#and then i was like idgaf it's hot the hoes will love it too
rinhaler · 8 months
Shiu using the reader as an ashtray made me feel things concerning to my wellbeing
dunno where it came from but i ran with it bc im just a lost cause i fear
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Player yandere!!
Player! Yan being a hoe all throughout their life. Their amazing good looks and trust fund money makes people not think twice before jumping into bed with them. Thinking they are special because “oh my god this is how our love story starts! Their in love with me!🥰” only for them to either be shoved a plan b in their hands the next morning, shoved out of their flat and blocked on all social media. If that person even tries to confront yan the next day, yan just goes “do I know you?” With the straightest face ever. Like they are an ASSHOLE when it comes to people who are in love with them. They have never been in love before and everytime someone gets upset at them or curses them, they just shrug it off as another Tuesday. “Fuck you!!when you fall in love, I hope they stomp on your heart and light it on fire!” Another wounded soul that was the victim of their shenanigans exclaimed.
They just laugh and move on with their day. Them? In love?? Not gonna happen sweetheart. People fall in love with THEM not the other way around.
Until they meet their darling. Of course theirs always that “special someone” usually displayed as the innocent pure person. But that isn’t how my stories go. Idgaf darling that is just trying to scrape by in life. They know, that yan is an entitled asshole and proceed to stay away from them. Shouldn’t have been hard right? Wrong. They made the mistake of telling yan to “get lost” when yan tried to talk up their friend. Of course some hostility towards them is kind of common but usually from their ex playthings. They play innocent wondering if you were a past lay, while trying to chummy up to you.
At first it was a joke, them seeking you out just to play innocent infront of you. Flirting as a joke, just to rile you up or make you blush (too bad you just look at them with a dead inside look) in fact they started considering you their newest exciting game. See how long until you fall.
Unexpectedly you stood strong, any advance they tried to make, you blocked it, any sweet moment they calculated, you dodged it, any ‘special’ connection they tried to formulate just pushed you away even further. It was driving them crazy, but their selfish pride never let them walk away. And despite everything you never cussed them out, chased them out or showed anger to them. It almost made them think of you as some sociopath.
After some time they started thinking about you. All.the.time. Scenarios on how to make you blush. Daydreams of how you would look when you crumbled under them. Strategies to take up more of your time. Until they began dreaming of you. Fun thing about dreams they usually mean underlying feelings in a person. Sweet dreams of you, usually you smiling at them or being happy. They feel so light in the dreams, so fuzzy. Craving them when their gone or you giving them your usual dead look. They don’t take it seriously at first, of course they began dreaming about you, they almost see you everyday! Then the nerves started showing up, hesitation. Whenever they tried to make a sly move before, they did so confidently. Now they do it, and you look at them with those uninterested eyes, and suddenly they have to look away. A small pink hue flooding their face.
Is it normal to hate people that come close to you? Before others looked at THEM with jealousy. Now they glare at anyone that is buddy buddy with you. These low life’s seeing you smile and laugh. While THEY barely get a glance. It’s unbelievable. No they aren’t jealous! They probably have a good reason for this feeling!
God, their friends see them acting weird and confront them about it. “Dude are you okay? I get that this person is like your ‘conquest’ or whatever but your taking this too seriously.” “So what? I’m not a quitter. Or do you think that they are capable of resisting me!?” They exclaim. “Nah! I just mean-don’t take them so seriously! How about we go to a party with a bunch of hot chicks/dudes. They won’t know.” It made them think. At first a bitter taste of disgust hit them until they buried it. ‘Yeah, tons of better broads are willing to open their legs after just a glance. I just need to get back in the game.’ So they go, a random party full of drunk people. It’s where they feel most comfortable. But something doesn’t feel right? It’s almost like they are waiting, waiting for something. Someone. They can’t help but turn around when a voice similar to yours starts talking. Can’t help but look around when a jacket that looks like yours is found. They do it on accident until someone points it out, and they get mad. Enraged.
It seemed to be a tipping point because they have never got that drunk before. Pulling someone they don’t even know into a room with them. Kissing, groping until the start the deed. At first it feels good, so good. They feel like they got high for the first time again. Until this random stranger starts sounding like you. Their drunk mind filling the gaps. Suddenly the stranger doesn’t just sound like you, it looks like you. They moan and groan and god does it sound so good. They couldn’t help themselves, stupidly they moaned your name. The other person seemed to not hear it the first couple of times, until yan starts screaming it as they cum. Suddenly they get smacked in the face and get left by themselves on the bed.
