#and then my friends being like 'aqua king' and 'it's such a nice colour and it really suits you'
Feeling Big Sad and Big Stressed today which is really annoying because I’m sick of feeling like this and I know it’s a direct result of being in this environment, of being around the soul suck that is my mum, and I’m just stuck for another almost six weeks. I’m TIRED man.
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Read into Me Chapter 8: Betty Cornell’s Teen-aged Popularity Guide
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Words: 3,424
Warnings: ~~Anxiety~~, capitalism©
Author’s Note: Does this chapter actually have Steve in it? No. But is it one of my favourite chapters? Yes! Do with that what you will, dear reader.
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @linkispink1995​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​ @boredoomfm​ @voidnarnia​ @anonymousonion53 @the-passionate-freak​ @a-big-ball-of-idk
As it turns out, distant, unaware mothers were good for one thing. Prom dresses. Without having told her, she had sent you a design from a photo shoot she’d done in Milan, a creamy aqua blue silk with a white lace overlay and a bit of matching lace along the neckline, the skirt cut to tea length. It wasn’t exactly your style but it shockingly fit, a rarity from the gifts she sent you from abroad. She usually couldn’t even remember your birthday, much less your dress size. You chalked it up to luck and put the dress aside. Your grandmother had brought the over sized white dress box upstairs with a note while you were at school. You found it on your bed when you had returned, a strange sight to say the least. In your grandmother’s even cursive, the note explained:
‘Y/N, your mother called. She also sent this. She wouldn’t tell me what she wanted when I spoke to her, only that she needed you to call her back as soon as possible. The number she left is +33 1-155-1816. She said that if you didn’t call her back, she’d call again. I would call her.’
You called her back, but the call only confirmed what you already knew. The conversation left a heavy pit in your stomach when Samantha picked you up the next day.
Samantha was beyond excited. She’d decided to invite Robin with your ticket after all. The catch was that she was going to spend the whole night with the rest of the soccer team to push the gay vibes onto a whole group rather than just her and Robin. She made it very, very clear that her having a date did not mean that the pair of you weren’t going to hang out and that you were more than welcome to join her and her friends whenever you liked, which you already knew but was nice to hear. Of course, it was obvious that you could go and hang out with them whenever you wanted during the night if your anxiety became too much to bear, but you weren’t exactly friends with her teammates. It would be like trading one nerve wracking situation for a different, more experienced nerve wracking situation.
Of course, to get to have any fun, you had to force Samantha into a dress shop, her mother’s credit card in tow. “I just don’t see why I need a fancy dress. Nobody’s going to care what I wear.” She whined. You pushed open the glass door of  Hawkins’ only fancy dress shop, Melinda’s Closet, a generation’s old family owned shop that didn’t even have Melinda at the head anymore. You half-wished you could just give Samantha a dress and call it a day, but you weren’t the same size as it was and the only fancy dress you owned other than your prom dress was your funeral dress, something you weren’t really willing to look at again, much less let someone else wear it.
“Your mom cares, she wants nice photos of you dressed up. Besides, when else are you going to wear a stupid expensive dress like this again?” you replied with a shrug, turning your attention to the racks of dresses in front of you. Your very sweet consultant took Samantha away to take her measurements, as she wasn’t certain of her dress size, and you took to finding something black for her to wear. Samantha wasn’t going to wear anything pink or dainty, that wasn’t who she was and you knew that no matter what Samantha told that salesgirl, she’d still pull something that would technically look good on your friend but make her hate the way she looked and the girl who chose it.
The process began of finding the one dress that Samantha would tolerate. For most girls in Hawkins, dressing like a punk rocker would be out of their comfort zone, hell most of those girls skipped rock music videos on MTV, but for Samantha being anything else was out of her comfort zone. She wouldn’t leave the house without eye liner and hair gel. It was too far out of her safety circle. Samantha hid in her punk rock façade; it kept people out and protected her from people who would judge her. Her look hadn’t scared you when she started it up at age twelve, and it didn’t scare you now. What it did was scare away townie boys who preferred their girls pink and fluffy, in cable knit sweaters and light wash jeans. That was a blessing, but it also meant that she, just like you, wasn’t exactly the most social person.
You brought a large handful of hangers, black material hanging off in various lengths and amount of detail to the dressing room. The salesgirls took them suspiciously, and added a few muted coloured numbers to the options. Samantha scoffed at them the second she saw them, pulling the first dress from your pile and shutting the dressing room curtain. “So, are you excited to be going with King Harrington?” she called from the dressing room, grunting in annoyance, the dress clearly not co-operating.
“I mean, as excited as I can be?” you replied. You weren’t really sure how to feel about the whole event. It was exciting to have plans with Steve, but only as exciting as any other plans you’d usually make with him. In truth, you were nervous. Nervous to be watched and viewed by your peers at a social event for the first time since middle school.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she pulled open the curtain, revealing a knee length black and teal dress. You chose it as a silent compromise with her mother, a bit of colour on a black dress with its bright, swirling flowers all over the bodice. “This is terrible.” She added with a scowl, heading back into the dressing room, having not bothered to look at it for more than a moment.
“Try the halter back one.” You replied “And that means that I don’t really know what I’m supposed to feel.”
Samantha revealed the black halter dress. It was plain black velour with a sweetheart neckline and a bit of gold holding the strap onto the bodice. She stepped fully out of the dressing room, looking at herself in the full length mirror. “I mean are you happy to be going? Excited? Apathetic?” she asked, doing a half turn to look at the back of her dress “This would look so cool with some ripped tights and my docs.”
“Oh yeah that’s a no, your mother would kill me try again.” You waved her away, much to her dismay. “As for feelings, I’m feeling…nervous.”
“Why? What’s happening in that head of yours?” Samantha asked.
You sighed “I just feel like everyone’s going to laugh at me.”
“Okay, calm down Carrie White, there aren’t any pig farms near us.” Samantha replied. Another black dress, this one deemed too short and its skirt too puffy, thrown out of the running barely a moment into the race.
“Why don’t you try one of the blue ones? It’s more your colour!” the salesgirl chimed in, standing by the curtain Samantha stood behind.
Samantha poked her head out of the curtains, holding them closed tightly around her neck. “I’d rather die than wear navy in public.” She said deadpan. That was enough to send their salesgirl packing, supposedly leaving to find something perfect for her in the back.  Samantha shut the curtain with a smirk, turning back to her shopping. “What were you saying?”
“You were judging me for having feelings, nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Right, Carrie White, why do you feel like everyone’s going to laugh at you?” Samantha asked.
“You say that like they haven’t before.” You chuckled darkly. Samantha forcefully pulled open the curtain, stepping out in your favourite of the dresses. Plain black taffeta that hit her just above the knee in a tiered ruffled skirt. The strapless bodice had a little sequined and beaded butterfly on the sweetheart neckline and she’d left the black sash around its waist untied.
You stood quickly, grabbing the ties as Samantha admired the dress, rubbing the material of the skirt between her fingertips. You tied them in a bow, emphasizing her waist in a pretty way. “Oh Sam…you look so pretty…” you said softly. You imagined this was what her mother had wanted for her and she looked both like herself and someone you didn’t really know, a more grown up version of your friend.
“Oh shut up, don’t change the subject.” She scoffed. It was obvious that she liked the dress, but she didn’t want to admit it. Still, she didn’t take it off and she didn’t leave the mirror.
“I just…I don’t know how it’s going to go and that’s freaking me out.” You admitted, scuffing your shoes on the white linoleum, leaving behind black skids.
“Okay, you want an image for this thing, picture this.” She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you back to look at yourself in the mirror. “You’re going to get all dressed up to hang out with Steve in our high school gym, which smells like sweat socks and BO, and everyone who goes is going to stand around until someone puts on Footloose and then Carol and Tina will start dancing terribly and that’ll get everyone to dance. And you and Steve will have a fine time. Tina will win prom queen and Carol and Vicki will cry and Steve might win prom king. And if he does you’ll watch him dance awkwardly with Tina and then you’ll leave. And that’ll be it. Just like the snow ball, but this time with a date.”
