#and then with rhaenys and meleys when alicent steps up to protect him and all that it was solid work for the character
navree · 2 years
the weird thing about the sarah hess interview (there are a lot of weird things about that interview but if i talked about all of them this would be the length of a phd dissertation) is that, like, if you want us to give some sympathy to aegon and acknowledge the complexities behind him not wanting to rule but wanting it and his relationship with alicent and his siblings and rhaenyra and all that without the audience getting hung up on him being a rapist, don’t write him being a rapist? you are a writer on the show sarah, you’re the one who decides and this was an easily solvable problem
#personal#house of the dragon#this is especially galling because i actually quite like the rest of what they're doing with aegon#like for one the actor is quite good he's one of the few parts of that horrid domina show that i actually like#for two everything that was goin on in sunday's episode was doing a lot#like his scene with aemond and then with alicent where he asks if she loves him and his coronation#and then with rhaenys and meleys when alicent steps up to protect him and all that it was solid work for the character#and his relationships with the people in his life#so you could have quite literally just nixed the rape thing and it wouldn't have even mattered? this isn't affecting the plot at all??#i'd say she can't write him well but i don't think she can write any of these characters well#like she wants us to woobify aegon but after writing him doing vile shit#she isn't giving anything for helaena beyond 'is a dragondreamer and mayyyyybe autism coded'#(and whether or not that's offensive is for someone else as i'm not autistic and can't speak to that)#she flattens out all of rhaenyra's bad traits but makes her a stupid politician#she HATES daemon for whatever reason why is why so much of that bullshit surrounding ep 6 happened#she (and the rest of the writers) have put no effort into giving any depth to corlys or rhaenys or ANY of the velaryon kids#just weird writing choices that are basically the writers getting in their own way#because there's good characterizations here#as i've said everything else with aegon was interesting (and that scene with him encouraging jace with his dragon was v sweet)#and helaena being a dreamer is good and daemon and rhaenyra and alicent are also characters with amazing complexities#and this thing they're doing with daemon in particular and his whole 'wants to be loved' shtick is fun#but they can't get out of their own way and do weird fucking nonsense#and then complain when the audience doesn't get it#you are the person making the story you can bend this story to your will you know!!!!! you can write these characters!!!
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The other woman (I could protect you part 2)
part 2 of 4 || series masterlist || previous part || next part
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pairing: Aemond Targaryen x maid!reader
synopsis: King Viserys is finally gone, but with his passing the troubles for Aemond and you have only begun.
warnings: mentions of performing sexual acts, period typical mysoginy, secrert marriage
word count: 1.4k
The night Aemond leads you down to the sept of Baelor, long after everyone had gone to sleep ironically enough is the night of Viserys´ death. The only person beside the two of you there is an intimidated looking Septon, that swears he would not tell anyone of what they were about to do. You can see in his eyes that he thinks this is wrong nonetheless, but what does it matter. If the seven wanted to judge you for the things you had done, so be it. You were not scared of them. The ceremony is held short. Only the necessary words are exchanged as to decrease the danger of a guard or anyone else catching you. Aemond holds your hand the entire time. His single lilac eye glassy and wet with unshed tears of happiness over the fact that you had agreed to wed him. Overjoyed in fact. When he leads you up to his chambers, that you now share, you are surprised to see all your things there already.
Through your surprise, you feel his trembling fingers undoing the laces of your dress. The dark blue satin slides down your body to pool at your feet. You step out of the fabric and turn towards him. Your lips capture his in the first kiss you share as newlyweds, while your hands make quick work of his clothing. The leather is cool underneath your finger pads.
“I must admit I am not as experienced as other men my age.” Aemond whispers his confession into the dimly, candle lit room.
“I will teach you.” She replies in a low rasp. From then on make sure to take it slow.
Aemond is different from Viserys, you can´t help but notice. All Viserys did was take. Even things that you never would have wanted him to take under any other circumstance, without any regard for your pleasure, let alone your well-being. The only care you received from him were the gifts he sent the following day. Alongside a tea, that as the maid told you, was brewed with the most care by a maester. Aemond on the other hand was gentle and sweet, yet passionate. He asked if what he was doing made you feel good and let you guide him to were you wanted him. He beckons words of praise from your lips continuously and once you had both finished, he holds you close until you both drift off to sleep. Still the image of Viserys doing unspeakable to you haunted you in your dreams that night.
It is a wonder that your marriage stays a secret for as long as it does, which is not very long at all.
However the day of Aegon´s coronation everything goes south fast. The day had been a mess from the moment it started. Beginning with the common folk being rushed into the sept almost forcibly, to Rhaenys hurting gods know how many during her escape on Meleys and now this. Your new husband and you had been called to Alicent right after the end of the ceremony, where she questioned your place at his side for everyone to see. The queen dowager was pacing furiously in front of you and Aemond, trying to process what her son had just told her, while Otto Hightower´s face was expressing only one readable emotion. A very clear distaste pulled the corners of his mouth downwards.
“I cannot believe this. This level of defiance is unheard of. Truly, this is something I would have expected from your brother, not you. And to think of the shame. First Viserys parades her around, bringing shame and humiliation to our family. Your father willingly put my reputation at risk. And now you wish to do the same. Despite seeing how her presence has affected us for years.” Alicent´s words are broken up by unbelieving chuckles. To say she wasn´t happy about what the two of you had done was a harsh understatement. Not that either of you had expected her to be.
“Mother…” Aemond tries to get a word in to calm her down, but it is to no use as she continues to speak in a frenzy.
