#but because cheese and bread and avocado are cheap and cheese has protein
greater-than-the-sword · 11 months
Something my mom mentioned to me when I brought up the proposed gf/df diet change was that for many people the ACTUAL impact to their health from such a change is negative, because before, they were getting all their minor nutrients/vitamins from enriched flours and by cutting gluten, end up vitamin deficient, especially in vitamin B12 among other things. What's more, the things people typically replace dairy with especially in products (soy, margarine, hydrogenated oils, seed oils) are more unhealthy for the average person than dairy. Not to mention that major and sudden diet changes are going to put the body through some amount of stress to adjust in pretty much all cases and you can see why so much dieting flops. It makes people feel horrible for real reasons, and what's more, they know that they feel horrible while they are doing it but are told that this is good for them and they're just supposed to believe that
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icequeen1371 · 3 months
You can tell people that grew up, or are still middle income, or being taken care of by middle income, parents, or grew up in a house where there’s money. But they didn’t consider themselves rich or are rich. Just saw someone post something supposedly helpful. A list of 13 things people “usually have in their kitchen“ but can’t think of what to make for a meal. Meanwhile, no, not everyone has avocados and green bread or eggs let alone, fruits and vegetables in their fridge. Do you want to talk about making a meal? How about you? Talk about the bread, the ketchup, the mustard, no eggs, pasta, and maybe a can of pasta sauce, and a leftover container of butter in the fridge. Make some pasta, put a little bit of margarine on that to loosen up the noodles, a splash of sauce, couple of cheese slices to melt within the pasta stirred up at salt and pepper a bit of garlic powder some Parsley, because those are all found at the dollar store. And you have yourself a meal. If you do have eggs, you could put those on toast and make a toasted egg sandwich. If you’re lucky enough to have peanut butter in the house call me you can make a toasted peanut butter sandwich. A lot of it depends on bread. If you have no bread, depends on pasta. Pasta is really cheap but the dollar store. There’s not much room in a freezer when you’re low income because you deal with the freezer that you have in the apartment that you’re renting. So bread has to be a weekly thing, make sure you have $10 on top of the fridge or in the cupboard put away specifically to go buy bread every week. Because a lot of times if you don’t have bread, you can’t eat. Bags from the dollar store are a good thing, makes you feel like you actually have something to drink besides water from the tap. Get a bag of sugar and use it sparingly don’t have super sweet tea. Otherwise she’ll run out fast. Milk always runs out. That’s why I always kept a can of carnation milk in the cupboard just in case. You can always water it down for cereal if you’re desperate. If it’s cold, you can’t really tell. Canned vegetables, canned fruit. They can last along time you don’t have to worry about them. Going to waste in the fridge. Ramen noodles, there’s 1 million recipes for those out now. Get all your spices at the dollar store. Eggs and tuna are always great protein but don’t spoil fast. Learn how to love drinking water from the tap. Buy a case and refill the water bottles but don’t forget to clean the lids and the rims at least once a week and if the bottles get cloudy? Throw them out and save for another case. Yes, I said save because some people don’t have a three dollars to spend on a case of water or don’t want to spend the money on non-reusable plastic. You can always pick up some water bottles from the dollar store that are reusable and fill those up in your fridge. Just don’t forget to wash them with the dishes at least once a week. Can’t exactly offer those people when your mouth has been all over them. Lol so always make sure you at least have a couple bottles put away for guests. Get to love no name brand soda. When you have money to treat yourself get namebrand. But not like a case of it or something. And a case is always cheaper in the long run than just one 2 L bottle, so you can afford it ration it out. It’s not actually that bad. Cinnamon sugar on toast, a can of tuna mixed with a Lipton sidekick creamy Parmesan with half a can of peas, mix that up well with a little salt and pepper and you’ve got tuna casserole for two people. Three people if you have a little salad on the side. or you can make garlic bread. Even if you’re using slices of bread. Toast them, then butter them, add a little bit of garlic and herb seasoning to each one with a little handful of cheese, or even just some Parmesan cheese shaken on top. Let that toast, got some real cheap and garlic bread. Pretty tasty if you’re in a pinch. And you’re not bougie like people are now. I’ve had to put ketchup in hot water with half a can of mixed vegetables to make myself some soup before. Cheap eating is a skill.
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mizufae · 3 years
Mizu’s rules for making a good big salad:
Every good big salad must include multiple different textures. Crunchy, “meaty” (doesn’t need to be meat), bursty (this means something that pops in the mouth when chewed, like a blueberry or salmon roe or just a bell pepper), leafy. Some things can count for more than one, for example a thick cut tomato is both meaty and bursty, a handful of frisée is crunchy and leafy. But baby spinach is only leafy, and sunflower seeds are only crunchy. You don’t need lettuce for a salad, but you need something leafy, this could be a lot of herbs like in tabbouleh or celery leaves in a winter salad of fennel and citrus or a handful of microgreens on roasted cold summer vegetables. It doesn’t need this to be a salad, just a “good big salad.”
Every good big salad must include something fatty. This can be in the dressing but it doesn’t need to be. It can be avocado, different oils, olives, tinned fish, egg or mayo based dressings, medium soft cheese, etc. A good big salad needs more fat than you think it does, but that’s okay because you are also having tons of fresh veggies. Because you should only use enough dressing to lightly coat most of the salad you should think about combining fats. Cheddar cheese and ranch dressing, olives and oil-packed tuna, avocado and toasted sesame oil... If what you are using for the salad is mostly all lean proteins and veggies, use a creamy dressing. If the salad has multiple fatty elements already, use a sharper dressing that’s heavier on acid like citrus juice or vinegar.
Every good big salad must have contrasting colors. All green is sad, even if butter lettuce, avocado, and cucumber is nice. Sprinkle white and black sesame seeds in there and add spiralized beets and carrots for a much better salad. Carrots are cheap, brightly colored, crunchy, and can be cut into many shapes to add interest to nearly any salad without clashing too much in terms of taste. Just because you can’t taste color doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect how you eat your meal - a good big salad means each bite is a little different, and contrast helps you see and register that interest visually.
Every ingredient in a good big salad should be a good size to hold on a fork. Cut shrimp in half, tear lettuce up, don’t use huge croutons, cut cherry tomatoes so they can actually be poked by a fork. Similarly, don’t use too many tiny things, like seeds and grated cheese, unless mixed into a dressing that will suspend them and help them cling to larger ingredients. If you are using something like a furikake sprinkle or bread crumbs, apply after tossing your other ingredients with the dressing. You can also season ingredients individually, like taking tofu or chicken and sprinkling with spices, or letting tomatoes and cucumbers sit with salt and pepper for ten minutes while you prep everything else. If using grains, use ones that clump up, like brown rice, or have larger grain sizes, like barley.
Every good big salad should have a variety of flavors, but the ratios don’t need to be balanced. Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and savory, of course. But you could have just as much sweet as a pinch of sugar in the dressing or the sweetness of a summer ripe tomato. You could have just as much bitter as the herbaceous notes in parsley or broccoli. You could have just as much savory as the satisfying chew of black beans or roasted mushrooms. It could be heavily tilted towards one flavor or another but should have notes of everything to be fulfilling and let the eating experience have enough variety. Spiciness is optional and shouldn’t overpower the main five flavors, but black pepper is a great way to add bitterness.
And lastly, every good big salad should use up things that are lying around. If you have an apple that needs eating, think of it as a start to a good big salad. If you are trying some weird produce you were convinced to buy at the farmers market, consider pairing it with known ingredients in a big salad. If you have a little bit of cabbage left, in the big salad it goes. Half a can of beans and leftover rice pilaf? Add a box of greens, bell pepper, and a vinaigrette and it’s big salad time. Don’t be rigid. If you find a combination that’s good one time, use what you have lying around and see if you can approach similar notes with new components.
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exceldsdeo-blog · 5 years
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Have been doin the Keto! Started in April at 235lbs am now just above 200. Got this book as a guide only. As always y'all know consult a physician before any diet and exercise routine. I found it's the 1st two weeks that are hardest. Getting past the carb and sugar cravings and sticking to healthy fats and proteins and above ground vegetables. This program is 1/3 protein, 1/3 healthy fat, 1/3 above ground vegetables. For me personally at 60 years old. I dont do all the organic stuff. For protein I go for the smaller store uncooked uncured bratwurst. They're perfect portions of protein with some fat. I boil them 15 minutes then throw on a charcoal grill with hickory for 15 minutes. They get juicy boiled and smoky good flavor. Do a bunch in succession and throw in the freezer becomes quick and easy to heat up with plain frozen veggies usually cauliflower or broccoli or Brussels sprouts and 1/2 an avocado. Since drinking half body weight in water ounces am drinking about 3 quarts throughout the day total. Have all the coffee I want 50% decaf. Have dark chocolate from Sprouts bin from Columbia along with hazelnuts and pecans for a small between meal snack. Important thing for me is to walk 15-20 minutes immediately after eating for 2-3 meals each day. Walking after meal on regular basis tells brain that healthy fats and are on the way so can go ahead and burn stored fats instead of storing them. Book is good for info basics. Like since eliminating milk because of carbs need calcium supplement with each meal along with some magnesium citrate and some multivitamin mineral with D + K to absorb. Since have 1/2 avocado that has potassium still sometimes take potassium supplement. Look up proper miligrams and all for your body weight. The book by itself is cheap on Amazon. Plus Google keto gives all sorts of keto nutrient pyramids. I have found just walking after meals plus regular indoor/outdoor chores are enough exercise to burn calories on a low carb program. You can have around 6% carbs which for me is a slice of bread or two each day. I get the Dave's organic Good Seed bread since a % of each slice is seeds which are in the keto diet anyway and the balance % is organic whole grains which I pair with some philly cream or some sharp cheddar cheese(only a little), or some grass fed butter from Braums. It's not that hard after first weeks, the body starts to crave the healthy fats instead and if you pause anywhere for some fries or pie your taste buds and body totally dislike the carby sugary stuff so you throw it away and go for something with avocado and a decent protein. I also get regular in bone with skin chicken thighs I cook up at once after removing skin cuz enough fat without skin and pull apart after baked and cooled and throw in freezer bags in freezer, makes a good snack to have a bit of dark meat before bed while reading a book. Aaaaaanyway Ellen, yall good luck! But be sure and do it right...consult your doctor, educate supplements and fats proteins and veggies and exercise then just stick to it, reach for some water instead of snacking and think about getting back into those skinny jeans!
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So, let me preface this by saying that I did struggle figuring out food choices and how to get my calories in check. I struggled with a lot. But let me start from the beginning! This is going to be long- so buckle in. Also- get it out of your head that this is a "diet". This needs to be treated like a lifestyle change.
I went to the Weight Loss Clinic in D'Iberville and got the Phentermine. It's not cheap by any stretch, but if you're like me and had zero energy or motivation, and you needed that jump start to get you started, it is worth it. The side effects for me have been mild. I barely slept the first week. They advise to take it early. I was taking it around 7:30-8:00 am. However, even though I barely slept, I did not feel exhausted and worn out the next morning- so there's that. It does make you sweat a lot, and if you're not eating enough, you will get shaky.
Water is a must, especially if you're taking the Phentermine. It can and WILL dehydrate you super quickly. Either buy a gallon of water to keep with you at all times, or invest in one of those large water bottles off of Amazon.
I did not wait to start eating better. The Dr at the clinic told me to focus on protein more so than anything else. So I did my research to find out what had the most protein in it. The obvious choices are meats- fish (very good for you, plus it has Omega-3 which is essential for heart health), chicken/turkey, and beef. I'm not a big chicken fan, but it is what it is.
Now, I love fruits and vegetables so paring the sides with the protein meals was not difficult for me.
Most vegetables are not very high in protein- they're also not high in calories. Raw, fresh vegetables anyway. A medium cucumber is about 4 calories. FOUR. WHOLE. CALORIES. For one single raw cucumber! Frozen or prepared vegetables are a completely different story. Fruit, on the other hand, can be high in calories- but the serving sizes are pretty decent.
Snacks were a little more tricky because my favorite thing to snack on is chips. And how many calories are in chips? A LOT. Too much for me to be comfortable giving up 1/3 of my caloric intake for the day, that's for sure. So, I opted for chicharrons and veggie straws.
You can absolutely tailor the meals to your liking- just be mindful of the calories and serving sizes.
Now, let's talk about actual meal prepping. Go ahead and get your eye rolling and sighs out of the way now. I felt the same way ya'll did. Meal prepping takes time. It takes planning. And most importantly, it takes dedication. This is a super important step that you do NOT want to skip if you're serious about losing weight.
For me, it helps when I'm at work because it prevents me from having to go to Taco Bell or somewhere to grab a quick lunch. And don't get me wrong- if you want Taco Bell for lunch, go get it. Do not deprive yourself of the things you want- but work it into your calories. Depriving yourself of the things you like is one of the major reasons "diets" fail. But I digress.
I went to Walmart and bought partitioned meal prep containers.
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Just simple containers with clear lids. I'm sure you could find those on Amazon as well- but I didn't want to wait. I also went to dollar tree and got the round containers for my fruit.
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My breakfast was something simple: cottage cheese and fruit. Some days I had the cottage cheese flips (that had fruit in jelly) and other day I just had a yogurt. Now, I got to Biloxi Nutrition and get one of their meal replacement shakes and that keeps me full all the way through lunch. My favorites are: Banana Nut Bread, Banana Pudding, and strawberry cheesecake. All of the shakes are 220-240 calories so they're great if you're trying to stay under- or if you've blown them on other meals, you could get one for lunch or dinner instead of breakfast. I also stopped going to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks for a coffee in the morning. If I'm going to eat, I'll grab an iced protein coffee from Biloxi Nutrition. Very few calories and it tastes great.
