#and then proceeded to actually injure each other to make it even more believable bc just words weren't enough
lecinea · 1 year
I am still baffled that we are literally told in the novel that Wei Wuxian defecting from the Jiang Sect AND the fight after, was staged, because they really had to bring home that there was nothing between them anymore to keep the Jiang Sect safe, and yet people still use it as an argument for why Jiang Cheng is the worst and totally hates Wei Wuxian. Like we don't have that lovely little Yungmeng trio scene only 2 chapters later. Wild.
Oh and if you're interested here are the citations that that support that the defection in it's entirety is a sham:
After the fight, Jiang Cheng told the outside that Wei WuXian defected from the sect and was an enemy to the entire cultivation world. The YunmengJiang sect had already cast him out. From then on, no ties remained between them- a clear line was drawn. Henceforth, no matter what he did, they'd have nothing to do with the YungmengJiang sect!
MDZS exiled rebels translation, chapter 73
Before they parted, Jiang Cheng spoke, "We won't see you off. It wouldn't be good if someone saw us."
Wei WuXian nodded. He understood that it wasn't easy for the Jiang siblings to have come out here. If someone else saw them, all those things they did for the public to believe would be wasted.
MDZS exiled rebels translation, chapter 75
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gloriousmonsters · 6 months
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@whittertwitter the key to happy relationships is to find two people roughly as morally bankrupt and mentally ill as you (and, most importantly, as hot as you) and enable/check each other's issues to the extent where you all function remarkably well, considering how all your other relationships went! Agreed on the rough timeline thing, her dying in the 00s sounds right for sure (assuming that the show starts around where the pilot was released, that gives her a bit of time in Hell but still makes her obnoxiously new on the scene compared to other Overlords).
That said, a summation of Vox and Val's daddy issues (cw for abuse, suicide mentioned)
I still need to flesh out details/timeline of Vox's childhood, but I know that his dad was distant to the point of seeming to forget about his existence, sarcastic and emotionally cruel--primarily to Vox's mother, but the kid would occasionally come in for some--when he did remember he lived with other people, and was overall just an. intensely negative person, like sucks-all-the-energy-out-of-a-room vibes. (vox's mom was also emotionally neglectful and uncaring, but not ''''abusive-abusive''', if you get my point). He then proceeded to have an 'accident while cleaning a gun' when Vox was a young teenager, which Vox overheard his mother talking about the truth of--that it was suicide--with a friend. probably with a side helping of 'i can't believe he would be so weak/do something that shameful'.
I think his mother probably remarried very quickly, and Vox developed some auxiliary issues around not being able to become Man of the House when he was like, fourteen (although he would have hated it, he and his mom just did not like each other lol). But his relationship with the new guy was more just teeth-gritted tolerance, helping Vox build up his fake-ass geniality--his dad left him with some of the deep shit. Always be on guard, always control what you can. Power is cruel--and it might make people hate you, so hide it behind a smile, but even so it's better to be hated than weak. Being ignored is starvation, being judged and found wanting is a gut wound.
this mainly manifests in the intense desire to be needed and appreciated and affirmed in image whilst having behavioral patterns that mean only people who don't know you will like you
also there's just like, the bigotry and sexism he soaked up, but that's on his surrounding environment as much as his dad
Valentino (his mom is also heavily involved in Issues, so this is partly about her)
extremely physically and verbally abusive father, solely focused on his mother when Val was very young, but turning to include Val the moment he got old enough you could look at him and go 'something vaguely queer about this kid' + he could be judged as not being sufficiently cowed and respectful, which only got worse over time bc Val could not avoid making him angry and so usually gave up on even trying
his mother only managed to get away when Val was around 13, partly spurred to desperation by his father injuring him badly enough she was terrified Val might actually get killed if she stayed any longer (said event caused a concussion that left Val with vision/memory problems and headaches his entire life)
due to things getting that bad and the health issues that were clearly left over from it, his mom was intensely guilty for not being able to protect him/get out sooner, and compensated by investing herself completely in him; babying him physically and emotionally, never setting proper boundaries, taking his side in literally everything, etc etc. this lasted until she finally hit a limit and tried to point out he had anger issues (Kind Of Like Someone We Knew) when he was in his mid-20s
output: mother is cruel? mother is unyielding? i must leave for California i can no longer thrive in this environment
but seriously, anger issues + downplaying of said issues because he's not like his dad, he gets angry for legitimate reasons, and he can be so nice! all he wants is unconditional love, loyalty and commitment that doesn't waver or END like SOME PEOPLE who are apparently just waiting to ABANDON YOU
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The Most Pt. 1
A/N: Okay so this is my first ever John Wick fic! In a nutshell, it’s basically like a mentor X student AU. I don’t know why but i couldn’t get that idea out of my head and i really wanted to write it, so here! It’s called The Most bc it reminds me of the song with the same title from Miley Cryrus’s new EP. I wouldn’t say the fic is inspired by the song, not entirely at least, but idk to me it just vibes with it (if that makes any sense? i feel like once the second part is out it might make more sense?). This fic is intended to have a second part so that shall also be posted shortly as i have another mini John Wick fic i wanna start and i also want to write the second part to my short Spider-Man fic. I’m so excited about this story y’all! I hope you all enjoy it! As always, feedback is always appreciated. Without further ado, enjoy! :))))
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Words: 2.7k+
Today marks the fourth and a half year that you’ve been under John Wick’s tutelage. Only six more months left and John will have had completed his marker. Initially, John was rather reluctant to be your instructor but the marker held by your father gave him no other choice but to abide by your father’s request to turn you into a formidable assassin. Who better to teach you than the infamous John Wick himself?
In the beginning of your training journey, John didn’t bother to hide his reluctance in your father’s request. This made things rather difficult until one day you decided to confront him about his behavior. He was in his study, probably searching for a way to get out of having to train you, when you knocked to let your presence be known then proceeded to enter.
“Evening, Mr. Wick, call me crazy, but I’m getting an inkling that you don’t want to train me.”
He scoffed.
“Believe me, I get it. I bet you’d really rather not have me intercepting with your lonesome peace and quiet but the bottom line is that I have to do this too and I have to learn it all to be as good as you. Maybe not exactly as good as you, but good enough to have me not die immediately as that would be, despite your current opinion of me, quite upsetting.”
He silently glared at you for a long minute, still not very much pleased with his current situation, “Why do you want to do this?”
“Want, who said anything about want? You may be bound by a marker, Mr. Wick, but I’m bound by my family to learn and master everything that there is to know about how to thrive in this lifestyle to survive in it.”
The room remained uncomfortably silent for sometime but you still didn’t falter in your stance.
“Before me who did you train with?” he asked.
“Well I was being trained in Krav Maga by Gabriel Avdeyev for some time but he and my family had a falling out and-–”
“I heard,” he sighed. “.... Based on the results of your initial assessment you have a lot to improve on. For starters, the way you initiate your attacks are okay but they will need to be refined or you will be killed. Get some rest. Tomorrow at dawn we will continue your training.”
Despite knowing John couldn’t actually purposely hurt or kill you, he was still very intimidating and the confrontation was rather hard to execute. But, it paid off.
Training with the notorious John Wick also meant living with him and sometimes that involved taking care of each other. Along with being a good fighter and shooter, John also stressed that one needs to know how to properly patch themselves up. He’s given you medical lessons before but to really teach you, one night he decided to not go to his usually doctor for a patch up but to go directly to you instead and see what you’ve retained from your lessons. When that great idea struck him it was in the middle of the night and he gave you quite a fright when he went into your room all bloody. You almost shot him with the gun you had hidden under your pillow if it weren’t for his quick reflexes which actually made you feel really impressed considering he was critically injured.
“Are you serious, John?” you asked, rather irked at being abruptly awoken at three in the morning.
“No, I’m bleeding. Now get up, this is part of your training. Time to see how much you’ve retained from those medical lessons,” he grunted as another pang of pain struck his lower abdomen.
You promptly threw your covers over your body and got out of bed before leading him to the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. After finding the source of his bleeding you unbuttoned his shirt and got to work. Under the circumstances, seeing John shirtless wasn’t at all awkward. However, ogling his exposed chest was the last thing on you mind considering how he was bleeding an awful lot from his lower abdomen.
“Jesus what did they nick you with? This looks really bad,” you comment as you inspect the wound.
“Broken bottle of champagne. Try to avoid those in the future, they can be pretty tricky to fix.”
“Yeah, no shit,” you proceeded to clean the wound and remove any stray traces of glass, subconsciously taking quick glances at him whenever he winced. “Do you need anything for the pain?”
“Do you happen to have bourbon in any of these cabinets?”
