#having memes and jokes they find cringey?
cyberels · 5 months
thinking about modern loser!ellie as ur gf :3c
modern!abby version here!!!
requests are open btw please i’ll write for ellie or abby
18+ sfw & nsfw
-> sometimes she’ll send u random ass pictures she finds funny
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-> does the thing where she pretends to swerve off the road while she drives cuz it makes you laugh
-> she SPAMS you with tiktoks
-> every time there’s video of an old guy on her fyp that has 2 likes she’ll send it to u and be like “thought this was joel”
-> the guy looks nothing like joel
-> pretends to have a fear of thunder so she can use every thunderstorm as an excuse to cuddle you
-> “babe i’m so scaredddddd please😣😣😣 im shaking”
-> CANNNOT keep secrets from u
-> she’ll plan surprise dates and when you ask where the two of u are going she’s like “…nowhere…”
-> she’ll have to be silent the entire drive because if she speaks she will immediately reveal entire date
-> she HATES cringey pet names
so obviously you call her them all the time
-> she’s in line to buy smth and she’ll ask u for her wallet and u’ll hand it to her and say some shit like “here u go baby snuggle bear🥰”
-> the look she gives you LMFOAODKSLDKDDK
-> literally looks like u just killed her first born
-> does that “i hardly know her!” joke all the time
-> if no one laughs at her jokes she’ll tap on her hand and be like “uh, is this thing on?”
-> she thinks this is peak comedy
-> she’ll find silly things throughout her day that remind her of u
-> she takes pics everytime she sees a heart shaped object and sends it to u
-> absolutely has to get u a little treat or gift when she goes out, candy, flowers, etc. anything u might like she WILL buy
nsfw ‼️ 18+
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-> omg u and her buy stuff off adam & eve sometimes so she signed up for texts
-> and every time she gets a text she’ll send u a screenshot like “great news babe the butt blaster is 40% off!”
-> when y’all first starting having sex she’d be so awkward 😭😭😭😭 she couldn’t take herself seriously
-> eventually warmed up and started getting more confident
-> ellie williams is a sub i’ll die on this hill
-> but she’ll def try almost anything at least once to see if she likes it
ok that’s all for now love u all
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rubra-wav · 2 months
Various Adam headcanons
A/N I'm not an Adam simp, I just have been thinking abt him since the last post I did.
A lot of these are just things I feel in vibes and are completely baseless haha.
Cw: SFW, angsty in parts, misogyny, slight reference to disordered eating, uhhh idk man it's mixed
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He's very messy and his house is like a bombsite of unwashed dishes and laundry.
Think messy roommate horror stories: that's him, and he doesn't give a single damn about it. Thinks he shouldn't have to clean up his house because that's a 'chick thing'
He's naturally really warm and overheats a lot because of it. Due to this, he has his house cold so he isn't sweating his ass off at all times.
He's really good to sleep next to during cold weather, but is God awful during hot weather.
Will not stop bitching about it being too hot when he's slightly uncomfortable and laughs at people who are easily cold, calling them weak.
His favourite things to watch are shitty b grade movies - especially comedy ones.
Prides himself on knowing current lingo, memes, and jokes (and actually pulls off not sounding like an old person trying to be 'hip with the kids' and cringey)
Follow up: makes deez nuts and ligma jokes out of everything and finds it hilarious. Sera sent him out of a meeting for doing this to Emily one time.
He's the type of mf who is pretentious asf about beer being superior and believes any guy who likes sweeter drinks / doesn't like beer are pussies.
He secretly doesn't believe this in the slightest and actually hates beer, he'd never admit it though. He has a sweet tooth and actually really likes drinks like Baileys.
Constantly talking, even if it's just to himself.
He likes AC/DC a lot. Ironically, 'highway to hell' is one of his favourite songs of all time.
He always wears his mask because he feels more vulnerable without it.
If you're close with him, he'd likely feel more comfortable to take it off around you - would fight to keep it on at all times if he doesn't trust you or feel safe with you.
