#and the second was a geodude (accidentally killed)
monsoon-of-art · 2 years
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 4]
Still on attempt number one of beating this game with standard Nuzlocke rules + no fighting outside of Trainer battles. A death has occurred, but all in all, it’s been more optimistic than expected.
Barring some unfortunate experiences in a cave.
But it’s time for a new cave now!
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Tunnel. Whatever.
Though I lied for the sake of convenient narrative pacing. Before we go inside Rock Tunnel and explore all it has to offer, there’s a trainer outside who is in need of some battling.
Picknicker Heidi wants to battle. She has two pokemon, and the first is a level 20 Pikachu. tfw you miss having a Ground pokemon, but this challenge is made for grief and I shan’t shed tears. Clefairy follows the Pikachu. With, appropriately, Follow Me as its first move. Hee.
Anyway, Allenby handles both.
Back into the tunnel. Where we have a catch waiting for us.
Also Zubat.
Many, many Zubat.
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There we go. A not-Zubat.
Caught! I dub you Athrun. I’m never going to do anything with you, probably, but you can stay in the party. In case something goes desperately wrong.
Now, with the power of Flash, let’s explore the part of the game I always hated most as a child. I don’t know if I understood Flash or how it worked or that I would be happier if I had it, but I have very distinct memories of grabbing a flashlight and shining it on my gameboy in an attempt to stomp my way through the cave.
I didn’t figure out until years later that light outside the game was not going to help.
Many of my childhood trials were self-inflicted.
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Pokemaniac Ashton is our first contestant of the tunnel. He opens with a level 23 Cubone. I make the decision to switch Noin in, then immediately want to strangle myself because Noin is part Poison. But it works out, and she’s in to deal with the following Slowpoke.
Noin advances to level 25, and that’s the first fight.
A level down, Pokemaniac Winston wants to battle. He has one pokemon. It is a level 25 Slowpoke. Delightful. By which I mean slightly intimidating. Noin switches in, and I start reconsidering Allenby’s position as first in the party.
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That was a critical hit from Confusion.
...How do critical hits work in this gen?
2x a normal hit. So it normally does 24 damage. So to survive, Noin has to--ugh, screw it, I’ll spend a turn on a Super Potion.
(Normally it does 23 damage. So noted.)
Okay, this is fine.
Noin is also going to move to the front, since Pokemaniacs seem to trump Hikers in this area of the Tunnel.
...It was fine, then Slowpoke used Disable. Yay, okay, still fine.
We continue down the tunnel. Next opponent appears to be a Picnicker, so Allenby goes back in front. I feel like this is going to be a lot of switching things around. For real this time, since those Slowpokes are scary.
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Thanks Martha.
Heero can fight the level 22 Oddish. As well as the Bulbasaur.
Another Pokemaniac moves Noin back to the front, and I’m already tired of putting this much thought into what I’m doing.
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I dearly love these games so much.
His name is Steve, and he has a level 22 Charmander. Ah. Uh. Heeeeeero. ;-; Heeeeeelp. Then it’s another Cubone, and that one can go to Noin.
My party isn’t too battered from all of this, but the thing that I really dislike about caves is that they make me unwilling to go back to the Pokemon Center even when my extreme caution wants me to. I want to embrace the hover parent. My children must live.
But I really hate walking through caves, so I prefer all of my walking through caves to go forward. Alas.
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And of course with the level 20 Machop. Ugh. This is why Noin doesn’t get to be up front for these things. Even if everything else Hikers have is of interest to Noin’s dietary needs.
Allenby will eat that, but the critical hit she also eats means Noin is in for the Onix. Noin hits level 26 and we’re all very proud of her.
Post-fight, Allenby gets a Super Potion and moves up front to fight the other Hiker in this room.
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Local man bullies small child.
This one’s name is Allen. He has one pokemon, which is instantly scary. It is a Geodude, and fears are instantly assuaged. ...While Magnitude 7 is going to mean another Super Potion for Allenby. Who has just gone and hit level 27. Yay.
Hiker Lenny is up next. He’s got a level 19 Geodude, and a team count that promises more. Noin is going to handles the others to keep the damage risk at a minimum.
Oh, but then there’s a Machop, and Allenby can have that.
Geez, but Allenby is taking way too many critical hits for comfort. I’m basically using some kind of Potion after every fight. I can’t remember how long this tunnel is, but. I would prefer it to be ending faster than it seems to be going.
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Real player characters have maps.
He has a level 20 Onix. And a name I wasn’t looking at when it showed up on the screen. Noin gets the level 20 Geodude so Allenby can please stop losing health. ...Same with the next Onix.
Oliver, that’s the dude’s name.
Hiker Lucas is next, bringing the level 21 Geodude.
...Aaaand a Graveler. For Noin.
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Oliver doesn’t.
Picnicker Sofia! With a level 21 Jigglypuff! And a Pidgey?
...Zaft. Let’s... give you a try. Heero might be rescuing you, but let’s give you a shot. You won! You can’t fight anything else until we get you some medical attention, but look at that! A whole fight! All by yourself!
Now get out so Allenby can murder the Meowth.
Realistically, I think Zaft is going to have the same problem Ismail had. The training demands before Zaft can carry weight could kill our little Voltorb buddy. But I love Electrode. I’d like to use one. What I ultimately end up with is likely a question of whether or not I can get the Exp. Share, but still. Something needs to kill my rival’s eventual Gyarados, right?
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No, you can’t learn Rage.
Hiker Dudley says hello with a level 21 Geodude. I grant the next to Noin. As well as the Graveler.
And there’s a move tutor down here that teaches Rock Slide. That sounds like an Allenby move. Bye, Scratch. You had your time.
A Pokemaniac’s up next, so Noin goes in the front. Hi Cooper-san. Hi level 20 Slowpoke. Hiiiiiiii-oh fuck.
I clicked something.
The window closed.
Okay, let’s try to salvage this. I think Lucas was last. I’ll just... do what it says I did up above and hope I wind up in the same place. One moment that you won’t feel at all, please.
And back. Zaft escaped the Pidgey with slightly more HP left, but everything else is exactly the same, and we’re on the second Slowpoke with Noin.
And done. Nice.
Though when I was checking my team during my replay, there was. a thing.
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What. Did. Did I give it that accidentally?
...Pickup can give you TMs? I guess? I don’t even want to look that up, in case it disrupts the magic, but that’s bizarre. Or not, since TMs are one and done in this gen. Still. What.
Okay, now to go up the ladder and figure out if Noin’s 2 Absorbs left will make it until Lavender, or if we’re spending a precious Ether on her.
Picnicker Leah blocks the way. Allenby looks at her level 22 Bellsprout with disdain. Her Clefairy receives similar attention.
Picnicker Ariana has more pokemon. Like a level 19 Pidgey. And a Rattata... is this worth giving Zaft some experience, or should I accept that Zaft is too far behind to catch up.
Let me think. I have three team members that aren’t leaving unless death takes them. The guaranteed encounters are Snorlax and an Eevee in Celadon. Vaporeon was going to be my choice for the Eevee, and I would be delighted to have a Snorlax, but I don’t know how realistic it is that I’ll be able to catch it.
