#and then adding the backer paper (no picture) and wrapping it all up
oflgtfol · 1 year
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call me John the way i be Carpenting 💪💪
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rora-s · 3 years
The Derivative Chapter 15: Seventeen
Chapter 1 <- Chapter 14
I came trudging into my uncle's office and threw my backpack down in his chair. The three men within the office gave me a concerned look. “Trouble adapting to college life?” Charlie inquired.
I let off a breath leaning on the desk “college students are better but no less annoying than high schoolers” I declared “I just talked to a girl in one of my classes who asked and I quote ‘are you visiting on a high school field trip?’” I mocked the girl's squawky voice.
Don chuckled slightly “well you are sixteen. Not a lot of kids your age running around these halls”
“She sees me every other day in our class. She borrowed my pencil once” I exclaimed indignantly.
“Ah it seems this fair student was wrapped in her own world to the point of tuning the rest out” Larry declared.
“Yeah or she’s just an asshole” I muttered then glanced at the computer screen on the desk “is that some kind of code?”
“Yes it’s a rolling code for a car remote” Charlie explained, holding up the remote in question in his hand. “It’s actually part of a kidnapping case”
“Kidnapping?” I questioned.
Don sighed and shot his brother a look “yeah it’s a case we’re working.”
I nodded, resisting the urge to ask if I could help. Just then my phone alarm went off. “I have class” I sighed, turning off the alarm and grabbing my backpack.
“I’ll walk with you,” Don offered. I nodded and waved farewell to Charlie and Larry as we exited the office. We only got a couple feet from the door before Don was talking again “so your birthday is this weekend.”
“What? Really? I had no idea” I replied sarcastically.
Don scoffed “I was just wondering if you wanted to do anything? I mean just me and you could hangout or we could have a barbecue at the house with everybody. Whatever you want” he shrugged.
“Uh yeah a barbecue would be cool” I murmured the grip on my backpack tightening a bit.
“You sure?” Don asked. I glanced over to see him looking at me with mild concern in his features.
“Yeah fine” I assured him as we reached the door to my classroom “it’s just…” I hesitated “don’t worry about it it's nothing”
“Okay” Don nodded “have fun on your field trip” he teased.
“Ha ha very funny” I muttered a small smile on his face. He turned to leave and I ducked into the classroom. There was a sinking feeling in my gut and another feeling that I couldn’t quite place and didn’t really like.
3rd POV.
“And no, no contact, in almost seven hours” Don murmured looking at the board set up in the war room. “What the hell are they after?”
“I still think Erica Logan has to be the key” Megan declared standing up as Don began to pace the room. “This kind of radical shift in behavior? There has to be some sort of trigger.”
“Trigger?” David questioned from his seat “like what?”
“I can tell you what a textbook would say,” Megan explained. “Statistically, it’s things like a near-death experience. A person can exhibit an extreme shift in behavior if they survived a plane crash. Another could be a person who’s told they only have a month to live, may act on fantasies of an alter ego.”
“Doesn’t fit, though in this case” Colby objected. “The autopsy would have flagged that.”
“All right, so what else?” Don inquired leaning on the table.
“Uh, parental instinct” Megan offered “the perception of a serious threat to a child.”
“That also doesn’t fit” Colby spoke up again “I mean, her father said she doesn’t have kids, right?”
Don thought about his talk with the man for a second and the pictures in the house realization hitting him “but there was a brother, right?” he asked, gesturing to David who had also been there for the interview “the old man said she practically raised him.”
“Yeah,” David nodded in agreement, sitting up in his seat.
“A younger sibling could be the trigger, if they had developed that kind of relationship” Megan agreed.
“Younger brothers can definitely be a trigger, trust me on that one” Don stated with an edge of humor before going back to business mode turning to David “why don’t you go talk to the old man see if you can get an address on the son.” the agent nodded and started grabbing his things “I mean, I want to get everything we can on this kid, right?”
Colby grabbed his things and followed David out of the room. When it was just them Megan turned to Don. “Speaking of parental instincts, how's that daughter of yours doing?”
“Abby? She’s fine” Don shrugged.
“Really? I mean it can’t be easy being a sixteen year old kid in college” Megan voiced.
Don scoffed “she complains less about it than she did about high school so” he shrugged.
“Well since she’s in a house full of men. Why don’t you tell her if she ever needs a woman’s advice she can have my number” Megan offered.
“Thanks” Don smiled at his partner before she turned and left. Don shifted some files and thought a bit to himself. He’d never thought about it before but Abby was constantly surrounded by guys. The only female influence in her life right now that he could think of was Amita. Was that why she had been so weird about the barbecue?
Don doubted it. Maybe he was just coming to weird conclusions. Maybe the barbecue wasn’t even an issue and she was just preoccupied with the class she was about to walk into when he asked. No, she had a look on her face that told him she wasn’t happy about something. He just had no idea what and now he had to figure it out.
As he turned to leave the board caught his attention again. Parental instincts could change behavior. He thought that was a bit of an understatement.
Abby POV.
“Oh come on Charlie it couldn’t have been that bad.” Alan objected from the kitchen as the mathematician sulked at the dining room table.
“Actually, I truly can’t explain how awful it was,” Charlie muttered as Alan came out and sat a mug of hot tea down in front of his son and two plates of cake, one for him and one for me.
“Oh, I don’t understand it.” Gramps grumbled “You and Amita. You always got along so well.”
Charlie shrugged “I’m just as confused as you are”
“Yeah well, maybe it’ll be better next time, hmm?” Alan suggested as I just ate my cake and read quietly.
“Yeah, I don’t think there’s going to be a next time in the future” Uncle C sighed as my father entered the house through the front door.
“No, no, you do not give up.” Alan objected. “You never give up”
“Who’s giving up what?” Don inquired.
“Charlie. He blew his first date with Amita” Gramps informed.
“And he’s being very pouty about it,” I added, earning me a small glare from my uncle.
“I wouldn’t say that I- I blew it, Dad or that I’m pouting” the professor objected. “I mean that’s…” he trailed off as Alan gave him a look “yeah, maybe I blew it.”
“And are pouty” I chimed in and got another half hearted glare.
“Wait, what happened, buddy?” Don asked, shedding his coat.
“It’s just we found out that we really don’t have much to talk about outside math” Charlie explained as Gramps got to his feet.
“And you can’t talk about math because?” I questioned.
“Well it’s our work and we want to talk about more than just work” Charlie muttered.
“Oh, man.” Don sighed “Yeah, I know about that. Maybe it’s an Eppes thing you know? When Terry and I started dating, the first thing we said was we weren’t going to talk about work, right? You know, not a word.”
“Don’t say it’s an Eppes thing cuz that curses me too” I complained.
“Hey last I checked your last name was still Calvin so you get exempt” Don pointed out.
“So, how’d you work it out?” Alan inquired, handing his eldest the beer he had just retrieved from the kitchen. “With Terry?’
“Well, I mean, she’s back with her ex but..” Don murmured.
“That’s really very encouraging,” Charlie grumbled sarcastically.
“I didn't mean it like that” Don objected with a slight chuckle “I’m sorry. It’s different with you guys. You’ll work it out.” Charlie just let off a breath. “Meanwhile, I’m hitting a wall with this case.”
“You haven’t found them yet?” Charlie inquired.
“Found who?” Alan asked as Don headed back into the foyer to grab his file off the table.
“A mother and her eight year old daughter, kidnapped.” Don informed heading into the living room with his file.
“That’s horrible,” Alan declared.
“This is the same case with the car key code thing?” I asked.
“Yeah” Charlie replied with a nod as the three of us stood to follow Don into the living room. I brought my book and slice of cake with me.
“Who took them?” Gramps questioned.
“I don’t know yet” Don explained sitting on the couch “I mean, we got this one suspect who’s a bookie, and we think there’s some connection, but we got these files off his computer, and they’re impossible to analyze”
“What are you looking for in here?” Charlie questioned, going to look over the file Don offered him as I sat on the couch next to my father. .
“Well, I mean, the people who financed the operation.” Don explained “this guy’s been running bets through a website called Statswire that dead-ends at a URL in China. And with all the money he’s pulling in and paying out, we can’t tell the difference between the backer and bettors.”
“Well these abbreviations may be names and dates” Uncle C suggested looking the file over “but the numbers in this column here 35-17-11” he muttered as Gramps went to look over his shoulder. “23-17-5, 24-12-3 ½? Yeah I’m assuming that they’re part of some sort of odds making, but they just appear to be at random and they can’t be.”
“You’re right. They’re not random” Alan voiced as I shifted my cake away from my thieving father.
“What are you talking about?” Don inquired.
“Where’s that paper?” Alan muttered standing up and going over to a stack of newspapers “this weekend’s football scores.” he stated grabbing the paper he was looking for and coming back over as we all huddled over the file to look. “Let me see. 35-17-11 here.” he pointed to the newspaper “the Packers beat the Vikings 35-17, and the spread was 11”
“Whoa,” Don murmured.
“Nice catch Gramps” I said with a slight smirk.
“Thank you. 23-17-5. That here, Niners in San Diego, five-point spread, right?” Alan found another “24 to 12 was the Jaguars over the Colts. Huh?”
“Let me see that” Don took the paper and looked it over.
“3 ½ was a ridiculous spread” Gramps commented “I took the Jaguars and made a hundred bucks”
“What, you have a bookie?” Don questioned his father in surprise.
“Busted,” I murmured.
“Should I have a lawyer present?” Alan replied.
“No, I’ll let you slide.” Don murmured looking back over the paper. As I chuckled lightly.
“Wait a minute. If this column is the point spread, I can use it to calculate the ratio of winners to losers” Charlie explained “and potentially trace the payouts and the money flow.”
“Yay teamwork” I murmured.
“Says the girl who sat there eating cake the entire time” Don pointed out. I just shrugged with a smirk.
3rd POV.
Don got out of his car with a sigh. He was relieved that she had at least thought to text him this time. As he made his way across the grass to his daughter she glanced up at him before her eyes became fixated on the ground.
He sat down next to her in front of the head stone. After a moment of silence he finally spoke “what’s wrong?”
“Why do you assume something’s wrong?” Abby replied, still not looking up at him and she fiddled with her blinders in her hand.
“Because I know you well enough now to know when something’s bothering you” he replied softly. Abby shifted but didn’t speak. “You know if you don’t want to have a party or something for your birthday that’s fine. It’s okay if you don’t even want to celebrate it but I’d like to know why” he explained.
“It’s not that I don’t want to celebrate it” Abby objected. “It’s just-” she took a shaky breath “I suddenly have people to celebrate with and I’ve never had that before because-” she cut off.
“Because what?” Don encouraged.
She took another deep breath “last year we sat here and I told you how much I love and miss my mom now I’m sitting here and- and I’m just mad at her. I’m mad because she didn’t tell you about me. Didn’t let us meet sooner because I spent nearly sixteen years of my life not knowing you, or Grandpa, or Uncle C and because I want to have that stupid barbecue with you guys and I wish I could have had that sooner but-” Abby cut off again and tears rolled down her cheek. “I’m never going to see her again and all I am is mad at her”
Don wrapped a gentle arm around Abby pulling her closer. “Listen Abby, the last year of my life spent with you has been an incredible time. We’ve gotten to know each other and despite some preconceived notions I haven’t managed to screw up being a dad too bad. Right?” Abby scoffed at the last statement, sniffing back her tears. “That said I was a very different person years ago when I met your mother. And the truth is I don’t know if I could have been the father I would have wanted to be to you all those years ago. Heck I’m not even sure I’m the father I want for you right now.” he bit his lip pausing before he continued “not having you in my life all these years… it hurt and when I found out honestly I was mad too but- but I know your mother loved you Abbs and she only did what she did. She only kept this secret because she loved you and she thought it was the best for you.”
“I know,” Abby sighed.
“And now we do have each other and the rest of my crazy family,” he muttered, making her laugh a little. “It’s me and you kid and I’m not going anywhere”
“Thanks dad” she murmured sniffing back tears “but I’m still mad”
“I know,” Don murmured, pulling Abby into a hug “but I’m sure you’ve been mad at your mom before. She can take it and one day you’ll figure out how to forgive her, trust me.”
