#and then claire runs up like sorry i'm late! i see you've already met!
10kiaoi · 2 years
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First meeting.
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"$#!+" Amanda exclaimed and then she get off her car to check the lights, because she bumped on a taxi cab. "What the hell?!" You are not looking on your way? You should pay for this!" she said madly. Then a taxi driver get off his cab and say patiently, "Miss Beautiful, I won't pay for that, in any angle, you are the on who bumped me and not me." "I don't need you explanation, what important is, this is a new model of Porsche, you should pay me" and Kevin says "Okay." but he is not yet finish on what he was saying, Amanda abrupted him "Okay, don't pay for it" and she went in her car and horn loudly, that means go to the side cause I'm running late.
Amanda Watson is a half-Filipina and a half-British, a supermodel type of body, beautiful and a business woman. She's an only child and she live in a silver spoon since she was a child. And her mom died in a cancer a year ago, and she is living to her father with a lot of meetings and business trips.
She arrived in their house when her maid called her and said "Your father is here" but before she steps on the staircase her father saw her. "What was I heard in a news, that you have an accident?" "No, Dad, it's not an accident, it's a merely accident. I just bumped on a taxi cab lately, and it's all fine" she said. "Poor Amanda, for now on I am giving you, your own driver for your safety." her father said. "What?! Dad, it is all fine" I don't need a driver." she said "No, Amanda you are the only precious on me and I won't let that happen again. Tomorrow, you have your own driver." he said. "Okay" Amanda sighed.
"Miss Amanda, Miss Amanda" her maid waking up her. And she stretched on her bed and still sleepy but when she saw the clock, "It's already 9:00" she said in shocked. "I need to rush, I need to go in my boutique at 10:00" she drank her coffee on the tray that held by her maid. Then she rushed in to the bathroom. "Miss Amanda, your driver is already at the garage waiting for you" maid said. She didn't mind it and open the shower.
She was rushing to open the garage when she saw a 6 footer man, dark and handsome yet gorgeous. The man is standing beside of the door of her car. When... "You?! What are you doing here?!" Amanda exclaimed "I am your driver and also your body guard" Kevin smiled. "Your father told to my father that his daughter needs a driver, so now I'm here." "Okay" she rolled her eyes.
And they arrived in boutique at exactly 10:00am "Whew!" anda sighed after she looked her wrist watch. "Miss Beautiful, keep safe! I'll be here at 5pm. See you!" Kevin said. She walked to her boutique and she saw her two sales clerk. "Did Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan arrived?" Amanda asked, "Not yet, Ma'am her secretary texted me that Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan will be late." Abigail answered "Oh , that's good! Let's be prepared, Abigael, separate the color of the hanging clothes and Claire, you wipe all the mannequins".
An hour ago, Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan arrived in the boutique. "Good Morning! Mr. and Mrs. Manhattan" the two sales clerk said it lively. "Let's go to the room". Amanda said it politely. "Hi! I'm Amanda Watson, the owner of this Amanda Boutique" she said formally.
Mr and Mrs. Manhattan were in mid-forties who is a senior talent manager. The couple was here to have a business talk to Amanda because they are proposing to Amanda a one year contract of Maybelline New York Cosmetics.
"Thank you for choosing me as your new model of one of the famous cosmetic brands here in the Philippines." Amanda said. "Your always welcome. My wife really likes you to be the next model of Maybelline and finally we got you." and Amanda gave them a warm smile.
When Kevin arrived, she get in the car. While they are in traffic jam, "How's your meeting?" Kevin asked. "Just fine" she answered. "Anyways, Ma'am I brought your new model of Porsche car in mechanic, Don't worry, I'm the one who will pay for it. I already tell it to your dad" Kevin said. "Oh My God! He didn't know it yet but because you are talkative he already know. For sure he is mad right now" Amanda said in high tone voice. "I just want to help and I thought you will be happy" Kevin said in low tone voice. "Well you're not helping, you are just making things complicated. Well, just thank you for the payments." she said madly "And..." she paused "you stop talking that you think we're close. Okay?!" rolled her eyes and take to the side of the seat and close her eyes. "I'm sorry" Kevin said.