It was a wake up call, a moment of realization. Hours passed by in a flash because of their drunk mind. Only thing they could think about now was you. They were in love. IN. LOVE. With you, of all people. Thinking that they could NEVER experience this sensation, it was a gut punch. Small chuckles left their lips, soon it turned into an explosive laughter! As they clutched their heart, beating- demanding to leave their chest and run to you, they knew that you owned them now. Belonging to you and only you. Just needing to let you understand that is all that is left…
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(Hope my writing is getting better! This was an old draft that I just decided I NEEDED to post. Mainly cuz I’m still working on a part 2 on my self deprecating yandere Drabble! Sorry my brain is out of juice is all 😭)
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passionesolja · 1 year
Okay but like I completely get why mfs like Ascended!Astarion and I understand on an logical level why a mf would choose it (it’s beneficial to him to not have to deal with the vampire setbacks) BUT I think that there’s a real bleakness to it like if Astarion ascends, he never truly starts to deal with Cazador—never heals, or starts to come to terms with it. Yes, he kills him and takes his power, but by nothing about Astarion’s personhood or mental outlook improves. He is literally going to become the Cazador to an future Astarion. We can see that with how off the rails he goes, like he doesn’t let Tav break up with him. We know that Astarion has psychopathic tendencies but mf straight up becomes one. Mf he calls Tav his “pet”. This man doesn’t “love” Tav once he becomes ascended, Tav is a possession—just like what he was to Cazador.
I also think that the mfs who think that Ascended!Astarion would just make Tav into a vampire are kinda forgetting what Astarion said about vampires. You know when he was like “in theory, the vampire lets you drink they’re blood and you’re equal but vampires are power hungry so why would they create more competition for themselves”. This man won’t even let Tav break up with him once he’s vampire godking. shawty, do you what you want idgaf it’s a game but Ascended!Astarion is not going to turn Tav into an vampire, and he doesn’t have enough personal growth to become the exception to the rule.
Like I’m not telling anybody how to play the game, idc. But outside of the lust of the player, it’s really a sad and horrific ending for his character. oh wow he’s sexy and all but he’s also a hollow shell of who he was and he’s going to create 100s of more Astarions but this time they won’t be able to escape.
And we know that Astarion won’t want another version of himself because he’ll always know that if he did Cazador in, the same could happen to him.
By assisting Astarion in Ascending, you’re creating the new Cazador who will most certainly treat his vampirespawns cruelly and just as terribly as Cazador treated him. Like Cazador wasn’t treated good by his vampire master either, let’s not forget that. All I’m saying is that like outside of the player thinking Astarion is hot as the ascended vampire, there’s really nothing hot or sexy about it.
I ain’t moralizing or preaching idgaf what you do but it’s strange to see mfs hate Cazador and then assist Astarion in becoming Cazador 2 all because they think he’s sexy that way. Like damn shawty you think Cazador ain’t have have hoes who enabled him too?
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ravenbloodshot · 8 months
Lol your gong yoo reading was spot on and I have intuited that as well for a long time now since I've been his fan! He's also super timid, it's a little bit of a smack in the face! 😂 It's like a boy who finds girls weird/scary and runs away from them LMAO! I always pick up with him that he's super avoidant, and NOT ASSERTIVE at all. Like he'll let the love of his life pass by and say oh it wasn't meant to be. It's like he waits for the universe to trick him. Idk I'm sure you get what I mean.
He literally reminds me of these:
"👉🏾👈🏾" *insert someone with pointed toes and a lowered chin* 🫣🥺🏃‍♂️💨😰
IDK WHY WOMEN FIND HIM SEXY.. he's totally adorable. An adorable hoe... he gives me plushie vibes, like a furry idk how to explain it... tortured artist? But willingly tortured? Like a guy who is attracted to red flags then blames his destiny? It's like he's open for anything but nothing at the same time. Istg I could see him getting leashed. Like he ain't dom daddy at all. As a matter of fact, he's probably shaking in his boots about that. Like someone who is helpless.. OMG!! A damsel in distress!!! That's what I was looking for lol. He a whole damsel in distress!! Gong yoo sounds intentionally hopeless LMAO. Like I know I'm a hoe but I'm really not I just act like one because life is hopeless and I want you to save me. Like he looks like he counterbalances his softness with living "life" on the edge but he ain't made for it. It's like he's looking for his manic pixie dominatrix to change his life, like if the universe sees I need help they'll help me. He needs to be mothered and nurtured but you gotta let him run away and come to you because you don't chase kids. Idk why people think he's hot, when I see him, I see an angsty teen that need the tit. Istg ima breastfeed him idgaf. 🤱 He prolly like mothering types but he generally looks quite subservient, like the type to really commit if he commits, like I know he wouldn't be cheating on me if he chose me lol. He'd be such a good little boy. Istg I wasn't the only feeling that. Like he knows what he "doesn't" want. It's almost as if he's a passenger in his own love life. He's a lil baby lol, that's why he like the wap too, he just like being in the womb. 🤣 Like he's the type to convince himself he a bad boy but he'd probably fall for pussy knowing damn well he shouldn't. I saw him sleeping before by the way... he sleep in a fetal position. 