#and then made the Evil Empress of the Mirror Universe (Evil Twin Dimension) leader of Section 31 (Space CIA)
elbiotipo · 1 year
Star Trek is unique in regards to US media in that it was one of the few series with consistently not only progressive, but Marxist themes. "The accumulation of profit is no longer the driving force in our lives, we work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity" is something that you would expect to be said by a lame Marvel villain before he reveals himself to kill orphans or something, but it was said by Captain Jean-Luc Picard himself in one of the movies. In an ocean of dystopian sci-fi, Star Trek's future is egalitarian, progressive, full of scientific wonders, comfortable, and prosperous, a society to aspire to, and they stop just short to call it socialism, but it's very clear that's the intention. I don't think there has been any other (TV) major franchise that ever showed something like that.
The another thing about Star Trek, though, it that it was also made with the culture of the US Navy in mind. And there's this conflict between an utopian, socialist, pacifist and egalitarian society and the HURRA USA USA USA navy militarist "we are Explorers, we are here to save the savages" mindset. And sometimes the show explored that dichotomy really well, many times not so... but many conservative fans who were in only for the spaceship and the military drama I've found in the internet are often like "well the spaceships are cool, but the Federation is so... socialist ugh... it needs more war"... there's a whole genre of "cool badass libertarians turn the weak and effeminate Federation into a libertarian capitalist 'paradise'" and I really wish I was kidding. Let's not even get into the ones who believe the Mirror Universe or Section 31 are the true heroes.
But nevermind all that. The new series have completely scrubbed every theme that made Star Trek unique and made it a pew-pew starships shoot each other show with an occasional speech on how good the Federation is. So whatever.
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