When they arrived at home her father is standing at the front door "What happened to the car huh?!" her father said sarcastically. "I'm sorry. I didn't mention it to you, I was tired that time." Amanda said, "It's not the problem, you know what it is? That car has a sentimental value to us. That was a gift by your mom before she died. And then you won't take care of it." "I know dad, I know how important and the value of that car. But you've never ask me when I was hurt or not the important to you was that I save the car sometimes I think that I'm your treasure also so you will take care of me. "And then Amanda received a slapped to her dad. "You are wrong!" shocked on what he did, "You are grounded using the cars, for now you are commuting when going to work." he said Amanda went to her room and there she cried all over. Someone's open the door of her room, and that's their old maid named Sharon. "Don't cry baby" Sharon said pathetically. "I never felt that I really exists to this family. When I was a child, I never have a bonding with them coz they are always in business trips. I can count how many times I celebrate my birthdays with them." she sobbed. "Yes baby, I'll understand you, but they are your parents and they know what's the best for your future." Sharon said. "Yes, but we are already achieved those things. I just want a simple life with my love ones, not this." Amanda sobbed. "Don't worry baby, time will come" Sharon said and she brushed Amanda's hair. and when she looked to Amanda, she fell asleep.
The next morning, it is her schedule for a pictorial in Studio Eighty-Nine in SM Megamall. One kilometer away from their house, a taxi cab stopped to her and she let her in, "Good Morning!" he said, "Good Morning too" she answered while she is texting. "I just want to say sorry about what happen last night because of me, you are grounded. I'm really sorry" he said. "It's okay" she said. "What time you are going home?" "12noon."
He parked his taxi cab and went to Shakey's, "Can I reserved this table for two?" He asked to the waiter and the waiter nod. "Can you serve it for me at 12:30pm?" he asked "Sure, sir put some red roses on the table, please. Make it romantic. Thank You" he smiled. "Oooopss, I need to go, it's already 11:30am" he looked with his wrist watch.
Before he go to the place, he change his clothes in smart casual attire and then she came."
"Oh, sorry how long you'd wait?" Amanda said, "Got arrived few minutes later." he said "Where we'll be going? That's the parking area?" Amanda was confused, "I just want to invite you for lunch?" they keep walking until they enter in Shakey's. Where the place is so romantic with three red roses on the table. And there's a slow-mellow music. She never say anything but in her eyes. You'll see that she is surprise and felt romance. "May you sit down, my Queen" while he make a space to sit his Amanda. "What are these?" she said surprisingly. "Wait a minute" he said and went outside. Then, the orders arrived, a family size Hawaiian Pizza, two soups, two spaghetti, two carbonaras and a two iced teas. "What's happening she asked to the waiter, still clueless of what happened. And he just nod and smile and Kevin comeback with bouquet of red roses. She was really surprised of what was happening because it's not her birthday and it's not her boyfriend to give her some flowers.
"What's happening" she asked with mad in her voice." I just want to apologize and also to be with you" he said sincerely. "I already forgave you" Amanda said. "My father said that you love pasta and Hawaiian pizza" he said and Amanda smiled at him. "The real reason that I brought you here because the last time our car bumped in Makati, I already fell for you that time." Kevin says, sincerely while looking at her eyes. She was listening "Then.." he says "I'm so happy that my father is your family driver and your father told my dad, that you need a driver. I never hesitate it." he continued. "I don't rush for your answers, I can wait.I tell this to you, to know how much I love you." he said it and hold her hands. She felt something spark with his hands when he touched her. This is the first time she felt with her past boyfriend that will never last for three months. Her last long relationship which lasted for two years. His named was Jake who has been unfaithful to her and at the end her bestfriend was the third party. After that she don't want to be in relationships and focus herself in her business.
"How's your date?' his father asked him, "very fine and romantic. I said what I really feels. I love her since the day we met" Kevin said happily. "Follow your heart, because heart knows your real happiness" his father told him.
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Lying on her bed she's looking up the sky and stars, reminiscing what Kevin said to her, it always repeating it in her head the way his hands touched hers until she fell asleep.
"Good Morning!" Sharon said while she is opening the curtain, Amanda commanded that every morning that open the curtain even she still asleep, because she loves the warmth of the sun. "Good Morning too, Sharon", she smiled widely. "Anyways, your dad has a business trip in London for three months" she said, "Okay, there's nothing unusual", she said.
She go to dining area and her phone beep.
"Good Morning! It's Sunday, are you want to go in church? - Your King :)"
texted by him. "Good Morning too, Yes! ;)"
she replied.
"Okay, I will wait you outside your house" then she heard a horn outside their house and when she looked down at the window there He is, waving at her and she just smiled back.