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I cooked all the food for 2 weeks' worth of lunch. I bought chicken and tilapia for my proteins, and black beans and squash/zucchini for my sides. The chicken and fish was cooked in the air fryer with no oil. I did season it with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, and some Slap Ya Mama! seasoning. I think I may have also put lemon pepper on some of them. I tried to mix up the flavors so I didn't get bored eating them- different flavors meant it felt like a whole new meal.
I also bought some steak medallions and shrimp. I did buy some frozen, premade veggies: broccoli in cheese sauce, a brussels sprout and carrot medley, and some butternut squash spirals.
I bought minute maid brown rice and mixed it with the seasoned black beans. This gave me a little more of a full feeling (carbs make you feel full) and added texture to the beans. Brown rice is better for you than white, but if you prefer white, you do you, boo boo!
The sweet mini peppers are just halved with cream cheese and Everything Bagel Seasoning (I found it at Walmart). Then I just had cut up strawberries and whole blueberries for something sweet. I started eating those with breakfast and that one container lasts me almost all day.
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Depending on my calorie count for the rest of the day, my dinners vary. This is a spinach wrap stuffed with 2 pieces of turkey bacon, 1/4 of an avocado, spinach, thinly sliced onion and cucumber, Bitten creamy strawberry dressing, and medium heat banana pepper rings. The cucumbers I allowed to sit in red wine vinegar and a little bit of canola oil while I prepared the rest of my dinner. And the peppers are the same as what I do for lunches.
Sometimes I'll have a big salad with a lot of added stuff (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, lots of veggies, chicken, steak, or shrimp, olives, etc).
I usually eat trail mix, or the 100 calorie pack of nuts. I sometimes pair that with fruit, turkey bites, and/or a stick of colby jack cheese. I also enjoy chicharrons (BBQ is my favorite),
So I know I'm talking a lot about calories. So how do you figure out how many calories something has? Well, for starters, it's on the back of most packing along with the other nutrition information. Duh. But I would assume your question would be more along the lines of "How do I know how many calories are in my meal?" This has a simple answer. Get a calorie counter! There are plenty of free ones that you can use. I use MyNetDiary. Some of the options do want you to use the Premium paid service, but for the last 3 weeks, the free options have worked just fine for me. This app will ask you what your weight goal is, and will set a daily calorie intake for you based on your current weight, your goal weight, and when you want to reach that goal. It will adjust automatically based on your entries.
You can also link smart watches and smart scales to it.
On this app, you can track your calories by meal and snack. You can also track your weight loss, water intake, and goals. What I love about this app is it allows you to scan barcodes of the food you're eating and it automatically inputs the calories and nutritional information. AND it figures out the calories for you, based on how many servings you input. You can find the serving size on the package.
This doesn't work for everything, though. There are some things that you can't scan (restaurants, the drinks I get from Biloxi Nutrition). So with these, you can go online and search the calories or you can ask (Biloxi Nutrition has their values listed on their menu boards).
Portion control is imperative. Especially for calorie counting. It seems crazy that you can have only 3 mini pickles per serving- but pair it with a few almonds and a little bit of cheese and beef jerky and you have a low calorie snack and it's not going to feel like you're cheating yourself.
Log absolutely everything that you eat on the app. You may struggle for the first week but you WILL get it. It takes research and practice, and detailing your menu to the things that you enjoy.
I got active. I joined the gym, and I actually go and work out. The best part of being active and doing workouts, is that it BURNS calories! What's so great about that? Well, let's say that the calorie app said you need 1500 calories a day to hit your goal weight in the time you allotted. You go to the gym and do a moderate workout on the treadmill or bike (or whatever). You burn 400 calories. Your 1500 limit just went up to 1900. Now, that doesn't mean you have to reach that limit- but you now have more wiggle room to eat something that may be a little higher in calories. The gym I go to has a separate app that you can download and scan the QR code on the machine- it automatically logs it so when I go to enter my exercise on the calorie counter, I can just pull the app up and see my total for the day rather than trying to remember it later on.
I don't get crazy with working out. I DO NOT go every day. The general rule of thumb is 30 minutes of moderate activity per day. Some weeks I go twice, some weeks three times. This also varies based on my schedule. However, when I go, I make sure to spend at least one full hour working out (So if I go twice, that's really 4 days; three times is 6 days, etc). So if you can't make it to the gym every day for 30 minutes, on the days you can go, double your time and do light activity during the days you're unable to go. 30 minutes a day seems like a waste to me- so I make it count when I do go.
One thing you have to remember: muscle weighs more than fat. So while you may see the scale rise in number (if you're focusing on muscle building), you will also see your clothing size shrinking. DO NOT let this discourage you! If you're working out and your clothes are loose but the scale says 5 lbs heavier, you're not failing- you're gaining muscle.
Also, learn to go to the gym by yourself, and be okay with the fact that you may not always have a companion to go with you. Sure, it's nice to have someone along with you- but you're never going to get anywhere in life if you're having to wait on someone to be with you in order to do what you want.
I also started wearing my apple watch every day. This keeps track of my heart rate and my step count (which you can also log on the app- I usually don't unless it's a workout day).
I purchased a smart scale that I can link to my phone. When I weigh myself, it gives me other measurements too. I purchased the RENPHO Body Fat Scale Smart BMI Scale Digital Bathroom Wireless Weight Scale, Body Composition Analyzer with Smartphone App sync with Bluetooth, 396 lbs - Black. It connects to my phone and keeps track of everything in the app. It shows me my BMI, body fat %, water, muscle mass, etc. It shows you how much weight you've lost or gained since your last weigh-in. It also shows how much your BMI has decreased and how much your body fat has decreased. You can set a goal on this app as well- but I haven't.
Another MAJOR thing about a scale- you're going to be tempted to weigh yourself every day to see if you've made progress. DO NOT DO THIS! This is a leading factor in why people fail with "diets". They weigh themselves daily- see no changes (or see the scale go up) and get discouraged. I'd suggest no more than once a week- twice if you must. I try to weigh myself every Saturday (since it was on a Saturday when I started this journey and my initial weight was taken the day before). If I want to see how my week is going, I MAY weigh myself on a Wednesday.
Here are some tips about weighing yourself:
Do not weigh yourself daily
Weigh yourself once a week
Weigh yourself in the morning- you weigh more in the afternoon/evening because you're carrying around everything you've had to eat and drink.
Weigh yourself naked. You'd be surprised how much clothes and shoes actually weigh.
Don't get discouraged by the number on the scale- again, if your clothes are fitting looser, then you're going in the right direction.
Also, please remember- you did not get to the weight you are over night and you're not going to lose it over night. If you're looking for a fast, low-hassle weight loss program, gastric bypass surgery may be more your speed.
If you made it to the bottom of this post, CONGRATULATIONS! I know it was a long read with a lot of information. You may still have questions and concerns- you may still be confused and unsure what your next step is. But the fact that you got to this means you're ready to start.
You've crossed the biggest hurdle, which is understanding that it's not going to always be easy to make the changes you need in order to see the weight loss you want. You're taking the first steps to a healthier, happier you.
If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to reach out to me. I will give advice and suggestions if I am able to help get you on the right path.
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saadsawss · 4 years
7 harmful eating habits that cripple your productivity (and what to do about it)
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Skipping lunch to urge before your work isn't supplying you with the productive advantage you expect, after all. fixing longer hours doesn’t equal more productivity, and fixing longer hours while eating poorly may be a surefire thanks to getting tons less done.
In our busy world with endless tasks to finish, the way we eat has dramatically deteriorated. Our eating habits have disappeared from our concerns. Cheap, unhealthy meals, and snacks on-the-go became the norm.
This disconnect from our food has worse effects than weight-gain and heart-related diseases. Giving our bodies a nutrient-depleted supply of food paired with poor eating habits is one of the most factors that alter productivity, energy levels, focus, attention, concentration, memory, learning, creativity, and problem-solving.
These are 7 ways you'll be sabotaging your productivity, and the way you'll get obviate them to remain on top of your game all day long:
1. Skipping breakfast once you are hungry having breakfast is useful for cognitive and physical performance because it activates the frontal, premotor, and visual area areas of the brain. But if are a long-term breakfast skipper, don’t fret.
A 2013 study showed the consequences of skipping breakfast are often either beneficial, detrimental or haven't any effect whatsoever, counting on the type of population observed. For adults who normally skip breakfast, skipping it's a positive effect on cognition. For adults who normally eat breakfast, having a high-fat breakfast boosts cognitive processes. In other words, if you’re wont to eating breakfast, don’t skip it, but if you’ve been wont to skipping it, doing so won’t harm you.
The real problem comes once you skip breakfast albeit you’re hungry. this may cause you to feel less energetic and you won’t produce leptin (the satiety hormone). When you’ve eaten enough, the hormone leptin is released and it promotes plasticity within the hippocampus, which is related to LTM and learning. Staying hungry decreases your productivity by impairing your memory and learning abilities.
What to do: found out overnight oats, prep the ingredients for a healthy smoothie, or prep leftovers from dinner the night before to possess a fast and nutritious breakfast subsequent morning. Include a healthy fat also, like avocado, copra oil, nuts, grass-fed butter, or vegetable oil to spice up brainpower.
2. Snacking on processed foods You should snack to stay an endless amount of glucose in your bloodstream, which is important to take care of energy levels. But snacking on cookies, donuts, potato chips, marshmallows, or anything with refined carbs in it'll create short bursts of energy followed by sudden energy crashes.
This happens because refined foods don’t have enough fiber or protein to manage the discharge of glucose to the bloodstream; therefore it’s taken all directly rather than steadily throughout an extended period. When you’re performing on something important, the last item you would like is to urge sleepy or sluggish.
According to a 2011 study, unhealthy snacking is related to more accidents and minor injuries at work.
What to do: Swap those cheap snacks with whole-wheat crackers with tuna, a mixture of fruits, a mixture of nuts with raisins, oatmeal, apple with spread, yogurt with granola, whole-wheat bread with cheese and tomato, or healthy energy balls.
3. Not snacking in the least Having three large meals without snacking in between can make your energy fluctuate more throughout the day. Smalls snacks with a coffee glycemic index (GI) keep your glucose levels constant and stop energy swings. it's been studied that snacking improves cognitive function, particularly memory and learning.
What to do: Pack easy, low glycemic snacks to possess during breaks, like apples, pears, nuts, yogurt, or hummus with pita or tortillas. it's recommended to possess one snack within the morning and one within the afternoon.
4. Lunching food Indulging on a burger and fries combo for lunch isn't helping your productivity either. alongside the weight-gain effects, a standard western diet (high sugar and high harmful fat) has been related to a smaller hippocampus, a part of your brain liable for memory and spatial navigation. this suggests that eating unhealthy can cause a lower brain and spatial orientation, also as impaired mood.
High consumption of trans fat has also been linked to a discount of DHA within the brain, a carboxylic acid vital for learning.
What to do: to remain beyond added sugar and trans fat, pack your own healthy lunch, sort of a sandwich with whole-wheat bread, a salad, wraps, or leftover pasta from dinner, or find restaurants that provide healthy alternatives near your workplace if that’s an option.
5. Overeating at lunch Overeating, especially on high-calorie foods, has been linked to more food cravings, hunger, increased sadness, and lower relaxation and satisfaction. this suggests that overeating doesn’t let your body adjust properly to the new energy increase and creates mood and appetite swings.
What to do: Eat smaller portions of high to medium calorie foods, either by preparing your own lunch or measuring yourself when eating out with smaller meals. Lunch salads more often, as it’s been proven that low-energy-dense foods, like vegetables and fruits, contribute to satiety and energy management even in large portions.
6. Not drinking enough liquids Dehydration happens when quite 2% of body water is lost. If you’re not drinking enough liquids during your workday, you're sabotaging your attention, focus, mood, and memory.
Dehydration has been shown to steer to a nasty mood, increased perception of task difficulty, headache symptoms, and lower concentration.
What to do: Remember that it’s not about drinking plain water only, the fluids from your food and beverages help maintain proper hydration. Keep a bottle of water on your desk, drink herbal teas along with side your snacks, lunch soups more often, eat fruits with high water content like watermelon, cantaloupe, and pineapple, and avoid sugary juices and sodas, as they're going to create sugar crashes.
7. Eating at your desk Gluing yourself to the desk looks like a fail-proof way of getting everything done, right? Well, it actually lowers your productivity. Taking regular breaks from a task can significantly improve focus and concentration because it allows your brain to recharge and stop burnout.
A recent study shows that workers who take lunchtime walks, rather than sitting at their desks, tend to be more enthusiastic and relaxed. an honest mood is vital to staying productive.
What to do: First, you would like to abandon the fear that compels you to remain at your desk. Take lunch anywhere else, around nature if possible. Go lunch with a coworker, lunch at the cafeteria, or attend a close-by cafe. The more you walk during your break the more recharged you’ll be.
It’s easy to forget how important our eating habits are when it involves our performance. When we’re working we are just brooding about getting things done. But if you concentrate on how you’re eating, you'll skyrocket your productivity and perform at your best.
Eating breakfast, not staying hungry, not eating food or processed snacks, not overeating, staying hydrated, eating low-glycemic snacks, having low-calorie lunches, and taking a lunch break will boost your brainpower and ensure your well-being.
Next time you’re close to dropping everything to squeeze during a couple more of additional hours of labor, confirm you’ve nourished your brain and body first.
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ketoconnect · 4 years
Keto Walmart
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             What to Buy for Keto at Walmart
Everyone knows Walmart is the land of cheap and convenient and there are more Walmart stores in the U.S. than any other grocery store chain. It is no wonder everyone wanted to know what the best keto Walmart options are. There are so many great keto buys at Walmart, so this is going to be a big one.
We like Walmart because it is very budget friendly and there are a lot of great keto friendly staples you can buy. There are a lot of essentials, but there are also some products you should avoid. Check out the list below and watch the video for more in depth (and fun) descriptions of our favorite keto finds. Lets get into the Keto Walmart shopping list!
