#schei uit theo!
eventinelysplayground · 6 months
Led Away
It's @judejazza birthday today so Happy Birthday to you! I wanted to write something to hopefully make you laugh/smile since I know you had some rough patches lately. I know absolutely 0 about Jude so unfortunately it's not a story with him but I asked a little birdie (@nightghoul381) and they gave me some suggestions for the fandoms I'm more comfy in and a version of this idea immediately popped into my head so hopefully we picked a good suitor even though it's not your hubby 🙂. I haven't written Arthur a lot but this was a great chance to get more comfy writing him. Arthur reminisces about one of Mitsuki's previous birthdays that didn't go as planned. WC approx 1862.
“What about right here?”
Mitsuki pointed to a fallen log while placing the picnic basket on the ground and Arthur laughed.
“If you say so, Love.”
Arthur passed Vic's leash to Mitsuki while readjusting the blanket he carried and got to work setting up their picnic. The trees weren't quite so dense in this area and just enough afternoon light came through so the whole place seemed to have an other worldly charm about it.
As Mitsuki wandered around the small clearing with Vic she turned over her shoulder to call to Arthur.
“Do you remember when we first found this place?”
“Of course I do, bloody wanker ruining my plans.”
“Arthur, don't talk about your best friend like that. Plus it all worked out in the end.”
“Luckily enough for him.”
*** About two years earlier ***
“It's Toshiko-sans birthday next week isn't it?”
Several of the mansion residents had been gathered around the dining table when Dazai entered through a window with that statement.
“Can't you use the door like the rest of us?”
“Ai-kun you seem to be in low spirits here, have this.”
Dazai put an apple down in front of Isaac causing him to grumble while Arthur laughed.
“I dare say that should cheer you up, Newt. As to your inquiry, it is indeed Mitsukis birthday next week and I've already planned quite the romantic day for her.”
“You should try to make Hondje happy on her birthday, not miserable like every other day.”
“Don't talk to your friends like that Theo. I'm sure Mitsuki will love whatever you've planned Arthur.”
“Thank you Vincent you're such an angel, hard to believe you're related to that devil.”
“Schei uit Theo.”
“As fun as it is to watch you scold Theo Vincent, I have a deadline soon and want to make sure I'm well ahead of schedule. Good day gents.”
Arthur left the dining room whistling a jaunty tune, not noticing Theo's devilish smirk.
So the days passed by until finally it was Mitsukis birthday. Arthur woke up bright and early and headed straight for the kitchen making a delightful breakfast that he carried up to Mitsukis room. He steadied the tray in one hand before patting his pocket and knocking on the door.
“It's me Love.”
“Arthur? Come in.”
Arthur entered the room and found Mitsuki still in her nightgown sitting on the edge of the bed. He noticed her eyes widening as she saw the breakfast tray and he couldn't help but smile at her.
“You made me breakfast?”
“Of course, it's the first part of my plan after all.”
“My plan for you to have a romantic birthday with me.”
Arthur and Mitsuki ate breakfast together as he explained his plan in greater detail. He could tell she was excited by the gleam in her eyes and hated to tell her the next part.
“I had originally planned to spend the whole day with you but unfortunately my publisher asked for a meeting this afternoon. I'll be back in time for the last parts of my plan though so don't fret.”
“It's okay, the day already sounds delightful and truthfully I feel very spoiled already. You really didn't have to go through all this trouble for me, thank you.”
“Balderdash! Of course I needed to make a big deal of your birthday, no thanks required.”
A charming smile crossed his lips and he moved the breakfast tray to the bedside table.
“Though if you really insist.”
Arthur leaned in and kissed Mitsuki trailing his hands along her curves. Their kiss deepend and he heard a sweet moan escape her lips before she pulled away.
“It's too…mmm early… for this sort of thing.”
Arthur had punctuated her sentence with kisses to her soft lips. He stopped looking at her and feigned a frown before moving in to kiss her neck.
“You're absolutely right. I suppose I'll have to content myself with this then.”
He brought his lips back to Mitsukis neck making sure to use enough pressure that when he pulled away a bright red mark was left behind.
Mitsuki brought her hand up to her neck to cover his handiwork.
“How am I supposed to cover this up?”
“Why with this of course.”
Arthur held up his hand palm down. Dangling from between his fingers was a choker, the band made from black velvet with a dainty sapphire charm hanging from its center.
“Arthur, it's beautiful.”
Silently he moved her hair out of the way and clasped the choker around her neck before kissing her on the cheek.
“This was part of your plan too wasn't it?”
“We really should get going, we have a busy day ahead of us.”
With another kiss to Mitsukis lips Arthur got up and left the room. The day went by like most other days did except for the big luncheon party to celebrate the day. Shortly afterwards Arthur snuck up on Mitsuki while she was dusting and stuck a bouquet of flowers under nose while wrapping an arm around her waist.
“I have to go now but as I told you this morning I'll be back in time for us to go out for dinner.”