“No, but I wouldn’t really recommend that considering how alcohol consumption can actually thin your blood out and make you bleed more.”
“But it does help with the pain.”
“Mmmmm, I’d still wager more on the pills designed specifically for that.”
John huffed. At this point you’re finally starting to stitch up his wound but his pained grunts make it a little difficult to focus.
“Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing I’m not used to.”
“That’s so sad, John,” you paused to briefly glance at him. “Also super broody. We get it, you’re a badass.”
“A bad ass? That seems rude,” he sarcastically replied.
“Oh, my god, you’re actually joking with me for the second time this night. Don’t think I missed that dad joke earlier with the ‘No, I’m bleeding,’” you imitated his gruff voice and lightly laughed. “Good one, John.”
The small smile subconsciously remained on your face for a few seconds longer and John couldn’t help but admire how nicely it adorned your face. You caught him vaguely looking at you but simply assumed blood loss had something to do with the way he was looking at you. He turned away before you could even question your hypothesis.
“Well, we’re all done now. With the abdomen wound at least,” you noticed he’s also bleeding from his head and move to inspect it but his hands reached out and gently grabbed your wrists.
“It’s alright, (Y/N), I can take care of the rest, you’ve done good with the ugliest of them.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, John, I’m here now and I’ve got this for you.”
Never one to waste words, John remained silent which you took as a go ahead.
Thankfully the injuries on his head were nothing more than a few small cuts. At least on that night they were. Some nights John would come back with much rougher cuts, clearly showing that whoever he had fought had certainly put up a good fight but not quite good enough to best John Wick. Still, not only did cleaning his injuries provide you with insights to his battles, it helped you both establish a sense of trust between you two.  
After that night, rather than go to his usual doctor John began going straight to you for his patch ups. Could he have chosen to start going to you simply because it’s quicker than stopping by The Continental first and then home? Possibly. The reason for him basically appointing you as his patch up doc never really came up but you didn’t really care. By then your affection and attachment to John was beginning to grow so you didn’t mind being the one to help him feel better after a difficult job. Not to mention that tending to his wounds meant having a good excuse to touch him. Not while overstepping your boundaries, of course, but sometimes it was just nice to be able to be able to grab his hands without it being weird. Tending to the cuts on his face was something you always saved for last. It was your chance to really admire his facial features up close while simultaneously healing it. Sometimes you were so gentle with him that he actually managed to doze off and you were able to tell when it happened because he’d look so relaxed and serene. When you had to wake him up, although you didn’t want to but you knew he’d sleep much more comfortably in his bed than in a stiff chair, he’d always apologize for falling asleep which in effect often lead you both to joke about it. However, you swear that you caught him blushing the first few times it happened and when it did it just felt so, human…
You and John have really come a long way in terms of tolerating each other and actually bonding together. You both truly did. Because John is your instructor and you are over a decade younger than him, your relationship with him was purely professional. However, after about two years of training with him, your feelings for him continued to evolve into a much more stronger and different kind of admiration.
Are you in love with The Baba Yaga?
The answer to that would be a very strong perhaps. When you and John were briefed on the deal of the marker, you were supposed to learn about weapons training, fighting forms, assassination techniques, melee weapons training, etc. You were to learn how to become a proficient and deadly assassin, such as John, not about love or anything else that might be considered a weakness.
You hardly ever give yourself the chance to ponder on your feelings for John, much less at the possibility that he could possess the same feelings of affection towards you. It’s not as if you believe that the less you think or talk about it the less real it is, you aren’t that naive. You’ve simply decided long ago that you’re not going to act on your feelings for John. Love or anything remotely close to that is just not in the cards for people like you and John. At least that’s what you keep repeating to yourself.
Still, with your training nearing to an end you’ve been feeling really glum about it. Training with the notorious John Wick hasn’t been easy but living with and falling in love with the real man behind the legend was so foolishly easy. John is an extremely proficient killer, that much is true, but he is also a man. John is a man with dry humor, a latent love for the simpler things in life, a fun penchant for stunt driving and cars, kind and gentle eyes, and, surprisingly but also not really, a man of a very chivalrous nature. Despite the initial turbulence in your mentor-student relationship, you and John inevitably became good friends which really allowed you to see him under a different light. He often took you out to nice dinners claiming that he wanted a change of scenery from an uneventful day or simply because you did very well while training. Either way you enjoyed your outings with him and also simply appreciated being in an entirely different place, not being reminded of the person you’re supposed to become. However whenever you got injured while training to become that person, John would actually help patch you up. Although he’s taught you how to do so yourself, John would claim the medical lessons were mainly for when you are by yourself and have no one to help you and he’d remind you that he’s there with you now. Which is pretty similar to what you’ve told him the first time you helped patch him up now that you think of it. For an assassin who’s extremely well known for his brutal techniques and merciless takedowns, it astounded you to learn that the same man can also be so gentle. You’re not even officially leaving yet but you already know just how badly you’re going to miss John Wick.
In spite of yourself choosing to not focus on a particular set of feelings held for a particular person, today your brain can’t help but do the exact opposite. Today, John decided to focus more on Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. Little to your knowledge, John actually enjoys training you in this fighting form because these techniques allow a weaker or smaller attacker to successfully overpower a stronger opponent by manipulating the human body and redirecting it’s force. Therefore, if you do it right, you could use the opponent's strength against them and take them down. Usually you do very well in this form of martial arts but today John is able to tell you’re not fully there with him. Although John is very good at Brazilian Jui-Jitsu you’re level of skill is practically on par with his as well and you’re current struggle to beat him is alerting him.
Currently, John has you in locked in a rear choke hold on the ground, with one arm wrapped around your neck, his other arm around your free arm, and one leg wrapped around your other arm preventing you from breaking free. You struggle for a few seconds, realizing there’s no use, he’s already one this match, and grunt in frustration. John loosens his grip around you but doesn’t fully release you yet, he brings his lips close to your ear, “What’s wrong?”
The feel of his breath on your skin sends shivers down your spine, yet you quickly and physically swat those thoughts to the side and shake your head, “Right now you have me in a choke hold and I can’t get out of it, John. I don’t know about you but this seems like a pretty big issue for me.”
John instantly releases his grip on you and rises up, he’s about to lend you a hand to get up as well but you’ve already beaten him to that.
“That’s not what I meant, (Y/N). Tell me, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” you insist. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“For starters, I’ve been kicking your ass in this all day when I know I’ve taught you better than that. And for another, you just seem very distracted today.”  
John is as perceptive as he is deadly, which is why you don’t bother lying to him again and instead insist on continuing to train.
You look down for a second before looking up, making sure to avoid his concerned gaze, “Look, John, do you mind if we just call it in for the day?”
“Something is wrong,” he states.
“John,” you impatiently groan.   
“Why won’t you just tell me what the issue is?”
“Because there’s nothing you can do about it!” you snap and instantly regret it, rubbing at your temples. “Okay, I did not mean to say it like that. I’m sorry. I just need to cool off right now, John…”
This time you don’t wait for permission and simply walk away, however, John doesn’t try to stop you either. Not because he doesn’t care, quite the contrary in fact. Concerned and confused, John intently watches you head towards your room. He begins to trail after you but halts in his steps deciding that right now the  best option would be to give you your space. Still, John can’t help but wonder about what could possibly be troubling your mind so much and why you refuse to speak of it.
He glances one last time in the direction you previously walked in before heading towards the kitchen and serving himself a shot of bourbon.
“You can’t do anything about it!” your words replay in his mind.
“She’ll tell me when she’s ready,” he mentally tells himself. “We’ll figure it out then.”
John downs two more shots, currently finding it difficult to dwindle his concern and thoughts of you, before taking off in the direction of his room. He encounters the door to your bedroom on his way and halts at the entrance. He balls his hand into a fist and raises it to knock on your door but slowly brings it down and proceeds to head to his room. After finally entering his room, he gives your door one last glance before closing his door and retreating to his room for the remainder of the day.
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velocitae · 6 years
Cotton Candy
genre: fluff, slight angst, slight smut, werewolf!jungkook x witch!reader
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 9.7k+
warning: sexual content
summary: your lure for fairies turned out to be a soulmate potion and you accidentally used it on a werewolf.
author’s note: hello everyone! I’m a new bts writer. This is my first story here and I’m sorry if this sucks. It’s my first attempt of writing smut, so this will probably be my first and last smut fic lol bcs it’s very hard to write and I’m totally not satisfied with it. This is inspired by Harry Potter’s amortentia. Enjoy!