You nodded. That speech was almost reassuring. You could remember the snow ball from middle school. You went once. It was a mixed experience. Michael Gardner asked you out as a joke early in and his friends all laughed at you, but then Samantha pantsed him in front of Linda Carson and everyone turned their laughter to him. It wasn’t particularly fun, but it wasn’t something you looked back on only remembering your own embarrassment.
“You should get that dress.” You said. Samantha looked at you carefully, then nodded when she was sure you seemed less anxious.
“I don’t know, I mean maybe I should try on something in colour. You know, for my mom.” You both knew that she was floundering over the price. You checked the tag. The dress was on sale, only $53, a steal in comparison to some of the other dresses you’d pulled.
“You’re not gonna find another dress that you tolerate.” You replied smartly, crossing your arms over your chest. “Besides, I’m not going to sit here and watch you try on a bunch more dresses that all pretty much look the same just for you to buy this one. So let’s just cut all that and buy this one now.”
As if on cue, the salesgirl popped out of nowhere, a silver sequined belt in hand. “Oh my goodness, that is fabulous on you!” she exclaimed “Let me go get someone from alterations to look it over.”
“Oh, um actually, if we can we’d just like to buy it as is.” You replied quickly. You didn’t like speaking out for yourself, but you knew that Samantha knew nothing about dress shopping and that the salesgirl had been trained to get clients to have their alterations done with them and pay twice as much for it. Besides, the dress was perfect as it was! There was nothing that could be done to make it fit better.
The salesgirl looked Samantha over sceptically before admitting with a sigh “I can’t really see anything that needs fixing. You should be fine to just take it as is.” She said. Within fifteen minutes, you were out of the shop with a black dress bag in hand and Samantha wondering how she was going to explain buying a fifty dollar dress to her mother. Samantha had been granted car privileges for the afternoon and she laid the bag out in the backseat before starting up the engine as you settled into the passenger seat.
“Okay, can I see your dress? Please? You got to watch me try on more dresses then I’ve worn in my whole adolescent life.” Samantha asked.
You nodded “Sure, I guess, there isn’t much to see.” You shrugged. Samantha took the fast route to your house. She was more excited about all of this then you had expected her to be. When you bought the tickets back in March she wasn’t exactly enthused by the concept of going to a school dance. You assumed that had changed due to a combination of catching the graduation fever being spread by your fellow classmates and the fact that she had a date with a girl. You believed the latter was more exciting than the former. Usually, the most Samantha got from girls was clandestine kisses hidden in the crowds of basement rock concerts. You couldn’t keep up with the ever changing list of girls she was seeing at any given moment. But Robin was the first girl in awhile who Samantha seemed honestly excited about. Most girls who she hooked up with weren’t out of the closet anywhere except the bathrooms of parties and while Robin was nowhere near out and proud, she was the only girl Samantha had met who could actually admit that she was a lesbian. That was admittedly exciting.
Both of your grandparents had gone to the community centre when you returned, their old yellow Volkswagen gone from the driveway. You led Samantha into your room, flicking on the overhead light and turning your attention to your closet. The dress was still in the wide, white box it had come in, its pink tissue paper crumpled under the dress. You pulled it out, lifting it to your body. “Here it is!” you said “Ta da…”
“Well, go and try it on! I wanna see it!” Samantha flopped into your desk chair. With a sigh, you left for the bathroom. You felt silly in the dress, especially after seeing Samantha’s, it felt twee and young. But you pulled its spaghetti straps up on your shoulders and smoothed the skirt, heading back into your room.
“Here ya go…” you mutter, doing a small spin to show how the skirt moved. Samantha stood, walking around you in a small circle with a quizzical eye. Even having known her your whole life, you didn’t much enjoy being scrutinized silently by Samantha.
She stopped in front of you again. “Your mom picked this out?” she asked.
“Sent it from Milan. No tags, so I assume it’s either from a photo shoot or some random store.” You replied with a soft shrug.
“It’s not your style.” Samantha nodded. You lowered your gaze to the floor. She wasn’t wrong. “It’s nice though. You look nice.”
“It’s pretty silly…” you muttered, rubbing your arms awkwardly. They were cold, despite the warm May day pouring through your open window. A small chill ran up your spine. “But I mean, it’s a dress. That’s all the dress code asked for.” You chuckled awkwardly.
“You look great!” Samantha repeated, reaching out to squeeze your hand tightly in hers. “Harrington is going to cream his pants when he sees you.”
You pushed her shoulder hard, making Samantha laugh loudly. “Don’t be gross!” you exclaimed, turning beet red.
“What? It’s true! You’re a total fox! He’s not gonna know what to do with himself!” she replied with a laugh. You weren’t sure that what she said was true. Steve had been with some of the prettiest girls in Hawkins, you could mark the pages in your collection of profiles and cross reference them to every girl you were certain he’d dated. His whole dating history was public knowledge, even if you didn’t want to know, someone would tell you. It made you a bit nervous to be added to that list, even when he’d told you that it didn’t have to be a date. You did want it to be a date. You didn’t know if Steve knew that, but you were excited to be with him in that way for an evening. You’d had plenty of almost dates with Steve, he even showed up to your door once with flowers. They were for your grandmother and they were potted marigolds, but it was the thought that counted. It was clear that your grandmother was surprised by it too. Both of your grandparents thought that you were dating. You couldn’t convince them that you two were just friends. Samantha was getting a little bit too curious about your relationship as well. She seriously seemed to think that you were lying when you said that you and Steve didn’t have anything going on behind closed doors. You were certain that whatever she was imagining was much more exciting and illicit than what actually happened, unless she got off on sitting with someone and talking. The sexiest thing you’d ever done with the boy was hold hands briefly. That wasn’t exactly spine tingling.
Well, it did raise your heart rate, but that was another story, mostly about your lack of intimacy with other people in general.
“Oh come on!” Samantha cried, smacking your arm harder than necessary “Do you seriously think that he isn’t into you?”
“I mean…it’s not that simple.” You sighed. It wasn’t that simple. Relationships aren’t built on dramatic declarations or big Hollywood moments. People had to be in it from the start, it didn’t just show up randomly for both sides of a friendship. You did like him, much more than you should, but you were certain that he didn’t reciprocate. He could do so much better. He deserved someone great. And you were sure he thought you were cool, but he deserved someone amazing. Someone who could make him happy. Someone who wasn’t afraid to exist. In short, someone who wasn’t you.
You shrunk like a violet in your aqua gown, shying away from your friend. “I’m going to go and change.” You said.
Samantha looked you over again. She knew you well enough to know that you were uncomfortable. She let out a heavy breath through her nose. “Okay, we’ll go and get food after this. Let’s get fat enough to not fit in our dresses anymore.” She said, flopping onto your mattress. You nodded, heading into the bathroom again.
You locked yourself in, pulling yourself out of the taffeta material. You stared at yourself in the mirror, trying to keep yourself from crying. You had worked yourself into a fuss in your mind, tearing yourself down until the very idea that this all wasn’t some big joke felt impossible. You weren’t naïve to the world. You knew that people, girls specifically, would whisper about you once it was revealed who Steve’s mystery date was. You knew what they’d say. That you weren’t good enough. That Steve was doing charity work taking you. They’d make up rumours that you paid him, that you were dying and this was your Make a Wish, that he was only dating you to pass English. And usually, you could handle rumours and whispers about you when you weren’t in control of them. But you were in control of whether or not you go to prom.
You wiped angrily at your eyes, dragging away the tears. You wouldn’t cry in front of Samantha. She wouldn’t know how to help. She’d think that you’re crazy. You splashed cold water on your face, trying to take the redness out of your eyes and cheeks. You pulled back on your street clothes and carefully picked up your dress from the floor. You slowly zipped up the zipper on the back, giving yourself more time to calm down. You let the dress hang off your arm, heaving out a heavy breath before heading out again.
Samantha stood up from your bed when you walked back in. “You ready?” she asked.
You weren’t looking at her, your mind on one single mission. You pulled open your closet, lifted the large white lid of the dress box and carefully lay the dress back into the pink tissue. “Yeah, let’s go.” You replied. You told yourself that you could leave the problem in that box for awhile. Let it haunt you when you return home.