Arthur leaned in closer and nipped her ear and she let out a tiny gasp.
“And for us to have dessert.”
He smiled at the way her cheeks and ears had gone red and left the mansion in high spirits anticipating what would be waiting for him when he got back. However when Arthur returned a few hours later he couldn't find Mitsuki anywhere. He asked the other residents that were home but none of them had seen her. After over a half hour and still not finding her he was becoming anxious. It may have been early spring but there was still a chill in the air and as the sun was starting to set it was only going to get cooler. At that moment Theo returned from a walk with King.
“Theo, have you seen Mitsuki?”
“You mean you haven't found her?”
“What the devil do you mean by that!?”
Theo coughed nervously as he explained what had happened. Apparently when Theo got home he decided to see if he couldn't ruin Arthur's plans by getting Mitsuki annoyed with him.
“All I did was tell her to get ready a bit early and meet you out in the gardens. Hondje should have been there waiting for you.”
“I checked the gardens, she wasn't there, she's not anywhere.”
“It's not like Hondje to go wandering off on her own. I'll help you look for her after I put King back in the kennel.”
“Don't you think you've done enough mate?”
“Arthur. Come on, you know-”
The two men were interrupted by Vic who had come dashing up to them barking furiously at them.
Arthur knelt down ruffling Vic's ears. He was covered in leaves and mud and his leash wasn't attached to him.
“He was in the kennel when I went and got King after talking to Hondje.”
“Likely she got bored while waiting and decided to take Vic for a walk. Something must have interrupted her though because his leash isn't attached and he's filthy.”
“You have a plan?”
“Vic came from that direction, let's start looking for her there.”
“I'll go get the others to help.”
Arthur and Theo set off in opposite directions, their dogs following them. As Arthur got further out and closer to the edge of the woods he spotted something in the grass. He bent down picking up Vic's leash.
“I dare say old boy she certainly came this way.”
Arthur attached Vic's leash to him and continued searching heading deep into the woods. He estimated he had been walking for at least a half hour when Vic started pulling at his leash. Arthur looked down at Vic and then in the direction he was pulling in.
“You think she's over that way?”
“Ruff Ruff Ruff!”
Arthur bent down ready to unclip Vic's leash.
“You better not get lost on me as well. I'm counting on you boy now go on, find her.”
As soon as the leash was off Vic took off in a mad dash with Arthur close behind him. The trees started to thin out and Vic ran faster. It wasn't long before Arthur heard Mitsukis voice.
“Vic! I'm so glad you're okay. Don't you ever run off like that again! I was worried about you.”
Arthur came to the edge of where the trees had thinned. In the center of a small clearing Mitsuki sat on the ground, her back to him and resting against a fallen log. There was just enough light from the moon let in to give the place an ethereal feel reminding him of a fairy circle. Mitsuki herself added to the atmosphere dressed in a gorgeous yet casual flowy dress.
“Did the fairies come to try and leed you away? Sorry to disappoint them if they did but I won't let them have you.”
Arthur made his way over to Mitsuki who was still sitting on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I'm so happy to see you! I got tired just waiting around for you so I decided to take a walk with Vic-”
“But he took off on you and you gave chase ending up here where you tripped on an exposed tree root and from the looks of it twisted your ankle quite badly.”
“How did you?”
“Theo was telling me what he'd done as Vic showed up without his leash, which I found outside the woods. The dirt over there near the base of that big tree is disturbed and you're knees are scraped, also you're still sitting on the ground leading me to the conclusion you can't move easily. Now let me take a better look at your ankle.”
Arthur gingerly examined her ankle and just as he had suspected she had twisted it badly enough to damage some of the muscles.
“I'm sorry Arthur. I know you had a whole romantic evening planned out for us and I ruined it.”
“It's true, if I had just been more-”
Just then Vic, who had been sitting with his head in Mitsukis lap, raised his head in rapt attention. Arthur and Mitsuki both followed his gaze and saw a huge rabbit sitting there.
“That's the same rabbit Vic took off after earlier!”
Arthur lunged for Vic's collar but the canine was faster and took off in a mad dash after the rabbit.
“He’s gone again. What do we do now?”
Arthur stood up then picked Mitsuki up in a princess carry, a wicked smile on his face.
“We’re going back to the mansion.”
“But what about Vic!”
“Theo can find him, punishment for what he did. Plus do you really think I'd pass up a chance to play doctor with you.”
Arthur laughed as Mitsuki whacked him lightly on the chest.
“You're incorrigible!”
“And I'll never deny it.”
Arthur leaned down and gave Mitsuki a passionate kiss.
“Happy Birthday Love.”
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akirafanarts · 5 years
"Schei uit, Theo"
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I just had to draw this!! This scene was too adorable 😍 Lol 😂 one of my favorite scenes in Vincent’s route!
Click here for the Colored version!
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ikeromantic · 3 years
Congratulations for your 600 followers 🎉❤
Can I request for Theo with make up kiss with spicy
“Sebas makes better pancakes.” The words left Theo’s mouth before he’d had a chance to think about them. To consider them. He knew in the next heartbeat that he shouldn’t have said it. There were things you teased your girlfriend about, and things you just didn’t.