I headcanon he put on weight after getting to heaven because after he was kicked out of Eden he didn't have nearly as much food, so he began binging when he finally had it again. It kind of just stayed a comfort for him.
He's really insecure about his weight gain too. If you point it out he's gonna get really upset. (Like how Lucifer does in ep 8)
Follow up: he literally always has snacks and is an absolute bitch about sharing them. If he does share them with you, he expects you to be really grateful.
His masculinity is fragile as it gets.
Would physically wilt if you even slightly imply he's not masculine and then become extremely angry and try to prove he actually is.
The main reason he is misogynistic is due to his experience with Lilith.
Before Lilith ran away from him, I think that Adam actually had extremely high respect for women.
His whole purpose was to reproduce. Women do a hell of a lot more then men during the whole process of reproduction and dude worships pussy even now (he named his best soldier after it. Not after dick, vag)
I imagine that it was a much larger appreciation for women in general before Lilith screwed him over.
This soured into misogyny, though, after she ran away and likely grew much, much worse with Eve due to her actually being made from him.
Eve then proceeded to eat the apple given to her and resulted in them being kicked out of Eden, which made it even worse.
He's the definition of that one reddit incel who had bad experiences with a handful of women and now is an absolute misogynistic cunt lmao
Hella abandonment issues.
Also hella jealousy issues.
Doesn't matter if you're a friend or a partner, he's going to be grappling to be number one and the only one in your life.
He's not manipulative or slick about it even a little though, it's obvious as it gets. Will vy for your attention by being literally as obnoxious as possible constantly.
Literally so clingy.
If you ever point it out, he'll deny it though and get very flustered.
Bro needs reassurance so bad you aren't gonna leave him if you're his partner.
Will sometimes just get really quiet and ask if he did something if he even slightly senses a tone shift to negativity.
Pretends it never happened afterwards and will downplay his fears massively if you call him out on it.
He's the type of sleeper who moves around a lot and ends up upside down somehow. Also a sleep talker.
Is the type of mf who has the skill to transcribe songs into guitar simply by ear.
He never shuts up about it, so although it is actually a really incredible skill, you want to not praise it because of how annoying he is over it.
Follow up: can play most types of guitar.
One of those extremely annoying rock fans who scoff when you put on anything but rock.
Also acts like he knows more about rock than anybody.
If you put on country music around him, he will forcefully grab the aux from you to turn it off.
He knows he actually isn't very smart at all and is super insecure about it.
He's had it used against him time and time again by people like Lilith and overcompensates to deter this by acting like he is actually the smartest person at all times.
When someone treats him like he's stupid, especially about something he actually knows/is knowledgeable about, he's extremely defensive about it (like when Lute points out the shield to him in ep 8)
Would be the type to go "Mansplaining means 'man explaining things'" to you with complete lack of self-awareness.
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I need to draw Sera looking absolutely horrified as he screams the lyrics to highway to hell so bad.
Got possessed with the energy I had to suddenly write this omg.
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door-insurance · 5 months
Revisiting life is strange and its fandom is really bittersweet
I don’t think the fandom is completely dead, it’s not what it used to be and I accept that but it’s bittersweet
also I don’t wanna gatekeep anyone from discovering LiS late, I don’t believe in “true fans”- I’m glad we’re still getting fandom babies hehh, thankfully there is a lot of fan materials to be discovered
I just wanna be a sentimental fool about the life is strange fandom, I was there when the first episode came out I was as old as the characters and it was an event, a moment that can never be replicated- the barbenheimer for tumblr lesbians
We never had a game like this before, it felt tailor made for us and we went crazy
It was fun, you’d just log on tumblr and find new fanart of your favorite character or ship- inside jokes and shitposts were rampant, a couple of fan writers and artists came together and made a fan game- “Love is Strange” where Max gets to romance Chloe, Kate, Victoria, Amber (tell me I’m not the only who remembers shrektoria and Rachel eating a salad while laughing meme)
I made fanart and memes and they blew up but I lost that account
They’d call us sjw trash on YouTube and make fun of the game, we didn’t give a shit
But I think it was around before the storm where i started to lose interest and was burnt out, also I just didn’t like the direction they went with for the game I thought it was an unnecessary edition to the main story (Rachel didn’t need a complicated backstory, Elliot, too much conflict for 3 episodes) and I don’t think I was the only one cause this is where the fan art and fic updates started to slow down
Then I moved on to other things, other fandoms- shit happens.
