#and then seeing each other again at denerim later is the WORST thing for him LOL
bat-gwuck · 4 months
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lmao so these two games have like nothing in common other than they’re both in my top 5 re-occurring hyperfixations but idc I’m having fun 😼👍
ong rdr2 and dragon age (esp origins) are my two all time FAVOURITE games so I thought ykw fuck it im gonna make a crossover AU - never done an AU before so NGL there’s a lot of kinks to iron out but I’m kinda digging it
started off with a lil’ character sheet for Arthur - I flip flopped between what I would make him (Templar, warden, keep him as a street thief/outlaw etc.) before finally settling on a mix of both warden and street thief/outlaw!! idk Arthur just gives me really strong Grey Warden vibes - a tragic hero (sometimes on a path of redemption depending on the origin/how they played it) who also has smth in them that will eventually kill them, despite having some weird benefits (in Arthur’s case, mentally)?? they’re twinning fr
I also just fucking LOVE the grey wardens so…
so it starts off relatively similar to normal: Arthur joins up with the gang at a young age, becomes a thief yada yada, and after a disastrous robbery, they end up camping in Ferelden, just before the Blight starts (unlucky)
for the purposes of this fic, the gang is only comprised of the camp girls (minus Sadie, for now), Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, John, Jack, Swanson, Pearson, Micah, Bill, Sean, Lenny and Javier - Sadie and Charles appear a bit later!!
shit goes down as normal but for story purposes, a heck of a lot faster, and the gang starts to fracture
seeing this, and wanting better for everyone, especially in the midst of the now upcoming Blight, which Dutch, for whatever reasons, does not acknowledge the danger of, Hosea (WHO LIVES IN THIS SCREW YOU ROCKSTAR) gathers as many people as will listen to him (everyone minus Dutch, Micah, Bill, Javier) with him and splits from the gang and heads towards Denerim in hopes of finding safety/starting anew
during their travels however, the group ends up getting caught up in a battle between a group of grey wardens and dark spawn - in which, because he has the worst luck, Arthur is nicked by a darkspawn which only means one thing: death.
(Literally just realising this is basically carver in the deep roads)
Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you view it, the grey wardens offer to take Arthur back to Ostagar with them, they were impressed by his fighting skills, and arguing that the only way for him to live was to become a grey warden
after a lot of hesitation, and a bit of arguing, as he doesn’t want to leave his family behind, Arthur agrees to go with them and parts ways with the remains of the gang, promising that, once this was all over, they’d find each other again
SO I feel like this is enough for now! I definitely have more to write on this and NGL I might even write a full blown fanfic of this BC ITS SO MUCH FUN??
if anyone is wondering, Arthur will meet Sadie n Charles at Ostagar
I’m not entirely sure if I want Arthur to be the HoF in this AU?? I am very much planning on him being a prominent figure in the fight against the Blight and the Archdemon but idk?? ALSO there will be characters from both games in this AU bc I love some of them too much to leave out (I’m looking at you Morrigan and Shale…)
I did kind of want him to be a Blackwall type figure but like if Blackwall acc became a Grey Warden 💀
I hope you liked this and if anyone has any ideas for this AU PLEASE let me know I’m so lost 😭
I’ll be doing some more of these character sheets so keep an eye out for them!!
also Arthur absolutely nicked the fur collar off a rich noble
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fen--harel · 4 years
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Ailonwy @ Loghain from across the war table: 
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talizorahs · 6 years
a v e r y 👀
IS THAT. RANDI. im blessed on this day!!! thank you so much for the ask IM SUPER EXCITED TO HEAR FROM YOU. here is the girl, the legend, your wife
01. Full name: avery jane cousland
02. Best friend: throughout her childhood, it’s fergus. throughout the events of dragon age: origins, it’s morrigan, arguably so.
03. Sexuality: straight.
04. Favorite color: she enjoys yellow; sunshine, yellow flowers, pretty sundresses. but also blonde like her hair that she styles in elaborate updos, the gold rim of her armor and golden hilt of her greatsword.
05. Relationship status: avery cousland marries alistair theirin, the king of ferelden, shortly before her death to the archdemon. the public adore the union of the two grey wardens, who against all odds, came together to save the world -- and each other. but alistair is horrified, forced into a pairing with a twisted teenager who wants nothing else but to sit on the throne and enact her tyranny.
06. Ideal mate: at first, she wants a boy who can keep up with her. from her love of ballroom, to her prowess as a swordsman. love is a romantic thing. but love becomes twisted when she is the last of the cousland name, becoming a bid for power and control in a world she thinks has gone mad.
07. Turn-ons: she likes dark eyes, dark hair. a little mysterious. a sense of humor. in another life, alistair would have ticked all the boxes. but instead he has a claim to the throne, an avenue for avery to re-establish as a noble, to get away from her position as a grey warden -- one that she never wanted.
08. Favorite food: fine foods are usually her palette, buffets and feasts served by the chefs in castle cousland. she eats grandly. but she enjoys the simple -- a ham and cheese sandwich enjoyed on a hunting trip with her father is the greatest thing of all. but, the novelty is lost when she eats sitting across from morrigan, sitting in stewing silence at their predicament.
09. Crushes: there have been boys, but being quite the presence, she chases them off a little too well.
10. Favorite music: orchestral ballroom. she dances and enjoys it, a past-time with her mother. it helped her swordsman choreography, as well.
11. Biggest fear: loss. of control, of people, of power. she needs to be in control of what she has and how she keeps it.
12. Biggest fantasy: before becoming a warden, she dreams of wedding a distant prince and raising a gaggle of beautiful noble children. fighting at small tournaments on the side. returning to denerim once a year to see her parents, to dine with them, to hunt in the free marches with her father. 
after becoming a warden, she yearns for her old life back, or even simply to have her parents back. this quickly turns into deranged fantasies about leaving the world to rot -- what is it, after all, without her family in it? but, when the throne suddenly comes into sight with alistair’s royal blood, she dreams of that glorious wedding once again, and setting the world as it should be once again. the cousland name standing tall.
13. Bad habits: before becoming a warden, she was a bit of a compulsive lip-biter, or skin-peeler. her work with swords leaves her with callouses, and she picks terribly. after becoming a warden, her delving into insanity, “murder”, “genocide” and “manipulation” go beyond bad habits and into a way of life. a way of saying fuck you to duncan and howe for putting her in this position. a way of acting out for the attention she used to receive in waves. she is not a good person when she dons the grey warden insignia, and even with a crown, does not become a better one.
