#and then Malon proceeded to chew him out for the next half hour or so
skyward-floored · 2 years
Thinking about Sky talking to little Legend about his powers and to find aspects he appreciates about them, like "Well, my wings were really cumbersome at first, but once I figured out how to fly I grew to love them," and then Sky goes home or something, and Malon comes out of the house just in time to find tiny rabbit Legend about to jump off the roof trying to fly.
Sky gets a *very* loud phonecall from Malon shortly thereafter
“Come on Ledge, I’m sure there’s something you like about being a bunny. Just tell me one thing, okay?”
Legend crossed his arms and pouted in the way only little kids could, looking grumpily at the floor, pointedly away from Sky’s face.
“Nothing,” he moped. “Twi’s is better. Bunnies can’t do anything. Wolves have teeth an’ big fur an’ long tails an’ can run.”
Sky smiled. “Well rabbits can run too, and hop! Wolves can’t hop.”
“But they don’t need to! They’ve got the other stuff! Bunnies just have dumb stuff!” Legend groaned, flopping back into the floor.
He was silent for a couple moments, then put an arm over his face.
“Why’d I have to be a bunny,” he mumbled.
Sky sighed, and sat down on the floor next to Legend, looking at the young boy pouting on the floor. He leaned close, and watched him for a couple moments before saying anything.
“Do you want to know a secret?” he asked, and Legend peered up at him.
Sky motioned him close, and Legend lifted his arm off his face as he sat back up, looking intensely curious as he leaned in.
“...I used to not like having wings,” Sky whispered, and Legend’s eyes grew huge.
“Whaaat? But-but— wings!” Legend gasped, and Sky smiled. “They’re so cool! An’ big and stuff!”
“That’s true,” Sky admitted, “but at first they were too big. It was impossible to do anything with them, I hated having them out and didn’t even like to look at them... but then I learned to fly.”
Legend cocked his head, and Sky extended his wings, resting the red and white feathers out so Legend could look at them closer.
“And I learned to love them,” Sky continued with a fond smile. “And I bet you’ll learn to love being a bunny someday too.“
Legend ran a hand over a wing, admiring the purple and yellow feathers among the red and white, and looked thoughtful.
“...maybe,” he admitted, and Sky smiled.
“Legend? Legend honey, are you in here?” Malon called, looking around the kitchen.
She hadn’t seen her second-youngest since Sky had left nearly an hour ago, and was starting to get a bit worried. It wasn’t uncommon for him to get absorbed in something and turn invisible without thinking, but he still made noise while doing so.
“Legend?” she called again, and wandered out the back door. “Are you out here?”
“Hi mom!”
Malon froze in her steps, and slowly turned her head around, up at the house behind her.
And up on the very top of their roof, sat a little pink bunny.
“Legend!” Malon gasped, and her son twitched his nose. “What— get down from there! You could hurt yourself!”
Legend shook his head. “Nope! I won’t get hurt! I’m gonna fly!”
Malon felt equal exasperation and fearful disbelief go through her. “Sweetie do not try to fly, you’ll fall!”
“No I won’t!” Legend called back, “Sky said he didn’t like his powers til’ he learned to fly, so I’m gonna fly!”
“Legend, stay right there until I can come get you,” Malon said firmly, and Legend thumped his back leg angrily.
“No! I’m gonna FLY!”
And he leapt off the roof, flapping his tiny ears as he went.
Malon sprung into action as Legend plummeted towards the ground, who, once realizing he really couldn’t fly, let out a screech of terror. She leapt forwards and caught her tiny son in her arms just in time, and sank to the ground, the pink puffball that was currently Legend breathing a bit erratically.
“Young man, we do not pitch ourselves off roofs in this house!” Malon managed to get out, giving the bunny cupped in her arms a stern look.
Legend shrank down a bit, and looked significantly cowed.
“Sorry mom,” he said quietly. “Sky said it worked for him.”
Malon sighed.
“You and Sky are not the same person honey,” she said gently, and gave him a hug. “Sky has his powers, and you have yours. And I promise you that being a rabbit is just as amazing as having wings, or spraying ice or being a wolf. Okay?”
“Okay,” Legend mumbled.
Malon stood up and sighed again.
“Well. Normally you wouldn’t get dessert for quite some time after a stunt like that, but I think you learned your lesson enough. But if I ever find you up there again you will be in serious trouble mister,” she said sternly, then gave Legend another quick hug.
Then she made a beeline for the phone, a determined gleam in her eye.
“Oh, hi Malon! I was about to call you, I think I left my jacket—“
Sky froze in terror at the tone of voice, and gulped, the sound of it something that scared him more than anything else he’d ever faced in all his years as a superhero.
Warriors, who was standing nearby, looked over at him and mouthed hang up.
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