🤓 He's defo a cuddler. He need to be coddled and held but he would probably run away from you. He always looks afraid of something idk how to explain it. Like afraid of being owned but he really wanna 🤣 I'm curious wtf he experienced, are you able to see that or look into it?? I need to know of the feminine wiles he experienced? I bet he hides it though because societal expectations or whatever lol and people thinking he a man, he look like he wanna be spoiled and pampered, I honestly used to think he was closeted but I realised he's a total bottom and a lover of women. Like if you ask him why he a hoe he'd say he can't help it but he actually can. He's like the meme cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon role. Lemme stop but istg I know you feel what I'm talking about?? He'd be so hopeless. He's probably waiting for someone to take the reigns lol. He hella hypergamous but he's the fem? He's a total infp idgaf what anyone says and waiting for life to happen. He a tender ass man and btw.... he look like he likes the coco. Out of majority of k-celebs who would do more "appropriate" foreigners, he strikes me as liking the strong independent curvy types lol. Like the type to fetishise strong women but with him it ain't a fetish, I think he genuinely loves a strong mama type. He always looks like someone with so much love to give but he's afraid at the same time. Like he accidentally idealises people. Maybe that's what hurt him in the past lol? People being what he didn't think they were? He's perfect for any woman that wants a stay at home dad and a man who worships the ground she walks on. Like he cooks and cleans too, I've seen his vlogs. Girl he makes candles too, reads poetry, bakes and paints. Lemme stop ✋ He's literally the meme "mommy tell me what to do". Idk why women think he's hot, all I see is boy with big muscles that needs to be pet. Istg he believes in the one. Anyway lemme see myself out LOL. I love his energy though, I can turn his life around. 👅 He looks like he'd be a good boy if you tell him enough. 😂 btw I just re-read what I wrote because I was just channelling LOL and I'm cracking tf up!! These fans would hate my blog if I started it 💀🤣
— Lip Service Girl 💄
Oh my god girl 💀. I can't decide if I think your insane or brilliant
Either way, I agree on how you described him. He's very much giving water sign and the mommy energy fits his Venus in cancer. He's just a guy that finds love to be painful but also loves the pain that it brings.
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kakashishomegirl · 4 years
Oh? We can give you would you rathers? Don't mind if I do~ Would you rather be Jiraiya's editor or Tonton? Would you rather have to raise little shit Kakashi or be close friends with Danzo and Hiruzen? Would you rather be in the middle of the Mikoto/Fugaku sandwich or Minato/Kushina sandwich? Would you rather be an Uchiha or a Hyuuga? Would you rather throw hands with Hiashi or Tobirama? Would you rather be a Hatake or part of InoShikaCho?
Of course you can, I love getting asks haha ♥️
I would DEFINITELY be Jiraiya‘s editor, and this has two reasons. 1) I think Icha Icha actually is the best part of him and I would really like to know what’s in it 👀 and 2) my hate for Tonton has no end. -.-
Definitely little shits like Kakashi! Because I can be a little shit as well when it comes to kids. Try me, kiddo! Your parents might be weak but idgaf if I have to eat your sweets in front of you and watch you cry while doing it lmao. Also Danzo and Hiruzen can go die. ♥️
Hmm, this is a hard one. Overall I like Minato and Kushina more, but I think it would be more relaxed between Fugaku and Mikoto. Fugaku still sucks so I‘m choosing the overly emotional couple xD
Oh, I would really love to be an Hyūga actually. Of course not if their family still has that slave thing going on, but I love the Hyūga powers, especially hakke rokujūyon shō.
Ugh. I‘ll fight Hiashi any day. I think he‘s one of the absolute worst people in the show. Tobirama sucks too but I‘ve seen some amazing fanarts and now I think he’s hot and has artistic potential. 😔 Sorry, that is my inner art hoe.
This one is hard as well. I like the vibes of both but there is no longing behind it, you know? I‘m choosing Hatake because of my url xD
Thank you for sending these, the questions were great!!! <3
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annapostsstuff · 4 years
LITG: Random Question Tag
Thank you @kingkassam for tagging me🙋🏻‍♀️
The Questions :
1. Favorite Girl? S1: Talia S2: Chelsea
2. Favorite Boy? (As friends) S1: Tim, Jake S2: Gary, Bobby
3. Favorite Route/LI and why? Lucas, because I’m a hoe and a goldigger and he’s HOT af AND rich😌, kidding🙄 bc we have a really similar personality... and he’s hot😂
4. Season 1 or Season 2? This is a hard one, because I really like the Season 1 Drama and MC’s personality, BUT I loved the Season 2 character design, guess we can’t have it all😔
5. Twitter, Tumblr or Reddit? I have all of them and honestly I don’t have a favorite bc I use them for different purposes, I use Twitter basically just to know what’s the tea, what’s going on with the world and I use tumblr and reddit to get in touch with the fandoms I follow and, you know, recreational purposes pretty much🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
6. Try and guess each S2 Islander’s zodiac sign? Everyone knows I know SHIT about astrology and I’d get everything wrong so, yeah I’m not even trying🙃
7. If you could meet one islander in real life who would it be and why? Lucas, it’s the more realistic one since we’re both on the medical field and y’all can bet your asses that I’d be jumping on that dick man ASAP😌😂
8. Do you have an unpopular opinion about the game/character? I have a couple of them but the one I’m gonna say is gonna make EVERYONE and I mean it, EVERYONE to come after me but y’all should know that IDGAF so I’m gonna say it: Tim is superior to Bobby in so many levels and I really wish he was a LI back in S1, sue me...