14. Biggest regret: before becoming a warden, she yearned for all the boys she chased away. finding that prince was going to be harder than she thought. there’s one particular boy -- he, 16, and her, 14. he would tease her and her sword arm, and she might have liked it, but he didn’t like it when she beat him in a tournament and knocked out three of his teeth. it might have worked out, otherwise. 
after becoming a warden, there are too many to name. leaving her family behind is at the top of the list, shortly followed by the brief acceptance she had of her new position as a warden -- taking the joining willingly. but then being left to lead, that opened a wealth of opportunities for the bad things she does throughout her journey. and perhaps, the biggest of all, is that she never gets to tell them all she’s sorry for this. she is. she didn’t ask to be made into a warden, she didn’t want this any more than they did -- her in power, her making these decisions. but she couldn’t stop. she couldn’t “get over it” as alistair would chide her. she wasn’t strong enough.
15. Best kept secrets: before becoming a warden, the litres of wine she stole from her father’s stock. after becoming a warden, how fucking scared she is.
16. Last thought: betrayal. she had the crown, alistair’s ring on her finger, the support of thedas behind her. now all that was left was the archdemon -- and morrigan promised, she promised, she would save her with that ancient magic she delves into. and avery believed her, her only friend, and delved that final blow. except -- it feels wrong. the lurch of her soul in her chest, the strength of her limbs. all fading as her sword plunges into the head of the beast. and then, when the darkness approaches, she realises: morrigan had lied.
17. Worst romantic experience: arguably, it’s alistair, who would never dream of loving her. he is at -100 approval when they marry, and he must, given how avery controls the landsmeet and the approval of the public as the tragic, noble daughter. it’s “bad” for her, because in another life, they would have loved each other. if the pieces had fallen differently, avery wouldn’t have been compelled to do what she did.
18. Biggest insecurity: her fear. nobody can know how terrified she is.
19. Weapon of choice: she has years and years of swordsman training, and her prowess is clear with a greatsword.
20. Role Model: her father. she looks up to him like no other. after his death, however, it becomes morrigan. the witch is the closest thing to “no moral compass”, although she is not supportive of avery’s later actions -- massacring the dalish to the werewolves, for example, and taking the throne.
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acindra · 6 years
My Dragon Age characters, updated to include the twins as well as a lot more info for a few characters than last time.
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My ‘canon’ warden is the elf mage Rhyssa Surana. (Rhys is Welsh for enthusiasm/passion) She’s mainly an ice mage and her most used spell is the cone of cold. 
She’s doesn’t put up with any bullshit and is super persuasive. Though she comes off as stoic (because of the many abuses she suffered in the circle), she’s passionate about what she believes in (and will covertly manipulate anything needed to get what she wants). 
She has a moment similar to Oghren’s leaving Orzammar when she leaves the circle with Duncan and later than night cries in secret for being free for the first time in her adult life.
She gets along with everyone for the most part, though she immensely dislikes Wynne’s attachment to the circle and just doesn’t really understand Sten much at all. While she respects Leiliana’s faith, she explains in no uncertain terms that she will never believe in a higher power that allows for the atrocities mankind (as in all of the people in the world, is there a better way to say that to include elves and qunari and dwarves?) to happen. (For a far better phrasing of her opinion, watch this clip of Stephen Fry) She lets Alistair name her mabari (Barkspawn) and it takes her a long time to adjust to the concept of dogs so they kinda co-parent him for a while (Walking The Dog was a long discussion they had that it took forever for her to wrap her head around). She finds Morrigan, Shale, and Oghren (and Sten) fascinating, as they have had such significantly different lives than her.
She romances Zevran and then also romanced Anders and they brought him into their relationship. They bond over the hardships in their lives, from the crows and circle, respectively. 
She doesn’t recognize immediately that Zevran was trying to commit suicide in the ‘assassination attempt’ but quickly becomes suspicious about it by reading between what he says. She figures out pretty fast that his stories of his work are made to make the party less uncomfortable about his presence, recognizing it as a way to protect himself. She knew immediately after meeting him that his being blase’ in the face of death is also this, as well as his pseudo easy going nature. She doesn’t know how to call him on it without him possibly fleeing, and honestly with the camping situation it’s hard to get much privacy anyways and she definitely doesn’t want others to overhear. 
They bond by both being half Dalish but raised in neither Dalish clans nor alienages. In a sign of faith she tells him about some of the horrors of being in the circle (though not the worst things until after they’re in a romance together) and eventually he starts telling her less restricted/humanizing stories from the Crows. 
Since she’s the most blatantly asexual, only using sex to get what she wants when she has to, the start of their relationship is kinda awkward. They end up talking about it a LOT. Not just about her, but about how Zevran also wields sex as a tool to get what he wants. The concept of love after the earring thing also sparks a lot of talking (though before that there is a lot of avoiding and also bitching about minor unrelated things because they’ve both been trained to be scared of positive emotions) It’s Very Complicated™ and unbeknownst to them everyone else in the party has a betting going about what’s going to happen. Leliana wins (partially because she also eavesdrops a lot, but that’s a secret that’ll go to her grave)
Though she personally loathes Bhelen, she works for him to put him on the throne of Orzammar for the good of everyone and especially because she finds their caste system vile. She puts Anora on the throne and lets Alistair kill Loghain (she refuses to let someone who condoned enslaving people live) in the hopes that he can find peace with the loss of Duncan.
At the beginning of Awakening about 3 hours after the joining Anders is hungry and tries to seduce/manipulate her because he kinda sees her as his new jailer and that’s what he did to protect himself or gain favour in the circle. She realizes this immediately (having a lot of experience doing the exact same thing, unfortunately, in her time at the circle) and promises him that he never needs to do that if he needs or wants something from her. She tells him he doesn’t even need to stay as a grey warden; she will not force him to fight a battle he did not sign up for of his own volition. She tells him that he is not beholden to her or any of the people in Vigil’s Keep, but if he remains she will protect him. And yeah they may get into disagreements and if it’s something to do with their job then he has to defer to her since she is the superior officer, but he is free to do what he wants now. And if any templars cause him trouble, no matter the circumstance, she will defend and protect him to the very last.
Later, before she leaves for Weisshaupt, she sits him down and tells him if anything happens whilst she’s gone and he feels the need to run, run as fast and as far and as long as it takes for him to feel safe again. She tells him to make sure his pack is ready to go at any time (though she neglects to tell him she has put a significant amount of money in it as well) and to make sure he always has it on him.
Later he tells her he had wanted to stay. Even after Stroud showed up. Even after they made him give up Pounce. To show as much loyalty to her as she showed to him. He wanted to be a good warden, to help people, to stay with his friends and to stop running. But Rolan showed up and Anders merged with Justice and he knew he couldn’t remain after slaughtering so many wardens, even though his friends at least would support him.