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kingdommad300 · 5 years
The Hidden Journal
Just a quick fic for SoraXKairi week.
Sora yawned on one of the pilot seats, a seat that is normally occupied by Goofy, before he closed his eyes to try and get some rest before they reached the Eclipse Galaxy. He could only look over to his friend, Riku, who was chuckling at how Sora was stretched out of the chair, like a dog with one leg tucked in and the other one going over the armrest. He sat up and wiped his eyes and looked over to Donald’s seat, only to see Ven occupying the space, reading on the Gummi Phone.
“You know,” Riku spoke up as he piloted the Gummi Ship, doing his part of the journey before Sora, Donald and Goofy take over control when they reach the Eclipse Galaxy. “The whole part of us taking turns driving was so that you could get some rest.” He quickly turned to look at him. “Maybe in your room.”
Sora yawned once more. “Like I can get to it.” He whined slightly. “It’s so crowded on the bridge.” The gummi ship that Sora, Donald and Goofy wasn’t big, it would deal with four to five people at its max. It wasn’t anyone’s surprise when the Gummi Ship had to take off with nine people on board instead of it’s usual three. Since there were only three small rooms, a lot of the team were spread out in the bridge, making it a little cramped. “Besides, I gave my room to Kairi and Aqua.” Sora reminded the silver head.
Ven smiled at Sora’s good gesture. “That was very nice of you, Sora.” Ven said before adding, “It is a bit too cosy down there.” He looked back at the Gummi Phone.
“Well, if you start yawning later when we reached the Keyblade Graveyard. That’s on you.” Riku told him, shaking his head as Sora yawned again. “So, tell me, sleepyhead, what was it like?” He asked as he focused on the path again.
Sora stood up, stretching out his arms before looking at his friend in confusion. “What was ‘what’ like?” he questioned.
Riku kept his gaze on the path. “You know what I mean.” He simply said. Quickly looking the see that Sora still that no idea what he was talking about, Riku gave a blunt hint. “The Paopu fruit?”
“Oh.” Sora took a seat.
Ven looked at the two with curiosity. “What’s a Paopu fruit?”
“It’s this star-shaped fruit that grows on our Islands.” Riku explained. “There is a legend that goes with it. They say that if two people share one, they remain part of each other’s lives no matter what.”
As Ven quickly showed Riku his Wayfinder and asked if the people from Destiny Islands make Wayfinders to, Sora was deep in thought. He had taken a bite out of the star-shaped fruit and it surprising tasted similar to a mango. He wasn’t thinking about the fruit though. He was thinking about the redhead girl he shared it with, the feelings that came during that moment came rushing back to him once more.
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“Let me keep you safe.”
There was something about Kairi that he just can’t put his finger on. Despite all of the doubts he was feeling from most of his journey, just being around her again made him feel at ease, made him feel powerful again. All she had to do was give him that heart-warming smile that she gave him and all of the courage and strength he needed for this final fight came back. She means a lot to him, sharing the Paopu fruit showed that. But what did it mean? His heart feels completely different around her…
Did she……
Does he……
“Sora!” The Keyblade Master jumped in surprise as he looked back at Riku, who looked like he had been trying to get his attention for a while. “So, what’s it like?” He asked again.
Sora wasn’t sure how to answer, so he stuttered as he looked over to Ventus. “Hey, Ven! What are you reading?” He changed the subject abruptly, making Riku roll his eyes as he focused on driving once more.
“Jiminy had shared his reports of your adventures on our Gummi Phones so I wanted to have a read before we landed.” Ven showed the reports of his phone before he started to scroll through the reports again. “All this information of Heartless and Nobodies are handy going ahead to the battle.”
“Wait! You never fought against Heartless?” Riku piped in.
“That’s all we mainly fight.” Sora added, surprised by Ven’s statement.
“I had thought them once…. but that didn’t end very well.” Ven said as he held his hand to his chest. “I’ve mainly fought the Unverse.” Ven continued to scroll through the reports. “Sora. I was just wondering. Did you see me appear at all during your adventures?”
“No. Why do you ask?”
“Well, the journal says that you kept seeing Kairi on your first journey.” Ven found the part of the report that he was referring too. “’We went to an empty house to try and find a wizard called Merlin. When we were looking around, Kairi appeared in front of me once more. She was saying that this empty house reminded her of the secret place back home and asked if I remembered the drawings on the wall. ‘” He read out loud.
Sora’s eyes went wide as he pulled out his Gummi Phone. “Oh no.” He looked at the reports only to realise that Jiminy had not just shared his reports and findings to the others. He had also shared Sora’s personal journal. “Nonononono!” Sora started to pace around the pilot room.
Riku looked at him with concern. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Jiminy shared my journal,” Sora said in a slightly panicked voice. “All of my personal thoughts and worries were in that journal.”
Riku looked quite surprised about the journal. “You’re normally open to expressing your feelings.” He pointed out.
“It was just something I could write into so I didn’t worry Donald and Goofy too much.” He explained. When he started his first journey, Jiminy had suggested writing his thoughts on a piece of paper if he wanted to get something off his mind, something that came in handy when he was looking for Riku, Kairi and the King. “And when I was missing you guys.”  
“It says here that you thought that Riku was stupid for siding with the Heartless.” Ven pointed out.
Riku only shrugged, “He’s not wrong.”
“Guys. If Ven can read it then the others can too.” Sora explained to them.
Ven looked at him questionably. “Is it that bad?” He asked him. “I get to know you on a deeper level. That and I can connect my dreams to your adventures.” He smiled.
“I think he’s more worried about what Kairi thinks.” Riku chipped in. Ven replied with a simple ‘ohhhh’ while smiling.
“Kairi can read it. I don’t care.” Sora crossed his arms, looking out into space.
“Yeah sure.” Riku huffed on Sora’s blatant lie. “Ven. Is there anything on Kairi?” He smirked as he received a glare from Sora.
Ven scrolled through until he found a section of the report. “Here we go. ‘It started to snow in Halloween Town and Jack had asked Sally to dance with him. As they danced, I started to wonder what Kairi would want for Christmas—”
“Right. I’m outta here.” Sora went over to the hatch door and started to climb down to the bridge, ignoring Riku and Ven’s calls that they were just teasing.
Reaching the bridge, Sora couldn’t help but smile as they saw Donald and Goofy sleeping on the sofa while Axel decided to kip on the floor, half in the kitchen, half in the hallway. He can only assume that Kairi, Aqua and King Mickey were resting in the bedrooms. Being careful not to wake the others up, Sora took a seat by the window as he looked out at the galaxy they were leaving, seeing the colours slowly change. The sight of deep space reminded him of staring out at sea, seeming endless, calm, peaceful. It always gave him some sort of comfort.
“I think this is the first time I found you awake.”
Sora turned away to see Kairi giggle slightly as she leaned against the wall by the window. “You should have come to me ten minutes ago.” He grinned, grabbing a vacant seat next to him and placed it in front of the window next to him. Kairi took the gesture and sat in the vacant chair, enjoying the view of deep space. “Did you get a chance to rest?” He asked her.
She shook her head. “With what’s up ahead, I couldn’t sleep. So, I decided to read some of Jiminy’s reports.” She told him. She turned to him, noticing that Sora was looking intently out into the emptiness. “I didn’t realise how many people you ended up helping while you were looking for me and Riku.” She admitted, grabbing Sora’s attention. “I know from your stories that you went to many worlds but when you actually read it, you take it all in.” She smiled back at him. “You’ve had quite an adventure, Sora.”
“There’s been funny moments.” He smiled.
Kairi pulled out her Gummi Phone and started to read something on her screen. “’Me and Donald had a huge fight today. Why can’t he understand that I just want a five-minute nap!’” Kairi read out before giggling, “Now that’s the lazy bum, I know.”
Sora groaned at this. “So you did get it.” He sighed.
She nodded. “I can imagine you reading it. It’s like having a piece of you no matter where we go.” She told him.
