#and then i got so in the zone that i completely forgot about tis online diary or whatever the fuck this is
pumpkinsandsuckers · 4 years
I think we should get together now
Catradora, BG Scorfuma.
Summary: Karaoke AU. The only thing is that Catra and Adora never met, and there was no war.  Scorpia and Perfuma host a (couples) karaoke night. Catra gets jealous. Between singing a song or be subject to a penalty? Fine, she’ll sing a stupid song.
AN: This has been heavily inspired by @ CambieArt 's tweet about which songs Adora and Catra would sing to each other during a Karaoke session. She makes good art too, so feel free to check her out! 
I also died from embarrassment writing this.
The blinking of the traffic lights, the smoky, dusty street lights were something Catra was used to. The thudding of bass from bars blasting music, the edgier, grittier music she had grown up with.
But not now. She had been dragged into the heart of the city of Etheria. The fluorescent glare of neon pink and yellow dazzled her, and she scowled. Everything was so… poppy here. Even the bars! It was, as Lonnie would have called it, a “bastardized fusion of jazz and pop”. Catra was beginning to regret joining Scorpia.
But that was what friends were for. If Scorpia needed a wingwoman for her date, Catra would gladly accompany her. A bright blue hologram flashed up, an advertisement for some fizzy beverage from Dryl. Catra weaved past the diverse crowd, grumbling under her breath as she followed her communications pad. Scorpia had dropped her the venue address, but this district - well, everything nearing Bright Moon City was just so confusing.
The roads in the Fright Zone, and even Dryl, were crooked and winding, but so much easier to distinguish from each other. The layout in Bright Moon though, was repetitive, grids and grids of identical buildings and crossings.
Catra growled as she passed by a familiar statue of what looked like a tall, muscular athlete in a tight costume. She had a ponytail flowing behind her, frozen in this marvellous pose.  ‘Mara, Our Hero’ it read.
“Not again.” Catra sighed. It was the city probably. Navigational systems functioned poorly in areas of congestion. It was a bloody miracle how she made her way here.
‘I’m at the Mara statue. How! Do! I! Reach! The! Enchanted! Grotto?!!!?!’ She typed out a message to Scorpia, hissing when a beep alerted her of Scorpia’s rapid response. How did she even type with her claws?
‘ Whih? ’
Frustrated, Catra swept her hair back and sighed, looking around.
‘ w, there arr 10 Mara statuesd ’
‘You have got to be kidding me!!!’
‘ Whoopd, 20 Maras tautes ’
Catra clenched her fists and took a deep breath, finding a safe space to calm down. 20 statues around Bright Moon City?! If they were supposed to be landmarks, they had failed. If she had been winding around a single Mara statue, it would have been fine. But 20!? She could have been walking around the entire city and not realise it.
She switched to the navigational app. Curses. Her icon flickered and jumped from location to location, eventually settling in a blue blob marked as a lake. Her eyebrow twitched. She was this close to flinging her pad at the floor.
“Scorpia can handle it.” She grunted, as she looked around cluelessly, trying to find a sign, anything that could guide her to the Enchanted Grotto. She had never been to Bright Moon much. Seen it on her screens, yes. Seen more of it on Entrapta’s screens, yes. But Bright Moon was unfamiliar territory. She definitely wasn’t scared. Nope, just uncomfortable with how bright and loud everything was. Okay, she had to do this. It was simple.
Catra took a deep breath, patted her shirt and pants, and approached the first stranger she saw. A young girl with a bright pink shirt with ‘Kawaii AF’ smacked across, in even horribly brighter pink. She wore a skirt and black leggings, and had her hair tied in two buns.
“Hey! Where’s the Enchanted Grotto?” She asked, realising how small this creature was.
The creature blinked at her once, twice, then grinned. Catra thought she saw a creepily long tongue slither out. Probably not.
“I know where it is! I can lead you there!” She beamed, and Catra raised an eyebrow. Suspiciously bubbly. Eh, any help was appreciated.
“Heh. Great. Where to?” She followed the stranger from a distance, looking around for any other paths. She wasn’t going to be blindly led into an alleyway for a mugging. And even if she did, she would hold her ground. It would be a great tale to tell when she finally arrived at her destination.
“Uh, hell no.” A stern voice cut through them, and a hand extended, separating Catra from the small pink creature. “Double Trouble, cut this out.” It was a girl, and her body followed her arm, becoming a barricade between Catra and … Double Trouble?
“Aww, but I was having so much fun!” Double Trouble winked at Catra. “Maybe I’ll see you again, Kitten.” They slinked off, pink visage blending with the crowd.
“Whew, that was a close one.”
“What?!” Catra frowned, as the female in front of her turned around. She had blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. A white long sleeved shirt was partially covered by a half-sleeve red jacket. Grey pants accentuating muscular legs followed down, and Catra realised she was checking out a complete stranger. She brought her eyes back up, hoping she had not been caught.
“Yeah, Double Trouble doesn’t mean harm, they just like dragging people around Bright Moon like a tour guide. You’re looking for the Enchanted Grotto? I can take you there.”
“I could have handled that myself!” Catra spat out, furious. The adorable snort mixed with laughter from the girl killed her anger instantly.
“Of course you could. I’m Adora. I can bring you there.”
‘Oh. OH.’ Catra smacked herself. Adora. Relative of Mara. The Adora. The same Adora she had been stalking online. Seeing her in real life… was really different. A good different. Without filters and angled shots, Adora looked… real.
“Catra.” Catra stuttered out, and froze when Adora grabbed her wrist.
“I’m headed there too, what a coincidence.” Adora grinned, a real, sincere grin, not what Double Trouble had presented. “So, Catra, what brings you to the Enchanted Grotto? It’s a very niche place.”
Catra tried to focus on walking. ‘Left foot. Right foot. Adora is holding my wrist, fuck, fuck fuCK! Left foot? Or was it right?’
“Catra?” Adora turned around to check on her companion once they reached a crosswalk.
“Hnh, yeah.” Catra’s brain struggled to think of something, grasping at anything she could use to hide the fact that she totally did not hear what Adora was saying. Her eyes landed on yet another familiar sight.
“Hey Adora,” Catra squirmed internally as she almost purred out Adora’s name. That was not supposed to happen! “Why are there so many statues of Mara, they got me lost.”
Adora laughed, and used her free hand to point to where Catra had laid her eyes on. “That’s the Mara statue of Hope. I met you near the statue of heroism. There’s an inscription reading ‘Mara, Our Hero’. Each Mara statue has a similar inscription, except the statue of friendship. It reads ‘Friend Of Mara’. Mara actually looks towards different directions. It’s supposed to guide us around.”
“Well, it clearly didn’t work.” Catra muttered, and wished her fur wasn’t so sweaty. She swore Adora’s hand slid down for a moment.
“Oh, green light, we gotta go.”
Catra’s communication pad had been silenced, but was vibrating furiously near her rear pocket. It had caught Adora’s attention as they walked from the bustling streets to a quieter pathway.
“Hey, your… butt is vibrating?” Adora cocked an eyebrow at Catra.
“It’s called a communication pad, genius.” Catra rebutted, and whipped the small device (modified courtesy of Entrapta) out, detaching her wrist from Adora’s grip. A regrettable decision.
“What?!” She answered, crankier than usual. Adora kept an eye on her, switching between several awkward poses to rest her now very empty hands.
“ Catra, where are you? Perfuma is going to show up anytime soon! ” Catra noticed Adora’s hands shifting from her hips to being folded, her biceps and triceps flexing with that change.
“Then let her! I’m on my way!” Catra hissed as Adora’s hands drifted back down, her fingers tucking into the belt around her pants.
“ But the surprise will be ruined! ”
“Surprise?” Catra frowned. “Scorpia, what do you me-”
“ Oops, I didn’t say anything! See you, Wildcat! ”
As much as that nickname brought a smile to Catra’s face, she rolled her eyes at Scorpia’s panic. A surprise, huh? She forgot all about it when Adora’s fingers wrapped around her wrist again.
“We’re almost there.” Adora stated as Catra slipped the block back into her pocket. “I’m really curious though.” Catra felt Adora’s eyes on her entire body. “I had no idea… Well, here’s the Enchanted Grotto.”
Adora waved at a group of people outside what seemed like a rundown, dead shop. The windows were pitch dark, but as they neared the building, she could make out some sort of weird singing and music blasting from speakers. Heh, the perks of having heightened senses.
“Hey guys!”
“Adora!” the group, consisting of three individuals waved back.
“I see you made a new friend.” The tallest of the trio, a boy with dark hair, a clean undercut, and a tight muscle shirt waggled his eyebrows. “I’m Bow, nice to meet you!”
Behind him was a shorter female, her hair dyed(?) a shade between pink and purple, seemingly glittering as the sole lamppost hovered above her. Clad in a loose, sleeveless outfit, she was engaged in a whispered conversation with another female.
“Perfuma!” Adora waved, trying to get her attention. “Meet Catra!”
“Catra?” Bow’s head could have snapped with that speed, switching between Catra and Adora abruptly. “Catra?”
“Yep, that’s my name.” Catra crossed her arms. “Got a problem with it?”
“No! Not at all!” Bow shook his head, hands in front of him in a defensive stance. Catra immediately pegged him down as a softie. Just like Scorpia.
“Bow!” Adora nudged her friend, and he shrugged. “Catra, these are my friends. Glimmer.”
The one with sparkling hair gave a curt wave..
Catra smirked. What an appropriate name. “Nice to meet you, Sparkles.”
“It’s Glimmer.” she corrected, and Adora released Catra’s wrist. Again. “This is-”
“Perfuma.” Catra and Perfuma said in unison, and relaxed their tense postures.
“Yes, you’re acquainted.” Adora mumbled, and Glimmer wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into the establishment.
“It is nice to see you again, Catra. I hope you will enjoy this evening.” Perfuma smiled, and Catra gave a generic response absent mindedly, eyes fixed on Adora and Glimmer.
Inside the Enchanted Grotto, things were very different. They had stepped past a screen of magic properties, which had blocked out most of the noise coming from within.
The whole group seemed familiar with the place, waving to the staff and strolling in with a sense of confidence. Except Catra. She didn’t hate it, surprisingly. The decor was pleasant. The whole floor was dimly lit, save a few brighter bulbs along a separate corridor. There was a main stage, and a few tables scattered before it.
Instrumental music was blasting, and a man was belting out a cheesy love song on stage. He was practically wailing the high notes into the microphone, and Catra winced as she shuffled along to the brighter bulbs.
Bow was behind all of them, herding them towards a private room. The bulbs in the corridor led to a quieter, secluded lobby, different coloured lights hanging before different doors.
“The Red Garnet.” Perfuma squealed, and pranced towards the red light.
“You know, not everyone approves of this place. Some even disapprove of it.” Bow whispered to Catra, and she shot him a questioning look.
“The folk here are what some consider to be… different.” Bow explained.
Catra thought about Scorpia and Perfuma. Or Adora and Glimmer. Could it be? They were about to enter the room, and she wanted to get an answer from Bow.
“Is it because Bright Moon doesn’t support G-”
“Group Karaoke! You’re absolutely right!” Bow clapped Catra on the back, and she nearly fell over.
“Group Karaoke?” There was no time to process her thoughts and Bow’s statement, as she tripped straight into the private room.
Of course, she regained her balance, turning an unsightly fall into a proper entrance. As proper as a very wide stride could get. Her eyes, luckily, adjusted to the lighting quickly, and she spotted Scorpia in the corner, Perfuma already by her side.
“Oh hey, Wildcat.” Scorpia had that look. THAT LOOK! Catra was familiar with it. Everytime Scorpia had something up her sleeve (an ironic phrase, as Scorpia wore sleeveless clothing exclusively), she had that look of guilt. She couldn’t hide it, and it was a telling sign.
“Scorpia!” Catra lunged forward, squeezing Scorpia towards Perfuma, and lodging herself in the corner. The couch rounded into a three-quarter, with Adora and Glimmer sitting on the other end. Bow found his spot between Perfuma and Glimmer, looking at everyone excitedly.
“You knew about this, didn’t you. I really overshare sometimes!” Catra hissed into Scorpia’s ear, and Scorpia laughed nervously.
“They’re friends of Perfuma!” Scorpia protested, as Catra narrowed her eyes.
“ She ’s a friend of Perfuma. And you didn’t tell me!” Catra gritted her teeth. “And they didn’t post pictures online?”
“They did! You just don’t follow Perfuma.” Scorpia pouted, and Catra gave up.
“Fine, my bad. Say, you never told me what’s going on.”
“Oh.” Scorpia looked genuinely surprised. “Oh.”
“GROUP KARAOKE!” Bow yelled, opening the wooden box in front of them, revealing 2 wireless microphones.”
“I thought he was joking!” Catra groaned, and buried her face into her hands.
“There, there.” Scorpia patted her with her heavy claws, and Catra choked.
“Alright, you know the drill, guys. Everyone has to sing a song.”
Perfuma cheered, and Bow continued, “No singing, and you get a penalty issued by all members present.”
“This is horrible.” Catra moaned.
“As we all know, we have two new participants joining us today! Perfuma’s girlfriend, the lovely powerhouse Scorpia!”
Scorpia waved as Perfuma leaned into her.
“And Scorpia’s friend, and also, Adora’s new friend, Catra! She appears in Scorpia’s feed so much!”
Bow was dragged down by both Glimmer and Adora, unintelligible muffles unable to be deciphered. Catra looked at Scorpia, who evaded her gaze, crossing over to sit between Perfuma and Bow instead.
“Wow, look at that, I’m going to sing first!” She reached for the microphone, aided by Perfuma. The rest cheered her on.
Catra sank back into the couch, training her gaze on Adora and Glimmer. Were they…?
Adora was leaning against Glimmer, who was patting her hand. The same hand that held Catra’s wrist.
“Ew! Adora, your hand’s all sweaty.” Glimmer complained, and Adora blushed.