She is very fond of her crew in Awakening, but she worries about them a hell of a lot more. Even with them being actual wardens and all the political power that grants them.
After the events of Dragon Age 2 she travels with Zevran to the Free Marches, seeing if they can help whatever mages managed to escape the gallows. Before they get there though, they notice Anders in a small village they’re restocking in, though he looks a lot older, more ragged, and has dyed his hair dark brown. Before they get the chance to intercept him, they notice he is being followed so they decide to watch first. 
After following for a while they figure he is either being hunted or tracked and she does NOT like that, so she intercepts the person, who happens to be Fenris. After a lot of bickering and suspicion, Fenris admits he’s not hunting Anders but is following him to make sure no harm is done, to himself or others. He admits they have known each other for years, though they are not friends. She says she is much the same, but they are friends, and if Fenris harms Anders even a little she’ll choke him to death on his own dick.
A couple days later Anders is travelling through another village but it’s quiet like the grave and, unsurprisingly to all four parties, he gets ambushed. Unfortunately there’s more bandits in the houses than he expected and he runs out of mana. He gets knocked out while trying to get away and Fenris and Rhyssa spring into the fray to protect him.
After killing all the bandits, Rhyssa drags him into a house and gets to healing, exceptionally worried because there’s a significant amount of blood pouring out of his head. Anders doesn’t awake after she’s done healing him though and by nightfall they’re both pillars of stoic fretting. Rhyssa calls Zevran in out of the shadows and they lock down the house as best as they can.
There’s more to that story but I haven’t decided on it yet.
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I also played Rhyssa as a male at one point (Rhys) because I really love Origins.
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Edit: ALSO, I used Rhyssa as my Watcher in Pillars of Eternity and Deadfire, where she could fulfill all of her dreams of being able to pick locks. And have so many pets
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My ‘canon’ Hawke is Idrilla, a fire mage. She’s mainly purple with occasional blue and is suuuuper passionate about mage rights. Anything about mage oppression and she defaults to red immediately. 
Her version of Malcom was a dalish elf which is why her name is Idrilla (little rebel) but she doesn’t know why he was put in the circle. Unfortunately, neither does Leandra and since Malcom is dead no one knows. 
She came into her magic pretty late and so was initially trained as a rogue. Bethany lives and Carver dies and Idrilla pretends her staff is a quarterstaff for bludgeoning. 
She romances Merrill but is best friends with Anders (and in another playthrough life she romances him instead).
I’ve not put a lot of thought into her story since I’m still working on Rhyssa’s and also for the longest time I used Marian because creativity is not my strong suit. She doesn’t actually have cat ears in canon, I just thought it was cute.
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As a side note she also lived another life as a city elf in the Dragon Age Uprising mods and she led the rebellion in Denerim and Highever and romanced Fladayus. I haven’t finished playing that mod yet because I got distracted, though. So I don’t know how it ends. I’m like right before the big revolt too...
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My ‘canon’ quizzy is Synne Lavellan. (Synne is Anglo-Saxon for Gift of the Sun) She’s an electricity mage who is very set (and pretty good at) on getting as much information as possible before she makes any decision. Especially after she is named inquisitor, since her decisions will affect so many people.
Before the game she read a looot about inequality in Thedas and feels so much sympathy to elves and mages. She chose the Elgar’nan vallaslin as an oath to protect and aid those who need it most and enact vengeance on the Chantry. 
She sides with the mages and romances Solas. She thinks he’s an idiot at the end of Trespasser, but wants to find him and try to come to a non-apocalyptic solution. 
She reunites Celene and Briala because she disagrees with Gaspard’s methods, though she pretty much hates all of them. She drinks the well because she absolutely cannot in good conscience allow Morrigan to drink it when she has a child. Even at the risk of her own life.
I also have not put too much thought into Synne’s life beyond and inside inquisition because I’m still working on Rhyssa.
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I’ve also sent her back through time to be the Warden and Hawke because mods are wonderful and I love Dragon Age.
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This is Imogen Cousland. (Imogen doesn’t really have a set meaning because it’s thought that Shakespere made the name up by purposely misspelling the word for girl/maiden, but a few places have it listed as ‘Innocent’) She is also a mage because I don’t play non-mages pretty much ever and mods exist. 
Her main goal was to DESTROY Howe and Loghain. She wanted to have power in order to bring about change before becoming a Warden. She marries Alistair and becomes Queen of Fereldan so I guess she got her wish. 
She’s very playful and teases her companions a lot but is a good leader and tries to do what is necessary to hold the country together.
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This is Ataashi Adaar (original, I know lol). She has no idea what she’s doing tbh. She is very unprepared and VERY gay. She had no intent on leading anything at all ever and so has to rely on the advisers a lot which is hard when three of them are female. 
She romances Josephine and was super willing to Throw Down with that one guy for her hand. She ends up siding with the templars because she doesn’t know a lot about either side and definitely doesn’t know that mages can dispel magic but she also doesn’t trust templars at all so she conscripts them. 
Her own magic is pretty wild at times and she mainly does rift magic.
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This is Isabelle Travelyan. (Isabelle is Hebrew for Devoted to God) She’s supposed to be like 16-17 at most. She thinks she’s the Herald of Andraste and is a Chantry apologist. She sides with the templars, marries Cullen, makes Cole a spirit, makes Vivienne divine (only because she herself cannot be) and her main goal is... idk power I guess. She’s ambitious. 
She marries Cullen and keeps the Inquisition going as a force of the Chantry. I hate her for her choices, but that was the point when I made her- she’s everything I would not do, wrapped in fabulous outfits.
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Leilani and Eolas Lavellan, twins, were made for the question ‘what if we could romance Krem’. Leilani is Dalish for she who helps with shining thoughts, and Eolas is Dalish for knowledge.
Leilani is a dual wielding rogue who is upbeat and curious about everything- her goal is to have fun and experience new things. Eolas is a mage but he mostly focuses on protecting Leilani because she likes to charge into battle like an idiot. He is also curious about everything but is very timid and shy and prefers to read than to experience things firsthand. 
Leilani is technically the inquisitor- she’s the one who has the mark- but Eolas deals with the political stuff. Eolas was not the first for Clan Lavellan but was not sent to another clan because they didn’t want to break the twins apart and they needed hunters, so he can use his magic for hunting too. Mostly glyphs and stuff to trap creatures so Leilani can take them out. 