What to Buy for Keto at Walmart
1. Keto Frozen Meals at Walmart
# Real Good Foods pizza, enchiladas and chicken nuggets.
# Atkins frozen meals
# Large selection of keto ice cream
Real Good Foods makes low carb and keto friendly pizzas, enchiladas, and chicken poppers. Their products are made with great ingredients, and Megha loves the snack bites while Matt loves their cauliflower pizzas. The great thing about getting them at Walmart is you don’t have to buy them in bulk!You can use our code: KETOCONNECT for 10% off.
Another frozen option are Atkins frozen meals. The ingredients aren’t great, but it’s a convenient option!
There is a large selection of keto ice cream at Walmart. We did find some no sugar added So Delicious flavors , which are great tasting and pretty low in net carbs. Megha’s favorite is the butter pecan..
Walmart had a lot of Halo Top ice cream, but make sure to read the labels because the newer flavors are higher in carbs!
# Halo Top
# So Delicious – Make sure it is the “No Sugar Added” variety.
# Breyers Carb Smart
Continue reading for more keto desserts to buy at Walmart, there is quite a large selection!
2. Keto Snack at Walmart
It seems like every time we go shopping we find more keto products at Walmart. It’s great to see so many options.
# Slim Fast Keto Fat Bombs – ONLY the fat bombs. The other keto products from Slim Fast are not suitable for a keto diet.
# Quest Bars and Cookies
# Atkins Bars (Some) – Look for maltitol in Atkins products. If you see maltitol on the ingredients it will have a significant impact on blood sugar levels.
# Cheese Crisps
# Portable Protein Packs
# Sardines
# Mixed Nuts
# Beef Jerky and Sausage – Check for added sugar. It can be hard to find beef jerky without any sugar added, but you can usually find some sausage links.
# Panino Fingers – Cheese sticks wrapped in meat.
# Sugar Free Jello Cups
We have a lot of great fat bomb recipes on our site and also in our Fat Bomb Bible ebook, but if you don’t want to make your own, these new SlimFast fat bombs are convenient and tasty. They are also a lot cheaper at Walmart than other places we have found them. Don’t be fooled though, see below for a product to avoid from this company!
We love making movie snack bags with these fat bombs or reaching for them when we need a small treat.
3. Keto Chips at Walmart
People are always looking for replacements for chips on a keto diet. It’s understandable since sitting on the couch with a big bag of chips and watching TV is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable things to do. Luckily, as keto has become more popular there are more alternatives to potato chips. Give some of these keto chips at Walmart a try and see what you think.
# Quest Protein Chips – The “Tortilla Style” chips are much tastier than the original ones (in our opinion)
# Wholesome Provisions Protein Chips
# Chello Cheese Crisps
# Pork Rinds
Protein chips are typically a highly processed food made with less than desirable ingredients. That being said, they are a great movie snack and they do a good job of replacing potato chips. Cheese crisps and pork rinds are going to be better alternatives to protein chips, but they may not be what you’re looking for if you truly want chips.
3. Meats on a Budget
If you are on a budget, Walmart has all the deals. We found 10 pounds of ground beef for only $20! You could easily get enough protein and calories every day at a very discounted price. This would be perfect for meal prep.
While Walmart meats aren’t usually the highest of quality, we were surprised that they offer some higher quality options. We found meats like lamb and bison which are great for those of you searching for cheap, yet higher quality meats.
We get asked a lot of questions about sugar in bacon. Cured bacon will contain sugar because it is required for the curing process, but there is such a small amount that it isn’t something we worry about!
If you don’t want to purchase bacon that is cured with sugar, a great option is to look for the bacon that is uncured. This bacon usually is less processed and has less preservatives too. Our advice is just to look at the labels, and then if you want to consume it, make sure to count the carbs.
4. Fats & Oils
We were really surprised by the higher quality options available in this section at Walmart. We use lots of oils and fats on the keto diet, so this is something that is essential.
# 4th & Heart Ghee
# Fatworks Duck Fat and Beef Tallow
# Extra Virgin Olive Oil
# Avocado Oil
# High Quality Coconut Oil
We definitely did not expect to find Fatworks duck fat and beef tallow in the oil section. We love to use animal fats to cook our food in, as well as coconut oil. For coconut oil, virgin coconut oil packaged in a glass jar is best. We also recommend picking up a quality olive oil or avocado oil. You want these to be packaged in a dark glass bottle for the highest quality. We like to use nut oils to flavor meals rather than cook meals in. We were very impressed with the options we found here.
5. Sugar Free Sauces & Syrups
A really great option for a keto pizza sauce at Walmart is Rao’s Homemade marinara and sauces. It’s one of  the best options for tomato sauce with only 4 grams of total carbs per 1/2 cup. They were the cheapest we’d ever found at Walmart!
Another sauce we love to pick up at Walmart is G. Hughes BBQ sauces which are sugar-free and keto friendly. This is Megha’s favorite condiment and she pairs it with ever meal!
One thing we get asked about are these Torani sugar free syrups. They are sweetened with acesulphame potassium and sucralose, so they aren’t the best, but they can be used on a keto diet to help you stay on track and won’t likely mess with your ketone levels.
We like to use the Better Stevia flavored drops to flavor and sweeten our foods or drinks. Unfortunately you can’t find these at Walmart.
6. Keto Bread at Walmart
That’s right, there is keto bread at Walmart now (at least at certain locations). They also have a small selection of low carb tortillas which are great for making keto friendly tacos and burritos. One thing to keep in mind with most store bought keto bread alternatives is that they are not gluten free, for the most part.
# ThinSlim Foods Low Carb Bread
# Mama Lupe’s Low Carb Tortillas
# Joseph’s Lavash Bread
# Mission Carb Balance Tortillas
It’s incredible that there are so many keto breads at Walmart now! We usually opt for the low carb tortillas or the Lavash bread because you can really load them up with high fat ingredients and make a filling meal.
7. Keto Sweeteners at Walmart
The sweetener section at Walmart had a ton of different products. We found multiple sweeteners that are great options for keto like Pyure, which is powdered stevia. The liquid Splenda bottles are also a good option.
We also found a generic product that contained only stevia and erythritol, so that could be a great option as well. No need to buy only brand names, you can find generic versions that are cheaper and contain the same ingredients.
We like to stick to three sweeteners: stevia, erythritol, and monk fruit.
8. Dark Chocolate Bars
Dark chocolate is the best chocolate option for the keto diet, and Walmart has some pretty budget friendly options. We usually buy unsweetened dark chocolate. If we buy sweetened chocolate, we buy the brands that are sweetened with stevia, monk fruit, or erythritol.
When these brands aren’t available at your grocery store, you can still have chocolate. Dark chocolate is generally not sweetened and contains fewer carbs per serving.
If you can’t stand the 100% dark chocolate, this 92% dark chocolate would be a nice low carb sweet treat after your meal. This is a great options for those chocolate lovers out there!
9. Keto Protein Powder at Walmart
# Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey
# Isopure Zero Carb Protein Powder (highest quality)
# Ancient Nutrition Keto Protein
# Quest Protein Powder (best tasting)
There are a wide variety of keto protein powder options at Walmart. We typically look for whey isolate when shopping for protein powder. Whey isolate is lower in carbs than whey concentrate proteins.
To find a suitable protein powder there are two things you want to check.
# How many carbs per scoop?
# What type of sweetener is used?
Look for protein powders that have less than 3-4 carbs per scoop, and try and find one that is naturally sweetened (although this can be tough). We prefer protein powders that use stevia, but will often have to settle for those that are sweetened with sucralose.
10. Other Keto Products at Walmart
There is even more keto products available at Walmart. We’ll get to the keto products that you should avoid after this, but there are some other useful products worth mentioning here.
# Grassfed Collagen Peptides
# Premade Keto Shakes
# Omega Power Creamer
# MCT Oil
That rounds out the list of everything you can get for your keto diet at Walmart. There are definitely some downsides to Walmart, but the large selection more than makes up for it. You’re not likely to find the best quality products, but you will find a bunch of good keto products in addition to meats and veggies to set you up for success on a ketogenic diet.
Now lets talk about some things to avoid!
Keto Pills at Walmart (Avoid)
Keto pills are made for the express purpose of taking advantage of the uninformed consumer. They do contain ketones, but they are in such a low dosage that they will have no effect. Additionally, they are sold at very high prices when compared to ketone powders.
You do not need supplemental ketones, focus on eating a keto diet instead. If you do want to give ketones a try you are better off buying a powdered supplement so that you get the recommended dosage, as opposed to the keto pills at walmart.
# Perfect Keto Ketone Salts
# Ketologic Keto BHB
Keto Strips at Walmart (Mostly Avoid)
Walmart sells urine strips that you can use to test your ketones. The problem is, urine strips only tell you the amount of ketones that you are excreting and not the amount that is in your blood. This can be fun as a test when starting keto to make sure you’re producing ketones, but these strips should not be used to accurately measure your ketone levels.
Sugar Free Candy (Avoid)
You might have seen sugar free candies (like Russel Stovers) before and thought they were perfect for keto. Think again. These candies usually contain maltitol, which is a sugar alcohol that spikes your blood glucose similar to white sugar. That means that you can’t subtract those carbs from maltitol when counting net carbs because they impact your body.
We do not recommend these candies for anyone on the keto diet. The sugar alcohol we like to stick to is erythritol which has no blood sugar effect.
To see which sweeteners have an effect on your blood sugar, check out our Ultimate guide to low carb sweeteners.
Keto Shakes at Walmart (Avoid)
All of the keto shake options at Walmart are pretty bad. There are some that use really bad ingredients, and some that use decent ingredients but don’t taste very good. You’re much better off buying a keto friendly protein powder and mixing it with a milk replacement and using that as a keto shake. We would personally avoid all keto shakes at Walmart.
Keto Burn Xtreme at Walmart (Avoid)
The truth is, if you’re still in the “fat burner mindset” then you are not likely to have success with whatever diet you are trying. Whether it be ketogenic, vegan, or a standard american diet. Pills don’t burn fat, sustainable diet and lifestlye changes do. Nothing about this supplement is keto. The word keto is on the label to confuse consumers.
SlimFast Keto Meal Bars (Avoid)
The SlimFast Keto fat bombs were one of our top 10 finds at Walmart, but you should avoid the SlimFast meal bars.  They contain unwanted ingredients that could potentially affect your ketosis. They contain IMO fiber which can’t be subtracted in order to get net carbs because this fiber actually does impact your blood sugar levels. If it can affect your blood sugar levels, it can impact your ketosis level, so these bars should be avoided.
Is Stevia In The Raw Keto? (Avoid)
You would think that Stevia In the Raw is just what is sounds like, raw stevia. Well, it is not only stevia, in fact the first ingredient is dextrose. Dextrose can spike blood sugar. You should avoid this product, because there are definitely better options that don’t include dextrose.
We like to stick to products that are mainly erythritol, stevia, or monk fruit (with no other ingredients), so just make sure you check the ingredients label when buying sweeteners.
Keto Coffee at Walmart (Avoid)
Coffee is already keto.
Everyone is trying to capitalize and make money off of the keto diet by making products that say “keto” and “mct oil”. We found this keto coffee product by Mighty Coffee. Usually these are the products that have a ton of unnecessary ingredients and some of those ingredients actually might not be good for the keto diet.
Instead of buying these products, it might be better to just buy some MCT oil or heavy cream for your coffee. We like to use butter too! Be wary of these products and check the labels on everything you buy. Just because it says it is keto, does not mean that it is the best for keto.
Salad Dressings “Made of ” Olive Oil
Ever since everyone found out olive oil and avocado oils were actually healthy for you, they started adding them to a lot of dressings and different products. Don’t be fooled when you see an olive oil salad dressing.
They are usually sneaky and include other oils (canola or soybean) which are high in omega 6 fatty acids and can increase inflammation. Just be aware that the oil in these dressings is not only olive oil. We try to avoid these products and check the labels of all of our dressings.
We like using Primal Kitchen’s avocado oil salad dressings which does not contain any other oils.
In Summary
There are many keto options available at Walmart that we recommend! We couldn’t hold the list to only 10, so we added in a lot of extra options! Always be sure to read the ingredients that an item contains, even if it says keto or looks keto friendly. A lot of the items contain unwanted ingredients!
1. Keto friendly frozen foods and ice cream
2. Keto chips
3. Keto snacks
4. Animal fats and quality oils
5. Sugar free sauces and syrups
6. Keto bread and tortillas
7. Keto sweeteners
8. Dark chocolate
9. Keto protein powders
10. Even more keto products
That wraps up our top 10 keto buys at Walmart.
Comment below and let us know what keto friendly foods and products you love to buy from Walmart! We love giving you guys some ideas about what to buy at different grocery stores, so if you have any more store suggestions, let us know!
0 notes
crazyfishmaiden · 7 years
If I’m talking way to much about health forgive me. I don’t have anything fish related to talk about, and I am trying to get into the habit of writing more. Especially since I now have to write a lot of stuff for course work.
So I talked about where I am health wise, what my goals are, and went over basic information regarding what it means to be healthy (and about not making silly excuses based on myths).
Now I’m going to share some of the things I like to do often when it comes to food.
I can’t actually drink regular hot coffee. Something about the acidity of it has bothered me since I can remember. One of my siblings introduced me to cold brew, and I’ve been hooked since.
It’s pretty cost effective to buy up coffee beans and grind them for cold brew. I suppose you could buy pre-ground stuff and make it cheaper. I’m fancy dammit, and I like my fancy tasting beans.
Step 1: Get ground coffee
Step 2: Dump about a cup into a big mason jar
Step 3: Pour in water till full
Step 4: Cover the top and throw in the fridge (or just leave out).
Wait 12-24 hours, strain and now you have cold brew. I store it in the fridge.
Now you could drink a quick shot in the morning as a wake me up but I prefer to be a little more creative.
