#and then i rewatched fleabag and olivia coleman says that to fleabag
tennessoui · 1 month
absolutely hate when i can't think of where a quote or saying comes from but i know it absolutely comes from some piece of media i've consumed in the past and i agonize over trying to trace it back to the source and then give it up, and then i'm watching a piece of media and bam i found the root of the phrase and it's like. thor ragnarok. or something.
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wellntruly · 5 years
FLEABAG Notes - Season 2, Ep 5
There are MULTIPLE details in this episode I had MISSED the first time around (cocktails). I knew this rewatch was worth it but wow, very!
Season 2, Episode 5
this series isn’t written like one long movie, it’s very much a series of television with distinct episodes. but that said it also feels consciously constructed for long streaming binges, because man, the transitions from the scene that ends one episode to the scene that starts the next are just terrific. case in point, Episode 4 ending the way it does, and then Episode 5 starting off with Fleabag just trying SO hard to convince us and herself that it’s fiiiiiine, ha ha ha it’s so fine!!!1! and listen: she makes self-aware manic self-delusion fucking hilarious,
[Fleabag: “He’s a little bit controlling.”] Hot Misogynist: “Don’t eat that.” [Fleabag: “But it’s manageable.”] Fleabag: “I’m going to.” Hot Misogynist: “Okay.” [Fleabag: “He’s a feminist.”] Hot Misogynist: “I have a sister.” [Fleabag: “He’s unpredictable.”] Hot Misogynist: “I’m just gonna go for a shit.”
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Phoebe and this guy, Ray Fearon, have the patter down PAT, I am *wheezing*
the “He won’t be” bit aaaahhhhahahaha, smash cuts, I love this song
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I just fucking love them
oh my god I’m just realizing Claire’s “serious appointment later” is her haircut 😂
Fleabag’s Dad making me a pot of tea to accompany “a tray of lovely sweet chocolatey things” and then surely sitting there gently starting 12 successive sentences he won’t finish is my dream afternoon
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Eve In the Garden
(maybe I will stop taking screenshots with this massive flower arrangement someday, or maybe not, because it’s just SO VISUALLY DYNAMIC. I love a hero prop.)
Fleabag: “No! [NO.]”
mm. ah wow. Fleabag’s face: once again her romantic actions with someone is negatively impacting others. :(
it’s slightly dazzling to watch the Priest lie. he’s good at it ooonly up to a point.
two of my favorite things are the show Fleabag and the film The Favourite, and I do wonder if perhaps I have one favorite thing, and it’s Olivia Coleman shrieking “CUNT!!”
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Me: “Her LEEGGS, how is this FAAIR.” Me: [screaming in the Parent Trap meme]
I had forgoooottten these two have more than one bus stop sceeeene. pls 2 end me, thank u
her first thought is that maybe he’s been sitting there for ages and she hadn’t noticed, aaahhahaha why do I love/laugh at that so much! oh maybe, y’know maybe it’s part of something that my friend Jen elucidated for me about this show when we were raving about it to each other the other day: the Priest’s ability to see her breaking the fourth wall is a perfect metaphor for someone who loves you truly being able to See you, but because he’s also a priest, there’s also an element where maybe he’s a little God-touched and magical. and him just silently *materializing* next to her on the bench would play into that. goddamn holy boyfriends, so troublesome.
Fleabag: “You can’t just cancel a wedding.” Priest: “I don’t have a choice.” Fleabag: “But you have the dress.” Fleabag: [laughs] Priest: [laughs] Me: [laughs] Me: [SOBS]
and then he just starts repeating that he caaan’t he can’t, his face buried in his hands, aahhhh he loves her and she’s just always reminding him of that by always being her, oh poor distressed lovestruck Priest!
ooh! he thinks he already knows what she’s going to say! I was having a REAL interesting convo with @zielenna, who brought us the “Catch for us the foxes” Bible verse and has studied two (2) 12th century sermons on these lines (I love this website, I love you all), AND, she mentioned how one of the things that most alarms the Priest about the foxes following him is that “I don’t know what they want from meee,” contrasted so very well with how he’s clearly a very perceptive person (& therefore a good priest) who usually knows exactly what people want from him. has a sense for what they need, what will benefit them, and wants to give it. ‘course that gets complicated when what they want and what he wants to give would break his holy orders. anyway! this moment is very interesting in light of that, because he thinks he knows what she wants to say and she protests that she doesn’t think he does, actually! and then she doesn’t end up saying anything at all, they just look at each other. shades of the Quaker meeting, “What is he thinking?”
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biscuit. just sadly falling between looking at her lips and pleading at her eyes. it’s like God-decreed pining, oh wail, oh hallelujah to me
“Please don’t come to the church again. I mean that…with the greatest of compliments.” aaahhhh! so desperate, trying to keep himself from her. tie yourself up to the altar about it. I mean what?
the Bank Manager!! one of my very favorite side characters
awww, he brought her a guinea pig? (a hamster)
the first time I had utterly missed that he has already named the hamster Stephanie!!! CUTE. and Claire on the other end of the line like ????
