#and the way everyone on the show died BECAUSE OF jongwoo
kafkasmjjw · 1 year
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he never once stopped to think "ah, maybe im the problem" (hes not ❤️) and i respect him for that
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Strangers From Hell Live Blogging
I usually stick to my planned shows in a planner order but randomly wanted to watch something dark, so landed here even though it wasn't on my To Watch List.
Do wanna do a proper live blogging, so think I'll only do my favourite parts or things that give me a strong reaction
SPOILERS! I also know some spoilers like Lee Dong Wook's character is a cannibal dentist? or something and also he kills our main character or the other way around, I didn't register the names
Ep 1 (Jan 19)
was afraid we'd get a whole lot about gambling for a sec. Hate gambling in shows so bad omg
bruh is that a real gun or fake wtf girl I'm scared the "crazy man" is boutta kill "the pervert" while playing
lol on the nose with the You know the best part about living here? Nobody cares if anybody here dies
okay it's a fake with play bullets or something ig
damn, Jongwoo fucked up that guy who was beating up someone else bc he got flashbacks to his time in the army
damn someone made a hole to peep into Jongwoo's room
oh the quip about the "he's not stuttering right now" was leading up to the fact that they're twins. i was wondering if mans was faking it
So far, quite unsettling and I'm liking it. Also fun that Jongwoo can't quite tell what's going on or what's happening but we the audience also can't always tell what's really happening vs what's Jongwoo's imagination or dream (like the pervert just continuously saying 'should i kill you?' which was also when the ganster guy found the play bullet thing in his room which was real but it lead to Jongwoo's bloody dream so was the pervert part real?)
Anyway, time to go to bed because it's 12AM and I have to get up in 7.5 hours and I can't handle scary or unsettling things later at night
Things we know that Jongwoo doesn't:
The Pervert is making a hole or cutting the floor or whatever upstairs (in the 4th floor where nobody lives?)
There's a hole in his room that someone can see through
The dentist mans who isn't even involved in the story yet is fucked up
Ep 2: Human Nature (Jan 20)
I hope we stay mostly at the creepy weirdo apartment instead of Jongwoo's freaking workplace bc that gives me more anxiety and stress than the murders or whatever's boutta happen in the apartments
Everyone at this fucking place just has terrible dreams of death and murder, huh? including the gangster. anyway he wants to move out so I'm assuming he's gonna die soon. not to mention he's fucking going to the women's floor that's supposed to be off-limits and empty but the pervert's out there digging the floor there anyway
what the fuck a dead body with blood, how long has the fucking body been there
oh damn one of the twins struck the gangster down?
I wonder whether the landlord knows about the killings and weird happening on the 4th floor or not. her talking about how after the gangster leaves, only good people will be left was sus and creepy
so one of the twins deposited the dead cat?
okay so that specific twin (giggling, stuttering) killed one cat but the others were scorched and burned, so either his other twin killed them or it was the dentist
oh is that missing person poster of the guy who's dead and stored in the 4th floor?
hmm "that guy" that the twins keep talking about. the dentist?
Jongwoo's anger issues and uncontrolled outbursts is interesting because I originally thought he'd be very much the odd one out but he also has darkness in him (even if it's not cruel and sadistic like the other neighbors). like even though that was his imagination of standing up to the hyung boss man but when he beat up those guys in ep 1 was def an indication of what he's capable of
Okay so here's the thing right is the dentist and the "calm creepy" guy in the apartment the same guy? No? The dentist looks like Lee Dongwook (which he is) while the "calm" guy looks kinda like Lee Minho lmao. okay lmfao this whole time for some reason I thought the dentist and the smiley calm creepy guy were supposed to be the same person and kept getting confused that they literally didn't look alike and also was like why would a dentist be at that dingy place wtf but turns out they're unrelated. actually i guess the reason i thought they were the same was bc i knew the smiley guy was up to something weird and terrible for sure and thus thought he was the murderous creep dentist everybody kept talking about
That was hindi in the notebook of the old tenant guy? I saw a comment about how the old Pakistani tenant had a really sad backstory hmm
oh this lady is for sure in on the men making the tenants disappear
bruv, isn't he the police? he should be able to escape the chokehold imo
also the smiley guy is so ? why is he killing a detective or police officer or whoever like how are you gonna hide all of that
ohhh the dentist has a cult I see. In the volunteers I can spot the dentist, the twins, and the landlord lady but not the smiley calm guy though I guess he's one of the guys. will the police lady realize who's in the pics since she's seen one of the twins? Also, I rewatched the dentist and police convo and he mentioned meeting Mr. Park the other dentist at volunteer work, so is he also gonna be involved?
