#and the senate would DEF pin his death on the decepticons
So many questions on how shattered glass sentinel prime would be. On one hand, some media portray him as a good guy, but dead. But in the other hand, I like the interpretations where he’s a jerk or fully evil. I just really like arty hobbitses interpretation of sentinel as this narcissist who mentored Optimus and saw him as a perfect son.
Would he even be alive in your interpretation?
Does he have a legacy of being a patriotic savior who’s actually a slaver/mass killer?
Okay so here's what I'm thinking.
The structure of prewar Cybertron would be kinda similar to the American government, as in they have the Senate and the Prime.
The Prime is SUPPOSED to be chosen by the matrix, but in reality, the Senate has been choosing Primes for as long as they've been in power.
Cause, the Prime is about the only person who can call them out on their BS, and they don't want that.
So, by controlling the Prime, not only do they give themselves complete executive power, but they also gain the social backing of what is basically divine right. So, if you want to be Prime, you either need to be very cowardly, or very stupid. Or both
Sentinel Prime, however, is neither. He's plenty cunning, and he's not afraid of doing whatever it takes to achieve his goals. As a highborn noble, he's been groomed since birth to become Prime. He knows exactly what the Senate wants to see, and he has no problem showing it to them.
Beneath the Primely surface however, he isn't too keen on the figurehead nature of his position, so he starts to sow the seeds of dissent against the Senate. Perhaps by funding a certain anti-functionalist rebel group? (Not to say that he plans on supporting them long term. They're far too egalitarian for his tastes. But, once the Senate has been... eliminated, what better way to assure the populous of his supreme power than annihilating a dangerous terrorist organization? It's a win two fold!) All anonymously, of course. Like I said, he's smart. He covers his tracks well.
But not well enough.
And when the Senate catches wind of his plan to usurp them, well.
He's been Prime for quite long enough.
So they kill him. Plain and simple. And wouldn't you know it, there just so happens to be an easily manipulated, wided eyed traditionalist sat on the right hand side of the Deception's leader. Destabilizing rebel forces, as well as eliminating traitors? (More on that plot here)
....It's a win two fold.
I don't think Sentinel would ever have a chance to one on one interact with Optimus, since he goes from middle class enforcer to Decepticon leader pretty fast. But, Optimus is definitely enamored with him. Major hero worship. It's one of the main points of contension between him and Megatron, who can see the Primacy for the absolutist autocracy that it is. I love love love that evil dad headcanon of him, but I just don't think I could fit it in with the circumstances of the AU already.
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