Vincent set his fork down, his sky blue eyes going wide. “Theo! Schei uit!”
Arthur and Dazai exchanged a glance and then stood to leave. “For the record, I like your pancakes better, luv,” the Englishman said before shutting the dining room door.
For her part, Theo’s girlfriend simply sniffed. “Fine then. I won’t cook for you if you don’t like it.” She turned with the breakfast cart and left.
“Go after her,” Vincent hissed.
“I’m going, broer. I know. I know!” He held his hands up, warding off further commentary.
“You better tell her she makes the best pancakes. And that you’re sorry. And that-”
“I know!” Theo threw his brother a look of pure irritation, one that mellowed to shame when their eyes met. You couldn’t get scolded by an angel and not feel terrible about it.
He hurried after the rattling breakfast cart and the frowning beauty pushing it determinedly back toward the kitchen. “Hondje! Wait!”
She just walked faster.
Theo sped to a jog, his vampiric reflexes let him catch up with her easily. He put a hand on the cart, stopping it. “I said wait!”
“For what?”
That was when Theo realized she was actually hurt, not just angry. Her eyes were damp, and she was trying to keep her face turned away. “Knabbeltje . . .”
“I’m not your little nibble,” she snapped. She let go of the cart and fled toward the stairs.
Theo caught up with her easily, blocking her escape. “But you are.” He ran his fingertips down her arm. It was so easy to forget how delicate she was, how sweet. “Will you stop running away from me and let me apologize?”
“I don’t know. Are you really sorry?”
He let out a huff. “If I wasn’t, you think I’d chase you down to say it?”
She finally looked up to meet his eyes. “I guess that’s true. So?”
“So . . . I’m sorry. I was trying to tease you, not hurt your feelings. It was . . . a mistake.”
“And?” She raised one eyebrow.
“And what?”
Her little finger poked his chest. “My pancakes. Are they or aren’t they better than Sebastian’s?”
Theo couldn’t help but chuckle. He took her hand and lifted it to his mouth, kissing her fingertip. “Better, of course.”
She allowed herself a small, satisfied smile. “I’m going to require more than that to make it up to me.”
“Hondje, good girls don’t demand a treat.” Theo tried to sound like he meant it, but his lips insisted on curling up at the edges, betraying his amusement.
“Then I guess it’s a good thing I never claimed to be a good girl.”
Theo pulled her close with the hand he still held. “Then I have just one choice.”
She squealed as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder, smacking her pert ass for good measure. “What are you - Theo! Put me down! Theo!”
“Too late, knabbeltje.” He nipped her hip where it lay across his shoulder. “Now be quiet before you wake the house.”
On the way to his room he saw Leonardo poke his head out his door and smirk before closing it back again. At least Napoleon was still in bed.
Theo kicked his door shut as they made it into his room. “Now you can’t run, hondje.”
“Who said I was trying to get away?” She reached down and pinched his rear, laughing mischievously.
He tossed her on the bed and leaned over her menacingly. One hand went to the buttons on her blouse, sliding under the edge to pop them open one by one.
Her eyes widened as if surprised, but her hands gave away her own eagerness. She tugged his shirt from his pants, drawing a line of fire up his belly with her fingertips.
Theo bent his head to kiss her. Her warmth washed through him from her honey-sweet lips. A man could lose himself in that touch, he thought. He should know. Hungrily, his tongue swept between her lips to taste her mouth, to capture her breath.
Her hands slid to his back, stroking the edges of his scar and tracing the line of his spine. She arched against him, as insatiable as he was.
He bit at her lower lip, stopping only at the coppery nectar taste of her blood. Theo let out his own gasp as she bit him back, sucking at his lip like a thirsty little vampire.
“I’m sorry I got mad at you,” she whispered as she pulled back to study his expression.
“I’m sorry I hurt you.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I never-” he kissed her again, “want-” another kiss, “to make you cry.” Then he tilted his head as if in thought. “Except . . .”
“Except for what?!” She wriggled under him, protesting.
Theo grinned, “Except when you cry from sheer pleasure.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think people cry from that.”
“Oh? It will be mijn geluk to find out.”
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rosaliekali · 4 years
Fun drinking game: Take a shot every time Vincent tells Theo, “Schei uit!”
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
Rainy Birthdays
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Event: Arthur’s Birthday Bash [Closed]
Characters: Arthur and Alara
Requester: @bouncer-rabbit​
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​​
A/N: Some cute Arthur being affectionate with the little Alara and the others being jealous!
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The mansions littlest resident had been sleeping soundly before the writer had arrived. The hour later than she normally slept, as Sebastian had been replaced this morning. Something soft and feathery brushed up her nose and over her forehead and back down. She awoke with a sneeze, blinking sleepy eyes to find him grinning down at her. “Arthur?”