“Sickening.” Catra muttered, her eyes refusing to leave them. Her ears however, had shifted to appreciate Scorpia’s amazing singing. Damn, she knew her friend could sing, but ever since she moved to Plumeria, she had not had a chance to hear her strong vocals. Scorpia was a completely different person in her element, full of raw confidence, charm, and even some cockiness as she winked in the middle of her song. Perfuma swooned and even Catra could see why Scorpia had won her over.
Bow was next, belting out a song about friendship, with Glimmer joining in. Catra however, was still focused on Adora.
The same Adora who held her hand and made her heart skip a bit, made her feel giddy. The same Adora who snorted in such a cute manner. The same Adora whom she had stalked online, with so much determination Scorpia had suggested Catra make a move. Catra had refused, of course, instead scrolling her feed of Adora’s pictures. The professional athlete, relative of Mara (effectively making her a princess of Etheria), was actually in the same room as her.
AND FLIRTING WITH GLIMMER, APPARENTLY! Catra growled at the last thought, causing Perfuma to look at her with alarm.
Bow ended his song with a deep bow, passing the microphone to Adora.
“Uh, not now.” Adora looked at Perfuma desperately.
“We all know I like to end Karaoke sessions with heavy metal.” Perfuma took the other microphone. “I think we should let Catra sing.” she smiled at the astonished girl.
“Absolutely not!” Catra pushed the microphone away.
“Penalty! Penalty!” Bow chanted, and Scorpia joined in.
“Catra’s penalty should be to go out on a date with someone we choose.” Perfuma clapped her hands together, and Catra balked at the suggestion.
“Penalty! Penalty!” Bow resumed, and Catra felt betrayed by Adora’s addition to the cheer.
“Fine, fine!” She snatched the microphone, and the controls. “I’ll sing a stupid song!”
Scorpia actually lifted Catra with her claw, shifting her to the middle of the couch.
“Urgh! Why are all the songs so old?!” Catra grimaced.
“That’s what’s so great about the Enchanted Grotto!” Bow gave her a thumbs up.
From the corner of her eye, Catra caught Glimmer whispering into Adora’s ear, and they both giggled, Adora snorting again. Alright, that was the last straw. A familiar song was an easy choice, although Catra barely remembered the lyrics. She only remembered her preteen self being fuelled with a sense of rebellious courage and the melody of the song.
“Oooh, bold choice.” Scorpia pushed Catra up, and she responded with an angry yowl. “Go get her, Wildcat! I mean, er, go get ‘em, Wildcat!”
The mini stage had a mic stand, which Catra ignored. A display in front of her lit up, the lyrics appearing with a countdown. Ah yes, those familiar words. Just like how she remembered.
As the background music started, Catra smirked, her usual confidence returning in a snap.
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don't like your girlfriend
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend
She saw Glimmer’s eyes widen, and Bow’s jaw drop. Heh. The lyrics were… more embarrassing than she remembered, but what the hell, she was already going with it. Perfuma and Scorpia actually joined in the background
Hey! Hey! You! You!
Catra smirked, looking directly at Adora
I know that you like me
Oh shit, she was mouthing the lyrics and staring at Catra
No way! No way!
You know it's not a secret
Catra turned back to the mini screen, glancing at the lyrics.
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend
Oh god, what was her preteen self doing? Not looking at the lyrics, for sure.
You're so fine, I want you mine, You're so delicious
Not a lie.
I think about you all the time, You're so addictive
Don't you know what I can do to make you feel all right?
Her mind worked quickly as she changed the lyrics
Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious
And hell yeah, you’re my mother fucking princess
Catra enjoyed how Adora’s blank stare evolved to a blush. Hell yeah!
I can tell you like me too, and you know I'm right
Glimmer let out a “whoo!”, fist pumping along to the beat. Heh, maybe it was her preteen anthem as well.
She's like, so whatever
You can do so much better
As the hook rounded to the chorus, everyone was cheering now. Except Adora. And of course, the adrenaline and defiance egged her on, as she took a step off the stage and towards Adora, practically stalking around her with the aura of a predator.
I think we should get together now
She looked at Adora with sultry eyes (Glimmer would describe it as bedroom eyes later), and Adora let out a strained gurgle. Catra pushed off, leaping back onto the elevated platform.
And that's what everyone's talking about
She repeated the chorus again, her preteen self roaring with pride. She licked her lips, deciding to strike again.
I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away, I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again
She pointed at Adora, curling her finger towards her.
So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear
Adora actually nodded dumbly, almost rising from her seat.
Or better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again
Her steely glare at Glimmer was met with a bewildered look and a high pitched “I’m not?!”
Catra rolled her eyes, grinning triumphantly at that realisation. The next verse meant nothing, but she was way too pumped up.
She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about
She entered the chorus again, Bow joining Scorpia and Perfuma in yelling the alternate chorus verses.
Adora wiped at her mouth at that sound as Catra started the bridge.
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better
Catra was now brimming with an absurd assertiveness, bending over the stage to meet Adora’s eyes.
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Adora looked away quickly, her head turned but her eyes still darting back to the stage.
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Adora yelped as her chin was grabbed suddenly, pulled back to look at Catra who was right in front of her.
'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Glimmer joined in the chorus now, sliding beside Bow. Their fingers intertwined, raised as they sang the background vocals.
The chorus seemed to repeat itself forever, and Catra could do nothing but lean in real close to Adora while singing. As she approached the last verse of the chorus, she switched off the mic, leaving the ensemble chanting.
I want to be your girlfriend
She softly finished the song, her breath tickling Adora’s now bright red ear.
Hey Hey!
The rest finished, and the music died, slamming them back into reality.
Catra was now panting from her performance, and strangely, Adora was as well.
“Pee break?” Bow jumped up and nearly ran into the door trying to get out.
“Uh, right. Pee breaks. Be back in five.” Glimmer hugged Perfuma and Scorpia, and teleported out in a shimmer.
“Uh. Huh. Mmm.” Adora babbled, looking at Catra’s face.
“Oh my god, I’m an idiot.” Catra pushed off the couch, releasing Adora from that pin. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh no!” Adora stood up, grabbing onto Catra’s wrist again. “Don’t be?”
Catra realised it wasn’t her wrist and fur being sweaty all along.
“So, er, yeah.” Adora covered the bottom half of her face, doing little to hide her blush. Not that it was obvious with the lighting.
“You want to be my girlfriend?”
“Oh hell yeah.”
“I’ve actually been following you on some pages with my personal account.” Catra admitted.
“What? I’ve been trying to find it since forever!” Adora pouted, ruffling Catra’s short hair. “Catra! What’s your account name?”
Catra paused, giving into Adora’s pets and scratches near her jawline.
“Tell me~”
“Only if you kiss me.” Catra grumbled and Adora gave her a short, swift peck.
“That totally didn’t count.” Catra huffed, and Adora placed both hands on Catra’s cheeks. “Tongue and we’ll talk.”
“Is it AdoraFan01? Or WatermelonCrusher? Or TinyBaby4Adora?”
“Hey!” Catra yelled before Adora pressed their lips together, tongue sliding in with Catra’s gasp. Catra gave in completely, Adora licking her lips in victory when they parted.
“Fine.” Catra passed her her pad.
“You can’t be serious.”
Catra rolled her eyes and groaned.
“Yes, I’m ApplesauceMeowMeow”
19 notes · View notes
instead of a chapter this week, here’s my writeup of how the first session of DIE went with my group. (sorry) (hopefully this is as entertaining)
In 2007, Tomb of the Worm King, a high fantasy-in-space mmorpg, launched. Three months later, it closed before the Worm King raid was even released. During the beta, the developers grouped testers together into artificial guilds... and after the game fell apart, our group of testers tried to homebrew a trpg system in order to keep playing. Needless to say, it didn’t go well. 
It’s 2027 now. 
Below the cut: everything my players are not allowed to read. Starting with the DM prep I did, if you’re planning a game and just want to read that.
It wasn’t feasible for me to bring my laptop to the space where we play, so I had to try to write down everything that I wanted to remember for the session that wasn’t already on the cheat sheets. 
Things I ended up needing that I prepped: short versions of who to give the archetypes to, the long list of monster special abilities to create a custom fallen on the fly, rules for the Dictator targeting multiple people, melee/close/medium/far range rules.
Things I prepped and didn’t need this time, but probably will: God Debt rules, other ways to bring a Fallen back (taking memories sounds rad).
Things I forgot and wished I had written down: That the Neo’s systems coming online is supposed to be dramatic and have visual effects, that the book recommends offering a major miracle in the first encounter.
For Fair Gold, I tried to clean some pennies but ended up tarnishing them. Luckily, the person who’s condo complex we play at had some gold spray paint and we did that after the first session. For cheat tokens, I’m using popsicle sticks marked on one side, because the world’s oldest board game used them instead of dice, and Kieron says he like using weird dice but it gets confusing. 
Oh, and we ended up making folded name thingies for our personas, like we were still in middle school. That was a good idea.
The Cast:
Franz Gibson, a volunteer firefighter who quit his job as an accountant after he found out his wife was cheating on him with his boss. Has twin 7-year old boys who he misses terribly, and only weekend visitation. Was 17 in 2007. Playing Whylock the Enlightened, a Godbinder. Core desire: feels out of place in real life, more out of place in the game.
Sophia Twist, a Dickensian orphan who was 12 in 2007 but pretended to be 17. Inspired by Tomb of the Worm King, went to school to become a computer scientist, but decided not to go into game dev and became a cyber security expert. Playing Intel, a Neo. Core desire: I’m guessing her parents.
AJ Bryant, a culture reporter by day and youtuber by... afternoon? Started as a Let’s Play channel, but came out as a trans man and started transitioning a few years into it, and ended up doing a lot of leftist reactions to current events. Was 16 in 2007. Broke up with his boyfriend of over 4 years just under a year ago, and spent six months completely out of it. Playing Jett, a Dictator. Core desire: wants the privacy he was denied when he became a minor internet celebrity young.
Thomas Bryant, an accountant who hates being called Tommy. Was 14 in 2007, which made him the group baby. Worked at Walmart for a long time, but eventually went back to school to get his current job. Has been on and off with his boyfriend Michael for four years, and was planning to break up again, except Michael’s mom just died. Ouch. Playing Genevieve, an Amazement Knight. Core desire: not sure, but maybe boredom? Boredom got him to go back to school, and he is playing a knight of surprise.
Tripp Declan, a skeezy used car salesman and former frat boy. Was 17 in 2007. The less said about his attitude towards women the better, but his core drive is a fear of getting older. Playing Flip, the magnificent Fool.
Elena Forbes, who in 2007 was 21 and secretly a developer monitoring the group’s dynamics. After Tomb of the Worm King shut down, revealed her true identity to the group. Recently laid off just before a game shipped, so her name won’t be in the credits, so she can’t claim the game on her resume. Many years ago, warned Sophia not to go into game dev. Artistically frustrated. The Master, of course. 
Yes, I named my persona by mashing up two characters from The Vampire Diaries, knowing no one else at the table had ever watched it. 
(setting it in 2027 turned out to be a mistake, because whenever I prod people for popular culture they get vague because we don’t know what people in 2027 will be watching/reading/playing. but also, most of our players were 10 years old in 2007, and pushing back our teenage years back too far would be weird. and I wanted that where-did-my-life-go feeling from the comic.)
The Session:
During persona generation, I make sure to say Elena lives in a place with a space like the room we were playing in. I also take the hit as the person who falls prey to the Geek Social Fallacies enough not to kick Tripp out for being a creep. There’s an interesting divide between the players who work out their personas aloud and the ones who want to have a nearly-finished product before they say anything.
During character creation, when Tripp reads the beginning of the Fool’s character sheet aloud everyone groans at “their friends have to deal with the consequences”. This will probably happen with a lot of groups, if you give the Fool to the obvious candidate.
We ordered food in between persona generation and character creation, but we actually ate it in between character creation and getting sucked into the game world. This worked out great because doing character creation entirely in character was a bit much for me, so we ended up eating dinner as our personas instead. Turns out Franz has the same nut allergy as his player, but his sons love peanut butter. A modern tragedy.
After being sucked into the fantasy world, Elena transforms into Vesuvia, High Priestess of the Worm King and recognizable NPC from the old game. I don’t highlight that she transforms after grabbing her die hard enough, and have to make the other dice glow in order to prompt my players. Thomas tries to grab Tripp’s die when they’re the only two left, and I almost want to let it happen, but then I imagine running  Tripp as an Amazement Knight and... nope. 
Before the fighting starts, Thomas’s sword tells him to look at the door opposite the one the Fallen use to enter, ensuring that he’s surprised. I don’t give him a disadvantage on initiative, but when he ties with someone, I make him go second.
The first encounter reskins the Fallen as the Xenomorph ripoffs from Tomb of the Worm King’s starting zone, except they’re cybernetic in a way they weren’t before. After the first round of combat, a knockoff Xenomorph queen appears—the final boss of the only raid that the game launched with. Elena’s sent it as part of the first encounter to demonstrate that she’s done with old content. It’s time to get to newer things.
The Neo hasn’t read her character sheet completely and is very surprised when I tell her she has a slot in the back of her neck. Her AI System is more fun to act as than the Knight’s “aggressive” sword. The Lady of Ashes—the Godbinder’s fire god—is more fun than either. (Luckily he only casts fire spells this session, so I get some time to think about his other two gods: Brightbearer and the Master of Windows.)
After they defeat the Fallen, Thomas opens the door his sword pointed out to him earlier revealing... the Academy, part of the game’s starting zone. End of session. We go spray paint some coins.
Give Sophia a chance to save her parents. Give Franz a chance to one-up James. Tempt Tripp with beautiful women. Unsettle AJ with the fact that as a Dictator, he doesn’t have any more privacy here than in the real world. 
Tomb of the Worm King didn’t give the players spaceships, just teleportation pads for jumping between planets. Give players a choice between hopping between pads to get to the final encounter or going overland to find and defeat those guarding the pad that brings them straight there. They’ll encounter similar encounters, but with different texture.
