#and then they don't see each other again till harrenhal
faerune · 2 years
me realizing that viserys dies in march so the last time aemond and argella had *whistles* was in march but then aemond dies in may of the next year so the months don’t add up right so that argella is pregnant but doesn’t give birth until after he dies
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I can't help but cringe when I see some people trying to push Aegon v. Aemond or Helaena v. Alys in these online spaces. Each character in the show has their own role in the storyline--and it's absurd to think they could be pitted against each other. It's just too weird.
Aegon v. Aemond isn't a thing because despite these two hating each other's guts, they fight besides each other till their last moment. Aemond fights this war in Aegon's name -- and despite him thinking his brother is nothing more than a drunken wastrel, this fool still offers this challenge to Luke by asking, "did you really think you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?" In F&B, the conflict is mainly panned out between Aegon v. Rhaenyra and Aemond v. Daemon. Helaena's role is much more passive all while being extremely crucial to how the Dance ultimately ends. Many are quick to point out that Lucerys' death was the catalyst that jumpstarted this whole civil war (even though in truth, it had been simmering since that Driftmark incident) but fail to notice that Halaena's end is what cements the final conclusion of the war.
I have acknowledged my hesitation in discussing Helaena-centric topics on my page because I have always felt like I understand her the least out of all the Green characters. But the way some of y'all go ahead and make assumptions about her relationships with her family -- and make up fake conflicts to justify your own crackship is truly bizzare.
I cannot even comprehend how stupid this forced competition between Helaena and Alys is. People really need to stop injecting Aemond into Helaena's storyline. Her loss, grief and trauma is separate from her brother's struggles -- and Helaena's tragic end is one of the turning points that change the tides against Rhaenyra. Infact, I suppose in this Aegon v. Rhaenyra clash (where Rhaenyra is unbashedly favoured in the show), Helaena's presence might be offered as a false positive for Team Black after the fall of King's Landing. Helaena's death comes right before the Storming of the Dragon Pit that ultimately sealed Rhaenyra's fate -- what remains to be seen is how the show is going to depict the events leading up to that point? In the book, Helaena is more or less a passive figure who is reduced to a grieving queen after the culmination of B&C. I had previously suggested that Helaena's role is going to be bigger than what was depicted in F&B - and given the fact that she has prophetic powers in the show, I assume she will be playing a much bigger role! Helaena is a seer who can see into the future -- and since the show is already exploring the 'song of ice and fire' (a la the long night), it needs to be seen how else are they going to use Helaena beyond season 1. Does she see her line ending after the Dance? Is she aware that dragons might cease to exist after the war? Does she see the eventual demise of her house? Does she see the Dance's conclusion as some sort of inevitable truth that must follow to achieve Aegon's dream?
Alys on the other hand has a completely different role all together. She is either Aemond's high-calling or his partner in chaos. Much of her story is shrouded in mystery. We don't even get a full account of how her story concluded; what happened to her and her child during Aegon III's reign. She becomes the witch queen of Harrenhal but for the next thirty years, we do not know what happened before the castle was eventually given to Lucas Lothston.
In conclusion, I will once again remind folks that each character serves a distinct purpose in this war. The common denominator between these character is unfortunately their father, Viserys -- and this story is essentially a run-down on how the prophetic king himself dooms his entire family (and eventually his house) into the path of self-destruction. For most of his life, Viserys' main aim was to ensure both stability and longevity for his line, and despite his efforts, he failed at that task quite remarkably. Each one of his kids possessed that distinct Targaryen 'trait' and yet this is a king who places his oldest daughter above the rest out of the guilt for killing his first wife. In the end, it was his choice that ultimately doomed his own house.
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
I guess people don't read leaks and it shows cause the fall of KL isn't even happening so we won't see Daemon and Rhaenyra taking KL. According leaks, she's reaching him to Harrenhal in order to plot that, but their “reunion” is nothing that happy or romantic lol cause assuming leaks is true, they're ice cold when they see each others again, and in a scene Daemon wants to help Nyra on putting her armor on and she will have afraid of his touch, slapping his hand or jumping away from him lmao so assuming this is all true, after their falling out cause of Blood and Cheese, things will only get worse. So yeah, i think Daemyra will be finished as couple, in terms of marriage, but we will see them together eventually, but only as allies, till they take KL (so at this point should be at the beginning of S3), and Daemon flies again away from her finding comfort in the arms of other women. Netty or someone else, i have no idea, (bet he's banging Mysaria again) but this is where their relationship is leading. IT'S IN THE BOOK. Daemon is not a faithful husband, stop blaming writers saying they hate him, nah! It's your made up view who hate the original material. There's no happy ending or fairy tale romance and Daemon isn't the prince charming risking all for his queen. This is literally made up. I don't know...It seems those people think is watching Snowhite or Cinderella where the prince saves his beauty, the one for him, rather than Fire and Blood, a story of war between 2 incestous families. Rhaenyra isn't the one for Daemon. None is. He loves only one person, and that person is himself. Rhaenys nailed his description perfectly in S1, cause everything Daemon does is always to get his own benefit from it, even his own death! Man, was tired of whiny wife and he killed himself to not answer to the accusations of adultery. He knew how to get out of the scene epically though. Nothing to say on that, he's insane but iconic.