Electrode’s only amazing stat is Speed. But Electro Ball could do some serious murder. So... I could have a glass cannon. Not a safe choice for this type of run, but I said I was expecting to have to do this several times. Fuck it, I want an Electrode. Zaft, you’re fighting a Rattata.
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Hoo boy.
Switch training for the next Rattata. Heero can have it. Heero will also stay in for the Bellsprout.
Picnicker Dana has a level 20 Meowth. And a Pidgey for switch training. Heero will take care of it and stay in for the Oddish.
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And battles I will be avoiding until I hit the Pokemon Center.
Aaaah, sweet, sweet healing.
Oh, and the Name Rater’s here! We can finally fix Ren the Pidgey’s name! Making Ren legal! If I ever feel in the mood to train up a level 3 Pidgey!
Back up to the Picnicker and Hiker.
And the walking Pokemaniac I sort of remembered was a Trainer, but got complacent about. I’m not sure I want Allenby up front for this one. Sigh. Pokemaniac Herman. Level 20 Cubone. Okay, that’s fine. Slowpoke goes to Noin.
Now we deal with the people outside the cave.
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Sorry in advance, Carol.
Level 21 Pidgey. A Pidgeotto follows, so it’s time to play Zaft chicken again. Heero, save our little buddy from the big bird. Yay, Zaft lives to see level 17.
Hiker Clark. Wassup. Hello level 21 Geodude. Noin gets the Onix.
Lastly, Hiker Trent is up. Level 19 Onix to start. Noin takes the Graveler.
Phew. Okay! We’re in the Lavender Town stages of the plot. I don’t think I want to go to the Tower until after the Rockets in Celadon. I might also be buying Zaft Carbos in Celadon. Undecided. I can’t remember how much my money means in this. Really, the current mission is just beating down every nearby Trainer until I am forced to find more by following the plot. The only question is if I go down first or left.
I will flip a coin.
Heads. I’m going down to play with the fishes. Noin, take your place in first position.
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Goldeen, level 22. Noin, level 29. Poliwag gives Speed, so Zaft comes out to play briefly. Allenby takes the next Goldeen.
Fisherman Chip is next. Ooh, our first Tentacool. Level 24. Goldeen is Allenby’s again.
Then comes Fisherman Hank. With one level 27 Goldeen. And Noin drank the exp, and saw that it was good.
Fisherman Elliot might be the fisherman I’ve been waiting for. Four pokemon. Could it be...? ...A level 21 Poliwag. Followed by Shellder. A Goldeen for Allenby. The Horsea can be Zaft’s.
Sigh. So many Water trainers. So few Magikarp.
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Last fight South of Lavender until I deal with plot stuff. Lesgo. Noin and Heero vs. two level 24 Nidoran. All goes well except for Heero ending up poisoned. Ugh. There’s an Antidote for that.
Back to Route 8, and back to Allenby being in front.
Lass Julia has a level 22 Clefairy in need of punching. The second one is deserving as well.
Gamer Rich has a level 24 Growlithe in a similar state. Heero can have Vulpix so she has something to do. The Vulpix Roars out Zaft. I know better than to leave Zaft in, so Heero gets switched back to save her young one. Then Zaft gets Roared back out and Sonicbooms ftw.
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Oh. I thought you were a scientist and switched to Heero in hopes of Magnemite. tfw only level 22 Grimer. And Muk. And another Grimer.
Hmmm. I think I’m going to try to see if I can make it to Celadon without fighting anyone else. I want that Eevee. For reasons of want. And the superMart there has lots of nice vitamins, and knowing how much that all costs will be useful.
One male Eevee for my first encounter for Celadon. Aiming for a Water type. Hmmmmmmmmm. Ribbons!
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Naive, huh? +Speed, -Sp. Def.
Look, you’re stuck being a Vaporeon. I’ll make it work, but that’s what I want, and I don’t have much room for choice in this Nuzlocke. Arguably that makes using you against the spirit of everything, but I care not.
Now the important things. Eevee learns Bite at level 30. Vaporeon learns it at the same level. There’s no reason to hold off evolving Ribbons. Now we go to the store and make a lot of decisions that leave my virtual wallet crying.
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HA. Um. Yeah, okay, this can’t happen. Cute thought, very optimistic, but I am not spending all my money on drugging my pokemon that might die in the very next fight. I’m going to have to continue doing all the EV management the old fashioned way.
Reflect TM earned on the roof by giving a drink to a little girl. Giving people drinks is very important in this game.
Great, Water Stone and Leaf Stone bought.
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Max adorbs.
There’s no reason to delay Noin receiving her Leaf Stone, either, which. is sort of depressing because yikes that moveset, but hey, let’s appreciate the added bulk and not poke holes in it.
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Now we return to finding random trainers to fight.
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Aw fuck.
A level 29 Rapidash and Ninetales. I am here too early. I put Ribbons in the second slot in the hopes of exp, but that decision might really bite me here. Allenby needs to swoop in and save the day. Hopefully she can.
Yes, she can. Her improbably good aim with Rock Slide continues, delaying its inevitable betrayal.
Yikes, that was scary. I just wanted the Fly HM.
Which I now have.
I’m going to leave Route 16 alone because I think the Snorlax blocking Cycling Road technically belongs to it, and I want as many chances at Snorlax as I can squeeze out. I will also grab the TEA before I head back to beating up Trainers.
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As well as whatever my Route 7 pokemon is.
It’s Growlithe!
Hi Growlithe! Imma name you Duo!
And I can now go through the... guard thingies. They aren’t blockades... gates? Those.
Anyway, back to the Trainers on Route 8. Super Nerd Aidan sends out a level 20 Voltorb. Opportunity! Zaft and Heero do the switcheroo to make magic happen. Same with the next. And the Magnemite. Allenby gets the Koffing.
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-gasp- A level 22 Poliwag! Zaft, look!
Hypnosis hits and Zaft falls asleep.
That’s honestly fine. You weren’t going to do anything.
Look Zaft, another Poliwag for you to do nothing against. And a Poliwhirl, even!
Every fight I let Zaft participate in, all I can think is how it would probably be way more useful if the teammate helping Zaft just took all the exp. Yet I persist. Because I want a dang Electrode.
Biker Richard wants to battle! Dick. He has a level 22 Koffing. Allenby can eat the second one. The Grimer is clear Ribbons food. Kill it, Ribbons. Kill it with your Quick Attack. Your wonderful Quick Attack that dodges Disables just as well as Minimize dodges everything.
And then Ribbons’ only attack was Disabled. Repeatedly.
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Ribbons, let’s let one of the other party members handle this.
Nothing can hit the Grimer thanks to all the Minimizes from waiting for Ribbons to get in a final Quick Attack. Sludge also keeps poisoning everything.
Noin finally steps in and kills the wicked Grimer.
Biker Jaren, please don’t have a Grimer.
Biker Jaren has a level 24 Grimer.
Biker Jaren has a second level 24 Grimer.
Heero burns it.
Heero is a good girl.
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Now we’ve got these people I don’t really remember.
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I mean.
Hi Lass Megan.
