#and the whole thing costs me around $1 to make while containing almoat every essential nutrient
greater-than-the-sword · 11 months
Something my mom mentioned to me when I brought up the proposed gf/df diet change was that for many people the ACTUAL impact to their health from such a change is negative, because before, they were getting all their minor nutrients/vitamins from enriched flours and by cutting gluten, end up vitamin deficient, especially in vitamin B12 among other things. What's more, the things people typically replace dairy with especially in products (soy, margarine, hydrogenated oils, seed oils) are more unhealthy for the average person than dairy. Not to mention that major and sudden diet changes are going to put the body through some amount of stress to adjust in pretty much all cases and you can see why so much dieting flops. It makes people feel horrible for real reasons, and what's more, they know that they feel horrible while they are doing it but are told that this is good for them and they're just supposed to believe that
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