“Hello, love. Do you remember what today is?” He asked, watching her rub her hands over her eyes in an attempt to wake up. It took a moment, the realization spreading over her features in happy surprise.
Struggling to wiggle out from the under the covers, Alara managed to free herself and throw her arms around his neck. “Happy Birthday, Arthur!” The bed squeaked as she bounced on bare feet.
“How about some breakfast before we get to it, hm?” Lifting the slight girl up into his arms, he spun on his heel, earning a giggle of excitement. He planned to monopolize her all day long.
The harsh rain falling from the darkened sky had sealed their primary adventure. It wouldn’t do to go out in this weather, as it would likely worsen as the day went on. The only thing left to do on this dreary day had been their backup plan, which the child had recently become obsessed with.
If the Sebastian can’t make her pancakes, she wanted eggs and toast instead. If her favorite cafe had sold out of sweets, then she had to get ice cream from a vendor down the street. Never did she go out without a least a second or even a third choice already lined up. 
Last night, she’d come to his room, distraught over the rain threatening their day out. Arthur, what will we do if it rains all day tomorrow? She flashed those pale green eyes up at him with the most lamentable expression.
Now, the poor weather had little effect on her mood, because she knew the agenda for them even with it slashing away her first option. “But I haven’t gotten dressed.” The purple, frilly, nightgown pushed up above her knees as she wrapped her legs around him as not to be dropped.
“That’s the splendid thing about rainy days. You can parade around in your pajamas without a single thought otherwise!”
Her contemplation was must amusing. “If you say so, it must be true.”
Arthur grinned brightly at her. “It must be. Off we go.” 
Down in the dining hall, Arthur asked Sebastian for their meal to be delivered to his bedroom. With Comte gone away on business, there was no one to deter the writer for stealing their little human for the entirety of the day. The confusion evident on the other residents features.
“Someone was too lazy to get dressed,” Theo chastised before scooping up a large bite of syrup smothered pancakes. He would soon be leaving for a meeting in town.
Vincent smiled warmly at her, not bothered in the slightest. “Schei uit, Theo. It’s a rainy day. If she wants to stay like that, then I don’t see a problem with it. What are you going to do today?”
“Plan B! We were going to go into town but it’s too messy out,” Alara answered with a shrug. Both ideas were equally intriguing to the girl. Out in town meant that she would get spoiled with lots of sweets, but here at the mansion, she’d spend the entire day in bed.
Arthur squeezed her in a gentle hug. “And we’re going to stay in my bed all day. Cuddling, reading stories, playing games. All the fun things that one can imagine on a rainy day.”
The mixed levels of jealous among the others faces delighted the mystery writer. This had been the sole reason he’d brought her down here, as he had almost done this before waking her. Ah, but their expressions were a true treat on the cloudy day.
“I’ll have the food delivered as soon it’s finished, Sir Arthur,” Sebastian said from the entrance to the kitchen, giving a small bow.
“That’s unfair of you to steal her away for the entire day,” Isaac piped up, glaring at the writer out of the corner of his eye. He wouldn’t have been opposed to an entire day with her. With so many in the mansion, she was pulled from resident to resident, either for fun or for lessons.
Arthur tutted at him. “Newt, old boy, if you want to join us, we’d allow it.” He’d set it up for her refusal. He approached the table to flaunt the girl’s attachment to him a little longer.
Within reach, she patted Isaac on the head. “I can come stay with you all day tomorrow.” The most polite turn down the physicist had ever received, not that he wished to spend his precious time with the teasing writer.
“There you have it. Alara has chosen me over all of you.” Arthur flashed a victorious grin and a wink. He exited the room before any more comments could made. He chuckled to himself. “We’d best get ready for Sebas to bring our breakfast. I bent the rules to get you some hot chocolate.”
“Hooray!” she cheered in utter happiness.
The two did just as they promised. He read her his latest Holmes story to get her opinion on the mystery. She learned a little poker, though that had been sworn to secrecy. He got a little writing done as she napped on his bed in the afternoon after a filling lunch. Arthur abandoned his work at his desk after a half hour, the rainy day perfect for a little mid-day rest. He fell asleep with Alara curled up into his side to the serenade of water tapping against the roof.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup Duo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Hi hi, love! Thanks so much for the request! Also soz for taking sooooooo long hehe,😳 I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you have a good day! 🌻❤Also, side note I’m still new to writing for ikevamp so yeah.... keep that in mind  @orangenji​
So I match you with.................... Theo
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Selfie Matchup
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The first time theo sees you, his brain goes haywire
You have that same upbeat cinnaroll energy as his older brother and he can’t help but feel the need to get to know you better
The gruff man walks up to you and the first words that leaves his mouth is hondjie, not that he meant it as an insult at all, in contrary you remind him of a cute fluffy puppy, that he just wants to cuddle and gooooosh…
Just what are you doing to this poor man, he can’t even think straight, one look into those deep brown eyes has him completely captivated
They remind him of chocolate, rich and sweet melting with hues of love and comfort. 