lmfao the convo on the roof with "like it?" "i thought you and i could be the same type of person" is so gay like that's how people talk about homosexuality and that's how confessions sometimes start in BLs. except this time it's murder and horrifying torture!
Things we know that Jongwoo doesn't:
The location of the gangster and also the previous Pakistani resident
Ep 3: A Secret Whisper (Jan 20)
kinda fun how casually the dentist strangles the smiley guy
Was the "I thought you and I might be the same type of person" just in the dentist's head? This show kinda reminds me of Midnight Motel in terms of showing the thoughts and scenarios in the characters' heads, though this is showing much darker scenarios and dreams generally
lmfao Jongwoo being so eager about crime fiction and writing about a murderer who kills the same way the dentist just killed lmfao so funny The Dentist falling in love with him or what and then Jongwoo being charmed by him due to the flattery oh silly man
oh that diary is so fucked. people definitely going into your room
somehow them actually burying a body (the police officer's? the smiley creepy guy's?) seems so mundane like ah yes the murderers must dispose of the body (though does the pervert's ankle bracelet track his location?)
What makes the people who live there just keep writing 죽어 repeatedly while in a trance-like state
let's go back to the dentist extracting the teeth bc that's better than the hell that is Jongwoo's internship bruv I really can't
oh lmfao the models in the dentist's office is made of real teeth i guess? or is he just storing them as fucking stones for rings he's made
oh okay so the landlord lady was a caretaker for the twins at the orphanage
pls the twin appearing closer when Jongwoo peaks out from behind the wall freaked me out + kept being nervous that somebody's behind Jongwoo
ah lmfao ofc the dentist is indeed behind Jongwoo
so do they put a dead cat toward the top and keep the body underneath?
what did the dentist feed Jongwoo ahh is it the gangster's corpse?? cannibalism? pls the dentist really just says what it is but makes it seem like an out-of-the-world idea like "oh i thought there was a body or something" in the bag and now asking if Jongwoo thinks it's human meat or something ew
Things we know that Jongwoo doesn't:
The creepy smiley guy and gangster are both dead and everybody else in the apartment is in on it
he ate human meat rip
Ep 4: Mental Derangement (Jan 21)
It's translated as something like it's delicious but the dentist uses the word 죽어 in it like "it's to die for" lmfao yeah that meat is to die for pun
girl, did Jongwoo's Sergeant in the army also eat human meat wtf or is it just his dreams and real life traumas getting mixed together
okayyyyy I was wondering if the dentist is only good and great with his patients (that one boy was doing great with him) but seems like he may have scared the girl in the car or she saw through him or something
fuckk when they were talking on the phone or texting they seemed meh but now that Jongwoo and his gf are talking irl and being cute, it's soooo endearing I'm
wow Jongwoo's workplace is really gonna kill me
So the landlady saw Jongwoo conversing with the police and the dentist may or may not have seen Jongwoo conversing with his gf (idk if that was jongwoo's imagination or not...)