1/2 cup of cold brew +  1 cup of plant based milk + half a serving of protein powder = Stir the crap out of it and now you have nice protein drink.
I have this twice daily.
This is another one of my regular things.
4 Ounces of Greek Yogurt (I refer non-fat, less lactose) + 1 Tablespoon of ground flaxseed + 1 Teaspoon of Ovaltine + 2 Tablespoon Powdered Peanut Butter (I usually use PBFIT because I can get it in bulk rather easily).
Put this in a bowl, add a little splash of water and mix till creamy. I usually slice baby carrots in half so the flat half can easily be used to scoop some of the dip. This can also be used for celery, and crackers. I do carrots because it’s cheap to buy a big bag of carrots, and it lasts a long time for me. Also sliced apples go good with this, or chilled banana slices.
I have this every day. Most of my friends hate it, and only a few have enjoyed it. The ones who hate it usually don’t like avocados.
2 slices of whole grain bread toasted + 3-4 Ounces mashed avocado raw + 2 Ounces spaghetti squash
It’s so simple. Toast the bread, spread the mashed avocado over both slices evenly, then portion the preheated spaghetti squash over the tops. Top with ground pepper.
Keep in mind do a lot of food prep on the weekend. Part of that is cooking a Spaghetti Squash ahead of time, forking it, then storing the end product for portioning out during the week.
I don’t really like frozen veggies. So as art of my weekend prep I’ll pre cut up different veggies and bag them.
It’s cheap to get broccoli crowns already prepped in bags. When you get half way through though it can end up dry. It’s pretty cheap to get the crowns, prep it yourself and then store it. Same goes for Cauliflower.
Acorn Squash and Butternut Squash can both be skinned, cubed, and then stored away to be proportioned out.
Once you have a bunch of veggies prepped, it’s so easy to throw together what ever mix or amount you want. My routine is usually to pre-boil water and throw what I want in. Once it comes to a boil I time it for 4 mins. Just enough to soften the squash, and partially cook the other stuff. I eat it pretty plain but you could fancy it up.
This is also so simple. I buy these 110 calorie whole wheat bagel thins and toast them. Also I’ll take .5 tbs of avacado oil, 1 egg, 1 ounce of broccili (pre-cooked), and 1 slice of 45 calorie cheddar cheese. Scramble it on the stove top, then pile in into the bagel. Season with pepper then top it with the other half of the bagel. Instead delicious goodness!
Something in common with many of my recipes is that it requires having done prep work ahead of time. Some things get used for different recipes, and I eat similar things often. I don’t get bored eating this way because...just not that way I guess.
It doesn’t take oodles of time to do any of this, just proper time management. Sometimes I’ll space food prep out during the week when I have the time, and depending upon what I am running low on, or out of. There are so many things you can prep ahead of time, I just have a very picky stomach and limited food group.
It’s easy to buy different types of fruits (like berries) and portion that out during the week. My morning fruit bowl usually consists of an ounce each of various berries we buy in bulk at stores like Sams Club. But that can be expensive, and there are cheaper fruits out there. Plus not everyone has good local access to such things.
An apple makes a good substitute for chips if you cut it up into slices. A good way to sweeten plain yogurt is a splash of fresh fruit. A small bowl of water melon, or an orange make good snacks, or accompaniment to lunch.
You can slice, spice, and bake potatoes in the oven if you really want a french fry like thing.
A fillet of fish (or two) brushed with a bit of olive oil and your favorite seasonings doesn’t take long. It’s cheap too if you buy fillets in bulk (frozen) and or on sale.
Anyway I think I’m done.
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jasoncissell-blog · 7 years
The Basic Keto Diet
      Let me start by saying I am not a doctor and nor do I have any kind of degree that makes me a professional. I started Keto on Wednesday September 13, 2017 and within 10 days I lost 14lbs. I read articles and watched videos about the Keto Diet for 2 months before I decided to try it myself. Remember you need to do what works for you. If you don’t agree or do not like something simply try something different. I started my diet with a 24 hour fast. THIS IS NOT NECESSARY. I decided that the best way to start start MY diet. Here was the thought about doing the fast. I wanted to deplete as much sugar deposits in my body as possible before I had my first meal. I wanted my first meal to be within the boundaries of the the Keto Diet. The last 3 to 4 hours was tough but mostly was not that hard since 8 hours of it were sleeping and 3 hours of it were after I ate.
Lets talk about fasting. There are so many right and wrong answers. To ME I believe anything after 12 hours could technically be considered fasting. If I’m not fasting for at least 15 hours I do not call it fasting. Fasting is a good way to stay in Ketosis but is not necessary by any means. If I was to do a 15 hour fast I would eat dinner at 6pm or 7pm and not eat again until 9am or 10am. This is super easy to do. While fasting I allow myself coffee (black) nothing added and water. Doesn’t really matter the amount. I would say I wouldn’t drink more than 3 coffees during the fast but you could do more. Drink one water bottle or at least 8 ounces of water for each cup of coffee you drink. I personally would drink two water bottles between each cup of coffee. Here are some reasons I would fast:
If I ate a meal that had a lot of protein in one setting.
If I ate food I probably shouldn’t eat, like potatoes, rice, or bread.
If I feel like I am not losing weight and am at a stand still.
If I had any kind of alcohol.
If I ate a lot of food in one setting in general.
Again FASTING IS NOT NECESSARY but is not a terrible idea.
The first thing you need to do is buy the foods that you will eat on the diet. Do not rely on the things you already have. Buy Ketone testing strips at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, or Amazon. Buy either chicken broth or bullion cubes. It would not hurt to buy Potassium Citrate (Yes the Citrate part is important) and Magnesium in the vitamin section at Walmart or wherever you buy your groceries. These are usually cheap considering it will last more than a month.  Last but not least, a food scale. Walmart has food scales as well as most your major scales. If I did it again I would have bought a Microgram scale that also weighed grams. So if you are a cocain dealer you might already have one lolz. I bought a bought both because I decided after I bought the food scale I wanted raw “supplements” instead of buying something in a bottle. I’m a nerd sorry not sorry. I will link as many things as I can at the very end.
Keto is a high fat diet. Your protein is at a moderate level. Carbs and sugar are the devil, “cough” I mean you will eat low carb and avoid sugar. The typical daily diet is 70% Fat 20% Protein 10% Carbs. Mine usually ends up being 75% Fat or a little higher 18ish% Protein and 5ish% Carbs. Shoot for 70% Fat or a little more. Since you are avoiding certain foods your electrolytes will be a little off. Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium are the three electrolytes in reference. If your electrolytes are off you are gonna feel like absolute crap. A way to quickly fix this is drink Chicken Broth or a Bouillon Cube dissolved in warm warm or……. take Magnesium and Potassium together (this is what I do). I salt the crap out of my food so I know my Sodium is good. Your body will change from using Sugar as a fuel source to using Ketones. This is called Ketosis. Your goal with this diet is to stay in Ketosis. There will be a time during this transition that will most likely not be pleasant. It is referred to the Keto Flu. I will share a link at the end if you want more in depth info.
Google it! So many different opinions. Here is what I experienced. First of all remember I fasted so that was a little weird to begin with since I have never fasted in my life before. Made me almost feel high the last four hours. Like my mental clarity was super foggy and I was a little tired. So after I broke the fast and had my first “Keto Meal” (6oz Ribeye and a serving of steamed Broccoli). I went to sleep and woke up feeling a little strange. I drank Keto Coffee (I’ll explain later) in the morning and ate Eggs and Bacon a few hours later. The entire day I didn’t feel good and was very tired. Later in the day my body was achy. So technically “Flu like symptoms” without the puking or crapping my pants lol. I never had a sick feeling. Just know that this is something that will pass and everyone deals with it differently.
This is most likely the best information I can give about your diet. Do not eat the items listed below.
Sugar or anything with sugar in it.
Bread (I know I cried a little too).
Grains. ( Rice, Pasta, Cereal)
Juices, Soda, Gatorade.
Gum (This was hard for me).
Don’t worry this is not an expensive diet. I spent around $130 in groceries and it will most likely last three weeks. Keep in mind thats all meals per day times 7 days. If your breakfast, lunch, and dinner were $5 dollars a piece times 7 days that would come out to be $105 per week. You will not need to buy fancy food or cook different food for your family. If you cook something for dinner that is not allowed in your diet for your family (mashed potatoes or mac and cheese) just don’t eat any.
Basically any steak will work. Ribeye is the fattiest out of all steaks. Check this pic out http://i.imgur.com/hXLH5qB.jpg.
Hamburger meat. Get 80/20 or a higher fat content.
Chicken legs, thighs, and wings. Try to stay away from Chicken Breast because its a lot leaner and high in protein.
Fish like Salmon are high in fat. Tilapia and Tuna tend to be more lean. Eat in moderation.
Bacon a Keto Staple.
Pork Ribs or Beef Ribs. Pork Chops and Pork Tenderloin are a lot leaner and high in protein.
Pork or Beef Sausage. Be mindful of the Label and what in it.
Breakfast Sausage or Links. Again be mindful of the type. Sugar is our enemy.
Shrimp. In moderation.
Pepperoni. High in calories!
Deli Meats. This is a touchy subject but can be a good snack.
Beef Jerky. Another good snack but don’t over do it.
Turkey honestly should be avoided because its low in fat and high in protein.
Avocados are another staple in Keto.
Collard Greens
Peppers Jalapeño, Green Bell (say no to red and yellow), Chili
Peanuts (Be careful with this one. Its a legume (Bean) not a nut.
Cashews are an iffy they are a bit high in Carbs.
Cottage Cheese
Heavy Cream
Butter. Get Kerrygould brand. Its a Keto thing :)
Cream Cheese
Sour Cream
Basically any kind of Cheese. (String, slice, stick, shredded)
Wether you start with a 24 hour fast or not lets make sure you’re ready for 14 days of trusting the diet. The first couple days or so are gonna suck. From my experience my appetite suppression started almost immediately. This means you won’t eat as much as you currently do. The first thing you need to do is download My Fitness Pal. You may add me [email protected]. Next figure out your Macros (Fat,Protein,Carbs per day). Remember to subtract Fiber from the Carb count :). Here is a basic break down.
For a Male 1800 or less Calories, 140-150g Fat, 85-95g Protein, and 10-20g Carbs.
For a Female: 1600 or less Calories, 120-130g Fat, 55-65g Protein, and 10-20g Carbs.
You can go to https://www.ruled.me/keto-calculator/ to get a little more accurate reading of your Macros. You can always keep your calories lower. Your daily percent is the most important thing to remember. Make sure your Fat is at least 70% of your daily diet and the rest should fall into place.
So now that you have your basic tools now its time to meal plan. Here is my basic day of eating. But before here is my Keto Coffee Recipe.
Some people drink what is called Bullet Proof Coffee. You can Google it and find lots of different things. Here’s what I do. I make 8 ounces of any brand of coffee. I add 1 table spoon of Coconut oil, 1 table spoon of MCT oil, and 1 table spoon of Heavy Whipping Cream. However, I do change it up sometimes like use 1 table spoon of Kerrygold butter or use different amounts of oils or heavy whipping cream. The basic idea is to use 3 table spoons of some kind of fats. This morning I had 2 table spoons of Heavy Whipping Cream and 1 table spoon of Coconut oil.
6:30am Keto Coffee
10-11am 2 Eggs fried in Bacon Grease. 2-3 slices of Bacon or Sausage. Every other day I eat 1/4-1/2 of an Avocado.
1-4pm Cheese of some sort. Small amount of nuts
5-7pm 4-6 ounces of meat. 1/2 to 1 cup of vegetables.
I only eat when I am hungry. One of the benefits of Keto is appetite suppression. During the week I work out at lunch so I tend to eat shortly before I go to the gym. After I get back I usually eat a cheese stick and some nuts. I kinda still believe in getting some protein in after a weight training session.
So there are a few YouTube creators that are very knowable about the Ketogenic Diet and how it affects our bodies. Recently I listen to a gentleman named Mike talk about supplements. He is doing quite a few studies on supplements and Keto. However, he was talking about Selenium. This is a very important mineral and we need a little bit of it in our bodies. The best sources of this mineral are: Brazil Nuts, Yellowfin Tuna, Sardines, Grass fed beef, Chicken, Eggs, and Spinach. Most of us need around 40-60mcg per day. Two eggs have roughly 30mcg. My advice is to eat 1 Brazil Nut a day.
Remember those  Ketone test strips? These are a lot like a pregnancy test. They test for Ketones in your urine. They are inaccurate in a since. The reason is they test the unused Ketones in our body. If you just did a very intense workout the reading of Ketones will be off because you used a whole bunch during your workout. The basic goal is to see any shade of Red or Purple. It will give you peace of mind knowing you are in Ketosis. There are other testing methods that are more accurate at testing for Ketosis. The two I have seen are Blood Test and Breath Test. The Breath Test simple test the Acetone in the bottom of your lunges. The Blood Test is arguably the most accurate for self testing, by that I mean not going to the doctor. It works like a Diabetic Test. You put your blood on little strips and it tells your your Blood Sugar. You can also buy strips to test your Ketone Level. This test is expensive and I do not recommend purchasing the device and strips. However, if you do use them sparingly. The “pee test” is inexpensive and easy to do. You pee on the test stick and wait 15 seconds, the bottle with have markings on it. Let me remind you though, as long as its any shade of red or purple you are good!
Last thing off the top of my head before I drop links, DRINK WATER!!!!!! You honestly need this more than anything. Be mindful to drink at least 6 ounces every hours. I drink 1 bottle 16ish ounces every hour I am awake.
A good read and understanding of the Ketogenic Diet.
Food scales.
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004164SRA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Walmart   https://www.walmart.com/ip/CO-Z-11lb-5kg-Digital-Kitchen-Food-Scale-Stainless-Steel-Platform-With-LCD-Display/142704909
Microgram scale I purchased.
