#and then there was one of the greatest singers in all balkan history who had shit opinions on war in kosovo
aristotels · 2 years
i actually do think you can consume art by problematic authors
hell, riblja čorba remains one of my fav bands ever and bora čorba was an actual četnik calling for genocide of croats (my people), to the point where he actively said in a song he wants to murder us. and check this: my father, who lived through the war, still loves his music and regularly plays it on the guitar. my dear friend, who grew up during war, hiding in the basement, listened to his records even then, while hiding from bombs. bombs dropped by četniks. by people like bora.
the difference between him and jk rowling is that he has literally zero power. hes an old nutcase living home and saying shit. he cant do a single thing to hurt us. he cant rally people against us and use his influence to spew hate. and he stopped saying that crap anyway, bc its not relevant anymore and hes a sad, crazy man, livin a miserable life.
another thing is: his music wasnt stained w anti-croatian rhetoric. in fact, him being a četnik is still smth i cant wrap my head around bc his music was so provocative and made sense. he sang abt dangers of ideology, yet succumbed to one himself. it was. so wild.
to the point: he doesnt profit off me listening to him, and he doesnt have any power. so yeah, in his case, im able to separate art from artist bc it isnt doing active harm.
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jonathanbogart · 7 years
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Yugotones: Balkan Communist Pop and New Wave
Part six of seven (probably). Parts one through five can be found by clicking the tag “my mixology career” at the bottom of this post; probably wait until you’ve clicked through to the full post before you do that, though. (Yes, I am explaining Tumblr to people who are not on Tumblr.)
The YouTube playlist for this mix is here. The tracklist is below; my notes on the mix, the background, and the songs are below that.
Bebi Dol, “Rudi”
Xenia, “Troje”
Zabranjeno Pušenje “Zenica blues”
Data, “Neka ti se dese prave stvari”
Dorian Gray, “Za tvoje oči”
Borghesia, “On”
Idoli, “Bambina”
Film, “Boje su u nama”
Bastion, “Hollywood”
Slađana Milošević, “Ja sam neka čudna vrsta”
Bliski Susret, “Kao nekad”
Plavi Orkestar, “Suada”
D’Boys, “Mi smo D’Boys”
Denis i Denis, “Program tvog kompjutera”
Gjurmët, “Të shtrirë mbi kanape”
Zana Nimani, “Što ne znam gde si sad”
Paraf, “Fini dečko”
Crvena Jabuka, “Nek’ te on ljubi”
U Škripcu, “Siđi do reke”
Videosex, “Moja Mama”
Josipa Lisac, “Ja bolujem”
Yugotones: balkan communist pop and new wave
For a long time when I was planning these mixes, I was going to lump all of Eastern Europe together into one Behind The Iron Curtain mix. But the more I listened and read and understood, the less snugly that seemed to fit the facts. Not just because Yugoslavia had broken away from the Soviet-aligned Eastern Bloc in the 1960s, siding with Maoist China in the Sino-Soviet split, but because Yugoslavian media — print, radio, and television — did not wholly abjure the decadent West. State-owned record labels issued foreign and local beat groups in the 60s and prog and hard rock groups in the 70s, with the result that the Balkan punk wave hit roughly contemporaneously with the French, Spanish, Italian, etc. waves. (Meanwhile, in the Soviet sphere, Fifties and Sixties rock signifiers were only just starting to gain official approval, as we will see.)
There was, and is, far more complexity to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as it existed between 1945 and 1992 than I can hope to convey here, even if I fully grasped it all, which I don’t remotely. But put simply: ethnic tensions, especially between the richer, more populous, and administratively overrepresented Serbs and minority populations like Croats and Bosnians, were always high. The 1980 death of President-for-Life Josip Broz Tito, who came to power fighting Fascists in the 1940s, accelerated those tensions, and ghouls like Slobodan Milošević would take advantage of the power vacuum to stoke the flames of ethnic resentment: the horrific post-breakup wars of the 1990s, which are all most of us know about the Balkans, were far more the product of sustained propaganda campaigns than of any regional propensity for violence — indeed, propensities for violence are inculcated by means of sustained propaganda. (Which is how toxic masculinity, to choose an example not at all at random, operates.)