Sora smiled at this. She was doing again. Just being herself and his worries disappeared just like that. “Once we bring everyone back, and I have a long-deserved nap on the beach…” He enjoyed Kairi’s soft giggle to that. “We’ll go on our own journey. The one we always wanted to go on.” He proposed.
Kairi nodded to this, “It would be good to meet all of the friends that you have made, dance in the snow, learn how to fly, see all of the magical things that you got to see.” She smiled. “The three of us. Me, you and Riku.”
“Actually, I asked Riku a while back. He said that he would give it a pass.” Sora told her.
“But he wanted to see the other worlds the most out of the three of us.” Kairi said in disbelief.
“Tell me about it.” Sora said with the same disbelief before he chuckled. “Besides, didn’t you want it to be just the two of us last time?”
Kairi groaned into her own hands. “Don’t remind me.” Remembering her abruptness on her comment on her and Sora taking the raft and leaving Riku behind. She looked back at Sora, smiling at the soft smile he was giving her. “I look forward to our adventure together.” She leaned forward and grabbed a hold of his hand as she turned to look at the view again.
Sora could only focus on the hand that was holding his. This was the first time she has done something like this. Just feeling her soft hand against his rough skin made his heart heat up once more, similar to the evening they shared the Paopu fruit. He wanted to know what this feeling was and he will fight as hard as he can in the battle to come to figure out what it is that he’s feeling whenever he is around her.
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Guiding Light - Christmas Special #4
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A/N: Hello, Sheerios! I’m finally back with the last part of the Christmas Special (for Guiding Light, I still need to update Lego House) and I hope you enjoy it! Shout out to my more than special and beautiful Sheerio friend @sheerioasteroidpanda (sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, love!) who had the idea of the gingerbread man scene. I won’t give you spoilers, but it’s a really funny (and crazy) scene, let me know your opinion! Thank you so much, girl, you have no idea how much you helped me! (I had never eaten gingerbread man cookies, so I really needed a lot of help!). You know I love you, right? And I love you all who are reading and reblogging this special! Hope to come back with the regular chapters soon! Enjoy! PS: Read the warnings, please!
Title: Guiding Light Chapter Title: Christmas Special: First Christmas #4 Pairing: Ed Sheeran x Reader Rating: +18 Word Counter: +2200 Warnings: There’s a little, really little bit of sexual content (Ed’s wandering hands - no details - and things getting… Hard, if you know what I mean - again, no details).
These are the warnings for the regular chapters, if you get interested on this extra!
younger reader (though there’s no mention of her age), insecure reader low self esteem, stretch marks, virgin reader, a bit of angst/anxiety due to her first time, fluffy, careful Ed, sweet Ed, encouraging Ed, mature content, NSFW, smut, oral sex {both receiving}
var Mari = prompt("Do you have a nickname? Please, what is it?","Example: Tay, Bella...")
var blue = prompt("What's your favourite colour?","Example: red, pink, black...")
var King = prompt("What's your favourite Christmas movie?","Example: 'Elf', 'A Christmas Story', The Grinch...")
December 25th, 2018 - Christmas Day, Framlingham
Ed’s Farm
“Merry Christmas, baby!” Ed says when you get into the living-room of his farm. “Merry Christmas, Teddy!” you say.
“Remember that day when we were putting up the tree?” he asks and you nod, giggling. “Our cats were messing around and put the tree down twice! How could I forget that?” you joke and Ed laughs. “Do you remember the reason…”.
“Oh, you got distracted, didn’t you?” you ask him, searching in your memory what he told you that day. “I did!” Ed nods, his cheeks turning red and you caress them. “What is it, Teddy?”.
“I was looking for the perfect present to give you” he says, turning around and grabbing two boxes from below the tree. He gives you the biggest one first “This one is not ‘the perfect one’, it’s just something I know you’ve been wanting for a while!”.
You sit on the couch and unwrap the present, shocked when you see the newest Kindle Oasis E-reader - and waterproof - and an Aqua Note, that you can use when you’re taking a shower. “Teddy, if these presents are not the perfect ones, than I don’t know what can be more perfect than them!” you exclaim, emotive.
He knows how reading and writing is important to you, not only because it’s part of your job, but it’s also one of your biggest passions, and the fact he’s so supportive and encouraging of you melts your heart.
“Thank you, Ed!” you sniff, standing up and hugging him tight. “You’re welcome, love!” he giggles, putting his arms around you. “You know I didn’t want you to spend so much money with things for me, though, you are my biggest and best present! I could never give you such expensive things back, and…”.
“You don’t have to worry about that, document.write(Mari). You’re my girl, my wonderful girl, and you deserve this! What really matters is the meaning of the present, not its price!” he caresses your face and you sigh. You agree with him, this is what you’ve always thought about presents, but you wish you had enough money to buy nice gifts, like those huge and freaking nice Lego sets you know he loves.
“Now…” Ed gulps, nervously, giving you the other box. It’s very small and light and your eyes widen when you unwrap its gift paper. It’s a ring box!
“We’ve been dating for five months and only now I’ve realised we don’t have rings…” he explains as you open the small box, seeing a pair of beautiful silver ring. “It’s not a big deal, just officialising our compromise!” you look at Ed, mesmerised and enchanted by his tenderness.
“Not a big deal, Ed?” you shake your head, feeling your eyes getting wet “This means… Teddy, this means so much to me!” you sniff, letting the tears fall down your face. “Oh, my emotional baby!” he giggles, using his thumb to wipe the tears off your face “I’m glad you liked it!”.
“I liked it? Teddy, I have no words to describe how happy I am!” you blink a few times, but the tears keep coming down. “Oh, love, you’re so cute!” Ed pecks your lips before he picks one of the rings, the one with a beautiful, little document.write(blue) rock on the top “See, it? There are our names on it, and the date we’ve started dating!” he shows you the inside of the ring: ’document.write(Mari) and Ed, 23/7/18’.
“Thank you so much, Ed!” you sigh when he holds your right hand, putting the ring on your 4th finger. “Thank you so much, love!” he puts the other ring - a simpler one - on his own finger, and then he leans into you, pressing his lips on yours. You smile against his lips, so happy and so fulfilled!
“You make me so happy, Teddy Bear!” you whisper, laying your head on his shoulder, pressing your chest on his, your heartbeats synchronized. “So do you, baby!” he chuckles, putting his arms around you.
After a while, you both go to his room, ready to change your clothes and sleep. “I can’t wait to have this Kindle full of books!” you say, leaving the Kindle and the Aqua Note on his workbench.
“Oh, I bet you won’t take too long, right?” Ed jokes, starting to take his clothes off. You sigh when you see his tattoos, you love so much this side of his personality! “What is it?” he smirks, wiggling his brows at you, and you just shake your head, feeling your cheeks getting red.
Reaching your pyjamas on your suitcase, you get into his bathroom, too much ashamed to change your clothes in front of him. Five months of relationship and you’re still a virgin; five months and you still feel too insecure to give yourself completely to him. You are glad, though, Ed had never pressured you, respecting your limits and giving you the time you need.
You take a quick and warm shower, taking advantage to remove your makeup there. When you go back to Ed’s room, you find him already laid on the bed and you take your place beside him.
“You know what, baby? You look gorgeous with your makeup on, but looks so much better without it. I can see all your freckles and little marks and I can feel your smooth skin…” Ed says, cupping your cheeks, and caressing them with his thumbs. “Thank you. And to be honest, I’m super lazy to put some make up on most of the time, so I’m glad you like my face without it!” you giggle.
“You’re gorgeous with and without it… Oh, my baby is lazy, huh?” he giggles too, pulling your body closer to his, and you feel its warmth, so good during any time, and mostly, the Winter!
“You would be too, if you were a girl! Put make up on, then remove it, 'cause you are not supposed to sleep with it on your face. Bleed for a week every month, or if you don’t want to, remember to take pills every day; have this terrible check up on the doctor once you become a 'complete’ woman… Believe me, Teddy, you are lucky you were born a boy!” you joke and he nods.
“I’m lazy only for hearing about it!” he jokes and you pat his shoulder “You’re incredible, baby!” Ed brushes his lips on yours and you whimper his name, when he lays on his back, bringing you up his body. You get flushed, wondering what’s on his mind… Maybe he is wanting something more, it’s been a while since he’s done that for the last time, but… Are you ready for it?