9. Which islander are you the most like? This is a hard one bc I’m Chelsea, Lottie, Priya and some Marisol combined, depends of which one of my personalities is coming out that day 😂
10. Most and Least favorite islander of all time and why?
S1 Boys: Miles/Jasper did me DIRTY AF bc I thought they were hot and I really wanted to try it with them😒
S1 Girls: Lucy, Erika and Cherry, they can all choke on a dick for all I care😒, I could say Allegra but it was actually fun to mess with her tho🤔
S2 Boys:
Rocco: it’s the first LI I ever romanced in S2 but it turned out that he was a fucking snake and I ended up looking like a fucking clown 🤡😤thank god LURIK came through...
CA GANG: I dislike pretty much all of them except the one I’m romancing IF I’m romancing any of them during that route, Graham is on thin ice and Kassam, well, he doesn’t talk but I HATE that he’s so hard to get... SHOUTOUT to Felix for being the most annoying motherfucker out there...
Special mention to Noah, for not growing any balls and leaving his toxic relationship for fucks sake!😤
S2 Girls: Hope, Jo, Lottie and Hannah, they ALL suck and can choke on a dick, or a candy, whatever idc, if I really analyze this, most of the girls in S2 sucked🤔
S1: Talia, Tim, Jake, theyre all cool and I really liked them.
S2: Chelsea, Priya, Gary, Bobby, LURIK, love all of them ❤️
Special mention to Mr. Narrator, he’s the real MVP and the heart and soul of the game💕😂
11. Which islander would hit 1M followers first? MC OBVIOUSLY💁🏻‍♀️ jokes aside, idk, could be Chelsea for her adorable personality, Priya bc she’s hot and fashion, Lottie bc we know makeup artists get a lot of exposure, and the guys idk, could be Bobby or Lucas for the same reasons as Chelsea and Priya...
12. Which islander would land a major brand deal? Priya could as either a model or a designer, Chelsea to design some furniture or something like that, Lottie with some makeup brand, Ibrahim with some sports brand, most of them could now that I think about it ...
13. Do you think any of the S2 islanders smoke? If so, who? Rocco obviously smokes weed or something like that, Lottie and Carl gives me some smoker vibes too, I think Henrik might try to smoke some natural or alternative shit too🤔...
14. What’s your S3 bucket list? MC with a fierce personality or just a personality in general, I’m tired of being a peacemaker and focusing on everyone’s shit except the MC, I wouldn’t mind having less LIs but with way more quality content than we had this season and for the love of god, LET ME THROW HANDS when it’s deserved!😤idk, it’s a long list but those are my main wishes...
15. Do you read any fanfics? Yup, a lot of them, can’t remember all of them except those that @ravena-dottir writes🤔
16. If there was a Love Island the Game: All-Stars, who would you chose to go back into the villa? Shit, idk who I want there but I can assure you which ones I DON’T want there and thoseare the ones I’ve mentioned as my least favorites 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
17. Which islanders would struggle the most in quarantine, and why? I think most of them would be having financial struggles but mostly Henrik, Lottie, Chelsea and Graham because I think all of them would be having both emotional and financial struggles🤔
And now I invite anyone who wishes to answer this bc let’s be honest, a bitch is antisocial and doesn’t have enough friends to tag💀😂
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
Spoiled Little Brat Part 2 END(?)
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Reader [#TeamErikDon’tDateWhiteChicks]
Prompt: So if any of you pay attention to the dumb shit i be putting in the tags, you might remember seein this 😂:
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So allow me to draw your attention towards.... these hands...
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yall see them thick ass fingers... and them damn veins in his forearms... and them rough ass knuckles....
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Sheiitt maybe I’m alone in this but idgaf 😆 yall gone get this fic anyway.
A/N: GIRL….. this fic right here?? breh… If you need to prepare yourself again by re-reading the last two go head and do that now…. Matter fact, here go the links right here —-> Part 1 Part 1.5. I’ll wait. I’m not in a rush. I want yall to feel EVERYTHING, so go head and do what you got to do. Smoke a j, grab some wine, light some candles. Get snugly bish.
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For this particular fic, I’d like some feedback, and you’ll find out why at the end. Thanks for sticking with me through this yall. Things have been…rough lately. But enough about me!!! Enjoy hoes ;)
Warnings: Daddy kink, Smut, Bratty!sub, This some freaknasty shit yall
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy.
His hand releases your throat to trail down your stomach, before moving to press down into the inside of your thigh.
“Start counting.”