But very little of that grimness, tension, or rage is present within this music, which like much of the rest of European pop in the early 80s is both excited and wary about new technology, eagerly devouring the new and rummaging through the old to see what can be relevantly cannibalized, and giddy with its own creative strength. Although Eastern European and Balkan rock has since the 80s gained a certain reputation for seriousness, not to say dourness, that’s only partly true here — mostly, granted, because my own predilections privilege the froth and giddiness of pop rather than the grim chug of rock, but also because Yugoslav society (to the extent it was a unified society) was much freer and more open in the 80s than it had been for decades. The death of Tito functioned much like the death of Franco had in Spain: the old truths (and especially the old censorships) no longer held, and all kinds of material rose to fill a marketplace which had weathered thirty years of the Cold War better than any other in Eastern Europe.
In fact, you have to go to MTV in the Us or Top of the Pops in the UK to find as much solid pop-video work as there is in this mix: most of the biggest songs had several different videos, because there were a lot of competing pop shows on Yugoslav television and sometimes they each commissioned their own video.
There is still plenty of Communism represented in the mix, though: notably the predominance of the state record label, Jugoton, as the issuer of most of the music below. Variants mostly reflect the city of origin, to which point: Yugoslavia was a federation of six socialist republics: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro, as well as two autonomous communities within Serbia, Kosovo and Vojvodina. Linguistically diverse (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin are all to some degree mutually intelligible, but Slovene, Macedonian, and Kosovar Albanian are not), ethnically and religiously heterogeneous, and with a long history of nominal administrative unity but distinct local practices, Yugoslavia represents the point in these mixes where my slender grasp on the languages in question fails entirely.
There are seven Serbian, seven Croatian, three Bosnian, two Slovene, one Macedonian and one Kosovar songs, not that I could distinguish any of them except diacritically. Albania, the Balkan socialist republic bounded by Yugoslavia and the Mediterranean, is not represented at all except linguistically (Kosovo is largely ethnic Albanian); state repression of non-folk popular music was enforced in Tirana until the 1990s.
I think that’s all the hedging I wanted to do. Although this project has been called a “deep dive,” I think of it much more as a surface skim. Anyone with the patience to click around on YouTube, fact-check against Discogs, and use Chrome’s translation tools could do the same. You can too. If you like anything you hear, you should.
1. Bebi Dol Rudi PGP RTB | Belgrade, 1983
We open with perhaps the most perfect pop song produced in Eastern Europe all decade: a valentine to Rudolph Valentino, sung by Serbian pop starlet Dragana Šarić. Her stage name is such deliberately infantilizing phonetic English that the breadth of her music, far from being lolita-esque dance-pop, can take the unwary by surprise. Her work was influenced by jazz, Arabic pop, and traditional Slavic folk as well as international pop: and despite its puppy-love lyrics, “Rudi” is structurally surprising, as she takes a basic pop song and unfolds unexpected harmonic filigree in post-chorus vocal flights. The voluptuous sweep of the melody fits in well with the plush erotic fantasies enacted on screen by Valentino: one video clip has Šarić intercut with scenes The Sheik, which helps elucidate the colonialist trappings of Western commodified (heterosexual) desire.
2. Xenia Troje Jugoton | Zagreb, 1984
What I always think of as the Blondie model of pop — a sharp pop-rock band fronted by a cool, attractive woman — was extremely popular in the early 1980s, and in Yugoslavia every major ethnicity had their own. Xenia was the Croatian version: singer Vesna Vrandečić was the singer, although on this single (“Three”) she cedes the chorus to the band’s guitarist and songwriter Robert Funčić’s laid-back almost-rap. Since it’s a song about the drama of men fighting over a woman, and the chorus is first-person from one of the men, it makes a kind of sense: but overshadowing both singers is the tense, blustery edge of the music, all paranoia and bluster, replicating the physical sensation of being in the room for such a fight.