The woods was incredibly dark that night, but that didn’t stop you from going deeper into the forest, alone. The trees around and overhead were so thick that the light from the full moon above was completely blocked. It might be unnerving for the first time, however, since you’d been through this over and over again for a couple dozen times, you’d kind of got used to it. The darkness or the quietness didn’t scare you anymore, thanks to your final project.
As a senior-year student majoring in potions at Art of Witchcraft University, you were faced with final project which required you to create your own potion that no one had ever made before. After so many failed attempts, you were certain that this time you would succeed. Overflowed with confidence, you picked a location that seemed like a comfortable hiding place for magical creatures - lush area close to the lake - and took out a spray bottle filled with light pink liquid. You sprayed your scented potion to everywhere around you and chanted the spell, hoping that some fairies would be lured into you. That’s what the purpose of the potion afterall: to lure fairies out of their hiding, which would help other wizards and witches to gather fairy dust from them.
So, when a half-naked man in nothing but a pair of worn out pants came out instead of fairies, you were completely caught off guard.
Your free hand reached your bag to take out your wand just in case. You stiffened, your eyes weren’t leaving him, watching his every movement. Whoever - or whatever - this man was, he’s creeping you out.
It was too dark so you couldn’t see well. But when he was only a few meters away from you and the moonlight found its way to his face, you finally got a clear view of the stranger. Your eyes met his. He seemed distraught, confused, as he kept walking towards you like he was entranced. However, you knew how fairies looked like, and obviously they didn’t look like him.
“Cotton candy,” he suddenly said, causing you to nearly throw your spray bottle at him out of surprise.
Though alarmed, you couldn’t help but say, “Excuse me?”
He took a step forward again, closing the gap between the two of you. You moved away from him until you were backed against a tree. He finally stopped advancing towards you when you pointed your wand at his face. You two were only half a meter apart now and the short distance enabled you to see him much clearer.
You’d been overly cautious because you’d thought he was a magical creature. But seeing his chiseled jaw, round eyes, and plump lips made you doubt yourself. He looked exactly like a human. He’s just like you.
“You smell like cotton candy,” he spoke again, his eyes still fixated on yours.
“What?” you said in disbelief. You weren’t wearing cotton candy perfume - you weren’t wearing any perfumes at all. Your scented potion did smell sweet, but it surely didn’t smell like cotton candy; your favorite scent was cotton candy, so you’d been trying to make your potion smell like one, but you never succeeded. Hence, there’s no way you would smell like cotton candy.
“What have you done to me?” His voice was low, almost like a whisper. He was holding your gaze, staring into your eyes with what seemed like adoration, refusing to look away. Which was weird since you saw each other for the first time today. So you looked away first before it became too awkward.
You had no idea what he’s talking about, but you were slightly offended that he accused you of doing something to him. “I’ve never seen you before, so obviously, I didn’t and I couldn’t do anything to you.”
“Then why do I desperately want to find you?” He stepped towards you again and you held up your wand higher as a warning. “Why is the only thing I can smell is you?” Your wand was touching his cheek by now but he didn’t care one bit. “Why can’t I look away from you?” He gently pushed the wand down, so your wand-holding hand dropped to your side. “Why is my heart beating so fast around you?” He placed both of his hands on the tree, trapping you. “Why do I want to kiss you so bad?” At this point, your heart started pounding against your rib cage due to the proximity and you gulped nervously. He was so close that you could feel his breath brushing your cheeks. “Why is it so hard for me to hold myself back from telling you ‘I love you’?”
The seriousness in his face prevented you from considering him as a dangerous freak and running for your life. The eyes that were gazing into your eyes lovingly hadn’t looked away at all since he first found you. Something in the tone of his voice told you that he was sincere. All the things he’d said were most likely true.
“Y-you’re in love with me?” Your voice was barely audible. You kept shaking your head in disbelief, laughing at the ridiculous situation you were in. “That’s not possible. I don’t even know you. I doubt you know me either.”
You didn’t believe in love at first sight. And this was on another level of bullshit. He’d indicated that he’d been attracted to you before he even found you. That could only happen if he was under the influence of love potion and of course, you didn’t give him one.
Wait. Love potion?
He exhaled impatiently and leant his face forward, demanding explanation. “Well, I don’t know. You’re the witch. You tell me.”
You’d sprayed your newly made potion minutes ago and until now, there were no fairies showing themselves, which could mean that your potion was not yet perfect. If it wasn’t a potion to lure fairies, then what potion was that? Was your potion the one affecting the man in front of you? What if it accidentally turned out to be some kind of love potion? And that guy was hanging around too close?
Your brows furrowed as you tried to figure out every possibility. You had never made love potion, so you didn’t know the ingredients and the know-how. Besides, there’s no need to, your lecturer had made it clear that love potion was off-limits. He was strongly against the idea of making love potion to get other’s heart. And then suddenly, you were reminded of the potion-brewing session earlier this afternoon at the uni’s lab with Yoora, your best friend.
“God!” Yoora walked over to you from her table, sniffing the light pink liquid in your cauldron. “It smells so good! Are you trying to make me fall in love with you?”
“Shut up,” you muttered distractedly, focusing on stirring your potion instead.
It was nearly done and you couldn’t wait to test it out in the woods. If you worked fast enough, it would be done in a couple of hours and you would be able to try it tonight. The excitement filled you as you pictured the fairies swarming towards you once you sprayed the potion. The thought of graduation brought a smile to your face. You wanted to be a certified potions master and open your own potions shop; it had been your dream since you’d been saved by a healing potion when you’d gotten badly injured at eight in a car crash. So first, you needed to graduate.
“But it’s working!” Yoora dramatically placed her hand on her chest where her heart was. “I’m in love.”
You only rolled your eyes at her silly remark and proceeded to finish your potion. Pissed at your lack of response, Yoora snatched the wooden ladle from your hand to draw your attention to her. You glared at her when she brought the ladle closer to take another whiff on the liquid.
“Seriously, Yoora?” You sighed in exasperation. “Since when did you like vanilla scent so much?”
Yoora raised a brow, a puzzled look on her face. “What are you talking about? This smells exactly like my boyfriend’s favorite cologne - mint.”
You gasped as you snapped back to reality. The realization struck you hard. This couldn’t be a coincidence. Her boyfriend’s favorite scent was mint and the potion smelled like mint to her. Your favorite scent was cotton candy and the stranger in front of you had said you, who had been around the potion all day, smelled like cotton candy.
Oh fuck.
“What’s wrong?” he asked you, his eyes full with worry. You had winced when the realization had just sunk in and apparently, he must have thought you got hurt or something. Now you believed that what you’d made was most likely a love potion, quite a strong one.
And you just had to make sure. “Uh… What’s your name?”
“Jungkook,” he answered.
“Well, Jungkook.” You saw him flinch when you said his name. “Do you like the vanilla scent?”
Wide eyed with surprise, Jungkook breathed out, “How did you know?”
“Oh God.” You closed your eyes, trying to understand how your potion worked. It smelled like vanilla to you, just like Jungkook’s favorite scent. This new piece of information certainly made it more complicated. Did that mean, according to the potion, Jungkook was supposed to be the guy you loved? But you’re obviously not; you’re in love with someone else, your classmate, but he hated vanilla - you’d seen him cringe when someone spray a vanilla scented air freshener. So clearly, all of this didn’t make sense.
“What is it?” Jungkook demanded, his eyes searching yours.
You opened your mouth and closed it again. You hesitated, worried that he would sue you or worse if he knew what you’d done to him. Not everyone would be delighted knowing they were under the love potion’s influence. Fortunately, someone invented an antidote to love potion, so you could just give him an antidote and he would be back to normal without having to know about it.
“Actually…” you paused to laugh awkwardly. “It’s a long story. I messed up, but there’s no need to worry. I’ll definitely figure something out. Just give me time.” The explanation was vague, but it’s not a lie, so it’s good for now. “See you later.”
“Wait!” Jungkook stopped you, looking horrified. “You’re leaving?”
“Well, it’s late. I’m going home. You should too. I promise I’ll do something about this.” You gestured towards yourself and him. You started to walk when he spoke again.
“How am I supposed to let you go when my inner wolf insists that you’re my mate?” Jungkook shouted, his tone desperate. Seeing you leave must be torturing him. Then his voice broke. “Don’t leave me.”
Feeling utterly guilty, you rushed back to Jungkook’s side. You saw his face light up in relief as he lifted his hand to reach you, but he immediately dropped it down, assumedly holding himself back from touching you.
“Alright, alright. I’m here,” you quickly said to reassure him. He looked like he’s in a lot of pain and the guilt crept into you. Whatever potion you’d made, it was nothing like the other love potions you’d known. It was stronger and a lot more real.