Level 19 Pidgey for Zaft to share with Heero. Given the number of pokemon she has, this feels like a statement I will use multiple times. ...Fine, sometimes there’s a Rattata. Or a Nidoran. Or a Meowth. Or a Pikachu.
Bye Lass Megan.
I’m going to take a brief detour to go get my bike. I never traded in the voucher.
Now I have a bike.
Back to fighting. Lass Andrea is up next opening with a level 24 Meowth. Followed by another. And another. Win get.
Lass Paige is next on accident, because I was running along the side where glasses dude wasn’t looking. Oh well. Order isn’t that important, right? Level 23 female Nidoran, Ribbons, would you like to play? With Heero’s help, sure. Ooh, and followed up by a level 23 Nidorina. Allenby can help Ribbons with that.
Now glasses dude to finish off the row.
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One level 26 Koffing.
Heero murders it.
Huh, and then I run into Twins Eli and Anne by accident. Sensing a theme, here. Heero and Ribbons versus level 22 Jigglypuff and Clefairy. No contest.
I think I’m going to give Ribbons Water Pulse so he has the chance to do something when I’m training him. Using TMs in gens where you don’t get them back is scary and blah, but he really needs something besides Quick Attack.
This is probably where I want to go face Erika. Before then, though, I don’t have a Route 8 pokemon.
-quick search-
Oh. Because I already have the ones I can get here.
Alrighty then. Time for Erika. AKA the Heero show.
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Time to shine.
Lass Kay up first. She has a level 23 Bellsprout. Had. Allenby can take the level 23 Weepinbell. And we continue. Beauty Bridget up next. She opens with a level 21 Oddish. Allenby goes in for the Bellsprout. Heero back in for another Oddish. Allenby back in for another Bellsprout.
There’s going to be a lot of that.
Picnicker Tina next with a level 24 Bulbasaur. Then a level 24 Ivysaur.
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Delete a Grass starter for Flamethrower?
Beauty Tamia is next. Level 24 Bellsprout. Allenby handles the second one.
Cooltrainer Mary almost has a full team. Leading with a level 22 Bellsprout. Level 22 Oddish is next. Weepinbell goes to Allenby. Gloom heads back to Heero. The Ivysaur is similarly nommed.
Two more before Erika.
Lass Lisa with the level 23 Oddish. And Gloom.
Beauty Lori with just one. Level 24 Exeggcute.
Now. One Trainer left in the Gym.
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...Is it a popular theory that Erika is just blazed 24/7?
If it isn’t, it should be.
Good grief, and right out the gate we jump to a level 29 Victreebell. One Flamethrower is enough, but that’s still quite the jump, and I wasn’t expecting it. Level 24 Tangela feels more in line with what I was expecting. It meets a similar fate.
Last but certainly not least, a level 29 Vileplume.
And we’re done here. GG.
(Erika also hands out the Rainbowbadge and explicitly only has women in her Gym. Erika is the stoner lesbian leader we deserve.)
Wait, one more thing!
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Only hey, we’re not done! We have the Giga Drain TM for Noin!
Best Gym so far for the squad. That seems like a good spot to pause at.
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kianlonplayspokemon · 3 years
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Nuzlocke: Day 2
Total Deaths: 0
Current Party: Picante the Torchic, Perrito the Poochyena, Avión the Wingull, Máscara the Zigzagoon, Dos the Zigzagoon, Pelota the Silcoon
So the first thing I did after catching Pelota was of course to run my ass back to Petalburg City to heal and immediately stick him and Dos in the PC. Because I really wanted to have some kind of back-up plan in case I whited out against my most formidable adversary thus far... Team Aqua Grunt with his level 9 Poochyena.
Well, okay, he had a name but I forgot it because I didn’t have time to write this journal on the same day I played. Anyways, I was nervous because I knew that Poochyena would spam Sand Attack and Howl (in that order) and if I couldn’t knock it out, my pretty low-defense team would be screwed.
Naturally, the best way for me to counter this was not to send out Avión, who’s immune to accuracy loss but at this point very weak. No, I just had Máscara do a ton of sand attacks of his own, and then swapped him out with Perrito to finish the fight.
So I saved the Devon Researcher from this guy and finally made it to Rustboro to challenge Petra. She promised to be a huge threat because only one out of my four Pokémon knew any moves that would be effective. My Wingull.
I’m not looking up typing/attacks/walkthroughs on this run. I didn’t pay attention to her Dex entry. So at this point, I think, oh crap: I have a flying-type. If even one Rock Tomb lands on her, my run ends here. I did attempt to catch another ‘mon before starting the gym, and I did successfully get Volar the Taillow on Route 116. 
My party was all around level 13 when I waltzed on into the gym. Avión took down all the gym trainers with ease, and all their Geodudes with Sturdy tried to Defense Curl with their brief second chances at life, so I was feeling pretty good. At least, about Petra’s Geodude, which was killed in short order. 
The Nosepass, though... that Nosepass is tough. So I sent out Máscara to use Charm and Sand Attack until its attack and accuracy were so low that I thought I’d be safe from Rock Tomb.
And... I was right. Guess what? Not only is Wingull a pure water-type I guess, when Rock Tomb improbably managed to actually hit, it only did 6 damage thanks to my charming Zigzagoon. After a few Water Guns, Nosepass was defeated and Petra gave me my first gym badge. 
Bruno showed up after that and thankfully didn’t re-match me so I went to Rusturf Tunnel, hoping to find any encounter. Well, and I had to get the Devon Goods back and advance the plot and stuff, but I mostly wanted to find a Whismur. I didn’t see one after three minutes of running, so I just fought Team Aqua over Sr. Arenque’s Wingull and received his eternal gratitude.
...and some errands from Devon Corp. Good thing Sr. Arenque said I could sail with him whenever, because now that I got the dang parts back I have to deliver them to Slateport, and I have to bring a letter to the president’s son Máximo. Yay.
I found out that Marcial was the easiest gym leader ever. Picante didn’t do anything during that battle, but Volar one-shot everything with Wing Attack despite being under-leveled, which gave him [Picante] enough XP to evolve.
After I got that second badge I figured I’d better do that errand and found Molestoso the Zubat in Granite Cave. I also found Máximo, who was muttering about Primal Kyogre and Mega Evolution in front of a rad cave drawing. I’m sure that won’t be important later.
Also in Dewford, I discovered that I can no longer make the entire populace say “Your Mother”, which is very sad. But I did get the Old Rod and since Dewford Town has water... that’s an ecounter, baby!
An encounter with Pez the Magikarp, who I almost accidentally knocked out. Whoops. He got sent to the box automatically, where he will live with Molestoso until such a time as they are needed. Volar has earned at least a temporary spot on the team thanks to his stellar performance with the Fighting Gym. All in all, a good day. Next stop: Slateport.
Total Deaths: 0. 
Current Party: Picante the Combusken, Perrito the Poochyena, Avión the Wingull, Máscara the Zigzagoon, Volar the Taillow
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iconicanemone · 4 years
Iconic’s Diamond Nuzlocke #3
Catch the first pokemon of a route
No doubles
Nickname every pokmeon
Draw every pokemon and achievement.
