would have called off the mission the minute that things started turning out more dangerous than projected
Zarei would probably still hate him though because he’s the type of guy who gets under her skin
Day is sneaky af and Reigen wouldn’t make the mistake of underestimating her like literally everybody else in the series right now
He’s legitimately worried about Max, who has clearly not moved on from mourning his mother. He’s a lot more attentive to this as a motivator in Max’s actions, and although he won’t ask about it directly he’s definitely checking for warning signs
He’s nearly gotten fired three times for physically threatening students (they deserved it but whatever)
Has been called a coward many, many times by almost every character in the series. Literally does not care because the people he cares about are still, by and large, alive
4. Max’s Mogami World
I don’t really remember the context of this one but it definitely started with discussing how differently Mogami’s world would have presented itself
There are a number of context clues implying that Max feels guilt over his mother’s death, so his isolation in the mind world is built around that
In this world, he still has a dad and a sister, but they both blame him for what happened to his mom. Not verbally, usually, but definitely in the coldness towards him and the way that look at him when they think he’s not looking
The move to Mayview isolates him completely, and he’s not brought into a circle of friends at his new school
Physical bullying doesn’t bother him nearly as much, because he knows how to fight back, but he takes to ditching school in an attempt to avoid his tormentors. This, in turn, causes a lot of the teachers to label him as a delinquent and start treating him more poorly
Minori (or the character equivalent in this world) finds out about Max’s mom somehow (via Suzy or somebody else snooping around), and uses that knowledge to emotionally bully Max into a corner
Max is the only one in the Paranatural cast that would have survived longer than a week in a Mogami world. Everybody else would have been too easy to pull apart.
Except maybe Ed. Mogami wouldn’t know what the heck to do with Ed. (Nobody does.)
I may have to add stuff later because I can’t remember what other stuff we talked about, but Katt and I did develop a fun new painful theory or two from this mess of stuff.
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