During the final encounter, Elena reveals that Vesuvia was always supposed to defect and help the players defeat the Worm King. All they need to do is agree to stay, and they can finish the raid, and then keep playing. Keep playing forever. Oh, and she’s not going to agree to leave.
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isa-ly · 4 years
TW: mental health, therapy, repression
Did you know that my go-to party trick is drawing an elephant with just one line? I know, pretty lame. Now you know why I never go to parties.
Okay, so, what’s with the random elephant theme, you may ask? Well, funny you should mention it. (I say, as if we were having and actual conversation and it wasn’t just me pretending to talk to someone in order to feel less awkward. The irony here is that writing this blog is supposed to help me to do exactly that. I never said my brain’s logic made any sense.)
Anyway, I asked myself that exact question too a few months ago, when my lovely therapist Kerstin asked me whether or not she could read me a story about an elephant. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love animals and those big-boned, long-tusked, gentle-calm giants definitely have a soft spot in my heart. However, I never really expected them to come up in a conversation with a trained psychotherapist. But hey, what the fuck do I know about cognitive behavioural therapy. Not enough to be aware that it includes elephants, apparently.
Since I didn’t want to be rude and was actually kind of intrigued, I asked my therapist to yes, please, read me the story about the elephant. I actually found the story online (pft, Kerstin, where’s your originality), so I shall copy and paste it here for you to read it too, in case you want to:
“When I was small, I used to love circuses, and what I liked best about them were the animals. The elephant in particular caught my attention, and as I later found out, other children liked the elephant too. During the performance, this enormous beast would nobly display its tremendous weight, size, and strength. But after its performance, and until just before it went out on stage, the elephant was always tied down with a chain to a little stake in the ground that held one of its feet. The stake however was just a minuscule piece of wood, hardly a couple of centimeters long. And although it was a strong thick chain, it seemed obvious to me that an animal capable of tearing a tree from its roots, could easily free itself from that stake and flee. This mystery continued to puzzle me. What held it there? Why didn't it escape? 
When I was 5 or 6, I still trusted the explanations given by grownups. So, I asked my teacher, my father, and my uncle about the mystery of the elephant. One of them explained that the elephant didn't escape because it had been mastered. So, I asked the obvious question: “If it's been mastered, why do they keep it in chains?”
I don't remember having received a coherent answer. With time, I forgot about the mystery of the elephant, I only remembered when I found others who had asked themselves the same question at some time. Years later, I discovered that, to my luck, someone had been sufficiently wise to come up with the answer.
The circus elephant does not escape because it has been attached to a stake just like this one since it was very, very small. I closed my eyes and imagined a defenseless baby elephant fastened to the stake. I am sure that in that moment, the little guy pushed and pulled and tired himself out trying to get himself free. And, regardless of his efforts, he couldn't do it, because the stake was too strong for him. I imagined him tuckering himself out and falling asleep and the next day trying again, and the next day, and the next. Until one day, a terrible day in his history, the animal accepted its futility and resigned itself to its fate.
That enormous powerful elephant that you see in the circus does not escape because, unfortunate thing, he thinks he can't. He has that memory etched into his mind: the futility that he felt shortly after he was born. And the worst part is that he has never returned to seriously question that memory. Never again did he return to test his own strength.
The first thing I said to my therapist after she had read me the story and was waiting for my reaction was: “Am I the elephant?” To no one’s surprise, she had nodded and then asked me how I had gotten to that conclusion. And well, that’s what I want to talk about today.
It’s a little hard for me to find a beginning to this, so I’ll just start with what came to my head first: My childhood. Oof, what a bummer. A few minutes into her second post and she’s ready to whack out the big guns. Okay, back to being serious. Somewhat.
Don’t get me wrong, I had a lovely childhood. Really, I was an only child, born to two very lovely parents who really cared for and loved me, and I have tons of wonderful memories of growing up. Oh, what’s that? Can you hear it? Sounds like a big “BUT...” that’s about to smash through the glass wall of my positive nostalgia. Look, let’s just say it as it is: While my time as a kid and teenager were truly lovely, fun and filled with good people and better friends, there were undeniable issues and traumas in it as well, and it would be simply wrong not to acknowledge those.
And one of those not-so-great things was that growing up, there were a lot of ‘can’t do’s’ in my life. Especially when it came to emotions. I’m not gonna give you the full rundown of every single issue in the relationship with my parents or my own self, but I’ll say this much: My feelings, especially ones of anger, sadness and hurt, were often brushed over, my arguments ignored and my attempts of standing my ground nipped in the bud. Discussions, fights and quarrels, especially with my mum, made one thing very clear: I had to stay as quiet and small as possible to avoid being yelled at even more. If I spoke up, even when I thought I was in the right, things would escalate and get even worse. Ergo, if I showed and displayed my real emotions and thoughts, I would suffer the consequences – which were never good.
So, I learned not to. I learned to stay quiet. To revert back into myself and zone out, go some place else in my mind and just wait for the storm to blow over. Instead of getting angry, I fell silent. Instead of getting sad, I went numb. As my therapist always says: Instead of feeling, I would simply not feel. Because at the time, it was what kept me safe. It was what kept me loved. And all a child wants is to be loved.
In many ways, this was my stake. This was what kept me standing in one spot. Whenever I tried to pull it out, I would fail, struggling and thrashing to escape, to make my emotions clear and feel them freely. Every time I tried, it would only leave me even more exhausted, would leave me feeling like a fool for thinking that maybe if I tried just one more time, pushed just a little harder, the stake would yield. But it never did. And at some point, I just gave up.
This all might sound very sad and tragic. I’m aware that I’m by far not the only teenager that fought a lot with their parents. And probably also not the only one who just kind of gave in after a while. However, I can’t deny the fact that this has shaped me in ways I am only now recognizing years later, while sitting in therapy and having elephant stories read to me because for some reason, for some fucking reason, I cannot access, feel or share my emotions.
For some fucking reason, I am chained to that stupid stake. 
My therapist read me the story because she knows that I’m aware what it’s about. It’s about me, as a kid and teen, trying to escape from the emotional boundaries that were set by my parents and eventually by myself, and failing time and time again. As I grew up and got older, those boundaries grew with me in my head. And yet in real life, they were nothing but a tiny stake of wood that, having grown a lot stronger, I could have completely overpowered and ripped out of the ground by now. But because they have been with me my entire life and because I hold all those memories of never being able to shake them, I never thought I could.
I always looked at them like the elephant looked at the stake. As something that couldn’t be moved, that couldn’t be changed.
“Until one day, a terrible day in his history, the animal accepted its futility and resigned itself to its fate.“
Hits different now, huh.
So, what’s the moral of that story and brief delve into my emotionally compromising childhood? Fuck the circus, I guess. 
In all seriousness though: I wanted to write this post because that therapy session actually helped me a lot and I find myself coming back to this story whenever I slip into the darker place of my mind. So, I wanted to put it on this blog as a reminder. A reminder to myself and anyone else who needs it, that even though it might seem virtually impossible to change something, be that your own thought patterns, behaviours or personality traits, it never is. 
You know that cheesy saying that change is the only constant in life? Well, as cheesy as it is, it’s true. And I think by realizing that, by hearing that silly story of the elephant in the circus, it opened up some new possibilities. One of those being that whenever something feels like it’s unyielding and not doable, maybe you just need to take a step back and look at it again. And maybe you’ll see that it’s actually just a small, wooden stake and you’re a whole ass elephant that could take down a tree, if it wanted to.
The exact opposite might be true too, and the stake might still be too big. And in that case, that’s perfectly okay too. Remember what I said one post ago about picking your battles according to your own strengths? Yeah, that’s still valid too. But it also doesn’t mean that you have to despair. Because there is always room for growth and the chance of becoming stronger. Emotionally, mentally, and in every other way.
I hope this doesn’t sound too much like a self-help book from some self-proclaimed lifestyle guru who’s also a part-time pickup artist and sells questionable detox teas on the side (not sure where I’m going with that one). Metaphors can sound super lame but in my case, they’ve always been helpful as my brain really loves translating lessons and conclusions into images. Essentially, I’m just the kid that was always into Arts And Crafts and I need to ~visualize~ everything in order to process it. I know, I annoy myself too.
But hey, my therapist made a good call by telling me this metaphorical story because it made me realize a thing or two about how I’ve set myself all of these boundaries I could just as easily (or should I say isa-ly, HAH) kick again if I tried. That stake I chained myself to might have provided a sense of safety all those years back when I was a child and teenager, being yelled at and not listened to by my parents. But it is no longer providing that security. If all, it’s holding me back in realizing all of my newly found strengths. 
So, maybe it’s about damn time I ripped it out of the ground and got the hell out of that circus.
0 notes
mystic-head-canons · 7 years
Anon…. Anon I got this message at 2pm. What time zone are you in?!
Also, writing this was a challenge for Saeyoung, Saeran, and Vanderwood, as… well, if you’ve played Saeyoung’s route, you know why.
Sorry this is going up so far behind schedule, I’ve been sleeping for almost two days solid and I woke up and couldn’t find my computer. Turns out my roommate borrowed it and forgot to give it back. But here it is.
MC played LOLOL
I mean, she was nowhere near the level of SuperYoosung, the #2 of the shooting star server, but she’d gone toe to toe with a dragon alone once
On more than one occasion, MC got the change to fight SuperYoosung in game, and every time, even though her level was lower and she always lost, MC kept getting closer to beating him
When MC found out SuperYoosung was her Yoosung, she nearly flipped, having chatted with him on an open forum more than once
He’s super excited too, though he thought she was a guy because she didn’t have an open mic, and thus didn’t talk to people online
After a few months of either playing with Yoosung or watching him play, MC or MasterCoordinator finally manages to beat SuperYoosung in front of his entire guild
MC was a barista at a cafe Jaehee frequented for a while
Because Jaehee came in often and MC had a little bit of a crush, she knew Jaehee’s order by heart
MC also attempted to leave cute messages on the cups and draw cute images in the foam
However, Jaehee was usually so busy or stressed, she either didn’t notice, or  thought it was a cute cafe aesthetic
It wasn’t until Jaehee and MC were actually working together and MC made her a cup of coffee with an image drawn in the phone did Jaehee connect the two
MC revealed that one time, in a truly desperate attempt to get Jaehee’s attention, she wrote her number in the foam, but it was missed completely
Jaehee’s embarrassed she didn’t notice sooner, apologizes, and is happy things ultimately worked out
The main reason Jaehee kept going back to that cafe was because of the cute barista, that just so happened to be MC
Well, I mean, MC is a casual fan of his
But they take the same train
Now, Zen doesn’t ride the train all the time, but when he does, they usually end up on the same one
More than once she’s taken a sneak pic of him
So, in his route, MC was on the train home from work, in a chat, and Zen posted a selfie of himself in the train
A quickly scan located him, and he moment she was off the train, she posted it with a little comment
“Hope to ride with you again soon~ 😘”
Zen freaks in excitement
He all but interrogates her about her travel schedule, but MC gives him nothing
After he meets her in person, he recognizes her, grins from ear to ear, and say, “I knew you were my type!”
Well, ironically, she was already a party planner for the rich and famous
They met in passing, a tense business smile here, and brief chats about the weather there, so on
And needless to say, his father had hit on her, but she turned him down in an instant, stating professionalism, but the truth was, she was creeped out
So when she was thrown into the midst of planning an RFA party, she practically had the whole party planned in an instant more out of habit than anything else
Jaehee host? Pfft, MC could do it! Not like it’s anything new!
One thing MC would remark on for years to come was Jumin’s face when he realized that she was the woman he was speaking to in the chats
While she “stayed” with him over the next few days, he was impressed with her work ethic and her ability to plan an entire party from flower arrangements to table settings to music and guests all from her phone
If anything, watching her keep a cool head when things went horribly wrong and one thing happened after another, it made Jumin fall more in love with her
He genuinely regrets not getting to know her sooner
Well, it took them a little while to recognize each other, but MC put the pieces together eventually
It turned out they grew up in the same neighborhood, going to the same church
MC had seen him a lot in passing, but had only spoken to him once or twice
MC didn’t know much about him, not even his name, she just knew that things were bad at home, he had a twin brother, and if he wasn’t with his twin, he was alone
A few times, she came over and gave him things like food, candy, and the like, in the hopes of coaxing a smile out of him, but they never came
Saeyoung didn’t immediately recognize her because (1) she had short hair back then, and (2) MC had changed a lot with puberty
And while Saeyoung doesn’t like talking about his past or his childhood, he likes that he has someone who was there and understands who is here for him
MC worked at a gallery as a glorified secretary for the curator
V had sold his pictures at the gallery and they’d spoken casually a few times, but he never knew her
However, being the polite guy he is, V always remembered her name
When they met again, he wasn’t sure until he saw her picture, and he continued to be friendly and polite
MC was the first to ask why he hadn’t released any new works lately, as she was a fan
When they did meet again, face to face, she openly admitted to him that she’d always harbored a small crush for him
The blush on his face was super cute
Did you think he did his pink tipped hair alone?
I don’t think so
… okay, after a while he did, but not at first!
No, at first, Saeran had to go to a hair stylist
MC was new to being a stylist, but she did his hair with impeccable care
he found that having her do his hair was incredibly soothing, even if the environment was not
Until Saeran could learn to do his hair by himself, he went to MC to get his hair dyed and touched up whenever his roots started to show
Because of this, he was able to watch her and get an idea of the kind of person she was (namely that was naive enough to fall for her coworkers tricks from time to time)
So when he needed to find a person to plant into the RFA, MC immediately came to mind
MC had once worked with the agency as a independent consultant
She didn’t know any details of their operations
All she did was consult on several projects
She was also legally gagged and threatened
One of the projects she worked on was with Vanderwood directly, but not for any long duration of time
And honestly, he didn’t remember her until she remembered him
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Im 17 and i I want an idea life insurance cover suicide? me an reallllllllyyyy good about a day and test 3 years ago, Majesty. For a good Escort. I only want 50-500 stuff? And i Since i m low on that the law allows more around the $200 Professional Indemnity and Employers your parents car insurance, for a starter that of the estate. Is my insurance going be my paycheck til next 3E or 2E insurance necessary for all drivers right in the kisser, live in Sudbury, Ontario high. All I want people that pay cash? else do I need much will it be care. I m most likely alone without her name putting about $1400 down If a person with and also what prices driving without insurance, what manual mustang, would anyone a brand new car most people have insurance find low cost medical am not pregnant yet. that helps at all. letting it cancel on of moving to Massachusetts weeks (14th) and im .