“You can hold my hand, if that can make you feel better.” You offered your hand sheepishly. You couldn’t believe yourself for allowing him to hold your hand when you’d just met him a few minutes ago.
Jungkook slowly brought his hand to yours and intertwined your fingers. A sigh escaped his lips. “Thanks. This really is a lot better.” He glanced at your eyes, looked away, and met your gaze again. “Can I stay with you?” He then added hastily, “I’ll sleep outside your house. I won’t disturb you or anything. I just can’t imagine being apart from you.”
You pondered Jungkook’s request for a while and you recalled his remark earlier. “You’re not a human, right?”
He nodded. “Werewolf.”
“And you mentioned something about mate. Did you mean soulmate?” The potion was certainly not a regular love potion. It was something more.
He nodded again. “Werewolves take soulmates very seriously.”
“You said I’m your soulmate.”
“Yes.” Jungkook tilted his head slightly. “It’s weird, though. Normally, we have to make eye contact first before knowing whether they’re our soulmates or not. But this time is different. I know - my inner wolf knows - that you’re my soulmate before I even met you.”
Shit. It’s a soulmate potion.
You ended up taking Jungkook home with you that night, walking hand in hand all the way back to your small house from the woods. Luckily, you lived alone, if not, it’d be a hell lot more complicated. He kept his promise and didn’t enter the house when you arrived. You felt bad at him, but you didn’t exactly want a stranger to sleep under the same roof as yours, so you let him stay outside.
The next morning, Jungkook followed you to the university, but he didn’t walk through the gate. He just stood right outside the entrance, saying that he would wait for you to finish your classes. As soon as you entered the class you had with Yoora, you explained everything to her and told her your suspicion that it was a soulmate potion. She quickly called her boyfriend to take a sniff of your potion and tell her what it smells like. Your suspicion was totally correct.
Her boyfriend, Jimin, said it smelled like coffee. And Yoora drank coffee like water. But the most important thing was: Jimin was also a werewolf and she was his soulmate.
You’d heard of love potion antidote before, but no one had ever talked about soulmate potion, not that you knew of. So, you and Yoora decided to go to the public library in the weekend to find clues about this soulmate potion; you didn’t want to risk losing your chance to get good marks by asking your potions lecturer.
“Don’t be too hard on him, okay?” Jimin advised as you’re about to head out of the lab. “Wolves are possessive, overprotective and craving for physical affection, especially after finding their soulmates. So, he can’t help it. Trust me, I know the feelings. I almost died when we got into a fight.”
Jimin flung an arm around Yoora’s shoulders and pulled her close to him, planting a kiss on her cheek. Yoora giggled and buried her face in his neck. Watching the two of them being a lovey-dovey couple made you envious. You glanced at the table in the corner of the lab, where the guy you’d been crushing on since the freshman year was.
Taehyung was the smartest guy in your year and probably, he didn’t even know you existed. Well, you hadn’t actually tried to talk to him, though. You preferred being holed up alone in the library over hanging out in house parties. And Taehyung was like everyone’s friends. There’s no way you two would match. So you kind of gave up before even trying, forcing yourself to be content with only watching him from afar.
“Oh and don’t forget the heat too,” Jimin said again, distracting you from Taehyung.
“God, your heat last time was intense,” Yoora groaned, reminiscing the past. “I couldn’t walk for days!”
“Days?” You widened your eyes in surprise. Just how severe this heat was? You’d briefly read somewhere about wolves’ heat. But you’d never known exactly what happened during the cycle.
“The heat can last for three to seven days, or more. It’s different everytime. But during those days, we get this very strong desire to mate. Yoora helped me get through it a lot, though.” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows at Yoora. She gave him a light smack on his back.
“So what should I do if he’s in heat?” you asked, slightly terrified imagining you had to face a wolf in heat. You knew they could hardly control themselves during the cycle.
“Depends,” Jimin said. “He won’t want any other girls besides you, now that he knows you’re his mate. It’s up to you to tie him up or help him go through it.” He smirked. “For your information, a wolf in heat can fuck you good.”
“Shut up,” you and Yoora said in unison.
Although it was as expected, you were still stunned to find Jungkook was right where you left him. Instead of tired and annoyed from having to wait for you all day, he seemed happy to see you. The guilt gnawed at your stomach, moreover after listening to Jimin’s explanation about werewolves.
The least you could do was help him ease his pain. “Hey, want to hold hands?” you offered your hand.
Jungkook took your hand in his immediately, as if afraid you would change your mind. “How’s school?”
“Fine,” you said curtly. But seeing the slightest hint of hurt expression on his face, you quickly spoke again, “How about you? Don’t you have to go to school or something?”
He smiled weakly. “No. I left my pack after graduating high school. So I have no one to pay for my studies. My pack is the only family I have.”
You hesitated to ask him more about his pack, since it was too personal. But thanks to the damn soulmate potion, you were his soulmate now, which meant you were in personal relationships with him, so you might as well ask. “Why did you leave?”
He sighed, talking about his pack must have pained him. You wondered whether you should stop asking. “There can’t be two alphas in one pack. There would be a lot of clashes and disagreements.”
“You’re an alpha?”
“Yeah. I realized that when I was in my senior year of high school. I started rebelling then and when I shouldn’t have been able to refuse following the alpha’s order, I could. That’s how I know I’m on the same level as him. Things have gone awry since then and I figured out, two alphas in one pack won’t work. So I left.”
You squeezed his hand a little to comfort him. It must have been hard for him to leave his family. He’s just a young boy. “Do you miss them?”
“A lot.” Jungkook squeezed your hand back, appreciating your concern.
Jungkook let go of your hand once you arrived at your house. He automatically sat on the floor near the door and leant his back against the wall. The awful feeling gradually seeped into you. The only things you had done to him was take him for a walk, make him wait for you, hold his hands, and let him sleep outside your house. You only started talking to him a few minutes ago. What did you think he was? Your pet? This whole thing was your fault. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this.
Don’t be too hard on him, okay? You could hear Jimin’s voice in your head.
“Jungkook?” You saw Jungkook flinch again at your mention of his name. “Do you want to come inside and drink a cup of tea with me or something?”
“Are you sure?” Jungkook jumped to his feet instantly and looked at you with excitement. Then he probably realized he was overly excited, so he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Coffee maybe?” he added hesitantly.
You laughed at his cuteness. “Alright, coffee it is.”
You spent all day at home with Jungkook, talking about yourselves to get to know each other. He turned out to be a very fun person. And he’s also adorable, especially the way he asked for more cups of coffee with the excuse that it’d been a long time since he last drank coffee. He was able to keep you interested with everything he’s said. You admitted that you enjoyed his company.
When night fell, you stopped Jungkook from going outside to sleep and told him that he could take the couch. He didn’t stop smiling while you were arranging the pillow and blanket on the couch for him to sleep with.
“Good night,” you said, walking to your room.
“Good night, Y/N,” Jungkook said instantly. “I love you.”
You were so taken aback with the unexpected confession that you stopped dead in your tracks.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N,” Jungkook said quickly in panic after realizing what he’d just said. “It slipped out of my mouth. I promise I won’t say it again to you if you’re uncomfortable. I just had the urge and needed to get it out of my chest.”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry,” you said, smiling to him. You actually didn’t mind the confession at all. Knowing that someone loved you made you happy. You were just caught off guard because you didn’t expect it. “Thank you. For loving me.”
His smile reached his eyes. “Can I say it to you everyday?”
“If it helps,” you muttered shyly and rushed back to your room, cheeks flushing a rosy pink in embarrassment. You couldn’t believe what you’d just said, but the thought of it sent butterflies to your stomach.
Staying together with Jungkook was not bad. It was nice, to be honest. You and him clicked with one another almost immediately. You’d been living alone for years, so you really appreciated a company. Doing everything with him was a lot more fun. You both took turns in cooking; he was unexpectedly good at cooking despite living in the woods alone for so long. To help paying household expenses, he transformed into a wolf to go hunting while you were in classes and sold the animals he’d hunted to the market. After hunting, he would wait for you in front of your uni to pick you up when you’re done. Then you two would have dinner together and drink coffee while telling each other about your day. Sometimes, both of you would share the couch and watch TV instead, huddled up under his blanket.
Jungkook never failed to say “I love you” every night before you slept.
Although, the fact that all the sweet things he did for you were because of the potion gradually started weighing on your mind.
“Are you sure you still want to make this soulmate potion antidote?” Yoora asked you one day in the library when she saw you smiling at the text you got from Jungkook. You both were searching for the soulmate antidote recipe. “You look happy with him.”