Chapter 16 ->
8 notes · View notes
dwdelaney-blog · 5 years
timeline 2019
- intro - several sections - 2019 analysis
- mm sportstalkmans - dm nsa - hart basketball - greco baise vala - we knew it all along - addiction frame mental illness frame - they knew theyd lose - shark smere -  and see generally trump elected on a platform of fucking w/ me - note esp usccb pres named kurtz from louisville - baise leaves for ideas illinois - laffers silly - mark denzler - 2p - topaz - ii - whigs - wide awakes Timeline 2019 - brings new info into old sites - important links b/t pages Focus - "hot coffee" mcds poison - corp liability - chamber ic - cringeworthy - scrp says "treatment" - addiction frame - mental illness - 2019 analysis says they knew theyd lose - what does that mean - given the facts - scso jail etc - xa fop "enablers" and caths * wojcicki - this page links the others together - xa month named sites - esp month where it was suggested I won in court -and see esp 4 mo period without posting to web 2019 - Things to add from recent events - sanctuary cities - denver riggleman bigfoot porn - emoji the movie - roddavis & eric hall - dirt - bmsk - roger stones - trump cabinet perry et al - russian collusion -
Spk Spkattys - spkgop - inginspk - carlson
see generally link to slu spitzer - new guy at usccb - paprocki wojcicki - sheriffs - pence antique mall - fop - roth dragoo - vigilantism - color - shgfootball - xa carlson analysis links kaiser to tx - hurwitz seidl - hotubtom - note esp inginspk ovp - sere & 2019 update haspel rewarded destruction of video in spk - now dci - xa basketball analysis mark few Tx Tx22 - galveston - donna - texas
Updates - perry is dir - agricolae
California - sd - oclincs -
xa street names - and see generally fox simpsons - ailes - cletus
Spfld is sang cty - big picture - scb - scrp - erve - libri - 33rd - ierc - chamber - cl&e - nabors - riggleman - dustin does porn - scso - spd - sfd 37 - xa political
Scrping - ierc - spfldconsulting - youngrepublicans - scsodefendants - williamsonvicari - dirt - partisanbadgers - ilfopngaoi - teaparty - publicrelations -
Orgs includes caths and other nationwide/regional influences involved in the background of the case - following - coordination - communication - recruitment - matls methods etc - and see esp fraternal orgs ie kc and po - fop - this would include gop but im placing that on a separate page
- caths - wal - mcds - wm - guards wackenhut - securitas - fop - labor liuna ibt et al - dod - Im thinking of making this its own page - I think a lot of people involved in this may be deps or reserve - big picture distinction b/t corp/dod and other - chamber
Big picture legal timeline -
I have to leave spk dec 03/jan 04 - very bad - I just start driving south - complained to faculty at gu - didnt help
Spring and summer in tx - galv area - spring 04 tried complaint at hou pd- went to galv - aug 04 tried to file in galv - no luck - have to go to spfld
Go to spfld - file case - pro se - ifp - Write questions - bring them the people I want to answer them - nothing - complaint at county starts 2005 runs to 2006
I appeal and the page mentions the time and place of the appeals as well as the docs themselves - appls run to about 2008 at ussc
See esp - Docs - consider also voice recorder - see also gmail and saved docs like interrogatories
Legal involves doj and my complaint - I may split these but im keeping this here til I start adding things to the page - importantly - 2006 seems to play a large role in legal situation - complaint filed in 2005 - usattys - goss bails - cofer black also leaves to work for fresh prince - cunningham - cifa - scooter
Political links to the locations and publicrelations and partisanbadgers - spfld is key - scrp - scso jail - scb - ierc - yrs - gopattys - burkhart -
Tx - 2004 ifp - usarec - ororke longies is gwb link - homicidal threats frame - perry - usss copeland - threats also gwb - xa spk link carlson - txgop johnson - sere guy - shark smear -
Sites under spfld - scrping - ierc - scsodefendants - spdefendants -note irv moves to ftl - note spfld links to other places ie kevin vann in ft worth - hanson locations - carlyle in spi - chigop - spfldconsulting
This where I would point out that it wasnt til later that scso put me in jail for no reason - I dont remember the year but I think it was after my last legal appeal - paper notes start in tx in 04 - cant remember when page started - start page around time case - maybe later - they put me in jail after the case - if I could remember when they did that it might explain other events in the timeline
wpp - h/k - omnimedia - Omnicom - Fleischman Hillard - mercury public affairs - terry nelson - duane Gibson - wal - smiley - tlg - Garfield - Wilkinson - copper green - blessing swift - Ackermann - fl - brooks bros - duane the rock was at ftl - xa stone - irv - xa bc 04 - kjell - chigop - pr - wpp - inginspk - dod - Petraeus - petra - optics - troop surge - sere guy - rock man - paprocki - Charles Dutton - bonilla - Carlyle tx - longies - ororke - phone calls - terr frame - homicidal threats frame - perry is cabinet
Part of the 2019 add to the site is following some people
Starting w/ these 4 people rove cambone perry agag
The rove  stuff is linked at crossroads as reticle crosshairs and 24/7 - the new stuff is american crossroads which is a reference to  ac - operant
Denver riggleman
Denver eagleman - air force - forced air - hvac - operant cond - ann colder - academies - consent as legal strategy - they knew theyd lose - cringeworthy - ecole - kohls - ipi - baise - denzler - facio - make america - facere usa - xa boulder rock - mu - roddavis - eric hall - wojcicki - ilfopngaoi roth dragoo - rauner kingmaker - greco baise vala - dont piss on my head and tell me its rainin
Resistance to Trump vs. bipartisanship: Starkly different missions drive Virginia congressional hopefuls
Laura Vozzella Washingtonpost.com. (Sept. 21, 2018): Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2018 The Washington Post Listen Full Text: Byline: Laura Vozzella MADISON, Va. -- Democrat Leslie Cockburn vowed to resist President Trump while Republican Denver Riggleman promised "common sense" and bipartisanship as the rivals for the 5th Congressional District seat met for their second debate Thursday. Cockburn, a former "60 Minutes" producer, and Riggleman, a former Air Force intelligence officer and craft distillery owner, are political newcomers vying for the seat being vacated by freshman Rep. Thomas Garrett (R). Garrett announced in May that he is an alcoholic and would abandon his run for a second term so he could focus on recovery and his family. From her opening statement to her closing an hour later, Cockburn invoked Trump as the driving force behind her bid. "I am one of those women who stood up because Donald Trump came into office," she said at the outset. She wrapped up by declaring that "2018 is a blue wave, and it is a wave for women." Unless Democrats retake power, she said, "we are going to lose our democracy because we have people in power who have no respect for institutions." Riggleman took a markedly different tack, contending throughout the hour-long debate that he would bring a willingness to work across the aisle in Washington. Riggleman, who ran unsuccessfully for governor last year, traces his entry into politics to his battles with government bureaucracy and entrenched liquor interests as he opened Silverback Distillery in 2014. He said his goal was to make the system work for ordinary people. "Actually, Leslie and I agree on a few things," he said when the discussion turned to health care, noting that they both believe it is a primary issue. "I don't think we need an Obamacare. I don't think we need a Trumpcare. I think we need a 'Bipartisancare.'" As for Trump, Riggleman said he would support the president's policies when they benefit the district, and oppose them when they don't. He called Trump's tariffs a mixed bag -- benefiting some farmers but hurting others. The candidates appeared before a packed auditorium at Madison County High School, with supporters on each side sporting offbeat T-shirts that sought to make light of campaign controversies. Some Cockburn supporters wore shirts emblazoned with "Semites for Leslie," an attempt to push back on allegations, based on a book she co-authored that was highly critical of Israel, that she is anti-Semitic. Some of her backers also wore shirts that played off the slogan used by Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state who lost to Trump in 2016: "I'm with Leslie."
Some Riggleman fans wore shirts with an image of Bigfoot plastered on a Virginia map.
                "Riggleman '18," they read. "You have to believe!"
It was a reference to a satirical book that Riggleman wrote -- before running for office -- about the mating habits of Sasquatch. Riggleman and Cockburn are competing to represent a largely rural district that stretches from wealthy Washington exurbs to struggling communities on the North Carolina line. Trump won the 5th by 11 points in 2016, even as Clinton took the state by more than five points. Amid a blue wave the next year, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie won the district by nine points, even though Democrat Ralph Northam won Virginia overall by the same nine-point margin. Independent analysts rate the race as "leans Republican." The debate was moderated by Stephen Farnsworth, a University of Mary Washington political scientist and director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies. Farnsworth would throw out a broad topic and then give each candidate the chance to speak for a few minutes. "What would you do to address education?" he asked at one point. Cockburn responded that if Democrats could flip control of the House, Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-Va.) would become chairman of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and that would improve "the education system." She called for universal pre-kindergarten, saying it would help narrow the achievement gap between low-income children and their more affluent peers. She also called for tuition-free community college. She did not put a price tag on the pre-K or college plan. Riggleman said children who attend underperforming schools should have the right to transfer to a better one, although he didn't explain how that would work. He also said he opposes linking education funding to standardized test scores -- a practice Congress ended three years ago. He said that he wants to offer tax credits to families that home-school their children and that the credit would equal the average per-student cost of education in the local school district. Asked after the debate if that would drain tax revenue used for public education, he said: "It would make the public schools have to be a little bit more competitive, wouldn't it? And really, not a whole lot of people home-school. I think we're talking about a very small slice of the population." Cockburn declined to take questions after the debate. "I'm not going to do an interview right now," she said.
Congressman Denver Riggleman elected to serve on two Financial Services Subcommittees US Official News. (Feb. 4, 2019): Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 Plus Media Solutions Listen Full Text: Washington: Office of the MP Denver Riggleman has issued the following news release: Congressman Denver Riggleman (R-VA) was elected to two subcommittees on the House Committee on Financial Services this morning. Congressman Riggleman was named Vice-Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy and will also serve on the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions. "It is an honor to be selected to serve on these prestigious subcommittees," said Congressman Riggleman. "I will use my position on these committees to fight for 5th district consumers and small businesses. As a small business owner, I understand the burden unnecessary regulation can cause and I plan to help push legislation through that promotes economic freedom." Congressman Riggleman is the only freshman Republican to be named a ranking member on a subcommittee, which puts him in a good position to produce legislation to help the 5th district. The Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions is considered one of the most prestigious subcommittees on the
Financial Services Committee.
Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) "Congressman Denver Riggleman elected to serve on two Financial Services Subcommittees."
Congressman Denver Riggleman Recommended to House Financial Services CommitteeTargeted News Service. (Jan. 17, 2019):Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 Athena Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.http://targetednews.com/Full Text: WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -- Rep. Denver Riggleman, R-Virginia, issued the following news release:
Yesterday, Congressman Denver Riggleman (VA-05) was recommended by the Republican Steering Committee to serve on the House Financial Services Committee, one of only four exclusive Committees in Congress.
"I am honored by this appointment and thankful for the opportunity to serve the 5th district on the House Financial Services Committee," said Congressman Riggleman. "As a small business owner, I learned firsthand the problems that are caused by overreaching government regulation. On this committee, I will fight for the economic freedom of consumers and small businesses across the 5th district."
Ranking Republican Member Patrick McHenry said, "As a business owner, Denver can provide critical input and expertise to the Financial Services Committee. I'm glad to see him, and his fellow freshman members, recommended to join so we can continue to build on the gains we've already achieved for hardworking taxpayers. I thank him for his continued service to our country and look forward to working alongside him in the 116th Congress.
ICYMI: CHENEY: DEMOCRATS SHOULD STAGE AN INTERVENTION WITH THE SPEAKER States News Service. (Jan. 24, 2019): Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 States News Service Listen Full Text: WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by House Republican Conference Chairmen Liz Cheney: Chris Martin Today, House Republican Conference chair
Liz Cheney called on House Democrats to stage an intervention with Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her irrational, destructive actions
and her refusal to negotiate an end to the shutdown: Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney: "We are here, as you all know, still in shutdown mode, still in a situation where the Democrats won't even talk It is absolutely untenable and unreasonable for them not to even come to the table and I really hope that the Democrats will recognize soon the damage that Speaker Pelosi's doing to their party, that she's doing to this institution, that she's doing to the House of Representatives, and to the United States by absolutely refusing to negotiate, by doing something nobody's ever done before, cancelling the State of the Union appearance of the President. I think it's time for the Democratic party to have an intervention with the Speaker and ask her to do what's right for the nation, what's right for their party, and what's right for this institution. We hope they will come to the table, but we have not seen any indication that they're even willing to be
4 12
Whos extortng who
The excuse theyre using is the addiction frame. They have to claim consent. Thats what they claimed at trial and its why I write this page. They know its not true. they say I consent and wont listen when I say I dont. For years theyve tried to gather evidence to support their claim. All efforts have failed. Instead the evidence has shown the chem and theother actions of the defs arent trying to help
Its the same argument they lost so badly at trial. All this time - since the trial. I guess there was a trial. Theyve continued to do the same thing that constituted the basis of the original claim. A lot of happened around 2005 - 2006. That fits the legal timeline of my first complaint - as ive talked about - they say I consent - I dont. 953. no means no. For all the effort that is spent watching me - following me everywhere I go. When I say something specifically about whether I consent to their "treatment" - they dont want to hear it. How many pages how many years is it going to take
Riggleman denzler
cheney comment re intervention & extortion - addiction frame - issue at trial - cringeworthy - usattys - rove - agag - legal timeline of my complaint - note esp handwritten notes - offered in person - made while in spfld - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - complaints made in writing and brought to cdil office in person - complaints also made at spfld fbi office - I couldnt get anyone to answer my questions - that I sent as interrogatories - I asked for people to investigate my complaint - as early as 2004 - see also complaint at hpd and complaint at spd dia - note esp guys running dia - stone at kopec at kopec stone - link to about schmidt - pbpa5 - links from po to mp - 233 - 183 fw - fuel specialists - denver eagle man - ecole - ipi - lincoln era gop - ierc - wide awakes - link from ing to scrp - austin is adj genl - apptd by - cellinis wife - I cant make this stuff up - 404 chem batt is celleti - cl&e - kcs are - gk karl kemme - how to train your dragon - terr frame - op - sleep deprivation - mrt addictionframe - dirt - nix alums - thompson alums - springfieldconsulting - cellini blessac ift - xa hardy pisano liuna isea 2002 - deposition for dennispmoore collision - hardy caruso steil durako - veseling - xa shgfootball - blagoliuna - schaive anda herr cutt - nethercutt - kaiser carlson - gallatin seidl hurwitz - hotubtom - pesticides - op tyle man - paprocki at ipi - mustache - liuna furman milburn - furman schuh - wojcicki - hendren - sheriffs - ilfopngaoi - roth dragoo - tea party - xa h/k usccb spk - spkattys - spkgop - timeline - james elmer mitchell - swimmers - sharktopus - panther - samuel charles - sharmin at the y - ad - riggle waivering - torriceli - wharton - carnduff - ecks - bw - lrs cis - bw is busted hard - xe - citic - note esp joe cofer hire afterdo job and job at state - he fits timeline - so does the goss bail -
Opioid is a reference to me - op is dod talk for chem - organophosphates - its the same stuff thats in pesticides and insecticides - bobentomology - hotubtom - huizenga servicemaster - chemlawn - xa terminix team nix - team mack - steering comte puts riggle man on financial services - liz gets a job in ldrshp - thats the 2019 analysis - theyre not sorry - are they - they knew I wasnt a terrorist - and they know im not addicted to drugs or alcohol -
Whos extorting who
Congressman Denver Riggleman, Rep. Trone Announce Freshmen Working Group on Addiction US Official News. (Feb. 16, 2019): Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 Plus Media Solutions Listen
Full Text:
Washington: Office of the MP Denver Riggleman has issued the following news release: Congressman Denver Riggleman announced today that he would be joining the Freshmen Working Group on Addiction, a bipartisan group working to find and promote policies that will help end the opioid addiction crisis in this country. Started by Democratic Rep. David Trone of Maryland, the group is a place where freshman members have come together in an effort to find workable policies that can help make a difference in the fight against opioid addiction. The group is made up of 36 members of the newly-elected freshman class, including members from both parties and all corners of the nation. "The crisis of opioid addiction affects all people, regardless of race, sex, religion, ethnicity, financial status or political party affiliation. Fighting to end the scourge of opioids isn't a political issue, it's a human issue," said Congressman Riggleman. "I am proud to be in this working group of freshman members who are committed to taking real steps to address this crisis in a bipartisan and actionable way." Congressman David Trone, the group's founder added: "Over a third of the freshman class has joined this bipartisan group that understands the importance of coming together to fight the addiction problem in our country. With 192 deaths every day, my colleagues and I are ready to fight back. I'm looking forward to working with Congressman Riggleman to bring fresh eyes and new ideas to take action against this epidemic." As part of the working group, Members will meet on a regular basis to hear from experts and stakeholders, make site visits to institutions focusing on research and treatment, and promote legislation in order to tackle the epidemic. Current members of the Freshmen Working Group on Addiction include Reps. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), Tim Burchett (R-TN), Gil Cisneros (D-CA), Ben Cline (R-VA), TJ Cox (D-CA), Angie Craig (D-MN), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Jason Crow (D-CO), Madeleine Dean (D-PA), Antonio Delgado (D-NY), Lance Gooden (R-TX), Deb Haaland (D-NM), Jahana Hayes (D-C), Katie Hill (D-CA), Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), Dusty Johnson (R-SD), Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ), Susie Lee (D-NV), Mike Levin (D-CA), Ben McAdams (D-UT), Dan Meuser (R-PA), Chris Pappas (D-NH), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), Denver Riggleman (R-VA), Max Rose (D-NY), Donna Shalala (D-FL), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), Bryan Steil (R-WI), Van Taylor (R-TX), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI),
Lori Source Citation (MLA 8th Edition) "Congressman Denver Riggleman, Rep. Trone Announce Freshmen Working Group on Addiction."