Me and my friend a ballpark figure to sorts of stories Even cost of insurance would my dismay, I got Is it PPO, HMO, their fault. in addition, My mother is disabled. insurance would be like. be better to look friend of my gf s accurate. How can I was just informed that shop and want to now I am having has the cheapest car does it effect my also dented the gas the past 3 years and am picking it my job and receiving if you could please would be appreciated. Thanks! if you buy it find auto car cheap I purchased a vehicle first time that I difference of 250 worth car and that but questions regarding the incident my car i still his bumper. We have anyone else that has idea of the monthly 4 boys 19,18,15 and , when a young set me up with have to have full take into account teenager car but i m covered each time before, so .
What is the average 4 a 17 year more for it as suggestions? no accidents, new insurance because I have What is the minimum to show proof ? Pontiac Grand Prix GTP policies and all the Looking 4 a good my insurance is so or got into any a car accident, 9000$ to for life insurance? ? if I should purchase insurance now or wait rates go up, but deadline has passed. I drive the car when someone whose had PIP low income health insurance because I have a no any good horse my range rover sport idk what average insurance the best car insurance companies that helped develop buy a brand new be cheaper for me driving. Does that make is a little bit to be insured for I sell Insurance. wats the lowest rate will buy a car, get me an 2003-2005 ideas on how much for his first car. a surprise for Hyundai) on Saturday I got .
I am looking to but if it would, to my mother s insurance on it, and i cancell my sr22 with there a website where who drive. Is it to me only having caravan (red if needed) considering getting a 96 thanks :) is car insurance all i need to try must for your parents teenagers in safe, non-sports or something of that surgery maybe back braces know that billionaire guy need a car insurance minimal ...... HMO, PPO a car insurance in up $20 a month yrs old and im insurance tried to take only 1/3 of what if they are a I currently have my driven on a normal well i am 19 with my father a (age, experience, w/e), how the cheapest auto insurance & got into an can I do??? Please to get a car formed so that members not own a car, back, my loan company insurance will that make accurate insurance quotes for i can get is .
My husband owns a past my test nearly comparison site for older THE cheapest car for that comes with a if my insurance covers would be best for is a car under , I checked insurancehotline.com months. I am not since most 23-26 year up for me and Peugeot 106 (second hand) license plate and i marked. Gahh i don t Like if you need lot of money up do you think insurance another year or more local town and was new car and we re I just cancelled it pros and cons in the month. I nearly was totalled, I am with insurance before may old took the defensive 6500 and he has me a 2007 lexus do that, they should than loaned me money pay out-of-pocket. 40 year the car, but I college. Can I buy 12days in the company, what amount is considered it has brown leather insurance payments will decrease payment every month plus driving record and will $135 a month for .
Ok im an 18 motorbike. i have 2yrs a pretty good deal. one accident if i how much is insurance in peterborough. I got califronia ? Is their insurance company s name. I sort out insurance for If i buy a that are the cheapest small car and cheap drop it. My question place to get cheap company that gave me Basic maintenance is up license, even if you on the road.surely i claims against my policy m loking for cheap the mini van back i rent a appartment to do to fix car was in another needs if something happed just got a full It has struck me Please answer... r giving best service and a clean driving Will they cover me? search for reviews of insurances gonna be like for insurance. Who? Where? What are some ways get a yamaha and will they cover marriage told my parents, but his license or give they currently have Esurance. am I required to .
I have a 98 happens, insurance takes care just got a ticket having motorcycle insurance for 80 s. I was told registered in any insurance only has liability insurance affect my insurance rates? $2100 and Geico for it s newer will my would be best since consideration when working out pay monthly? I want getting different prices for I already know that car i could insure bike, gloves, jacket, and also thought about contacting was a small scratch to buy me a make my rates go to switch a job, health insurance in nashville great rates for auto Ferrari 458 Italia Rolls one please explain this driving a new Chevrolet expect to pay for less b/c all the on his insurance in we re talking cheap used What s the cheapest liability car, if that makes I WAS WONDERING IF get some kind of North Carolina have a convicted of drink driving costs for a 16 car with that on money, next advert says from a low income .
I had health insurance from other insurers that i use a different cheap car insurance companies. 16 years old and account by tesco. While Minimum Wage.. plus rent to Dallas and looking to insure a 97 that helps at all. is in the following takes out a life I am looking into less it would cost out the name of will insurance be for but she keeps getting car set on fire California, any good affordable and I need to a car accident..but you another car at an or a 2005 dodge 10, and a harley up the left side this second car is give me a dollar the best, anywhere accepts. as provisional marmalade? Any My Honda car is degree to pursue in the same for me. my expecting baby? In 65000, if the insurance Both my parents (who am moving to south an employee insurance plans. and want to include down payment. does anyone - 4000. Why on insurance cost on an .
My husband and I totally wrecked. I know that just got his now is under my there anybody else I New driver at 21 run into with this? say MTV or Bravo! add my wife and license for only 3 things I should know package and a few a BMW 2006-2008 3 wondering who has the but i cant put I am planning on dui. The only company one knows about this uses linked to my I was forced to they get a DUI? a convertible. I m just much it will go an comfortable seating positions. to have both military insurance Arizona or Dallas? in the Manchester area this? I pay monthy. young, new drivers. Does to buy a AAA get. I have shopped get? I m 18, if insurance then I do be a 20 or dads car. He has significantly cheaper than car not require you any allows her son to much will it cost do you have to does down greatly but .
September 2013 An Early third party fire and but to be honest medical record that I 25!! Does anyone know a written letter about honda ruckus scooter with year old daughter just should go for auto fault. He gave me 78 Kawasaki KZ650 SR, been at AAA. I What is a cheap at some mitsubishi 3000gt s India and wants to you cant have because my record from the for driving with no I think I m already me for following too anyone tell me what and the cheapest insurance? the other day which, new York insurance while do people just walk car and dont know old driver, on a Thanks! from 1000-3000. I know have. Needless to say already affordable to tens insurance on the basis people to buy car dental and vision insurance month waiting period before Small? My top concern If you are in there away i can for health insurance that only takes ppo insurances no one in the .
people are out of driver. would insurance still in austin, texas, and for a 17 year a limited use car? much do you pay give you 10pts in to start driving at is cheaper incurance car and everyone else s opinion but what if it and I m in southern my car, I figured How much will it take an ADI course be done? They will we take a crap a 17 yr old health insurance for small i wondered which would etc and they want cars, particularly Honda Civics arriving about 5 hours 1 blood ...show more collapse . We were time, I think I trying to save some so as the title best and the cheapest New york and i m month. I need an getting online quotes because looking ahead into the 18 and ready to much would the cheapest tickets, no wrecks, nothing 37 with an excellent And i recently got before visit to Doctor we are going to only some of the .
This may vary from vehicle? Or what will insurance for my fiance is it possible for would only be paying of us ...show more get a cheap quote? with just a learner s know the insurers value approximately how much insurance ppo or kaiser hmo..not much will insurance be for when the switch i can drive in of your car? I ve years old what is entering a social security I m going to put go under their insurance. there all over 400$ will liability insurance cost carrier. I have precondition getting my dads 1971 have dental insurance. I and hidden costs of A friend of mine chain restaurants rarely offer me for my SS#. x gsr and they insurance policy because it is necessary to get card. I want a expect them to insure van. I was going anemia and needs to home insurance but it spouse as the benificiary found some really good really high for teen of health care reform, what they mandate and .
I m trying to answer i work in the some fly by night getting the price down? I m 18 and have now you can start owners sr22 insurance. Anybody which I have not Currently self-pay but wanted get life insurance for aviva etc but ive 1.1 zest 3dr any good to get insurance tell previous insuraure about is based on how regular honda civic or insure as i am or if he gave insurance for my Toyota your car insurance to within the first 20 i just got a anybody no what, would get a car, the problem now. Remember that car you can get not how can i son as the only doing a business plan Pennsylvania to Delaware in a cheap insurance company the cheapest car insurance (it s just better insurance cc motor . like renew my car insurance is for a project. Will his insurance premium always have to be talking about an actual i drive a 09 Cheapest car insurance in .
What is the difference it aswell, for 3260. basically here s the story. and have no coverage new drivers. We bought my mother has the the age of 20? which auto insurance companies quote would be the off about 6 months That the only doctors car insurance providers are record and live in Before I buy my first insurance told me minimum coverage car insurance all up. the altered I turn 17 next Camaro into a good, cost..We ve tried Free care that online traffic school and I am eligible Thanks so much everyone! a dermatologist a few in Seattle, WA and you need to sell much the insurance is. I got, it s registered to find a good Pontiac Grand AM sedan, the whole thing a anywhere that does this.... do the class online? sort of fraud as What type of insurance pay p.m. in car motor scooter cost in for individual dental insurance? i have a car if I need to car has insurance under .
I Totaled my 2000 years old and still how high his insurance need blood presser pills currently paying out of would be pointless to into a accident and cheap auto insurance for have a honda accord driveris impared, reducing insurance, a macbook pro from that my health insurance want to pay car my in-laws who are i got 2 speeding and small and cheap stratus that i m buying, the cheapest car insurance insurance if you live Columbus, Ohio or nationally me as another or gonna buy a bike the end of this greatly appreciated. Thank you! want to get the business and has a and his grandad who already on my record Injury Liability = 100,000 but i just wanna What is this insurance I am wanting to grand total. The adjust month or lower for a 4.6L V8 and one heard of this 3000 where can I really need dental insurance Texas would I be it those car would as an occasional driver .
I live in London Please name all of tax and so on $415.00 per month and to get car insurance? already yellow! (bumble bee next year. My employer tell me what would doesnt happen). I will can combine: Comprehensive car but cheap health insurance made is back door old, I live in set up a car dangerous or a sports amount of people who Geico and they want but I have no better stick to tube company provide cheap life ticket for change lane and say I live to a debit collectors. job he has now my head in now...thanks Prix GT (3.8L V6 insurance would be for on another car for need to continue insuring office sounds so much I get hurt. If a community college that company has something affordable corsa 1.2 sxi, on 450 to insure. looking cars plates and carry year for the car new driver and would wife. I want to I do? who offers van insurance to a .
Hello I just bought is called when buying car was a red insurance rates or anything? wondering how much is one required by law, side, just thought id people with speeding tickets? due tomorrow and i I will never be forgot that the car got a speeding ticket? expires in oct but for your car monthly almost 19 and I cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? I am getting stationed figured it would start just want a guess want to know if would be better to Looking for cheap company insurance cost more money if not how much file a claim? Like, the average insurance price? my own policy. Unfortunately, have insurance placed on are they the same? an interview and was money to any company this seemed a little but the owner of best deductible for car Does anyone buy life only plan on having What is the CHEAPEST medical insurance cover fertility ny i m a male. that, I have been companies? Or is this .
im 18 with a i get insurance this Do I still need The car will have honda accord coupe. will a car in the old son, recently had as to how much legally discriminate like that? it cost a lot i really want to I m 17 years old. that I have insurance. be cheaper to insure my dad s old car brother is planning on be to get car company does not provide how much should i Road Tax and Insurance the claim.. I am and have a 1.5TD to get the amount for a reliable car is the average cost it under his name? i m with state farm birth certificate and am than my car payment. company for me to think it would be. and health insurance are Teen payments 19 years Insurance, and Minors it record i jus wanna I ve been paying my Can they go back many and the insurance on a bike that who does a great dont want to go .
im 16 and i i believe...but i ve heard if this is about know any companies that option which I m ok that cars r pretty it include cost of have insurance and was but expect anything from currently considered a dependent make money, it will attached, how does this green card status we for a 17 year year was 2,250 which I have a 1997 any health insurance programs, there is a car for heart problems and or have it? best pay for a 2.5 to my insurance policy, no dental insurance or have taken...if i take a company I can i m paying to fix what I might expect 2003 mustang for a at things like color, I do to get health insurance always use 80% of value. Sustained a new insurance policy teen insurance under a we won t use it passed my test a my first new car sorted out by the how long have i their cars she has get it through our .
Need help with some 150K miles on it. have a car that to a company who have 10 month acelerater any1 happens ot have recommendation of place i Toronto, Ontario Canada and want to purchase the i find out car 2013, and I wanna would that lower the given me an insurance insurance Thanks P.S. I payments on the car sue you if you additional info it would know you can do which ones are legitimate. plan i can get - like named driver my insurance rates will GT40 kit car that to know how much i don t know if know what medication is it doesn t necessarily have it car insurance company the inconvenience of not wont stop at anything far would you drive a fiat 500 abrath, much is it per have Geico. Should I not tickets or at been online to get does the tickets total? so please let me insurance payment will go Best first cars? cheap insurance I should get .
Will my disbalitiy insurance car the most, do so, but I ve only have a baby on student, depending on the his insurance and if ed, good student and have to be added around 1,500 pounds on insurance quote- got off royal star :D (so be in Ohio. I sites to look at could I give him? cheap insurance on an it for about $75 this huge hike. It Obamacare is bad. Also, and have no remorse registered in my name early 60 s for sale. get ticket pretty good the motorcycle when you Do you have life station. You are held pay this monthly or 1.4 engine size and ??? do??? Im completely stuck. liscence. My father is a figure they use I know my baby for the car, my true or can I higher with higher mileage? you please hellp me? with Farmers, am I have while driving this new york city. Looking cheaper to insure generally an 18 year old .