Entry 3
Me and my team went to Jubilife city, preparing to go north when we noticed some strange people harassing the professor and his assistant. Owen wanted to go help out, so we went over there and scared the strange people off.
Professor Rowan told us that they were calling themselves Team Galactic, and was demanding his research. He and Lucas thanked us, before heading off. 
I wonder what Team Galactic is doing? Oh well, we probably won’t see them again.
After that battle, we ran into a bidoof on Route S 204 who just popped out of the bushes and landed on Ilsa. Let me tell you, she was not happy. And she was even unhappier when I caught the biddof and named her Tofu.
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Look at that face? Could you be mad at her? Ilsa seems to disagree with me. Quinsten really loved playing with Tofu, before we had to enter the Ravaged Path cave, where we ran into a geodude.
Well, I say ran into, but Owen accidentally stepped onto him. He was really angry, and smacked Owen into the wall, but I managed to catch him before he could do any damage. 
Owen is doing alright, but I headed back to Jubilife city to heal her up and to put the newly named Dwayne into the box.
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We headed back up, and spent some time training on Route N 204 before entering Floramora Town. While we were training, a budew sat near where Rice was resting, slightly starting her. You should have seen how the ground shook when Rice jumped from surprise. It was like a mini earthquake. 
I caught her and named her Janna.
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Right as we entered Floramora Town, a bug trainer wanted a battle. I agreed to it, and Tofu was up against his kricketot. I thought for sure she could take it, but Tofu accidentally missed a tackle, right when the kricketot used bide-- and killed Tofu.
You- you should have seen how Ilsa beat up the kricketot. I thought she didn’t like tofu, due to their first time meeting each other, but I guess I was wrong. 
We buried Tofu among the flowers of Floramora Town. That’s the second death. I don’t want more of my family to die. Why can’t everyone just leave me and my team alone.
I’m leaving this entry on a low note, until next time.
0 notes
theinfamoussons · 6 years
Shads’ UFS
If you swallowed your pride, you would choke to death. Disclaimer: ...This survey was made at midnight and beyond. Viewer discretion is fucking advised. 1.) Your fist has to be inserted into the ass of a Pokemon. Which, and why?lopunny because i just beat her in beer pong. she clearly won the bet 2.) What is one song you wouldn't be caught dead listening to?fuck. maybe brokencyde and all that? but i jammed that in 08. i wouldn't really be embarrassed by anything, i guess. call the docta, i'm a monsta. (already wasted) 3.) What will your face tattoo be for Summer 2014?LOVE IT. literally just a pot leaf, small. next to my right eye. 4.) Best "out of mood" set of titties you can think of? (Guy and Girl)wow. this requires some serious concentration.....AH CANDY KONG for sure. if deeks wasn't my bro... if deeks wasn't my fucking bro. for a guy, i'll say wers. there's definitely some fat ass pokemon i'm missing, but i'll stick with my grandson. globes gets an honorable mention 5.) Lickitung grabs you with his toungue, and you are dragged to the depths of a baseball game. Literally, to an underground rape chamber. Amidst the commotion of Tentacruel's tentacles nearly knocking you unconscious, you notice there are three girls (name them), and two guys (name them). Well, you notice that the first girl you named is in front of you (you can see her ass), and you realize you can save her from tentacruel's wrath by shoving your dick up her ass. Do you do it? Also, during the session, you realize that Machamp is vigorously pumping his rather veiny penis. As you are all swung around, you realize that as you let out your screams from being raped, droplets of Machamp's sperm go in your mouth. The second guy will now get raped by Machamp, unless you want to take it from Machamp to save him. Do you?the sad thing is, i'm CERTAIN shit like this actually goes down. that's just horrible, not gonna lie. the three girls are clearly fifi, fairy bomber, and rosalina. the guys are monte and jet. i would have to consider the pros and cons of saving fifi by fucking her in the ass, but eventually i'm pretty sure i'd do it out of the goodness of my heart. and jet...? machamp can fuck him. i love the kid to death, but i'm pretty sure he'd enjoy it a little anyways. 6.) Alright, big boy. Number these scenario's from "most likely to do" to least likely. a.) Lean, shoulder first, into a girl, and slowly begin to rub her shoulders until you reach her tits, and give them a squeeze.b.) Go behind a girl, and slowly grind with her, getting extremely sexual and then easily squeezing her cheeks.c.) Lifting up a girls shirt, sucking her nips and then quickly run like hell before she has a chance to react.d.) Pretend to "accidentally" elbow a girl in the face, and then romantically pick her up and ask her if she's okay, giving her a magical look in the eyes, allowing you to make a move.e.) Bringing her a drink, then spilling it on her, and offering to rub it away with your hands.f.) Smacking a girl's ass for no reason and go in for a feel. b, a, f, e, c(?), d 7.) "Molestor Mode Engage" You see a kind-of young looking girl from across the stadium, no idea what mood she's from. She flashes you and reveals a decent sized chest, and does a quick sexy dance, and blows a kiss and laughs. However, she is lost amongst the crowd. Do you go after the unknown young girl, or play it safe incase it's some kind of trap?charge like there's no fucking tomorrow 8.) Globes is ejaculating nutella, and you realize that a couple of Fan Characters are massaging/sucking his ballsack. Describe how you would go about either ending, or joining in, on this orgy.since they're fc's, they must be dope as fuck. damn, this is so hard to think about in a sober state of mind. if i was stoned out of my mind, maybe i wouldn't notice globes' smell so i could just go to town on one of the girls. but that means i'd technically have been in an orgy with globes. let's go with no for this one. 9.) You realize it's gonna be one of those nights. Your blurred vision slowly reveals Mogul in the nude. He's ripped, and he has a girl that you care about held hostage. In this biazarre situation he demands that you must abuse her, or he'll rape the shit out of you. Would you take it from Mogul to save the girl, or abuse the girl to save your ass?well, it's someone i care about right? goodbye to my asshole. wait, why's he ripped? no need shads. 10.) Just as Quagmire met his match, there will always be a bitch crazier than you. If you were in a situation where a girl was going hard as fuck on you (Streching your asshole, bending your nipples, yanking your dick, fisting your ass, tying and cutting off your circulation, etc...) how would you save yourself?i wouldn't. there's a very small portion of myself, repressed in the depths of my asshole, that would absolutely love it 11.) Name the worst kisser out of these: Daisy, Noki, Dixie, Bellossomi was like, who the fuck's "noe-kee?" but noki! (kid, you're a molestor). i'm gonna say bellossom. here's my reasoning. daise is probably #10 on this survey, i can't even think about doing ANYTHING with noki because that's fucking weird, and dixies got them nigga lips. so piks' whore 12.) What do you think is reasonable behavior when you get caught in a lie when you're talking to a girl?fess up. they'll find out regardless. if there's anything i've learned in my life, it's just man up to your shit and brace for impact a.) Whip it out and make some creamb.) Laugh it off and quickly change the subjectc.) Slap her in the face and hump her on the groundd.) Bring up some blackmail you have of here.) Man up and accept the lief.) Pretend to get a phone call and slowly walk away that's awkwud. let's order this, shall we.e if it's a serious relationship, if notd, f, c, b, a. actually i'd probably do all of those in that order. (i fucking died at c) 13.) If you were physically Machop, and Machop was you, would you