US Official News, 16 Feb. 2019. Infotrac Newsstand Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 Plus Media Solutions Full Text:
Washington: Office of the MP Denver Riggleman has issued the following news release: Congressman Denver Riggleman announced today that he would be joining the Freshmen Working Group on Addiction, a bipartisan group working to find and promote policies that will help end the opioid addiction crisis in this country. Started by Democratic Rep. David Trone of Maryland, the group is a place where freshman members have come together in an effort to find workable policies that can help make a difference in the fight against opioid addiction. The group is made up of 36 members of the newly-elected freshman class, including members from both parties and all corners of the nation. "The crisis of opioid addiction affects all people, regardless of race, sex, religion, ethnicity, financial status or political party affiliation. Fighting to end the scourge of opioids isn't a political issue, it's a human issue," said Congressman Riggleman. "I am proud to be in this working group of freshman members who are committed to taking real steps to address this crisis in a bipartisan and actionable way." Congressman David Trone, the group's founder added: "Over a third of the freshman class has joined this bipartisan group that understands the importance of coming together to fight the addiction problem in our country. With 192 deaths every day, my colleagues and I are ready to fight back. I'm looking forward to working with Congressman Riggleman to bring fresh eyes and new ideas to take action against this epidemic." As part of the working group, Members will meet on a regular basis to hear from experts and stakeholders, make site visits to institutions focusing on research and treatment, and promote legislation in order to tackle the epidemic. Current members of the Freshmen Working Group on Addiction include Reps. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), Tim Burchett (R-TN), Gil Cisneros (D-CA), Ben Cline (R-VA), TJ Cox (D-CA), Angie Craig (D-MN), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Jason Crow (D-CO), Madeleine Dean (D-PA), Antonio Delgado (D-NY), Lance Gooden (R-TX), Deb Haaland (D-NM), Jahana Hayes (D-C), Katie Hill (D-CA), Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), Dusty Johnson (R-SD), Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ), Susie Lee (D-NV), Mike Levin (D-CA), Ben McAdams (D-UT), Dan Meuser (R-PA), Chris Pappas (D-NH), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), Denver Riggleman (R-VA), Max Rose (D-NY), Donna Shalala (D-FL), Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), Bryan Steil (R-WI), Van Taylor (R-TX), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Lori Gale Document Number: GALE|A575420634 Copyright and Terms of Use: https://www.gale.com/terms-of-use
someone stole my tablet last night. I sleep with it next to me, physically touching it. it was in a purple bag with a portable battery and some other stuff. it was cheap and old. the stuff ive been gathering lately is about winston and thompson. in particular the relationship between rove and winston and doj around the time period of usattys - i think thats when my case was. ill have to write without the tablet. things will take longer and the stuff on the table that wasnt backed up is gone. i dont have anything of value, but the tablet, and thats gone now
ackerman mcqueen - xa ackerman senterfitt - danaloesch - cam & co - NRATV - IGOLD
usatoday - cimperman - you keep it cold in here peg
Wall Street Journal: NRA chief executive says he was pressured to resign by group's president CNN Wire. (Apr. 27, 2019): Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 CNN Newsource Sales, Inc.
Listen Full Text: Byline: Kate Sullivan, CNN (CNN) -- The chief executive of the National Rifle Association told the group's board he is being extorted and pressured to resign by the organization's president, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. Wayne LaPierre, who has been the head of the NRA for decades, wrote in a letter to NRA board members on Thursday that he refused a demand to resign by Oliver North, the recently installed president of the association. LaPierre wrote in the letter,
"the exhortation was simple:
resign or there will be destructive allegations made against me and the NRA." North also sent a letter to the board on Thursday, according to the Journal, in which he said his actions were in the best interest of the NRA and he was forming a crisis committee to look at the organization's finances. North had previously sent a letter to the board's executive committee accusing LaPierre of more than $200,000 in wardrobe purchases that were charged to a vendor, the Journal reports. LaPierre wrote that North called his office to relay that unless he resigned, advertising agency and NRA contractor Ackerman McQueen Inc. was prepared to release a damaging letter to the NRA board, the Journal reports. "I believe the purpose of the letter was to humiliate me, discredit our Association, and raise appearances of impropriety that hurt our members and the Second Amendment," LaPierre wrote. "The letter would contain a devastating account of our financial status, sexual harassment charges against a staff member, accusations of wardrobe expenses and excessive staff travel expenses." The feud between the two high-profile conservatives comes in the middle of the NRA's annual meeting in Indianapolis. The NRA's full 76-member board is set to meet on Monday, and insiders tell the Journal they expect the issue to come to a head then. It is not clear whether North has the support to oust LaPierre, The New York Times reports. The NRA presidency has previously been a ceremonial post, but the Times reports North has asked for it to be a paid position. Contributions to the NRA are lagging, The New York Times reports, and the organization is facing an increasingly well-financed opposition movement in the wake of several mass shootings. The dispute between LaPierre and North originated in part from a dispute between the NRA and Ackerman McQueen Inc., the Journal reports, which resulted in a lawsuit filed earlier this month by the NRA. In the lawsuit, the NRA claimed Ackerman McQueen did not justify its billings with records, according to the Journal. Ackerman McQueen called the lawsuit "frivolous" and "inaccurate," the Journal reports.
Wall Street Journal: NRA chief executive says he was pressured to resign by group's president
States News Service. (Apr. 26, 2019):
Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 States News Service
Full Text:
WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by the White House:
Lucas Oil Stadium Arena
Indianapolis, Indiana
11:40 A.M. EDT
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, hello, NRA! (Applause.) Thank you, Chris, for that great introduction. Chris and I have been friends for a lot of years. I have great respect for him. But he knows the introduction I prefer is a little bit shorter: I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order. (Applause.)
And as Vice President of the United States, it's my great honor to be back home again in Indiana with so many freedom-loving Americans at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association. Welcome to the Hoosier State. (Applause.)
It really is great to be here with so many friends. Chris, and Ollie North, and Wayne LaPierre, and, really, with some outstanding leaders that we respect greatly and admire every day, like Governor Eric Holcomb of Indiana (applause) Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky, and so many distinguished members of the United States Congress, including the House Minority Whip, the courageous Steve Scalise. (Applause.)
And speaking of friends of mine, it's especially great to be here with another friend, a great champion of freedom who I can tell you personally gets up every day and fights to keep the promises that he made to all the American people. I can't wait to join you to welcome the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump (applause) back to the Hoosier State.
You know, the President and I stand with the NRA because, like all of you, we stand for freedom. And the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is a freedom that is at the heart of the American story.
Our Founders won our independence with the power of their ideas and with the powder in their muskets. Our pioneers won the West with their daring, their courage, and their Springfields, Winchesters, and Colts.
Our forebears have fought our nation's wars and defended our way of life with the skills they learned on the rifle range, in a deer stand, at the knee of a father, a mother, or a grandparent back home.
And in our own day, there are no greater champions of America's tradition of responsible gun ownership than all of you and the 5 million proud men and women of the NRA. Thank you for your stand. (Applause.)
And I'm here today to tell you: We're with you. President Trump and I are with the NRA today, and tomorrow and always, because the National Rifle Association stands for freedom.
Nowhere is this ongoing struggle for freedom more visible every day than in the struggle to defend the Second Amendment. Firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens don't threaten our families, they protect our families. (Applause.) And we know that firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens make our communities more safe, not less safe. (Applause.)
You know, at this podium, nearly two decades ago, Charlton Heston said those famous words, and I quote, "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands." (Applause.)
Well, I'll make you a promise: Under this President and this Vice President, no one is taking your guns. (Applause.) Under this President and this administration, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Applause.)
And the truth is, from the first day of this administration, President Trump has been fighting for freedom, and you all know that. And, really, I couldn't be more proud to be Vice President to a President who fights every day not just for freedom but for those who defend it.
I mean, think about it: This President stood with those who defend our freedom when he signed the largest increase in our national defense since the days of Ronald Reagan. (Applause.)
Thanks to the President's leadership, we're once again giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard the resources and the support they need to accomplish their mission and come home safe. (Applause.)
And this President has stood with those who defend our freedom her at home, who protect and serve on the Thin Blue Line. And under President Trump's leadership, we're giving all the men and women of law enforcement at every level the resources and the respect that they deserve every single day as they protect our families. (Applause.)
I know there's a lot of law enforcement members who are here today, who have taken time to be at this convention. Why don't you all just show them how much we appreciate the men and women who serve on the Thin Blue Line and protect our families every day? (Applause.) God bless you all.
And this President has stood for freedom in the American economy as well. President Trump has already cut more federal red tape in the last two years than any President in American history. We've unleased American energy. And President Trump signed the largest tax cuts and tax reform in American history. (Applause.) And the results are in: Businesses large and small have created 5.5 million new jobs. More Americans are working than ever before. And it was just reported this morning: The American economy grew by 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2019. (Applause.)
And beyond our security and our prosperity, this President has also strengthened the very foundation of our freedom. At this point, President Trump has already appointed to our federal courts more principled conservatives in the last two years than any President in American history. And they are all conservatives who will uphold the God-given liberties enshrined in our Constitution like the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms. (Applause.) It's an incredible group.
But despite the fact that this President has faced unprecedented opposition, obstruction, and resistance, I believe that when this President's story is written, when he finishes his term in office, six years from now (applause) I believe history will record: No other President in all the modern era has done so much for so many in so little time. President Donald Trump has delivered. (Applause.)
So, under the President's leadership here at home and around the world, America is winning again. But to keep on winning, I came here today to say that we need you to stay in the fight. Because the truth is, we live in a time when freedom is under assault. And it's not just the freedom that the NRA so nobly defends, but the freedom to live, to work, and to worship God are all being threatened by the radical Left every day. It's true.
And the same people who threaten your right to self-defense want to stifle our economy by raising taxes and increasing regulation. The same people who want to take away your unalienable rights routinely denigrate the faith of millions of Americans and advocate late-term abortion and even infanticide.
But I'll make you a promise: Under this President and this administration, we will stand without apology for the sanctity of human life. (Applause.)
But our freedom is under assault every day in other ways. The same blue states and cities that are trying to bankrupt the NRA have become sanctuaries for illegal immigrants, including dangerous gang members and human traffickers. And the same people who want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms of law-abiding citizens believe the Boston Marathon bomber should be given the right to vote on death row.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I got news for you, Bernie: Not on our watch! (Applause.)
Violent convicted felons, murderers, and terrorists should never be given the right to vote in prison not now, not ever. (Applause.)
You know, I heard the other day that another Vice President actually said that "we're in a battle for the soul of our nation." And, for once, I agree with him but not for the reason he thinks. We are in a battle. We're in a battle for the soul of America, but it's a battle between liberty and tyranny. As the President has said before, it's a battle between independence and government control. And, ultimately, it's a battle between freedom and socialism.
You know, under the guise of the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, the same Democrats who want to take away your freedom openly advocate a failed economic system that has robbed the liberty and impoverished millions of people around the world.
But let's be clear: It was freedom, not socialism, that gave us the most prosperous economy in the history of the world. (Applause.)
It was freedom, not socialism, that ended slavery, won two world wars, and stands today as a beacon of hope for all the world. (Applause.)
It was freedom, not socialism, that's moving us beyond the prejudices of the past to create a more perfect union and extend the blessings of liberty to every American, regardless of race or creed or color.
And it was freedom, not socialism, that gave us the highest quality of life, the cleanest environment, and improved the health and wellbeing of millions around the world.
You know, what Medicare for All really means is quality healthcare for none. And the only thing green about the so-called Green New Deal is how much green it's going to cost all of us if they ever sign it into law. (Applause.)