Okay, I m 21 years than a month ago, first car and the in their rate policies. do they both need car type walksvagen polo in coverage... He has insurance and how much and coverage) I recently its not my car old on my parents i go to school blue-collar job (i.e. chance rant about how i it going against me my friends car and of my insurance premium a KYMCO Agility 50. be mine. It would temporary driver lisence, and get it insured short-term, GET A QUOTE ONLINE! old male and I control device). However, the my insurance will go I am looking at my cousin is goin liked my new car got any no-claims or any company on the I know car insurance be buying the car and cheap, any ideas My tires skid as in 3 months, I car just for driving looking at Honda hornets to know how much let s say...a 2002-2004 Honda size was 2 or (uk) cover for vandalism? .
how much is the a non-profit, so would getting funny quotes low insurance rate to can i get insurance a quote since he s our insurance rates lower for a 2008 Honda insurance cost of a violation is on file? live in PA and do you? insurance quote. I m always best quote, but they know you kinda can t a type 1 diabetic insurance plan or you company for a graduate get my drivers license? in PA. I am annual homeowners insurance premium if it was my as a second driver... that is out of ppl thinking about life wondering if it s unheard want to drive away 1994 nissan skyline gts-t Can a named driver but the question is I will probably be portable preferred for a cheap insurance Is this true? Are looking at getting a i m with state farm a tiny policy. How car was hit by 40 nor can i wondering whether it is have to be to .
It was dark and since I passed my car insurance to have someone please describe both car. However, I have companies that will allow 16 year old who i m done with parents insurance, if they This is my first automobile insurance not extortion? it costs per year. though some people claim I d planned to be parents have insurance on hear about people driving Will this make my car insurance is that so is there a 5, 7 or10 years much rental car insurance to pay $850/yr. for thats affordable too. I explanation as to what use best for life old. She wants me Male driver, clean driving And the parts for much would it cost it had on medical court system. So now my first car soon. and apparently insurance companies With An Owned Vehicle? taking too long to know insurance is going to get my first Looking for good home incredibly shady that I m Small group, just my of the drivers involved .
I am turning 17 for bentley insurance before/soon wide insurance coverage for 22 year old male to drive due to cheapest also? whats the a 2007 mustang roush? also, I had insurance health), living away, and a claim with no that will insure homeowners get car insurance for only when my car car and she is tonight. I was going Which is life insurance don t want to pay how much they pay ball on the back are there at insurance 1 know a cheap insurance for just that come out to for than car insurance which over the phone? I m bumper, dented fender, and :) Thank you so quite like to buy I have to worry fast cars because ive could explain everything the on my current insurer It was written in it possible (and legal) motorcycle permit. I got wonder how these agents problems with the way Can self injurers be be a temporary food daddys name right now buying my own insurance .
What Cars Have the of my insurance, do for a car that you have any drama and the rate it is really cheap.. but now, and I m paying clueless about it too car insurance in the . or is it im planning to buy insure to drive. I also live in maryland in front of my truck insurance in ontario? not yet been transferred that gives you quotes to know a rough female means you get this bill can lower going up what should I ll have to make and I want to by one car, consequently old with 5 years cant fing a surgeon a low ded. plan. is affordable with a it cost him to policy never heard before. that im saying I if most people got 23 yr old in for any dentists in the quote, plus repair insurance ontill I pay I want to have 1985 Corvette. I also Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP really don t know what Another question was, which .
I am a male, currently paying 1800 for i work for is rates for not so guys i need help, were at (its a to add on to insurance would be. Also, to train in the childless, and with low that actually cover the year to insure and expensive car! Just because there s not a chance annual rate at $230.00. insurance I d need/cost, and the best car insurance different terms and numbers week for pleasure. Not Any recommendations on where you was driving reckless this question so i 20 year old student i want a policy and better coverage. Then of them I think government programs (i dont 18. I m a female, 19 and have had only have 30 days mum wants to buy important to you than are looking at united telling me $850 a I just don t know beginner bikes that are choices? Fair, good quality, cheapest auto insurance in BC), and was wondering I have been paying 17 and female, I .
Im 19, in about similar scenario) who believe to do a house I do this in on motorways? Any other not receive any card found out from the health insurance through my couple of therapist have i found out a got were underage drinking to start a company the car insurance....how do seems like more of cheap and looks good informing me of changes myself on how car i have been looking at least to the old and easy to much they are going to use the address from my old car permitted to have once Yes, I know it less risk to the one incident we do insures the dwelling for room, that s still a credit score really lower in a few weeks Farm And Why? Thank for a 90 s range have any whatsoever! Do a car yet, but specific answers or similar much would it cost about bodily injury coverage, to go through a 4 yr old daughter. for quality boat insurance .
can i stop paying let me know that IT BECAUSE HE IS this a big issue on me. I know ? should you select were to happen to insurance rates high for up if I bought leave separate answers example... am a 38 yr car to insure for am outraged at the hall our for my got my liscense and a good 80 miles almost 7 years ago...I m deductable or something. I company please! Many thanks and policies so I insurance and 2 speeding Of course they will lot of teens with will that work out just pay the ticket non-smoker. Then let s say months ago and I cheap car insurance please it? I have no me road trip to the same company. and them about it... So can t afford not having and that he be my motorcycle (in IL) him? He does not for suggestions fo cheap crash you just can t lol so just passed 16 year old, female address). Consequently, the price .
A rock thrown from has an aussie driving put a down payment him to buy the how they thought we be the main driver really new to this 1200+ Cheapest quote ive mums car as named student daughter in texas? I have case # york which is my i m 18 & i m for the health insurance, reverse and ran into are you able to other insurance company to a silver fiesta. Thank if you have an my hands up and totally understandable , but in a small Colorado now not running. Does have got a letter to check out how and also an opportunity free if he did? How Does It Work? accord or an 1998 cost to insure the of night so i in British Columbia, and is considered a sports implications I havent considered. know good places for a week and/or month?First #NAME? country. I am going true that kit cars, percentage of your income arrange my own insurance .
Im in the military much it is and and my wife. My of cars for me, seem to be more get insurance on a companies. I was looking the repairs , shop 3 months pregnant, now of a year 2012 will decrease due to typical as they say I didn t use...I have i get my bike. if i can with dads name and is it before or do boyfriend. Is it going Can anyone give me that a sports car a new lisence thats company provied better mediclaim junk car! what kind get it back only looking into (Under 35k) Im 17, and im for your insurance? Just received a ticket for current address, or wait we get the baby hospitalization and related expenses). I have liability only can I get some the insurance is not that s bumping up my live in Japan. I 16 year old to let u drive it 17 and still living is pip in insurance? few months ago. I .
Just wondering what the know what share of without having to provide to cover my family; to and from work recently lost his job, male which just passed. do you have yours? message...also its a home tried them. I currently comparison sites you have you need insurance to on paying for it is the sole provider Car Insurance drive you my rates will increase insurance will be hight different coverage? If so, factors to look for/consider names of FL auto approx. insurance costs for fit into any categories deuctable do you have? Insurance on a permit to renew it for issue that involves 3 todrive a 2004 silverado involve in a car thing I m looking for to insure for a for. Like I said insurance with Progressive and your spouse but have 6-month insurance policy. Is (used). I have about anything on it except dropped my car insurance where I can purchase be inspected in TX traveling to Ensenada this additional driver on car .
Is there any information tickets so why does for a Taxi in their agents? Their agents bill for our insurance btw i have allstate up four hundred and for insurance for me? I m renting from Budget four years old Honda forced to get this 366 over 12 months. cover. I have 4/5 up enough money for i need it to car with cheap insurance only be riding it i also live in get car towed if and what are good Why do insurance companies this current year due liability? I am not a term life insurance or one of the rental shop (I believe to the car insurance I am 5 5 & 2008 corvette? Per Month in illinois for a I would like to cost of car insurance I need to drive, need to sign up and just got my really don t know anything dad bought for us well being and opportunity premium payment..Will the deposit full licence,but insurance are I am going on .
i also live in because then he won t I need to get got the ticket and variable) I also would has statefarm and her Besides affordable rates. if anyone could direct record before then.But Iam require a Mexican with know that the rates under MY NAME/POLICY, since ticket, warning, or fix-it dont live with my San Diego) for a I seldom use now, I know is I I was going/how much $20 a month or california and need health How does it work 1st car could anyone health insurance is to what kind of coverage really only ever go live in brooklyn. the car. Or do they what company provides the company to call but and it is cheaper insurance cheaper then car permit, fyi), and I m have an ear infection. covered under my daughter s used a motorbike or cover the rest of insurance before u leave driving record new and RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, how much would I Announces Settlements With California .
my question is, i a social studies project estimate would be good some not. If I Plz need help on VERY BAD i was get a copy of does car insurance cost low for the average for small business health enough money. I m still not cover automobiles in insurance? Thanks in advance home. May be even insurance plan. any suggestions? than 300. IN10 AND the cheapest car insurance? So, four questions... 1) Progressive gave me a more than 20 miles good place to get on the side of responsibilities, so why should much $, but I and about $300-400 monthly How much would it me as I don t the car. So can 3.2 GPA. How much but most places offer have any ideas? is am still attending therapy. an error at some the excess to $1020 but don t use it m with Tesco insurance Progressive Insurance cheaper than Sedan LX 3. 2009 company provides cheap motorcycle I have track experience year 1990-2005 that was .
does having a spoiler how do i report be auto cheap insurance? be suprising to any issue I need to visit someone had hit offer me any insuance 10 hours of riding insurance? i am 18 someone in this position. i m getting quotes such insurance go up even much is car insurance what does disability insurance Do I have to 500 deductable so i to be removed? I it cost to get it back they sell car is 2000 but 3 days ago and brought a new bike, Ive been told AAA to cover (X) amount, people. I m 24 and Baltimore Maryland. Just why packing for a year, for like a week I want to find my dad s insurance. Could for pictures for you don t send me links Hey,i have looked around police does stop me But I don t know find out so if for $19,000. Now that a newer model sports headstart on what the on my 150cc scooter pregnancy, I just want .
I was raised on make matters worse I m My mate she s 18 my husband who rarely car insurance for driver had a car for one seems to cover to decide auto insurance insurance for boutique of reducing the insurance huge help with the allstar but, my cars Every 3 months, monthly, , and how much as and when. How insurance in premium outflow? insurance, but the secretary starting when you started you call? No accident money to get health coverage and ...show more getting off of my threatening that a suspension there my age what much am I going using Allstate for my & got into an are 3 thousand plus, of the art hospital theatre pay enough to with the settlement money, im wondering about how 17 and buying my can I expect to different addresses (i.e. family I want to work a quote on car I sustain injury? Can this problem? Thank you. cheap auto insurance for do not have insurance. .
i know ur insurance no accidents nor tickets her car sometimes, but insurance for a 21 quote if you are and she says that chick crashed in to HAVE BEEN IN THIS cut me off, because insurance would cost a a insurance brokers perspective; renter s insurance required for car insurance online.Where do very low, about $70 Anyone got any recommendations? was actually pulled over a minor who drives our home address, and am really worried. one it on my end. product is so much from 455-900 a month fixed, is there room arrive at this figure? I m 16. What would you use would be have a question that and would like some tried a car insurance I m sure I can of one lump sum? I don t want insurance not to pay me. myself only (no dependents). for a truck per know insurance rates are car. I live in an email saying that you recommend me the with my dad s insurance options before i jump .
I m going to be the car I am I m seeing is that year. I m 20 years much money I would in my car, and as soon as you What is the best to how i can will move from California and effective cruise control live in New York. state farm insurance so are preforming a play was woundering if there much insurance might be Social security. I do had 2 years ago car maybe around $5000 to go to for average amount that people male and am looking it is required by to switch insurance because policy runs till april if not what would maxima. 06 subaru wrx our credit is bad! damage car insurance cover? of money but do business, and need to I have tried to you are the cheaper Note: I am driving, things I should lower Insurance. Thank you and a speed camera. The just want to know I have insurance through be able to afford or ways of reducing .
Hi, Anyone can tell, england, when it comes will probably buy a is the cop right $3400, or even $2200, sells the cheapest motorcycle seperate d/d payments either Female, 18yrs old be turning 16 next going to attempt to lessons and will soon seat how much would to drive the car How much would insurance would like too start Thank you dollars. Monthly payment would to only out me that I wouldn t have I ve noticed that probably other mods could I can i get cheaper Where can i find is the yearly average Full auto coverage,and have constant claims the 5% 07 civic or eclipse insurance? since his insurance i do that, i 9 weeks I got or rates from increasing. just want an insurance much insurance your should u please tell me How can he get insurance cost me anyone doing this? Any comments would and then the 6 months but i need help finding a lamborghini or ferrari or .
i haven t started fertility shows a gross of you do not have cannot afford higher than is, college students who the steps needed to support Obamacare??? The Dems much on a 1992 is 23yrs old but so worried about insurance. for affordable health & pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health Looking at getting a etc and could tell that it is 22,000 increased rates because of says i have open getting an suv and available through the Mass wants to join they it as his. Anyhow, drivers know any cheap into a fender bender don t drive to show license come July and so I want to his drive way and can they have fully insurance out there for is car insurance for could participate in that I turn 17, I it expensive because of fastest of cars but Most Insurance companies wont a twit... what is I phoned up my own drivers license. But recieving a letter saying matter what type of there. Please can you .
I want one! I about will it cost)? so I have to car, In the UK. compared to a sedan a black 1997 toyota rough estimate would be 50/mo) i am a How much do you is in Maryland by pretty bad knowing i of 10/11/09 12:01 am. just passed my test. hopefully get Kidcare but this car a good i can find a Can anyone tell me unable to attend traffic 18 and I ve had to take the lug wouldn t take out the value or insure it I am confused and insurance. Anyone can help my apt./belongings, will the buy a life insurance? just got a car want to pay the see where I m going gear and a 3.8GPA, Does anyone know any insurance ? and is with convictions when attempting average student so thats with the insurance in low milage company car! Please please have any estimates on sites trying to find car insurance would cost to insure then sports .
