#and the kimimaro and lee fight !!!!!!! and gaara appearing out of nowhere to save him just !!jkuihgjh
yazzdonut · 6 months
i love art, i love animation, i love my friends and being alive and- *just watched sasuke recovery mission arc again*
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fuckishimoto · 7 years
Reasons The Itachi Pursuit Arc Sucks
Here’s the fourth one.
01. Tsunade’s continued idiocy…..
A. The fact that she went along with Naruto’s idea to get Sasuke back, with the hopes of killing two birds with one stone by capturing Itachi and getting some intel, because she apparently forgot about the possibility of digging up Hidan for intel.
B. The fact that she decided to ban Naruto from using a jutsu he worked his ass off to learn because it was quote on quote “too dangerous”, making his time spent for most of the previous arc a giant waste.
02. Sasuke beating both Orochimaru and Deidara single handedly makes no sense at all, these two were S-Rank criminals, yet Sasuke conveniently wins both times because DAT UCHIHA POWER.
03. The fact that once again, just like in the last arc, not one, not two, but three potentially interesting fights were off-paneled…..
A. Sasuke V.S. Orochimaru
B. Itachi and Kisame V.S. Roshi
C. Kisame V.S. Suigetsu
04. Kabuto giving Naruto a book of intel on the Akatsuki, this was merely done as a plot device to introduce his new appearance and goals, and not only is this book given to Konoha too late to potentially save Asuma and Jiraiya from death, but it contributes nothing useful down the road that helps Konoha on the remaining members of Akatsuki, not to mention, it’s just the first sign of Kabuto’s new character development that ends up being completely wasted.
05. The Great Snake Escape, somehow in a matter of milliseconds, while Sasuke is low on chakra and heavily injured, he summons Manda, a boss summon that requires a MASSIVE amount of chakra, then re-activates his sharingan, genjutsus Manda, and reverse summons him out of the range of Deidara’s 10 KM blast….. after it already started….. just a few meters away from him.
06. Jiraiya’s Idiocy…..
A. The fact that he decied to train the Ame orphans to make them strong enough to fend for themselves….. and then abandon them in a war torn country instead of taking them back to Konoha where they could’ve been a heavily useful asset, a decision which allows Akatsuki to be formed.
B. The fact that he asspulls a new Jutsu called Sage Mode….. something that is never mentioned at all before and also something that could’ve been very useful in his fights against Itachi and Kisame or Orochimaru.
C. The fact that he chose to die a pointless death when he could’ve reverse summoned himself out of there and get fixed up and give Konoha the intel he managed to gather.
07. The Itachi Retrieval Squad parts were pointless…..
A. They hardly do anything useful, they just simply show up too late to get Sasuke back not once, but twice, the first time being some pretty clever tricky by Hebi/Taka but the second time being an overly long and frankly embarrassing “fight” scene where the combined forces of Team 7 and Team 8 are made to look like pathetic weaklings against Tobito because DAT UCHIHA POWER.
B. Naruto and Hinata are in close contact with each other, yet no attempts at developing their relationship are made.
C. If they had simply attempted to keep Kakuzu alive or dug up Hidan, they wouldn’t need Itachi for intel on the Akatsuki.
D. Kakashi feels a connection between his and Tobito’s eyes, yet he doesn’t put 2 and 2 together and think this mysterious masked man might be his “dead” best friend Obito Uchiha.
E. Sasuke has shown he won’t come back until he completes his goal of revenge, so why don’t they just let him kill his brother and come back willingly, which could’ve happened if Itachi wasn’t ret-conned as a good guy.
08. The Sasuke V.S. Itachi fight kind of sucked…..
A. Roughly half the fight was Genjutsu, not to mention a lot of it was Sasuke trying to get info out of Itachi in between the action scenes which ended up killing the pacing.
B. Itachi pulls a brand new overpowered Jutsu out of his ass to save himself from Kirin, when there was basically no buildup or foreshadowing of this at all, and not only does it save him from Kirin, but it also has a sword that can seal anything it touches and a shield that can deflect any attack that hits it because…..DAT UCHIHA POWER.
C. Orochimaru re-appears when Sasuke runs out of chakra, and instead of putting up a decent fight against Itachi, he gets beaten easily and sealed all within a minute because DAT UCHIHA POWER, making his re-appearance seem like nothing but an excuse to wank Itachi and the Uchiha Clan even more.
D. Because of the Susanoo asspull and the events that follow, the ending of the fight is an anti-climactic farce that is reminiscent of the ending of Rock Lee and Gaara V.S. Kimimaro.
09. The Itachi Retcon…..
A. Itachi Murdered an ENTIRE CLAN, including women, children and the elderly, can it really be believed that killing EVERYONE but Sasuke was really necessary, and that taking out the ringleaders wouldn’t be more than enough to quell a potential rebellion, or at least delay it for the time being.
B. Back when Itachi and Kisame tried to kidnap Naruto, Kisame suggested that they cut Naruto’s legs off so that it would be harder for him to get away and Itachi’s reaction to this suggestion was nothing, which made it seem like he was okay with doing something that barbaric instead of suggesting a nicer alternative.
C. When all of the Akatsuki members were meeting and discussing what to do after Team Zombie met their ends, Deidara heavily implied that he planned to kill Sasuke, and once again, Itachi said nothing, when he could’ve told Deidara that Sasuke is personally his problem to deal with, but nope, no reaction, which made it seem like Itachi wouldn’t care if Sasuke got killed by Deidara.
D. Itachi the double agent apparently couldn’t be bothered to stealthily slow down the Akatsuki’s attempts at capturing all the Bijuu or feed any useful intel on the Akatsuki to someone within the Konoha government, intel which could’ve prevented Asuma and Jiraiya from meeting unfortunate and untimely demises.
E. Itachi the Konoha loyalist couldn’t be bothered to kill the traitorous child killer Orochimaru when he attempted to steal his eyes when they were both in the Akatsuki, he instead let him go, which led to Orochimaru’s failed invasion which wiped out over half of Konoha, including the Third Hokage.
F. And the “best” of all, his “wonderful” treatment of Sasuke, such as telling Sasuke to kill his best friend to gain power, beating Sasuke into a coma and putting Sasuke through Tsukuyomi, a 72 hour mind rape….. twice.
10. Hebi was moderately wasted…..
A. They’re nowhere to be found when Sasuke fights Deidara, which allows Deidara to have a 2 v 1 advantage by having Tobi as support and their lack of help also allows Deidara to blow himself up and nearly kill Sasuke.
B. Kisame doesn’t “allow” them to go with Sasuke to fight Itachi, and instead Suigetsu fights Kisame while Jugo and Karin merely watch, which also sucks for 2 more reasons…..
1. First of all, it could’ve been a 3 v 1 match so that Suigetsu, Jugo and Karin’s abilities could be fully or at least partially showcased.
2. Second of all, it ends up being off-paneled when it could’ve been a back and forth between that and Sasuke V.S. Itachi.
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