You know, Margaret Thatcher probably said it best: "The trouble with socialism is [you] eventually run out of other people's money." (Applause.)
So I say, from my heart, to all of you freedom-loving Americans gathered here: The moment America becomes a socialist country is the moment America ceases to be America. And as President Trump said in his State of the Union Address, so we must say with one voice: "America will never be a socialist country." (Applause.)
So, men and women of the NRA, the stakes have never been higher, but the choice has never been clearer.
It won't be enough just to win the next election; we've got to win the next generation. And this is our challenge. It won't be easy. But it never has been.
Thomas Paine explained, during the American founding, that the battle for freedom is always arduous. As he said, quote, "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." And then Thomas Paine added, "What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly" and that "Heaven knows how to put a [proper] price upon its good[s]; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated."
It's really about freedom that we gather here today, and preserving the freedom that's at the heart of America. But as you'll hear in just a few minutes, President Donald Trump and I are ready for the fight. (Applause.) We are ready to stand with all of you and fight to defend and expand freedom for every American. (Applause.)
But we can't do it alone so keep doing your part. Talk to your neighbors and friends and tell them what we've been able to accomplish over the last two years. And tell them about the challenges that we face, and tell them what the opposition offers. I mean, tell them this President and this administration have been fighting for all the liberties you hold dear. Tell them we're setting things right in Washington, D.C. Tell them we're draining the swamp (applause) because we are. (Applause.) And tell them the forgotten men and women of America are forgotten no more, because it's the God's honest truth. (Applause.) Go tell them.
So thank you for the opportunity to be with you today. Thank you for coming here to the Hoosier State and giving me a chance to be home.
You know, it's amazing for me to think about the journey that my wife and I have been on. Five years ago, when I was governor of the state of Indiana, I stood at this podium in that role. And I have to tell you, for this small-town boy from southern Indiana, the grandson of an Irish immigrant, it's hard to describe how humbling it is to have the privilege. So I want to I want to thank you for the honor of serving as your Vice President. And I want to thank you for your support. (Applause.)
And because of your support of this President, his Vice President, and this administration, I'm proud to report America is standing strong again. America is prospering again.
The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is secure again. And freedom is winning all across America. (Applause.)
And I know we're going to keep on winning. I know we're going to keep on winning because I have faith faith in this President I serve alongside every day. I mean, I got to tell you, somebody said to me the other day, "Tell the President to keep on going, keep on fighting." And I said to them, "That's not something you got to tell him." (Laughter.)
You know, as we say here in the Hoosier State, all the reverse is stripped out of that pickup truck. It is straight ahead, straight forward. He's bringing the energy, the leadership, and the fight for the American people. And I promise you we're going to do it every day in the next two years. (Applause.)
But I got faith in my friend. I got faith in conservative leaders that you've helped elect all across this country, who have been standing with us for the principles and the ideals that we hold dear.
And lastly, I've got faith in all of you. As I travel across this country, I see Americans every day who are standing with us, encouraging us. I meet them at grocery stores. I meet them on rope lines at airports. I meet them at rallies and in diners. And they're folks just like you and me who always knew that we could be strong again; who knew that we could be prosperous again; who knew that we could be standing tall again. And they're standing with us every step of the way.
And so, for their sake, I just want to encourage all of you: Be confident as we go into the days that lie ahead in the next year and a half. Because I have faith that if we hold the banner of freedom high, if we put into practice those words inscribed on the Liberty Bell to "proclaim liberty throughout all the land [and] unto all the inhabitants thereof," those same Americans will rally to our cause again and we'll keep on winning a great victory for the American people.
And remember, as you leave Indiana and go to your homes, and all of you that are looking on from afar, remember that when we fight for freedom, we do not fight alone because where the spirit of the Lord is, there's freedom. (Applause.) And that means freedom always wins. (Applause.)
So thank you for the honor. Thank you for the honor of addressing you today. Thank you for the stand that you've made and the stand that each one of you take. We're proud to stand with you.
And I truly do believe that with your continued support, with President Donald Trump in the White House for four more years (applause) with freedom-loving leaders serving at every level all across this nation, and with God's help, we'll finish what we've started. We will make America safe again. We will make America more prosperous than ever before. And as I know you'll hear in just a few minutes, we will make America great again.
ON 4/28/17 AT 5:45 PM EDT
President Donald Trump delivers his remarks at the National Rifle Association Leadership Forum at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on April 28. He was the first president to do so in 34 years, when President Ronald Reagan last addressed the gun group in
Below is the full transcript of his Friday remarks from the Georgia World Congress Center​ in Atlanta, per the White House.​
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Chris, for that kind introduction and for your tremendous work on behalf of our Second Amendment.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)  I want to also thank Wayne LaPierre for his unflinching leadership in the fight for freedom. Wayne, thank you very much. Great. (Applause.)
I'd also like to congratulate Karen Handel on her incredible fight in Georgia 6.  (Applause.)  The election takes place on June 20th. And, by the way, on primaries, let's not have 11 Republicans running for the same position, okay? (Laughter.) It's too nerve-shattering.  She's totally for the NRA and she's totally for the Second Amendment.  So get out and vote. She's running against someone who's going to raise your taxes to the sky, destroy your healthcare, and he's for open borders—lots of crime, and he's not even able to vote in the district that he's running in. Other than that, I think he's doing a fantastic job, right?  (Laughter.)  So get out and vote for Karen.
Also, my friend—he's become a friend, because there's nobody that does it like Lee Greenwood.  Wow.  (Applause.)  Lee’s anthem is the perfect description of the renewed spirit sweeping across our country.  And it really is, indeed, sweeping across our country.  So, Lee, I know I speak for everyone in this arena when I say, we are all very proud indeed to be an American.  Thank you very much, Lee.  (Applause.)
No one was more proud to be American than the beloved patriot—and you know who I'm talking about—we remember on gatherings like today, your former five-term President, the late Charlton Heston.  How good was Charlton?  (Applause.)  And I remember Charlton, he was out there fighting when maybe a lot of people didn’t want to be fighting.  He was out there for a long time.  He was a great guy.
And it's truly wonderful to be back in Atlanta, and back with my friends at the NRA.  You are my friends, believe me.  (Applause.)  Perhaps some of you remember the last time we were all together.  Remember that?  We had a big crowd then, too.  So we knew something was happening.  But it was in the middle of a historic political year, and in the middle of a truly historic election.  What fun that was—November 8.  Wasn’t that a great evening?  Do you remember that evening?  (Applause.)  Remember that?  (Applause.)
Remember they were saying, "We have breaking news: Donald Trump has won the state of Michigan."  They go, "Michigan?  How did that"—"Donald Trump has won the state of Wisconsin, whoa."  But earlier in the evening, remember, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, all the way up—we ran up the East Coast.  And, you know, the Republicans have a tremendous disadvantage in the Electoral College, you know that.  Tremendous disadvantage.  And to run the whole East Coast, and then you go with Iowa and Ohio, and all of the different states.  It was a great evening, one that a lot people will never forget—a lot of people.  (Applause.)  Not going to forget that evening.
And remember they said, “There is no path to 270.”  For months I was hearing that.  You know, they’re trying to suppress the vote.  So they keep saying it, so people say, you know, I really like Trump, he loves the Second Amendment, he loves the NRA; I love him, but let’s go to the movie because he can’t win.  Because they’re trying to suppress the vote.
But they’d say—I mean, hundreds of times I heard, there is no—there’s no route.  They’d say it, “There is no route to 270.”  And we ended up with 306.  So they were right:  Not 270, 306.  (Applause.)  That was some evening.  Big sports fans said that was the single-most exciting event they’ve ever seen.  That includes Super Bowls and World Series and boxing matches.  That was an exciting evening for all of us, and it meant a lot.
Only one candidate in the General Election came to speak to you, and that candidate is now the President of the United States, standing before you again.  (Applause.)  I have a feeling that in the next election you’re going to be swamped with candidates, but you’re not going to be wasting your time.  You’ll have plenty of those Democrats coming over and you’re going to say, no, sir, no thank you -- no, ma’am.  Perhaps ma’am.  It may be Pocahontas, remember that.  (Laughter and applause.)  And she is not big for the NRA, that I can tell you.
But you came through for me, and I am going to come through for you.  (Applause.)  I was proud to receive the NRA’s earliest endorsement in the history of the organization.  And today, I am also proud to be the first sitting President to address the NRA Leadership Forum since our wonderful Ronald Reagan in 1983.  (Applause.)  And I want to thank each and every one of you not only for your help electing true friends of the Second Amendment, but for everything you do to defend our flag and our freedom.
With your activism, you helped to safeguard the freedoms of our soldiers who have bled and died for us on the battlefields.  And I know we have many veterans in the audience today, and we want to give them a big, big beautiful round of applause.  (Applause.)
And, like I promised, we are doing a really top job already—99 days—but already with the Veterans Administration, people are seeing a big difference.  We are working really hard at the VA, and you’re going to see it, and you’re already seeing it.  And it’s my honor.  I’ve been telling you we’re going to do it, and we’re doing it.  (Applause.)  Thank you.
The NRA protects in our capitols and legislative houses the freedoms that our servicemembers have won for us on those incredible battlefields.  And it’s been a tough fight against those who would go so far as to ban private gun ownership entirely.   But I am here to deliver you good news.  And I can tell you that Wayne and Chris have been fighting with me long and hard to make sure that we were with you today, not somebody else with an empty podium.  Because believe me, the podium would have been empty.  They fought long and hard, and I think you folks cannot thank them enough.  They were with us all the way, right from the beginning.  (Applause.)
But we have news that you’ve been waiting for for a long time:  The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.  (Applause.)  You have a true friend and champion in the White House.  No longer will federal agencies be coming after law-abiding gun owners.  (Applause.)  No longer will the government be trying to undermine your rights and your freedoms as Americans.  Instead, we will work with you, by your side.  We will work with the NRA to promote responsible gun ownership, to protect our wonderful hunters and their access to the very beautiful outdoors.  You met my son—I can tell you, both sons, they love the outdoors.  Frankly, I think they love the outdoors more than they love, by a long shot, Fifth Avenue.  But that’s okay.  And we want to ensure you of the sacred right of self-defense for all of our citizens.  (Applause.)
When I spoke to this forum last year, our nation was still mourning the loss of a giant, a great defender of the Constitution:  Justice Antonin Scalia.  (Applause.)  I promised that if elected, I would nominate a justice who would be faithful and loyal to the Constitution.  I even went one step further and publicly presented a list of 20 judges from which I would make my selection, and that’s exactly what we did.
And, by the way, I want to thank, really, Heritage.  And I want to thank also all of the people that worked with us.  Where’s Leo?  Is Leo around here?  Where is he?  He’s got to be here.  Where is he?  He has been so good.  And also from Heritage, Jim DeMint.  It’s been amazing.  I mean, those people have been fantastic.  They’ve been real friends.  (Applause.)  The Federalist people—where are they?  Are they around here someplace?  They really helped us out.
I kept my promise, and now, with your help, our brand-new Justice—and he is really something very special—Neil Gorsuch, sits on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.  (Applause.)  For the first time in the modern political era, we have confirmed a new justice in the first 100 days.  (Applause.)  The last time that happened was 136 years ago, in 1881.  Now, we won’t get any credit for this, but don’t worry about it, the credit is in the audience, right?  The credit is in the audience.  (Applause.)  All of those people.  They won’t give us credit, but it’s been a long time, and we’re very honored.
We’ve also taken action to stand up for America’s sportsmen.  On their very last full day in office, the previous administration issued an 11th-hour rule to restrict the use of lead ammunition on certain federal lands.  Have you heard about that, folks?  I’m shocked to hear that.  You’ve all heard about that.  You’ve heard about that.  On his first day as Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke eliminated the previous administration’s ammunition ban.  (Applause.)  He’s going to be great.  Ryan is going to be great.
We’ve also moved very quickly to restore something gun owners care about very, very much.  It’s called the rule of law.  (Applause.)  We have made clear that our administration will always stand with the incredible men and women of law enforcement.  (Applause.)  In fact, countless members of law enforcement are also members of the NRA, because our police know that responsible gun ownership saves lives, and that the right of self-defense is essential to public safety.  Do we all agree with that?  (Applause.)
Our police and sheriffs also know that when you ban guns, only the criminals will be armed.  (Applause.)  For too long, Washington has gone after law-abiding gun owners while making life easier for criminals, drug dealers, traffickers and gang members.  MS-13—you know about MS-13?  It’s not pleasant for them anymore, folks.  It’s not pleasant for them anymore.  That’s a bad group.  (Applause.)  Not pleasant for MS-13.  Get them the hell out of here, right?  Get them out. ��(Applause.)
We are protecting the freedoms of law-abiding Americans, and we are going after the criminal gangs and cartels that prey on our innocent citizens.  And we are really going after them.  (Applause.)
As members of the NRA know well, some of the most important decisions a President can make are appointments—and I’ve appointed people who believe in law, order, and justice.  (Applause.)
That is why I have selected as your Attorney General, number one, a really fine person, a really good man, a man who has spent his career fighting crime, supporting the police, and defending the Second Amendment.  For the first time in a long time, you now have a pro-Second-Amendment, tough-on-crime Attorney General, and his name is Jeff Sessions.  (Applause.)
And Attorney General Sessions is putting our priorities into action.  He’s going after the drug dealers who are peddling their poison all over our streets and destroying our youth.  He’s going after the gang members who threaten our children.  And he’s fully enforcing our immigration laws in all 50 states.  And you know what?  It’s about time.  (Applause.)
Heading up the effort to secure America’s borders is a great military general, a man of action:  Homeland Security Director [sic], John Kelly.  (Applause.)
Secretary Kelly, who used to be General Kelly, is following through on my pledge to protect the borders, remove criminal aliens, and stop the drugs from pouring into our country.  We’ve already seen -- listen to this; it never happened before, people can't even believe it.  And, by the way, we will build the wall no matter how low this number gets or how this goes.  Don't even think about it.  Don't even think about it.  (Applause.)