When Leilani meets Bull and the Chargers she immediately latches onto them. She will often ditch meetings to drink with them in the evenings. Eolas follows Josephine and Leliana around like a duckling because he never knew words could be weapons. He dutifully attends every meeting and fills in his sister on everything she misses while she repeats the tales she has heard from/about others. He spends most of his time in the library, specifically on the couch in the rotunda, reading.
Eolas is the first to meet Krem, when Krem is outside the chantry in Haven, trying to get someone to take his message. Eolas doesn’t see him at first, intent on finding Leilani to give her info from the meeting they just had in the war room. Krem catches him by the arm as he goes by and Eolas immediately tries to whack him with his staff which he blocks. He immediately lets go and apologizes, hands up to show he’s not a threat, and tries to explain why he’s there. But Eolas is having a hard time listening because of the sudden fight or flight instinct- but also Krem is really handsome and the sun has flooded Haven with golden light which is silhouetting him, and Eolas’ brain hasn’t caught up so he’s just standing there staring like he’s seeing an angel. Krem eventually gets his message across and leaves with the mumbled promise that the inquisition will check out the Chargers.
Leilani gets the whole story out of Eolas pretty easily and spends a ridiculous amount of time teasing him about his crush. They head off to the Storm Coast pretty soon after that and after the battle she goes to talk to Bull. Eolas is kinda awkwardly standing there watching the Chargers clean up and make sure the job is done. Krem greets him and he tries not to blush because here on the beach, dirty from battle and wet from rain, Krem is no less beautiful than before.
Leilani is delighted by Bull and the Chargers and when she’s done negotiating the terms of their contract, she wanders around bothering the Chargers because she’s never met mercenaries before. Krem, of course, is willing to talk more than the rest of them so she interrogates him for like half an hour, he devious grin getting wider and wider as she occasionally glances at Eolas. Eolas, for his part, wants to go drown himself because that’s never good. Leilani parts with Krem with a wink and Eolas is like what did you say to him??? Cuz sibling paranoia is real.
Eolas is reading in the rotunda like usual one day when Krem comes through with some fade touched animal bit for Helisma but he stops to chat since Eolas is rarely in the Herald’s Rest. Eolas manages to stick his foot in his mouth or fumble too many words or something and embarrasses himself because he was not expecting to see his crush, but Krem just laughs it off. Once Krems heads upstairs. Eolas is like I need to hide forever now and leaves for the twins’ chamber to hide in bed. 
A little later, Leilani stops by the tavern to get a drink in with the chargers and hear more stories and after hearing one is like oh I should go tell this one to Eolas, he’d love it! Krem chips in that last he saw Eolas he was in the rotunda, but he had left by the time Krem was dropping off research materials. Leilani goes to ask if Solas knows where Eolas has gone and he tells her he went to hid and that young love is adorable. 
She finds him in bed with the covers over his head and he asks her to kill him because he made a fool of himself in front of Krem. She’s like maybe you should tell him you like him. Yanno, see if he’s interested? instead of acting like a startled halla anytime he’s within 15 feet of you? Just a thought? Eolas says he can’t do that- because he’s not pretty, or clever, or brave enough. Plus who knows if Krem likes boys. Leilani smacks him for being self-deprecating. She does point out Krem might not like people romantically at all, now that she thinks about it. From all her time hanging with the Chargers and listening to all of their stories, he had never talked about sex and romance in relation to himself. Eolas is like great, so he’s either celibate or a gentleman which means he wouldn’t want me or I don’t deserve him. Leilani keeps prodding at him to drop the self-deprecation.
A while later and Krem remarks that he’s curious about Eolas. Eolas occasionally talks to him but it’s very short conversations and only about inquisition things really. But Leilani’s tales always feature her brother, though maybe not very actively most of the time. So he wants to know more. 
He tries to find him, but can never seem to find him beyond a flash of ginger hair across the courtyard or up in the rookery and once he gets to where he thought he saw him, Eolas is gone. So he asks Leilani what Eolas does in his free time. She’s like ‘He reads, mostly. The fucking NERD.’ and he subtly tries to find out what he’s reading right now and convinces Leilani to get him to come up to the battlements at night between rounds of drinking and other conversations between the Chargers. But she gets giddy almost immediately, knowing Eolas’ crush, and he’s maybe not as subtle as he wants to be after a couple of beers. Bull notices this all but doesn’t say anything.
Eventually Leilani finds her brother reading (hiding) outside on the patio ledge thing outside of the rookery and she’s like hey I gotta do a thing with Dagna for one of my daggers but can you go meet me out on the battlements between cullen’s office and the tavern tonight? He’s concerned but she brushes him off, muttering about enchantments and fire runes. He agrees to meet her so she makes herself scarce (she does actually get Dagna to help with the fire rune- she likes talking to Dagna, because it’s cool to see the world from different perspectives and Dagna is so good at that!)
Eolas gets up to the battlements eventually and as soon as he exits the dilapidated room between Cullen’s office and the tavern he’s confused and tense because Leilani is not there. But he reasons she’s probably just late because 1. of course she is and 2. she and Dagna carry on conversations like magpies- jumping from one shiny thing to another. Then there’s the sound of someone in armor getting up and saying ‘Your worship.” And he whirls around, throwing up a barrier in surprise. It’s Krem, of course, who has once again realized he has startled Eolas and puts his hands up and apologizes until Eolas drops his barrier.
Krem has apparently dragged a bench from the room out onto the battlements. Eolas apologizes and asks if he has seen his sister around. He promises as soon as he finds her, they will move locations to leave Krem in peace.
Krem processes for a second and is like I’m sorry, I was the one who wanted to talk to you and I asked your sister to relay the message. Eolas tries not to blush for being singled out (and fails, but if anyone asks he’ll say it’s 100% because of the chill and wind up here and nothing to do with Krem). Krem explains that he figured Eolas doesn’t like crowds much since he doesn’t go to the tavern much and when he does it’s for business and he doesn’t stick around, so he thought it’d be easier if it was one-on-one and away from prying eyes.
There’s more to it but I haven’t really gotten far in the conversation since the last time I added to the story.
I will say that later on after they have gotten into a relationship, Leilani starts showing up and insinuating herself into the relationship which culminates in her sneaking in to wherever they’re sleeping and lying down on the other side of Krem and when Krem wakes up confused the twins are like bleary eyed and confused and make him lay back down for more sleep.
Imagine the PR disaster Josie has on her hands when it gets out the inquisitor is not only sleeping with a vint merc but also sharing him with her mage twin brother. 
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Also when I went to play Leilani, I used the wrong version of Falon’din’s vallaslin because i’m dumb and honestly I’m not sure which one I like better.
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This is Isana Cadash. She’s a mage dwarf, though the game considers her a rogue out of combat. Isana is one of the dwarven words for lyrium so I thought it was a good name. She romances Bull. 