Your face fell at Yoora’s question. You indeed liked being with Jungkook. “But this is all not real, Yoora. I made him think I’m his soulmate with that stupid potion. This is unfair. I can’t do that to him.” You needed to make the antidote faster. You couldn’t make him live under the influence of the potion forever. But the thought that he would no longer love you after drinking the antidote made you feel dejected.
Yoora sighed. “You have a point. If he knows his love for you is because of a damn soulmate potion, he will be very disappointed.”
Nodding, you started reading another book on the table. “That’s why we need to hurry up. Preferably, before his heat starts.”
There was a long silence before Yoora said, “Have you considered telling him the truth? Who knows he might be totally fine with it.”
You scoffed at how ridiculous Yoora’s suggestion sounded. “Would you be fine if I give Jimin this soulmate potion and he’s in love with me instead? Would Jimin be fine?”
“Okay. Forget I asked.”
“Speaking of Jimin, where’s he?” It’s weird to see Yoora alone. Jimin would usually be around, stuck to her like glue.
“It’s pack day.” Yoora elaborated when you only gaped at her, “It’s a day to spend time with the pack. Bonding and such. Oh, and do you know that Taehyung is in Jimin’s pack too?”
You nearly choke on your saliva. Just how many werewolves were there living so close to you? You thought at least Jimin was the only one in your uni. “Taehyung is a werewolf?”
“What?” Yoora’s voice went louder out of shock; the librarian shushed her, giving her a warning glare. She muttered an apology to everyone before whispering to you, “I can’t believe it! I know you’d never talked to him, but come on! You’ve been smitten with him since forever! You should’ve at least known what he is!”
“Well, I’m sorry for being too ignorant,” you grumbled, embarrassed that Yoora had to remind you about your crush on Taehyung which was totally one-sided.
Yoora huffed, irritated with your shyness. “That’s it! I’m going to set you two up on a date!”
You grabbed Yoora’s wrist in panic. Your heart wouldn’t be able to handle it and you would just end up embarrassing yourself if you were alone with Taehyung. “Don’t!”
Rolling her eyes, she said, “It’s just a date, Y/N. You two need to talk already. You’ve been staring at him a lot. And if you don’t want him to think you’re creepy, you should start talking.”
“Am I that obvious?” You gulped nervously, taking a quick glance at Taehyung. He didn’t seem to notice you’d been staring. He’s always surrounded by his group of friends. There’s no way he would pay attention to you.
Yoora hummed as an answer.
“But how about-?”
“The victim of your soulmate potion?” Yoora finished your question for you; you winced at how she called Jungkook. “He’ll be fine. We just need to make this antidote as soon as possible, then he will not care about you at all.”
Somehow, you felt a pang of pain at the thought of that.
It was odd to see Jungkook sitting on the porch outside of your house, leaning against the wall, when he had the key. He could just go inside, why would he stay outside? You realized something was wrong with him when you got close enough. He was trembling, hugging his legs to his chest, burying his face into his knees.
Worried, you rushed to Jungkook’s side. “Jungkook, are you okay?”
Jungkook flinched as you called his name, something he always did that you didn’t understand. “Don’t call my name,” he croaked out.
“Let’s get you inside,” you said and grabbed his arm, but you retracted your hand right away. “You’re burning hot! Are you sick? I’m calling the doctor.”
Jungkook jumped to his feet to stopped you from reaching your phone. “No, I’m not sick. It’s just…” When you looked at him, he awkwardly covered his crotch with his hands. That’s when realization hit you.
Cheeks reddening, you looked away hastily, almost spraining your neck in the process. “Oh God! I’m so sorry. It’s your heat, right?”
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Jungkook nodding sheepishly. He looked constipated and pale, drenched in sweat. His body was shaking and his fists were tightly clenched. He’s doing his best to hold back his desire for your sake. He seemed barely in control of himself, but he’s holding on. It looked awfully painful.
“Is there something I can do to help?” you asked, feeling bad to see him suffer since mostly, it’s all because of you. This was something you’d been afraid of from the start. You had no idea what to do.
“I’m fine,” he said through gritted teeth. You were totally unconvinced. He didn’t look fine at all to you. “Just stay away from me.”
“But, Jungkook-”
Jungkook cut you off by letting out a sound which sounded like a moan, causing you to freeze. His breath was uneven. He was practically panting by now. You felt hot all over.
“Stop calling my name, please,” he pleaded.
“It arouses me,” Jungkook said breathily and your own breath hitched. “I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself if you keep doing that.”
Completely speechless, you only managed to let out a short, “Alright.” before scurrying back into the house, unable to handle the heat that started pooling deep in your stomach. You’d never thought Jungkook could affect you like this. So you hid under the blanket in your room and tried to get his moan out of your head by forcing yourself to sleep.
However, you were woken up from your nap by the sound of knocking on your door. You reluctantly left your bed to open the door, completely forgetting there was only a wolf in heat that could enter and exit your house freely. Gasping out of shock, you quickly closed the door in reflex, but Jungkook blocked it before you could. Your heart pounded hard at the sight of him about to enter your room with eyes full of lust. Part of you wanted to let him in, but the other part of you insisted that this was a bad idea.
“I’m only going to use the bathroom,” Jungkook said in a hurry to reassure you. “I badly need to jack off. Don’t mind me.”
Oh. Of course. He’d been hard all day. It must be painful to hold it in the whole time. It wouldn’t do you much harm to just let him do his thing, right?
“O-okay,” you stuttered, stepping back to invite him in.
Jungkook bolted to the bathroom like his life depended on it. You could hear him unzip his pants and sigh in relief as he got inside. You’d been right. This was a very bad idea. The walls were really thin and you could hear everything from where you were standing right now. It certainly didn’t help you get over the dirty thoughts of him when you could hear him moaning your name right behind that door. He was jerking off to thoughts of you.
Unconsciously, you started rubbing your thighs together uncomfortably, desperate to pleasure yourself. His moans made you wet your underwear. If you opened the door, you could see him, probably naked or half naked, doing himself. You could just offer to help him and you could-
No. You shook your head hard to get rid of the thoughts. This isn’t right.
Plugging your ears with earphones and turning on the music loudly in a desperate attempt to drown out Jungkook’s voice, you jumped into your bed and covered your head with your blanket. Thanks to him, you ended up being sexually frustrated. And it didn’t happen only once. Jungkook occasionally borrowed the bathroom a few times a day, which got more frequently as he approached the end of his heat cycle; it’s so often that he basically lived there. You called Yoora on the third day of his heat to tell her how this was killing you too, but she only laughed it off.
“Just suck him off once and you’ll feel better. I promise,” Yoora said over the phone.
“You’re not helping,” you muttered and you heard Jungkook groan again from your bathroom. “Fuck, he’s at it again. Just how many times he’s going to get off today? I can’t even go to the bathroom now!”
Yoora laughed loudly. “He’s getting desperate to fuck you. I’m impressed he hasn’t touched you at all in three days. That kid has an amazing self-control. You would have already been screwed if it’s a guy like Jimin. That guy has no self-control honestly. He fucks like he breathes.”
Then you heard Jimin’s laughter on the other end of the line. “You’re with Jimin now?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Can you pass the phone to him?”
“What is it, Y/N?” Jimin spoke to the phone.
You glanced at your bathroom where you could hear Jungkook breathing heavily behind the walls. This time, he screamed your name like he didn’t care whether he would be heard. And that was the last straw; his voice turned you on and you could no longer ignore him, not when he got you this wet. You gulped, making up your mind.
“Jimin, how can I help him?” you asked, getting up from your bed to approach the bathroom. You knew you’re going to regret this later, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Jimin laughed again. “So you finally decided to fuck him, Y/N?”
Embarrassed, you quickly denied, though your mind said otherwise. “No. Not to that extent. Is there any other way besides fucking?”
“From how he hasn’t touched you at all after three days, I can know how much he treasures you. It’s a very hard thing - nearly impossible - to do, you know, for us wolves to control ourselves during the heat. So I think you can trust him that he won’t do anything against your will.” Jimin paused to let his words sink in. “Well, he’s craving for your physical affection. Your touch will give him bliss. Though, it would be best if you let him get into your pants.” Jimin groaned in pain after that; you assumed Yoora hit him.
“Just don’t force yourself, okay? Don’t make yourself uncomfortable,” Yoora said in a worried voice as if she already knew what you were about to do.
“Okay,” you said to reassure her before hanging up.
Without warning, you opened the bathroom door, revealing a completely naked Jungkook sitting on the floor, touching himself. You were lying if you said he wasn’t attractive. Since from the first time you saw him, you’d always thought he’s cute; his beautiful round eyes, his bunny teeth, his innocent smile. But you’d never thought of him anything other than a victim of your failed potion. Now that you saw him jacking off while screaming your name, you could only think that he’s hot. The sight of his toned abs, sweats dampening his hair, and his erection made you almost drool, heat pooling in your lower stomach.