It holds a sense of warmth and security and reminds him of cold snowy days spent indoor with his beloved brother drinking smooth sweet hot cholate by the fireplace
Yet swirling in your eyes is also glints of mischief and playfulness, speaking of endless amounts of fun, goofing around in the hot summer sun
Not even to mention your smile, full of warmth and radiance
One flash of your sweet smile has this boy falling absolutely head over heels for you
He low key has to resist the urge to reach out and touch your hair. 
It looks so silky smooth and soft all he wants to do is play with it, pulling his fingers through the depths of those soft strands for hours and hours.
He can already picture it, a life with you by his side, the two of you partners in crime, snuggled together in front of the fireplace on a cold winters day sipping on hot chocolate
 Normal Matchup 
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You can’t help but think the man with piercing blue eyes and soft brown hair to be rather rude. You didn’t speak dutch, but you knew enough to know that he had just called you a dog, and for crying out loud, he wouldn’t stop looking at you. You tried to say something but damn your awkward personality. It all came out like muddled words, not making any sense causing the brash man to laugh at you. Just then a beautiful angel of a man entered into the room, and in a soft, soothing voice he scolded the dog man. “Schei uit, Theo!” As he scolded his brother, the beautiful blond angel looked at you and smiled a warm, friendly smile. Looking at the two men was like looking at day and night, if Vincent was the angel, then Theo was most definitely the devil. Vincent introduced himself, and that’s when you found out the two men were brothers. You offered Vincent a shy smile and introduced yourself as well.
The next morning you went to wake Theo up for breakfast with a warm cup of coffee. You gently knocked on the door, and when there was no reply, you opened it and walked inside. You saw Theo sleeping peacefully and decided that the best way to wake him up was to open the curtains and let in the light. As you did this you head a groan coming from the sleeping vampire, “Its too early to wake up, just 5 more minutes.” He rolled away from the piercing light steaming through his window and covered his head with a pillow. You remembered that Sabastain had mentioned something about Theo loving pancakes, so you decided to mention it, “Wake up Theo, otherwise, I am going to eat all the pancakes that Sabastian made for breakfast.” That definitely caught his attention, as Theo bolted out of bed and ran downstairs to his waiting stack of pancakes. You chuckled to yourself as you made your way downstairs back to the dining room. You saw him in front of a giant stack of pancakes, and you couldn’t help but smile, he looked as happy as a little boy on Christmas day. “Oi, you forgot your coffee in your rush,” you beamed your angelic smile at him, and he thought his heart would melt at that moment. He muttered a thank you and quickly turned away to hide the slight blush forming on his cheeks.
The two of you sat and ate the pancakes together, and TBH, Theo found your awkward personality quite amusing. He spent the whole morning teasing you and making the funniest jokes. The rest of the mansion was fast asleep, and it was only you and Theo at the dining table, as he had to go off to work early in the mornings. Every morning like clockwork, the two of you would sit together and eat breakfast, occasionally you were joined by the mystery writer himself. At this point, you and Theo had spent countless mornings together eating breakfast and exchanging light banter, which caused you to slowly start coming out of your shell. It was always most amusing to both you and Theo, when Arthur would join the two of you for breakfast, as the two of you would gang up on the mystery writer and tease the living daylights out of him. 
The more Theo had come to get to know you, the deeper he would fall in love. He adored your playful personality, finally someone to team up with and get Arthur and Dazai back for all their pranks. And boy oh boy were the two of you an unstoppable team, you would legit pull the funniest pranks on Arthur ranging from replacing his shampoo with honey, to serving him shaving cream instead of normal cream with his pancakes. Theo also loved the light banter and joke the two of you would engage in.
At this point, you had also fallen in love with the gruff but sweet dog man. You had noticed that he would put up a rough and tough front but behind all that he was actually an adorable soft sensitive boy who would do anything for those he loved. Speaking of which a big art exhibition was coming up and he was in charge of all the arrangements. He had been working many late nights and waking up at the crack of dawn to go to work. One evening as you made your way to his room to bring him his 6th cup of coffee for the night. You saw his sprawled across his desk fast asleep. He was busy working on the marketing material for the exhibition, and it appeared that he was too tired to finish all the paperwork he needed to do by morning. You took the warm fluffy blanket from his bed and draped it over his shoulders, careful not to wake him. You then curiously looked at the paperwork he was busy with. You smiled when you realized that he was trying to figure out the most aesthetically pleasing layout for all the art. You carefully took the papers from underneath him and examined it, you then started rearranging everything. You had also helped him finish composing letters to some important people, to ask for their financial support. You smiled as you placed all the finished work in a neat pile on his desk. 
Theo woke up that morning in a panic. He never intended to sleep for so long, he had so much work he had to complete, his eyes then drifted to the neat stack on the side of his desk. He picked up the papers and was amazed, he instantly recognized your handwriting, and he was super impressed at the details and precision of it all. That’s when he found out you loved art and literature, and if you weren’t already perfect in his eyes, you sure were now. He also LOVED art, so to find out he had yet another thing in common with you, this boy was legit over the moon. He invited you to help him with that evening’s exhibition cause he needed someone else with a keen eye for art to help him out.