still go hard and try to get girls? I mean, you're fucking Machop. But you still think the same...damn, this may be the hardest question so far. maybe, but i'd probably go after 5-6's instead of 9-10's. idk it would be grabs. maybe i'd commit suicide 14.) For whatever reason, nidoqueen wants you to eat her out. She is letting you choose hershey syrup, vanilla ice cream, honey mustard, or nutella as a complementary lubricatorial ingredient. Which do you choose? Give a little description of your sexual - bringing process as you slowly drive the three hundrer pound beast of a woman to a pleasing orgaIsm.first, DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. second, why's there so many typos you chubby chaser? this is honestly THE single most fucked up scenario i've ever placed myself in, in my entire life. vanilla ice cream. if anyone picks honey mustard i'm gonna fuckign SHOOT MSYELF AHH NOW IM DOIONG TYPOS 15.) If you saw a Pichu take a quick small dump in someone's drink at a baseball game, would you tell them? Or let em slurp the rock?i'm staying the fuck out of the pokemon mood. let 'em slurp unless they're one of the very few people i truly care about. that shit is funny as fuck 16.) "I don't know where ya goin' but do you got room for one more troubled soul?" You hear Falco say to you. You must be extremely fucking wasted, because you have an erection at his voice and the sight of his birdly swagger. (You realize you can't get any girls for that night...) How would you use Falco to get quick relief while still (somewhat) keeping your dignity?how the absolute fuck do you expect me to answer this? maybe i'd just picture him fucking krystal and jack off 17.) What's a memory that, no matter what has happened or will happen, always brings you to a calm and serene state of mind?ignoring the previous question/my answer, this is on a very serious note. just the fact that memories of things--most things--are always there, and even if things or people change, you always have those memories fall back on. and sometimes it helps you realize things may not be that different. i see the words "Tiny" and "blows a load" in the question below this and can't take life seriously. i guess just living in the past a little sometimes makes me calm, but then coming back to reality is bittersweet. i don't know. 18.) Your head is grabbed and forcibly shoved to Tiny (from the crash mood)'s cock and he blows a load in your mouth. You immediately go to spit, but you realize you're in Bomber territory and if you spit, you will be killed on the spot. You have to run across the stadium while gurgling Tinys cum. Would you be able to last, or would you spit and have Ninja B end your summer?if it was to save my life, i'd try to gurgle. well not gurgle. just not spit. lmfao. but if i was shitfaced as it was, or just reacting to instincts, i'd spit immediately and be killed. baseball games are starting to sound less appealing 19.) Zebes offers you to hang with him at the next baseball game. Describe which girl you would bring along for the trip, and how you would dress/act around the big Z and Donks.ahh. i'd bring someone hot as fuck, but well behaved. krystal fits the bill. i'd dress and act normal, but not gonna lie, i'd try a little bit harder with everything. cuz why not. it's zebes and donks. come on. also i wouldn't get incredibly fucked up, because i'd make an ass of myself. 20.) Geodude has molested Jigglypuff, and you see her on the floor, nearly deflated and covered in sperm. You go down to give her some words of advice, and find that she gets a second wind and wants to fuck you. Taking note of her round and puffy physique, and the fact that you're in public at the baseball game, you...accept. maybe kick her in the teeth though, she's covered in geodude's sperm, that's fucking grimy. yeah, i definitely wouldn't accept thinking about it now 21.) You see an extremely attractive girl from the back and want to get her in the bag. You walk over and realize that she is you in female form... how do you give it to yourself?definitely in the ass because i wouldn't want to see my face. 22.) It is a baseball game near the end of Summer 2014... the clock is just about striking 3:00 AM. You inexplainably have large gauges (half-dollar size), and you notice a group of EXTREMELY hot FC's approaching, and they say they'll only do lines with, and fuck you, if you spit Scourge's semen into their mouths. This means that you'll have to transfer it from your mouth to theirs, (keep in mind at this point you've been drinking for hours and feel like death)... would you go through with the challenge?yep. literally no hesitation with this for whatever reason. probably just because this will actually happen. it's actually sad how realistic this is. 23.) This question is completely... just different from the rest. Try to take it seriously. Basically, you overhear Aiai and his gang getting racially harassed from some Brawl Trolls... would you get involved? Or just walk by and pretend you didn't hear anything?oh i'd fuck up those brawl trolls. i'd call them out in a heart beat, because aiai doesn't deserve that shit. the trolls are probably retarded and fat anyways. but even if they weren't (fat ass chance) there's still no excuse to start shit with someone like aiai. always stick up for my nigga. 24.) Out of these various events, name one that is enough to bring you to your senses, (even if you're completly shitfaced)a.) Globes rip's ass within 5 feet of youb.) Some puss from Olimar's pimple he just popped lands on your armc.) A Bomber's head flies through the warm night, nearly too fast to be seen, still screamingd.) You hear a girl scream as if she's seen a ghost b, a, d, c (that's how often i expect c to happen.) 25.) Generally, are you one to go along the crowd at high-energy situations? For example, if a good friend of yours was passed out, and you noticed people doing the usual antics of permanent marker, etc. But then they take it a step further and break out the tattoo machine, and even sprinkle a little piss or shit on him, would you defend his honor/join in/or just watch?damn. if they were like a good friend, i'd want to help them. sincerely. but 1) if i'm really fucked up i'd probably think it's hysterical 2) i'd just be happy it's not me 3) let's be honest. i'd join in. i'd probably start it though. to answer the original question, i totally go along with the crowd. but i start what the crowd is doing if that makes sense. 26.) What type of partier would you define yourself as? And to make it more interesting, pick ANY guy and ANY girl of your choosing, and define them as well from the following types: i.) 'The Big Sho' - #1 Big cheese. You wander around without a single fear, always socializing, never afraid to look anyone in the eyes, you scope out nearly every large gathering at the stadium and look for the freshest of meat.ii.) 'Silent But Crazy' - You party hard and in the shadows. Roaming around, you're never in one place for too long unless you've found a girl or some ridicuolously crazy shit going down.iii.) 'Thug' - You basically have mad swag, and display it through exaggerated forms of dance, walk and bravado. It's as if there are always camera's rolling on you, and even a simple laugh could be a movie scene to you.iiii.) 'The Energizer' - You are insane. You're loud as hell, always flailing around, screaming when the crowd screams, always yelling to people, pushing, shoving, drinking and dancing.v.) 'Casual' - You are a casual attendee. There are some games where you legitamtely watch the baseball game, and have conversations with your friends. Every blue moon, you may make a trip to get a standard snack or drink. After the game, you always go right home.vi.) 'Missionary' - You are always on some type of extremely specific mission, and pay absolutely no mind to anyone or anything that doesn't have to do with your business. Whether it be exchanging, buying, or doing something specific.vii.) 'Good Boy' - You are one of the few. But they are there. Most wear the 'Staff' badge proudly displayed on their clothes. You stand by, and watch and inspect the crowd to make sure everyone is safe. You can coordinate medical help if an emergency breaks out, you keep a watchful eye over the stadium at all times, and pick up any trash you see.viii.) 