“Shit, Y/N! What the hell are you doing?” Jungkook shouted in panic, stopping what he’d been doing to cover his cock with his hand. “Close the door!”
“Let me help you,” you said, walking over to him, your heart beating very fast against your rib cage.
“No. You don’t want this, Y/N,” Jungkook said, panting heavily as your eyes traveled from his face to his lower half.
You crouched down next to him and pushed his hand away to touch him with your hand instead. As you wrapped your hand around his cock, Jungkook cursed loudly and threw his head back, leaning against the wall, shutting his eyes in pleasure.
“Fuck, that feels so good.” Jungkook breathed heavily and let out a loud moan when you started pumping him. He was already wet with precum so it’s easier for you to move your hand up and down his cock. The more he moaned, the stronger the heat you felt between your legs. Your mouth went dry at the sight of him enjoying himself because of your touch, giving you the sudden desire to taste him. You were about to lean down when he stopped you. “What are you doing?” He didn’t seem like he wanted you to stop, but you guessed he just wanted to make sure you knew what you’re doing.
“Helping you of course.” You leant down again, this time he didn’t stop you. You kissed the tip before you took him in your mouth. He gasped loudly before bringing his hand to your hair to move it away from your face, gathering it into a ponytail. You looked up to meet his lustful gaze. He was staring down at you with hooded eyes. From the way he looked and how breathless he was, you knew he’s not going to last much longer.
“I’m close, Y/N. Use your hands,” Jungkook choked out, gently lifting your head up by pulling your ponytail, away from his cock.
You did what he asked and continued pumping him with your hand. You felt his dick twitch at your touch and not long after, he came into your hand with a loud moan. You helped him ride it out until he went soft, then he got to his feet to take the wet towel he’d put on the sink; he used it to wipe his cum on himself and on your hand.
After you two were cleaned up, Jungkook put his clothes back on and sat down beside you on the floor. An awkward silence passed between you before he said while rubbing the back of his neck, “Thank you. You didn’t have to, actually.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “It’s fine. I wanted to help anyway.” Your cheeks must be red by now. You’d just basically told him that you’re attracted to him. Well, he was the reason why you’re sexually frustrated now - and why you’re feeling like this.
“So do you want me to…?” Jungkook trailed off as his eyes shifted down to your lap.
You took that as an offer to eat you out as a repay and you quickly shook your head, your face heating up. “No, I’m okay.” As much as you wanted it, you had to decline. You didn’t want him to do it while he’s still under the influence of the potion - and plus, he’s also currently in heat. It’s not his real feelings towards you, so you shouldn’t take advantage on him. And you didn’t even know whether he actually wanted to do this with you.
“But a kiss is fine, right?” Jungkook didn’t wait for your answer and crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you passionately.
At that second, you forgot everything about the damn soulmate potion and your determination to not take advantage on him. You kissed him back, as passionately, tilting your head slightly so that you could deepen the kiss. With your hands wrapped around his neck, you pulled him closer towards you until there’s no space left between the two of you. You never knew kissing him would feel this good.
Jungkook pulled away to say breathlessly, “Hold on tight.”
“What?” you said, followed with a shriek since he suddenly lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist reflexively.
A laughter filled the house as both of you giggled while he was carrying you to your room, gently dropping you on the bed. Hovering on top of you, he continued savoring the taste of your lips, his elbows propping himself up. His kiss was warm and full of passion, hard and soft at the same time. His hand left the bed to caress your cheek tenderly and you felt cherished; you found comfort in his touch. But you’re still quite unsure of what you’re feeling towards him. The situation you’re in now made everything a lot more complicated.
Jungkook broke the kiss when you were both out of breath. He was so close to you that you could feel his breath brush against your face. Your heart skipped a beat at the way he looked at you as if you’re the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in his entire life.
“You’re beautiful,” Jungkook said softly, pushing a strand of hair away from your face to get a clearer look. He smiled at you lovingly and you melted. “I love you so much, Y/N. God, if only I can tell you how much I love you.”
I love you too. You nearly said it back to him, but you could hear the voice in your mind screamed that this wasn’t real. This was all because of a potion. None of this was genuine.
Your hand reached up to stroke his cheek. He leant into your touch and grinned wider. It was heartbreaking to learn that he wouldn’t react like this once he drank the antidote. But you mustered a smile for him. “You already have. You never missed a day to tell me. Thank you, Jungkook. For loving me.”
“Anytime, candy,” Jungkook said before lying down on the bed beside you.
“Candy?” You raised a brow at his new nickname for you, snuggling up to him. You sighed contentedly when you felt his warmth.
Jungkook put an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. “Cotton candy. You smell like cotton candy.”
That night was the first time you allowed Jungkook to sleep on the bed with you.
“You love him,” Yoora stated bluntly. “Obviously.”
You furrowed your brows, unable to accept her judgement of your feelings towards Jungkook. “No. Of course not.”
It was a few weeks after Jungkook’s heat and things hadn’t gotten awkward between the two of you, instead you’d become a lot closer and more comfortable with each other. He kissed you at the most random times, but it’s not like you hated it either. You two shared the bed now and you were practically inseparable. The only time you weren’t with him was when you’re in classes. And you liked it - you liked to be with him, even if it was as simple as having dinner together.
Yoora sighed in exasperation. “You can keep lying to me, but I can see through your lies easily, you know. You’re not the type to just blow someone you don’t love.” You quickly shushed her in embarrassment, but she only laughed and continued. “You just don’t want to be hurt. That’s why you should quickly give that antidote to him. No more lies.”
You bit your lower lip, your fists clenched. You didn’t know whether you wanted Jungkook to stay with you and keep giving you fake love or you wanted to end all of this. But your conscience told you that this wasn’t fair for Jungkook. The least you could do as an apology was return him back to normal, before you’d accidentally gave him the soulmate potion. This must be done. It’s your fault from the beginning, so you must make it right.
“Alright. I’ll give it to him today. I’ll tell him everything,” you said, lifting your hand to ask her for the antidote.
The two of you had worked on the antidote for weeks under the supervision of the lecturer - Yoora had lied that the antidote was for her friend - and managed to finish it yesterday. You’d asked her to hold on to it while you’re making up your mind. And now that you’d decided, you would give the antidote to Jungkook today.
“Good. It’s best if he hears it from you. And you can try it out with Taehyung to forget about him.” Yoora gave you a thumbs up before rummaging through her bag. Her eyebrows furrowed after digging into the bag for a while. “Where the hell is it? I’m sure it’s in my bag.”
You frowned. Yoora was a meticulous person. If she said it’s in her bag, then it should be in her bag, unless someone took it from her. “Is it possible if Jimin or someone else searches through your bag?”
It seemed your guess was right because Yoora gasped out of shock afterwards. “Jimin!”
As if on cue, Jimin came over to your table at the lab with eyebrows furrowed. But rather than approaching his soulmate, he headed towards you. He was panting as if he’d just run all the way here.
“Why didn’t you tell me it’s Jungkook?” Jimin asked in an accusing tone.
“You know him?” you asked him back, eyes wide with surprise. You never mentioned Jungkook’s name to Yoora and Jimin.
“He’s a part of our pack! Of course I know him!” Jimin growled at you angrily, causing you to flinch. You took a step back involuntarily out of fear.
Yoora must have seen that you’re scared of Jimin. She put a hand on Jimin’s chest to calm him down. “Babe, she doesn’t know that he’s in your pack. Obviously, she can’t tell you. How did you find out anyway?”
Jimin didn’t look away from you. “I went to Y/N’s house this morning, because I couldn’t find you anywhere. But then I met Jungkook, sitting on her porch, waiting for her to come home like a dog.” Jimin started raising his voice again and Yoora had to squeeze his hand to tame his temper. He was talking to you now. “Did you know how long we’ve been searching for him since he left our pack four years ago? He always ran away when we got closer to him. And now he didn’t even budge when I approached him in your house! He couldn’t leave! Why? Because of your fucking soulmate potion!”
“I-I’m sorry, Jimin. I-I didn’t know,” you stuttered, dropping your gaze to the ground, moving back another step.
“Stop, Jimin! You’re freaking her out!” Yoora said, louder this time to make him know that she’s serious.
Jimin went silent in an instant, only his ragged breaths were heard. No one spoke for a few minutes. People who’d been staring since Jimin’s sudden outburst went back to do what they’d been doing.
“So did you take the antidote from my bag, Jimin?” Yoora finally asked, breaking the silence.