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it’s so funny
“I look like a pencil.” stop
“Clarie, it’s FRENCH.” stop
what is there to say about the beauty of the hair salon monologue. let’s just watch it again and bask. 
it’s nice that Fleabag seems to realize this is probably about the miscarriage, how her sister always changes something drastic about her appearance when she’s freaking out.
yeah darling if you don’t want your husband’s baby….you need to leave that husband
absolutely hysterical that Fleabag phrases all this as if Claire will not know immediately what priest she means, and also therefore why the scene that occurred earlier today occurred
Claire dissolving into giggles!
Claire, laughing: “I’m sure it’s very complicated!” Fleabag: “Yes!” Claire: “But it’s just—“ Fleabag: “It’s very painful!” Claire: “You’re a genius. You’re my fucking hero.” I KNO. same Claire same, same exact emosh. omg you guys Claire Gets It.
Klare! “It’s so cute and edgy and cool!” marry him, marry Klare immediately
I like sooo much that Fleabag is getting so many opportunities to be supportive and kind and a good sister & friend this episode, and she’s just [clenches fist] taking them. you know what that is? growth.
her wishing “Bye Klare” to us too, fucking brilliant
mooooore awkward running :))
the Bank Manager is just such a…gracious plot line. it’s so compassionate and enjoyable and touching.
her “Uugh”s every time she sees Martin, agreed
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a true study in contrasts/Acting is the way Martin holds Hilary versus how the Priest held Hilary. one is so charming to look at at, and one is so uncomfortable to look at.
the very serious and slightly offended way he assures her he would never hurt the guinea pig!!
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Martin: “And yet still, off she runs, into the night, for you!” got more pins ready? let’s put one here!
Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s faces are just extra on point this scene, it is a challenge not to screen cap every single one of them
and then he runs away down the street! everyone literally runs off in this show and I am so happy
and the pilot call-baaaaaaack, rapid-fire monologuing as she waits at the door in just her coat and underwear, THE MORE THINGS CHANGE—
Emily and I yelled when she opens her door to find THE PRIEST. just yelled. yelled loud enough that I hadn’t noticed his thunder motif arrives with him!! folks I am obsessed with the thunder motif, God’s wrath, God’s Hot Priest, spellin’ out ur doom
aw, he’s about to make a whole little speech about his sacrifices, like the driven female lead in the romantic comedy when she explains to the guy she is about to sleep with why she can’t because she’s already given up so many things to get her job as editor at the fashion magazine
Hot Misogynist from outside: “I’M BAAAACK!” L O L, lolololol
she’s prioritizing YOU honey, you are the most special to her!
aaasdlfkjaldfaf I had missed him hollering “Milady!” through the door, I am !!!!!!
I really had missed a LOT of this episode’s quick bits the first time, I am finding, which maaayyy have something to do with how Emily and I were drinking a chartreuse-based cocktail I’d invented called uh, The Hot Priest. really sneaks up on you.
Fleabag: “My priest is here and he really needs some guidance.”
Fleabag: “I’m hoping he’s having an emotional crisis.” aw poor Priest, how does it feel to have people hoping for you to fall. give iiiinn. we only want the sexy best for yooouu. (that is a lie, we only want the sexiest for you. the issue of what is best for you is of course, The Issue) (agonnyyy)
Hot Misogynist, jovially: “Cool! So you want me to go? I could take this somewhere else.”
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he just called her a saint. for coming nine times? oh who cares it’s delicious, her suffering priest is right there. you could be sleeping with the Saint of Orgasms! how does that feel, Father
people in counseling professions telling Fleabag she doesn’t want to be told what to do, she actually knows exactly what she’s going to do, is a solid motif on the process of getting in touch with yourself
and ooo interesting, of course: he sees part of his vocation as letting God tell him what to do. kinda hot. LISten it’s your fault show, you’ve already established this overlap!!
Fleabag: “Women aren’t, actually allowed…” Priest, yelling: “Oh fuck off! I know!” Fleabag: [startled laughter]
and the thing is, Fleabag did know exactly what she was going to do here! she knew they were going to have sex much earlier than he did. this time the Priest was the one who had to go on a shouty, freaked out little journey of self-discovery before he got to that point too. “We’re gonna have sex, aren’t we?” yes, welcome to now. glad to have you. we’re all very Aware here, it’s tingly.
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hahahaha, oh this is about to progress so much quicker than you’re anticipating Priest, delightful. and this lighting? lovely.
and she turns the camera away from her bed!!!! [winded] god.
Fleabag Notes
Season 2: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4 | Season 1
Tarra’s Fleabag Tag
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