#and then when I'm like 'no that's not me at all?' theyre like yeeeah right suuuure ๐Ÿ˜
lab-gr0wn-lambs ยท 8 months
The queer comunity these days is OBSESSED with stereotyping people like it's some cute quirky lil thing it's infuriating. Lesbians looove frogs and mushrooms lmao, nonbinary people are all littol wittol rat creatures, asexuals love nothing but cake and garlic bread, transmasc little boy ukulele music, transfem TRIPPY WEIRD MUSIC, what do you mEAN you've never seen shitass lesbian film shitass lesbian film and shitass lesbian tv show what's wrong with you are you even a real QUEER? You HAVE to have seen- Shut up!! We're not a hivemind!! I'm going to puke!!
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pageofheartdj ยท 1 year
Thanks for explaining!! I appreciate the insight and help!! And below is more thoughts and kinda questions? I dunno, feel free to ignore :)
And yeah I get it, I'm aroace too and everything relationship-wise just confuses me a lot tbh. It's like there's this whole other dimension to what others experience and I'm just sitting there outside of it and cant ever really understand haha. It just feels really odd sometimes, though unless I'm reminded about it I dont think about it.
Yeah you're probably right about the out of sight out of mind thing. I dunno if its adhd or ptsd or whatever, I just really really suck at thinking about people. I still care about them and all, but unless they're there my brain is more like "wow, they're a great person and I hope theyre doing well. Anyways!" and that's it.
And like, I dont know if this is weird or not but I can sometimes struggle with veiwing fictional characters as not fully real (the ones I really attach to anyways) because theres like. You know when your a kid and you dont want to treat your plush animals bad because you dont want to hurt their feelings (worry about them being lonely or excluded if they all weren't on your bed, that sort of stuff)? Like to me the characters start falling into that category and it feels awkward and stuff. I've never really been able to draw people because of it actually, because my brain is like "wow you are really out here creating the world and experience of someone against their will".
Anyways is that kinda what they were talking about when some people mentioned that some people struggle with separating fictional characters from real people (or vise versa)?
No problem! Hope my explanations are okay and all xD
Oh yeah I totatlly get it! I am aego so for me it's a bit easier, but still real people mostly aren't perceived that way and I don't like thinking about any of it xD
Yeeeah definetely look into neurodivergency, just in case, it's suprising how many things it can explain in you!:)
I won't say I understand the concept(I didn't treat my plushies that way but I am treating my plush pillows now similarly due to comfort from my anxieties xD) and I definetely treat fictional characters as 100% not real, just toys to play with. Although I get getting very attached to characters(I get obsessively attached but act in the opposite direction xD).
I guess some people are getting attached to the point of treating them as real(although it is VERY important to still be self-aware) while others are attached to the point of projection(again self-awareness) or playing with the most crazy things your brain can offer to process it and roll around to see your fave from all the angles(this is why many people like to torture their favourites I think)).
But like I said in the previous answer, it's all very personalised. People interact with fiction differently and often will not meet eye to eye. And that's okay! As long as we are respectful and avoid what we don't like and let others express themselves in the way they like)
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