damn, so the apartment duellers really fucking take people just off the streets to kill and eat? bruv, how are the police only now tentatively investigating them
oh so at least the bodies are being found even if nobody's connecting them with Eden Studio
the subs just completely ignore hyung and such even when JaeHo's like "stop calling me hyung at work" instead of dapyonim
naurrr miss police officer letting out too much about the cat deaths and goshiwon Eden Studio suspicions to the literal mastermind dentist behind it, hope you make it out of the show alive miss girl
What are the clues police lady has so far: the cat deaths near Eden studio, missing people from Eden studio, the twins' videotape - does she realize the woman was the landlady?, one of the twins was wearing the Pakistani guy's watch
The landlady ajhumma is kinda nervous around the dentist and even asked him if he'd kill her bc of her recklessness hmm
I like the shot of Jongwoo walking around the floor and encountering walls everywhere with so many voices in his head. I guess the ajumma fed him the drink to knock him out as they deal with 303 creepy guy's body
Ep 5: The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge (Jan 21)
oh my fucking bad, they talked about dealing with room 303 which is Jongwoo - he's supposed to be a replacement for 302 who was the creepy smiley guy
I hope there's a gifset of the parallels between everybody looking at smiling at Jongwoo and the pervert's altercation vs the gangster and the twins previously
bro what the fuck is the "are you filming me right now" "you looked pretty" exchange like evil gay dentist
dang, was the dentist tryna sus out Jongwoo's bloodthirst levels on the roof lol
rip Jongwoo sending home money and thus having less to move out
oof the landlady told the dentist about Jongwoo and the police officer, who the dentist was already ready to kill
the landlady really got the old lady to drink blood, I wonder who that is and why she wanted that health insurance
byee this annoying reporter hitting a nail on the head like maybe a serial killer lives in your goshiwon, imagine living next to a corpse, etc
the cop going everywhere, including the fourth floor, without backup is so alksdfj
the pervert following behind the cop and hiding when she turns around is so
fuckkkkkk the lady fucking escaped and everything only for her to run into the dentist instead of catching up to the cop fucking hell
oh was that thing that the landlady made the old lady drink not blood? I thought it was just terribly coloured blood but seems like it's "mushroom juice" that's lethal cuz that's how they're killing this street lady. i assumed the old lady had just been knocked out but is she dead too
lol so is the dentist fr following Jongwoo around. his practice is deserted and instead he's sending Jongwoo texts like "don't you just wanna kill him"
is Ji Eun really gonna cheat on Jongwoo with the boss man guy? pls T.T no
naurrr fuck Ji Eun now going to see Jongwoo at the Eden Studio but Jongwoo's drunk at the police station fucking fuck
ah shit the dentist has not met Ji Eun outside the studio
this show is making me so stressed
I think this is my fave episode so far, it's got so much suspense and Things Happening and stress
Ep 6: Lost (Jan 21)
lol I'm so dumb I keep reading the episode on-air threads on reddit or going through gifsets of the odd number ep before I finish the even number ep and so end up getting spoilers. I read the 5-6 on-air and learned that the dentist knifes one of the twins oof
T.T I don't want Ji Eun to go into the building T.T I can'ttttt I hope she doesn't die soon
well at least she's not dying this time but everybody's aware that she trusts the tenants so little that he'd bring the police to the place
no she's right like why does Jongwoo still stay here and I get her point like "there are people who are stranger than them although they don't appear to be" bc she might interpret Jongwoo's fear as ableism but like miss girl rip
Whose photo is that in the metamorphosis. Jongwoo and gf? so the dentist is the one who's been going into his room?
oh... that thump thump was from the dentist living on the 4th floor and bouncing that ball? I originally thought it was the pervert digging a hole on the fourth floor
girl why does Jongwoo just keep drinking the stuff the lady gives him alskdfj he knows her eggs are bloody at least, so he should be more suspicious of other stuff
The giggly twin saying the landlady is the scariest person in the whole place and the landlady saying she raised the dentist. okay inch resting, was this also at the orphanage
and so it's like the landlady was the original recruiter? and now the dentist is trying to recruit someone as well? he failed with the smiley creepy guy but now it's Jongwoo
damn, Jongwoo fr tempting all the tenants into killing him or what
oof that drink the landlady gave Jongwoo really had him go off the deep end ig it's mushroom juice, so hallucinogens? also i realized after reading reddit comments that the shots of her cooking has been her cooking these mushrooms to get the juice
oof you should've moved out without asking for any deposit back or anything Jongwoo
nahh how does the dentist have time to stalk not only Jongwoo but also the cop?