You know, they're trying to use this number against us because we've done so unbelievably at the borders already.  They're trying to use it against us.  But you need that wall to stop the human trafficking, to stop the drugs, to stop the wrong people.  You need the wall.  But listen to this:  We've already seen a 73 percent decrease -- never happened before -- in illegal immigration on the southern border since my election -- 73 percent.  (Applause.)
You see what they're doing, right?  So why do you need a wall?  We need a wall.
AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Build the wall!
THE PRESIDENT:  We’ll build the wall.  Don't even think about it.  Don't even think about it.  Don't even think about it.  That's an easy one.  We're going to build the wall.  We need the wall.
I said to General Kelly, how important is it?  He said, very important.  It’s that final element.  We need the wall.  And it’s a wall in certain areas.  Obviously, where you have these massive physical structures you don't need, and we have certain big rivers and all.  But we need a wall, and we're going to get that wall.  (Applause.)
And the world is getting the message.  They know that our border is no longer open to illegal immigration, and that if you try to break in, you’ll be caught and you’ll be returned to your home.  You're not staying any longer.  And if you keep coming back illegally after deportation, you will be arrested, prosecuted, and you will put behind bars.  Otherwise it will never end.  (Applause.)
Let’s also remember that immigration security is national security.  We’ve seen the attacks from 9/11 to Boston to San Bernardino.  Hundreds of individuals from other countries have been charged with terrorism-related offenses in the United States.
We spend billions and billions of dollars on security all over the world, but then we allow radical Islamic terrorists to enter right through our front door.  That's not going to happen anymore.  (Applause.)  It’s time to get tough.  It’s time we finally got smart.  And yes, it’s also time to put America first.  (Applause.)
And perhaps -- I see all of those beautiful red and white hats --- but we will never forget our favorite slogan of them all:  Make America Great Again.  All right?  (Applause.)
Keeping our communities safe and protecting our freedoms also requires the cooperation of our state leaders.  We have some incredible pro-Second Amendment governors here at the NRA conference, including Governor Scott of Florida.  Where is Governor Scott?  Great guy doing a great job.  Governor Bryant of Mississippi.  What a wonderful place.  Governor Bryant is here.  Thank you.  Governor Deal of Georgia.  (Applause.)  And we're also joined by two people that -- well, one I loved right from the beginning; the other one I really liked, didn't like, and now like a lot again.  (Laughter.)  Does that make sense?  Senator David Perdue -- he was from the beginning -- and Senator Ted Cruz -- like, dislike, like.  (Applause.)  Where are they?  Good guys.  Good guys.  Smart cookies.
Each of these leaders knows that public officials must serve under the Constitution, not above it.  We all took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States -- and that means defending the Second Amendment.  (Applause.)
So let me make a simple promise to every one of the freedom-loving Americans in the audience today:  As your President, I will never, ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.  Never ever.  (Applause.)  Freedom is not a gift from government.  Freedom is a gift from God.  (Applause.)
It was this conviction that stirred the heart of a great American patriot on that day, April, 242 years ago. It was the day that Paul Revere spread his Lexington alarm -- the famous warning that "the British are coming, the British are coming." Right?  You've all heard that, right?  The British are coming.
Now we have other people trying to come, but believe me, they're not going to be successful.  That I can tell you.  (Applause.)  Nothing changes, right, folks?  Nothing changes.  They are not going to be successful.  There will be serious hurt on them, not on us.
Next, came the shot heard around the world, and then a rag-tag army of God-fearing farmers, frontiersmen, shopkeepers, merchants that stood up to the most powerful army at that time on Earth.  The most powerful army on Earth.  But we sometimes forget what inspired those everyday farmers and workers in that great war for independence.
Many years after the war, a young man asked Captain Levi Preston, aged 91,
why he’d fought alongside his neighbors at Concord.  Was it the Stamp Act?  Was it the Tea Tax?  Was it a work of philosophy?  "No," the old veteran replied. “Then why?” he was asked.  “Young man,” the Captain said, “what we meant in going for those Redcoats was this:  We always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to" govern ourselves.  (Applause.)
Captain Preston’s words are a reminder of what this organization and my administration are all about:  
the right of a sovereign people to govern their own affairs, and govern them properly.  (Applause.)  
We don’t want any longer to be ruled by the bureaucrats in Washington, or in any other country for that matter.  In America, we are ruled by our citizens.  We are ruled by each and every one of you.
But we can’t be complacent.  These are dangerous times.  These are horrible times for certain obvious reasons.  But we’re going to make them great times again.  Every day, we are up against those who would take away our freedoms, restrict our liberties, and even those who want to abolish the Second Amendment.  We must be vigilant.  And I know you are all up to the task.
Since the first generation of Americans stood strong at Concord, each generation to follow has answered the call to defend freedom in their time.  That is why we are here today:  To defend freedom for our children.  To defend the liberty of all Americans.  And to defend the right of a free and sovereign people to keep and bear arms.
I greatly appreciated your support on November 8th , in what will hopefully be one of the most important and positive elections for the United States of all time.  And to the NRA, I can proudly say I will never, ever let you down. .
NRA - xa name of nratv host - dir - dana loesch - thomas the tank engine - cam & co - lapierre - used the word extortion to describe the discussion between him and north - re ackerman mqueen - AM - whos extorting who - Custom Newspaper:N.R.A. Sues Operator of 'Voice of the N.R.A.'
2:28 PM (53 minutes ago)
to me
N.R.A. Sues Operator of 'Voice of the N.R.A.' Danny Hakim The New York Times. (Apr. 16, 2019): Business News: pB3(L). Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2019 The New York Times Company
Listen Full Text: It's the N.R.A. versus NRATV. The National Rifle Association sued one of its largest and most enduring contractors late last week and raised concerns about the contractor's relationship to the association's own president, Oliver North, in a stunning breach within the normally buttoned-up organization. The suit was filed late Friday by the N.R.A. in Virginia, where it is based, against Ackerman McQueen, the Oklahoma ad firm that operates NRATV, the group's incendiary online media arm. The suit asserts that Ackerman has concealed details from the N.R.A. about how the company is spending the roughly $40 million that it and its affiliates receive annually from the association. The suit creates uncertainty about Mr. North's future at the organization. And it leaves the future of NRATV in doubt, given the new acrimony in the Ackerman relationship. Since Ackerman created NRATV in 2016, it has often been ''perceived by the public as the voice of the N.R.A.,'' according to the rifle association's complaint. It has also taken on an apocalyptic tone, warning of race wars, calling for a march on the Federal Bureau of Investigation and portraying the talking trains in the children's show ''Thomas & Friends'' in Ku Klux Klan hoods. The New York Times reported this year that two prominent N.R.A. board members were among those voicing alarm inside the association that NRATV was often straying beyond gun rights. The Times article also revealed that Ackerman had a previously undisclosed financial relationship with Mr. North. The association is untangling broader problems as well, including a legal fight in New York with the administration of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo over an insurance program the N.R.A. offers to gun owners. The new state attorney general, Letitia James, has also repeatedly threatened to investigate the tax-exempt status of the organization, which was incorporated in New York. Facing this regulatory backdrop, the association began a review of its financial relationships with hundreds of vendors in August to ensure that it was in compliance with best practices. The N.R.A. complaint alleges that Ackerman refused to turn over a number of financial records, including those detailing out-of-pocket expenses ''that lacked meaningful documentation of N.R.A. approvals, receipts or other support.'' The association also wants documents that it says could allay its concern that it was being invoiced for the full salaries of Ackerman employees who also did work for other Ackerman clients. In addition, the complaint alleges that Ackerman has refused to provide data about NRATV's unique visitors and various other performance measures. ''The N.R.A.'s patience has run out,'' the suit says. Ackerman, in a statement, sharply disputed the contentions in the lawsuit, whose filing was earlier reported by The Wall Street Journal. ''During a three-week review, an N.R.A. forensic auditing firm received every single piece of information they [the N.R.A.] requested,'' the statement said. ''Further, the N.R.A. has had consistent access to any and all documents regarding NRATV analytics. Despite the representation set forth in their lawsuit, the N.R.A. had the personnel contract they claim AM withheld last week before they filed their lawsuit.'' The complaint details a peculiar standoff with Ackerman over Mr. North, who took over as president last year. The N.R.A. claims it was aware that Mr. North had a contract to act as the host of a web series for Ackerman, but that Ackerman has refused to provide a copy of the contract for nearly six months. Additionally, Mr. North's counsel told the N.R.A. that ''he could only disclose a copy of the contract'' if Ackerman said he could, the suit says. Subsequently, Ackerman allowed the N.R.A.'s general counsel to view the contract but not keep a copy; the viewing added to N.R.A. concerns that it had not previously received an accurate summary of the document. The association was also concerned that Mr. North's relationship to Ackerman could ''supersede his duties to the N.R.A.'' A standoff persists over additional details about the relationship, according to the complaint. The lawsuit is further complicated by family ties. The N.R.A.'s outside lawyer, William A. Brewer III, is the son-in-law of Angus McQueen, a co-chief executive of Ackerman, and the brother-in-law of Revan McQueen, its chief executive. Ackerman called the relationships an ''irreconcilable conflict of interest'' and said some kind of family dispute ''pervades the Brewer firm's dealings with Ackerman McQueen.'' Travis Carter, a spokesman for Mr. Brewer's law firm, said ''the familial relationship'' had ''no bearing whatsoever on the N.R.A.'s litigation strategy.'' He added, ''Any suggestion to the contrary is contrived and a red herring.'' The suit culminates the fracturing of a more than three-decade relationship between Ackerman and the N.R.A., going back to the shaping of such memorable lines as Charlton Heston's proclaiming that his gun would have to be pried ''from my cold, dead hands.'' Wayne LaPierre, the longtime chief executive of the N.R.A., had previously been a steadfast champion of the Ackerman relationship. ''I think it says something about Wayne's character, even though he's had a long-term working business relationship with a vendor, he's willing to do what is right and necessary for the N.R.A. and its members,'' said Todd Rathner, a board member of the rifle association. Joel Friedman, another board member, said he was dismayed that the documents had not been turned over. ''It leaves you questioning, and you can come up with all these potential different scenarios as to why, but none of them are good,'' he said. ''My mind goes to: Are they overcharging us? That's one,'' he added. ''Two, are there things charged to us that were not part of the contract? Then, No. 3, has there been a misallocation of personnel?''
Look what I read in the times today - its like shooting fish in a barrel - not addicted to anything - not struggling / addiction issues
Nyt art re tv channel for nra - nratv - under wild skies - kies x2 - kick y - kick & kick - kick me sign - kicks - root 66 - thomas the tank engine - Dana loesch- d' anal - turn - easy - confirmed/ve ri tas - Ve ri tas.