Amazon   https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012TDNAM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012619B0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
Walmart  https://www.walmart.com/ip/Spring-Valley-Rapid-Release-Magnesium-Citrate-Dietary-Supplement-Capsules-100mg-100-count/38570837
Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ENSA93S/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
Walmart  https://www.walmart.com/ip/Now-Potassium-Citrate-99-mg-180-Capsules/40703770
The MCT Oil I purchased. Debatable if you even need this. Some Walmart stores have MCT Oil.
Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XM0Y9SE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Ketone Testing Strips
Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J9LOP4M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Walmart  https://www.walmart.com/ip/True-Level-Ketone-Test-Strips-For-Diabetics-Paleo-Ketogenic-Low-Carb-Dieters-100-Tests/141656652
CVS  https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-reagent-ketone-test-strips-prodid-306412?skuId=306412
Walgreens  https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-ketone-test-strips-for-urinalysis/ID=prod6000723-product
The Founders of Creative Cooking for Keto
Mike the Supplement Guy. He test certain supplements to see how they change Blood Sugar and Ketones.
My YouTube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/user/cissell870. You can always just search Jason Cissell on YouTube. I am in the process of making videos where I go shopping, share tips, and tell you how my journey is going along the way. There are a lot of random videos but once I start uploading I will make a playlist specifically for Keto and upload at least 1 video every week.
0 notes
Safe BHB Ketones Product to Boost Energy and Burn Fat?
New Post has been published on https://bestrawfoodrecipes.com/safe-bhb-ketones-product-to-boost-energy-and-burn-fat/
Safe BHB Ketones Product to Boost Energy and Burn Fat?
What is a Keto Diet?
The keto diet is short for “ketogenic diet.” The idea behind the diet is a high-fat, low-carb meal plan that could potentially turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
This diet changes the way your body transforms food into energy. Usually, it uses carbohydrates, like bread and pasta into glucose for energy.
Instead, on a keto diet, your liver turns body fat and fat from your diet into molecules called ketones, an alternative fuel source. The process puts your body in ketosis, a prime weight loss mode. Unlike glucose, ketones can’t be stored as fat because they aren’t digested the same way.
Lose Weight
Burn Fat in Trouble Areas
Get into Ketosis Fast
Burn Fat for Energy
Better Brain Health
Faster Recovery from Exercise
Maintain Lean Muscle
Improves heart health
Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy so that it will be chosen over any other energy source and insulin is produced to process the glucose in your bloodstream by taking it around the body.
Adopting Keto Diet
Research has shown that adopting this low-carb, high-fat diet can promote fat loss and even improve certain conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline. The most important thing to know before embarking on the ketogenic diet is that you need to keep your carb intake under 30 grams total per day
In a keto diet food percentages are:
fat: 70%-80%
protein: 20%
Carbs: 5%
The protein content will be about 0.8 times your lean mass every day. For example someone who weights 150 with 30% body fat has about 105 pounds of lean mass, so the person would shoot for 84 grams of protein each day.
There are some great metabolic changes initially with this diet. Shredding excess weight improves, such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. It is true that fat oxidation does increase due to the body adapting to the higher dietary fat intake. However, fat oxidation and losing body fat are two different processes. When fat oxidation is higher it does not necessarily mean that there will be a reduction in body fat. Overall calorie intake and calorie burn will be the main determinant in fat loss.
Foods to eat:
Fish and seafood.
Low-carb veggies.
Nuts, seeds and healthful oils.
Plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
Foods to Avoid:
Beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts
Grains, such as rice, pasta, and oatmeal
Low-fat dairy products
Added sugars and sweeteners
Sugary beverages, including juice and soda
Traditional snack foods, such as potato chips, pretzels, and crackers
Most fruits, except for lemons, limes, tomatoes, and small portions of berries
Starchy vegetables, including corn, potatoes, and peas
Trans fats, such as margarine or other hydrogentated fats
Most alcohols, including wine, beer, and sweetened cocktails
Keto Supplements
These are known to aid ketogenic dieters. Ketone supplements are not anything new for 2019, but they have been increasing in popularity over the past couple of years. Popular talk show host Dr Oz, has featured these supplements in numerous segments on his talk show. Revealing how ketones can help individuals in losing weight.
Main Ingredients in Keto Fit Pro
BHB;– It is an amazing and primary ingredient in every keto based product. This ingredient plays an important role in operating ketosis process. Without this ingredient every keto based product is useless.
Raspberry ketones;– These ketones are helpful in cutting down excess fatty layers. It also increases the metabolic weight in order to improve fat burning process.
Garcinia cambogia;– This ingredient is so popular in improving the metabolism system. It includes HCA that helps to control on eating habits. In fact, it is also responsible for slim and healthy body.
Keto Fit Pro Ingredients contains Beta-hydroxybutyrate. BHB is the first substrate that kicks the metabolic state of ketosis resulting in energy.
Keto Fit Pro Claims and Warrants
Everything has a disclaimer to it, so nothing has been fully tested in clinical trials. But the organization explains the importance of the keto diet and argues that users on their supplement can expect to experience dramatic weight loss. However, with the absence of definitive and dedicated studies on this particular supplement, these claims are difficult to corroborate.
Keto Fit Pro Conclusion
While the listing for Keto Fit Pro has a high number of positive reviews, its hard for us to say these are all legit product reviewers. Some may be, some may not be.
The organization requests fairly cheap prices for their supplement compared to others on the internet. As always consumers who try these supplements are encouraged to review the product online, so that they can add to the existing research-base for keto supplement products and companies.
Update Incoming!
We will try and email the Keto Fit Pro support team to find out more information and bring transparency to this ketone weight loss supplement. Be sure to check back on our website for updated information on Keto Fit Pro.
To help you reach your weight loss goals, we suggest you read our guides that link to the top products that are currently on the market; Superfood drinks, detox cleanses, prebiotics, and the best fat burners.
Source link Keto Diet Drinks
0 notes
Safe BHB Ketones Product to Boost Energy and Burn Fat?
New Post has been published on https://bestrawfoodrecipes.com/safe-bhb-ketones-product-to-boost-energy-and-burn-fat/
Safe BHB Ketones Product to Boost Energy and Burn Fat?
What is a Keto Diet?
The keto diet is short for “ketogenic diet.” The idea behind the diet is a high-fat, low-carb meal plan that could potentially turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
This diet changes the way your body transforms food into energy. Usually, it uses carbohydrates, like bread and pasta into glucose for energy.
Instead, on a keto diet, your liver turns body fat and fat from your diet into molecules called ketones, an alternative fuel source. The process puts your body in ketosis, a prime weight loss mode. Unlike glucose, ketones can’t be stored as fat because they aren’t digested the same way.
Lose Weight
Burn Fat in Trouble Areas
Get into Ketosis Fast
Burn Fat for Energy
Better Brain Health
Faster Recovery from Exercise
Maintain Lean Muscle
Improves heart health
Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy so that it will be chosen over any other energy source and insulin is produced to process the glucose in your bloodstream by taking it around the body.
Adopting Keto Diet
Research has shown that adopting this low-carb, high-fat diet can promote fat loss and even improve certain conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline. The most important thing to know before embarking on the ketogenic diet is that you need to keep your carb intake under 30 grams total per day
In a keto diet food percentages are:
fat: 70%-80%
protein: 20%
Carbs: 5%
The protein content will be about 0.8 times your lean mass every day. For example someone who weights 150 with 30% body fat has about 105 pounds of lean mass, so the person would shoot for 84 grams of protein each day.
There are some great metabolic changes initially with this diet. Shredding excess weight improves, such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. It is true that fat oxidation does increase due to the body adapting to the higher dietary fat intake. However, fat oxidation and losing body fat are two different processes. When fat oxidation is higher it does not necessarily mean that there will be a reduction in body fat. Overall calorie intake and calorie burn will be the main determinant in fat loss.
Foods to eat:
Fish and seafood.
Low-carb veggies.
Nuts, seeds and healthful oils.
Plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
Foods to Avoid:
Beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts
Grains, such as rice, pasta, and oatmeal
Low-fat dairy products
Added sugars and sweeteners
Sugary beverages, including juice and soda
Traditional snack foods, such as potato chips, pretzels, and crackers
Most fruits, except for lemons, limes, tomatoes, and small portions of berries
Starchy vegetables, including corn, potatoes, and peas
Trans fats, such as margarine or other hydrogentated fats
Most alcohols, including wine, beer, and sweetened cocktails
Keto Supplements
These are known to aid ketogenic dieters. Ketone supplements are not anything new for 2019, but they have been increasing in popularity over the past couple of years. Popular talk show host Dr Oz, has featured these supplements in numerous segments on his talk show. Revealing how ketones can help individuals in losing weight.
Main Ingredients in Keto Fit Pro
BHB;– It is an amazing and primary ingredient in every keto based product. This ingredient plays an important role in operating ketosis process. Without this ingredient every keto based product is useless.
Raspberry ketones;– These ketones are helpful in cutting down excess fatty layers. It also increases the metabolic weight in order to improve fat burning process.
Garcinia cambogia;– This ingredient is so popular in improving the metabolism system. It includes HCA that helps to control on eating habits. In fact, it is also responsible for slim and healthy body.
Keto Fit Pro Ingredients contains Beta-hydroxybutyrate. BHB is the first substrate that kicks the metabolic state of ketosis resulting in energy.
Keto Fit Pro Claims and Warrants
Everything has a disclaimer to it, so nothing has been fully tested in clinical trials. But the organization explains the importance of the keto diet and argues that users on their supplement can expect to experience dramatic weight loss. However, with the absence of definitive and dedicated studies on this particular supplement, these claims are difficult to corroborate.
Keto Fit Pro Conclusion
While the listing for Keto Fit Pro has a high number of positive reviews, its hard for us to say these are all legit product reviewers. Some may be, some may not be.
The organization requests fairly cheap prices for their supplement compared to others on the internet. As always consumers who try these supplements are encouraged to review the product online, so that they can add to the existing research-base for keto supplement products and companies.
Update Incoming!
We will try and email the Keto Fit Pro support team to find out more information and bring transparency to this ketone weight loss supplement. Be sure to check back on our website for updated information on Keto Fit Pro.
To help you reach your weight loss goals, we suggest you read our guides that link to the top products that are currently on the market; Superfood drinks, detox cleanses, prebiotics, and the best fat burners.
Source link Keto Diet Drinks
0 notes
ruthellisneda · 6 years
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Eating healthy fats is finally over the last couple years becoming a recognized critical part of our diet. For the past few decades, we’ve heard all about the virtues of a low-fat diet and the dangers of dietary fat and cholesterol.
But with the number of overweight and obese people climbing every day and statin drugs for lowering cholesterol the most commonly prescribed medications in the world, researchers have recently reviewed the low fat trend.
Emerging research has shown that there is such a thing as healthy fat which can increase your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol-think H for healthy) and decrease your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol-think L for lousy).
But with so many so-called healthy oils and butter substitutes on the market, how do decide what’s best to buy?
Here are 30 tips for choosing healthy fats in your diet:
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Choose plant-based oils such as olive oil, or peanut oil if you are not allergic to nuts. Plant based oils will not contain cholesterol as compared with animal-based oils such as butter.
Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Mono means 1 and poly means more than 1. These fats are most easily used by the body for a range of important functions and are healthier for you than saturated fats.These will help you feel full and make it less likely that you will eat saturated fats from animal products, such as butter and lard.
Go Mediterranean. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be heart healthy due to the proportion of olive oil used as dressing and cooking oil. Olive oil is actually higher in calories than butter but contains no cholesterol.
Choose natural oils, not ‘lite’ or ‘light’ ones. Some people find the taste of olive oil a bit overwhelming, such as that of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or EVOO.There are different grades of olive oil you can try until you find one that suits your palate. Avoid oils labeled lite or light, however, because those words do not usually refer to the color of the oil, but the fact that is has been blended with another type of oil, one potentially less healthy for you.
Eat olives. These tasty little foods are the origins of olive oil, so you can get all the benefits of the oil plus a tasty snack for only a few calories per portion. Rinse off the salt water they are usually packed in to make them healthier, and enjoy!
Substitute olive oil for butter in a range of recipes. Use it as a spread on bread and for cooking and frying. If you miss buttercream frosting on your cake, try a simple glaze of water and powdered sugar instead, with a dash of olive oil for body and texture.
Eat avocados. These tasty fruits contain a range of heart-healthy fats 75% monounsaturated and 25% polyunsaturated. They are versatile and can be used in sandwiches, salads, Mexican and Tex-Mex meals, and more.
Use guacamole instead of mayo in your sandwiches. Make your own guacamole by mashing fresh avocado with some fresh tomatoes cut into cubes and a squirt of lemon or lime juice.Use your guacamole as you would mayonnaise, on turkey sandwiches, with your tuna salad, and more.  Be careful of commercially prepared guacamole, however, as it can often contain unhealthy fats.In fact, some actually contain very little avocado. If you must buy it, be sure to read the label to make sure avocado is listed as the first ingredient.
Eat nuts in moderation if you are not allergic. Studies have shown that those who eat 1 ounce of nuts each day have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off.Nuts are not only rich in healthy fats and certain vitamins and enzymes, their fiber makes you feel fuller and aids in digestion.
Try walnuts in your oatmeal each morning. Studies have shown that 8 walnuts a day can help lower you cholesterol naturally. A bowl of oatmeal made with quick oats, water and a dash of cinnamon can help lower it even more.
Switch to peanut oil. Peanut oil is a monounsaturated fat, which means it is a simple fat easily digested and used by the body. It increases healthy cholesterol in the body and is great for your skin and your memory.  It works well in Asian-style dishes.