oh i see dentist was stalking Jongwoo and the cop also saw him
rip Ji Eun really thinks Jongwoo's just going through it but there's nothing wrong with the goshiwon
ohhh the insurance of that old lady was life insurance?
oh Jongwoo's paranoia is getting ramped upppp as he realizes Ji Eun doesn't believe him at all and he can't afford to more out. Mans bought a knife and is holding it behind his hand while talking to the new guy, giving me flashbacks to the pervert in earlier eps
ooh okay I was wondering whether the new guy is fr and he's gonna get killed soon or if he's also in on the scheme and seems like he is? I wonder if he's in that volunteering photo from Ep 2
girl Jongwoo's going up to the fourth floor with his knife while pervert and twins try to clan up a body?! T.T
man I really am gonna just not look at the fucking reddit posts or tumblr gifs before I finish ep 8 and 10 because knowing that the dentist is gonna knife the twin really took out so much anticipation out of this agh
interesting reaction from the tenants about the death though. the twin being scared but not wanting to die, the landlady being like ah he reached heaven first (cult vibes increased), dentist being frazzled
Ep 7: The Horror Of The Basement (Jan 22)
miss cop I hope your teeth hurt less
ohhh is she gonna connect the dots the name of the dental clinic Spring - the orphanage Spring - the dentist chair on 4th floor
do I trust this new guy Seok Yun?
ooh are we gonna get to see the backstory of the scars from like ep 3 or 4 when he went to take a shower
the pervert getting some girl's legging things ew
oh the cop has now seen the volunteering photo at the dentist's
okay yeah as expected the dentist is from the orphanage and sees the landlady as his mother
agh idk if i trust this new kiddd like Jongwoo realizing from the rap that their situations are similar is making me wonder if the new kid orchestrated it or not
oh the gangster's still alive? girl
rip the twin doesn't seem like he's taking his brother's death well
the new kid jumping to "oh do you think they're organ traffickers?" like hmmm you're too readily accepting
oof Jongwoo gonna think Ji Eun's cheating on him with the boss which... is she?
Jongwoo's so much more callous now, both with the new kid and the twin like he's got anger issues fr
the dentist is really so alksdfj like he just overhears Jongwoo's complaining and anger, corners him against the edge of the rooftop, tell him to hate/curse/kill the people he wants to, then is like oof you might fall
Jongwoo didn't close his door properly when he went to pee agh
ah fuck the landlady showing her scary side yikes and Jongwoo rampaging on the pervert's room to find the knife rip
oh damn Jongwoo's threatening the pervert with a small pair of scissors or something okay okay
lol as expected, the twin hid the knife from the pervert's room
What are we supposed to make of the new guy calling Jongwoo to tell the pervert was staring at him in the kitchen? Was he lying since he was in the stairwell or did it really happen and he just made the call after going to the stairwell?
damn, so Jongwoo's keyboard bashing is real?? since its on the CCTV?
Oh Jongwoo my guy really beating up the 3 kids who were boutta rock his shit. his anger and the physical manifestations of it
So in the PTSD military scene, Jongwoo beat up the guy who was beating someone up and was like ah... should've killed him. interesting, he's had violent tendencies since before
ofc the dentist finds the beaten up, bloody Jongwoo on the street after the fight - i bet the dentist is happy to see Jongwoo's instability and bloodlust
Ep 8: Voices That Choke Me (Jan 22)
oh shit I thought we were gonna get the story of how dentist met and indoctrinated the smiley creepy guy and so thought maybe it was him in the dentist chair but nopeeee our dentist is operating on Jongwoo rn
"What are you?" "What do you think I really am?" "What" "A dentist who lives in a goshiwon? Or a serial killed that you'd see in crime novels?" Also, I just realized that the dentist does indeed call them all Jagi he was like I can be anything Jagi-ga wants
Oh I like the cuts of him introducing himself to the smiley man vs Jongwoo
oh damn so many things are happening. the cop was investigating the parking lot where the detective disappeared/got murdered. Jongwoo and the dentist's conversation continued but we didn't get to see it. Jongwoo's now in the police station for beating up those kids and he's not talking
I don't understand the dentist, why is he appearing at the police station and saying he's gonna pay the parents on behalf of Jongwoo to settle like girl you're suspicious and you know the cop is suspicious of Eden Studio
oh nooo Jongwoo not talking and looking like :< poor boy what's going onnnn what'd the dentist do to his mouth or traumatize him or what
ah fuck Jongwoo's so fucked he mistook his shirt for a dead cat
It's kinda interesting that when Jongwoo's hearing voices in his head and shaking, it's not just the tenants of this apartment but also his military and work and girlfriend's voices
I loveee that Jongwoo used to have so many violent imagined scenarios before that now when he does do actual violence, like breaking the keyboard earlier and now beating his coworker like I kept being like is it real for real?