3. Zabranjeno Pušenje Zenica blues Jugoton | Sarajevo, 1984
Although one of the smaller and poorer republics in the Yugoslav federation, Bosnia was one of the few to engender an honest-to-goodness local cultural movement (as opposed to merely imitations of Western models) in the 1980s. The “Novi primitivizam” (New Primitivism) that swept Sarajevo between 1981 and 1987 was a jocular proletarian reaction to the self-serious New Romanticism of British import (and Croatian popularization, as we will see) and Slovenian Neue Slowenische Kunst (we’ll see a bit of that too). Zabranjeno Pušenje were perhaps the foremost Novi primitivizam band: a folk-punk outfit like the Fugs or the Mekons, their music was characterized by local slang (often borrowed Turkicisms), simple melodies, and rudimentary instrumentation. Their low-key anthem “Zenica blues” (sometimes “bluz”) is a Johnny Cash-like tale of petty criminality, prison sentences, and the gloomy garrison at Zenica.
4. Data Neka ti se dese prave stvari Jugoton | Belgrade, 1984
YouTube comments are full of how this is a copy of Depeche Mode’s “See You,” but a synthesizer doing the wedding-bells riff from the end of “Then He Kissed Me” isn’t exactly an original thought. Regardless, it’s a beautiful synthpop gem from associates of Serbian synth-funk collective the Master Scratch Band. The three members of Data, who also played behind the Scratch Band’s girl group Šizike, only produced a single 45 under that name, but have been endlessly compiled and reissued on the strength of it.
5. Dorian Gray Za tvoje oči Jugoton | Zagreb, 1985
The Croatian adoption of the British New Romantic ethos found its greatest exponents in a band named after an Oscar Wilde character, whose first single, “Sjaj u tami,” was a Scott Walker cover, and whose singer, Massimo Savić, ran the gamut of glam-rock masculinity from David Bowie fey to Bryan Ferry louche. “Za tvoje oči” (For Your Eyes) was the title song from their second LP, a crooning, brooding masterpiece but commercially disappointing; the following year, Savić went solo, and has become an elder statesman of glamorous, elegant Croatian pop.
6. Borghesia On FV Založba | Ljubljana, 1985
The most famous musical wing of the Neue Slowenische Kunst (New Slovenian Art; the German title is intentional) was the long-serving industrial band Laibach — since they primarily sing in English, they don’t  appear here. But fellow-travelers Borghesia, also industrial, electronic, and dark, primarily sang in Slovene. “On” (He) is a full-on Electronic Body Music song, as developed by Belgian group Front 242: arpeggiators and screams soundtrack lyrics to a descent into fetishism which even in choppy Google Translate makes Venus in Furs read like Mother Goose. The video needs no translation: it’s not remotely safe for work.
7. Idoli Bambina Jugoton | Belgrade, 1983
More or less the founders and guiding spirit of the Serbian new wave, Idoli (Italian for idols) came to prominence in 1980 with songs like the post-punk “Retko te viđam sa devojkama” (I Rarely See You with Girls), about closeted homosexuality, and the Cossack-ska “Maljčiki” (Boys), mocking Soviet socialist-realist aesthetics. By 1983 they had produced several of the landmark albums of the era and had little left to prove; their final album Čokolada (Chocolate) was a huge-selling last hurrah, full of pop hooks and complicated sentiment. “Bambina” sounds like a love song, but the lyrics are actually full of suspicion and resentment.
8. Film Boje su u nama Jugoton | Zagreb, 1983
The Croatian standard-bearers of new wave — so much Idoli’s counterparts that they co-headlined a joint tour in 1981 — by 1983 Film were closer to the shiny guitar-pop of classic rock than to the twistier, more acerbic edge of new wave. Their 1983 album Sva čuda svijeta (All the Wonders of the World) leaned into the Hollywood signifiers suggested by their name: album opener “Boje su u nama” (We Are Made of Stars) includes Dirty Harry, Kubrick, and MGM references before the song even kicks in. When it does, it’s a blissed-out relative of “Start Me Up,” as hippy-glam as Marc Bolan at his best.