“Not to speak of the fact that it was entirely improper for her to be alone in a room with any man. We thought more of you, Aemond.” Otto finally gets a word in between Alicent´s enraged rant. His voice is equally as cold as the look in his blue eyes and it sends a shiver down your spine, where one of Aemond´s protective hands rests.
“I have heard enough. Did you stop to think once that she might have done this solely to keep her non existing claim on our money? That she does not truly love you, but the power that is attached to your position as a prince of the seven kingdoms?” She massages her temples, as the crease between her eyebrows deepens in exasperation.
“With all due respect, your majesty, but I fail to see how you are able to speak about my feelings towards your son. As you have never truly looked inside my mind. Or spend a day in my body. I admit that what I did with the late king was wrong, however he decided to treat me the way he did himself. I did not ask to be given gifts or be paraded around.” You finally find your words again to defend yourself.
The newfound courage is met by an outraged look on both the Queen dowagers and the hands face and surprise by Aemond.
“The love I hold for prince Aemond is much bigger than the love the two of you could ever be capable of feeling for anything.” Your voice raises and for a moment you aren´t even sure if all you did this for is your own selfish gain. For as the words leave your mouth you feel your heart beat higher and a warmth spread throughout your entire body.
You realize you had felt like this for the past days. Ever since Aemond and you had consummated your marriage you felt your cheeks heat up whenever he so much as laid his eyes upon you.
“She is right, mother. Whatever I do with my life is none of your concern. I am a man grown now and I love her. That is all that matters.” Aemond speaks up as well now. Judging by the reaction it gets him, it is the first time he has spoken up against his mother and grandsire.
“Aemond…” Alicent tries to say something though she has to cut herself short due to still bring speechless at the whole situation. Otto however does not.
“You will stop with this nonsense this instant. On the morrow we will get this marriage annulled. You will get married to Floris Baratheon as you have promised Lord Borros and you better make sure we will never have to see this… harlots face in the keep or in King´s landing ever again. Have I made myself understood?”
The way the hand towered over you from his height alone would be impressive enough to shut you up under any other circumstance, but right now is not the time to stand down. If you aren´t sure of it before, Aemond´s headstrong gaze further assures you of it. Even though his hands tremble even worse than they had in your first night together, the palm of his hand that holds yours starts to sweat and he swallows heavily.
“I will do no such thing. I understand you are angry, mother. I know you cannot understand me for the choices I made, but I do not care. For the first time in my life I am happy. Truly happy and understood. And you can say or do naught to change this. I will stay with my wife.”
You squeeze Aemond´s hand reassuringly while he speaks. The look you give him is filled to the brim with gratitude. You let your husband lead you out of the room. Your gaze hardening consistently as a realization strikes you.
No matter your or Aemonds true feelings, all of them would only ever see you for your mistakes. To the whole of the red keep you would always be the woman that king Viserys used to embarrass Alicent Hightower and now to break the promise towards Borros Baratheon. You would always be the other woman.
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ioveaffairs · 2 years
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i’m back with twitter greens again because WHAT
friendly reminder that luke is a child, and no matter how much older aemond is than luke HE IS STILL OLDER THAN LUKE. ‘he’s a coward’ HE IS A CHILD WHAT. this kid is literally like 12 and he’s going up against the biggest dragon there is. 
also i’m pretty sure the context of the situation is he’s supposed to be at storm’s end for diplomatic reasons, not to fight anyone. he didn’t go ready for a battle so the fact that aemond shows up in this major storm is terrifying for him. his dragon is barely even a fraction of vhagars size, he doesn’t seem like he has any help, and HE IS A CHILD.
the pig thing is a child being childish. he isn’t laughing at the fact he took his eye, he’s laughing at the cruel joke they played on aemond when luke was like 5 or 6. i don’t think the joke was funny and it was an insensitive thing for them to do to aemond, but luke wasn’t the only one involved in it either. yeah, he laughed at it 6 years later, he’s a child who still has a lot to learn. 
the eye thing, once again i don’t think he deliberately took his eye. it was an accident. they were all children who were all feeling a lot of extreme emotions, aemond was literally threatening to bash lukes head in with a rock before jace pulled out the knife, and then he was probably about to actually attack jace with the rock if luke had not stepped in.
it was a terrifying situation for all the kids, and luke feared for his brother. i don’t think it was best that all 4 of them confronted him, but they also had no idea who they were confronting, only that someone had taken vhagar. the situation got so out of hand because THEY WERE ALL CHILDREN. 
i get that they’re all fictional characters, but it is insane to me that people are happy and gloating about the terror aemond is putting luke through and what he will eventually do to luke. and like comparing luke, a child, to the rest of the greens (who are all mostly adults) reactions to rhaenys and meleys is just deluded. they are two completely different scenarios and luke is a child.
also, i don’t see why people would think characters like aemond, aegon, and helaena who are all experienced dragon riders would fear meleys as much as all the small folk since they have so much experience around dragons. i get that the situation is uncertain, but rhaenys is also not known for being like bloodthirsty and cruel, and she also has to consider her own position in this war as well as the repercussions of her actions if she had killed all the greens. 
i’ll give full credit to alicent to for facing the dragon and protecting her son instead of hiding. it was brave of her and i respect that. alicent is also a grown woman who knows rhaenys and understands her thinking better than luke does aemond. 
i keep saying luke is a child because it really does feel like people forget that. 
(also if anyone tries to accuse me of supporting blood and cheese, i absolutely do not. i do like daemon, but like i’m not gonna defend him over blood and cheese and i will absolutely join in the slander when it happens because killing kids is a big no for me. also as it should be for everyone in my opinion.)
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