Jongwoo's so spaced out, just blank behind the eyes
oof another case of Jongwoo smilingand saying "I should've killed him"
ooh the anesthesia in the string is often used in dental settings + the DNA may be from the missing detective
damn ngl the boss hyung doing more to understand Jongwoo than I would, I'd just fire and avoid him
Gonna fucking eat glass, this is one of my fave scenes
(Fave Scene) Boss hyung trying to be understanding -> Jongwoo getting angry at boss and trying to fight him after Ji Eun shows up and being full of emotion -> the dentist showing up and Jongwoo deflating and being scared and trying to move away + moving Ji Eun back -> the dentist goading the boss hyung and also speaking to Jongwoo about half the time even though he's speaking about the dentist and ofc the boss hyung ready to fight -> Jongwoo being scared that the dentist is gonna do something and so Jongwoo stepping in to take the dentist outside bc he's afraid the dentist would do something to the boss and/or Ji Eun ig
lmao the dentist revealing that he was stalking Jongwoo when he saw Ji Eun get out of the boss hyung's car and saying he knows Jongwoo wanted to kill the man then ahh psychological warfare
ask;ldfj ahh I'm so fully convinced the dentist is like in love with Jongwoo bc wtf is urging Jongwoo to kill the boss hyung and when he doesn't, following him to the office and injecting him bc ig he hurt Jongwoo? Dentist even says "Ah, I'm not usually this impulsive. Jongwoo-ssi is very special to me. He's special to me."
also the reporter's seeing all this okay interesting i wonder if he's gonna make it out alive and tell the tale or if he's gonna be spotted cuz his phone goes off or the dentist goes to take the CCTV tapes or something
oh the dentist is calling someone to clean up, i guess it's the pervert and twin?
oh you reporter fucker why are you in your car in front of the Eden Studio after following a murderer there and talking on the phone all chill with the windows down be fucking serious
hmm the alive twin is interesting. what'd he do to the officer did he let him go? he didn't mention him to the dentist and also he gave the dentist some attitude
okay I was suspicious of the new guy for quite a while but I guess he's also unaware of anything actually going on lol anyway, he's eating the human flesh so happily, I wonder what the dentist thinks of him and whether he'll take a liking to him like he recruited smiley creepy and is trying Jongwoo or if they'll just eat him. Also they love saying it's human meat and laughing about it haha
naur the new guy's exploring the fourth floor? oh yeah i remember he also called Jongwoo this ep or last ep saying he smelled blood from there oh my guy
also is the body in the bag the boss buying or reporter’s?
aw poor new guy, you had no chance of going undetected. might survive if you’re a fucked it murderer too tho
My new favourite episode ahh like just the inability to realize whether Jongwoo was beating up the supervisor for real and then the restaurant conversations were both sooo good
Ep 9: Cognitive Dissonance (Jan 23)
oh shit he mistokk Ji Eun for the dentist and litrally held up a knife to her fuck. also on reddit someone said on the preview apparently the dentist kidnaps her so...