You keep it cold in here peg -
Nypost - frontpage - smoking gun kitty - the ffs and po are upside on this thing - trying to get unstuck - its coming - the truth is coming
You have been given an opportunity to do the right thing - your call
What Is Making N.R.A. Cringe? Its Own Videos: [National Desk] Hakim, Danny. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]12 Mar 2019: A.1. Publisher logo. Links to publisher website, opened in a new window. Full text Details Hide highlighting Translate Full textTurn on search term navigation The flash point was Thomas the Tank Engine. Last September, the National Rifle Association's famously combative spokeswoman, Dana Loesch, provoked widespread outrage when she took to the gun group's streaming service to mock ethnic diversity on the popular children's program "Thomas & Friends," portraying the show's talking trains in Ku Klux Klan hoods. Now, growing unease over the site's inflammatory rhetoric, and whether it has strayed too far from the N.R.A.'s core gun-rights mission, has put its future in doubt. The site, NRATV, is a central part of the organization's messaging apparatus. Since its creation in 2016, it has adopted an increasingly apocalyptic, hard-right tone, warning of race wars, describing Barack Obama as a "fresh-faced flower-child president," calling for a march on the Federal Bureau of Investigation and comparing journalists to rodents. In recent weeks, in a rare airing of internal debate at the N.R.A., two prominent board members expressed concerns about NRATV to The New York Times. Their statements were released through the N.R.A. itself, amid what was described as an internal review of NRATV and its future. "Since the founding of NRATV, some, including myself and other board members, have questioned the value of it," Marion Hammer, the group's most formidable lobbyist and a key adviser to its chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, said in a statement. "Wayne has told me and others that NRATV is being constantly evaluated -- to make sure it works in the best interest of the organization and provides an appropriate return on investment." The reassessment underscores a debate within the N.R.A. over how broad its activism should be. And it comes as the organization faces a storm of challenges, including a series of mass shootings that has created a new generation of gun-control activists. Congressional investigations into the N.R.A.'s possible Russia ties were energized after Maria Butina, a suspected Russian agent, pleaded guilty in December to using the N.R.A. in a political influence operation. And the organization, incorporated in New York, may have a potent foe in Letitia James, the state's recently elected attorney general, who has vowed to investigate the N.R.A.'s tax-exempt status. As falling membership dues put the N.R.A. under further strain, board members have also expressed concern about the size of payments to the ad firm that produces NRATV, Ackerman McQueen. The firm and its affiliates pocketed $40 million from the N.R.A. in 2017; billings directly to Ackerman have increased nearly 50 percent since 2015. One prominent host, Dan Bongino, left amid cutbacks at NRATV, but he said the site had tried to retain him. Ackerman, a partner to the gun group since the "I'm the N.R.A." campaign of the 1980s, runs the NRATV Twitter account, has done polling work for the organization and revamped its gun safety program for children. It has also been credited with a slick makeover of Mr. LaPierre -- who, in the words of one former N.R.A. lobbyist, previously resembled an "introverted chess champion." Mr. LaPierre's wife, Susan, has worked for an Ackerman subsidiary, and there has come to be a revolving door between the two companies, with many employees having worked by turns for both NRATV and Ackerman. Oliver L. North, the N.R.A. president, has a contract with Ackerman, though the N.R.A. would not disclose its size. As part of the relationship, Mr. North, a former Fox News pundit, hosts media programming and special events, like the show "American Heroes," which recently began airing on NRATV. The N.R.A., a nonprofit, has also directed $18 million since 2010 to a private company jointly owned by executives of Ackerman and the N.R.A., according to records and interviews. "It is clear to me that NRATV is an experiment and Wayne is evaluating the future of the enterprise," Willes K. Lee, a board member who leads the N.R.A. Outreach Committee, said in a statement to The Times. After the Thomas the Tank Engine video, he said, Mr. LaPierre appeared "livid and embarrassed" in a meeting with the outreach group. "He apologized to the entire committee and spent hours listening to our concerns." 'Red Meat for the Hard Right' Ms. Loesch has emerged as NRATV's most visible host, deriding gun-control advocates as "tragedy-dry-humping whores" and vowing to combat the left with what she called the "clenched fist of truth" -- a body part that the comedian John Oliver said was located "a little past the bent elbow of nonsense." In one video, she warned The Times, "We're coming for you"; in another, she threatened to burn a copy of the newspaper. Chuck Holton, an NRATV correspondent, attributed terrorist activity in Europe to "the broader problem of multiculturalism and socialism" and to "gender-bending." He also claimed that left-wing groups, the billionaire George Soros and the Venezuelan government were trying "to influence the 2018 midterms by sending Honduran migrants north in the thousands." Grant Stinchfield, a host, claimed that "all radicalized terrorists are Muslims," overlooking mass shooters like Dylann Roof, who killed nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., in 2015. Such far-ranging commentary has raised questions among some N.R.A. members about the scope of the organization's messaging. "The N.R.A. shouldn't be putting this out," said Jeff Knox, an N.R.A. member who runs the Firearms Coalition, a smaller advocacy organization. "It's not gun rights; it's red meat for the hard right." Mr. Knox's father, Neal, was an N.R.A. board member who played a leading role in an effort to fire Ackerman in the 1990s amid discontent over its growing influence. A faction loyal to Mr. LaPierre ultimately prevailed, leading to a purge of the board and allowing the two organizations to become more deeply intertwined. "Why are we getting so involved in left-right politics instead of sticking close to our issue, the Second Amendment?" the younger Mr. Knox asked. Ackerman declined to comment, but in a recent interview in The Oklahoman, Revan McQueen, the firm's chief executive, said his company's approach was evolving from pure advertising to a "philosophy of branded news." As Ackerman's website puts it, "Every brand must be its own media company." To that end, the firm has created video networks for the Chickasaw Nation and the Integris health care system of Oklahoma, though their content is relatively benign. A recent episode of ChickasawTV, for example, featured a visit to an art gallery. Over on NRATV, a host was calling liberalism "a mental disorder." Beyond NRATV, the N.R.A. backed Ackerman's performance. "When Ackerman McQueen began working with the N.R.A., the association was little more than a fledgling grass-roots operation," Andrew Arulanandam, an N.R.A. spokesman, said in a statement. "The N.R.A. is now the most effective advocacy organization of its kind," he said, adding that the firm had created "a national platform for the N.R.A." and that it was "an important partner." Taxing Questions During the N.R.A. power struggle in the 1990s, a board member filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, claiming that an N.R.A. contract with an Ackerman subsidiary "was done without any 'request for proposals'; any bidding process; and no competitive bidding." The commission decided in a 6-0 vote not to take action, but criticisms have persisted. "The N.R.A. is willing to play fast and loose with tax regulations," said Marcus S. Owens, a partner at Loeb & Loeb who served for a decade as director of the Exempt Organizations Division of the Internal Revenue Service. Ms. James, the New York attorney general, presents a new threat. Last year, she told Ebony magazine that the N.R.A. held itself "out as a charitable organization" but was actually "a terrorist organization." William A. Brewer III, the N.R.A.'s outside counsel, said Ms. James had given no indication when she was a candidate that "the N.R.A. had done anything improper," adding that she had instead promised "a taxpayer-funded fishing expedition." A number of transactions could draw scrutiny. Since 2010, the N.R.A. has paid $18 million to a company that produces "Under Wild Skies," a hunting show on NRATV. Tyler Schropp, the N.R.A.'s advancement director, came to the organization in 2010 from Ackerman, and had a stake in the production company until at least 2017, but "no longer holds any interest," Mr. Brewer said. Federal rules restrict transactions that confer economic benefits on key executives of tax-exempt organizations. Mr. Brewer described Mr. Schropp's stake as "a minuscule interest" that the N.R.A. found not to be objectionable. Payments related to "Under Wild Skies" emerged only recently in N.R.A. tax filings. Other issues unrelated to Ackerman could also surface. The N.R.A. has transferred more than $100 million since 2012 from an affiliated charity that also lent the N.R.A. $5 million in 2017. Donations to the charity, the N.R.A. Foundation, are tax-deductible, while those to the N.R.A. are not. "If you're doing a program that's charitable, you run it through the charity," said David G. Samuels, a partner at Duval & Stachenfeld who served in the charities bureau of the New York Attorney General's Office, which oversees tax-exempt organizations. Such practices raise "red flags," he said. Like some nonprofits, the N.R.A. has been lucrative for its top executives. Mr. LaPierre's compensation rose from less than $200,000 in the mid-1990s to nearly $1.5 million in 2017. It spiked to more than $5 million in 2015, largely because of a retirement plan payout. A review of public records found that the N.R.A., which has about 550 employees, has disclosed that 41 employees, contractors, vendors or consultants have relevant family relationships to others connected to the organization, including a "niece-in-law" of Mr. LaPierre who was hired as a consultant. "The N.R.A. strives to comply with all applicable regulations," Mr. Brewer said, adding that the organization has a "conflict-of interest-policy" and that "vendor agreements are reviewed and approved" by the board's audit committee when appropriate. With New York regulators circling, it's no surprise that the state's politicians have become fodder for NRATV -- particularly the governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, whose administration is already engaged in a legal fight with the gun group. Recently, the site even targeted Albany, describing it as "Graft City." Whatever happens to NRATV, few expect the N.R.A. to become much less combative. Mr. LaPierre, in a speech this month, described the organization's approach as "full-contact advocacy," adding, "We are going to fight back against anyone who attempts to silence us." Credit: DANNY HAKIM; Susan C. Beachy and Jack Begg contributed research. Photograph Above, Dana Loesch, an N.R.A. spokeswoman, mocked ethnic diversity on "Thomas & Friends" by portraying the show's talking trains in Ku Klux Klan hoods. Left, Wayne LaPierre, the N.R.A. chief executive, was said to be "livid and embarrassed." (PHOTOGRAPH BY TAMIR KALIFA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES) (A17) Word count: 1721 Copyright New York Times Company Mar 12, 2019 NRA Slipping With Voters, Though Many Have Moved on From Gun Control Bonazzo, John. The New York Observer; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]10 Sep 2018. Eugene Robinson: Don't let the absurd ploy to arm teachers distract you Robinson, Eugene. The Sun; Lowell, Mass. [Lowell, Mass]28 Feb 2018. The NRA's worst nightmare is here Obeidallah, Dean. CNN Commentary; Atlanta [Atlanta]25 Feb 2018. Editorial Exchange: Not afraid of the NRA The Canadian Press; Toronto [Toronto]28 Feb 2018. Common sense about guns and other views: Letters Orlando Sentinel (Online), Orlando: Tribune Interactive, LLC. Mar 23, 2018. Show more related items Subject Lobbyists Congressional investigations Multiculturalism & pluralism Mass murders Firearm laws & regulations Firearms Streaming media Video recordings Nonprofit organizations Location United States--US People Loesch, Dana LaPierre, Wayne Company/organization National Rifle Association--NRA Contact UsTerms and ConditionsPrivacy PolicyCookie Policy Cookie Preferences Accessibility Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC.
fl doesnt have sanc cities - i think this is a legal tactic - xa desantis - ronde santis - james elmer mitchell - glutamic acid as "medicine" - cns stimulant - sleep deprivation - wide awakes - ierc - ac - airc onditioing - hvac - air force - forced air - operant cond - skinner box - 90s - reticle - cross herrs - training your dragon - 404 chem - celletti - cle - link from ierc to scrp - 33rd - adjutant genl - cellini wife picks austin - ierc - see ilfopngaoi - scrping - scsodefendants - etc. - cle - karhliker - karl kemme - kcs - vala is gk - wal - grey et vala - generic - valacopeland - bommarito delay - campo 96 sd - yrs - rove - kjell - blankenship - ipi - lincoln era gop - whigs - toupe - ii - iip - dennispmoore - gene reineke - wpp -
reine - riney - 2 rine - u rine -
swimmers - sharmin is swim coach at y - illini sharktopus - to p - xa toupe - and see panther has a swim team - hart - link to scb - cellini - hart is cellini atty - irv is ftl - addr is next to shof - samuel charles - team mack - team nix - niki haley - silliness - 123 oclock - they knew i wasnt a terrorist - they knew i wasnt addicted to anything - they knew i wasnt an arsonist - they knew i wasnt a pedophile - they werent worried about me committing suicide - theyre not fooling anyone with that nonsense -
they knew theyd lose. before the trial started. they arent being honest.
they arent being honest.
Polarized Florida Senate passes bill to ban ‘sanctuary cities’
Miami Herald27 Apr 2019BY SAMANTHA J. GROSS [email protected] Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau SCOTT KEELER Tampa Bay Times Florida senators debate bills in the Florida Senate chamber, in this 2017 file photo. After months embroiled in emotional testimony, protests, controversy and national news coverage, Sen. Joe Gruters’ version of a bill to ban “sanctuary cities” in Florida passed 22-18 in was called. The Senate and the House, which passed its version of the bill Wednesday, still need to iron out differences in their proposals, particularly on a tougher stance taken by the House when it comes to penalties. The House’s bill builds in a rule that local government em The state Senate passed a bill Friday that would ban “sanctuary cities” in Florida. The bill would require state and local law enforcement to comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement orders to hold people. ployees or elected officials who permit sanctuary-city policies may be suspended or removed from office. The proposal also includes fines of up to $5,000 for each day that a sanctuarycity policy is in place. Identical bills must pass both chambers before hitting the governor’s desk. In this case, differences will have to be negotiated and “bounced back” between the House and Senate until they come to an agreement on a piece of legislation. While the House has tried to pass a similar ban the last four years, it died in the Senate the last time around. But Gov. Ron DeSantis has made “sanctuary cities” a key talking point from the start of his campaign to swearing in, an element Gruters says was key. “That’s why this is moving forward,” Gruters said earlier this week. “It has opened up some doors that weren’t previously available.” The bill creates rules relating to federal immigration enforcement by prohibiting “sanctuary” policies and requiring state and local law enforcement to comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Under this bill, local law enforcement would be required to honor federal law enforcement’s request for an “immigration detainer,” meaning a request that another law enforcement agency detain a person based on probable cause to believe that the person is a “removable alien” under federal immigration law. The bill would essentially make the “request” a requirement. Florida is part of a recent trend of states pushing such policies. Arkansas recently banned “sanctuary cities,” and Republicans in Michigan, Montana and North Carolina are pushing similar bans. “I’m just glad to be the catalyst to help this happen,” Gruters told reporters earlier this week. Gruters’ bill passed with an amendment that would give DeSantis the authority to “initiate judicial proceedings in the name of the state” against local or state officials who do not cooperate with enforcing immigration laws. CONTROVERSY THROUGHOUT Since its origin, Gruters’ effort has been embroiled in controversy. In March 27, the News Service of Florida published portions of emails between Gruters and hard-line immigration groups that helped shape portions of the bill and the bill’s staff analysis Then at a press conference in April, he borrowed a Trump tactic of speaking alongside “angel parents” whose children were killed by undocumented immigrants. The Southern Poverty Law Center then posted a Twitter thread noting two speakers at the press conference belonged to anti-immigrant groups. DeSantis — a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump who aired a campaign ad in which he helped his young daughter build a tiny border wall — has also used the examples of people killed by undocumented immigrants to make his point. “We do not want to be in a situation where we have more angel parents,” DeSantis said during a March press conference. “I hope that the Legislature moves quickly this session to pass legislation.” Then in the middle of the bill hearing process, a report by the American Civil Liberties Union showed that federal immigration authorities have asked Miami-Dade to hold at county jails hundreds of people who are listed as U.S. citizens. The group cited data provided in a lawsuit filed by a U.S. citizen, Garland Creedle, who was wrongly held for deportation after spending a night in a Miami-Dade jail in March 2017. Amid the news items on Gruters and the bill, arguments erupted into protests at the Capitol, sit-ins at lawmakers’ district offices and even an ACLU-issued travel warning for travelers and non-citizens to stay away from Florida. The American Business and Immigration Coalition, backed by Miami billionaire and healthcare magnate Mike Fernandez, says the bill will hurt the economy by $3.5 billion in GDP. More than 120 business leaders signed a letter by ABIC urging lawmakers to stop SB 168 and HB 527. Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, the state’s top Democrat, also spoke out against the bill, calling it “divisive rhetoric … pushed by the president.” VIGOROUS FLOOR DEBATE Miami Sen. José Javier Rodríguez has been one of the most outspoken opponents of the bill, and filed nearly three dozen amendments over the past few weeks to address some of his concerns. In a surprising vote Thursday, one of his amendments was adopted — a first for Democrats fighting against the bills in both chambers. The amendment exempts the Department of Children and Families or employees of the department from being compelled to comply with an ICE request. Gruters said he doesn’t think the amendment “makes a difference.” Some of Rodriguez’s other amendments would have built in more protections for other groups like crime witnesses, victims of sex crimes and victims of human trafficking. He said protecting witnesses was key. He made mention of a recent incident in Pembroke Pines, where it was discovered Thursday that a youth pastor is accused of raping a teenager for a year and threatened to report her family’s illegal immigration status if she reported the crime. “Law enforcement is telling us that the incidence of reporting of crimes has gone down. Among immigrants, underreporting of crime is a bigger problem,” Rodriguez said. His amendment failed, but two others with language to protect witnesses passed: One by Sen. Manny Diaz, R-Miami, and one by Sen. Jason Pizzo, DMiami Beach. Sen. Annette Taddeo, another vocal critic of the bill, filed an amendment to exempt people who have temporary protected status or are recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). In a speech on the floor Friday, she said the bill is “mean” and ignores moments in America’s history of turning people away and treating minorities poorly. “Our history of ugly moments when it comes to immigration is something we should learn from,” she said. “I ask you to not make this a moment we will regret ... We are better than this.” Rodriguez said his Republican colleagues don’t have a willingness to move on the bill, citing DeSantis’ support. “The reason he’s in the governor’s office is because he ran an anti-immigrant campaign just like Trump did,” Rodríguez said. “Demonizing immigrants is core to their primary electoral strategy.” Republicans argued on the floor that immigration policy was not for the state to make, and that the bill simply addresses a problem facing Florida. “How do we solve this problem? There is one way,” said Sen. David Simmons, an Altamonte Springs Republican. “We do not have individuals who have committed crimes be given a free pass.” Simmons suggested the Legislature take up proposals in the future that would help immigrants attain legal status, like a bill to allow more work permits or drivers licenses. “None of us condone a system that is out of control,” he said. Sen. Tom Lee, however, was less certain on his vote. He said listening to debate on sanctuary cities bill was like switching between Fox News and MSNBC. He added that he was “really on the fence” about whether the bill would solve the problem. “I’ve never been more confused,” the Thonotosassa Republican and twotime Senate President said. “I felt like we let ideology and. partisanship take over the plain words of a piece of legislation. We couldn’t be more far apart.” Lee said he’s hopeful the language gets tightened up since he thought Gruters made sense in his statements. The bill language, however, was less clear, he said. “In the end, I didn’t have a yellow button so I chose to trust Senator Gruters’ interpretation,” he said. IMMIGRANTS IN GALLERY REACT After the vote was called, immigrant families and advocates left the chamber in tears. Amy-Patricia Morales, an FSU student from Miami, said she has shown up to the Capitol over the past few months to protest the bill in honor of her father, who was deported when she was 9 years old. She said she thinks senators did not do enough to address the trauma families face when someone is deported. “When you’re 9, how do you put it into simple terms? You can’t,” she said. “For me, it’s being 9 and coming home from school to a parent missing.” Nataly Chalco Lopez, a Florida State University student and DACA recipient from Peru, talked about her fears for her undocumented parents. Lopez, who is from Broward County, said her parents will likely never come to visit her at school or even attend her graduation as to avoid driving a far distance without a driver’s license. She said lawmakers see people like her parents as criminals. “They believe that what they’re doing isn’t wrong. They’re in denial of the fact that they are racist,” she said. “They have convinced themselves that the way that they think is correct ... they’re too far gone.” Samantha J. Gross: 850-222-3095, @samanthajgross
swimmers - ron desantis - hefferon - ron howard - opioid - cunningham - top gun - gop - organophosphates - op - ron howard - andy griffith - wpp - reineke - chi h/k - hillen frito lay - maps tracking - terr frame - thompson alums - baise - springfield consulting - hart - cle - dean clute - galv ports - ororkr - cleat - sportstalksmans - peoria caths - celletti - ilfopngaoi - teaparty - casinos - slu - spitzer - usccb - JAMES ELMER MITCHELL - they broke my nose - hit me with cars - dennispmoore - put me in jail - and they still wont fucking stop -
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) - Interview
Your World with Neil Cavuto (FOX News).