You’re a bit nervous in this position, straddling him isn’t something you’re very used to. He giggles, grabbing your bum and squeezing your flesh, before he sits up and starts kissing your neck, leaving soft bites along your skin “You’re so sexy!” he whispers as his wandering hands run through your body, and you shift on his lap, feeling your cheeks burning. You’re definitely not used to this kind of compliment too.
Things get even more embarrassing when Ed gets a little bit too excited and you are able to feel him pressing your sensitive center through the thin fabric of your pyjama trousers “Sorry!” he stops his hands, resting them on your thighs, and raises his head to look at you, noticing how tensed you are. “No, Ed, I am sorry for not being ready yet… I know you want it, after so long, you must be really sexually aroused, and…”.
“document.write(Mari), love, it’s alright!” he calls your attention and you blush more for being jabbering “I don’t care how long you want me to wait, I love you, and it’s all that matters to me!”.
“I love you too, Ed, but I want to be able to give you everything you want!” you say, caressing his face.
“And you will, but at your time, when you feel ready, okay?!” Ed pecks your lips and you nod, sighing. He lays back and rolls so he’s on top of you now…
“Teddy…” you gulp, nervous. “Don’t worry, baby, I just wanna kiss you!” he winks at you, sensing your anxiety and you bite your lower lip, letting him convince you, as he kisses you properly, sliding his tongue into your mouth.
Christmas Day Afternoon, Ed’s Farm
“Baby?” Ed calls as you prepare hot cocoa for you both. “Yes, Teddy?” you look at him over your shoulder. “Can you cook more of those gingerbread cookies for me?” he pouts his lips for your and you giggle, walking to him and squeezing his cheeks.
“It won’t be necessary, Teddy bear!” you wink at him “I didn’t take all of the cookies to your parents’, I knew you were going to ask for them later!”.
“Oh, you’re calling me a starving guy, aren’t you?” he tilts his head, pretending to be offended. “Yes, and it’s my job to feed you!” you joke, turning around to grab the pot with the remaining gingerbread man cookies.
“The only thing is that there isn’t anything to decorate them anymore. It’s all over!” you say and Ed shrugs, opening the fridge “What, don’t you believe me?” you ask, frowning when he shows you a bottle of ketchup “Baby, I honestly don’t think this will work” you make a grimace, not even wanting to think about the strange mix of tastes of ginger, cinnamon and tomato sauce…
“Well, we never know if we don’t try, right?” he shrugs, picking up two plates and your Hogwarts mugs. “You won’t know if you don’t try, right?” you correct him and he sticks his tongue out to you. “You don’t know what you’re losing, baby!” Ed winks at you.
“There’s definitely one thing I’m not losing here: my mind!” you stick your tongue out too.
You pour the hot cocoa in your mugs and walk to the living-room, setting up the small table with them and Ed comes right after you with the plates, the pot full of cookies and the freaking ketchup. You didn’t believe he really meant that! Your Teddy is so crazy!
“Okay, now, time for document.write(King)!” Ed giggles, putting the DVD on as you both sit on the carpet, using a warm and thick blanket to get yourselves protected from the cold. You grab a bunch of cookies in your hands, start eating them and you shake your head, watching your boyfriend draw a face and decorate his gingerbread man cookie with the ketchup.
“Teddy, baby, I really wouldn’t do that if I were you!” you say. What if he ends up feeling sick after eating this strage combination?
“I think it will worth the shot!” he smiles putting the entire cookie in his mouth, chewing it and making a disgust grimace, with his eyes closed and tongue out “Yuck!”.
“I’ve told you!” you laugh and Ed sighs, drinking the hot cocoa, certainly trying to get rid of the weird taste of ginger and tomato. “At least, I’ve found the first thing ever that doesn’t go well with ketchup!” he winks at you and you laugh harder, shaking your head.
“Yes, you did, love!” you sip on your own drink, leaning closer to Ed “Hey, girls!” you smile when your cats approach you, purring. They start rubbing their fur on your favourite Christmas sweater and you stroke them.
“They like you more than me!” Ed pouts his lips. “That’s because you scolded them the other day!” you giggle when Calippo lays on your lap and Dorito start pushing her sister, competing for some space.
“Well, someone has to do the hard work, here. This is about educating them, you’re spoiling our children!” he makes a false accusation you and you roll your eyes. “How can someone be mad at this beauties?” you use a childish tone as you keep stoking their fur.
You look at Ed, and he’s got that tender gaze as always and you smile at him. “I love you!” these three words that scared you for a long time, fearing you’d never hear them from him, are the ones he mostly says to you! And you know it’s not only just for the sake of saying it; Ed’s actually meant it, every time, and you love him even more for this.
“I. Love. You!” you say, pecking his lips between each word “More than I’ve ever thought to be possible loving someone!” you add, looking him in the eye and he grins, cupping your face. “I’m so lucky I have you in my life! What would I do without you?” he frowns, and you notice he’s holding back his tears “What have I done to deserve a woman like you?” he gulps.
“You want us to end this Christmas crying?” you joke, feeling your eyes getting wet as well. “I want us to end this Christmas, and the other ones to come, happy. I want that, even when we argue, we never stop fighting for each other, we never go to bed withouth saying we love each other, because you are too much important, and I just… I can’t live without you!” Ed wipes the tears of your face, as you’ve started crying.
“This is a fucking cliche, you know how much I hate cliches, and that they may end up really bad, but, fuck it! I can’t live without you either!” you sigh, feeling the meaning of your words, you never thought you’d be that attached to someone so strongly - you’d also never thought you’d become the girlfriend of the man you most admired since you were a teen either, and here you are!
You never thought you’d say this words, because this is the kind of feeling - having this 'dependence’ on someone - you avoided your entire life, fearing the future; fearing that, if the relationship ever came to an end, you’d be left there, broken and uncapable of mending yourself.
But with Ed, everything seems so right, you know in your inside that you are meant to be, so you see no problems in letting this feelings sink into your core, and allow yourself to nurture them, let them grow and, in the not too distant future, spread this love and happiness in the form of your own children.
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Hope everyone got their groove on!!! Let's get to the results,,,
But first let's meet our lovely JUDGES!!!!
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Hey! Zach here. A couple of main seasons under my belt and lucky enough to have played with all of the hosts. I've done this challenge and work in entertainment, so I'll be bringing a critical eye to the table and have no reservations about not holding back. Good luck!
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Hi my name is Sarah. Ive played 7 main ts seasons so I am officially qualified to judge now. I cant wait to see what yall did.
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Hi I'm Vilma and all you need to know about me is that I have a burning love for music videos so I hope y'all put in your best effort tonight <3
Now let's get to some music videos!
Castor's Music Video & Explanation
This is the official submission for the Castor Tribe. We choose to do the music video “Bring me to Life” by Evanescence. This song has a strong theme of Duality throughout the lyrics, and we chose to represent that by only using two tribemates for the lip-syncing portion of this challenge. The video focuses on Bobby, crying out for help, but being shut down by his inner thoughts, portrayed by Bryan. At the beginning of the video, you can clearly see the inner turmoil going on, shown through the colour colour changes and spinning screen. Throughout this portion, it is clear he is listening to Bryan, and letting it hold him back, keeping all these negative emotions inside. About half way through the video, there is a clear tone change, with the scarf starting to come off, signifying an opening up, of Bobby starting to let his thoughts out in a healthy way, and his inner voice becoming quieter and less relevant as time goes on. The video ends on a dark room, lit by a single light, showing that as dark as things may seem, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel, you just must keep moving forward. We felt that this was a good representation for survivor for several reasons. Firstly, in order to progress far in the game, you must be able to rely on other people to keep you sane. One of the Key elements of survivor is the ability to outlast the other players, and that requires you to mentally outlast them as well. You can clearly see that on the Edge of Extinction season, where it is only the mental fortitude of these voted off contestants giving them a chance now. Secondly, there have been several survivor Contestants that have struggled with the ideas of self-doubt, and depression both during and after the show, most notably, Sugar, after Survivor Heroes Vs Villains, as well as Spencer Bledsoe, after Game Changers. Finally, no matter how dark you may think your prospects in survivor are, if you believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and keep pushing through, you will always be able to make an impact. We chose to make the video focus on only two of our tribemates because most submissions for these types of challenges tend to include almost all the tribe members, and we wanted to create something that stands out. All of us contributed to the final product in several different ways. Firstly, we had Lilly, who was the Creative Director, and Task Manager. She came up with the narrative and focused on creating a realistic schedule in order to get everything done on time, and to a good quality. Bobby and Bryan, you saw in the music video, as our lead lip-syncers. Aaliyah was the editor of this video, putting to use her skill in a way much better than anyone else on our tribe could have accomplished. Finally, Michael and Jack created the write up, in order to communicate our thoughts to the judges, to show the amount of effort we put into this project.