miss girl looking for the missing car and stuff in the fucking forest where the guys go to bury bodies or whatever ah sigh will you make it out of this story alive i wonder
oh fuck Jongwoo going back to Eden Studio because he realizes something's up with the new guy agh
oh fuckkkkkkk so??? is the new guy now in on it too???? has he been converted to being a murderer so easily? or is he being held at knifepoint to convince Jongwoo
ah shit new guy crying and bleeding as he begs Jongwoo to stay rip
I hate this detective fucker's condescension sooo much, whether it be because she's a cop not a detective or bc she's a woman
I guess the cop doesn't know that Jongwoo works at this place either rip
Also the body was still at the crime scene but the CCTV was deleted, so was the "clean up" deleted the CCTV but keeping the body there bc the disappearance would be too suspicious otherwise or what. Also who was in the body being carried at the end of Ep 7 then? The reporter?
So the twin has some SD cards? camera memory? idk what that's for. But he spoke to the reporter... was that just to play around before killing him or did he give the reporter an actual scoop and is happy that the serial killer gonna get busted as revenge for his brother
damn the dentist gonna send the new guy's tooth to Jongwoo?
lol the landlady taking the woman praying in the first floor out of the building
so the murder team is also planning on leaving Eden Studio
the twin letting new guy try to escape and even singing red light green light song... this was before Squid Game came out but it's giving me flashbacks
lmfao naurr not the landlady finding the new guy and pretending to not know anything and hide him agh this game is so fucked
poor new guy just keeps getting caught between murderers like it's so horrifying all i can do is laugh
REPORTER GO WORK AT A FUCKING CAFE mans writing his story about the murders in his car like 2 feet away from where the murders happen with his window down and no awareness of his surroundings.
lmfao pls the shot panning to let us see the dentist reading out the window and nodding along is killing me
Also, I wonder if the dentist knows that the twin gave the info to the reporter
oh Jongwoo keeps looking everywhere because he thinks the dentist is gonna show up
ah fuck Jongwoo should've 100% told Ji Eun that Jae Ho was dead as soon as he found out bc that'd make her be careful of the texts and even grant him some credibility that the dentist killed him (though she could also think that Jongwoo killed him lol) but now the dentist is getting to her
noo this army guy also going to Eden Studio? like girl no have him stay and call for backup so that he doesn't die too
Ep 10: Gas-lighting (Jan 23)
I should be studying right now and give myself the last ep as a reward afterwards but uhhh I don't wanna wait, I need to know the ending now
Another hour before this is over hmm I wonder how this'll end. I guess from that one comment on MDL, one of them kills the other (Jongwoo to Mun jo bc it's supposed to be happy ending) but also there are theories about the ending on reddit, so I guess it'll be ambiguous. I'm just hoping that it's not all in Jongwoo's head though, I feel like this would be rated lower if it was and there wouldn't be theories and I would be spoiled about it by now
the title is gas-lightning I wonder if it'll just be about everyone convincing Jongwoo that he's going crazy or... a pun? will there be a fire? The orphanage and 4th floor both burned down and we saw the twin with a gas bottle thing
pls the way the dentist always appears so humorously is gonna kill me like the other two pointing and him and even saying 'ja jan!' as he slides into frame
damn the dentist is beating the shit outta Jongwoo
ooh, are they gonna frame Jongwoo for the murders?
After reveal: Okay I thought that the dentist was gonna get Jongwoo to kill his friend or something and also the smile made me question if he was gonna somehow frame Jongwoo with the tooth bracelet but then since we didn't see him for a longass time, I'd briefly wonder about what he was doing but not dwell on it
okay at least the cop picked up the phone before getting knocked out so that the other cop heard the commotion
lol the landlady really got pissed off about the pervert first fucking with the thug and now the cop when they're in her jail cell
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This is the funniest screenshot of all time: all those knives and the one she will choose is blurred
damn we really had Mun jo kill the landlady
and the surviving twin is no more
what's Munjo's end goal here exactly
oh Munjo still wants Jongwoo to join him? Or is he just lying
I can't see their fight properly in the dark
"the human instinct to gnaw on the weak and enjoy as the weak suffer" - k ig that's Munjo's motivation or lack thereof
After reveal: so that's what the dentist meant when he said "you enjoyed seeing the people from the studio die" bc I was like the victims?? but no Jongwoo killed the murderers
"Of course, jagi you are the best masterpiece I've ever created" because Jongwoo promises him a most painful death just before he kills him. Though what does he mean by now jagi and I will be together forever... girl is he gonna haunt him or will they run away together
oh actually these detectives needa die I'm not satisfied until this man apologizes to the cop and she stomps on their heads
oh framing?????? or what like what's going on why is the gangster saying it's Jongwoo. oh i see nevermind he's saying the others tried to murder him
hmm what are they investigating right now, why is the detective saying that the landlady killing the pervert is odd? Also they keep kinda slightly bringing up the vacation rental family being murdered probably by the Eden Studio murder gang but why now... did we even hear about it before
ohhh so is it like what we saw with Mun jo killing the lady and the lady killing the pervert not true? An amateur like Jong Woo did it?