In church, she looked at Kevin and realized that Kevin is different from all man that she know. He is God-fearing man, thoughtful and gentleman, his looks is a plus-plus. They are officially relationship after dating for almost a year.
It's their anniversary. When Kevin took her again in Shakey's where did Kevin tell his feelings but this time the place is dark and private. They are only inside the party place. There is a two seater table with candlelight, a three red rose and some petals scattered on the floor. A Man in suites that is standing three meters away the table and a young woman who wears a tube silk dress besides the man and she holding a violin. When they walk to the table the corner lights, lights on and the man started to sing the "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams and the young woman starts to play her violin too. She was really surprised and overjoyed.
When they sit a guy in an American suit bring a bouquet of red roses. "Ma'am this is gave by the love of your life" he said formally "Wow! Thank you!" her eyes where shining and smiled brightly. There's a letter in the bouquet and when she opened it. It was wrote in "Will you Marry Me"❤️ Kevin" She was really surprised that time , She looked at Kevin with smile in her lips and say Yes"
They kept their relationship to her father but this time they are getting to marry and they want it to tell to her father. "Dad, I have something to tell you" Amanda said "Yes" he said. "We are getting to marry on..." they not yet finished the sentence her father slapped her infront of him and said "Are you crazy? Amanda her father said madly. "This guy is just only a driver what future he can bring it to you?" her father said sarcastically. "For due I respect, I'm only a driver but I can do anything just to make is alive" he said formally. "To make us alive? What the hell? She can live without you and your efforts, you just want to get money from this family" he shouted madly. "Dad... " she's crying and want to tell her father to stop it. "You go to your room" pointing to the staircase to go to her room. commanded by her dad. but she just stop there while crying and then Kevin shouted that "I will marry you Amanda, wait for me to comeback, I love you so much" Kevin said while the guards are holding his arms nad pulling back to the door. "Go to your room" commanded by her dad. The only thing she can do is to cry out loud.
It's been two years when Amanda and Kevin have no communication and not seeing each other.
His dad retired to his work because he can't worked anymore and got an arthritis. And Amanda opened 50 stores nationwide and launched her new clothing line the Amanda Sensual Wears.
After that, when she got home, she baking a cake, while her maid is cooking spaghetti. It's her Father's Birthday. That's why everyone is busy preparing on her dad's birthday.
After she baked the cake, she called few friends of her dad to celebrate it. "Dad, come down, Let's eat" she knocked on his room but when she hold the door knob, it's not lock so she enter to his room. He just sit on the edge of his bed. "Come Dad, it's your day. Don't ruin it, some of your friends are on the living room, wait for you. Let's go" she said "I'm sorry my dearest Amanda to tell all the things I've done to you mostly, it's when I disagreed your engagement to Kevin, I'm so sorry" he said in low voice. "That's okay, the important is your birthday" Amanda smiled and hugged him. "I also invite Rosales Family" her father smiled "Dad, really?? Is that okay After all? Amanda shocked. "It's okay for your happiness, you already found the right guy" her dad smiled. She texted their family driver also known as Kevin's dad.
They came but Kevin wasn't there, Kevin father said "Kevin was in Japan, will come home on December." A sad in her eyes and she just focus herself in her business and to her father. She planned that this coming Christmas and New Year, to have a vacation out of town with her father and visit their relatives in Australia.
The day of her flight. She locked her room and his father's room and their luggage where in the living room. "I'm so excited to see my cousins there" Amanda said excitedly. "Yeah, I've heard that Cindy born her first child." her dad said. "Let's go, I'm so excited for our White Christmas" and they put their luggage in the compartment.
Someone was standing on the gate and Amanda noticed her but her father talked "How are you?" her father said, "Where are you going?" he said, "We planned to have a vacation in Australia this holiday season, we also celebrate New Year there." Amanda said "I have one question, Will you still marry me?"Kevin said with a 24k White Gold in his hand and kneel, she looked at her dad and her dad jist nod and says "Go on, say yes" "YES" she replied, and "I love you so much" he said. They kissed each other.
After the holiday vacation in Australia. On the next day, they got married on the same church where she answered Kevin to be her officially boyfriend.
"Do you accept Kevin Rosales as your husband" the priest said "I do"
After that they Kissed again and the guests applaused and Kevin carried Amanda from Altar to the car. The bridesmaids tossed of red roses petals at the car they leave and Amanda was waving to them.
The End
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