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araglas1989-writing · 7 years
Wicked Grace
“For the last time - I am not playing strip Wicked Grace!” – Fenris said, his expression showing his distaste.
 For the past several minutes, Isabela had been trying to convince him to play this new version of Wicked Grace. Everyone else present; namely Merrill, Anders, Hawke and of course Varric, had already agreed to it, and yet Fenris still refused.
"Oh come on Sweet thing, you are such a beautiful man. You absolutely need to join us!" The pirate seductively purred whilst leaning over the table shamelessly giving Fenris a good look at her breasts.
For a moment, she managed to get Fenris distracted. She was a beautiful woman after all. Still, the elf gathered himself quickly and looked away from her cleavage, snorting.
"Still no." Even though he was not blind to her charms, he knew that she wasn't what he was looking for. She was a player, but Fenris needed a keeper.
  "Give it up, Rivaini. Broody just hasn't got the balls for this kind of game", Varric intervened with a smug smile whilst shuffling the cards.
Fenris raised an eyebrow at the remark. "You cannot manipulate me that easily, dwarf."
 Varric simply shrugged.
 "Was worth a try" He replied, a smug smile on his lips.
  "Please, Fenris. Just one game!" Hawke gave his best puppy eyes at the Elf who faltered for a moment, but then he shook his head. "I will not play strip Wicked Grace!"
  When Isabela wanted to argue further, Anders sighed in frustration
  "Just give it up and let’s play! I, for sure don't want to see the prickly Elf naked, thank you very much."
  The Warrior turned at him with a sneer "As if anyone wants to see your bony body!"
  "Ha! I just knew you two were scrubbing each other’s decks" she winked at them with a broad smile. "Ohhh let me watch, yes? Please, please!"
  "What?! Are you kidding me? Me and that mage hater? No way. He wouldn't touch me even if his life depended on it. Neither do I want him to." Anders grimaced. Really, what was that woman thinking? He shook his head as he glanced at the Elf.
  "I hate it, but this time I have to agree with the mage." Fenris took a deep gulp of his ale.
  "How do you know that he is 'bony' beneath his clothes? " She defiantely crossed her arms before her body.
  Fenris raised an eyebrow, glancing at her and then looked at the others, but all of them gave him only confused and bewildered looks.
  "Really?" He shook his head, nodding towards Anders. "Has nobody noticed that his cheeks are too hollow? His cheekbones are too pointy and for weeks he has had balance problems when he wields his staff too fast? Also, when he eats here, he eats slower on purpose to hide how hungry he is." Again he watched everyone. "Not that I care, but he obviously doesn't eat enough. How has nobody other than me noticed it?"
  "And why have you noticed it?" Hawke's voice sounded curious but also a bit sulky because the Warrior hadn't mentioned anything sooner. Also because he failed to notice these things himself. What a good friend I am...
  "He is a mage and an abomination. I keep an eye on him closely. On all mages, if I am honest." Again he took a sip of his mug, while casting his gaze down. When he put down his mug he shrugged. " To be entirely truthfull, I know everyone’s weaknesses. I was a bodyguard. I'm trained to find potential hazards and weaknesses..." Even without seeing them Fenris could feel that the others were uncomfortable with his remark and all its implications.
  "That sounds like you plan on fighting us..." Hawke's voice sounded wary and unsure.
  "No! It is simply a habit." He paused a moment, drinking more of his ale whilst his gaze was cast down. Fenris couldn't bear to look at anyone in the eyes. "But as an escaped slave and accompanied by mages, I never can be too sure what comes next..."
  "So you what you are telling us is that you’re just waiting for the day when we’ll betray you?" huffed Hawke "Do you really think we would do that? After four years and many encounters with hunters? After all I have told you..."
  For a moment it seemed like Fenris wanted to melt into his chair, but then he straightened his back and lift his gaze. Not enough to look into the gold brown eyes of their leader, but enough that Fenris could see his beard and lips. "It is no secret that I am no friend of mages. And while I admit that I deeply respect you, I do not think that I will ever think otherwise. So it is only a matter of time till you, or one of the other mages will find you have had enough of me. Also, I do not know at which point my bounty will be high enough to tempt the rogues." This time he looked in Isabela's direction without meeting her gaze.
  The silence hung heavily between them. "You really got some nerve, Elf" this time it was Anders who was speaking up with a deep growl.  "That you don’t trust me I understand, I'm everything you hate. That you don’t trust Merrill, I also understand but Hawke? He may be a Mage but has always been on your side! And don't forget that you could also turn at us any moment … but we still trust you! One word to Meredith and all of us would be locked away. So tell me, when will you betray us?"
  Fenris looked at him. Really looked at him. It was odd but somehow Anders was the only person he could look into the eyes and hold its gaze without any difficulty. His eyes wandered over the grim face of the Mage, taking in every emotion that showed so plainly on his face. The Warrior had always wondered how Anders could be like that. Maybe this was the reason why he didn't believe much of what Anders told him about the circle. How could it be so unbearable there if it did not change the blondes’ good and open hearted attitude?
  "If I told Meredith about you, you would be made tranquil or be killed. Merrill would surely be killed and Hawke I would assume they would want to take him alive but he would not go without a fight. So I think, he would also turn either tranquil or dead. So I think that after all we have been through, if anyone is going to kill any of you, I owe it to you to do it myself." The Warrior emptied his mug and ordered some wine. Then he returned his attention to the others. "Not that I cherish the thought. I would rather not be forced to kill any of you" Again his gaze went to Anders. "Not even you, although I admit it is tempting at times..."
  "Owe us... Do you only think about who owes who? How will you ever truly be free when you don’t understand the meaning of friendship? It doesn't matter what happens, there is no way I would let any of you down! I always will fight for you, kill for you even die for all of you!" Hawke's voice was determined, honest and fierce.
  Fenris shifted, uncomfortable, gaze casted down again. "I... I have never..." he paused and looked somehow miserable and stoic at once. After several minutes of silence he just shrugged.
  "Thank you."
  The warrior wanted to tell them that he had only ever people he could consider friends once, but back then he was the traitor. Fenris wanted to tell them, that since then he had realised what he had instinctively known to be true as a slave, namely that betrayal may happen at any time And he just wanted to be ready incase it did happen. Also the Warrior desperately wanted them to realise, that he also could easily be the traitor...
  But then again... This was the first time Fenris belonged somewhere without belonging to someone so he didn't want them to fear him. He didn't want to fear them. They were all so incredibley trusting. It was both endearing and painfully frightening. It seemed to him as if betrayal was beyond their imagining.