9. Bastion Hollywood PGP RTB | Skopje, 1984
The sole representative of Macedonia in this mix, Bastion was a four-person operation: one on synths, one on bass, one on vocals, and one on songwriting and visual art. The result of that skeletal operation was a surprisingly dubby approach to synthpop, as singer Ana Kostovska’s Lwin-y vocals wander around an endless funk-bass echo chamber punctuated by all kinds of sounds. The lyrics are the usual trenchant commentary on the dream factory that you would expect from the title, but the bass is the reason to listen.
10. Slađana Milošević Ja sam neka čudna vrsta Jugoton | Belgrade, 1983
My choice of this song to represent Slađana Milošević (her first name can also be written Sladjana) is perhaps eccentric, but it fit too well in the mix to not. Something between the Grace Jones and the Nina Hagen of Serbian new wave, she had weathered controversy in the late 70s for her Patti Smith-inspired rock, and was such an international pop star that her 1983 record Neutral Design was recorded in Munich with German musicians. It’s a hell of a record: every song made it onto Yugoslav television, often in multiple videos, and they’re all good. This, the closer (“I’m an Odd Sort”), is unexpectedly light and breezy: a witchy, jazzy calypso in which she mostly sticks to a high, soft register to sing about forbidden knowledge and how poor an adept the song’s “you” is.
11. Bliski Susret Kao nekad Jugoton | Zagreb, 1984
It wouldn’t be an entry in this mix series if I didn’t include at least one single that has never been reissued and is only available on YouTube. The Croatian act called Bliski Susret (Close Encounter) only issued a single song (the B-side is the same song in English), this beautiful slice of studio-based nostalgia, all production and sentiment. It was a one-man show: Željko Bošković, whose real career has been as a studio owner and producer in Zagreb, producing some of the best Croatian pop of the last thirty years. “Kao nekad” (Like Before), which sums up romantic pop from Spector to Gainsbourg,  remains a swoon-worthy calling card.
12. Plavi Orkestar Suada Jugoton | Sarajevo, 1985
Bosnian pop in the 80s was not at all just the New Primitivism, although no doubt its emphasis on stripped-down structures and folkloric origins had some influence on Plavi Orkestar, who sound exactly like what a Western conception of “Balkan pop-punk” might be. Anatolian rock riffs, all-comrades-together shouted choruses, and lovelorn lyrics about a faithless woman — and in the middle eight, about forgetting the faithless woman by going out on the town with your boys — made “Suada” a huge hit, the first of Plavi Orkestar’s long and enviable career.
13. D’Boys Mi smo D’Boys Jugoton | Belgrade, 1983
There are more differences than similarities, but the act that kept coming to mind as I dug into the D’Boys discography was Wham! Like George and Andrew, they were dismissed as lightweight pop fluff compared to the Real Rockers surrounding them; like George, Peđa D'Boy (Predrag Jovanović) assimilated a host of influences and went largely unrecognized as an innovator who predicted much of the trashier end of the European 90s. Which doesn’t mean that the Laughing Gnome effect which opens this drum-machine-and-guitar-bash anthem isn’t a throwback; but it’s also a sound I’ve heard a lot more often in global pop in the 2010s. “Mi smo D’Boys” means “We Are D’Boys,” and Peđa’s party (in both senses) sloganeering over its dumb-brick simplicity makes me think of such ironists as Morrissey, Neil Tennant, and Jarvis Cocker — another D’Boys track, “Sexy Sexy,” sounds unaccountably like “Common People.”
14. Denis i Denis Program tvog kompjutera Jugoton | Rijeka, 1984
Comparing Croatian synthpop duo Denis i Denis to British acts like Eurythmics or Yazoo is probably less illuminating than otherwise; but the general set-up is equivalent. Davor Tolja was the synthesizer maven, Marina Perazić the voice and sex symbol: her gasps and strangled sobs during recording were as important to the band’s electronic-erotic aesthetic as her low, singing voice. This single (Your Computer Program) was their biggest hit, but they were so consistent between 1983 and 1988 that just about any record could have gone in.
