#and the real source of the noise was the Damn Cat chasing a mouse around the compound
Ghosts? In the SIU???
Guo Changcheng: The building keeps making all these spooky creaking noises... What if the SIU is haunted?! Wouldn’t that be so scary, if there were ghosts in here?
Sang Zan: ...T-T-T-
Wang Zheng: Guo, I-
Sang Zan: That’s a good point, G-Guo! W-what if there are ghosts in here?! How scary!
Wang Zheng: Babe, please...
Sang Zan: D-Don’t worry, Ge Lan: I’ll protect you with my life if it c-c-c-comes to that :)
Wang Zheng: 
*Chu Shuzhi crosses the room*
Guo Changcheng: Chu-ge! Will you protect me with your life if the ghosts come for me?
Chu Shuzhi: *stops, gives Guo a single, forceful flick to the forehead, and walks away*
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Feral - Marichat Smut
Chapter 40 of my fic “A Smitten Kitten & A Lovestruck Princess” on FFnet (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12746973/40/A-Smitten-Kitten-A-Lovestruck-Princess )
"Good night Tikki," Marinette smiled softly at her kwami, watching as the little goddess settled in for the night.
"Good night Marinette," she chirped happily before her chosen turned away to head for the bathroom to change.
Marinette didn't remember turning the lights off before she went inside the bathroom, she also didn't remember Tikki leaving the room either.
But she remembered she left the window open.
Rubbing at her bare arms, Marinette quickly strode towards her window and closed it shut, skin raised in goosebumps at sudden rush of cool night air, "T-Tikki, I'm so sorry I forgot to close the window!"
No response.
"Tikki?" Marinette's eyes narrowed, trying to make out the shape of her kwami from somewhere in the void of darkness that was her room. She blinked furiously, trying to make her eyesight adjust to the sudden change of light, "Tikki?" she called out again, worry seeping into her tone.
Marinette wasn't sure what she had expected, but the sudden creak from somewhere behind her made her jump and whirl around.
"Alright, Tikki, I thought we're going to sleep," her kwami was known to be a tad playful and mischievous, like a certain black cat, but she didn't think Tikki was up for a game of hide and seek this late into the night.
Her gaze narrowed when she heard muffled movement from behind her but again when she turned, Marinette saw nothing. Carefully navigating her way through the darkness, Marinette tried to search for the light switch until a sudden, bone-chilling realization hit her.
Tikki could fly.
So why did she hear muffled noises on the floor?
A low growl sounded from behind her, far closer than Marinette expected and she mentally cursed her uncharacteristically bad luck tonight.
How had she not heard him before?
She had felt the change in atmosphere the minute she had stepped into her darkened room.
It was charged, like a tightly coiled rope about to snap and she felt the buzzing of energy in the air.
She felt electrified, knowing she was trapped.
In his game.
A game of hide and seek, of cat and mouse.
Marinette closed her eyes, instead focusing on her other senses to try and detect his location. She knew he was in her room, she felt his eyes on her, all over here and it caused tremors to wreak her body and her mind was in a haze she didn't know how to get out of.
"Cold?" clawed fingertips gently touched her bare arms and her breath hitched sharply in her throat.
"Y-yes," she replied without thinking and he gave a low chuckle.
The sound made her shiver.
"You shouldn't leave the windows opened purrincess," the endearment was a low husky purr, filled with intent, with dark promises and hidden agendas, "Who knows who or what may come into your room,"
He was deliberately teasing her, running just the tips of his claws lightly against her arms, the outbreak of goosebumps on her skin growing even worse and she felt herself suddenly burning up, despite only wearing the thin nightgown she wore.
She snorted softly, trying to will her voice to remain calm, "You're right, I forgot about the nosy cat sometimes visiting me. I should lock the windows next time," she smiled, "But…I think I'm purrfectly safe," a low groan escaped him and she giggled, but her giggle was abruptly cut off as her breath sharply caught in her throat from the warm gust of hot air upon her bare neck.
She shivered, "Hm, here and I thought my princess would be so responsible to dress more warmly,"
Oh, her sudden eruption into goosebumps and trembling flesh had nothing to do with the sudden drop in temperature in her room and the damn cat knew that very well.
Marinette tried to regain some of her control, tried to not let him get the upper hand, but in a dark environment with close to no source of light, the clever cat definitely had that small advantage.
Except, she knew her own room and he didn't.
The minute she felt just the tips of his claws barely touch her arms, she moved.
With Ladybug speed, Marinette expertly evaded her desk chair, which her partner promptly ran into, she heard the short scuffle of the wheels of her chair sliding across the floor, she also heard his lowly muttered curse as he fussed over his toe and she couldn't help but feel smug.
That, however, had only lasted a second before she felt his presence again, right at her back.
He was like a tall, looming shadow, following her every movement, calculating and anticipating her next step- just like a lion ready to pounce on his prey.
Ladybug never allowed herself to not have the upper hand in battle, but the dynamic was slightly different with Marinette, if only slightly.
Especially that stupid cat that just seemed so smug at the entertaining thought of catching her off guard and having the upper hand.
Despite knowing who her partner was, him being in his superhero outfit had a slightly different…aura to it. Not that she didn't equally appreciate and love him as his civilian self, but there was just something positively…exciting about the thought of her tall, smart and handsome boyfriend in his leather, superhero suit starting a interesting twist of cat and mouse.
And she knew he had similar thoughts to this, if the way his speed increased and his movements grew slightly more desperate to finally catch her were any indication at all.
She moved only when he was very short of catching her, slipping away from the tips of his fingers a hair's breath away and she could feel the slowly mounting frustration at failing to catch her with every attempt she managed to dodge.