Erik rests his chin in the middle of your chest, right between the valley of your breasts, his beard scratching the skin there softly. He cocks his head while he studies your face, the fingers on your thigh drawing lazy circles into the soft flesh. He still had your wrists grasped tight in his other hand, so you had no choice but to look down at him and see that slow smirk spread across his face. Your back involuntarily arched while his fingers moved tantalizingly slow across your skin, pinching and gripping you here and there.
He starts to suck on your skin, taking mouthfuls of your breasts into his mouth before biting them softly. You couldn’t help but moan at his skilled treatment of your mounds as he slurps one nipple into his mouth, rolling and biting it just the way he knew you liked. His fingers on your thigh move up just a little to grind at the skin right beside your opening, teasing you with a few slow flicks to your clit every few seconds. You jerk in response, your hands automatically trying to free themselves from Erik’s grip as you squirm around, trying to gain some sort of protection from his teasing.
“Ain’t no runnin babygirl.” He lifts his head up to speak. “You wanted my attention and now you got it. Now sit the fuck back and watch me give you this work.”
He bites down hard on your chest, lips spreading wide in wicked humor, showing off his golds. He takes your bunched up shirt now hiked above your chest and rips it in half, using the tattered pieces to tie your hands together. Positioning your body at the head of the bed, he hooks your hands to the gold hook at the top of his headboard. He’d had it installed just for you.
You were now helpless to do anything other than watch as Erik positioned himself between your spread thighs, rubbing his beard slowly up and down your lips, kissing and sucking at you randomly. He was being so gentle, barely giving you any relief, the soothing massage of his soft beard on your skin almost erotically relaxing you instead of frustrating you.
All it took was him tilting his head up 2 inches and the feeling changed completely. The once soft hair of his beard now felt harsh and unforgiving against your clit, causing you to instinctively close your legs to get away from it.
He tried wrestling your legs back open with just his head, but your thick thighs were determined, so he nipped at your lips in warning making you yelp.
Pushing both your knees to your chest, he held you in place with his forearm and leaned in close.
“Imma teach this little girl a lesson,” He whispers to your pussy, acting as if he was actually having a conversation with her.
He rubs his wide nose up and down your slit, gliding effortlessly from your slick. He buries his nose in you before inhaling deeply, and the vibrations of his animalistic groan go straight to your core.
“You smell so fuckin good babygirl.” he tells you, giving you small bites on the underside of your ass.
You moan and jerk your hips up, needing more. Erik pulls back of course, but moves his forearm higher up on your thighs to hold you down right at the back of your knees.
Taking his other hand, he uses his thumb to pull at the hood of your clit again, and he covers it with his mouth, slowly pushing out hot breath to engulf your clit.
“Shit baby,” you gasp, and he smacks the back of your thigh hard for your slight mistake.
“Daddyyyy,” you whine at him correcting yourself, the heat from his mouth getting to be too much. He pulls back and gives your clit one simple flick with this tongue, and his eyes flicker up to yours before he lets another gigantic glob of spit fall from his mouth and land on your clit, covering it completely.
As soon as it made contact, you shivered, your shaky breath giving away how turned on the simple act made you. He’d never done that before, but this now made the third time tonight he’d spit on your clit.
This time, instead of engulfing you in heat again, he pursed his lips and blew, the cold air shocking your senses from the quick temperature change. He held you down as he kept blowing, and the more he did the higher you climbed, your orgasm creeping up on you slowly.
Your hands were pulling at the hook now and you were trying to scramble away, but he had you locked in place. You stopped moving, remembering Erik’s words to you, and instead tried taking deep breaths to try and calm yourself down a little and regain some sense of control. But then Erik dug his thumb nail deep into the inside of your thigh, right at the sweet spot where he knew you loved to feel pain, and your pussy throbbed, grabbing at the air in desperation.
Pressing hard, he drags his nail down the inside of your thigh, stopping right at the crest of your ass. Your mind was reeling from the sensation, and you felt yourself drip down past your asshole.
Still blowing on your clit, his lips closed in on the space, ending it with the sweetest and simplest kiss to your clit.
You couldn’t believe it, but thats all it took for your body to start shaking, the force of your orgasm ripping through your body.
Right before you could reach your peak, he let go of your legs to let them fall open and brought his heavy hand down on you hard, smacking your clit and ruining your climax.
“Fuck!” Your back arched off the bed as you yelled out in both pain and frustration, and it took everything in you to keep from hurling a string of insults at Erik immediately after.
He must have seen your inner turmoil, because his eyes sparkled with humor as he looked down at your form spread wide before him, exposed and open for the world to see.
“Your doing such a good job babygirl,” he coos at you, and that cavity inducing voice of his was back again to torture you. “But… you forgot to count.”
You gasp, realizing that you completely forgot about that because you never expected to have to count orgasm denials.
You start to speak, wanting to find some way to make up for your error, but he shushes you softly as his fingers trail up your body and back to your nipples, his head back between your legs to nudge your right thigh open.
“It’s okay though baby, I know you were a little distracted this time so Imma give you another chance. Now, what number was this baby?”
