#and then yeah both of them found themselves gaining doubts about voldemort and his movement
carewyncromwell · 3 years
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[Marauder/Golden Era] Edmund “Ed” Rosier
fancasting Sebastian Stan as Ed
“I'm not a perfect person -- There's many things I wish I didn't do, But I continue learning... I never meant to do those things to you... And so I have to say before I go That I just want you to know -- I've found a reason for me To change who I used to be: A reason to start over new... And the reason is you.”
~“The Reason (cover)” by Chase Holfelder 
As one of the key vocalists and the main songwriter for the trendy magical “boy band” Spellb🔮und, Ed Rosier (often just called by his middle and stage name “Zorro” by agents and fans) puts out a very laidback, sexy persona, but he’s nothing if not ambitious. Even though he’s more than willing to play any role he has to and he’ll put in 150% of himself into his work if it’ll help him get ahead, he’s often the member of the band who stands most toe-to-toe with their managers, fighting for their fair share of the profits and for the respect due them. However chill he acts, Ed’s actually a calculating sort who has a hand in just about every detail of the band’s upcoming events or concerts and puts a lot of focus on what will please the public and the band’s fans in particular. Even his people-pleasing, amiable nature and good looks have made him a media darling, which Ed takes full advantage of in order to better promote Spellb🔮und. He truly is a fox in human skin -- mischievous, clever, and very hard to pin down. But if one looks closer, those who know Ed better might be surprised by the shadow underneath all the smirks and taunts, one hinted to in the lyrics he writes -- songs about a broken friendship, familial abuse and disownment, and a doomed young love that ended in tragedy. 
Tagging @cursebreakerfarrier because Ed is nothing without his Kit 💚
#ed rosier#about ed#aesthetic#moodboard#marauder era#golden era#harry potter#um so...#to get one thing out of the way right now this boy's doomed young love was regulus black ;~;#they were both on the slytherin quidditch team back in the day and they both bonded over being younger brothers of rich pureblood families#and then yeah both of them found themselves gaining doubts about voldemort and his movement#ed never joined the death eaters as -- being a foxy musician type -- he wasn't the type to go off and fight in a war#but yeah then regulus did and not long after he did he and ed had a bit rockier of a time of things#particularly since ed felt pressured not to come out of the closet and he and regulus knew their families would never let them be together#add to that how much ed was pulling back away from voldemort and the death eaters and yeah it became very hard for ed to be around reg#then reg died supposedly because he was trying to leave the death eaters and...yeah talk about regret on ed's part#it's regulus's death that made ed ultimately leave home for good and turn his back on the death eater philosophy#and after doing that he ended up completely turning around and now has fully embraced muggle technology and such#by the by as a boy he actually had short bleached blond hair#like when sebastian stan went to the material girls premiere XDDD#so yeah anyone who knew him at school in the marauders era would probably have some trouble recognizing him now#oh yeah and spellb*und uses that crystal ball instead of an 'o' on their posters#hence why I write it that way#style-wise they're in the same vein as new kids on the block backstreet boys nsync and 98 degrees#though they write a lot of their own music the way the beatles did#'zorro' can mean 'new dawn' in slavic but it's also spanish for fox :D#and yes he is evan rosier's younger brother and therefore felix's uncle!!
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