Cook at home using healthy oils so you can steer clear of artery-clogging trans fats. Healthy oils like peanut, olive and coconut oil give foods a rich flavor compared with the trans fats in store-bought cookies, cakes and other packaged convenience foods.Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen molecules into a range of (usually cheap and unhealthy) oils to make them solid and therefore less likely to spoil as the products they are made with sit on store shelves.Trans fats are damaging to heart health and should be avoided as much as possible.
Add coconut oil to your diet in moderation. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but studies have shown it is processed by the body differently than animal-based saturated fats.Coconut oil has been shown to offer a range of healing properties and can improve your digestive health. It is usually solid at room temperature but becomes liquid on warm days.
Use coconut oil in a wide range of tasty recipes, even if you are not fond of the flavor. Coconut oil is versatile and can be used in most forms of cooking and baking; however, some people find the taste too strong or overwhelming in subtly seasoned recipes. If you do not want the strong taste of coconut to be obvious in your dishes, use expeller-pressed or deodorized coconut oil.
Use butter in moderation. Butter contains a range of vitamins and nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be good for heart health.Butter does also contain cholesterol, true, but also offers a range of health benefits, such as helping you feel full for longer and boosting your metabolism.
Use sunflower oil. It has the highest concentration of monounsaturated fats of all the oils available, according to the nutrition database at Self magazine.
Eat macadamia nuts if you can afford them. They are delicious, with a rich, creamy taste and rich in monounsaturated fats and fiber. The only downside is they can be costly; look for bargains in your local warehouse club.
Explore nut-based oils. We have already discussed peanut oil, but there are several other nut-based oils high in monounsaturated fats that are worth experimenting with, including hazelnut (also known as filbert), macadamia and almond.
Use soybean oil in moderation. It is polyunsaturated and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is versatile enough to be used in a range of recipes, from frying to homemade salad dressings. However, note that some people are allergic to soy.The jury is also still out for some researchers as to how much soy should be eaten every day as part of a healthy diet.
Eat more tofu. Soybeans have the highest amount of protein of any member of the bean family, with a low percentage of fat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in your cooking.Try a stir-fry using sesame oil to get the flavor of a Chinese restaurant with none of the hidden dangers found in many prepackaged foods. Some researchers express concern at eating too much soy, especially genetically modified soy. Look for organic tofu if you are concerned about GMO foods and cook more from scratch if you are worried about soy being added to many prepackaged foods as a thickener and source of protein.
Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to improve heart health. Sources include salmon and other fatty fish and sunflower, soybean, walnut, and corn oils.
Boost your Intake of Omega-6 fatty acids in moderation. Omega-6 fatty acids are thought to also aid in heart health, though according to recent studies, too much can be a bad thing.Flax seed is an excellent source of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Flax seed has a wonderful nutty taste and texture. Add to cereal or sprinkle on salads.
Choose your cheese wisely. Hard cheeses such as cheddar have less fat than soft cheeses such as Brie or Bleu cheese. If you are going to eat cheese, practice portion control. One ounce of cheese is about the size of two dice.
Choose your protein carefully. A lot of people think they have to give up bacon and other tasty meats because they are high in fat. The truth is they can be enjoyed in moderation if you make sensible choices.Try Canadian or back bacon instead of bacon streaked with fat. Also try a homemade ham steak.
The main danger with processed meats like bacon is all the chemicals, salt and preservatives the food industry puts into them.
One other concern is over cooked meats becoming charred, which has been associated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men. If you do choose to eat bacon, cook until crisp but not overdone.
Use a couple of slices on the side of your eggs in the morning, or as the topping for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich (BLT) loaded with the salad items and a thin smear of mayo or guacamole.
Opt for lean cuts of meat. Many people avoid beef and pork because they consider them to be too fatty. The truth is that there are a lot of lean cuts of meat you can buy in the supermarket once you know what to look for, such as a minute steak or a pork loin.One pork loin can make many meals economically smart, from a roast dinner to stir-fry, tacos, and most other meals in which you would use white-meat chicken. Use portion control to make sure you do not overdo it on the protein and fat.A three-ounce portion of meat is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards.
Use low-fat versions of high-fat foods. Some fat is good for us, but there is no need to consume full-fat items if there are low-fat alternatives. Look for low-fat cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt and milk to keep down the amount of dietary cholesterol and calories you are consuming.
Add Greek-style yogurt to your diet. Yogurt is good for maintaining digestive health, adding immune system-boosting probiotics through its active cultures. Studies have also shown that eating yogurt can curb cravings and lead to weight loss. Greek-style yogurt has twice the protein as regular yogurt for the same number of calories and will also make you feel fuller for longer.
Eat eggs. A lot of people steer clear of eggs due to the cholesterol, but the diet is just one part of the cholesterol picture. We can control our dietary intake of cholesterol to some extent, but skipping eggs can mean we are missing out on all of the protein and valuable nutrients packed into that one small shell, all for only about 70 to 90 calories.Eggs will help you feel full for longer and are highly portable. Boil up a couple so you can have a tasty snack you can take anywhere.Cheese and eggs are the main snacks permitted on a low carb diet because they leave you feeling satisfied for hours after eating, and much less likely to grab sugary foods due to carb cravings.
Choose chocolate. Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids, such as 70% to 90%, have been shown to contain healthy fats and other disease-fighting nutrients. One ounce a day of high-quality chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth even as it improves your health.Avoid milk chocolate or white chocolate due to the large amounts of sugar and other added ingredients that dilute the heart-healthy cocoa solids.
If you have been following a low fat diet but are still overweight or struggling with medical issues, try adding some healthy fats to your diet, in moderation.
The suggestions above are easy to follow and can make a difference in the way you look and feel.
The post 30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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neilmillerne · 6 years
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Eating healthy fats is finally over the last couple years becoming a recognized critical part of our diet. For the past few decades, we’ve heard all about the virtues of a low-fat diet and the dangers of dietary fat and cholesterol.
But with the number of overweight and obese people climbing every day and statin drugs for lowering cholesterol the most commonly prescribed medications in the world, researchers have recently reviewed the low fat trend.
Emerging research has shown that there is such a thing as healthy fat which can increase your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol-think H for healthy) and decrease your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol-think L for lousy).
But with so many so-called healthy oils and butter substitutes on the market, how do decide what’s best to buy?
Here are 30 tips for choosing healthy fats in your diet:
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Choose plant-based oils such as olive oil, or peanut oil if you are not allergic to nuts. Plant based oils will not contain cholesterol as compared with animal-based oils such as butter.
Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Mono means 1 and poly means more than 1. These fats are most easily used by the body for a range of important functions and are healthier for you than saturated fats.These will help you feel full and make it less likely that you will eat saturated fats from animal products, such as butter and lard.
Go Mediterranean. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be heart healthy due to the proportion of olive oil used as dressing and cooking oil. Olive oil is actually higher in calories than butter but contains no cholesterol.
Choose natural oils, not ‘lite’ or ‘light’ ones. Some people find the taste of olive oil a bit overwhelming, such as that of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or EVOO.There are different grades of olive oil you can try until you find one that suits your palate. Avoid oils labeled lite or light, however, because those words do not usually refer to the color of the oil, but the fact that is has been blended with another type of oil, one potentially less healthy for you.
Eat olives. These tasty little foods are the origins of olive oil, so you can get all the benefits of the oil plus a tasty snack for only a few calories per portion. Rinse off the salt water they are usually packed in to make them healthier, and enjoy!
Substitute olive oil for butter in a range of recipes. Use it as a spread on bread and for cooking and frying. If you miss buttercream frosting on your cake, try a simple glaze of water and powdered sugar instead, with a dash of olive oil for body and texture.
Eat avocados. These tasty fruits contain a range of heart-healthy fats 75% monounsaturated and 25% polyunsaturated. They are versatile and can be used in sandwiches, salads, Mexican and Tex-Mex meals, and more.
Use guacamole instead of mayo in your sandwiches. Make your own guacamole by mashing fresh avocado with some fresh tomatoes cut into cubes and a squirt of lemon or lime juice.Use your guacamole as you would mayonnaise, on turkey sandwiches, with your tuna salad, and more.  Be careful of commercially prepared guacamole, however, as it can often contain unhealthy fats.In fact, some actually contain very little avocado. If you must buy it, be sure to read the label to make sure avocado is listed as the first ingredient.
Eat nuts in moderation if you are not allergic. Studies have shown that those who eat 1 ounce of nuts each day have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off.Nuts are not only rich in healthy fats and certain vitamins and enzymes, their fiber makes you feel fuller and aids in digestion.
Try walnuts in your oatmeal each morning. Studies have shown that 8 walnuts a day can help lower you cholesterol naturally. A bowl of oatmeal made with quick oats, water and a dash of cinnamon can help lower it even more.
Switch to peanut oil. Peanut oil is a monounsaturated fat, which means it is a simple fat easily digested and used by the body. It increases healthy cholesterol in the body and is great for your skin and your memory.  It works well in Asian-style dishes.
Cook at home using healthy oils so you can steer clear of artery-clogging trans fats. Healthy oils like peanut, olive and coconut oil give foods a rich flavor compared with the trans fats in store-bought cookies, cakes and other packaged convenience foods.Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen molecules into a range of (usually cheap and unhealthy) oils to make them solid and therefore less likely to spoil as the products they are made with sit on store shelves.Trans fats are damaging to heart health and should be avoided as much as possible.
Add coconut oil to your diet in moderation. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but studies have shown it is processed by the body differently than animal-based saturated fats.Coconut oil has been shown to offer a range of healing properties and can improve your digestive health. It is usually solid at room temperature but becomes liquid on warm days.
Use coconut oil in a wide range of tasty recipes, even if you are not fond of the flavor. Coconut oil is versatile and can be used in most forms of cooking and baking; however, some people find the taste too strong or overwhelming in subtly seasoned recipes. If you do not want the strong taste of coconut to be obvious in your dishes, use expeller-pressed or deodorized coconut oil.
Use butter in moderation. Butter contains a range of vitamins and nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be good for heart health.Butter does also contain cholesterol, true, but also offers a range of health benefits, such as helping you feel full for longer and boosting your metabolism.
Use sunflower oil. It has the highest concentration of monounsaturated fats of all the oils available, according to the nutrition database at Self magazine.
Eat macadamia nuts if you can afford them. They are delicious, with a rich, creamy taste and rich in monounsaturated fats and fiber. The only downside is they can be costly; look for bargains in your local warehouse club.
Explore nut-based oils. We have already discussed peanut oil, but there are several other nut-based oils high in monounsaturated fats that are worth experimenting with, including hazelnut (also known as filbert), macadamia and almond.
Use soybean oil in moderation. It is polyunsaturated and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is versatile enough to be used in a range of recipes, from frying to homemade salad dressings. However, note that some people are allergic to soy.The jury is also still out for some researchers as to how much soy should be eaten every day as part of a healthy diet.
Eat more tofu. Soybeans have the highest amount of protein of any member of the bean family, with a low percentage of fat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in your cooking.Try a stir-fry using sesame oil to get the flavor of a Chinese restaurant with none of the hidden dangers found in many prepackaged foods. Some researchers express concern at eating too much soy, especially genetically modified soy. Look for organic tofu if you are concerned about GMO foods and cook more from scratch if you are worried about soy being added to many prepackaged foods as a thickener and source of protein.
Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to improve heart health. Sources include salmon and other fatty fish and sunflower, soybean, walnut, and corn oils.
Boost your Intake of Omega-6 fatty acids in moderation. Omega-6 fatty acids are thought to also aid in heart health, though according to recent studies, too much can be a bad thing.Flax seed is an excellent source of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Flax seed has a wonderful nutty taste and texture. Add to cereal or sprinkle on salads.
Choose your cheese wisely. Hard cheeses such as cheddar have less fat than soft cheeses such as Brie or Bleu cheese. If you are going to eat cheese, practice portion control. One ounce of cheese is about the size of two dice.
Choose your protein carefully. A lot of people think they have to give up bacon and other tasty meats because they are high in fat. The truth is they can be enjoyed in moderation if you make sensible choices.Try Canadian or back bacon instead of bacon streaked with fat. Also try a homemade ham steak.
The main danger with processed meats like bacon is all the chemicals, salt and preservatives the food industry puts into them.
One other concern is over cooked meats becoming charred, which has been associated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men. If you do choose to eat bacon, cook until crisp but not overdone.
Use a couple of slices on the side of your eggs in the morning, or as the topping for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich (BLT) loaded with the salad items and a thin smear of mayo or guacamole.
Opt for lean cuts of meat. Many people avoid beef and pork because they consider them to be too fatty. The truth is that there are a lot of lean cuts of meat you can buy in the supermarket once you know what to look for, such as a minute steak or a pork loin.One pork loin can make many meals economically smart, from a roast dinner to stir-fry, tacos, and most other meals in which you would use white-meat chicken. Use portion control to make sure you do not overdo it on the protein and fat.A three-ounce portion of meat is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards.
Use low-fat versions of high-fat foods. Some fat is good for us, but there is no need to consume full-fat items if there are low-fat alternatives. Look for low-fat cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt and milk to keep down the amount of dietary cholesterol and calories you are consuming.
Add Greek-style yogurt to your diet. Yogurt is good for maintaining digestive health, adding immune system-boosting probiotics through its active cultures. Studies have also shown that eating yogurt can curb cravings and lead to weight loss. Greek-style yogurt has twice the protein as regular yogurt for the same number of calories and will also make you feel fuller for longer.
Eat eggs. A lot of people steer clear of eggs due to the cholesterol, but the diet is just one part of the cholesterol picture. We can control our dietary intake of cholesterol to some extent, but skipping eggs can mean we are missing out on all of the protein and valuable nutrients packed into that one small shell, all for only about 70 to 90 calories.Eggs will help you feel full for longer and are highly portable. Boil up a couple so you can have a tasty snack you can take anywhere.Cheese and eggs are the main snacks permitted on a low carb diet because they leave you feeling satisfied for hours after eating, and much less likely to grab sugary foods due to carb cravings.