I agree with what you said about Dumbnyra. He’s not Miss Maegors Prince Charming. This isn't a romance. These fans are delusional. He’s her abuser (emotionally in the books and physically and emotionally in the show) and cheats on her, but I'm going to have to disagree about Daemon not loving anyone but himself(at least for the books; it's TBD for show him).
Daemon is a selfish, cold-hearted, self-serving individual, but there is someone he loves more than himself and that’s Nettles. I think that’s the real issue with this fandom(and actually what unites all sides).
You have people who lie(like Dumbnyra stans) and say that Daemon lived, breathed, and died for Missy Anne when the book(s) says otherwise. You also have people who admit that Daemon was a sh*tty husband, but then they try to double down and say he was sh*tty to everyone and just an all-around monster when that's also not true.
Both groups forget Nettles exists, they try to limit her importance to him, or they try to make her and Daemon's relationship creepy and compare it to his relationship with Miss Maegor when it’s supposed to be the opposite of that.
Nettles(and book Laena) do show that Daemon is capable of genuinely loving someone and putting them ahead of himself and his needs, it’s just that she’s not the person who they want to be his person.
Anyone I agree is complex and a fascinating character because he doesn’t do the things he’s supposed to. He’s one of the most interesting characters in the book.
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
Is the writers playing again with us or what? Ryan said audience is gonna hate the Blacks next season and yet it seems they're doing everything to make them look better than how they're supposed to be in the book (?)
Book Rhaenyra: Useless in the whole Dance. She does nothing but crying over her dead children and whining and rage over Daemon not returning to her.
Show Rhaenyra: More active in the Dance only they know how lmao in love with Daemon but after the choking who knows (?)
Book Daemon: Doesn't give shit about Rhaenyra or family, but only power. Cheating on her and ultimately betrays her for a younger woman.
Show Daemon: Idk about his feelings for Rhaenyra. He sends contraddicting signs, sometimes he looks a bit caring, many other times indifferent and at the end MAD at her. Yet he seems more loyal and devoted to family, defenitely cause of Viserys but it's like he feels to have a endless debt to pay cause of him or something? I don't see love but obsession and yet this obsession make him more sympathetic.
Book Daemyra: He takes her virginity, cause yes in the book Daemon actually sleep with Rhaenyra and there are witnesses who claims that and he does that FOR THE THRONE, while Nyra falls for him. Yes she's weird as hell. Anyway, only wife Daemon loved in his life was Laena. Never cheated on her and always respected her. He doesn't love Rhaenyra at all and only marry her for political reasons. The wedding is described as scandalous. Far from each others during the Dance except when they're taking KL, but whole time before that Daemon is at Harrenhal and after that at Maidenpool, in both occasions, riding someone else lmao By the end Darmon betrays her orders and suicide or faked his death rather than returning to her.
Show Daemyra: Daemon feels guilty and has no guts to sleep with her cause actually cares for Rhaenyra in his weird way, but he does. Daemon is bothered by Laena who says she knows she's the second choice cause she does know about his obsession for Viserys who pushed him on being obsessed with Nyra, what a mess, and before that Daemon even is flirting with a man right in front of her salad! Rhaenyra making soulmates speech and proposing to him, the Valyrian wedding to make them romantic. Dance starts, idk if he will cheat on her chance is 50/50 to me at this point, but leaks is saying she's reaching Daemon to Harrenhal. Nettles might risk to be cut out to make them some Bonnie & Clyde shit. Lol i don't understand when they say writers is pro Green cause they made Daemon & Rhaenyra much better than book, especially Daemon. He's way much worse in the book than in the Show. In the Show he seems more human and emotional, yeah he doesn't express emotions like the others, but in the book he seems the coldest emotionless mf till he meets Nettles. Only her has been capable to warm and melt that ice heart, so now im wondering are they gonna do that cause of Rhaenyra? I don't understand writers, i swear. I know ep 10 things went down bad, but according the choices they made currently it doesn't seems they want the ship to sank as canonically does.
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Are we watching the same thing? Dumbnyra hasn't been shown in a positive light on the show. Daemon has been using Missy Anne. That’s been clear from the get go(people have just been ignoring it).
They started out with Daemon creeping on his underage niece. They have shown Daemon abandoning her on three separate occasions(brothel, her wedding, after dry beach sex).
They got zero chemistry. She’s had to beg his a** to marry her. Daemon literally abused Miss Maegor. He choked her out after she just gave birth, she was crying out for him and he ignored her, and he is only “obsessed” with her because of Gollum.
She’s replacement Gollum. He doesn’t actually want her(and her dumba** has daddy issues too which is why she’s hounding him and why she got giddy and started taunting him when she knew Gollum lover her now) and now he’s realizing Gollum wasn’t what he thought he was so he’s especially butthurt(and Mrs. Epps is afraid of his a** now).
This isn’t Boonie and Clyde or whatever other couple y’all want to compare them to.
S2 isn’t going to be Dumbnyra taking names and kicking butt(they are spending most of the season apart and it sounds like B&C will be a source of contention for them).
Dumbnyra both in the books and the show is not a romance. It’s never been a romance. It won’t be a romance.
They might be trolling a bit(to see people’s reaction to Nettles being cut), but Nettles isn't being cut from this show(s2 maybe, but not from the show). Valyrian Karen, Rhaena, Addam, or whoever else isn't replacing her.
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