#and the sun sets on my time among wider hockey tumblr
roseate7 · 6 years
cuts haven’t been working consistently so I just did screenshots in case this one fails too
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I totally feel you, and this is the thing: I and everyone else knows that Ovi is beloved. It’s what’s so funny about anyone saying the league or commentators or refs are heavily biased toward Sid, because whether people are even aware of it or not, Ovi holds the position of everyone adoring him and wanting to root for him. He doesn’t appeal to everyone, me included, but I’m never gonna show up and say he’s not a great mascot for his team. It’s just that most newer fans seem to be under the impression that a captain’s job requirement is to be loved. And considering that one of the captain’s jobs as a conduit between coaching and team is to sometimes be the bad guy or the authority figure, being loved is actually pretty far down on the job description. You get guys like Stamkos, Landeskog (who grew into the role) and Giroux who can walk the line of setting the tone while still being people’s friends and great for cameras. But first and foremost is the fact that they know how to lead and guys respect them enough to take guidance or criticism. That’s why they were named captains and why they’re good at the job. Literally everyone who knows hockey knows Ovi was given the captaincy for the pomp of it. That team is built around his image - for good and for bad - and it would only seem strange and undermining to have a more competent captain trying(and failing) to corral him.
And exactly, hockey media talks about the hilarious disparity between how Sidney “(at eighteen years old) when I get a girlfriend she has to be self-sufficient because I need to dedicate my time to my team” “I turned down the captaincy at first because it wasn’t the right time for the team” Crosby and Alex “what are we doing today? who are we playing next? where’s my beer” Ovechkin. I genuinely don’t know how people can swing hockey opinions around and not have read or heard this before lol.
Also, I was never going to clarify this because screw those little shits for overreacting, but my post was dripping with overstatement. That’s what you’re supposed to do during games, folks! Hockey is Drama. 
But yeah thank you for the message and trust me, I’ve met a lot of Caps fans IRL and holy hell does tumblr fandom not represent any of them.
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ksagfksahfgs thank... you? This has to be the most Flyers-worthy ask in history and I take it in the nature it’s intended, I promise. Also, I got the link you sent and jeeeeesus. One lousy post and suddenly it’s civil war. Go me? 
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For the record I really like the Leafs and especially what Shanny is doing in Toronto in general, and I know not all Leafs fans are like the masses, but hoo boy. I stay as far away from that fanbase as possible for the most part. Though I also see it fracturing heavily over the the next year or so as the dust settles on all the contracts still in the air.
Nolan is a rosy cutie pie but he’s also spiritually born and bred on the orange stuff, hand-picked by Giroux himself, so I don’t know how well that will go down with Leafs fans in the long run.
Side note to everything that Nolan being only just gestated enough to grab Geno’s stick but then high tail it away as fast as possible had me dying for about a week. You can just picture the idiot teenage boy adrenaline afterward of “I almost just died but that was so fun”.
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