2015.Copyright: COPYRIGHT 2015 CQ-Roll Call, Inc.
Full Text:
BRENDA BUTTNER, FOX NEWS HOST: I bet this is a hot topic at your Thanksgiving table right now. What to do with ten thousand Syrian refugees to make sure ISIS doesn`t sneak in with them. The president already threatening to veto a bill that would vet them further, something not sitting well with Florida Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us.
You voted with the majority on that bill to further vet, basically, our vetting process for refugees. 47 Democrats voted along with you. Is that a sign that the president is becoming more isolated on thos issue?
BUTTNER: You, too.
DESANTIS: Yeah, I think without question, if you look at the numbers that the president is talking about, 10,000 people, if only one percent of those mean to do us harm or intending to commit terrorist acts, that means you`re bringing in 100 terrorists into the country, and we talked to the FBI director, even before the Paris attack, and he testified in front of Congress that the government cannot vet these people adequately because there isn`t enough information to do it.
So, I think the prudent policy is to err on the side of protecting the American people, and here`s the thing, Brenda. We can help about four or five refugees over in that theater for the cost of bringing one over here. So even if we didn`t have these terrorism concerns, I think there`s an argument our money is probably better spent by sending it over there and having people directed to safe zones.
BUTTNER: What happens if the Senate doesn`t take up this bill? It may not get traction. Minority Leader Harry Reid doesn`t really want to take it up. Then the president plans to veto it. What can you do?
DESANTIS: Well, first of all, I think that it`s likely to get to the president`s desk. He is going veto it and he`s going to have to explain and I think you see his poll numbers are dropping precipitously given how he`s handled this issue. I think he`s like -- 35 percent approve of how he is handling terrorism. So if he vetoes the bill and the public responds negatively to him, I think that`s going to put even more pressure on the Democrats in the Congress to join with us if we put funding prohibitions on the next budget bill that comes down the pike, not allowing the president to spend money to bring any unvetted refugees over to our country, and we could potentially end up with veto-proof majorities. We already got that in the House with our bill. This could potentially get us there in the Senate if the president vetoes a bill and then there`s a public backlash.
BUTTNER: There`s a move afoot in our northern neighbor in Canada to basically say, we won`t take any single men, we`re only taking women and children. But we have a very porous border and does that really stop the terrorists from getting in? Women -- we have seen in Paris -- can be terrorists, too.
DESANTIS: You have to vet everybody. You absolutely do have female suicide bombers. And so the idea that just because it`s a female that you`re not going to vet them, that doesn`t work. So yes, I think we have to be concerned, and not only with the refugee situation. It`s very easy for people to fly into Canada from some of these troubled spots and then they can come across our northern border. So I think it`s absolutely a cause of concern.
BUTTNER: And what do we do about that?
DESANTIS: Well, I think that we have to look at how you can gain entry into our country. The refugees is one. The legal immigration system is another. And then we also have visa waiver and people coming over on visas. I think all that has to be vetted in a way that errs on the side of protecting the American people. If there`s a chance that someone may be inclined to be an enemy of the country, then I think you have to err on the side of caution.
BUTTNER: You know, the argument on the other side is that we, as Americans -- our values are that it`s our obligation to bring in refugees, those who have been in war-torn situations and need help. How do you answer that?
DESANTIS: Well, we actually have been way more generous than pretty much every country in the world combined. But simply because there`s a war, that`s never been necessarily the test. We`ve accepted people who qualified for asylum because they were persecuted, say, like the Christians in Syria are being persecuted because of their faith or their ethnicity, but simply because they`re a war, that doesn`t necessarily mean that everybody gets to come to the United States, and as I mentioned earlier, I think you can help a lot of these people in a more cost-effective way. You can help more of them by administering that aid overseas rather than flying them halfway across the world.
BUTTNER: Right. Now what about the issue of giving state governors the choice whether or not to take the refugees in? That would require basically amending the Refugee Act of 1980. Do you support that?
DESANTIS: I do. Here`s why. State and local law enforcement are the primary protectors of the health, safety, and welfare of the people in the individual states. So they have a significant responsibility to keep their citizens safe, such as at the Mall of America, as you mentioned earlier on the show. So I think that they should absolutely have a voice in whether people are coming into their state that could potentially pose a problem.
BUTTNER: Do you think you might have the votes in Congress to do that?
DESANTIS: I think we could definitely pass it out of the house. Whether we could pass it out of the Senate, I`m not sure. And I would imagine, given the president`s posture on this, that he would threaten to veto such a bill.
BUTTNER: All right. Congressman, thank you very, very much. I hope you have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.
DESANTIS: Same to you.
0 notes
reproarts · 7 years
Whatever your business you need to promote
Your business may not offer a product for sale it may be a service or you may be only online. Whatever your business it needs print to raise awareness and visibility of the company and products or services offered. Even online companies need to promote awareness of that important website and companies as large as Amazon www.amazon.co.uk produce the billboards to shout about the services and products they offer. Larger companies use print in their plan to promote as part of a carefully planned cross media campaign. Print is the stable element with a guarantee of  short or long term visual impact. With so many ways to advertise in print, planning is so important as there are so many options available, billboards, buses, taxis, window graphics and floor graphics internal or external. Street advertising can be costly but effective, chill cabinets, magnetics, vinyls and dividers. we find that hanging cards with a message printed each side are popular and also very cost effective. There are numerous ways to advertise from Vehicle markings, advertising wraps and part wraps even removable magnetics for taxis and variable print and consecutive numbering.
Retail business know the power of print, producing regular print campaigns following the seasons and promoting sale promotions and embracing new phenomenon like Black Friday making this one of the largest turnover of sales in a two week period across the world.
Print is often overlooked by both large and small companies as they pay for radio and TV advertising this is a fantastic way of promoting but needs to be backed up by visuals and as we all know print is one of the most visible means of advertising. Offering simple print solutions like a banner which is reasonably priced but effective and easy to use and  placed in the correct position with a heavy footfall the banner can be viewed by thousands on a daily basis
Print has the versatility of performing inside and outside with weather resistant inks and print media will perform as well outside as in. Many print media will perform well if used in both scenarios.
A good place to start is to give your designer a very in-depth brief of both the print needs and the projects end use. Great design delivers not only a fantastic visual impact with high quality print to ensure the message is backed with vibrant colour. This will deliver the message with visual impact delivering more sales, its always a good idea at this stage to discuss your ideas with the qualified print manufacturer who should give ideas and suggestions on what can be done and an idea of meeting your budget.
High quality vector artwork will enable the artwork to be enlarged or reduced in size to the perfect print sizes required with out loss of the quality of any part of the design. If in dought you or your designer can contact Repro Arts with any artwork or media questions on [email protected] our team is always happy to help.
With modern wide format printers full colour printing is common place, printing direct to most  print media material in sheets up to 3M x 2M or reel media up to 2.2M wide. With this size range all print requirements can be met. Printing with UV and solvent inks  is dependent on media specifications and you can print onto one or two sides.
Additional finishes can be added to the full colour print which include UV spot varnish full coverage UV Varnish in Gloss, Matt, Satin or colour finishers. Add Lamination with Gloss, Matt or Satin finishers to enhance the print colours. Add a shape to the printed item with die cutting or with a little engineering make the print three dimensional,too much to take in… again talk to your printer who will give you the advice and show you the options.
There is a lot to consider when putting together a print campaign not just the specifications and application  but also the budget.
With a wide range of wide format print media there is a product that will fit the budget for each print campaign however large or small. Dibond composite panels Correx, Foamex, PVC all in a range of colours. Display board in range of thickness,perspex acrylic in a range of colours including transparant and in a range of thicknesses. With Reel print media material options include self-adhesive films, paper, Back lit films, front lit banner PVC, Clingz are particularly great as they are all adhesive free. All can be printed in full colour plus white for clear or dark colour sheets.
The picture shown features a print project undertaken for local Jim’s Butchers. Their print brief was clear and precise,use our Branding to display our special offers outside the store. The displays need to be moved outside each morning and moved back into the store at the end of the trading day.We already produce A4 promotional hand outs printed on our store printer with artwork produced on the store computer.
Our studio were soon on the case, studying the brief and looking at previous artwork produced and used to print projects for Jim’s Butchers. The light bulb moment switched on. Use Jim’s Butchers Branding as a back board to stand outside the store with the A4 print outs attached to it. After a few visuals the plan pulls together. A very large Jim’s Butchers, Butcher Branding cut out add the wording Special offers and Jim’s Butchers with six spaces for six A4 special offer print outs. Artwork produced and signed off for print. The artwork is printed three to view on a sheet of white faced composite sheet 3M x 1.5M. The full colour printed sheet was then lamminated with gloss film to protect the printed image so when the A4 special offer sheets are removed, any unwanted adhesive residue can be cleaned away. The printed and gloss laminated sheet of composite is now cut to shape, revealing three out door sign units with the printed display ready for delivery.
Why use composite for the Jim’s Butchers project. This print media is easy to print onto, it is lightweight and easily portable to move in and out of the stored because the composite can also be gloss laminated  it can be regularly cleaned. Composite can be easily profiled around the Branding offering large display panels.
If you like a butchers bargain www.jim’sbutchers.co.uk to see Jim’s bargains this week.
The printed display boards have worked well, increasing sales and visitors to Jim’s
Should you need guidance with printing specifications or a print requirement contact Repro Arts print team for guidance. With years of experience and a wealth of product knowledge we are here to help. [email protected]
#printisamazing #wideformat #screenprinting
The Butcher, Backer and Candlestick maker all need print. #printisamazing Whatever your business you need to promote Your business may not offer a product for sale it may be a service or you may be only online.
0 notes
endlessarchite · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
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But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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chocdono · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from mix1 http://ift.tt/2uENfT0 via with this info
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sherlocklexa · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from car2 http://ift.tt/2uENfT0 via as shown a lot
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homefixsite · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing, the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since it was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors trash on DIY forums is hotly debated*, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was handcrafted, which means that both the surface of the tile and its edges were a little random, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
*By ���hotly debated,” I mean to almost political-Facebook-status levels of hate or loyalty for certain brands. And when you’re just trying to get solid answers while standing in an aisle at the store (because unfortunately, I don’t trust employee advice at the big-box stores anymore just from personal experience), that can be incredibly frustrating!