15. Gjurmët Të shtrirë mbi kanape RTP | Pristina, 1985
The sole representative of Kosovo on this mix, Gjurmët were very nearly the first rock act to sing in Albanian ever, and probably the first recorded. Their only release during their years of activity in the 1980s was a cassette delayed by the censors for over a year due to perceived Albanian nationalism, but later reissues, as both Albanian and Kosovar culture has become more open, have kept their memory faintly alive. “Të shtrirë mbi kanape” (Sprawled on the Couch) is their best uptempo song, urgent and moody, with superb new-wave guitar heroics from Bekim Dyla.
16. Zana Nimani Što ne znam gde si sad Jugoton | Belgrade, 1986
If Xenia was the Croatian Blondie, the Serbian edition was Zana, with a series of sparkling power-pop hits over the early 80s. But when singer Zana Nimani, for whom the band was named, left in 1985, the band carried on with a succession of new singers and little diminution in popularity. Nimani’s only solo album, 1986’s Noćas pevam samo tebi (Tonight I Sing Only for You) was recorded in Sweden, and this minor hit (I Don’t Know Where You Are Now) sounds like it: shiny and heartfelt, only her melodramatic voice gives her away as Balkan.
17. Paraf Fini dečko ZKP RTVL | Zagreb, 1981
In these mixes I’ve had little patience for straight-up punk or its immediate descendents, but Paraf are unique and strong enough to be an exception. They began as a shouty punk band, and were important enough to make the 1979 compilation documenting Zagreb’s punk scene; but after their first album in 1980 singer Valter Kocijančić quit, and female singer Vim Cola (Pavica Mijatović), and keyboardist Raul Varlen joined. They moved towards anthemic post-punk, as documented by this first single in the new line-up. “Fini dečko” means “FIne Boyfriend,” and the lyrics document how weirded out Cola is by a good, clean, upright boy. They would go on to make some of the most politically righteous music of the Croatian new wave, but this single, with one foot still in punk, is their most fun.
18. Crvena Jabuka Nek’ te on ljubi Jugoton | Sarajevo, 1986
Don’t be fooled by the huge glossy opening chords: Crvena Jabuka (Red Apple) aren’t a Sarajevan Van Halen (not that that would be a bad thing). They’re closer to a Bosnian Enuff Z’Nuff: a shiny hard-rock body over a winsome 60s-pop chassis. Named after the Beatles label, their self-titled debut album in 1986 was an immediate hit: but several months later the lead singer and the bass player were killed in a car accident. The remaining members forged on, and achieved even greater success, becoming one of the key figures of late 80s and early 90s Yugoslav rock; they still record today. “Nek’ te on ljubi (Kad ne mogu ja)” (Let Him Love You [If I Cannot]) is a power-pop gem that had unexpected resonance after frontman Dražen Ričl was replaced, and surpassed, by keyboard player Dražen Žeri.
19. U Škripcu Siđi do reke Jugoton | Belgrade, 1983
This shouldn’t be your only exposure to Balkan pop: there’s so much I haven’t included, from synthpop pioneers Boa and cross-dressing glam-funk star Oliver Mandić to stuff I don’t even know about. But after hearing it, I had to include “Siđi do reke” (Come Down to the River) by post-punk band turned New Romantics U škripcu (In a Heartbeat) no matter who I bumped. A hovering, almost ambient piece, equal parts “In Every Dream Home a Heartache” and traditional Serbian folk song, it’s one of the magnificent centerpieces of 80s Yugoslav pop.
20. Videosex Moja Mama ZKP RTVL | Ljubljana, 1983
The Slovene equivalent to the Croatian Xenia and the Serbian Zana was Videosex, who were probably the best of them all: singer Anja Rupel had more personality and the band was more versatile, jumping from straight-up synthpop like “Moja Mama” (My Mama, a mocking pout about stepmothers) to the noirish “Detektivska priča” (Detective Story) and even reaching back to 1940s swing for “Tko je zgazio gospođu mjesec” (Who Was the Lady of the Month). Rupel would go on to sing with Laibach; but this early giddy work remains unspeakably delightful.