The explanation for idea of the music video was strong and well intentioned, if not wholly originally, but I’m not sure it is entirely reflected in what got with the video. I appreciate the deliberate choice to use only two members of the cast to support that idea, so I can’t ding for points there, but I don’t think what we got was what we were promised in the explanation.
Effort: 7
Going off of the intro text, I’ll take it in good faith that everyone contributed as much as was mentioned, and despite execution, I cannot fault their efforts if they all tried.
Composition: 5
Any time there’s a vertical video, it’s going to hurt a little, but I won’t dwell on that too much. I will say that the video ending before the song ends does not help its case. Also, the idea behind the colors and the black and white to show emotional change was a good thought, but did not have the payoff that it should have had. The rationale behind it feels more film school interpretation of something after the fact than intended execution.
Theme: 7
The theme as explained was a solid one, and definitely can see tones of it in the performances and set dress of the actors. Nice job. Bryan will haunt my dreams.
All-in-all, I think this was a good effort and it’s obvious that this team works together well and has lofty ideas. I think the technical skill might be lacking, and it seems like everyone here is very structured in their thinking. I prefer that way of thought so I’m with them, but they needed a little more creative flair here to pull it off.
Sarah:Creativity: 5/10
Effort: 5/10
Composition (editing): 7/10
Theme: 8/10
I wish I saw everyone from the tribe in this but I get your reasoning behind it. It was still just overall ok
Creativity: 4/10
You made a creative decision to include only two people of your tribe in the lip sync and while I appreciate the ballsy move I can’t help but feel I would’ve enjoyed the video more if more people were included in it.
Effort: 5/10
Bobby was the king of the show and really put his soul into it.
Composition: 4/10
Rule number one in music videos: film horizontally! Overall I wasn’t a huge fan of the constant use of cheap looking effects but otherwise the editing was fine.
Theme: 6/10
I think the duality theme in your video was nice an well thought-out but it would be a bit hard to understand without your thorough explanation of it.
Castor Total: 69/120
Elan's Music Video & Explanation
She walks! She talks! She twerks! She's BARBIE! Jump, dance, and sing with your very own customizable doll! Dress her up and take her out. Barbie is your BEST FRIEND! You can be a Barbie Girl too! SHE'S BARBIE! (batteries not included)
Creativity: 7
The idea of using Barbie girl for the song was a strong and out of the blue choice, making it look like a commercial really took it over the top. I can’t go higher than 8 because they used a lot of the original music video to cover gaps, but overall, more creative an idea than I’ve seen in a while, and the execution was beautiful which leads me to:
Effort: 8
To put what they put together as quickly as they did takes a lot of coordination from whomever was putting it together, but the fact that most people went so far as to dress as “Barbies” shows that almost everyone was committed to the gag. There were a couple of people who obviously didn’t have as much time to give to this, but substituting them as the Ken was a nice save.
Composition: 9
Obviously when working with iPhones and computer cameras, the visual leaves something to be lacking, but that is more than made up for here with the various superpositions, graphics, texts, crawls, and cuts. It felt like I was watching a bizarro QVC commercial that was as fun to watch as Barbies are to play with, keeping them right on mark for their:
Theme: 9
The fact that this is basically a weird commercial for Barbies is as fantastic as they are plastic. Every inch of it was filled with something to reinforce the theme, whether it was ordering details, people playing with the toys, warnings, calls to actions, or disclaimers (the bottom Mattel crawl was a brilliant example of all three categories of judgement coalescing to reinforce the them.
I wasn’t planning on rating anyone high, but this was weird, original, well done, and fun. Nice job. It was visual candy, high energy, and all surface, which I wouldn’t typically go for, but that’s what Barbie is about.
Sarah:Creativity: 9/10
Effort: 10/10
Composition (editing): 10/10
Theme: 8/10
You guys impressed the fuck out of me and made me literally LOL.
Creativity: 8/10
Cute outfits, cute barbie nicknames, cute editing, cute CuTe CUTE I want these slutty barbies to myself
Effort: 9/10
The barbie QUEENS and the editor guy did a phenomenal job. It looks like most of your tribe participated, although the Barbies outshined the Ken’s a bit. But overall you guys really put yourself out there and put in the most effort.
Composition: 10/10
The editing was ON POINT. Great job ten out of ten.
Theme: 8/10.
I stan the barbie theme and song choice btw Aqua is a Danish band so I love me some nordic representation <3 My only complaint is I wish you introduced us to the handsome Kens too.
Elan Total: 105/120
Hibou's Music Video & Explanation
We lip synced Survivor by Destiny's Child. Due to time constraints Gavin couldn't be in the video, but it doesn't matter since Sammy stole the show. :) The editing got a little weird at the end. Some of the file types were different and that causes playback issues. Also the deadline was fast approaching so the sequences towards the end are a little longer. :p
Creativity: 2
Hate to be harsh, but going for Survivor for Survivor is a little too on the nose. Listen, it’s a great song, and some people have some great energy, but creatively, this was low hanging fruit. On top of that, the video is literally just lip-syncing, which is basically like playing a Borneo Game in 2019. Given that they’d be given plenty of examples of other ways this can be done well, I can’t rate this high. To paraphrase the song “you’re better than that.”
Effort: 4
To the people that contributed to this, I appreciate your attempt. The one guy who really embraced the challenge, got a mic, light-up glasses, the hat, et al, if this was based on just your effort, I could go much higher. It’s as high as it is because of you. Unfortunately, it’s a team challenge, and for the brief moments that we saw most of the other players, you can see them reading the words on the screen as they capture their performance. I hope everyone enjoyed it more than it shows, but again, to the point of the song “you’ve gotta work harder.”
Composition: 2
Vertical videos really just need to be turned 90 degrees and it would feel like we’re watching a movie. Or if you’re given vertical videos, copy the layer, move it to the back, enlarge, and blur. It will make it instantly more watchable. This grade isn’t solely because of that though (3 vertical videos don’t help though). The titles screen is cute, but assembled poorly. Some of the text is covered some of the pictures. There’s no real pace to guide us through the song. The cuts seem arbitrary. Editing is very hard and never appreciated, so to whomever put this together, if you did your best, nice job and I encourage to stick with it, but kinda feels like “I’m not gonna give up” was something you were saying to yourself over and over again when trying to make this work.
Theme: 2
Picking this song was a bold choice since it’s so obvious, but you can’t lose points in this category based on choice alone. But given that choice, you have to really knock it out of the park, and I don’t think the bat even touched the ball with this one. There’s nothing here that screams either Survivor nor what Destiny Child was singing about, I don’t know if we’d be weaker without this song in our life.
Look, I hate to be critical, especially since it’s obvious some people put it in a lot more work with this than others, but to be honest, this wasn’t a shining example of what you’re all capable of. It’s hard putting these together, and maybe it just wasn’t worth it this time. Making music videos can be fun or terrible depending on with whom you work. I wish you the best, but I feel like because of this, for one of you “I’m gonna make it, here on Survivor” just isn’t true.
Sarah: Creativity: 4/10
Effort: 3/10
Composition (editing): 6/10
Theme: 4/10
You tried.
Creativity: 4/10
I feel like you guys could’ve been more creative with your Survivor theme. I like that you introduced everyone in the beginning but other than that the video was very simple.