“One.” you say cautiously, afraid of the next words out his mouth.
“Good girl. You got nine more to go.”
So yeah.... there are nine more of these. Are ya’ll kinda over it at this point, or do you want to see the other nine?
Taglist: @kxnfuzed @sweet-epiphany85 @blackpantherismyish @huuniii   @wawakanda-btch @ljstraightnochaser@bearhuggingbaby @drsunshine97@hearteyes-for-killmonger@maliadestiny @lucidaquarian @theunsweetenedtruth@sicksadgen@louisdimuccis @blackchunkyqueen @ash-moneyy@blowmymbackout @buttercup812 @minkyomom  @softnani @curls-and-crosses@lunaerly @lovemekaycee @uhlxis @blackgirloneshots @thecaptainofamerica @wakandas-vibranium @teheeboo @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@whorderofthepheonix @youreadthatright @killmongerdispussy@cawifornia @tchallamakesmeh0lla @siriuslycollins @killmoncoochie @panthergoddessbast  @blue-ishx@shesfromwakanda @hearteyes-for-killmonger@amethyst1993 @bartierbakarimobisson @vanitykocaine @muse-of-mbaku@eriknutinthispoosy @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @thickoreo@allhailnjadaka @wifeyofnjadaka @hidden-treasures21 @killmvnger@sicksadgen @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @princessstevens 
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brothalynchhung · 5 years
2019 overview.
this year.. was fucking two years in one. also a little late again but whatever. this is going to be long as FUCK. 
started 2019 in dubai
spent the first couple of days in Dubai on the beach
went to London and just fucked around dt and chinatown lost that damn snake ring fml
I got drunk eating dumplings watching Jeffrey star in that bed LMFAOOOYOO LMFAOOOOOEGJEORIGHSREUG
got back to Ottawa and it was straight GRIND from the get go
back to my last semester of uni 
back to club m (omg.. I miss:( kinda lol)
started that govt job
back to social media marketing for Dubai
3 jobs + school basically
did that dumbass STUPID FUCKING govt job all the way in quebec that I woke up for and travelled for everyday 
would go straight to gym, work again, or school fml
wasn't entirely bad I kinda needed it cuz I applied to a million jobs during that time and did school work LMAO also printed a lot of important shit and got paid so whatever
AND The fortune teller who like prophisized all this shit goddddd 
iconic if I must say
little did I know...
I miss movati fml lol
working at club Monaco omg ugh they gave me life honestly
fun times w trang cc precious Courtney mich JACK Amanda Raman donia even tho she annoying lol and whoever else I worked w jana jil Daria honestly I just miss Courtney LMFAO uhh jenn was cool too 
I'm never going to forget that place I swear to god I have so much loyalty and pride for my memories for that place im never going to take my experience there for
chilling with avid Vinny and like Alex a bit LMAO he would randomly ask to chill it was weird
that Chinese dinner and chat time thing in his car WHAT WAS THATTT
chilling like a scrub a cu with hector and that crew goddLMAO
avin vin rideau gang
visiting avid at nordstorm the Rui girl and Herman lol he was sofunny
last class with strangle omg he was iconic honestly 
trang pargol fidede zainab mannnn honestly shoutout old Ottawa friends 
xinyii!! and jelly!! my last times with them
I miss Xinyi so much :( im so happy I got to see her before leaving she was so nice I wish her so much success 
remember working those last shifts at cm like.. yo I feel like things are going to change and my days are numbered.. I feel it. 
did interview after interview, applying EVERYDAY to escape 
the amount of focusing I did on applying around feb and April like I was just focused on working and getting out of there
did two interviews in like 2 hours always on the go always moving always working 
and then like clockwork.. at the govt job.. went to the bathroom knew? to bring my phone with me.. and then right when I left I got a call from mk went into that empty conference room and got the offer. cried. accepted. life changing
I honestly just left that place... went to cm and just.. resigned... put my two weeks in...
and it happened literally in my last week of the govt job..
like fate 
immediately went home told cc precious fam 
fam weren't happy 
shout out precious for helping me honestly he helped so much 
found my place through hmida who held it down
that whole condo scenario LOL godddd my landlord a HOE
met zgy gvy at precious while I crashed a night
remember the one I took last minute from Yorkdale LMAO that one wasn't bad honestly I slept good
moving my things packaging them up. like yo.. lol
bringing the boxes from shoppers godddd LOL 
finally landed in Toronto with my place
waiting outside for 5 hours for my damn keys crazy with my suitcase lol... 
unpacking my things
like just finally having my own place mannn that was my dream for such a long ass time
getting around dt a bit getting used to tdot... 
crazy exciting 
then... 3 days in..
met that bitch that fucked me up 
met everything I ever wanted in a person? physically and interest wise and yet?
first hookup? lost v? 
new city new job new life new home lost v new everything
in 3 days. 
my life crazy..
