#and theo getting flustered lmaoo
akirafanarts · 5 years
"Schei uit, Theo"
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I just had to draw this!! This scene was too adorable 😍 Lol 😂 one of my favorite scenes in Vincent’s route!
Click here for the Colored version!
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mxbbadperson · 4 years
valeyne beauty & the beast au
beast is bruce, beauty is jerome. lonely rich kid as beast, homicidal carnie boy as beauty, ah true love.
bruce has done absolutely nothing to deserve the curse & it SUCKS
instead of ‘yar! you’ll be prisoner!’ jerome. just. marches in & forces bruce to feed & care for him
bruce: ‘i… like you?’ jerome: [stares at him for 5 minutes] ‘what’
jerome unintentionally prolongs the curse because he’s a dumbass, lmaoo, ah true love
being raised by the circus, jerome is so uncomfy with bruce & his Sucker Punches of Polite, Nice & Emotional Honesty
‘brucie’s nice & that’s nice but what tHE HELL IS HE UP TO?!’
jerome ends the first month standing atop the dining table pointing Lee the butcher’s knife at bruce while lee & the staff yell at him
bruce: [at his seat, not eating]: ’???? what’s going on? why is he yelling? why is he so angry? bc i invited him to dinner? i’m just being *polite*
bruce: [is nice & says something nice]
jerome: [panics & says something rude
the staff: [frustrated internal screaming]
even when he doesn’t meant to, jerome manages to sabotage himself
jerome can spew *so much* bullshit and yet.
bruce is. so confused??
the staff are. so. tired. just spit out jerome,
jerome’s more comfy w/ bruce’s beastly exterior than w/ his kind nature?
but bruce’s kind nature is what gets to jerome?
jerome knows what he’s doing, he’s inappropriate, creepy, invaded bruce’s home, eating bruce’s food, insulting bruce’s family
and sure bruce hisses, yells, blocks & manhandles jerome
but.  but.
bruce never hurts him? unlike the circus.
one time bruce scratches him with claws & it was an *accident* & bruce apologizes & frets & patches him up gently. gently
theo sends silver st cloud first, i think?
sends tabitha but she doesn’t kill bruce because silver vouches for him?
silver’s liked by the staff except for selina, barbara &, of course, jerome
jerome’s jealous of her & doesn’t admit it, but he is more of an asshole than usual?
bruce: ‘i like her but not too much?’
jerome: [internally let’s out the longest yeah boi ever]
silver gets attached to selina
selina’s SO angry about it
ivy’s there as gardening shears maybe?
jerome leaves the manor, but not the area?
spends weeks circling the manor, trying to catch glimpses of biuce through the windows & when he goes out to fly
one time he sees bruce laughing jerome catches himself wanting to *be* there, to hear bruce laugh, keeps walking to the door but aborting halfway through
after the 34th time, jerome finally decides to leave & marches away
plot twist: theo goes to wayne manor mere HOURS after jerome leaves,
bruce’s sad that jerome’s leaving but.
what IF bruce *did* ask jerome to stay? but jerome gets flustered & runs his mouth off?
bruce takes it as a no & lets hims go
barbara tells hims to go after jerome, bruce wants to but can’t because jerome’s probably so far away now?
(jokes on him, jerome’s in the area & errytime bruce goes to fly at night, jerome hides so bruce can’t see him,
mutual pining but jerome makes it harder for both of them, the dumbass)
so jerome walks away from the manor & he’s fine?
but something makes him look back & he sees something happening at the manor?!
runs back but a shmuck warns him not to?
like ‘you can’t go there! a monster lives there!’
and jerome’s FURIOUS, the circus called him a monster & maybe they’re right but brucie’s NICE, he’s not a monster!
after this shmuck catches THESE HANDS & this KNIFE, jerome’s gonna go save his brucie
(bruce is fine, he saved himself)
jerome says ‘i love you’ in desperation?
like bruce & the staff are having a meeting & jerome barges in?
sees the rose again. except it’s wilting? it’s wilting so fast?!
jerome realizes it’s a goodbye meeting?
he can hear the staff going silent
can hear tabitha & silver crying
can hear bruce losing his sense of speech & more & more animal noises creeping in
bruce is FADING
jerome has to say it!
it’s just three words!
why can’t he just say it?!
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