artistunderfire · 5 years
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This last few months of 2019 and the start of the new year has not been easy. I found out that something is wrong with my heart (I’m gonna be 23 on January 6th) and I’ve had to make major changes. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol all together and my diet has done a 180. I’ve always had bad health problems: when I was 7 years old I was dying from an unknown illness for a year and I had to go to a heart specialist when I was 10 (just some examples). When I was 16 I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of the abuse of my parents. I didn’t decide to do anything about my PTSD until I was 21 after I tried to kill myself in front of my aunt. My aunt is the only person that wanted to be my mom/ parent, she adopted me at 17, and I love her. She adopted me after I care out as lesbian to my father. She did what she could for me but it wasn’t enough. I now live with my older brother,whose been like a father figure for me my entire life (he’s gonna be 29 this year), and his wife. I’ve been living with them for over a year and they take great care of me. There’s a good chance that I’ll never actually move out of their house because of my physical and mental health. They want me to start working on moving on from the past and to like myself more. I think that the only way for me to do this is through art because that’s the only thing (aside from my comedy) that I feel confident in. That’s what this rough draw is meant to say: it’s time to move on.
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artistunderfire · 5 years
Freelancing in technical theater means you’re on a lot of different email lists. People need a crew, they send out an email, you respond with your availability. Now, most people start these with things like “hey folks” or “hi everyone”. Neal is not most people.
His openers started off innocent enough.
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Then, he started to push boundaries.
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And as you can see, it has spiraled out of control since then.
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artistunderfire · 5 years
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My friend is a first time DM and he’s running a home brew Fallout campaign so I made him this for Christmas.
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