Since that day, the two of you have been working together. Theo loved that you were just as interested in art as him and so the two of you worked together discovering new artists, setting up art viewings and selling paintings. Theo had long ago fallen in love with you, but he just didn’t know how to tell you. He was low key scared you didn’t feel the same way about him, so he went to his dearest older bother for help and advice.
On one sunny afternoon, you finally had your first day off and you spent it, cuddled up in your room with a good book. Theo came by your room and asked if you wanted to go to the markets with him, to pick up some supplies for Vincent. The two of you often went to town together, and you really enjoyed his company, so you put your book away and told him that you would meet him at the front door in 10 minutes. Theo was smiling from ear to ear, his plan was now set in motion. 
You were surprised when you walked outside to find that there was no carriage waiting to take the two of you to town. Theo then pinched your cheeks and smiled, “common hondjie lets go for a walk, I have something I want to show you.” You eyed the man suspiciously but decided to go along with it, especially considering King had now bounced his way up to the two of you holding his leash in this mouth. You smiled as you grabbed hold of the leash out of the dog’s mouth and started walking with Theo to the surprise destination. You walked for what felt like hours when finally, Theo stopped, “We are here.” You looked around and realized you were at the edge of a huge flower field and in the centre was a giant willow tree, with what looked to be a picnic set up at the base of the tree. 
Theo gestured for you to sit down as King ran around the flower field chasing squirrels. The two of you sat there in comfortable silence when finally Theo looked you deep in your brown eyes and confessed his feelings for you. He was so happy when you had admitted to him with a shy smile, that you felt the same way. The two of you met in a sweet kiss
Which was ruined seconds later by a soaking wet golden retriever licking both of you. It seemed like the troublesome pup had found a nearby river and decided to go for a swim. The two of you pulled away and burst into laughter, as King shook and wet both of you. The two of you polished off the picnic and made your way back to the mansion walking hand in hand.
The two of you made the cutest couple. Theo was always there for you whenever you felt insecure or anxious. He would be by your side in a second wrapping you in his warm arms and telling you how much he loves and adores you. If you are having an anxiety attack, he will pull you close so that your head is resting on his chest. He will soothingly pull his fingers through your silky soft hair and tell you to listen to his heartbeat and breath in tune with it. He will then trap you in his arms for the rest of the day and give you his undivided attention. 
Good thing you are romantic enough for the both of you as Theo is not one who shows his love through romantic gestures or words, he is rather awkward when it comes to that department. Although he has surprised you on occasion with a romantic date or a candlelit dinner.
Theos favourite thing in the world is to have you snuggled up in his arms as the two of you talk for hours and hours about anything and everything, he loves that the two of you have that kind of relationship where both of you listen and try to understand each other. Theo knows that you are always there when he needs someone to rely on. 
The two of you are often out in town together walking King or buying some supplies for Sabastian or Vincent. After work, Theo would usually take you to a local café to indulge in your favourite strawberry cake, which according to you is the closest thing in this time period too, strawberry Oreos.
It is also not uncommon for Theo to come home from an outing with Vincent carrying a bunch of your favourite roses. Usually, when Vincent spend the afternoon painting in the flower field, Theo will spend that time picking roses to present to his dearest hondjie.
One night as the two of you was snuggled up together in front of the fireplace sipping on some coffee after having a fun day playing in the snow, Theo thought back to the first moment he met you. “Hey Theo what are you smiling about”, he kissed the tip of your nose and nuzzled into your neck hiding his growing smile, he definitely wasn’t going to admit that he fell in love with you at first sight.
Other potential matches............. Dazai 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and i hope you have a good day!❤❤🌻
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akirafanarts · 5 years
Schei uit, Theo (Colored)
Initially I wasn’t gonna do anything to the sketch but @mikotomizuki wanted to see the colored version so here it is!! 😉 💕
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Please don’t repost anywhere without permission. Reblogs are very much appreciated 💕
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akirafanarts · 4 years
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My 2020 Art Summary ~
Phew 😌 Don’t know how much I improved if any at all lol but it’s definitely quite a change from my last year’s summary 😅 I drew a lot this year, got pulled into Obey me!, created 2 new OCs, learned a bit of semi realistic art as well. And now I’ve fallen into Genshin....r.i.p me 🤣
Didn’t include Theo in the summary because he deserves a feature of his own 😏😉💙
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Oh and how can I forget Theo’s bday marathon!! Lol I drew him a lot this year and hopefully more in 2021 too.
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I didn’t include chibis and all the lovely commissions I’ve had the honor to draw but maybe I’ll make a 2020 list later if anyone wants to see. But one thing deserves a special mention...