spent the whole time like until October till low-key NOW just thinking about it bitterly 
my feelings up and down I was drowning in obsession and confusion
I know I fucked it up but it was fucked up since the beginning
shook everything about what I thought I wanted in gl or a person
standards are definitely raised and all men trash and hoes Idgaf
I feel nothing towards nobody
my whole mind switched to money and power. 
gl I love you but you're not here and we got a lot growing to do so imma see ya ass in a couple of years 
anyways started working at mk!!! craziest 3 month probation thing I had 
met so much people... holy shit.. zgy,gvy,hailey,gab,aisha,priya,rach,lisa,alex,DANIA, goddddd
clubbing.. mon., thurs... weekenddd... wake up... 8:30 work
how did I do it.... fuck lol
met a lot of hoes.. fucked with Sunday once more before he died bye bitch ass hoe.. Leo, sleeve, uhhh that's it I think actually
damn this year was crazy I keep forgetting shit
all the weird ass ppl I met at cabana omg the humber guy YOO THE ASIAN GUY WITH MY KEYS LMFAOOO ZGY FUCKLMFGIESH
omg tsf lmao and like yeah all the clubbing ppl in to fuck 
half and half like didnnt know if I liked it or not but it was crazy
still think about that Frans night the damn milkshake and food omggg
just spent summer exploring to trinity Bellwoods ossington like summer stories clubbing stories
managing my double life lol
good distraction made work fun when I needed it during my last months of probation LMAO
omg going home during lunch and then back to work ICONIC
leaving the girls at my place and coming back for lunch LMAOOO god really iconic honestly showering and going back to work sleeping hoeing all that LMFAO 
omg the time I left Leo at my place YOO LMAO
still have that expensive ass sweater LMFAO WAT A SIMP
those drunk texts he sent Me in august and I punked him off LMFAOO 😩😂
men trash 
darren Chris rob goddd all those damn ppl I met the one guy who saved me during that blacTHE BLACKOUT CABANNA NIGHT GOD THAT WAS A MESS LMAO TITTIES OUT EVERYTHING but yeah he was low key useless I forget his name highboy but whatever
I got catfishes twice 😩 the change bitch and the John bitch airehguerihserh FUCKKK LMFAO
and then I catfish Sunday to punk him off for revenge and call him a thot and thought he was talking about me for catfish when it was just about another bitch he was hoeing with cuz he a hoe.. Jesus my life wild
gained weight fml I don't even wanna mention it iDONT WANNA TALK
even if it is muscle I dDONT WANNT TALK ABOUT IT
the cabana pool jump... godd... walking home drunkregiuhersguhe fucK 
summer was crazy
nada and mama coming wow that was annoying I rlly can't do family even though I love them
getting high swimming the catfish racing munchies arguing with Alex LMAO 
eating out with Dania gab Lisa the normal ppl I met lool
a lot of stress of money and where I want to go I was in a hella rush idk why I think everything happening so fast made me not want to slow down at all but im finally slowing down 
priya end of the year rebel tiff stuff 
basically drowning in depress and regret around the end of summer cuz everything calmed down and I had the time to think and reflect about everything and yeah.. got super depressed
that bitch cc and her bullshit yo just fucking go bye
notice how there's like no memories with her like yeah there was but they were just annoying cuz she was annoying highkey
thanks for bringing my shit from Ottawa tho dumbass LOL eat a dick
omg all my emo ass walks at night to the port and water and trillium park in the morning aiohreughresehre writing with my journal god that was actually nice tho 
super peaceful so happy to live near the water highkey
always in between losing myself who am I what do I do now who am I like did I lost myself did I ever have myself
major existential crisis
how did I survive work god 
actually I had a lot of night walking home from the club sad
omg remember the ovo guy fucking loser liar 
as usualllll 
ugh what else fuck too much shit happened OH YEAH
my birthday with the girls and the bbq!! the cake!! omg so nice :((( so funny lol
that weirdo ass man that I still see in the gym sometimes god help me lol 
passing my probation!!!! and then like finally fitting in and feeling apart of mk and the “family” lol
got a moomin from Scottish mans 🥺 love him
anyways got depressed drowning in obsession.. nothing surprising there 🙄 
got high and drunk like bottom of the barrel... 
right before pargol came LMAO 
oh yeah I went to Ottawa because yo I was going out of my mind about losing myself.. needed to go BACK to the place I hated to find myself
went back and it was like??? everything was the same.. still saw vin and avid and Herman at Rideau still had bbt with them 
still fucking around hector and that whole crew had Ivan his girl moe.. ribal..Kyle YO lol that weird ass club experience AS USUAL Ottawa clubs trash god
apple picking same year in a row wit z <3 and hamza and fams lol
saw the kids and got to be stupid again loool 
anyways came back to my actual life
like it just felt weird knowing that the place I had all my memories and experiences in like.. felt nothing
even the forest felt weird like I didn't need to be there anymore?
as much as tried to drown myself in obsession and my past and bad habits.. I couldn't?