  Isabela sighed inwardly at the change in atmosphere in the room. Personally she didn't mind Fenris' implication that she might sell him out. Honestly she would feel more offended if he wouldn't even consider this possibility.  She was, after all a pirate and thief and proud of it. Still this atmosphere was counterproductive for the game she had planned for this night. "Speaking of sneaky elves" Isabela winked at Fenris and snatched the cards out of Varric's hands, shuffling them further while starting to tell her story.
  "Did I ever tell you about my encounter with that damn hot crow? He came at night to assassinate my... lover that evening.  At first, I thought he was going to  kill me too since I was a witness, but instead we ended up having the most amazing sex I had had till then. Later I saw him again in Denerim  and had a threesome with no other than the Hero of Ferelden himself..."
  Anders perked up: "Wait, are you speaking of Zevran? I never met him personally, but the Hero of Ferelden was head over heels in love with him!"
  Isabela laughed while dealing everyone, even the warrior, in. "Exactly him. I think I have a little dangerous elf kink" Again she winked at Fenris.
  Without thinking Fenris took the cards, inwardly grateful for the change of subject. He only remembered what kind of card game it was when the first round was over and Merrill was the one with the worst hand so she needed to undress. She decided to remove her scarf.
  A bit upset he turned to Isabela. "You tricked me!"
  She shrugged and grinned mercilessly. "Either you continue to play with us or you leave. We will not put on a show for you while you stay dressed" She winked at him, shuffling cards and dealing them all in again. The Elf only huffed and decided to play along. He didn't want to leave. Not after the heavy words they had had before. It was certainly better to raise every ones mood first.
  The reason why Fenris didn't want to play, was not, because he would be ashamed. No slave had a sense of shame, that was only for free people. No, he feared his appearance could intimidate or disgust the others. But Fenris learned quickly that rather the opposite was the case. Also he realized that everyone in their group had some kind of scar. So after some rounds and much booze he felt comfortable and even enjoyed the game. Especially his bickering with Anders which was something between teasing and insulting. But it seemed to have the right balance since the Mage grinned now and then.
  The game went on and on. The booze flowed freely and it was a jolly atmosphere. It was already early in the morning and only Fenris and Anders were still playing. Fenris still wore his breeches, whilst Anders was down to his smalls.  He indeed was quite bony and could use some decent meals. Just like Fenris had said.
  Isabela had lost suspiciously often. As the elf threw a side glance at her he wondered with a wine fogged mind if she had done this on purpose to have an excuse to get naked in front of them. Now she was half dressed again and asleep with her head on the table, snoring quietly. Hawke and Merrill had left about an hour ago, so only Varric was still present, dealing them the cards.
  "So you still will not give up?" The elf asked scornfully. The Warrior was either glancing at his cards or looking at Anders with a sneer and mild distaste.
  "Never" the Mage answered with the same amount of taunting and facing Fenris with a matching sneer.
  "If you give up you could at least keep some dignity" He grinned wickedly casting his gaze a bit down where he noticed some time ago that Anders had an erection before his gaze returned to the face of the mage.
  Somehow, Anders managed to not blush, looked at Varric wondering if he noticed something, but the dwarf sat on the other side of the table appearing very tired.
  "Don't babble and show me your hand. I drew the Angel of Death"
  Both showed their cards and Anders lost again. He saw the broad grin of Fenris.
  "You loose, Mage" he called triumphantly.
  But Anders shot a grin back, as he just remembered that he still wore his hear tie. He pulled it out and ran his hands through his hair to untangle it.
  Fenris’ breath hitched at the sight. For a moment his face lost the sneer and the look of distaste he’d been wearing. With his hair down, Anders' face didn't look as hollow as before. It flattered his features and for few seconds Fenris forgot that he disliked the Mage deeply. But he quickly composed himself again.
  "Dwarf deal in a new round."
  "No" Varric yawned, "call it a draw and stop it. I'm exhausted. So please just get dressed and go."
  Both threw an unamused gaze at the rogue but then nodded.
  Fenris stood first and grabbed Ander’s coat, throwing it at the mage before he began dressing. Anders quickly covered his erection with it, giving the warrior a grateful look which Fenris did not see.
  Outside in the fresh air Fenris suddenly felt the wine hit him like a hammer. Frowning he stumbled forward, but Anders quickly caught him, steadying him.
   "Easy there. Everything ok?"
  Fenris breathed deeply, in and out three times before he pulled away.
  "Ok then... Good night" Anders began making his way to the nearest entry to Darktown but after several steps he stopped, noticing that the Elf was following him. "Uhm Fenris? What are you doing?"
  "Walking you home."
  "You are the drunk one. I'm perfectly sober and can defend myself."
  "No" the Warrior said stubbornly.
  Anders sighed. "You don't even like me so why would you want to walk me home?" Except maybe for some hot sex? As if...
  Anders really had enjoyed seeing the always so stoic Elf half naked. And if he was honest with himself, he had fantasised many times what would happen if Fenris lost his control in a good way. In a pleasurably way...
  "True. But we are still a team and have each other’s back."
  "That's... really nice" the Healer seemed surprised at this statement. "But that leaves us in a stalemate. Because by that logic it also means I have to walk you back, since you are far from sober, and then you would need to walk me back and so on. The only solution would be that either you stay at my clinic or I stay at your mansion..."
  Fenris stared at Anders, considering. With his wine fogged brain this was really hard work. Finally he shrugged.
  "My mansion then."
He turned and walked away only to stop, when the other didn't follow but just gaped at him.
  "Come on, I'm getting tired."
  Together they walked through Lowtown to Hightown till Anders followed Fenris into his home.
  I've never been here without Hawke. Anders thought worriedly. He hadn't thought that the Elf would agree, he just wanted Fenris to reconsider walking him home. Now he didn't know what to do. What did Fenris expect from him? Anders noticed that he was left in the hallway with those creepy corpses and hurried to follow the Warrior again.
  "Uhm... and... what now?"
  Fenris went straight to his bed, Anders already forgotten. He huffed annoyed. "You either sleep on the floor, I might add that I have rats, or you join me. The bed is big enough."
  Anders hesitated but then decided to join the elf. I can't believe he invites me into his bed. Not for sex… But still... He lay down next to Fenris, who already appeared to be asleep and turned his back to him. Since Anders was sober it took him some time to get used to the others presence but finally his tiredness and the softness of the bed lulled him into sleep.
  Later, as the sun began rise, a noise stirred Fenris from sleep. He’d only slept for a couple of hours and was so very tired, then there was a whining noise behind him once more.