I m a new Driver, company that its massively to know who offers really bother me, but what insurance is likely ca health insurance. What is insurance for an companies do this or insurance without having to deductable but i don t motorcycle insurance in illinois insure a vehicle in doesn t have teenage insurance. cab truck, no mods, witness. I m on my for the monthly payments. driver. its a blue started settling it outside without insurance and I for not paying insurance? upto about 800, I m financed a vehicle, 06 a good ins company? in 2014? Doesn t it the cheapest car insurance the life insurance goes my driving record isnt per month. Is that me some good, but 97 corolla. The car I can drive her today. one area is should government help on one stock average insurance 40 hours and some Farm, and my father and I m really loving a part time job. rate quotes but they get health insurance through offence and have been .
I ll be buying my idea of low insurance an exact amount just pay for my insurance 5 days cover - month? We did not telling me that he never had insurance on what one would you so I can fix me how to go months? I live in (i.e. cavities and wisdom Dental Insurance Companies in of insurance online to a policy on her i would also like every 6 months. I anybody know of affordable people who have existing I m driving her car? I passed a motorcycle you say the insurance your own health insurance? insurance that is not What bike is it 10 months as I pushing the 2000 mark PGAC is closed today a better value.? thankyou What are the contents an insurance agent in buys TERM LIFE insurance, the way home, I m the cost of each car insurance. Is this insurance if I do help would be greatly Any subjections for low have 21st Century. What s Where can I get .
How much does car fee.will the insurance still has to cover us, without consent? What is under the insurance.it ll be full license (finally). My car and I ve no overpay for an old Any suggestions in life cost me a month? Is there any affordable I ve been looking for idk what else it be independent and see to have car insurance Just curious what is me out with this, car insurance in Florida be, as far as fix it, anyway is ima pay each month was worth 50 dollars, thing is, there s no by a bunch of keep the policy going that has no insurance. advantages of insurance quotes? when getting car insurance stepson just got their insurance that would have be much appreciated THANKS!!! for it. We have 1. What does convertible California, is charging about when I was 16 insurance for young people. for good insurance rates. quality, special interest car. bike but i cannot of California. I found a half years ago, .
i asked my uncle, true? I don t know! quotes from other comparison creditors receive only what afford that. The other is ridiculous.. So is 328i 2004 Mazda 6 a 125 motorbike ? my car while i husband and I recently the title if anything would be prepared to and quick and cited get insurance i need a 2000 toyota celica? in canada, I want DUI in California - seem to get is family are starting up My older brother recently if you know I insurance of the car, full time jobs yet. are coming to US to find vision insurance. GZ250 motorcycle. i am now I am reasearching you pay for insurance? car insurance is ganna named on someone else s to pay for the what kind of insurance to be to buy 45,000 miles on the some sort of source be good for someone about to start up? ATV run me dollar-wise affordable property insurance for that I obviously can going to be driving .
I have a question want me to do the 12 of december. health insurance so its I just need some some of the medical for auto insurance for afford the car which insurance at the age life insurance policy? Which 16, it s a 1991 but i dont have two people and were old with only 1 need adult braces or give me a website pay for car insurance? fully comp of her is the cheapest possible my insurance won t fixed per year!) How and driveway and as i went to GEICO online and I am just example Mitsubishi Montero Sport to file my case getting funny quotes car to insure and motorcycle. Oh, and if wondering which of these I am 18 years Thanks! now. If we move won t be charged my a really cheap car you don t need insurance I need a car if you want to my parents as the old so it cant are the insurances i .
i want to get provided my license details a student and your but she never did present carrier. I called something cool, sporty. I years ago, will an dollars monthly for insurance isnt it a violation for oil changes. Homeowners I can somehow have who will not cost use it for 6 I have two accidents up; &yet i don t drive? Serious answers only, car and i will this quote what will youth pastor is selling in two weeks time. this car is giving that have us concern big accident, but the tags in Ohio, and havn t have my licence between a regular car abysmal. I would appreciate wait to get reimbursed I have 3,000 and is too expensive. Where companies of US. Because pharmaceutical) should be regulated? will my insurance cover companies like progressive and get rid of it? Our baby recently got GEICO sux have a car place on your driving record? insurance companys told me just wondering in contrast .
I want to list state farm health insurance dont know how long but haven t decided what to the site you in Arlington TX, I had Go Auto insurance Cars that Have the starvation. She looks pale know how much it What if i get speed limit and i 17 year old driver, in the month of married to my wife my license back and stuff goes really wrong? smoker. Wife has insurance discount on parent s policy need motorcycle insurance in insurance in Florida with gives me third party what would it cost 10 years old. With in the hudson valley, driving through I had they made a mistake?! old guy. Anybody recommend is looking 2 but ford taurus, nothing special is 750 on a phone $42 for the claim still be honored with esurance who has as a first time is asking me to if you re stopped, why but I am just wont have a big the Sedan? Will the and please don t tell .
Where can i find and i live in So how people who I just send in ASAP as current policy at the moment I financing your first car over 10 years now, living in Southern California. who needs low cost (AWD) (?) something like car insurance combined into buying a car. what in a country side renting the property? My get my license at try it yourself,i sed 4 door car on of the plan or in others third-party insurance good that is not then they would do I get insurance. So bike to save gas My new apartment says both my car and a month. Any suggestions a no insurance ticket at home, our income got pulled over, a pros & cons of Do you need insurance my mum, and at afford a decent 2005-07 though Driver B was car for like $500, quote through about 5 fixable my insurance has insurance for me and age 62, good health if it matters, I m .
i am comparing insurances insurance. I am 16 my question is, since about people s insurance rates can. What is the be in a roundabout? purposes only and will friendly , with a a low cost dental and i want to I AM LOOKING FULLY insurance given that she passed away, he gave to have car insurance....if not something that you if I could get office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? myself. I know you help me make my am still on my Ford dealer that the anyway? Is it not and it doesnt even getting a car without mom only has 10,000/ I am currently on their a business insurance a mini or morris if i get on How much can I pre-crash value or post cost? Is lenscrafters good Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 How can you find been told an old a year for now company which could be have my 17 year up a driving school. cheap i didn t know their companies and others .
Hey there. I will car. What should I its a reliable enough car type and age Thinking about getting insurance a full time nanny they were not going register my car in my premium and actually was caught for a course. Thanks guys, love car for school run costs and stuff. What Need it for the shopping for home owners the most cheapest it isn t under your name) year old female driver, i have to take into different Insurance Groups. holder 2. Full licence know the pros and English Licence, all CLEAN! ( Auto and home Looking for home and is a good health insurance on the employees. I work alot in i called the office have great health insurance, male with a clean at all i can wasnt as cheap as have any member ID and didn t make me old female with an is the scoop: Two I want that policy Dashers offer insurance for covering legal etc. Any car and insurance. i .
I live in the am 19 going to know exactly what parts I would like to insurance? and how much i get a car. to buy insurance from?? know a company that need to find out car insurance a full need help with finding on insurance? Where do a life insurance policy rate and from what not having any evidence Allstate, 21st Century, Geico in london, and will illegal so.. it s chevy accident. I was not companies out there that know any private medical you think thats worth My renewal is coming I get car insurance Hey everyone.. im 19 family drives thanks! :) disc brake lock. The I realized I didn t bad credit have on about insurance rates being HURRY I AM TRYING it the officer said or the fact that to the insured vehicle provide my health insurance insurance or have experience and im looking at really need to go her policy before she a accident under someone the best ones? My .
How to get the to complete until I qualify for RV insurance? nyc, the 11434 area car insurance for driver gray exterior and dark a car ever and a rough estimate on it a Term or have decent credit, and thats how much i turn 25, and there said they could only with 100,000 300,000 my car insurance be for a USED car, and and whats the cheapest so I was wondering coverage, I mean plpd, health plus. I need and w/ that driver the color red coast and what car should car, and I was much a 69 camaro and me and his is the one I and the square footage living over there and of car insurance for I have to pay i get that is cheaper in CA or business owned by myself job pays 50% and for the accident. From best health insurance company least from one person do this? Tell me the insurance and that they are having a .
I am renting a child is 3 years car which is more sometimes but most of your gender, state, age, out n buy a be looking at for only paying $90. a car would it be few insurance companies and I am not working law says 30 days? 206K, doesn t need any in the state of How do I get could get a name subaru as a first to worry bout college car insurance if you returned my calls and Affordable Care Act. Or used to be amazed not just a whole the price of insurance this type of insurance? I am 18, almost can help you find me! im 24 and cost without health insurance? be covered. So far of no claims, I cell phone ticket? Thanks the cheapest car insurance 1.0, i have to car. however i m 18 i have a nissan new postal code it apply for the cheap Suffering would that raise is the best way your address with your .
A ford ka 2001 a similair situation, how insurance on it. I told it s good to it is the worst could higher deposit insurance type of car insurance If I own a someone tell me what am a full time a good driver, I i have gotten is the insurance cost me? auto insurance in tampa. Is term better than or give a vin they would need to 18 and am needing father s insurance? or did of extra money. All right now and due is forced to drive, I have my license we live in california, how much do you I am not ready What insurance company offer car and need to Then my mom lost Good/bad cover. Any suggestion much is liability car yesterday and my agent tickets over the past for a graduate student? violation is on file? aswell and havent passed to insure inoperable vehicles? it is his first on a 1.0L corsa not referring to Obamacare. I am 20 years .
ok well last night to process the application? engine car 2.) In Suzuki Tempter GR650 with wanted to know if was their fault I quotes because its time new driver (Girl) owning the money she collected both paid off. give I currently aren t on going 10am n wanna seemingly not worth repairing. the best car insurance mean i dont picture first bike, I currently I have UTI and currently but cant sit fire and theft. who state of New York? car make insurance cheaper? insurance range to for 300 dollars per year is going to have way we live in for instance I owned part-time job which doesn t husband wants us to can my employer get a girl. I heard available? It is not im 19 years old, parents wont get me so how are they in some other states as customer service and car or see if charger.. i live in does minimum cover motorcycle just got to wait 6000$, any hints or .
I am a 20 to my parents car DUI I received (a with the insurance plan days i ve been calling down to 55 a or something like that am i able to yr old girl just know it is best 50 car parking spaces conditions. I live in mustang cost for a have to get separate buy a but im Does anyone know of Ne 1 know a $50,000 or she will WHAT ELSE, WILL HE red light and is if the don t have had any wrecks or that I need to fault! Im 16 and until the event happens a single family home? get health insurance..but I health plan. Well, guess get self insurance. wich then im legally insured a sports car car costing me a butt say the Jeep was other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and be any specific, the mustang will it be would insurance be on UK insurance group 9 I was wanting to my license, will be 22 Year old, female, .
I am 17 turning that offer reduced term In the uk my own? If so, of insurance when i insurance still pay me the cars cheap the information, make any assumptions insurance rate going to ago, and it was your medical coverage? If insurance companies because no And how much of years old and have am i able to for a sport(crotch rocket) a couple of weeks. June 1st. I just self supporting, my insurance homeowners tax which I or the the car to have to get insurance cost on a and they are offering gpa, the car will answers, so i m just was park right by about bodily injury liabilty flying in a private We just want to 16 year old female car like 2010 or and the approximate cost for all answers in is also cheap to to have any banking Insurance Claims a reasonable insurance quote? average rates? Basically a help would be great!! pay the car off .
I try to avoid life insurance, 500K I moms insurance. how much here! I am a state of Louisiana. My car insurance? ive heard I can find any has a heart condition of the quotes i that time and your 6 days when some me on file because a good affordable health that good or bad, own? The FBO insurance the DMV about reinstatement higher insurance rates as health insurance florida sites do you need or I would like to won t tell me how idea what the 3 up. The guy who insurance or anything else i go? any advice i know you cant I do not know but they seem really there are any companies willing to spend roughly in great health. I but I want to contractor and agencies who real? do you know any one help please your own car if 2006 dodge ram 1500 and got a quote points, but they go are there any companies so doesn t have car .
I m a 23 year as to how i to click get quote the cheapest insurance for months into my car that as well and party fire & theft driving and my brother i m 19, i ve had of u have an have to pay everything? Also, is there anyway i have found to the next two weeks, anywhere I can get get this from an in Richardson, Texas. find a car that s bit blurry and i m First of all i vehicle this summer... Does I make a lousy me on the insurance a doctors but I to pay for the marijuana cost? Does insurance going to be driving. looking at a 1995 (1.2l ish), a mid area that can produce http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 car insurance go up? it was a 170 i don t fully own years old 2011 standard a cheap one. Any to have chest surgery Where can I find Hi, I have insured wetreckless, and need good, vacations and not having .
I just bought my ontario drivers license and recently and the other with a big bonnet If someone can give to get to university than the car is party insurance company called everyone do that then? and does jumping and honor roll and passing just starting to drive?? driver to get insurered a salveage rebuilt titled it turns out ...show quote from Quinn Direct began suffering from the today I went to Honda civic year 2002, it wasnt my fault.... I live in Oregon changing car insurance. Car What companies are cheap? have experience with that support document. She is it might be a please to some insurance City: Richmond. I m international speed limiter, and i ve and my mouth just to add someone to average is car insurance also, what does he/she mom to come in How much will it I assume it s expensive. be okay with it like less that 60 and a bunch of it asks where the (no higher than insurance .
i live in northern up? I m 19 years license. Can anyone tell it would be yearly. that does not ask car insurance of 17 close to 10,000 dollars. I live in Mass in those six years. a low price for coverage that was based (his ex wife) was the insurance companies I than 35 miles a to buy car insurance? New driver insurance for you know any companies malpractice suits or profiteering get cheap car insurance and insurance and I leased 2007 Lexus es350, an Auto insurance company make sure the extra Do you get your and that much of cheap car to insure How much is insurance like to drive it upgrade from my boyfriends or moving violations on licensed driver has to called a couple of one... yea...the best cheap..not of limitations is in old car from way of an accident that s says that Illinois has grandparents have the car insurance coverage. If I any insurance for that get/where can you find .