Effort: 6/10
Most of your tribe seemed to participate and that’s always nice to see. Some of you guys were really feeling it too so big props to that!
Composition: 3/10
Again, gotta deduct some points for not filming horizontally. Plus the lip syncing was VERY off most of the time, such a simple thing to fix and the video would’ve seemed much more professional!
Theme: 5/10
Your song choice is literally perfect, you GUYS are survivors and you know it but I wish you would’ve included little skits or something to emphasize the theme.
Hibou Total: 45/120
Congratulations to Castor and Elan for winning immunity!! which unfortunately means Hibou you will be heading to tribal council, where you will be voting off the first person in Tumblr Survivor Algonquin. Tribal will be live over Google Hangouts, and we plan to start at 9:00 EST. please let the hosts know beforehand if you will be able to attend tribal council or not.
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kadywicker · 7 years
tagged by @a-nakinskywalker tysm <3
under a cut bc it got long but i’m tagging anyone who feels like doing it!
[1] drink: diet mtn dew [2] phone call: my mom [3] text message: avery [4] song you listened to: idk fajdfasdf it was yesterday [5] time you cried: like last week
[6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: not that i’m aware of but idk my ex’s life so ? i trust that they didn’t tho [8] kissed someone and regretted it: i’ve only been kissed once and it was a Big Regret so [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: i’ve been depressed since for 6 years #yikes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: i haven’t thrown up from being drunk no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: [12] pastel purple [13] pastel pink [14] aqua
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: no lmao [16] fallen out of love: nope [17] laughed until you cried: yes [18] found out someone was talking about you: more than once  [19] met someone who changed you: nah it’s been over a year [20] found out who your true friends are: nope [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nooope
GENERAL… [22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: none [23] do you have any pets: two cats named jim and george [24] do you want to change your name: legally sure [25] what did you do for your last birthday: i went to the art museum in chicago! [26] what time did you wake up: 2pm [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: idk i think i was making ch*rik gifs fajdfsadf [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: a few minutes ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could be more outgoing and actually have some friends 
[31] what are you listening to right now: reckless serenade by arctic monkeys [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think i’ve met a tom??? [33] something that is getting on your nerves: my brother telling me that “nothing has proved that the earth goes around the sun” i’m so exhausted [35] elementary: done [36] high school: done [37] college: hopefully starting at some point this year or the next [38] hair colour: auburn [39] long or short hair: short [40] do you have a crush on someone: avery fjasdf [41] what do you like about yourself?: my freckles [42] piercings: none [44] nickname: bean, herb [45] relationship status: engaged to @schntgcispock [46] zodiac sign: leo [47] pronouns: he/they [48] fav tv show: i dont really have one rn [49] tattoos: nope [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: none [52] piercing: none [53] best friend: this girl named rachel that i went to elementary with [54] sport: soccer [55] vacation: uuuuuuh seeing my aunt in arkansas i think?  [56] pair of trainers: i have no clue
[57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: nothing [59] I’m about to: maybe find something to watch [60] listening to: reckless serenade by arctic monkeys still fasdfasdf
[61] waiting for: the last jedi trailer oh my god
[62] want: some water [63] get married: that’s the plan in a few years! [64] career: therapist
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: either [68] older or younger: i’ve tended to like ppl a year or two older fasdf [69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic [70] nice arms or nice stomach: all arms and stomachs r good [71] sensitive or loud: either idc [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? yeah [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? yes
[77] turned someone down: no
[78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? i have no idea [80] had your own heart broken? yikes yeah [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yes :/ [83] fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? not really [85] miracles? sure [86] love at first sight? not really. i think attraction/crushes at first sight can happen tho [87] santa claus? no fasdfasdf [88] kiss on the first date? sure that’s up to you??? [89] angels? no
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: avery [91] eye color: really dark brown [92] favorite movie: lion king, princess bride, rotj
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wickedweeklywonders · 6 years
Movies to watch
-virtigo -green room
-gangs of new york -drive -the master -interstellar -django unchained -cannibal holocaust -audition -apocalypse now -natural born killers -gummo -300 -gladiator -phantom of liberty -enter the void -tree of life -8 and a half -the mirror -resevoiur dogs -mishima -slaugter house 5 -the sweet here after -inside luan davis -dead of night -before the ring -basic -last year at mariumba -go -mr nobody -hero -j f k -rashmon -5 by 2 -eternal sunshine -irreversible -memento -peppermint candy -casino -melancholia -eve -good fellas -citizen kane -amande chord -nashville -short cuts -babble -21 grams - paris jai taime -AJAMI -the godfather -the fountain -the atlas -dias de gracias -intolerence -woyoming for men -before sunset -Broke -1993 -high noon -jaws -neighbors -young and beautiful -the raid -ginger snaps -the nice guys -the shallows -ginger and rosa -frank -sinister -predestination -another earth -chappie -enemy -the girl king -the danish girl -hush -chicago -sucker punch -spy -the boy -carrie -lights out -wolf of wall street -Apocalypse Now -Childhood of a Leader -the fugitive -under seige -coal miners daughter -the client -no country for old men -hope springs -cobb -miami connection -upstream colour -tickled -kingdom of heaven -hoffa -the producers -blazing saddles -young frankenstein -minority report -shaun of the dead -the kingdom of dreams and madness -the story of jt leroy -hunger -alien -boogie nights -primer -children of men -127 hours -zombie man -lights out -jason bourne -dances with wolves -memoires of a geisha -ex machina -the witch /the vvitch -battle royal -star wars series -the departed -moneyball -oceans eleven -pretty woman -edge of tomorrow -hercules -muppets movie series -the fugitive -disco pigs -peaky blinders -breakfast on pluto -girl with the pearl earring -the wind that shakes the barley -following -momento -mr man -anthropoid -when the wind blows -friends of H -west world -cloverfield -chronicles of riddick -pitch black -the blair witch (2) -30 days of night -event horizon -pandorum -Blade -amityville horror -children of the corn -hell raiser -night of the living dead -dawn of the dead -survival of the dead -day of the dead -psycho sequels -final destination -army of darkness -texas chainsaw massacre -resident evil -paranormal activity sequals 4 and 5 -the omen -28 weeks later -hostel -fright night -sinister -sausage party -moana -pk -ran de basanti -about elly -the chaser -godzilla -dredd -oceans 11 -true grit -10 to yuma -footloose -the departed -thing -the fly -cape fear -brave heart -what a way to go -25th hour -annie -good fellas -weird science -wallstreet -point break -all that jazz -the apartment -resevoir dogs -royal tanonbombs -river runs through it -true romance -colour of night -rocky -first blood -back to school -raging bull -full metal jacket -vanilla sky -dogville -big fish -virgin suicides -planes trains automobiles -shattered glass -the last seduction -12 angry men -network -before the devil knows ur dead -the killing -paths of glory -ace in the hole -the rules of attraction -sulivans travels -oh brother where art tho -that thing you do -dog tooth -lobster -make this town go round and round -payback -the 5th eye -after the storm -all these sleepless nights -another country -apple pie -aquarius -as i open my eyes -author the jt leroy story -bacon and gods wrath -being 17 -beware the slenderman -bleak street -burden -captain fantastic -certain women -chevalier -dont call me son -the butterfly effect -the eagle huntress -endless poetry -figure -the first monday in may -the first the last -green room -happy hour -the heart of the matter -high rise -julieta -les demons -long way north -lost and beautiful -love song -the lure -michael smither the portrait -neruda -the pissy tits street gang/ -personal