Choose chocolate. Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids, such as 70% to 90%, have been shown to contain healthy fats and other disease-fighting nutrients. One ounce a day of high-quality chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth even as it improves your health.Avoid milk chocolate or white chocolate due to the large amounts of sugar and other added ingredients that dilute the heart-healthy cocoa solids.
If you have been following a low fat diet but are still overweight or struggling with medical issues, try adding some healthy fats to your diet, in moderation.
The suggestions above are easy to follow and can make a difference in the way you look and feel.
The post 30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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Fats in your diet – What To Eat What to Avoid Fats are always looked at as a negative in a diet…well in almost all diets anyway, as Atkins tends to...
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joshuabradleyn · 6 years
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Eating healthy fats is finally over the last couple years becoming a recognized critical part of our diet. For the past few decades, we’ve heard all about the virtues of a low-fat diet and the dangers of dietary fat and cholesterol.
But with the number of overweight and obese people climbing every day and statin drugs for lowering cholesterol the most commonly prescribed medications in the world, researchers have recently reviewed the low fat trend.
Emerging research has shown that there is such a thing as healthy fat which can increase your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol-think H for healthy) and decrease your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol-think L for lousy).
But with so many so-called healthy oils and butter substitutes on the market, how do decide what’s best to buy?
Here are 30 tips for choosing healthy fats in your diet:
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Choose plant-based oils such as olive oil, or peanut oil if you are not allergic to nuts. Plant based oils will not contain cholesterol as compared with animal-based oils such as butter.
Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Mono means 1 and poly means more than 1. These fats are most easily used by the body for a range of important functions and are healthier for you than saturated fats.These will help you feel full and make it less likely that you will eat saturated fats from animal products, such as butter and lard.
Go Mediterranean. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be heart healthy due to the proportion of olive oil used as dressing and cooking oil. Olive oil is actually higher in calories than butter but contains no cholesterol.
Choose natural oils, not ‘lite’ or ‘light’ ones. Some people find the taste of olive oil a bit overwhelming, such as that of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or EVOO.There are different grades of olive oil you can try until you find one that suits your palate. Avoid oils labeled lite or light, however, because those words do not usually refer to the color of the oil, but the fact that is has been blended with another type of oil, one potentially less healthy for you.
Eat olives. These tasty little foods are the origins of olive oil, so you can get all the benefits of the oil plus a tasty snack for only a few calories per portion. Rinse off the salt water they are usually packed in to make them healthier, and enjoy!
Substitute olive oil for butter in a range of recipes. Use it as a spread on bread and for cooking and frying. If you miss buttercream frosting on your cake, try a simple glaze of water and powdered sugar instead, with a dash of olive oil for body and texture.
Eat avocados. These tasty fruits contain a range of heart-healthy fats 75% monounsaturated and 25% polyunsaturated. They are versatile and can be used in sandwiches, salads, Mexican and Tex-Mex meals, and more.
Use guacamole instead of mayo in your sandwiches. Make your own guacamole by mashing fresh avocado with some fresh tomatoes cut into cubes and a squirt of lemon or lime juice.Use your guacamole as you would mayonnaise, on turkey sandwiches, with your tuna salad, and more.  Be careful of commercially prepared guacamole, however, as it can often contain unhealthy fats.In fact, some actually contain very little avocado. If you must buy it, be sure to read the label to make sure avocado is listed as the first ingredient.
Eat nuts in moderation if you are not allergic. Studies have shown that those who eat 1 ounce of nuts each day have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off.Nuts are not only rich in healthy fats and certain vitamins and enzymes, their fiber makes you feel fuller and aids in digestion.
Try walnuts in your oatmeal each morning. Studies have shown that 8 walnuts a day can help lower you cholesterol naturally. A bowl of oatmeal made with quick oats, water and a dash of cinnamon can help lower it even more.
Switch to peanut oil. Peanut oil is a monounsaturated fat, which means it is a simple fat easily digested and used by the body. It increases healthy cholesterol in the body and is great for your skin and your memory.  It works well in Asian-style dishes.
Cook at home using healthy oils so you can steer clear of artery-clogging trans fats. Healthy oils like peanut, olive and coconut oil give foods a rich flavor compared with the trans fats in store-bought cookies, cakes and other packaged convenience foods.Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen molecules into a range of (usually cheap and unhealthy) oils to make them solid and therefore less likely to spoil as the products they are made with sit on store shelves.Trans fats are damaging to heart health and should be avoided as much as possible.
Add coconut oil to your diet in moderation. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but studies have shown it is processed by the body differently than animal-based saturated fats.Coconut oil has been shown to offer a range of healing properties and can improve your digestive health. It is usually solid at room temperature but becomes liquid on warm days.
Use coconut oil in a wide range of tasty recipes, even if you are not fond of the flavor. Coconut oil is versatile and can be used in most forms of cooking and baking; however, some people find the taste too strong or overwhelming in subtly seasoned recipes. If you do not want the strong taste of coconut to be obvious in your dishes, use expeller-pressed or deodorized coconut oil.
Use butter in moderation. Butter contains a range of vitamins and nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be good for heart health.Butter does also contain cholesterol, true, but also offers a range of health benefits, such as helping you feel full for longer and boosting your metabolism.
Use sunflower oil. It has the highest concentration of monounsaturated fats of all the oils available, according to the nutrition database at Self magazine.
Eat macadamia nuts if you can afford them. They are delicious, with a rich, creamy taste and rich in monounsaturated fats and fiber. The only downside is they can be costly; look for bargains in your local warehouse club.
Explore nut-based oils. We have already discussed peanut oil, but there are several other nut-based oils high in monounsaturated fats that are worth experimenting with, including hazelnut (also known as filbert), macadamia and almond.
Use soybean oil in moderation. It is polyunsaturated and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is versatile enough to be used in a range of recipes, from frying to homemade salad dressings. However, note that some people are allergic to soy.The jury is also still out for some researchers as to how much soy should be eaten every day as part of a healthy diet.
Eat more tofu. Soybeans have the highest amount of protein of any member of the bean family, with a low percentage of fat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in your cooking.Try a stir-fry using sesame oil to get the flavor of a Chinese restaurant with none of the hidden dangers found in many prepackaged foods. Some researchers express concern at eating too much soy, especially genetically modified soy. Look for organic tofu if you are concerned about GMO foods and cook more from scratch if you are worried about soy being added to many prepackaged foods as a thickener and source of protein.
Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to improve heart health. Sources include salmon and other fatty fish and sunflower, soybean, walnut, and corn oils.
Boost your Intake of Omega-6 fatty acids in moderation. Omega-6 fatty acids are thought to also aid in heart health, though according to recent studies, too much can be a bad thing.Flax seed is an excellent source of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Flax seed has a wonderful nutty taste and texture. Add to cereal or sprinkle on salads.
Choose your cheese wisely. Hard cheeses such as cheddar have less fat than soft cheeses such as Brie or Bleu cheese. If you are going to eat cheese, practice portion control. One ounce of cheese is about the size of two dice.
Choose your protein carefully. A lot of people think they have to give up bacon and other tasty meats because they are high in fat. The truth is they can be enjoyed in moderation if you make sensible choices.Try Canadian or back bacon instead of bacon streaked with fat. Also try a homemade ham steak.
The main danger with processed meats like bacon is all the chemicals, salt and preservatives the food industry puts into them.
One other concern is over cooked meats becoming charred, which has been associated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men. If you do choose to eat bacon, cook until crisp but not overdone.
Use a couple of slices on the side of your eggs in the morning, or as the topping for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich (BLT) loaded with the salad items and a thin smear of mayo or guacamole.
Opt for lean cuts of meat. Many people avoid beef and pork because they consider them to be too fatty. The truth is that there are a lot of lean cuts of meat you can buy in the supermarket once you know what to look for, such as a minute steak or a pork loin.One pork loin can make many meals economically smart, from a roast dinner to stir-fry, tacos, and most other meals in which you would use white-meat chicken. Use portion control to make sure you do not overdo it on the protein and fat.A three-ounce portion of meat is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards.
Use low-fat versions of high-fat foods. Some fat is good for us, but there is no need to consume full-fat items if there are low-fat alternatives. Look for low-fat cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt and milk to keep down the amount of dietary cholesterol and calories you are consuming.
Add Greek-style yogurt to your diet. Yogurt is good for maintaining digestive health, adding immune system-boosting probiotics through its active cultures. Studies have also shown that eating yogurt can curb cravings and lead to weight loss. Greek-style yogurt has twice the protein as regular yogurt for the same number of calories and will also make you feel fuller for longer.
Eat eggs. A lot of people steer clear of eggs due to the cholesterol, but the diet is just one part of the cholesterol picture. We can control our dietary intake of cholesterol to some extent, but skipping eggs can mean we are missing out on all of the protein and valuable nutrients packed into that one small shell, all for only about 70 to 90 calories.Eggs will help you feel full for longer and are highly portable. Boil up a couple so you can have a tasty snack you can take anywhere.Cheese and eggs are the main snacks permitted on a low carb diet because they leave you feeling satisfied for hours after eating, and much less likely to grab sugary foods due to carb cravings.
Choose chocolate. Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids, such as 70% to 90%, have been shown to contain healthy fats and other disease-fighting nutrients. One ounce a day of high-quality chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth even as it improves your health.Avoid milk chocolate or white chocolate due to the large amounts of sugar and other added ingredients that dilute the heart-healthy cocoa solids.
If you have been following a low fat diet but are still overweight or struggling with medical issues, try adding some healthy fats to your diet, in moderation.
The suggestions above are easy to follow and can make a difference in the way you look and feel.
The post 30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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Fats in your diet – What To Eat What to Avoid Fats are always looked at as a negative in a diet…well in almost all diets anyway, as Atkins tends to...
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albertcaldwellne · 6 years
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Eating healthy fats is finally over the last couple years becoming a recognized critical part of our diet. For the past few decades, we’ve heard all about the virtues of a low-fat diet and the dangers of dietary fat and cholesterol.
But with the number of overweight and obese people climbing every day and statin drugs for lowering cholesterol the most commonly prescribed medications in the world, researchers have recently reviewed the low fat trend.
Emerging research has shown that there is such a thing as healthy fat which can increase your good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol-think H for healthy) and decrease your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol-think L for lousy).
But with so many so-called healthy oils and butter substitutes on the market, how do decide what’s best to buy?
Here are 30 tips for choosing healthy fats in your diet:
30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet
Choose plant-based oils such as olive oil, or peanut oil if you are not allergic to nuts. Plant based oils will not contain cholesterol as compared with animal-based oils such as butter.
Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Mono means 1 and poly means more than 1. These fats are most easily used by the body for a range of important functions and are healthier for you than saturated fats.These will help you feel full and make it less likely that you will eat saturated fats from animal products, such as butter and lard.
Go Mediterranean. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be heart healthy due to the proportion of olive oil used as dressing and cooking oil. Olive oil is actually higher in calories than butter but contains no cholesterol.
Choose natural oils, not ‘lite’ or ‘light’ ones. Some people find the taste of olive oil a bit overwhelming, such as that of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or EVOO.There are different grades of olive oil you can try until you find one that suits your palate. Avoid oils labeled lite or light, however, because those words do not usually refer to the color of the oil, but the fact that is has been blended with another type of oil, one potentially less healthy for you.
Eat olives. These tasty little foods are the origins of olive oil, so you can get all the benefits of the oil plus a tasty snack for only a few calories per portion. Rinse off the salt water they are usually packed in to make them healthier, and enjoy!
Substitute olive oil for butter in a range of recipes. Use it as a spread on bread and for cooking and frying. If you miss buttercream frosting on your cake, try a simple glaze of water and powdered sugar instead, with a dash of olive oil for body and texture.
Eat avocados. These tasty fruits contain a range of heart-healthy fats 75% monounsaturated and 25% polyunsaturated. They are versatile and can be used in sandwiches, salads, Mexican and Tex-Mex meals, and more.
Use guacamole instead of mayo in your sandwiches. Make your own guacamole by mashing fresh avocado with some fresh tomatoes cut into cubes and a squirt of lemon or lime juice.Use your guacamole as you would mayonnaise, on turkey sandwiches, with your tuna salad, and more.  Be careful of commercially prepared guacamole, however, as it can often contain unhealthy fats.In fact, some actually contain very little avocado. If you must buy it, be sure to read the label to make sure avocado is listed as the first ingredient.
Eat nuts in moderation if you are not allergic. Studies have shown that those who eat 1 ounce of nuts each day have an easier time losing weight and keeping it off.Nuts are not only rich in healthy fats and certain vitamins and enzymes, their fiber makes you feel fuller and aids in digestion.
Try walnuts in your oatmeal each morning. Studies have shown that 8 walnuts a day can help lower you cholesterol naturally. A bowl of oatmeal made with quick oats, water and a dash of cinnamon can help lower it even more.
Switch to peanut oil. Peanut oil is a monounsaturated fat, which means it is a simple fat easily digested and used by the body. It increases healthy cholesterol in the body and is great for your skin and your memory.  It works well in Asian-style dishes.
Cook at home using healthy oils so you can steer clear of artery-clogging trans fats. Healthy oils like peanut, olive and coconut oil give foods a rich flavor compared with the trans fats in store-bought cookies, cakes and other packaged convenience foods.Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen molecules into a range of (usually cheap and unhealthy) oils to make them solid and therefore less likely to spoil as the products they are made with sit on store shelves.Trans fats are damaging to heart health and should be avoided as much as possible.
Add coconut oil to your diet in moderation. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but studies have shown it is processed by the body differently than animal-based saturated fats.Coconut oil has been shown to offer a range of healing properties and can improve your digestive health. It is usually solid at room temperature but becomes liquid on warm days.