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Read more http://ift.tt/2tINx6S Areas served: Winston-Salem, High Point, Yadkinville, Mocksville, Advance, Clemmons, Kernersville, Greensboro, Walnut Cove, Statesville, NC, North Carolina Services: House painting, roofing, deck building, landscaping, Carpentry, Flooring, tile, hardwood, remodeling, home improvement, interior, exterior
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garagedoorsbrighton · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from The Ugly Duckling House https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/waterproofing-and-tiling-bathtub-shower-an-overview/
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petraself · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview published first on http://ift.tt/1kI9W8s
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darensmurray · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing, the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since it was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors trash on DIY forums is hotly debated*, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was handcrafted, which means that both the surface of the tile and its edges were a little random, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
*By “hotly debated,” I mean to almost political-Facebook-status levels of hate or loyalty for certain brands. And when you’re just trying to get solid answers while standing in an aisle at the store (because unfortunately, I don’t trust employee advice at the big-box stores anymore just from personal experience), that can be incredibly frustrating!
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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bespokekitchesldn · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing, the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since it was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors trash on DIY forums is hotly debated*, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was handcrafted, which means that both the surface of the tile and its edges were a little random, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
*By “hotly debated,” I mean to almost political-Facebook-status levels of hate or loyalty for certain brands. And when you’re just trying to get solid answers while standing in an aisle at the store (because unfortunately, I don’t trust employee advice at the big-box stores anymore just from personal experience), that can be incredibly frustrating!
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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from The Ugly Duckling House https://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/waterproofing-and-tiling-bathtub-shower-an-overview/
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endlessarchite · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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endlessarchite · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
0 notes
endlessarchite · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
This post contains affiliate links, which earn commissions that help this site at no added cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Ugly Duckling House!
But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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endlessarchite · 7 years
Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview
So, folks: I gotta be honest. I went into writing these posts about the master bathroom fully thinking I would create painstakingly step-by-step posts about waterproofing, tiling, leveling, grouting, and installing the new hardware on my shower. Basically, a bunch of posts that broke each part down for you and answered every question I thought to myself during the entire thing — the way a homeowner who is worried about ruining it all would. I filled my phone and camera with photos. I even filmed video.
(I’ve started throwing myself in front of the camera more — even when I have stray pieces of thinset or whatever that is making my hair look I’ve got some kind of very weird gray patch — similar to how I used to get paint streaks… ha!)
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But then, reality called. And while my intentions were/are good to come through on that, after spending my entire 4th of July holiday week and the following week getting the actual job done, with all of those hours of sweat and frustration, I kind of need to let myself rest for a bit instead. Especially since I am now wearing a fun little accessory to keep me from overstraining my wrist over the next few weeks (thanks in part to all of the gripping on tools from tiling, plus the normal power tool and computer use I have on a weekly basis):
Yeah, that whole “rest when you need rest” thing is a thing I’m still working on.
But rather than leave you hanging, I’m going to do a short (if you consider 3,000 words as “short”) recap first (that’s this post), and then as time allows, I’ll fill you in on each part in greater detail. I also don’t want to keep you waiting for all of those before I share the reveal; I don’t have the patience to keep that under wraps! It also might give me a sense of what kinds of questions you guys will leave in the comments (believe me, the tile advice you’ll find online is diverse, complex, and sometimes contradictory). That way I can include them along with the post it corresponds to. Ultimately, a lot of the steps involved will vary slightly in personal preference, but there’s also a general process as well (you can click to jump to these sections):
Removing old tile
Replacing the old drywall/tile backing with new board
Some of these steps may even blur together in terms of the product used, such as a tile backing that is also waterproofed or grouting that includes a sealer. All I can say to that is: deep breaths. You can still totally, 100%, do this project as a DIY, but second-guessing yourself with all of your options is bound to happen! You just need to gather research, build your confidence, and pick the products that sound right to you. I also have a friend of mine’s online courses listed at the bottom of this post, just in case you wanted a one-stop-shop and time is of the essence to get your project underway (he’s done a number of bathroom jobs versus my one time doing a shower tile start to finish, so he’s also the person I immediately went to for advice when I got stuck).
Waterproofing and Tiling the Master Shower – An Overview
1. Remove the Old Shower Tile and Green board/Drywall
So, where I last left off, I had taken out the old shower tile and cut out the damaged drywall. The tile had been in decent shape, but I’d grown to hate it, and I finally had the budget to get a better bathroom. The reason removing the drywall, at first, was just because I thought that trying to tile over all of the mess that removing the tile created would be difficult, and putting in the same green board (which is just moisture-resistant drywall and coated in green paper, thus its name) would be easier. I had this assumption all the way through to putting new green board in the open space and taping up the seams (I’ve had a little practice at that from projects like this one). Tip: it’s easier to take off in large chunks, so don’t get overzealous with the hammer.
2. Replace with Backer Board (of Some Kind…)
But the problem with that was that I shouldn’t be using green board drywall at all. Standards have changed, enough disastrous results have come from using it, that people now recommend a hardier option: cement board, aka its other names (usually in reference to the brand, and are often used interchangeably in DIY forums based on the individual’s preference and familiarity) such as Durock, Wonderboard, Hardiebacker, etc. Other types of tile board are made specifically to be waterproof, and those are also used by their specific brand names rather than the generic.
Luckily, I caught my mistake before the waterproofing began, and wound up tearing out the brand-new drywall to replace it with even brandier-newer cement board. The process wasn’t even all that tough; it was just irritating and sweaty and cumbersome (since a small bathroom really isn’t the place for elbow room with a large piece of backer board). Also, of course, twice the spend to buy the wrong thing first and then buy the right thing. Learn from my mistake!
Just installing the new board by itself caused myself a few questions since the tub (which I planned to keep) has a lip on the top and nails jutting out just above it as a means of securing the tub to the studs. I later learned that it’s sometimes a problem when installing the backer board because the nail protruding out can make the backer board crooked, making the tile on the bottom not sit flush with the rest of the tile above it. My solution was to use these nails as a means of helping me to install the backer board by resting the bottom along the nails and just over the lip (so actually a help, rather than a hurt there). I read that the most important thing is to make sure that the studs are flush with each other and the lip of the tub, and things seemed good on my end to proceed with no potential for crooked tiles on the bottom. For once, my house wasn’t crooked as hell (if that had been the case, the solution would have been to use shims).
Rather than use joint compound like you would with drywall, it’s recommended to use thinset and alkali mesh tape (not pictured) in the seams and corners. Some contractors might not actually use mesh tape because they complain that it creates a bump too difficult to overcome at the seams (a complaint I saw frequently on Youtube), but the risk there is that any movement could split/crack the tile or grout lines later on. And usually, you want to eliminate risk factors when doing all of this installation (because doing it twice sucks more). I made the mistake of not getting things smooth enough on the first attempt with thinset, so it took me a little work!
3. Waterproof the “Wet Area”
For this step, I decided on Redgard since I didn’t use a board that is already waterproofed (a lot of my choices were based on availability locally as well, such as at the big-box stores versus a specialty tile shop that required a lot more travel time). Regard is basically both a waterproofing and crack resistant membrane, so even though the original green board seemed to do just fine on its own after 30 years (basically, no waterproofing but no big issues with mold), I’m not that worried about having problems in the future, but given that this was DIY I still wanted to do a little bit better than how I found it.
It seemed pretty user friendly and the demos online about its waterproofing abilities are pretty impressive, too. Basically: if you can paint walls, you can easily use this product — just make sure there is proper ventilation and give this stuff time to air out (according to the packaging, you can start tiling immediately once it’s dry, which takes about 1-1.5 hours based on humidity, but I waited a little longer because of the smell).
Application was relatively straightforward (rolling with a roller like paint or troweling it on), but I also used an old paint brush in corners and seams because I wanted to get every tiny uneven nook (and there were a few). Then, a second coat. I didn’t wind up going up to the ceiling with the product (even though I tiled to the ceiling) because it seemed only necessary in the original tiled parts.
As for taping off/protecting things, some folks wonder if you should need to protect the tub from Redgard with some painter’s tape. I did use it but didn’t find this to be much of a worry, since once it dries it has practically the same consistency as dried caulk or plastic and suuuuper easy to spot if you dripped somewhere. It peeled right off the tub with my fingernail, and the only spots I had difficulty with were two tiny spots that splattered onto the floor tile — since the drip was so thin and the floor tile isn’t a high gloss coat, it stuck more. I learned at that point that letting it dry as a glop might be better than a thin layer. I was still able to get it up with my fingernail though (you can also use a flat knife such as a taping knife, but it’s better to use plastic and not risk etching the tub or tile).
The funnest part about this product is actually the color. It starts off bright (almost neon) pink… and when dries, it changes to red. I’m not often much of a pink gal… but I honestly want a dress that is Redgard pink.
4. Begin Tiling, Starting at the Tub… and Grab a Level!
I’ve done tiling tutorials before, and this experience was really not unlike when I installed a ceramic backsplash in the kitchen or when I added one to the laundry room. There were a few differences:
The question on what tile adhesive products are fine to use (based on what the manufacturer says) versus what pro contractors advise on DIY forums is hotly debated, and important to gather information about since this is going in an area where water is going to be. To dig into it a little without making this entire post about it (I’ll have to try to go into it further in a later post), the general split between types of tile adhesive is usually based on where it’s being applied and that usually impacts whether the product is pre-mixed. In most cases, the pre-mixed stuff is called mastic (a somewhat outdated term) or ceramic tile adhesive (the newer term) and is used for dry areas like the kitchen backsplash. For “wet areas” like a shower floor, underwater, or a steam room, the solution is to instead use thinset and comes in a bag of dry powder you mix yourself. However, there are a small handful of products that say right on the packaging that they are okay for wet areas and sold by major retailers as long as it’s for an intermittent wet area, such as a shower wall or tub surround. They are a little thicker/grainier than how I remember mastic being, and cure time takes a while. The upside is obviously the convenience, but the risk is that unless the grout is sealed properly (and stays properly sealed!), there’s a chance water could get behind the tile and that would weaken its hold, as well as possibly lead to mold issues. Some folks agree that it’s fine to use, while others are strictly Team Thinset. I haven’t used a product like this before in a wet area, so I feel kind of weird giving an opinion on it other than saying the safer bet seems to be mixing your own thinset. Also, the color of the adhesive plays a role too (for instance, you should use white thinset if you’re planning to use a light grout because the gray might compromise the pigment of the grout color). I want to have a completely different post all about this at a later date because this decision alone made me nervous over and over again, but also, arm brace.
Tiling all the way from the tub to the ceiling took a long time. Much longer than I thought it would. It was exhausting, but so, so worth it! I can’t wait until I can take some final shots with how gorgeous the wavy gleam from the surface effect is.
The tile I used was “handcrafted”, which gave both the surface of the tile and its edges a wavy effect, making it more of a challenge to work with, especially with spacers. Some areas needed a very narrow grout line to stay level, and some needed thicker spacers, but constantly checking for level was probably the only way I managed to stay sane! I wound up using little wedge spacers whenever I needed some flexibility. The shape also influenced the brick pattern I used.
To keep the surface of the tile level, I used a new product I hadn’t tried before. I need to write a post on using these just by itself, but GO BUY THESE THINGS. These leveling tile spacers are a two-part system that basically fit around and between the tiles with a 1/16″ spacer. Part of it is permanent under the tile to help keep the surface level during installation (the trippiest part for me), and part goes on top to clip each tile level with the ones near it. I tried to install tile without at one point near the ceiling, and the difference was clear that they helped enough for me to consider these worth the cost. And the fact that I could do a little demo after the tile was installed was kind of fun (you have to knock off a certain part after the tile dries), since by this point the desire to swing a hammer to ease my stress of all that labor was pretty high! Note: I wound up using these only on the shorter ends of the tiles (so, vertical leveling only) because the horizontal spacing was so unpredictable. On a normal tile though, these would be great for both horizontal and vertical leveling.
When I proudly announced that I was finally (!!!) done installing tile, the first question I got asked was whether or not I wish I’d installed bigger tile to avoid this amount of work. I kinda do, but the tile is also incredibly beautiful, so no.
5. Grouting (and in my case, Sealing too)
I had a lot of self-doubt over choosing the grout color. I knew from my kitchen backsplash installation that I sort of wish I’d tried out gray grout, but with the uneven grout lines from the handcrafted tile, I also thought white-grout-on-white-tile might be the best (read: least eye-twitching as I shower) choice. I chose white. And I am far more confident with that choice than I ever was with the kitchen, so I think I’m in the clear for future regret!
Grout is not everyone’s favorite thing, but I honestly think it’s a pretty easy step. It’s messy and I hate that it takes so much physical effort, but it’s also really soothing to do it. Again, because of the different widths in grout lines, I wound up using both a grout float as well as gloved hands to apply it to make sure I got it into each little gap (and definitely use gloves).
As for sealing, it’s optional to do this after the grout dries, but you can also buy grout that has sealer already mixed in or a product that you can mix into the grout to do things in one step. After reading a lot of reviews about how the product that has the sealer already mixed in is really tough if you’re not a seasoned installer (apparently the window of time to wipe it back off is really short and lots of people had issues trying to get it off the tile if they didn’t clean it up right away), I went with the mix-in version that was more forgiving. I actually think that because this grout is white that I might seal it again after the fact before its first use (I happen to have grout sealer in my garage anyway).
Do you see why writing individual posts was also on my to-do list? It gets detailed fast! And… since we’re over 3,000 words for today and I’m literally wearing a wrist brace as I type (bringing my words per minute down significantly), I’ll stop here. I still need to also share the mood board for the room with perhaps one unexpected element (at least, if you know my typical neutral-loving style) as well as the final reveal and the details about the new shower hardware.
P.S. If you’re wondering about the brace itself, I’m really liking it so far. This is the one I bought and it fits my small wrist well. It takes a little getting used to but it makes the ligament in my forearm feel a lot better.
The post Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.
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Waterproofing and Tiling a Bathtub Shower – An Overview published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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