She enjoyed seeing her usually composed, gentle boyfriend unravel like this, even if she couldn't see him well, she could tell what he must be feeling, because she was feeling the same, but she would be damned if she gave up without a fight.
He had made it harder for her to continue the game, increasing his speed, using his flexibility and agility to preform acrobatic movements in the air which made her briefly lose his location and in those precious seconds he had managed to slip continuously closer in her range and nearly catch her off guard. The wildly beating rhythm of her heart made her feel more alive than ever, the thin sheen of sweat of anticipation on her skin made this so much more real and stimulating.
It was the thrill of the hunt that made them both tether on the edge, him more so than her, he resembled his feline companion in more ways than even she had realized.
She was promptly caught off guard, slightly lost in her thoughts and the suffocating atmosphere, that she failed to dodge his next attack.
Strong arms encased her against an equally strong chest and she inhaled sharply, instinctively struggling to get free, causing his arms to tighten around her midsection and his warm breath to hit her ear, his voice uncharacteristically low, "Caught you," his words made a pleasant shiver cascade down her entire body in small waves and a dark smirk curled his lips as he felt it.
"Breathe kitten, you're panting already," a dark chuckle made her flush and she struggled to shoot a snarky remark back but a sudden movement on his part made her freeze pleasantly.
One hand that had been curled around her stomach, slowly moved from its original place, sliding slowly over her arm and up to her neck, fingers gently but firmly grabbing her jaw and tilting it to the side.
The room was dark, nearly devoid of light except from the moon outside, but she could clearly see the nearly glowing green, silted eyes watching her.
Pupils dilated, there was a hungry, dangerous gleam in them that made a shiver rush from the top of her head all the way to the ends of her toes and it made her feel hot underneath the thin fabric she wore.
She was sure Chat Noir had felt it too, if the insistent way he had her pressed against himself was any pointer.
She smiled, "Heh, t-took you long enough to catch me, kitty," she was glad her voice was relatively normal, except for the mild breathlessness from their little chase earlier.
His however, while usually comforting and sweet, was now making her positively melt into a puddle of goo, "What can I say, I was distracted by the purrfect view,"
Oh. Marinette had forgotten about her scantily dressed state. In her defense, she hadn't prepared for an impromptu chase in her room, "Y-you caught me off guard,"
Another chuckle and her toes curled, just how did he have that effect on her? "Mhmm…" a sensual purr that made her knees wobbly, "You're trembling, m'lady, could it be because of meow?" she could practically hear the smirk in his voice and it made her acutely aware of how her body was trembling in the smallest of shivers.
Damn him.
The hand still gently, carefully curled around her neck moved, a single claw gently tracing the side of her jaw and for the life of her Marinette never knew how hard it was not to move!
Just where was Tikki?!
"As i-if, don't go getting any ideas now k-kitty," mildly peeved at her stuttering, she gasped aloud when she felt her boyfriend's body giving a slightly different reaction than just increased body heat and it made her jolt in surprise and squeak.
Chat inhaled, as if a physical blow made him lose his breath, but he quickly regained his composure to whisper naughtily into her ear, "Heh, too late for that princess," she didn't expect the hot, wet tongue to trace her earlobe, nor did she expect the surprisingly pleasant sensation of his claws barely pricking the shivering skin of her stomach, taut with tense muscles, tense in anticipation.
This cat would be the death of her, "Aren't we getting a little too ahead of ourselves chaton?" two could play at this game as Marinette purposely lowered her voice into a sensual purr, turning her head so the tip of her nose reached his defined jaw and traced it with the barest of contact.
A low, guttural growl vibrated within his chest and she felt it the sensation against her back, as his grip around her tightened and his hot breath came in short, quick pants, "Princess…" his messy hair tickled the side of her face as he leaned forward to rest his forehead on her bare shoulder, "You'll be the death of me," came the low moan against her overheated skin.
Her? The death of him?
A sharp hiss escaped him when his minx of a girlfriend shifted, and his grip moved quickly to her hips, "Don't move," came the guttural command and Marinette felt a small smile creep onto her flushed face.
"Getting a little flustered now, chaton?" her voice was full of teasing and he would have to remedy that.
Within seconds, she was in his arms and her small squeak of surprise made his broad shoulders shake with restraint laughter when he gently laid her down on her bed, "And you call me the tease, cherrie,"
From her admittedly pleasant view of him towering over her, the small source of moonlight from outside made her see just enough to recognize his handsome features and she wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse.
His roguish grin stretched over his lips when he noticed her heated examination, "Checking meowt?" she swore black cats were little devils incarnate.
She huffed, "In your dreams Chat," she stuck her tongue out at him but promptly closed her mouth when he leaned down, the same heated, hungry look in his eyes.
When he spoke, it was all sharp teeth, "Purrcisely princess," her face flushed uncomfortably hot and he chuckled at her cute reaction, tracing a claw down the side of her burning cheek, "For having the powers of bad luck and destruction, I sure got lucky to have you," the look changed in his eyes and she realized it hadn't changed, but intensified, because her chaton always looked at her like she was the center of his whole world.
Now wasn't different and it made her heart swell with her strong feelings for him, "Oh chaton, you sly cat," he smiled and nuzzled his nose affectionately against hers.
"Only furr you," the sweet words made her giggle.
Marinette smirked, "How about you show me purrcisely what you mean?" she quickly realized how her plan of gaining the upper hand backfired on her when she found her hands suddenly pinned above her head.
The same dark look was in his eyes as his messy blond hair slightly fell into his gaze, trained intently on her as he licked his lips with a grin, "Don't bite off more than you can chew princess," the devil said as he traced his teeth along her neck.
When Marinette opened her misty eyes to look up at Chat, she swore she saw something positively feral.
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