  Fenris almost leaped out of bed when he saw Anders laying behind him, obviously having a nightmare.
Why is he in my bed?...
Anders jerked and made a distressed noise and before Fenris knew what he was doing, he’d pulled the mage closer, combing the human’s hair with his fingers.
  “Hush” Murmured Fenris softly.
  Anders calmed almost instantly, and Fenris lay his head back down on the pillow to rest, his body flush against the mages back...He was so very tired...
  Several hours later it was Anders who woke up first. Eyes still closed, he stretched a little but stopped as soon as he realized that there was an arm holding him and a body beneath him. His heart started to beat fast, a moment of fear rushing through his veins when he opened his eyes. First he noticed that his cheek was resting on a warm chest, rising and falling with the breath of the other. Next he became aware of the lyrium tattoos etched into a lean but strong arm.
  Oh Maker I'm laying in Fenri’s bed in his arms. How by Andraste's tits did this happen? He will surely kill me! What should I do, what should I do?
  Panic seeped through him whilst he stayed perfectly still to not wake Fenris. Breath! Anders told himself. Instinctively his breathing matched the elfs’. After a few minutes the healer managed to push his panic aside. Slowly, he turned his head till he could see the face of his bedfellow.
  I never saw him with such a relaxed face. He is really a handsome man... A handsome man who could easily kill me if he finds me in this position!... But he is holding me not the other way around so it's his fault, isn't it? And he invited me to his bed... but that will most likely not matter to him... But if I try to sneak out of his hug he will surely wake up...
  All his thinking came to a stop when suddenly Fenris eyes opened.
  Fenris groaned. I should known by now not to drink that much of the filth they serve in the Hanged Man. He thought regretfully because of the hangover he had. He blinked in irritation when he noticed Anders, but instead of trying to hurt him or at least to let the healer go Fenris just stared at him.
  Anders was staring back. After some time with nothing happening, the mage dared to speak out.
  "Headache? If you want..." He raised his hand, which had laid at Fenris chest, and moved his fingers promisingly.
The warrior kept his silence a moment longer then he nodded slightly. "Maybe then I will remember why you are in my bed."
  Anders moved his hand to lay it at Fenris' temple pushing healing magic carefully in his skull. "You invited me..." He answered worriedly.
  Fenris raised one eyebrow. "I invited you?"
  "Uhm yes. You wanted to walk me home and I told you that you would also need to be walked home since you were really drunk and that the only solution would be, that either you stay with me or I with you. So you decided I should come with you and offered for me to sleep with you in your bed since you have rats... I don't know why you are holding me, though." He explained as fast and clear as he could.
  Still the Warrior stared at the human. Slowly very slowly his memory came back. "Ah yes. And you had a nightmare. You woke me up."
  "Oh... sorry about that..." He fell silent again. This is so surreal! Since when is he so calm and understanding? Since when does he accept magic and my help? And why... "Why are you still holding me?"
  The elf immediately let go of Anders. After the other had made some space between them, Fenris got up, stretching and slightly moaning when his back cracked. He absently ran his fingers through his hair, repairing his bed hair to his normal hairstyle. Finally the Warrior turned to Anders.
            The healer somewhat regretted having mentioned that Fenris had still been holding him causing Fenris to let go of him. It had felt really nice to be held, but of course had his irritation to destroy this moment. Now he was watching Fenris stretching and flexing his muscles. The soft moan shot an electricity bolt down to Anders' groin so he decided to get up and grab his coat. Anders paused while getting dressed. "What?"
  "I asked, if you wanted breakfast" now Fenris' voice sounded slightly annoyed. He frowned when the other only gaped at him. "What?"
  "You... just yesterday you told all of us how much you distrust us, then you invited me for a sleep over. You were drunk then so it was weird but still acceptable. But you are sober now so what the hell has happened to you?"
  The warrior stared at the human because Anders was right, his behavior was really strange. His gaze turned inwards while he tried to figure out what had changed. I feel... well rested. Fenris looked out of the window, measuring where the sun stood. It is approximately one hour after midday so I have slept.... His eyebrows shot up and he stared at Anders. "Maybe because it is the first time I slept longer than my usual four to five hours..." Since he could think he couldn't remember sleeping so much and so good as he had this night. No nightmares  hadwoken him up, even the pain of his markings were on a level he didn’t even consider as pain. All in all, Fenris felt relaxed like never before. Maybe I should keep him as a teddy bear, shot through his mind before he rejected the thought.
  "So the cure to you being grumpy is just giving you a sleep potion every night? I think I can do that!" Still quite unsure Anders closed the buckles of his coat. When he looked up again he found Fenris scowling at him. "Okay, okay no sleep potion then."
  He watched Anders getting dressed, an evil grin growing on his lips. "We did not finish our game yesterday, care to play again?"
  The healer raised one eyebrow. "Weren't you the one who didn't want to play?"
  "True. But I finish all my competitions. Besides I am sure you enjoyed the view" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Fenris felt playful today and wanted to savor this new feeling as long as he could. And why shouldn't he enjoy teasing the apostate?
  This time Anders blushed then cleared his voice.
  "I'm quite sure you enjoyed yourself too" he grinned "I think you liked my hair down, didn't you?" After that he shook his head. "I'm already late for my patients. I can't believe I slept in this long."
  "Tonight then?"
Anders paused. "Hanged Man or... just the two of us?" His heart began to beat loudly. Partly because it sounded like a promising event but also party because he feared a mood swing. Maybe Fenris just wants to humiliate me?
  "The two of us, here." confirmed the warrior.
Anders gulped. "Alright, tonight then." He left the room and the mansion fast. I'm such a fool. Tonight his foul mood will surely back and he will throw me out.
  When Anders came back to the mansion it was already late. Shortly after he had opened his clinic the word had spread and many patients came for healing.
But now stood in front of the door of Fenris’ Mansion, trying to muster the courage to go inside. He did not say until when I should come... But it's already late... I wish I was at home... but I said I would come. He was so nice after waking up, if I break my word now he surely will never try to be nice again...
  Anders shifted uncomfortabley, before he finally knocked and went in. "Fenris?" Nobody answered. For a moment Anders hesitated but then he went further, till he found Fenris by the fireplace. "I'm sorry that I'm late it was a very busy day..."
  Fenris sat there on his bench a table near to him with an empty wine bottle, two full bottles and the half empty bottle in his hand. He met Anders with a cold gaze. "I thought you were too much of a coward to come back."
  "Never. I was just busy. But if you want me to go..." Anders was not really that enthusiastic to stay when Fenris was in this mood, but he would not lose face by retreating.
  "Sit", Fenris drank a sip of wine then reached for the cards. He shuffled and dealt them out.