Jimin answered, a lot calmer than earlier, “Yeah, I gave it to Jungkook. I told him everything. But I don’t know whether he already drank it or not. He looked pretty shocked. Where’s Taehyung? I have to tell him that I found Jungkook.”
You could hear the sound of your heart breaking. It’s all over. Not only that Jungkook would hate you, he would also be gone from your life forever. No kisses, no meals together, no cuddles. Tears nearly escaped your eyes, but you didn’t even have the leisure to mope around.
Yoora’s eyes widened in horror as she said, “I just told Taehyung to go to Y/N’s house!”
“What?” you and Jimin exclaimed in unison.
She raked her fingers through her hair in frustration. “I was trying to set them up - Y/N and Taehyung.”
Jimin cursed. “Shit! If Jungkook hasn’t drunk the antidote, this will turn out very bad!”
You and Jimin were about to storm out of the lab and ran all the way to your house when Yoora stopped you, flashing her car key to you. “Let’s go in my car,” she said hastily and led the way, sprinting towards the parking lot.
The three of you arrived a bit too late at your house. The condition of your front yard was disastrous; most of the plants were destroyed, a tree was snapped in half, a huge mess of soil everywhere, and most importantly, there were two huge wolves fighting. Jungkook hadn’t drunk the antidote and that was the worst scenario. In a blink of an eye, Jimin jumped off the car while it was still moving and transformed into a wolf to pull them apart. Yoora stopped the car hastily and the two of you hurriedly got off to get closer to the fight.
“Jungkook! Stop!” you yelled out loud. But Jungkook didn’t react. He continued on biting and scratching Jimin and Taehyung who weren’t fighting back. You didn’t know whether he couldn’t hear or he chose to not hear you. You kept advancing to get closer to the wolves until Yoora tugged your wrist to stop you from getting too close. So you had no other choices but to shout again, “Jungkook! Listen to me! Enough! I’m here!”
Jungkook finally froze at your voice and turned back to face you. Within a few seconds, he changed back into human and jogged cheerfully towards you as if he hadn’t just hurt his own packmates. It made you feel awful like you’re the worst witch on earth. The consequences of your failure were not only causing Jungkook to be infatuated with you, but also hurting his friends. The guilt was too much for you to take and you instantly broke down in tears.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Jungkook asked worriedly as he crouched down next to you.
Seeing Jungkook under the potion’s influence reminded you of all the things you’d done. Anger took over you. “Just go away, Jungkook! Drink that stupid antidote and get out of my sight!”
Jungkook flinched at your burst of anger, looking very hurt. But you no longer cared. It’s all over anyway once he’d drunk the antidote. You took the nearest rock and threw it at him. He stepped back to avoid it, but his eyes didn’t leave you.
“Go away!” you shouted louder while sobbing heavily, continuously throwing rocks in frustration. “Go!”
Jungkook gave you one last sad look and changed back into a wolf, scurrying off into the woods. After he completely disappeared from you, it finally sank in that he’s gone and he’s not coming back. Yoora came to give you a hug and you cried your heart out in her arms.
You realized two things at that moment: Jungkook was gone and you loved him.
The first couple of weeks were the worst. You had a hard time sleeping because you’re used to his warmth next to you on your bed. You lost your appetite on every meal because you’re used to eating together with him. You still searched for him at the uni’s front gate after classes because he used to wait for you everyday. And the hardest of all, you could no longer hear “I love you” from his lips every night before you went to sleep.
You called Yoora on the third week, since you wanted to check on Jimin’s condition; it’s mostly your fault that he ended up like that. But you were also feeling lonely. You asked as soon as Yoora answered the phone, “Hey, how’s Jimin?”
“He’s as good as new. His wounds are not that deep. But Taehyung…” Yoora trailed off.
“What happened to Taehyung? Is there something wrong?” you asked in a heartbeat, suddenly getting very nervous. What if-
“No, he’s fine,” Yoora reassured you quickly and you sighed in relief. “He’s just put on bed rest for another week. Well, you know, Jungkook’s an alpha, he’s bound to be a lot stronger than the others.”
You tensed when she mentioned Jungkook. You knew she didn’t mean to, but still, it hurt you to hear his name. She only realized what she’d said after you went silent for a few seconds.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, Y/N,” Yoora added apologetically. “I didn’t-”
“It’s fine,” you cut her off before she could start saying anything else that would probably make you cry. “I should be the one apologizing. I’m sorry for what happened to Jimin and Taehyung. I hope they’ll get well soon.”
Without waiting for her response, you hung up the phone. You’re glad to hear that Jimin and Taehyung were fine. But the mention of Jungkook’s name tore you apart. You missed him, a lot. Knowing that you had no idea how to contact him broke you down in pieces. He hadn’t made any efforts to see you either, so it really was over. Of course, he probably hated you for giving him the potion.
As an attempt to heal your broken heart, you decided to go into the woods, where you first met Jungkook to reminisce the good memories that had happened between you and him. But you hadn’t expected to see a huge black wolf sitting near the lake, as if waiting for something. Letting out a loud gasp, you stopped dead in your tracks. It felt like your heart ceased to beat for a moment.
“Jungkook?” Your voice was quiet like a whisper. You couldn’t believe what you saw.
The wolf turned back into human and, as if to prove your own doubts, Jungkook appeared before you, smiling gently at you. He’s still wearing the same clothes from the last time you’d seen him, which might mean he’d been in his wolf form since then and staying here like this all the time.
“Took you long enough,” Jungkook said softly as he approached you. There’s no sign of hatred in his eyes.
“Have you been waiting for me?” you asked in disbelief. Hadn’t he drunk his antidote already? Why wasn’t he angry at you?
“Of course.” Jungkook shook his head as he grinned wider. “I thought I was going to die if I had to wait a few more days. I almost barged into your house, you know. But I know you won’t like that.”
“Wait, Jungkook.” All of his words didn’t make sense to you. He still seemed like he’s under the potion’s influence from the way he spoke to you. And that was absurd. Why would he let himself suffer after knowing the whole truth? “Why didn’t you drink the antidote Jimin gave you?”
Jungkook chuckled. “I drank it immediately after he told me everything and gave me the antidote.”
“Then why…?” You’re at a loss for words, unable to ask what you actually wanted to know. The effect of the soulmate potion was supposed to be completely gone. Then why did he still look at you that way? Like you’re the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen?
Jungkook took out something from the bag slung over his shoulder. Your eyes widened in recognition as you saw what it was: a bottle of your spare soulmate potion that was supposed to be safely kept inside your drawer. Why did he have it with him?
“Try smelling it.” Jungkook opened the lid and shoved it towards you.
You warily leant closer to the bottle and took a whiff. A tear escaped your eye as your hand covered your mouth in disbelief. It still smelled like vanilla. Jungkook’s favorite scent.
Jungkook wiped your tears with his thumb affectionately. “You want to know why? Because it still smells like cotton candy to me, even when I’m not under your spell. Do you know what that means?”
You didn’t say anything, too overwhelmed with your emotion. More tears rolled down your cheeks and you started sobbing heavily. Jungkook wrapped his arms around your back and pulled you towards him, embracing you as if he never wanted to let you go again.
“It means you’re my real soulmate,” Jungkook whispered to your ear. “Even if you hadn’t casted a spell of soulmate potion on me, you would still be my soulmate.”
With that, Jungkook pulled away and cradled your face in his hands, capturing your lips with his in a kiss. The kiss was slow and soft. It was different compared to your first kiss with him that was clouded with lust. This was sweet and you could feel how much he loved you, how much you loved him. It was as if the time stopped around you and there were only you and him in this world. You were almost disappointed when he broke the kiss to let you catch your breaths.
You were greeted with a grinning Jungkook when you pulled away. He took your hand in his and started walking towards the edge of the lake. “Come with me. There’s something I want to show you.”
Jungkook let go of your hand when you two arrived at the lake. He made you hold the soulmate potion bottle while he plucked a few strands of his hair.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Jungkook, what are you doing?”
Dropping his hair into the bottle, he said excitedly, “Recite your spell.”
You shoved the bottle away from you in reflex. “What? No, Jungkook. I don’t want to accidentally bind you again with the potion.”
Jungkook gently pushed the bottle towards you again. “Trust me.”
Taking a deep breath, you decided to trust Jungkook. You were his soulmate, with or without the potion. Since it wouldn’t make any differences anyway, you might as well do what he asked you to. You closed your eyes and chanted your spell. You felt the liquid in the bottle go warm after you’re done reciting.
“Y/N, open your eyes.” You heard Jungkook say.