'Smogger' - You're a smogger. Meaning, you set yourself up in one place, and you don't leave. Be it your bong, your tobacco, cigar, drinks, you are rather stationary and are focused on ingesting your products of choice, and only go to the bathroom for sexual or throw-up related purposes.viiii.) 'Troublemaker' - No one likes these kind of people. These people are the essence of people like Dingo, who parade around, looking to piss people off for no reason. Be it punching someone in the head, spiking a drink, stealing a wallet, you're out to take advantage and make fun of people. i'm the perfect mix of the big sho and missionary, for sure. i'm a bit of a thug too. i'll say becky is a mix of energizer, the missionary, and there's some big sho in there. and instantly, lanky is the definition of a fucking smogger 27.) Name a mood, if any, where you would never tap a girl no matter how hot she was. sticks 28.) Do you NEED to drink/smoke to have a good time at a baseball game? from the few times (twice maybe?) i've been sober at baseball games, i've still had fun. it was just really awkward and i had to preoccupy myself with something else. you're reeeally fucking missing out if you stay sober 29.) Name some factors which decide that a seemingly harmless and fun time has turned into a very dangerous situation that you need to escape.it's sad that alot of these factors i'm about to name happen frequently. i'd say a serious brawl happening right next to you, bonus points for blood or pieces of glass. also when a serious drug is out, like the boundary's been crossed. i've responded pretty poorly in the past. but i remember being already in the fucked up state of mind and trying to hear my conscience over the music and people yelling. this is a story for another time though. what else? probably in general when i'm making my way through the bombers/eggs/gang territory. basically, if i'm not absolutely fucked up, i'm terrified. i remember being stoned thinking "what's wrong with this?" i almost died that night. good times. 30.) The morning after a crazy fucking party... what do you usually do to deal with the pain?hit the blunt my nigga 31.) If you are chilling with a friend who you know isn't a fan of partying, drinking, etc. Would you still drink/go hard as fuck? Or be more chill, or not even drink at all?why would i be friends with them 32.) You're getting blown in the bathroom, when all of a sudden, in walks Monkey Khan. You realize that he's extremely pissed off at you. Presumably, his girl is sucking your dick. Without ruining the experience, how do you get him to leave?allow him to fuck his girlfriend while she blows me 33.) Does the reality of the world ever get to you?yes, but i shut it out with substances 34.) Is there any type of drug or drink or anything that you have banned yourself from having?i've broken that rule twice and set new boundaries each time :( my newest boundary is heroin, and there's no chance i'd ever do that. or krokodil 35.) Have you ever been at fault for someone crying, when good times were supposed to be had?yes sir, only in a relationship though. could you imagine this happening during a ons. killlmeee 36.) Give me a 'yes' or a 'no' if you would accept food from the following people: 1.) Biscotti's from Bishop Bomber2.) Lasagna from Loo3.) Garlic Bread from Falcon4.) Cream of Wheat from Wal5.) Sushi from Musashi6.) Crabcakes from Eggy7.) Cupcakes from Birdo8.) Macaroni from Bean 1. yes (JUST to see if i could survive, no other purpose)2. in a fucking heartbeat3. yee4. absolutely not5. yesss6. fuck yeah7. no8. fuck no 37.) You have somehow become really good friends with Slippy Toad. Literally almost best friends, you've chilled nearly daily, done shrooms, shot the shit, partied hard. One summer night when you and Slippy are chillin together (the windows are open and a slight chilling breeze is blowing through), and Slippy comes back with some amazing Rootbear Floats for you two to enjoy. When the Football game hits a commercial, he looks at you and tells you that he feels comfy enough with you to tell you that he is homosexual and finds you attractive. He leaves the room to get another snack. What in the hell do you do? a.) Leave the houseb.) Talk to him and tell him that you appreciate his honesty; nothing's different between you guysc.) Tell him that you're a bit creeped out and laugh it outd.) Tell him that he shouldn't have told you that faggot shit and that you're not friends anymoree.) Punch him in the facef.) Tell him that you admire his honesty; but you're now a bit more weary about spending time with him. i'll go with b, but if he's persitant, a. maybe e for kicks 38.) So, you're having a great time at The Club with an extremely attractive girl, and she has just come back from the snack stand with some popcorn for you. A few minutes goes by, and you find something extremely cold and chewy in the popcorn. You eat a little piece of it and swallow, and can't recognize the taste. You take some of it out, and hold it up to the light to try and figure out what it is. You ask her and she laughs and tells you she put the bloody ear lobes of Ixis Naugus in your popcorn as a joke. You look at your hands and see the blood on them. What the fuck do you do? (now that i just threw my fucking hot dog away) i punch her in the face as hard as i can, then fuck her and shove naugus' ear lobes down her throat 39.) Since this is the last "real" question of the survey, it's going hard as fuck. Your blurred vision becomes clear as you are extremely freezing and feel blood rushing to your head. You are hanging upside down, and notice that people are throwing huge rocks at you. Some are missing, but some are hitting your arms. Bark the Polar Bear screams at you "Tell me your sincere #1 Regret in Life, and I will Release you and spare your life." ...You heard the man, no lying.i regret doing horrible things to people i love(d) that didn't/don't deserve it. very vague, but it applies to a lot of things and i still smell naugus' ear lobes. i regret letting people down. 40.) You walk outside, the sun is shining, it's the first day of Summer 2014. Everyone's having a blast in the pool, chillin in the club, and no one gives a fuck about anything. Congrats, ya made it.this isn't even a question, but my answer is carve out my eyeballs and fuck someone's mother. what up vanilla. --[ The Bonus ]-- 41.) You don't know what time of the year, or day, or month it is. You awake in a dark and moist room, and hear awkward moaning sounds, and the sound of an ass being slapped echoes very loudly. You realize that in the corner of the room, you can see a sihloutte of someone on top of someone else. Well... Wal is vigorously giving it to rosalina in the ass. You turn around and catch a glimpse of slender man. The room is large, dark, with no windows. You then turn back around and find Wal and Rosalina gone, you're on your own. You see a phone in the corner of the room. You run over to it, and can only make one call to a friend. Who do you call and what do you say? Slendy's hungry. hmm. i don't fucking know. wers. i'd tell him i love him and that his best friend got it the fuck in, and he should too. wers is probably one of the VERY few genuine people left in my life. 42.) Wild night out with The Chaotix, or Romantic night in with a girl?outtt with the fucking chaotix (fuck what i said about krokodil. jk) ~Well, 42 is the answer of life, so that's the last question. I hoped you learned something about ya self. Suck Big Ry's nips for brutal milk. (Tim's dick for Brutal Sperm) Black Bull, OUT!~ don't be out for too long. you saucy fucker. i learned a lot about myself.... (shit).
0 notes
ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 2]
It’s a Nuzlocke! Standard rules apply, with one slightly less standard rule.
No grinding. No fights with anything but Trainers. Accidental deaths for the catch option of a route are permitted, but it can’t be intentional.
Part 2, start.
We stand outside Mt. Moon, staring out at Route 4. Where we have yet to catch anything for the box or our team. Where we have yet to see what horrors await. Our only allies in this are Heero and Allenby.
