#and then i just need a chalkboard to write my work schedule on bc my spouse keeps losing track of it
we have a spare room in our new house and i work from home, so it's my office, and i've never had my own bedroom (well i did for the 3 weeks in august 1995 between when we moved out of my grandma's house to our new apartment and when my sister was born) and then again for my senior year of college but i was basically living with my spouse off campus at the time so i didn't hang out in My Room much unless we were on the outs which was very infrequent)
anyway, i've been slowly fixing up my office over the last 6 months or so, and. well she's beautiful. i got some pink glass candlestick holders from the dollar tree today and put beeswax tapers in them. i filled up an old jam jar with pink florists sand and attractive selections of my tumbled minerals collection and stuck wooden roses into it (which are scented with essential oils). got all kinds of art painted by my friends hanging up. most of my stuffed animals are in here. got a mini cat tree so my kittens will hang out with me while i'm working. there's a suncatcher in the window so that in the morning, the room is full of rainbows. it's just so pretty in here i love it. some place for me to have the lights very dim and the music very loud. i love it. i want to have my friends over and play spin the bottle.
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celosiaa · 4 years
Sasha HCs? Absolutely.
Pardon the length I got excited writing this and got carried away lmao
I like the common HCs that Sasha is trans and comes from a bigass family. I imagine her mom and dad's side were split on her coming out, dad's side was weirdly supportive despite being generally conservative, and her mums side was a clean 50/50 split between ppl who do and don't support her. So there are certain family events she avoids- unless she has Tim for emotional support. But he doesn't go often bc he doesn't like that she feels the need to interact with people who ignore who she is on purpose. And he's been forbidden from starting arguments about it.
I also have a personal hc that she's autistic and that shes spent pretty much her whole life masking, so she comes off as pretty neurotypical. Albiet agressively organized and tetchy about scheduling. But she has stealthy stims she can pass off as cute little fidgets to get through the day. She only really feels safe dropping the mask around a few select people and even then she has a hard time doing it. Sometimes they have to push her to stop masking since it's good for her mental health to give herself a break. She's big on weight and pressure stims, she has a giant weighted blanket at home and wears heavy stuff to work, and when it's hot she'll sometimes stick heavy stuff in her pockets just to feel a bit more together. Her bigger stims that are harder to hide so she doesn't do em often I think are snapping, chirping, and rolling her head. She won't touch a chalkboard bc the sound/texture of chalk makes her skin crawl. And she hates dirt and stuff under her nails to the point of a meltdown if she can't deal with it immediately or she's having a bad day.
And on that note bc now I have Thoughts, since she masks so we'll I imagine nobody would expect it if/when she either drops the mask or melts down. I think the first time it happened was in research with Tim and Jon, they went out to do follow-up or for afterwork hangouts and there was a lot of stimulus, lights, noises, talking, complicated conversations that required reading a lot of faces. combined with a fall then ended up with dirt under her nails. And she just lost it and shut down completely. I can imagine it really freaking Jon and Tim out too since they didn't know she was autistic at that point and wouldn't know what was happening besides Something Is Wrong With Sasha.
Also can I just say? I LOVE AUTISTIC SASHA. This is wonderful. Absolutely floored and in love and I’ve adopted this as my own hc now. I love. And the idea that she masks all the time feels very in character for what we know of her, and I love the scenario you wrote about Jon and Tim finding out when she has a meltdown and don’t understand what’s happening. Glorious. AUTISTIC SASHA RIGHTS
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