#and then also there’s a bloodstone set and I cannot wait to plan a tragedy campaign for the blood on cobblestones look to work!!
wheeler-things · 2 years
Okay, but the question on my mind is: have we come to a consensus on which Party member is the local dice goblin (either in a 21st century au or when they’re adults with the ability to commission or make them in some way, or just as 40-50 year olds who are still playing when the Internet makes it possible to get lots of fancy sets because I’ll admit that I have no idea how easy or difficult it was to get fun dice in the 80’s)?
Because like?
I feel like Dustin could go either way. Like, I could see him getting really into different sets. But I could also see him being the guy in the group who always points out that, assuming your current set doesn’t have any balancing flaws, you only “need” one set. Depends on how he feels about the concept of luck, I guess.
But also, Lucas?? Dice goblin Lucas? I don’t know! I don’t have any good reasoning here! It just sparks joy when I think about it. I think it’s a fun idea! And Max would laugh her ass off when she found out, which is always a win.
But also MIKE? I fully believe Mike would angrily dump his bad dice in jail, so I could totally see him with a massive stack of extras to pick from. Plus, then he can be a scary DM and roll WAY too many dice to generate damage after one of the Party members did something stupid or wildly dangerous or totally failed some check/save. Grinning the whole time while the others scream at him.
But Will? Will who definitely can’t afford to fund his habit as a kid, but as soon as he has disposable income as an adult?? Buying all the dice. Collecting them. Having a different set for every campaign. Having favourite ones which always roll nicely and ones that he likes the look of but which always roll badly so they’re not allowed to even touch the table. Mike laughs about it and then proceeds to get talked into setting the fancy ones up in a nice display case in their First Real Working Adult living room.
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