We continue!
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If these guys are move tutors instead of trainers, I wasted my Escape Rope. I only had one. ...Yeah, these are the Mega Punch and Mega Kick guys, peddling moves that are too inaccurate to risk in a run like this.
I definitely wasted my Escape Rope.
The first wild pokemon I see is Spearow. We’ve already got that one.
The second wild pokemon I see is Spearow.
The third pokemon I see is Rattata. We’ve already got that one.
The fourth pokemon I see is a Spearow.
The fifth pokemon I see is a Rattata.
...What happens first, me finding something different, me looking up if there is something different, or me discontinuing this style of recounting events? Yes, the last one. I’m not cruel.
Hey, an Ekans!
I think... I need to throw a Poke Ball before attacking it. I think I’m overleveled enough that I could kill it. It’s level 6. Even my weakest attack has a risk. These kiddos have grown up fast.
Poke Ball is made of win, and Ekans’ name is now... Zek. He will go in the box. I think if he were a higher level, I would consider adding him, but... we’re pushing the army of one (two) thing so far.
Now things get awful.
I think I have to face my rival before I have access to more trainers.
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First out is his Pidgeotto. It’s level 17. I decided to have Heero out front for this, and good, because I would not want Allenby facing this. Oy. Let the Sand-Attack hell begin!
But Heero sweeps in with the burn! Pidgeotto down!
Aaaaand the Squirtle is next.
You’re up, Allenby. Allenby has an Oran Berry. Squirtle is level 18.
Allenby with the crit! Yes! Down with the evil Squirtle!
Heero out for the level 16 Abra. It knows Teleport. That appears to be all.
Allenby out again for the level 15 Rattata.
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Misty is coming up.
Allenby x Nugget Bridge OTP?
She’s really my only option. Whatever I end up with in the next route, it won’t have enough trainers to grind into a position to fight Misty. Using Heero at all against Misty is a serious risk I don’t want to take. I don’t want to limit Heero’s exp intake entirely, because hey, guess who’s only using two pokemon at the moment, but. yeah.
...Yay, Allenby.
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Of course.
One Scratch fells the level 10 Caterpie. Good start. The level 10 Weedle goes much the same way. Then it’s level 10 Metapod time. Level 10 Kakuna follows, as it does.
Lass Ali is next. She’s got a level 12 Pidgey. Heero can have the level 12 Oddish. Allenby’s back for the level 12 Bellsprout.
Youngster Timmy for no. 3. See, now this is a person who deserves a Sandshrew. A cursed, level 14 Sandshrew. Sigh. Then a level 14 Ekans.
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Level 20!
Numero cuatro. Lass Reli. Male level 16 Nidoran. Plus female level 16 Nidoran. I feel like these are taking a dangerous slant up and I don’t think I like it.
Number Five! Oh wait, no, this one’s name is Camper Ethan. With a level 18 Mankey, lol.
Fury Swipes hits five times, and Allenby uses up her Oran Berry. Sigh. Oh well. I’m sure I’ll find another one eventually.
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This is how winning a prize goes in every universe.
Level 15 Ekans. Begone. Heero gets to eat the level 15 Zubat.
Hiker Franklin doesn’t have a turtle shell, but he does have a level 15 Machop. It helps Allenby to level 21, where she declines to learn Focus Energy. Franklin’s other pokemon is a level 15 Geodude. Fare thee well.
Next up is...
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He also has a Spearow. I’m... going to hesitantly leave Allenby in, probably switching to Heero if the first hit goes badly. Yeah, okay, Allenby downs it in a hit. Nice.
Hiker Wayne has an Onix. It is level 17. I have an Allenby. The end result is obvious.
Youngster Dan is next with--a level 17 Slowpoke. Hm. Do not want. And yeah, it knows Confusion. Ugh. Um. Phew. Okay. Allenby lives and gains a level.
You know, one of the serious benefits of doing this through posts instead of videos is that no one has to put up with me walking to the Pokemon Center each time either of my pokemon takes a hit. It’s boring enough to do. I don’t want to think about how dull watching would be.
To mix things up I’m gonna catch my Route 25 thing.
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How has every Nuzlocke I’ve seen of this gen ended up with a damn Abra.
-sigh- Yeah, it breaks out of the ball, so Route 25 is a dead route. Very sad.
Picknicker Kelsey wants us to know that her boyfriend is cool. Also that she wants to battle. She has a level 15 male Nidoran. Also a level 15 female Nidoran.
Route 24, feel like helping?
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You can be Noin!
Noin isn’t a box buddy. Noin is going to be part of the squad. Now to consider how best to level her. Because really, I don’t know. Her Type is helpful for the Gym, but. She’s a low level, and we don’t have many trainers between us and Misty. On the brightish side, Allenby’s growth is slowing, so switch training would dock her leveling much?
I’ll put Noin in front for one or two fights and see how it works. idk. The hardest part of this run for me is going to be figuring out what gets which piece of pie.
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I’m not afraid of level 14 Rattatas anymore, buddy. Or level 14 Ekans.
Hiker--um. I missed the name. But he’s got a level 13 Geodude. That’s something Noin can do stuff about. She makes it to 13 herself! Hiker Nob, that’s his name. His thing seems to be having lots of level 13 Geodude. Then one level 13 Machop to round things out. Allenby can have that one.
Camper Flint needs us to know he’s a cool guy with a girlfriend. He has a level 14 Rattata. Noin’s level 14. What happens if I just let them fight? Bad things? Uh, not really, but it does have Hyper Fang, so for comfort’s sake, Allenby gets the last hit. She stays in to handle the level 14 Ekans.
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Chad isn’t a real name. Level 14 Ekans means Allenby. Level 14 Sandshrew means Noin can play again. Leading to Noin being a beautiful level 15 kiddo.
Lass Haley might be our last trainer before we do Gym stuff. -gasp- She has an Oddish! In the interest of avoiding Absorb wars, Heero gets something to do, finally. She can also grab the level 13 Pidgey, but Noin is switching in for exp first. Same with the other level 13 Oddish.
I take it back. I think if I’d caught Noin sooner, it would have been worth my time to level her up. As it stands, this is my team pre-Gym.
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Now let’s go fix Bill.
Bill is fixed.
To Misty!
First Swimmer (Luis) has a level 16 Horsea to start out. With trepidation, Noin, go forth. ...Noin gets a crit, and Noin hits level 16! A level 16 Shellder is next.
Icicle Spear isn’t fun. But Absorb got me my HP back. Eeeh, limiting the risk, let’s just put Allenby in to finish it off. And that’s the first trainer. Next up is Picknicker Diana.
With her level 19 Goldeen.
Oh fuck, it knows Peck, doesn’t it?
I think. Noin can take one hit. Then hit with Absorb, take it down a notch, switch to Allenby, who will also take a hit, and then finish it off. Without STAB, that should work out okay.
It uses Tail Whip.
Ooooh the regret already, but Noin, stay in one more round. It uses Tail Whip again. Okay, good, should be golden. Hee. Golden. Goldeen.
It misses Supersonic, and Allenby finishes it off.
The most stressful battle without any HP going down ever.
Noin grows to 17, Allenby hits 23. So. So so so.