shopper -the qeen of ireland -the red turtle -sixty six -suburra -tanna -ten years -a touch of zen -under the shadow -variety -when two worlds collide -the wounded angel -zero dark thirty -the killing joke -sicario -napoleon dynamite -north by north west -aqua marine - nu pogodi -MARIE ANTOINETTE -SPICE GIRLS -13 GOING ON 30 -BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS -CLUELESS -THE CLIQUE -LIZZIE MCGUIRE -southbound -once -kubo -the lobster -neighbors -nice guys -ex machina -morgan -cash only -creative control -low and behold -embers -kicks -dont think twice -sleep walk w me -the strangers -joy -american hustle -imagine you and me -life partner -the abyss -dr strangelove -bronson -cool hand luke -the good the bad the ugly -once upon a time in the west -lolita -gilda -goodfellas -dirty harry -sexy beast -M -laurence of arabia -young frankenstein -the producers -bonnie and clyde -suffragette -the danish girl -nathan barley -the lobster -cloud atlas -im not there -bright star -brideshead revisited -paddington -lilting -holiday -ginger snaps -blaire witch 2 -we are what we are -southbound -green inferno -knock knock -they look like people -hush -the hallow -the darkness -the other side of the door -the boy -the forest -the nightmare -the houses october built -the visit -sinister -eden lake -honeymoon -the lazarus effect -starry eyes -the village -the sacrement -american mary -the woman in black 2 -haunt -all the boys love mandy lane -tale of two sisters -uninvited -true lies -the revenant -operation avalanche -fear -boogienights -rumble fish -something wild -manhatten -mad max originals -great gatsby original -the champ -midnight express -the deer hunter -eyes of laura mars -lenny -lifeforce -the black cauldren -desperately seeking susan -purple rose of cairo -arrival -hocus pocus -what lies beneath -a dangerous method -like crazy -jeff who lives at home -young adult -stand by me -gone with the wind -the third man -lost in translation -la dolce vita -me and you and everyone we know -harold and maude -departures - The Librarians -Warehouse 13 -The River -Paranormal Witness -american horror story - Specter -Splinter -The Autopsy of Jane Doe -american horror story -star wars - Session 9 - The Call of Cthulhu - Martin - Cemetery Man - At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul - Let’s Scare Jessica to Death -Ouija -Silent Night, Deadly Night -Only God Forgives -Amelie -The Royal Tenenbaums -The Tempest -Upstream Color -Event Horizon -From Dusk Till Dawn -The Devil Inside -Below -Hush -return of the living dead -the town the feared sundown -30 days of night -the invitation -the woman -my bloody valentines -grabbers -invasion of the body snatchers -the gift -12 angry men -anomalisa -young frankenstein -ex machina -das boot -under the shadow -blackfish -the bicycle thieves -city of god -old boy -downfall -holy motors -blue is the warmest color -i am love -beyond the hills -a hijacking -lore -the great beauty/ -the hunt -amour -Transsiberian -Robot & Frank -the bay -celeste and jesse forever -like crazy -perfect gateway -europa report -hard boiled -el mariachi -the hunt for red october -apocalypto -super 8 -close encounters of the third kind -melancholia -upstream colour -primer -buried -primal fear -sicario -the gift -bound -millers crossing -the firm -jackie brown -almost famous -american psycho -high fidelity -AI -memento -city of god -million dollar baby -children of men -the departed -this is england -zodiac -boys in the hood -men of children -shawshank redemption -the departed -on the waterfront -snatch -my cousin vinny -true grit -big lebowski -hunger -the naughty nineties -lucky number sleven -guildernstern are dead -grand budapest hotel -inglorious bastards -the third man -double indemnity -true romance -resevoiur dogs -hateful 8 -the master -the lion in winter -doubt -glengarry glen ross -steve jobs -the big chill -magnolia -end of tour -coffee and cigerettes -my dinner with andre -before sunrise -primer -before -end of watch -you can count on me -house of games -manhatten -the nice guys -heist -get shorty -lethal wepaon -kiss kiss bang bang -lock stock and two smoking barrels -withnail and i -in bruges -seven psychopaths -casablanca -the apartment -the girl on friday -the big sleep -horse feathers -duck soup -animal crackers -kind hearts and corronets -monty python -day of the triffids -assault on precinct 13 -chinatown -the invaders -nightmares -fear and loathing in las vegas -dr katz professional therapist -the big sleep -leviathan -earth vs the flying saucers -american graffitti -things to come -terror vision -the dain curse -brazil -the towering inferno -the third man -dead ringers -dark star -midnight cowboy -spies like us -get crazy -the dirty douzen -little shop of horrors -the man who wasnt there -rumble fish -gleaming the cube -fruitvale station -dancer in the dark -cries and whispers -in the mood for love -oceans eleven -the gold rush -spartacus -gladiator -platoon -do the right thing -saving private ryan -swingers -marathon man -nightcrawler -happiness -10 cloverfield lane -anomalisa -do lavon -room -waltz with bashire -blower -inside lou and davis -blow up -a serious man -mirror -synochechy new york -stalker -spring summer fall winter spirng -gataga -the fountain -devils rejects -half baked -jupiter ascending -devils advocate -the abyss -the accountant -american honey -iron fist -ipman -dragon -green hornet -chocolate -kungfu hustle -the man from nowhere -awake -creep -the girl in the photographs -beneath -honeymoon -let us prey -the houses october built -starry eyes - Lawrence of Arabia (1962) -Amelie (2001) -Withnail and I (1987) -Do the Right Thing (1989) -Hairspray (1988) -The Virgin Suicides (1999) -Morvern Callar (2002) -American Psycho (2000) -Life is Sweet (1990) -Barry Lyndon (1975) -The Riot Club (2014) -Samsara (2011) -BBC Panorama: Inside North Korea (2013) -The First Movie (2009) -Lessons of Darkness (1992) -Wadjda (2012) -From Russia with Love (1963) -Meek’s Cutoff (2010) -Selma (2014) -Moana (2016) -Tale of Tales (2015) -A Matter of Life and Death (1946) -Two Days One Night (2014) -Leviathan (2014) -The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) -A Clockwork Orange (1971) -Ed Wood (1994) -Final Segment: The First Movie (2009) -man on the moon -magnolia -beginners -wet hot american summer -hot rod -airplane 1 and  ii -blazing saddles -dr strangelove -steamboat bill jr -when harry met sally -my cousin vinny -the jerk -the discreat charm of the bougousie -pineable express -theres something about mary -monty python football -young frankenstein -inglorious bastards -rat race -weekend -in bruges -animal cracker -naked gun -the naughty nineties -spaceballs -harold and kumar -planes trains and automobiles -super troopers -his girl friday -ace ventura -doubtfire -high fidelity -anchorman -caddyshack -best in show -some like it hot -top secret -hot rod -this is spinal tap -the producers -22 jump street -bruce almighty -office space -city lights -project a -kung fu hustle -duck soup -pork pie -lego batman -fences -hidden figures -moonlight -it comes at night -cure for wellness -kedi -i dont feel at home in this world anymore -the lure -okja -john wick -trainspotting 1 and 2 -baby driver -it -hell or high water -the bad batch -split -the belko experiment -the accountant -lion -embers -under the skin -stalker -adaptation -the taking of deborah logan -noroi -invisible 2: chasing the ghost sound -the good neighbor -they look like people -monkey bones -the searchers -shane -forty guns -high country -high plains drifter -the ox bow incident -rancho notorious -winchester 73 -unforgiven -the assissination of jesse james -one eyed jacks -outlaw josey wales -pat garret and billy the kid -butch cassidy and the sun dance kid -high noon -tombstone -my darling clementine -true grit -rio bravo -the man who shot liberty valance -the shootist -the wild bunch -el topo -hell or high water -lonesome dove -paris texas -mccabe and mrs miller -a bullet for the general -the great silence -fistful of dollars -once upon a time in the west -sholay -tears of the black tiger -good the bad and the weird -sons of great bear -the proposition -sukiyaki western django -black god white devil -whity -yojimbo -shanghai noon -red sun -serenity -big trouble in little china -serenity -from dusk till dawn -cow boys and aliens -my left foot -spotlight -hush -magic -dead of night -may -hannibal rising -red dragon -youree next -the step father -halloween -night of the living dead -john wick -counte of monte christo -the sacrement -the wicker man -the craft -are you afraid of the dark -wayward pines -texas chainsaw mascare -invasion of the body snatchers -alien -jacobs ladder -return of the living dead -the thing -audition -the mist -martyrs -let the right one in -monty pythons meaning of life -cemetary man -the frighteners -bill and teds bogus journey -the adventures of barron ma -skyfall -a few good men -training day -the last of the mohecans -the omen -
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