im being forced to move forward and learned Sunday was the last experience it was just eye opening
after the emotional shit I sat down again and had a whole purging 
I never felt that bad and horrible and drowned in obsession since raglan..
like.. deleted the hidden pictures... the feeling.. like I've done this before...
that was the final straw..
you think its over just because I am dead but its not over..the games just begun.
never again. 
anyways I met Aisha!!! love her vibe with her heavy
introduceed me to the sugar shit YOOOO LMFAOOO
weird ass fucking people but get the money and go 
stack up crazy and saving up this past few months 
and just chilling w friends and therapy sessions
scheming and planning for the future
therapy sessions
got close with Lisa
iconic holiday party and New Years with again like random weird ppl and my girls exemplifying how wild and fresh the whole experience of this year was 
at least I be waking up warm and clean in MY PLACEby myself with no bullshit 
just like.. got a new place new job new city basically live the life I always wanted? reading movies? new friends no problems? wtf how my life change so quick
new interesting experiences
getting drunk high dancing at my place out in these streets just meeting bare people all these new people and experiences holy shit... 
and like yeah im not where I want to be but this progress and process is FUN now 
everything a strategy and a move and love staying busy 
wish I had more free time tho I never feel rested my life fucking crazy LOOL
that weirdo bitch who thought he was dating me UGHHH BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL JUST FOR A CAR AND FOOD BITCHARE U CRAZY 
power trip crazy im so sorry jfc 
anyways block and move on
met Chris and we still talking for like 3 months in a row god... lol gunna see him Saturday idk was the HALE going on 
im like surrounded by hoes???? and I don't want it GOD I JUST BEEN FOCUSING ON ME AND MONEYFUCK EVERYONE ELSE 
idek what else maybe im missing shit but this whole year wild best year of MY LIFE though
idk what the fuck gunna happen in 2020 cuz my split lives and the chaos and playing hoes and always thinking about opportunity and abundance and money got my mind and moves all wrapped in strategy but we only ONNLY ONLYYY GOING UP from here no excuses lets fucking go I always say this but 2019 was fucking wild and you know what.. lets fucking go 2020 LETS FUCKING GO as long as I don't gain weight LMFAO lets fucking GO. money and power on my mind exclusively. gl imma see you in 2 years. focusing on bigger things but at least im OUT HERE and ESCAPED and we onLY ATTRACTING AND MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE 
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sagittarieuse · 8 years
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions (or dont)
tagged by: @snotfemme thank you for tagging me!!! <3 i had a lot of fun doing this
1. coke or pepsi: i don’t drink soda but if i had to choose it’d be coke 2. disney or dreamworks: disney 3. coffee or tea: i drink neither but if i had to choose it’d be tea 4. books or movies: movies! i haven’t been able to read for pleasure in literally years because of my adhd 5. windows or mac: windows ofc 6. dc or marvel: dc since the beginning, i do enjoy some marvel stuff tho 7. x-box or playstation: wii 8. dragon age or mass effect: i know neither of these 9. night owl or early riser: i’m a vampire so night owl obv 10. cards or chess: cards 11. chocolate or vanilla: as far as flavors go i choose vanilla, but i love actual chocolate more than anything on earth 12. vans or converse: vans <3 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: whoM 14. fluff or angst: both 15. beach or forest: beach!!!! i’m a mermaid 16. dogs or cats: .....cats... dogs are too emotionally needy sometimes 17. clear skies or rain: clear skies 18. cooking or eating out: eating out... i hardly ever have spoons to cook 19. spicy food or mild food: both!!!!!! 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: ability to speak all languages fluently 23. animation or live action: animation 24. paragon or renegade: ? idk mate 25. baths or showers: BATHS.... they’re my main coping skill 26. team cap or team ironman: idgaf 27. fantasy or sci-fi: sci-fi all the way 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: quote is long so i’ll only put the one.. this is totally my aquarius in uranus talking btw:   "For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 30. harry potter or percy jackson: neither 31. when you feel accomplished: i feel accomplished when i create something (usually art, sometimes a spell, or a poem) that i’m proud of 32. star wars or star trek: STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS 33. paperback books or hardback books?: i haven’t touched a book in 147 years... when i did read i prefered paperback 34. handwriting or typing? both.. they’re both important to my creative process 35. favorite film? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 36. Favorite Place in the world?: the city in the middle of the night with friends... there’s no other adrenaline rush like it 37. CDs or vinyl?: apple music 38: song lyric that’s important to you?: “I don’t wanna let you in, I don’t wanna see your face// Don’t wanna have make up sex, get your hands off my waist// Why do you disrespect me?// I don’t understand if it’s love why you hurt & neglect me” (If You Need Me by REVERIE) 39: whats your favorite form of self care? makeup <3
40: what’s the color of your soul?
i tag @satireforthesoul @laneyfae @allebseanulal @weedlesbian @firstdraftofme @mediocre-hoe @lil-plant-babee @aaron’s tumblr (i forgot his url) 
....idk man i socially isolate too much to tag 40 ppl
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