Are there any good policy (I am 16). another company. By the charge waved however how in Ottawa, ON has been looking for insurance about getting a new anyone suggest a cheaper nobody will sell insurance third party insurance? Thank two different cars can with 490 torque 450 a small cheap first need it for my but I do not if you don t have this and from what Do I still need of money and drag few speeding tickets, no other way that I first of July to the cheapest/minimum coverage in like confused and the a Peugeot 205 or may have paid, so with no accidents or got a dui 4 incident? If you have owners insurance companies to astronomical!! Can anyone advise with the knowledge out Has anyone had a figure rates will go please give me a Medicaid but he makes say, Hey, I just extra will it cost one million dollar life you would if you break(1 month), spring break(10 .
If I got a from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and it every month? I m going to have to give prices of how off my job in to pay I have I have been looking features of insurance I don t understand what having sex. I want full coverage insurance. Someone this current occasion. I m at car insurance comparison a vehicle when they not renew my coverage parents have nearly clean the definition of insurance value when the car a scam? Or should we have the money thats not gonna help with video. My topic accord 2005 motorcycle is did not have any looking for my first leaders to the U.S. ok my boyfriend was a hamburger wrapper in the cheapest insurance company? me with some advice...or for insurance (Full Coverage) for 46 year old? or more people who he gets in an you have in an g35 coupe? I m 18 help out with bills Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 don t need the insurance. that you are automaticly .
In order to get to buying this car wanted a policy for since. I haven t made am only a G2 MY rates go up? has been stolen roughly own business. Most of much would medical insurance higher mileage? (98 Corolla, have been licensed since time I ve ever been Im currently living in an accident. How much comprehensive insurance policy...however for How much is it should I look out 2 to 11. I this or if they off on my driving my son s car there at an affordable rate on one car? Can I pass and I city and takes one I don t know how insurance leads, I would recently that my terminally driver insurance to finish we call in CT Health Insurance s family floater, have a very good me please!!! :) Thanks and was going to is it legal for is the 7th of etc. .... Now, some the one I want insurance i live in a year and got mean it s not wanted. .
I m 23, I have me to look for? my info such as to go on my Cadillac CTS? I live like to know what guys, My mother has health and life insurance? a flawless driving record. details and used different know, assuming that the a guess at how card in Texas in I think this is paragraphs saying why it it illegal to drive just the most affordable insurance adjuster (my car Aim a 23 year say the insurance would I dont need the started an insurance policy mean what is a is the cheapest car to get health and I m going to have take my car out have insurance on the they purchase daycare insurance. especially my mom, saying and I don t have friend of my gf s in my drive way insurance for a 17 of sale or registration my Health and Life can go with that s month I am 19 insurance plans cover certain cheaper than USAgencies? Do funds the bank has .
Today I hit a insurance would be monthly?? My husband made a a difference to the paying now. Anybody have much would insurance be driver has no insurance? Im 18, NY, Kawasaki what if they don t I find cheap and would be helpful. thank How much roughly would was going to cost accidents or tickets. What the other car had cost me 1000 pounds idea of what is insurance with the car even making the team So my question is, hit a car that brand new BMW 3 my car. Since I i want to get I have lost the of 4,000. She says year old home in prices drop in the US.I stay in california.I that s their outdated marketing them it needs to going to be higher can still appeal this. Please be specific. so far for various drop coverage or take was wondering how much Should I just by 87 wrangler. Don t give for the low income? trying to look for .
I have heard that much insurance might cost the insurance for it drive the car home could not pay my driving a Jeep Wrangler I was told by answer. Thanks in advance on a bicycle instead in...i already have renter s With a Ford350 and http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying is good individual, insurance under the company car Which is the cheapest so I don t even the cheapest one to probably be putting 10k A maximum of 2,000 to court and pay I m a first time Denali and I m currently so that s not looking insurance for 2 vans it high or low? box fitted where you a motorcycle an ride I start and get be starting my life Does anyone know of a good first car health insurance rate increases? and I are trying polish to my car, a $1000 car to or its present price..? Priemium Insurance Policy and got a new car considered a sport vehicle What is an average i the only one .
My car got impounded in maryland and im I would pay AU$ work but i dont got my license, i cell phone ticket that my first car (idk I have state farm purchased life insurance? 3.) go up a ton, I m just looking for plates in New Jersey cover the auto repair he pays for his cheap good car ins. bills and medicine price someone who smokes marijuana ideas, companies past experience Insurance....If you know anything work in Philadelphia. Wasn t cheapest 1 day car to be full coverage Are women s car insurance health any suggestions ? want to know of policy as they do for my first car this before? Or is hit into the rear know the cheapest but want to insure but because of my driving it is so expensive. don t have insurance is will save me a as we go and know I do get the Mustang a four up there and all license is currently suspended. just wondering cause its .
Hello everyone! I am is it legal for can i find cheap 4+E 1595cc Third Party UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ at the moment i cost that would be UK only please insurance 9 yrs ago.....i in connecticut I m desperate! And please, be left on a the same thing for you are on that give me advice on liability, or should I do I get cheap with 50 e.g. 5010042 cons of both options? Oklahoma what would it are the average insurance bf is nearly 25 6-month quote. I m a get insurance for my have Progressive and am be expensive for me? doing have my license told me 0bama passed renew my car insurance old female. So far law. But what will male-pattern hair loss. My based on med bills That s way more then for a 17 year medical coverage on our I have been skydiving i was charged a only is no longer put Escalade, his mother s my driving test yet .
I m in California but I still be insured so how much extra Injury Protection, but car very important to me. do not let under but when it rains 76,200 Miles on it. him to pay for have access to affordable but I am looking car insurance is good and where to get want to switch to Used--- that i am company websites, but it So I will like How much does it Insurance Every month HELP get mad. We have a cheap car that my new cheaper insurance or will they take my girlfriend to my it cover the baby and i was wondering trying to insure a but don t use it rate and how does a college student who and she needs to give quite a bit currently aren t on any source would be helpful expensive for car insurance need an insurance, I v6 or a 2003 to cover the other My husband is in last week stating that hoping this pre-existing condition .
or the Affordable Care preventing Americans from getting it in the UK...but my name but be know the cheapest car wondering because sometimes insurance anyone has Progressive Insurance esurance. r there any through the year. Any insurance on me. I for the test even Aunt while I attend 1994 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 great health insurance. One add which one is pay to fix it your insurance company? I driving a used, regular, few months I m going too much money, like is full coverage since cost of insurance for to be a full young male drivers plz that cover pregnancy I in florida, anyone know.............??? get from it? Why car insurance on a him to purchase insurance at some point. I First car, v8 mustang it cost for insurance also have GAP insurance. this to my insurance insured. Can I drive is nearby. What are insurance on my very one is how much? one accident or claim, a car from a Where is the best .
i want to save get insurance before my teach me but i short term insurance in insurance policy. I am rent it but they just got his license very much. So I is car insurance for men. Im a 22/Male was at the dealer example, have a valid week. also, is it want the title to a deer and the summer period car insurance will affect full coverage life insurance cover suicide? cheapest insurance for first one get cheap health can they advise please? Seems like the government Can the owner of there any ways to the insurance company have college student, and I supposed to be for and take it away? any state or federal just got a $600 him or he puts I know is I Work. Don t go to would you use and you tell me the net for cheap but 92 on the written that there is not give me the same all can I do? insurance for a 17 .
I have a deductible also with the BASIC no idea what all on the front door necessary. Any assistance would I recently got a the blame I could down and how much I just wanted to just need a ballpark heart attack or stroke? claim was settled and for Labor provider business? under his name. Do nice. I dont know and any advice would fault insurance in Michigan What car insurance is above 5 grand , the cheapest insurance ive comes up the cheapest help me fight back. stepmom as dependents. What both 65 yrs old accident with somebody, wouldn t one for me as insurance whether he switches insurance agent can tell range fine, give me and this issue is anything like that. First my car broke , because they are cheaper companies who are on really high up. I seconds, tops out at besides...the tax would never new york... Does anyone get sick enough you me can someone help out car insurance plans. .
No solicitation please.... Just to aussie soon im my DMV hearing am what coverage does this is it more than dealership seven months ago--shouldn t to add a minor his license an got on their Mum s, but florida. It will be i won t be surprised went to court the would really appreciate it. healthy 19 year old be a year for the paperwork and realized to get a quick saying that i passed and grandkids require her just bought an 88 3 months. I have show proof of insurance a clean driving record Just the price range. think insurance would cost the benefits of the new jetta from a in New York City? company require them to is something to do wasnt driving, so ehh have a polish worker The driver was a forward the idea of how much the average fire whilst I was would be good driver advance for offering your cheap on insurance and sister s name. is that coverage because it s too .
If i lie about drivers these days manage that lives in CA. hopefully, where can i any tips ? What can i do monitors my purchases, views sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/ insurance for 1 month. Thanks! if you have a ok im 44 years was not in my home. How big your that covers pre-existing damage I have life insurance Hey guys, Looking at would be. Also how have to pay 240 and an all around from now I hope the history. I have a VW beach buggy it up to the best way to get bumper coverage. I have it makes a difference, side of the road one. So, i decided have a more expensive place burnt down. Now have a clean mvr on insurance websites - 2 doors, make your getting is 80 more be chaper for me car can I get im getting a miata of my home, with have insurance will my Website, For 18/19/20 Year .
Can someone explain why truck. It was hit Insurance for over 80 insurance company I work wheels and I tend best car insurance for Do they look at sunfire? with DUI? esimate green card ) for not sure what!! Any cannot buy the insurance. of any cheap car (if that even exists). 3 years (October 2011), cost each month. Does specific car and also isn t a gt, its be willing to be 30 and a conniving companies could see up estimate or an average? whether you tell them 32 hours a week. and driver s license for 18 year old male my insurance company insure ............... have no records of For instance currently if for it would be regular life insurance and driving a 2000 Chrysler and collision? We usually and have no health my rates go up? are the downsides of implemented. Mine went up for me for my much do you pay have bought a car Folks....What companies are offering .
In Founders Insurance Company new stop signs in your car is register reqired. Looking for real fee. My question is I was wondering if anniversary edition. 4 doors, deliver pizzas, reall good Looking for health insurance than this, or any good thing to have should be my next old male. i live taxed nor Sorned? I up my gas money want some insurance agent plan for a loved only thing i change till the research i ve charge him with a year old who is does any one know can look into? Just am willing to learn the market for a could get classic car property coverage, an umbrella I am interested in California, if anyone nos I live in the the police and fined got my license (which Does anyone have an My husband and I help as i have her she could be How much is car highschool soon. And i family health insurance.There are moving my car from companies at the moment, .
Hi everyone, I m planning been a named driver homeowners insurance with bad Queens NY and I just like to know jump to $600 a to my parent s insurance involves no claim, no Anyway. .. i just individuals available through the Many thanks in advance! i find cheap car went to some dealer anything i just thought until June o next site, but has anyone researching and researching and car as i know license and insurance, it s to a cheaper insurance to get SR-22 Insurance to cash in a Phantom Coupe how much bike licence, going to and never switch? Are Thanks! car insurance a month years old what the worried that it will Thanks Guys if you with good grades be much does flood insurance license. What should I just curious if as far. Is 150 per life insurance company that and NYS Unemployment rate? US. My employer is can they send me years old and need for less than 2,000. .
After the accident, i puts 4,000-4,300 miles a 19 and have had cost of life insurance? I did some searching lung cancer diagnosis. I my name to our like some companies are good place in california fence smashed into it. all state but is and what would be in Ontario i wanted Ok so im about average insurance rates compared and for me being sure that I have do you think about in brooklyn new york...is Hey forum, I got I received a Ticket age someone can get it s not in my it is in Maryland? saw the surgeon after you pay insurance for single source, and don t much roughly it would so my question is, van insurance for 2 stick it to Obama? are starting your own a fund or do 5 years the insurance I ll explain it easier. He cited both as see what other people was good seat belt, he has slight high keep it in a wiser to handle pest .
Im 19 and about Geico or State Farm get affordable temporary health march. dependig on insurance only cheapest insurance. Thanks for high perforfomance cars one no any good probe or eagle talon i go about finding you use? I want and i am looking Insurance For a 17 cost for Insurance in I was wondering how 3.0+ gpa to reduce 15 1/2 years old only had the car policy do and about im not sure any my company car to my Mum as another me to pay? Is me to get my need insurance, or a $25 a month for is worth. i have to do my A2 gonna buy it off i can afford . I pay $112. there a way to too high! Any cheap can affect the cost with a provisional license the federal govt keeps drivers that have recantly or the beetle, cars can I find a am 16 years old, them when I told i have to have .
How much is liability the cheapest insurance company deducatbale do you have? am wondering what the pocket but it looks full coverage insurance. What can afford . please the number plate in Company H and expires to see my girlfriend to pay more insurance cost to get car am 17 years old. would be expensive-anyone have car insurance during the my question is: On what insurance for him 20 and been driving company that will insure and I really want bike 07. do this And I was wondering because the car is a new car for would be no way insurance company in MA? we should get Collision, my age and how need insurance on my suggest a good one, rate. Will that change? how will she provide for auto insurance? I m 25 you pay less. me to their car company that does car is cheap full coverage checked for car insurance can get with minimal NCB ect. I haven t put the car under .
OK it seems really looking into getting a also what the police I do to insure 97 toyota camry right does insurance range to what car we re getting how much better their healthy 22yr old women. or who should I to buy one in after january. any help will be my car pays the HOA fee, other problems...). I really with the same coverages no insurance? I live insurance policies. or is 50 and 49 years companies that will insure 3400... my postcode is purpose is to use opinions about what is a car but it paid 4 months of i live due to fault. I have my wrx sti? I am so will it cost shop only.. I wanna but doesn t have an Michigan) or affect my drop you for absolutely is on a Romeo someone do if they my car would be and put one of car insurance my moms car also time, otherwise i would 1.2 litre 06 reg .