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Schei uit, Theo 😁 The highlight of this year for me 🥰
It has been one hell of a year for all of us, but we survived!❤️ You all did a great job so far, and I hope 2021 will bring lots of joy and happiness in your lives! 💕
Goodbye 2020 and A Happy New Year 🎊🎆
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akirafanarts · 4 years
Master(list) Theo
Since I draw Theo most of all the time, I decided to keep a separate masterlist dedicated just for him  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Theo’s Birthday 2020
A kiss under the stars
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|| 10 || 9 || 8 || 7 || 6 || 5 || 4 || 3 || 2 || 1 ||
Theo x MC Short Angsty Comic *(Theo’s Route Spoilers)*
🎨 Chapter 0.1 - The Night Before
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🎨 Theo from Chapter 1 comic panel
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🎨 Chapter 1 - We Were Always Meant To Say Goodbye
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🎨 Tattoo Shop AU - Theo
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🎨 Are You Lost, Hondje?
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🎨 Shibari Theo
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🎨 AU Theo with a Manbun
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🎨 Thirsty Theo
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🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh (Red String Of Fate)
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🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh (19th Century Rider)
🎨 Do You Know, What Happens to Naughty Girls? (1st Theo Fanart)
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🎨 Theo , Leonardo, Vincent & Shakespeare (Bday Gift for Miko)
🎨 Schei uit, Theo (Vincent’s route Shenanigans) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Hamster Theo (Holiday Special) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 The Van Gogh Brothers
🎨 Santa Theo in a Snowglobe
🎨 Theo - Halloween Gacha Card
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh - 2nd Anniversary
🎨 The Van Gogh Bros Goodbye (Vincent’s Route)
Sketches and WIPs
🎨 3rd Anniversary Theo
🎨 Tattoo Shop AU Theo
🎨 Theo Shibari (Teaser 2)
🎨 Theo Shibari (Teaser 1)
🎨 Theo x MC Wedding
🎨 Theo under Cherry Blossoms (6 Fanarts Challenge)
🎨 Theo as Poseidon (Greek Myth AU)
🎨 Easter Bunny Theo
🎨 Theo Thermae Kiss Event
🎨 Theo Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
🎨 Theo (White Day)
🎨 Theo x MC (Valentines’ Day
🎨 Anguished Theo
🎨 Theo (Comic Sneak peek)
🎨 Theo x MC
Kinktober 2019 (NSFW)
🎨 Body Worship - Theo - IkeVam
🎨 Collaring - Theo - IkeVam
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akirafanarts · 5 years
A list of all my doodles since July 8, 2018
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⚠️Please do not repost/edit/print any of my artworks without my explicit permission!!⚠️
Commission and Other Info 
Ko-fi - Like my work? You can support me by buying me a coffee :3 (Free Chibi Headshot for 1 coffee each!)
Patreon - Join me to view all my special illustrations, NSFW works, Theo x MC comic and other perks.
RedBubble - Buy my art as prints or on other goodies.
Theo x MC Short Angsty Comic *(Theo Route Spoilers)*
🎨 Chapter 0.1 - The Night Before
🎨 Theo from Chapter 1 comic panel
🎨 Chapter 1 - We Were Always Meant To Say Goodbye
🎨 Neko Zen - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Mitsuhide and Chimaki in a Snowglobe
🎨 Neko Satan - Obey Me!
🎨 Theo , Leonardo, Vincent & Shakespeare (Bday Gift for Miko)
🎨 Isaac on an Apple (300 Followers Prize) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Vlad and Comte - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Schei uit, Theo (Vincent’s route Shenanigans) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Hamster Theo (Holiday Special) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Santa Theo in a Snowglobe
🎨 Neko Isaac - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theo - Halloween Gacha Card
🎨 Arthur - Ikémen Vampire - Raffle Prize
🎨 Zen x MC - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Vlad - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Zen, Hachiro, Kenshin, Ranmaru, Harr, Masamune, Yuma - OA’s 3rd Bday
🎨 Hachiro in an egg - Hakuouki
🎨 Satsuki and Yuzuki Kitaoji, Ryoichi (Halloween) - Seduced in the Sleepless City
🎨 Vampire Kyohei Rikudoh - Scandal in the Spotlight
🎨 Ichthys - Star Crossed Myth
🎨 Toma Kiriya - Irresistible Mistakes
12 Days of IkeVamp
🎨 Day 1 - Theodorus Van Gogh
🎨 Day 2 - Comte De Saint Germain
🎨 Day 3 - William Shakespeare
🎨 Day 4 - Arthur
🎨 Day 5 - Jean
🎨 Day 6 - Dazai
🎨 Day 7 - Sebastian
🎨 Day 8 - Isaac Newton
🎨 Day 9 - Vincent
🎨 Day 10 - Mozart
🎨 Day 11 - Leonardo
🎨 Day 12 - Napoleon
🎨 Bonus - Vlad
🎨 Tattoo Shop AU Theo Van Gogh - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Are You Lost, Hondje? (Theo) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Solomon - Obey Me!
🎨 Lucifer (Bday) - Obey Me!