Use coconut oil in a wide range of tasty recipes, even if you are not fond of the flavor. Coconut oil is versatile and can be used in most forms of cooking and baking; however, some people find the taste too strong or overwhelming in subtly seasoned recipes. If you do not want the strong taste of coconut to be obvious in your dishes, use expeller-pressed or deodorized coconut oil.
Use butter in moderation. Butter contains a range of vitamins and nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be good for heart health.Butter does also contain cholesterol, true, but also offers a range of health benefits, such as helping you feel full for longer and boosting your metabolism.
Use sunflower oil. It has the highest concentration of monounsaturated fats of all the oils available, according to the nutrition database at Self magazine.
Eat macadamia nuts if you can afford them. They are delicious, with a rich, creamy taste and rich in monounsaturated fats and fiber. The only downside is they can be costly; look for bargains in your local warehouse club.
Explore nut-based oils. We have already discussed peanut oil, but there are several other nut-based oils high in monounsaturated fats that are worth experimenting with, including hazelnut (also known as filbert), macadamia and almond.
Use soybean oil in moderation. It is polyunsaturated and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is versatile enough to be used in a range of recipes, from frying to homemade salad dressings. However, note that some people are allergic to soy.The jury is also still out for some researchers as to how much soy should be eaten every day as part of a healthy diet.
Eat more tofu. Soybeans have the highest amount of protein of any member of the bean family, with a low percentage of fat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in your cooking.Try a stir-fry using sesame oil to get the flavor of a Chinese restaurant with none of the hidden dangers found in many prepackaged foods. Some researchers express concern at eating too much soy, especially genetically modified soy. Look for organic tofu if you are concerned about GMO foods and cook more from scratch if you are worried about soy being added to many prepackaged foods as a thickener and source of protein.
Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to improve heart health. Sources include salmon and other fatty fish and sunflower, soybean, walnut, and corn oils.
Boost your Intake of Omega-6 fatty acids in moderation. Omega-6 fatty acids are thought to also aid in heart health, though according to recent studies, too much can be a bad thing.Flax seed is an excellent source of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Flax seed has a wonderful nutty taste and texture. Add to cereal or sprinkle on salads.
Choose your cheese wisely. Hard cheeses such as cheddar have less fat than soft cheeses such as Brie or Bleu cheese. If you are going to eat cheese, practice portion control. One ounce of cheese is about the size of two dice.
Choose your protein carefully. A lot of people think they have to give up bacon and other tasty meats because they are high in fat. The truth is they can be enjoyed in moderation if you make sensible choices.Try Canadian or back bacon instead of bacon streaked with fat. Also try a homemade ham steak.
The main danger with processed meats like bacon is all the chemicals, salt and preservatives the food industry puts into them.
One other concern is over cooked meats becoming charred, which has been associated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men. If you do choose to eat bacon, cook until crisp but not overdone.
Use a couple of slices on the side of your eggs in the morning, or as the topping for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich (BLT) loaded with the salad items and a thin smear of mayo or guacamole.
Opt for lean cuts of meat. Many people avoid beef and pork because they consider them to be too fatty. The truth is that there are a lot of lean cuts of meat you can buy in the supermarket once you know what to look for, such as a minute steak or a pork loin.One pork loin can make many meals economically smart, from a roast dinner to stir-fry, tacos, and most other meals in which you would use white-meat chicken. Use portion control to make sure you do not overdo it on the protein and fat.A three-ounce portion of meat is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards.
Use low-fat versions of high-fat foods. Some fat is good for us, but there is no need to consume full-fat items if there are low-fat alternatives. Look for low-fat cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt and milk to keep down the amount of dietary cholesterol and calories you are consuming.
Add Greek-style yogurt to your diet. Yogurt is good for maintaining digestive health, adding immune system-boosting probiotics through its active cultures. Studies have also shown that eating yogurt can curb cravings and lead to weight loss. Greek-style yogurt has twice the protein as regular yogurt for the same number of calories and will also make you feel fuller for longer.
Eat eggs. A lot of people steer clear of eggs due to the cholesterol, but the diet is just one part of the cholesterol picture. We can control our dietary intake of cholesterol to some extent, but skipping eggs can mean we are missing out on all of the protein and valuable nutrients packed into that one small shell, all for only about 70 to 90 calories.Eggs will help you feel full for longer and are highly portable. Boil up a couple so you can have a tasty snack you can take anywhere.Cheese and eggs are the main snacks permitted on a low carb diet because they leave you feeling satisfied for hours after eating, and much less likely to grab sugary foods due to carb cravings.
Choose chocolate. Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids, such as 70% to 90%, have been shown to contain healthy fats and other disease-fighting nutrients. One ounce a day of high-quality chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth even as it improves your health.Avoid milk chocolate or white chocolate due to the large amounts of sugar and other added ingredients that dilute the heart-healthy cocoa solids.
If you have been following a low fat diet but are still overweight or struggling with medical issues, try adding some healthy fats to your diet, in moderation.
The suggestions above are easy to follow and can make a difference in the way you look and feel.
The post 30 Tips For Choosing Healthy Fats In Your Diet appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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Eat a bit more Fats and Protein A study by Johns Hopkins University has shown that a regular high-carb diet that is changed to include a little...
Healthy fast food and trans fats I am a bit of a fan of Wendy’s restaurants, and yes I am aware of how fatty and devoid...
Fats in your diet – What To Eat What to Avoid Fats are always looked at as a negative in a diet…well in almost all diets anyway, as Atkins tends to...
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ketoconnect · 4 years
Keto Costco
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     Keto at Costco – Costco Keto Shopping List
What to Buy for Keto at Costco
People in the keto community love watching grocery hauls, fridge tours, or Days of Eating vlogs because they are easy ways to find inspiration and discover new meal ideas. Come grocery shopping with us and check out our Top 10 Keto Costco Buys.
Costco is one of our favorite places for high quality brands for low prices. If you’re feeding a lot of people, they have tons of great keto options to stock up on in bulk, from the staples to the specialty snacks. We’ll go through all the aisles to show you what’s keto friendly and what’s not.
Top 10 Costco Keto Buys
Grab a pen and paper! It’s time to make your next Costco shopping list.
1. Costco Meat
Some people argue the keto diet is expensive because meat is pricey, but not when you’re shopping at Costco. USDA Prime beef is good quality and has a low price, so stock up your freezer with fatty cuts of steak and ground beef. This beef brisket was only $3.79/lb which is a great deal.
Don’t forget to grab some Kiolbassa Smoked Sausages for quick meals throughout the week. They’ve got perfect keto macros and are delicious.
# USDA Prime Beef
# Kiolbassa Smoked Sausages
# Organic Whole Chickens – great for bone broth!
# Uncured Bacon
# Pork Belly
2. Costco Seafood
If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably not eating enough Omega-3 fatty acids which are mostly found in wild caught fish. Matt likes to incorporate some seafood into his meals to up his fat content and balance his Omega Fatty acid ratio. Costco carries a few great options.
# Wild Planet Canned Sardines
# Smoked Salmon (look for brands that don’t use sugar)
The smoked salmon from Costco was $15 per pound, which sounds expensive, but it’s cheaper than other grocery stores. A lot of smoked salmon is cured with sugar, so make sure to read the ingredient label. Make our Keto Bagels then top them with cream cheese and smoked salmon for a low-carb Lox sandwich!
3. Keto Dairy
Whether you’re looking for affordable or high quality and raw, Costco has the dairy for you and your keto diet.
# Heavy Whipping Cream
# Bulk Parmesan
# Bulk Feta
# Bulk Cheddar
# Raw Comte Cheese
# Raw P’tit Basque
Comté Cheese is made from raw milk, which is easier to digest and is full of probiotics. It is also Megha’s all-time favorite. This delicious, one pound brick from Costco was only $10.00 and aged for eight months. (The longer it has been aged, the better!) Megha’s perfect night is munching on a cheeseboard, enjoying some wine, and hanging out with Matt and their fur babies. Add some olives, nuts, and berries to your cheeseboard for a delicious keto appetizer.
4. Keto Snacks
If you’re looking for a few snacks to take on the road with you or enjoy at the movie theater, Costco has keto snacks galore. Remember to avoid anything containing maltitol or IMO fiber. Here are some great snack options.
# Kirkland Protein bars – Similar to a Quest bar, but cheaper.
Make sure to buy the one that is sweetened with erythritol (Kirkland Signature Protein Bars), and not maltitol, which can spike your blood sugar levels. Just read the ingredient list to know for sure!
# Cheese Crisps like Cello Whisps or Moon Cheese – Crunchy and salty!
# Nuts in bulk
5. Keto Baking Ingredients
You don’t have to live live without sweet treats and home baking when on a keto diet. Luckily Costco has low-carb baking ingredients you can find at great prices like Kirkland Almond Flour and Hemp Hearts.
We love hemp hearts for their low-carb, high-fat macro ratio. They are perfect for keto and a staple food for many vegan and vegetarian diets that rely on plant sources for their protein and fats. You can score a 24 oz. bag of hemp hearts from Costco for just $9.00!
Use Almond Flour to Make:
# Almond Ricotta Cookies
# Keto Cheesy keto Garlic bread
# Keto Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
# Hundreds more recipes using almond flour!
Use Hemp Hearts to make:
# Overnight Keto “Oatmeal”
# Keto Vegan Breakfast Protein Bowl
# Keto Vegan Meal Replacement Bars
6. Costco Fats & Oils
Fats and oils are an obvious staple on the keto diet, so buying in bulk at Costco is the way to go.
# Kerry Gold Butter – Grass-fed is higher in Vitamin A
Costco has the best deal for Kerry Gold Butter, so stock up. It’s only $11.00 for four bars, so we like to get three to six cases. We prefer to buy unsalted butter so we can have more control of how salty our recipes turn out. Try our favorite butter recipes, Bulletproof Coffee and Ooey Gooey Butter Cake!
# Ghee – A dairy free alternative to butter.
Ghee is just clarified butter, which means the fat has been separated from the milk, making it lactose-free. We blend it into our bulletproof coffees and use it in cooking. The Ghee we buy at Costco has good flavor and is cheap, just $19.00 for 56 oz. You can also find it at South Asian food stores for a good price!
# Coconut Oil
When buying coconut oil, we look for unrefined and cold-pressed, which just means they didn’t use high heat or chemicals to extract the oil from the coconut. High heat tends to damage the nutrients in healthy oils. We use it for frying, but it is a great substitute for butter in any recipe if you want to make it dairy-free. Try coconut oil in our Coconut Fat Bombs and Homemade Almond Joys!
# Avocado Oil
# Olive Oil
# Chosen Foods Avocado Oil Mayonnaise is an amazing score at Costco.
Megha eats mayonnaise every single day in her Egg Salad, so she needs to keep the fridge stocked. She used to eat Hellman’s Mayonnaise, but since making the decision to cut refined vegetable oils like soybean oil and canola oil from her diet, she likes to buy from Chosen Foods. They make their sauces with avocado oil and coconut oil. (Megha doesn’t recommend the coconut oil one!) Remember to always read the ingredient label to know what’s in your sauce!
7. Keto Drinks at Costco
Costco carries all kinds of drinks, but of course we’re on the hunt for sugar-free options. Try the Zip-Fizz!
Megha’s favorite pre-workout is Zipfizz, not only because it’s delicious, but it contains 1000mg of potassium per packet and a dose of caffeine. It’s important to replenish your electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium while on a keto diet because your body isn’t holding onto as much fluid as it usually does. As your body flushes out water, it flushes out the electrolytes with it, which can make you feel weak, tired, groggy, and even give you muscle cramps.
You can also grab some diet drinks, sparkling water, or even some coffee for making your bulletproof coffee.
If you can’t be bothered to make your own bone broth, but want to experience some of its gut-healing benefits, then we recommend LonoLife for their shelf-stable bone broth packets. The chicken flavor is our favorite and the Costco deal works out to be about $1.00/packet. If you do want to try making your own bone broth, try our Instant Pot Bone Broth recipe!
8. Keto Produce
We don’t like to buy a ton of produce from Costco since we have a small household and can’t eat that many vegetables quick enough, but there are some great options for people following a keto diet.
# Mushrooms
# Avocados
# Organic Salad Mix
# Frozen Cauliflower Rice
9. Keto Nuts and Seeds
Nuts are a great addition to any keto diet and can crush a chip craving in a hurry. Most nuts are high in fat, so the trick is buying the ones that are also low in carbs. Costco has some options.
# Macadamia Nuts
# Walnuts
# Almonds
# Pecans
# Pumpkin Seeds
10. Costco Eggs in Bulk
We’re going to give eggs their very own category since they’re such a nutrient powerhouse and are the perfect keto food. Costco offers eggs in large cartons, not just your standard dozen carton. Use them in Breakfast Casseroles, baking, Mug Cakes and just as a quick meal. Eggs are everything.
Sweeteners to Avoid at Costco!
Does natural mean sugar-free? No! Here are some sweeteners you will encounter at the grocery store, but should avoid!
1. Agave Syrup: This is pure sugar.
2. Coconut Sugar: Also just another form of sugar.
3. Stevia in the Raw: The first ingredient is cane sugar, which is pure sugar.
4. Splenda: This is okay in small amounts, like a packet in your coffee. But with ingredients like dextrose and maltodextrin, it’s best to stay away from consuming this in large amounts.
In Summary
Costco is one of our top stores to buy the necessities! They have so many cheap options that you can buy in bulk so they last a while! This was our list of the top 10 things to buy at Costco for keto, as well as a few things to stay away from.
1. Costco Meat
2. Costco Seafood
3. Keto Dairy
4. Keto Snacks
5. Keto Baking Ingredients
6. Fats & Oils
7. Keto Drinks
8. Produce
9. Keto Nuts & Seeds
10. Costco Eggs
We also added many extra things that you can buy at Costco for keto!
We were blown away by how many new products Costco was carrying on our last grocery haul, so be sure to check it out and see what’s new in your store! Comment below with your favorite keto grocery items from Costco!
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