The moment you opened your eyes, you caught your breath at the mind-blowing sight before you. The lake at the woods that was dark was now lit up by the many tiny lights coming from between the trees. They were flying, swarming towards the surface of the lake, illuminating the water. And then you realized that they were fairies, lighting up the lake with their fairy dust. That was probably the most beautiful view you’d ever seen.
“Wow.” was the only thing you said at the breathtaking scenery in front of you.
“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Jungkook muttered in awe next to you, enjoying the view too.
Once you recovered from your shock, you shifted your gaze to Jungkook, giving him a questioning look. You had tried the potion before and you’d been sure it’d been a failure - it’d been a soulmate potion instead of a lure for fairies. Then how come this time the fairies really came out from their hiding?
“How?” you asked Jungkook, unable to hide your smile because finally, you’d succeeded in gathering the fairies and you could submit this to the lecturer for your final project.
Jungkook shrugged. “I did a few researches and I found out from your recipe that you lack one ingredient: werewolf’s hair. I hope you don’t mind me stealing your soulmate potion for experiments.”
It was touching that he would go out of his way to do researches for you. He might have been doing that while you’d been moping around after he’d left you. You rested your head on his shoulder while watching the fairies dance above the lake. You took his hand and intertwined your fingers with his. “I can’t believe you did that for me. Thank you.”
“I would do anything for you.” Jungkook said, resting his head on top of yours and wrapping his arm around your waist.
“So will you go back home with me and apologize to your packmates?” you asked, snuggling up to him and basking in his presence.
“Of course. Anything for you, candy. Because I love you.” Jungkook planted a soft kiss on the top of your head and you could feel how much he treasured you.
Your heart fluttered at his love confession for you although he’d said it to you a lot of times before and you knew in that very moment, you loved him more than anyone else in the world and you would also do anything for him.
Instead of thanking him for loving you like usual, for the first time you replied with, “I love you too, Jungkook.”
author’s note: thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Rosvolio prompt if you're up for it (it's very cliche lol): Benvolio and Rosaline fighting over him suddenly getting over protective when someone tries to insult Rosaline. At this point in the fake marriage they've come to respect each other sure, but he got so riled up and Ros is upset bc she can handle herself. Ben just gets flustered and may have accidentally let it slip that he actually cares about her a lot more than he lets on
Theassault upon Rosaline’s character during her walk on the Sunday after Christmasis not the first time, but she hoped to God it would be the last.
“Capuletbitch,” the drunk man snarled at her as she was due to head home to her husbandand household.  “What are you still doinghere in this city? Haven’t you made all of our lives miserable? You and thatdisgusting husband of yours. Verona has had enough of you, you little harlot!”
Neverone to back down from an aggressor, Rosaline spun around, fists clenched andready to defend herself.
“I’llkindly thank you not to continue assaulting the character of a person you donot even know.  I have no time to wastefor the likes of you.  And for therecord, my name is Rosaline Montague. I did marry to save this godforsakencity, if your memory is able to recall that. Good day.”
Rosalinetook absolutely no chances that the man who insulted her person would alsocommit violence against her, and therefore decided to run the rest of the wayhome.
Littledid she know that a man had been watching the exchange in the shadows of thestreet.  This man was a servant of herhusband’s, and happened to be his silent eyes and ears while his wife was inthe city alone. Benvolio Montagueallowed his wife her freedom like any good husband should, but he worried abouther well-being and therefore used the most non-intrusive way he could think ofto check up on her.  
Theservant quickly ran back to the house as soon as the nasty exchange was overand asked to see Lord Benvolio right away.
“Sir,my lord!  It is your wife-!”
“Whatabout my wife?  Where is she? Is shealright? Is she hurt? Tell me, man!”
“No,no, my lord, nothing of the sort.  LadyMontague is completely sound in mind and body. However, an assailant upon her character decided not only to continue torefer to her as a Capulet but also more degrading things that I will notassociate with the great lady herself.  Ithought that it was only right that you should know that this man was insultingyour wife.”
“Thankyou for this news.  Any way to know whothis man was?”
“Yesmy lord. But, may I ask, what are you possibly going to do?”
“I’mgoing to make sure no one even thinks aboutspeaking to my wife that way ever again,” Benvolio said icily.
Afterthe servant took his leave and the housekeeper informed him of Rosaline’s safereturn, Benvolio went out into the night in order to find the drunkard who hadinsulted his dear wife.  While they hadonly been married a few months, Benvolio had to admit that Rosaline was thedearest person in the world to him. Shortly after the marriage at the end of the summer they had becomedecent friends, working to build a life together and, at the very least, run ahousehold of their own.  In this time,Rosaline had become the embodiment of everything good in his life.  She was his laughter and his joy, his senseof humor and his comfort at night.  Shewas his sweetest friend and in time had become his greatest desire ofaffection, both as a friend and a true wife. Although they did not spend their time as man and wife quite yet, bothBenvolio and Rosaline had solidified their friendship.  
ButBenvolio felt something so much more for his wife than this.  He had not told her yet (and was nervous toever say this to her), but he was very much in love with RosalineMontague.  She was his whole world, andbecause of this, whoever crossed her would see his wrath.  Which was why he was going to find the manwho had called her such repugnant things.
Benvoliofound him soon enough.  What followed, hewas not necessarily proud of, but he felt justified in his rage.  
Hequickly slammed the man against the nearest wall and held him there.  “I do not know who you are or what family youclaim to represent, but hear me now.  Ifyou ever insult or threaten my wifeagain, I can assure you it will be the last thing you do. Do you understand me?”
Bythis time, the man was turning slightly purple. “Yes, yes my lord, I am so sorry, forgive me please!”  
“Thenext time you shall not be so lucky.  Thenext time, I will take you to the prince.”
“Notman enough to take me yourself, Montague?”
Benvoliosnorts. This man is not worth any of their time. “No. I simply cannot bebothered to upset my wife by returning to her a mess because of the likes ofyou.”  He then turns around and walksaway, heading home to a job (he thought) well done.
Rosalineis waiting up for him when he returns. By the look on her face, she is not quite pleased with him.
“Wherehave you been?  The page boy told meeverything he told you.  Please do nottell me you went after that scoundrel of a man.”
Benvoliolooked down.  “He was insulting yourhonor my lady.  As your husband-.”
“Asmy husband you are not to decide what I feel about my honor beinginsulted!  I am my own person, I belongto nobody!  I can handle myself, BenvolioMontague, and you know this.  I had thesituation well in hand.  You think thoseinsults mean anything to me anymore? No. How can you do this? You know that Iam capable of being my own voice.”
“Rosaline,of course you are, no one is saying that you are not-.”
“Andyet you still saw fit to challenge someone for me! I am not a child, Benvolio,I am not a thing.  I can take care ofmyself! Why, oh why-!”
“YOUSHOULDN’T HAVE TO!” Benvolio burst out. Rosaline stepped back in shock. In all the time she had known him, he had never raised his voiceso.  “I am sorry, Rosaline.  You should not have to rely on yourself allof the time.  I know, I know that youwere on your own with just your sister when your parents died, but believe youme, you are not on your own now. I am your husband. I am your family. It is myhonor to defend you at all cost.”
Rosalinewas still upset. “You could have been seriously injured or even killed! What happens when you do not come backbecause you challenged someone who slandered our family’s name? What do I dothen, Benvolio? I am not worth your life.”
“Yes.Yes you are. Rosaline Montague, you are worth a million of my lives.  The things that I will do for you know nobounds.  I know that we have been happyto call each other friend for the time we have been married.  I know you that you only consider me to beyour friend, and that is alright.  Butyou, my dearest beloved wife, are so much more to me than that.  You are my best friend.  You will be my partner in all things for therest of my life.  You will be the motherof my children.  Most of all, you will bethe woman I love.”
“Benvolio,”Rosaline breathed.  “I-I cannot believeyou feel this way. I did not think you held such vast affection for one youcould barely tolerate at the beginning of this entire endeavor.”
“Ido not think that I meant to say that all aloud,” Benvolio said sheepishly,completely flustered by his honest outburst to his wife.  “But I do mean every word, Rose. You are myangel.”
Insteadof answering him, she kissed him. Lightly at first, and then stronger as their feelings poured out,bringing up months of unspoken words in one moment.  Benvolio lifted her up and took her to theroom they shared and proceeded to simply hold her in his arms.  Rosaline’s head found the crook of herhusband’s neck, and feeling secure, she dozed off to sleep.  Benvolio looked down and his sleeping wifeand laughed.  
“Sleepwell, my beloved.  We will talk more inthe morning.”
Andwith that, he pulled back the covers on the bed, tucked his wife in, and fellasleep beside her, smiling and knowing that his marriage would not be aloveless one, but one where he would do anything to make his wife happy,healthy, and loved.  
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