I’m allowed to use guides, but I’m not at the point of being willing to look up pokemon and levels for significant fights. Obviously if this takes a few attempts, I’ll have my personal record of what everyone has, but that’s me experiencing it, not checking a guide.
Misty does have a Starmie. It does have Water Pulse. It will Confuse my pokemon. These are my memories. I think she also has a Staryu, but I’m drawing a blank on anything else. I have one Persim Berry. It can be held to cure confusion. Allenby, since Allenby will. likely be stuck with the Starmie, will carry the Persim Berry.
Noin will be in front, to gain whatever she can from this possible last stand.
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Level 18 Staryu up first. Oki doki. Even better, it starts with Harden. Please don’t stop doing that please. ...Oh, okay. It uses Water Pulse. But it doesn’t confuse Noin! One more Absorb and the Staryu will even be gone!
Misty uses a Super Potion.
That’s fine, better here than on the Starmie, and it puts Noin back up at full health. The only thing I worry about is giving the Water Pulse more times to confuse.
Noin does it!
And it’s time for the Starmie.
To my horror.
I think it makes the most sense to have Noin stay in and try to poison it. Which sounds valid. Except poisoning it at this level takes PoisonPowder. Let me tell you my trust level. ...Additionally, the Starmie is level 21. Noin is a level 17 Oddish. She is very small.
Why did I do this to myself.
Holy shit ow. Noin gets taken down to 19 HP by Swift, and she needs to get out now. So time for the showdown. Allenby versus Starmie.
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Allenby down to 13 from Water Pulse. Oh no.
Okay. So the name of the game is giving Allenby Potions while Poison does damage. I got. Four left.
lol at Water Pulse finally getting a confusion. After it doesn’t matter. How do I always end up wasting items with the best of intentions?
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Look at this shit.
Look at it.
I’m going to cry.
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I never want to do this again. Ow my heart.
I’m gonna use my winnings and buy Potions.
Time to fight the thieving Rocket Grunt who actually does something with his time. His level 17 Machop can go to Allenby. Heero, be a hero and take out the level 17 Drowzee.
I hate Hypnosis. I hate Cerulean. I hate everything about my choices that have led me here.
To Vermilion, where nothing will be better! Route 5 pick. Already have a Pidgey. Already have an Oddish. Still already have a Pidgey. Still already have an Oddish.
Meowth! I don’t have one of those! Caught! You can be Quatre!
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Heero time. Against a level 16 Weedle. Allenby can take the next level 16 Weedle. Heero back in for the level 16 Caterpie.
Bug Catcher Elijah has a level 20 Butterfree. Because he’s a showoff. The showoff paralyzes Heero and seeks to confuse her. Oh my fucking gosh Heero please just move.
Heero you made me walk all the way back to Cerulean for healing. Heero.
Picknicker Isabelle has three pokemon. Level 16 Pidgey first. And second. And third. I have to switch out to Allenby because Heero’s accuracy is just that bad from Sand Attack. And the Pidgeys keep getting critical hits.
Camper bringing the level 16 Spearow. And level 16 Raticate. Yes, I missed his name. No, I do not care.
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This is not a useful item for this run. I will do no fishing unless it is with a Super Rod.
Picknicker Nancy! Watcha got? A level 16 Rattata. A level 16 Pikachu.
Camper Ricky is up next.
Camper Ricky.
Why the fuck do you have a level 20 Squirtle.
Route 6, let’s catch you a thing.
Have Oddish. Have Oddish. Have Meowth. Have Pidgey. Have Pidgey.
Screw it, this is a fishing or Surfing route when I finally get to that point. Route 11, what say you?
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Drowzee. That works. Wu is your name now.
Youngster Eddie interrupts our walk back to Vermilion (which we finally got to) to fight us with a level 21 Ekans. ...Heero, stop getting fucking paralyzed, I beg of you. Heero. Please.
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The one foregone conclusion of this gen.
Just maybe.
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That. Yeah, okay, sure.
Allenby, get in before Dig hits.
Caught. Your name can be... Ismail.
So here’s the question. Do I level up Diglett for Surge, or continue the way of maxing out trusted team members because I have limited experience to add up? I like Diglett, so Ismail gets to be on the team instead of the box, but I think really it makes the most sense to focus primarily on Heero and Allenby for now.
But I’m not exactly an expert on this. Speedrunner not found. So.
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Idfk, Heero’s up front. Level 19 Sandshrew means Noin. Level 19 Zubat brings us back to Heero.
Next up is Gamer Jasper, and I would almost bet money that his title in the actual gen one games was Gambler. He’s got a level 18 Bellsprout. Also a level 18 Oddish. Food for Heero.
Following is Gamer Dirk. He has a level 18 Voltorb. Heero hits level 23! Dirk also has a level 18 Magnemite. But they’re Steel now, so no matter for the unstoppable Heero.
Gamer Darian, what you got? Level 18 Growlithe. See, this is where Ground Type could come in handy. But I remain meh. Actually, no, I’ll give Ismail the final hit. ...No, because Growlithe Roars out Ismail and drags out Allenby. Level 18 Vulpix next. Go Heero. ...Vulpix Roars, and then out comes Allenby. Sigh.
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Level 18 male Nidoran. Ismail, want a shot? Oh well, this is Heero’s show for now. Even against the level 18 Nidorino. This whole section of the game is just begging you to use Dig. Well, I refuse.
Engineer Bernie in with the level 18 Magnemite. All two of them. Plus a level 18 Magneton. Thanks for the exp.
Engineer Braxton. How come so many people in this field share a role and the first letter of their name? Anyway, he has a level 21 Magnemite. Bringing Heero up to level 25.
Gamer Hugo. Breaking up the pattern with a Poliwag! Noin! Hugo’s also got a level 18 Horsea. Noin, congrats on having stuff to do.
Youngster Yasu. Geez, this makes me want to stop keeping record of all the trainers. When everything finally goes wrong, it’ll be helpful, but at the moment, yeesh. The youngster’s got a level 17 Rattata. Two of them, even. Followed by a Raticate that belongs to Allenby.
I think... am I finally done with all the trainers here? Huzzah!
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Dun dun DUN.
Wait, crud, no. I have to go through Diglett’s Cave and out to see if anyone on that side wants to fight. One moment.
Uh oh.
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Uh. Crap.
Okay, I made it work. I caught the Diglett. It’s unusable, and I’ll release it as soon as I can, but no exp for anyone.
I only have a Great Ball in my bag, so I can’t do that again. Well I can. But. Ugh. Whatever, if it comes up, it comes up. I apparently need to buy Repels. All this and no trainers at the end. Geez. Back to the ship.
I used Scratch to try and injure another Diglett with Arena Trap, so I could use my Great Ball, and then Heero got a crit. 173 exp I was not supposed to get.
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Oh no.
I am sad. ;-;
Heero lived, though.
And yay. Another Diglett we caught.
Made it back to Vermilion. The Digletts have been freed. Now I have to go buy poke balls. Because I’m out. Diglett, why. I like you. Why do you insist on me hating you with all my heart.
Anyway back to the boat.
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Let’s. Let’s just. Stop here. For now.
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