🎨 Vlad (Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Shibari Theo - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Saito Hajime - Hakuoki
🎨 Theo x MC kiss (1st Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Theo’s Bday Countdown (Day 1-10) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Leonardo x MC (Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Kenshin as Ares (Greek Myth AU Fanzine Preview) - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Zen (Bday) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Thirsty Vincent - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Taira no Shigehira -  Ikemen Genjiden
🎨 Thirsty Vlad - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Faust (Bday) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 AU Theo with a Manbun
🎨 Satan - Obey Me!
🎨 Thirsty Theo - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Vincent Van Gogh - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Victor - Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
🎨 Sid (Art Giveaway Prize) - Midnight Cinderella
🎨 Faust (Tumblr Secret Santa) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Comte de Saint Germain (Tumblr Secret Santa) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh (Red String Of Fate) - Ikémen Vampire
AllOverKinktober 2019 🔞 Masterlist Oct 1 - Oct 8 (NSFW)
🎨 Comte de Saint Germain (Route Release) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Sleepy Vlad - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Comte de Saint Germain (Bday) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh (19th Century Rider) - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Theodorus Van Gogh - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Ieyasu Tokugawa - SLBP - Commission
🎨 Yakuza Ranmaru - Utapri
🎨 Mardin - Sealed With a Kiss
🎨 Masamune Date (Bday) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Kenshin Uesugi (Hanabi) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Mitsuhide Akechi - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Ikémen Vampire
🎨 Sirius Oswald with chibi Black Army brats - Ikémen Revolution
🎨 Sasuke Sarutobi - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Impey Barbicane - Code: Realize
🎨 Hachiro Iba - Hakuouki
🎨 Souji Okita - Hakuouki (Bday gift for Eru)
🎨 Subaru Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
🎨 Setsugetsuka Ranmaru - Utapri
🎨 Waking up with Zen (Bday) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Hachiro Iba x Sora(OC) Hanami - Hakuouki
🎨 Zen (A year on OA) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Eisuke Ichinomiya - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
🎨 Chiaki Kira - Several Shades of Sadism
🎨 Kenshin in Onsen (Bday) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Jin Aoi (Valentines’ Day) - Chocolate Temptation
🎨 Hachiro Iba - Hakuouki
2018: (Look at your own risk lol 😂)
🎨 Ranmaru Kurosaki (Bday) - Utapri
🎨 V (Bday) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Masamune Date (Bday event) - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Zen After Shower - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Souji Okita - Hakuouki (Xmas Gift for Eru)
🎨 Harr Silver - Ikémen Revolution
🎨 Saint Germain - Code: Realize
🎨 Ren Jinguji - Utapri
🎨 Mitsunari Ishida - Ikémen Sengoku
🎨 Zen - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Tauxolouve - SCM
🎨 MeXHusbando - Kenshin x OC
🎨 Arthur x OC on a picnic - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mitsuhide x OC under a sakura tree - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 The Van Gogh Bros Goodbye (Vincent’s Route)
Ko-fi Snowglobe Commissions
🎨 Sebastian x OC - IkeVam
🎨 The Van Gogh Brothers
🎨 Ranmaru Mori x OC - IkeSen
🎨 Leonardo and Comte - IkeVam
🎨 Masamune Date x OC - IkeSen
🎨 Jonah Clemence x OC - IkeRev
🎨 Mitsuhide x OC - IkeSen
🎨 Ikevamp 3rd Anniversary Theo
🎨 Lucifer in shower - Obey Me!
🎨 Tattoo Shop AU Theo
🎨 Theo x MC Wedding - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mitsuhide Akechi (6 fanarts) - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Theo (6 fanarts) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Theo as Poseidon (Greek Myth AU) - Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mitsuhide Akechi (Special Illustration) - Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Easter Bunny Theo
🎨 Theo Thermae Kiss Event
🎨 Theo Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
🎨 Lucifer - Obey Me!
🎨 Theo (White Day)
🎨 Theo x MC (Valentines’ Day
🎨 Anguished Theo
🎨 Theo (Comic Sneak peek)
🎨 Theo x MC
🎨 Nobunaga x Mai
🎨 Napoleon x MC
🎨 Faust x MC
🎨 Mitsuhide x Mai
🎨 Sirius x Alice
🎨 Leonardo x MC
Hakuoki Group
🎨 My Hakuouki OC - Sora
🎨 Eruri no Sora E - Comic 1 (Collab with Eru)
🎨 Hachiro x Sora (Kabedon)
🎨 Hachiro in a hotdog Onesie
🎨 Souji on a banana boat
🎨 Hakuouki Doujin Trailer - Hachiro Iba x OC
Amino Art Group/ Collabs
🎨 Toa Kushinada - 7’scarlet (Collab with Gloomtoast)
🎨 Zen (Sexy Santa) - Mystic Messenger
🎨 Toa, Zen and Lupin, Subaru - Collabs with Gloom, Bun, Winterwolf
🎨 Hair Tutorial (Old Version)
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