#and there are inclusionists who aren't any better- sending death threats
screechingpulsar · 6 years
Hey just wanna let you know that nonbicanary was previously displacecourse and is an exclusionist who has said biphobic and enbyphobic stuff despite being in those two groups. I can DM you proof if you need.
I perused their blog, I see what you mean, I disagree with a lot of their points or think that more nuance should be used when discussing those issues, but also the post i reblogged that had their url in it was a silly meme unrelated to any of these things
If other people don’t want to reblog it because of that, I can respect that, it’s the “scoping out to see if it’s safe to come out to someone” post with the “Gays. Thoughts?” image
personally “discourse”, especially LGBT+ based “discourse” on this site is hellish and exhausting and I want to avoid it whenever possible 
If this made you wonder about my stance on those topics, I’m happy to clarify it for you:
I think ace/aro people experience unique issues that aren’t quite the same as other LGBT+ groups but that shouldn’t exclude them from the community, because our community is FULL of cases like that - sexuality is more than just who you’re attracted to, and ties into gender a lot! Different types of attraction absolutely play a part in that and shouldn’t be left out of the discussion!
I’m also on the ace-spectrum myself and have an aroace friend soooo i aint about to exclude her from the LGBT+ community lol
I know from research projects I’ve done that sexuality used to be defined by action not attraction, so the early definitions of bisexual were someone who has sexual relations with men and women, or regardless of gender - obviously the definition has changed since then
I’m cool with people who IDed as gay or straight switching to bi because their partner came out as some flavour of trans, including nonbinary - as an enby it would mean that they acknowledge and respect my gender for what it is, and not man or woman lite. That being said, if someone said they were attracted to nonbinary people but was disrespectful to them, objectified them, etc. obviously that’s awful - and fetishizing anyone is not a sexual orientation 
maybe there are some people using labels like bi or pan to try and get off scot-free with being transphobic and gross but they’d get shut down by the non-gross people real fast - especially by bi and pan trans folk
I didn’t see any just enbyphobic stuff in my quick perusal, but I know another Hot Topic is whether or not enbies can call themselves gay or lesbian (they can), whether or not they can be both MLM and WLW (yup, multigender and genderfluid people who are bi/pan/etc. exist! I’m one of them), and shit about nonbinary physical transition (like HRT and surgery) - they can do as much or as little as they want, it’s their bodies! Coincidentally, their AGAB and choice vis a vis transition has no impact on the previous points
This has gotten way off-topic (I guess? There’s no real question in your ask, I’m kinda guessing what it is you’re expecting as a response) but fuck it - queer experiences with gender and sexuality are a Big Interest of mine for many, many reasons, and I find it fascinating to see how different people conceptualize it, I really do! 
I also wish people could have these varying ideas and not be world class shitheads to those who disagree with them. 
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