21. Josipa Lisac Ja bolujem Jugoton | Zagreb, 1987
Comparisons to Kate Bush would be arrant nonsense: Croatian singer Josipa Lisac had been a distinguished art-rock singer for a decade before “Wuthering Heights,” both with beat group Zlatni Akordi and on her own. But in the neon 80s her eccentric sense of style was given room to flourish, and she made a series of crucial recordings halfway between pop, electronic rock, and local art-song traditions. When she presented “Ja bolujem” (I’m Suffering) at the 1987 MESAM festival in a dress that moved on its own as dancers below it ran through an intricate choreography, it was a magnificent capstone on the first half of her career. She’s since gone on to a more sedate Céline-like goddesshood, but her voice is still one of the most powerful instruments in the Balkans.
Next: “Eastern Europe” is a vast territory to cover. Whatever I do, I will not do it justice. My only comfort is that I haven’t done justice to anywhere else either.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
How Kosovo’s Unbeaten Misfits United To Come Within Touching Distance Of Euro 2020
An 86th-minute equaliser, followed by a 94th-minute winner in Kosovo’s thrilling friendly win over Latvia back in 2017 may not have made waves in the world of European football but it was a turning point for a country that had only gained independence in 2008 and had only taken part in their first qualifying campaign for the 2018 World Cup.
They lost all but one game in that qualifying campaign and scored just three goals, so few could imagine that after a final day defeat to Iceland, the small country would embark on a 15 game unbeaten run that has given them a serious chance of qualifying for the European Championships next summer. 
Now lying second in Group A, behind England, Kosovo know that a few more wins will secure their place at a major tournament for the very first time. 
Manager Bernard Challandes has not only captivated a nation with his passionate press conferences, he’s put together a side from across Europe, who are proud to play for their homeland.
Manchester City goalkeeper, Arijanet Muric, currently on loan at Nottingham Forest, committed his future to Kosovo last summer after months of talks. Having been born in Switzerland, he represented Montenegro’s under 21 side before becoming a full international with Kosovo and his story is replicated across the squad. 
Huddersfield full-back Florent Hadergjonaj is another who was born in Switzerland and even played a friendly for the Swiss national side, although he refused to play for them in a competitive game, when both nations hoped to convince him to play for them. He said at the time:
“I will play only the friendly match with Switzerland, for qualifying matches I did not accept to play.”
Earlier this year, the Football Federation of Kosovo confirmed that Hadergjonaj had received his Kosovan passport and was eligible to represent the country in competitive games, he hasn’t looked back since. According to the official FIFA rules a player can change nationality as long as:
“He has not played a match (either in full or in part) in an official competition at ‘A’ international level for his current association.”
Bersant Celina, another Man City youth product, is arguably the country’s most talented outfield player, playing in the number ten role for his national side and also playing a key role in a Swansea side who currently top the Championship table. 
I want more Kosovo manager press conferences
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He played for Norway at youth level but switched over to represent Kosovo in a friendly in 2014, as an unused substitute in their first sanctioned match against Haiti.
A familiar name to fans of the Football League, Sheffield Wednesday striker Atdhe Nuhiu also represents the Balkan side and has scored twice, but is a little way off Arber Zeneli, the Stade Reims winger and Kosovo’s record goalscorer with seven goals to his name
For the past decade, proud Kosovans have had to watch on as some of their potential players have gone on to represent their rivals. In an interview with the BBC, Gramoz Vokrri, son of the legendary president of the Football Federation of Kosovo, Fadil, said:
“In 2012, when Switzerland played a match against Albania, 15 of the players on the pitch were eligible to represent Kosovo.
“My father was at the game, watching with Sepp Blatter, then Fifa president. Mr Blatter said to my dad: ‘How are you enjoying the match?’
“He replied: ‘It’s like watching Kosovo A versus Kosovo B.'”
Now we are finally seeing the talent that Kosovo has generated with several quality players, many of whom escaped a country ravaged by war in the late 1990s, uniting in one team. 
The Kosovo capital, Pristina, has been the hometown of many modern-day celebrities, with
singers Rita Ora and Dua Lipa both being born in the city but now ‘The Land of Freedom’ has an entire squad of superstars to get behind as the nation unites behind this enthralling side. 
Don’t rule them out of causing England serious problems and if they do manage to get a result and continue their unbeaten run, it will be the greatest sporting result in the short history of their country.
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