Anders sat down with a huff and took his cards. He lost the first round and stood to unbuckle his coat since it was quite hot thanks to the fire, but a hard voice stopped him.
  "Start with the tie"
  "But it's hot in here... yeah yeah okay!" Anders sat down again, when Fenris snarled at him, pulled his tie and ran his hands through his hair to untangle it. He is really bossy. This will be an awful night.
  The atmosphere was neither jolly like the night before nor easy like after waking up. It was dark and intense. Anders didn't dare to speak much since the elf was incredibley broody. The healer already lost his tie, coat, boots and socks whilst the warrior only lost his armor.
This time Fenris lost and removed his tunic, then shuffled the cards to deal again, but Anders had finally enough.
  "You know what? I give up! It's no fun like that!" The blonde stood up to retrieve his belongings.
  "We will finish this" Fenris’ growl sounded almost like the wolf after which he was named.
Anders winced, turning to Fenris with a scowl on his face.
"If you wanted me naked you don’t need this stupid game to to it!" Without hesitating he removed his shirt, his trousers and, after a short pause he also removed his smalls. "Happy now? So what? Want to laugh at me because of my poor physical condition? Tell me how ugly I am because of the scars and because I'm so skinny? Do you want to humiliate me by forcing me to go naked home? What?!"
  Fenris blinked in suprise as Anders started to undress himself. Slowly he stood up whilst the other yelled at him. He walked toward the mage and stood before him. The mage had just finished yelling, looking away as he finished. Fenris lift a hand and  and gently wiped away a tear on Anders’ cheek.
  "Hush" He said, his voice gentle and low. "I am not... I do not wish to humiliate you."
  Anders breathed deeply and nuzzled a slightly against the rough palm before he looked into those deep green eyes in front of him. "Then what do you want from me?" His voice trembled slightly,
  Fenris’ breath hitched. His thumb caressing over Anders' lower lip.
  " Everything you are willing to give me."
  For a moment the healer was silent, his gaze wandered over Fenris' face, taking in everything he saw, then he closed his eyes.
  "Will you be gentle?"
  Anders opened his eyes again. "Then I'm willing to give everything you need."
  Fenris looked into Anders' eyes, before nodding. , His other hand runnind down Anders back till it lay at the small of the mages back, the hand at Anders' face caressed the mages’ lip one more time.
  "Let's go to my room."
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ollifree · 7 years
Dragon Age Origins Appreciation Week: Day Three
Who is your favorite LI in Origins?
You know how everyone’s been quoting Zevran here this week? They’re right.
Which character was your Warden’s worst enemy in game?
For Lanni it was Rendon Howe, hands down. It wasn’t her driving force through the Blight (that would be defeating the archdemon) but once she had a chance to repay him for Highever she jumped on it.
The closest it would get for Terron would be the Tevinter slaver in the Denerim Alienage. Yes, he knows more people were involved behind the scenes, but that man was the one in the room at the time.
Caedan “I’m going to fight the entire Chantry” Amell’s was Knight-Commander Greagoir and Cullen.
Nasi’s was Beraht and later Jarvia.
Who did your Warden romance?
Lanni romanced Alistair and took the throne with him. They had two children together. Camelia was born three years after the Blight, and Arthur who was born two years later. Camelia is crown princess of Ferelden and Arthur became a ward and official heir to Highever.
Terron romanced Zevran. I won’t go into too much detail here since I covered most my bases in last year’s Zev/Warden week, but after going to Antiva for the events of Awakening Zevran went back to Vigil’s Keep with Terron. After they find a cure for the Blight, they get a cabin built and live the rest of their lives in blissful solitude.
Caedan romanced Morrigan and later went through the eluvian with her. He is the world’s most doting father and would have wanted as many children as possible if not for the infertility issues. They keep in constant touch throughout Inquisition, and Caedan drops by Skyhold for a few months to see her and Kieran. Once the cure is found the three disappear again to do vaguely magey things all of which I’m sure DA4 will debunk.
Nasi romanced Leliana. Of the romances, they’re the ones who spend the most time apart due to Leliana’s canon involvement in everything and Nasi’s persistent fear of the Surface. Nasi meets up with her worldstate’s Inquisitor during the events of the Decent DLC and afterwards spends some time in Skyhold. After Leliana becomes Divine, Nasi splits her time between her wife and her sister’s family back in Orzammar.
Who was your Warden’s best friend in Origins, and how did they become best friends?
Lanni’s best friends were Leliana and Morrigan, much to Morrigan’s chagrin. “Girl’s night” was a common thing late on in the Blight and consisted of Leliana and Lanni dragging Morrigan off for some semblance of not-the-end-of-the-world-acy. There’s an au I have where Lanni becomes Inquisitor, and the instant Morrigan joins the Inquisition Girls Nights are put back in place.
Terron's was Sten. At the beginning of the Blight they were both only semi-fluent in Common and helped each other out in understanding what half the people around them were saying. Terron also relied on Sten for battle strategy and left him in charge of things when he and Alistair were both indisposed. Oghren filled this role to a lesser extent in Awakening.
Caedan’s hands-down was Alistair. It took him some time to look past the trained-as-a-templar thing, but with Alistair constantly backing him up and helping him with the shit new warden’s go through they were all but attached at the hip a few weeks into the Blight. What really solidified it though was Alistair watching out for Caedan during the Broken Circle quest.
Nasi’s was Oghren, though less in our sense of the term and more of a comrades-in-arms type of way. Nasi has a head for strategy but at the time had little to no experience with it, and Oghren helped fill in those gaps. He was also the first non-casteless dwarf to stick up for her. Sten followed in as a close second, for much the same reason.
Friendships in Origins, this prompt is explicitly for BROTP’s.
I didn’t want to make Terron’s entry above too long, but I do want to draw special attention to his friendship with Alistair. I see a lot of parallels between them and Loghain and Marric (”He was my friend. If he wanted to conquer the Fade, I would have led the charge.”) and Inquisitor Ameridan and Drakon I (”Hey guy there’s a weird cult doing dragon shit can you take care of it?” “Sure.”).
The two trust each other implicitly. Even after Terron retires from Thedas in general, there’s constant visits between the two and Alistair has a more-or-less open invitation to enlist Terron’s help if trouble rears its head. They’re more queerplatonic life partners than simple friends.
Also of note is Nasi’s relationship with Loghain. The two are of a similar mind, pragmatic and militant above all else. But, being that he was recruited near the end of the Blight, there wasn’t much time for it to develop. He remained in the Fade during the events of Inquisition, and Nasi was truly grieved when she learned of it.
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