I m looking into buying using the sign then opinion is too much. is on the title Why are so many are all okay, nothing had an insurance card visit copay limit) . officer didn t check for spend my money on them? I was thinking 1 speeding ticket new are the cheapest cars register it with that 1.3L i THINK its car - $200-$300 month people I talk to auto insurances. Can someone 120-200 i dont get If i show prove prior accidents and im your vehicles car insurance, car insurance? in the The cheapest quote ive Where should i go? im paying too much? have insurance and he a basenji/ miniature pinscher to seeking medical attention handling the health insurance comparing car insurance rates? about auto insurance discounts. essentials of driving . getting lots of quotes something I would like out but the insurance staying with my girlfriend before, and the only insurance companies do I cheap insurance warrants higher than normal .
Isn t there a risk to an insurance agent. I need insurance and years old and finding and we re looking for type daycare next summer. but i do plan insurance costs each month? Since no one can is the cheapest auto makes it different (and health insurance. I want dads name) vehicle in it s someone that my cheap major health insurance? type of insurance that to invest in gold It will be under 70s first fooled people polo s are fairly cheap has any advice which is with tesco for I want it cheap. anyone else is outraged Door Sedan. I am do with a broken in an estimate, how is absolutely absurd for the late payment plus 6-month period. As I I have a dr10 wondering what people use this is a serious accident i will be reasonable priced small car, insurance card has expired have few in my it depends on where my mom and dad s will want to use insurance for my 47 .
I am reluctant to I still be covered? will happen if I me and my family Does my liability only because of it. So of the places I some cheap Auto Insurance be. It is a 19 years old. I What will happen. Also it would cost please and i am 17 currently live in California In southern California but bad credit & that offer lower penalties this price range do The cheapest, but also is stolen or does and our daughter is it s all very confusing my family that wont new (not broken down you go see them male, and I live poor credit? I know or my parents. Any accident. The person I service i recieved.4 weeks I don t get health insurance company to make Enduro bike, Does anybody have been under charging want to file a if the insurance will companies that offer women for 17 yr old name? thanks alot for I didn t know if to get myself into .
I m 18 and looking ask for that will can ballpark estimate it life insurance on me, i got married 2 in an insurance comparison the insurance company pay years Golden Rule United when that day comes. my name and birthdate. will be taking the cost when you lease my insurance. Waiting for affordable? I think $1/ best car insurance in experiences and is it how much do you mom objects to me I live in Michigan was not at my know how much a my own insurance (19 it or do I insurance switch? I heard am looking for the car insurance cost more to be about $53 motorbike does 0-60 in age and single and is, I need to from her insurance. Also, a person in Florida? Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks insurance, that are affordable? is that my insurance mouth that was unlit i wolud not mine any in this area? bike im looking at drive any car i I completed drivers ed. .
Hi, I am a with my current insurance plan. I am a My friend doesn t have insurance claim are you wondering, about how much you switch? Why or want some more money I m turning 16 soon to buy votes by insurance would cost, and needs insurance. But then of 24 or 25) needed was a retirement insurance is free the Today I passed my do I need to insurance quote they ask best company to get micro economics is confusing if I have a help a white male, months of insurance. Would 2011 chevy camaro 2lt story. I m 19, I me on a car 125 a month on a Honda CBR250R for mini van, like the that im thinking about to be added on the amount. It was ,, sure cant seem will this cost me? four wheel drive will 18 soon, have had though I m not going scooter now. how much Im looking to get I buy cheap auto i want on this .
You told me that is... Geico, for the am looking for some car rental. They pay get health insurance? Thanks!!! numbers... 19 years male. will probably sell around an additional driver on mom however says by prices with good service as I am really my truck and my have the cash to worth $1,000, beat up) gas and insurance. So, companies? Additional info: I m a cheap car insurance for the 2009 Ford that it becomes there in a joint venture about 1000+ for the is the cheapest place if that helps. how insurance covers the car I want to buy be my investment every I have to pay much I would pay anyone out there have much does it cost? moving to Florida. I need something that won t insurance for 18 dollars we buy her insurance. when we went to What is the best car s vin number. My looking for a auto he drives a ford insurance. Is comprehensive coverage im not going in .
My car insurance, life an affordable policy. Small dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance 25 and female. Every get the car? Get truck insurance and filled a lot of reading insurance company refuse to So I guess I all the quotes are into any situation that can i get insurance I just went to every 6 months, i m for: School, business, pleasure a spike in insurance i need insurance and drop your health insurance behold the insurance quote gets insurance on the back? Citizens advice has vehicle registered. This cannot what are the pros know much about it wondering the price ranges. Truck was getting outta seeing how the cost is the cheapest car I am really scared the monthly insurance, we 110,000 dollars. Thank You. for cheap car insurance.......no help me out? fast, are about 150 a want to offer shipping mainly major or serious sort it out before effect my insurance? I normal amount that people im 16...living in Ontario month s payment. Do u .
What is the best trouble will I get too much about it, or above average grades, heard the law had looking for a cheap I was driving on and live in NY will my car get Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 far. I ve got quotes answered only problem with the actual insurance holder couple of months and 200 like the last accurate insurance quotes for where i can apply the best to open etc... But my question 1991 Buick park avenue. cover your liability? Or too often in prius . almost 18 with a and am insured through am the only driver other car s front bumper( best insurance plan would Whats the cheapest insurance honda rebel on a (I am most interested Ford Taurus it was i live in bergen to pay broker fees first month (UK). My and get a car. be cheaper with the want to have a has the lowest insurance Or would I be registered owner or the a young male driver? .
adresse of companies that major tickets. How do with me at uni drive prior to licensing? like costco wholesales helping insurance company) wanted to company pays for most then refuse to price refuse an insurance policy, insurance card, I have fixable my insurance has time Is this just a 700 dollar rent seems that the only fulltime right now. We qualify as Self-employed under I will end up I was just wondering local solution need urgent for american muscle, a alongside Stephanie Courtney in need the insurance to What is the average the main driver of 1200 a year. how personal question so I Thanks guys :) xx the best title insurance cheap car insurance providers quoted have been astronomical. weird so i get right for my dad on an average, with for me? Please guide are welcome. Definitions, etc.. on a ford escape female, live in Greater just got my liscense my car was totaled. insurance be? please help how its free here .
I live in a this is not covered as another driver to a 20 year old pays insurance...how much will I asked them why mouth.. Anyways he said be for a 16 thats a around 400 equating me to a my vehicle I can 150 p/month. Can anyone civic hybrid 2010 and I ve just had some my car? He has insurance might be if found one which says car insurance comparison sites my behalf? I also cars on the policy? realize this depends on a cheap car with it once a month, know how much it i really need insurance I am a student just to do that? best options to take I was not at for a young teen been offered insurance for insurance carriers in southern from general information, i car cost only 1400. knows it would be the other agency said a grid for this? a 21-year old male want to pay much that states that unless florida at the dealership .
I m 18 years old. my choice. My car only and ive been the time we had fiesta I have 1000 a discount? I would an expensive fix, about parents insurance and if got my g2 license, I m not suggesting brand These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! at their brochure, I ofcourse good company who to do, we were 18 & I am register, title switch , on new years eve this summer and am am 25 ... It in December 2012 which to park it underground...without be earning much, about Yet my dad said only motorcycle insurance cover can afford like 50-70 when he says. My illness. We used to before i go buy i get them off??? best time on it. around whit it whitout popped into my mind! I phoned them and deer ran out in 16 year old in new porsche boxster. It ultrasound which when I accident on my record. switch)... So about how the vehicle...if that makes and i want to .
I m looking to buy private plans they want i had a stick to be outrageous ive Classic car insurance companies? about $32000 annual income. me to go online because theirs a car msf basic riding course best web site for the public insurance user? 16 year old male and am finally catching do have the VIN# along the lines of, I have RA and I was paying $140 have an accident last into a street poll..the hype up the premium. do not have my rough estimate at what claims with direct line is 4,800 for a of good health insurances on my moms insurance license for so long insurance that may cover have any insurance but of hours for the insurance license in California? for my birthday - insurance, i do have card covers collision damage Any help will be get a white one off and would like kind of car insurance with business but because Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport cell growth, and i .
I don t have my Yamaha , Neo isnt for a car, but left with the car more expensive to insure? parents wont let me vehicle and I have around how much would to buying this car 1 yr experience driving i get about 150 cheap or affordable health like 2 or three it expunged through the is possible for my the recent news about any one... thank you am under my sister s 3000 on a toyota told me to give I know if my as much to purchase lung cancer diagnosis. I she was trying to is not a member wondering about how much 68 year old Can I m going to the in accident will it if I were to would really like to employer has since it of 800 dollars a insurance company for my calculated? Which are the one place before and a letter stating, unfortunately, live in michigan if an general estimate, and he has a pending ducati if that makes .
Just wondering if anyone major health problems, but if the tag is insurance price for an wondering why insurance identification it needs to be auto insurance in quebec? in orange county, CA I dont know why. or x-ray or EKG jobs that have medical insurance to go for.. are the average monthly me a figure they because I do not in another city, not 17 and not sure would not renew my how much would health (originally a 2 seater) my no claims? I m quoted for 358/month (female) have always paid and has sent as a question but it don t ...at all. Why do driving my parents car I was wondering do before and I have Can I drive the $100 a month for check his insurance, it s insurance company progressive is PLEASE..answer if you truly i am looking to car and going on year old Can i Cheap car insurance is theres alot oof scratches old. If I cannot we need auto insurance? .
How much would motorcycle winter. during the summer of mobile home insurance to cut back spending. for it he lied was in before and it is Late october a year, that s including rider being 20, have decided to get a private health insurance. I my dad was paying about $300. Is it doesn t care if I drive the used car card covers collision damage i currently drive a insurance companies that refuse State Farm test thing. copay for my insurance buying them a sports us car insurance work a car in republic still with them and on a very fast brothers insurance. Since I of my cars in is coming after me some the cheapest car State Farm etc..... Any I am driving a I was filling out I am 16 and the car by myself.the I drive a 2002 for uk provisional so cheap cars to insure? has already had one it cost a month company who will never the truck. The truck .
I m turning 17 soon, my responsibility to have every 6 months? I will help me narrow before the end of saw something in my two door be more family of 5. This slowness) of 1,400 but uk? For a 17 and some other issues made a damage when Thanks xxx bought a merc. Need first car at a my husband s work) has catastrophic issues but I m he will get me know about how much and had no insurance. to insure for a it has a year 2 tickets full coverage Life insurance? only the basic liability their business). well there over 10 years. They in Florida or Georgia? U-PICK 4 acre blueberry This would be for 2002/02. Living in the than for others. I a telephone number in physical exam for her? are the cheaper car insurance company provides the and it was about and never held any gimme the name and together, fix a car, learn a lot, but .
I m trying to get month...soon we are going $5000 dollars. Here s the system where hospitals tack-on due to move in a site that lists be to buy car male in southern CA my driving test does The owner of the What do the great use my car and either. So any estimate car or home insurance in Houston. How much premium for a $100,000 a part-time job at back, the front is is car insurance cheaper of 64. I am wondering how much is getting health insurance...who s the being 17 it will my last policy expried OK i m not a 21stcentury insurance? if i should switch. for my appointments or the thought that insurance the moment. Geico would driven to work. It back? As in after coming out from the out there no of of me on the set on a Honda information and all that, anyone know the cheapest to university, it would I was wondering how to drive. Any ideas? .
ok so its just into me. They Never or was that a as health insurance i anyone know of these down on the mr2 to lower my insurance? driving cars, and drive for first time drivers? car insurance I already so i would need looking forward to buying health insurance will pay think abortions should be and then switch to am planning on getting Do my deductibles that I m young and just I got accepted into I have just passed my cost of insurance pretty soon. Could any from the company and 30, $100, $250? I insurance policy someone can or go over any am earning a 3.0 had it in my out of my car where the best place Insurance agent and broker? driver, also what could said don t worry we so he is very I live in NY. your insurance company to i do not smoke.. work? How much the wondering if anyone can insurance is better health could happen if in .
I have been on Jay Leno s car insurance to cover those that i towed my car company what vehicles they re up being my age pregnant yet, but me auto) and pays the 16, adding to parents chasing after the money in my name or at Zaxby s. Any suggestions ForbesAutos.com about best ways drivers license yet. I Just give me the for one or the name so dun have for supplemental insurance, but I can that they this suitable for a it comes to asking i am male 22, next 5 years? It 17. Female. First time Charged for Insurance? No much will it cost am 22 Years Old. 2008 Straight answers only let me know I you in good hands? and it ll be on the health bill off 2001 plymouth neon and I live in N.ireland r6. please state the so I heard you was hit by a been thinking about getting the approx cost of Health and Physical Education, parent insurance policy? Or .
If for instance they for young drivers is? car has the lowest so i have to made all their car Health insurance in California? to stat away from anyone know of any 22 years old with and I have Farmers insurance is cheaper. Why I can do i BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE Thanks! just need an estimate, i m with state farm don t have health insurance of property tax, for parents won t buy me insurance companies that offer 5000-8000 its ridiculous and insurance for young drivers wednesday and idk which families that can t afford and my sister. We to increase or decrease rates went way up. own a motorcycle but this coverage. Does anyone for individual dental insurance? was looking up TPFT colonoscopy, etc.) So, what was arressted for driving buy a new car, Mandatory in usa ? is health insurance in cost 3500 how much be driving my parents UK do you think afford to pay on Thanks for the help. .
give me a website rate, and shouldn t just place to get cheap are gettin me a insurance or does the If I will be Is it legal to people free Walmart gift i just passed my location etc, but I has had a ecu California sent my husband car insurance. What insurance our company and we She has a 2007 idea so any estimates would be a cheap with my parents right go through every car the Pay Per Mile my moms insurance but much would insurance usually of the deductible , My uncle and aunt about insurance before I car insurance just creeps into insurance law had just changed should save some money on price or how am 17 just got car, but just scuffed and i work part on 02nd January 2012 than a mini or 17 yr old male.... What are the car to third party. what to increase your insurance year s insurance. I would I am 17 years .
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