brooo okay yknow I thought the thing with the dentist calling the twin stupid was so Jongwoo-lite, turns out it was Jongwoo
hmmm okay so idk I guesssss Jongwoo did kill the dentist, him and the cop seeing him around is just hallucinations and paranoia (including when he was alive and well and touching his adam's apple after all the murders bc Ji Eun saw that there was nobody else there), but Jongwoo now knows what it's like to kill someone and the "honey and i will be together forever" comment is meant to signify that Jongwoo is the dentist's masterpiece and the glitch at the end
Also, what happened to Jongwoo's friend - just an unmentioned casualty?
Here's why I think Moonjo is dead:
I think Jongwoo did kill Moonjo and afterwards came back to his room and had hallucinations with repeating sentences from their last conversation. The girlfriend saw nobody there and Jongwoo has previously had hallucinations in the mirror about the boss hyung's death like "It wasn't me!" Additionally, the scene was just his last words from the death scene + Adam's apple grab as seen before, so it was like Jongwoo's knowledge of what Moonjo would say or do, not really Moonjo
Everybody accepts that Moonjo is dead, so I'll assume they found the body tbh
I'll assume Jongwoo was hallucinating him after they got out of the building and I'll assume the cop was as well because she saw him in a crowded elevator and I feel like he would've been recognized since they family's been in the news now
There is a sense of "somebody's watching" the cop as she gets in the car at the end but to me, it's once again a manifestation of the cop's paranoia because we also get to see as if someone's watching from the backseat of her car and she turns back to find nobody there.
It's just more satisfying and scarier to me to assume that Moonjo's dead but he lives on in Jongwoo's personality and also Jongwoo and the cop's paranoia - he's haunting them and that's how Moonjo and Jongwoo will be together forever. He's a terror that is gone now but he's irrevocably tainted others, and made Jongwoo his masterpiece and final work of creation.
Overall Thoughts:
I'm not as blown away or enraptured by the ending as everybody else seems to be but I thought it was good and expected. The whole descent of Jongwoo was interesting to see, as well as how his environment and people around him made him who he is and what he had in him from previous experiences and by nature.
The acting and cinematography/atmosphere were good. I liked the hallucinations/dreams (I loved it when I couldn't tell whether he really was breaking the keyboard until the CCTV showed it or whether he was beating up the supervisor until the others came in bc he had violent imagined scenarios so often) and I'm glad it was just 10 eps.
I do like to think Moonjo's obsession was tinted with gayness but the cursory glance at tiktok/twitter shipper posts isn't giving me what I want - it's too ironically cutesy but I like that Moonjo is darkly obsessed and Jongwoo hates it so bad. I've been obsessed with going through people's archives for the strangers from hell tag and reblogging them though lol
I like that he's dead but still alive through Jongwoo; that even if he was killed, he still won.
Rating: 7.5/10
Moonjo couldn't have done it w/o me
Immortal He, Return to me - mostly for the comments who get that he's physically dead but lives on through Jongwoo
Moonjo/Jongwoo except it's accurate dynamics where Moonjo is all up in his space and Jongwoo wants to escape
Moonjo vs Jongwoo like cannibal/doesn't like human meat, encourages him to kill people/kills people, etc (jwdscore)
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