Life is strange was just another part of my cringey teenage self who the hell cares I was cringe
But now I’m an adult, I have responsibilities and anxieties that I never knew I’d have to deal with- i went through a lot in the last 8 years sometimes I wish I was still that cringey ass teenager. This year was particularly bad, lost someone I loved
I stumbled upon old fan art on Pinterest and it reignited my love for the first game, I felt happy that I had something to take my mind off and goddamn revisiting the fandom years later is so bittersweet. I miss my old fandom mutuals, the blogs that used to update everyday were last active 5 years ago and most of the og fan artists had either rebranded or had left, one of them got hacked
Tumblr doesn’t make it easy for you to look up older posts, you have to rely on old blogs, Google or Pinterest (kinda made it my mission to archive what I can find)
There are new artists doing their own thing and I love that for them! Also people still write fanfics and update them, when I have the time I sketch out my fave characters and ships- it seems like there is a vocal community on tiktok but idk i don’t wanna go there
But it’s not what it was and I accept that, shit happens I’m glad I got to experience it during its peak and that I was left with good memories and content I can still enjoy
I’ve definitely seen shittier and deader fandoms
Before LiS and Steven universe there weren’t a lot of spaces that let you enjoy wlw ships, they were either upstaged by yaoi stuff or fetishized (deviantart) this game and its fan base helped me accept my identity as a lesbian, told me it’s not a fetish when two girls hold hands
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padfootswhiskers · 2 months
15, 24 and 27!
thank you for the ask!!
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
some of my favs (that i can remember + find rn)
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24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
ahh god. pakistan probably. although i don't think we're particularly nice about any of our neighbours! our jokes are...very socially unacceptable outside india, lol. you know what they say. it's not for beginners 💀
27. favourite national celebrity?
ranveer singh. i'll be the first person to say he's terribly cringey but he has a hold on me and has had one for the better part of ten years. every december i rewatch ram leela and something happens to me. watching him being embarrassing and having to genuinely defend him....it is harder than being a marine
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
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cartooname · 3 months
Since ya'll have seen my Baker sona already, I'm just gonna dump the random drawings I've made of her.
I will tell ya'll ahead, it gets quite cringey-
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Her name's Lysa, she's an adult and my self insert.
There's really no lore to her. I just made her mostly for shit posting and making jokes, memes, angst, and suggestive stuff with my friends.
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She's really close with the silly rider. Mostly cause they have similar personalities, the only difference is that Lysa's lacking his confidence. They also find comfort in each other.
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Silly tablet drawing-
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oysters-aint-for-me · 11 months
the problem with me is that i am very very excitable and enthusiastic and prone to writing very effusive things abt stuff i love so very much i don’t know what to do with it. but very often i look back on stuff i’ve written where i’ve been sooo excited about something but, because emotions are temporary, i no longer feel quite as excited about it. and i look at what i’ve said and with the distance of time i now see my past self as another person instead of as me. and i think “god, why can’t they get a hold of themselves? why did they put so much energy into loving something that they’re not going to particularly care about one day? no one even responded to what they said. and if i can tell that this person (who is not, or at least no longer, me) is being cringey and experiencing the hyperactive enthusiasm of an immature tween, then surely other people can tell, and they can probably tell right away, because i’m already another person to them.”
and so my posts now get edited nearly to the point of death. “too excited,” i say. “get rid of the all caps words and the italics and the exclamation points. but if you put a period at the end of the sentence then you will still seem like you’re taking your excitement too seriously. misspell a few words so they know you don’t care enough about this to proofread. don’t tag it because then people will know you just want attention. add a meme phrase at the end to make sure ppl know you’re pretty much just joking about this—but not a cringey meme phrase! pick the ones that will age well! there’s no way you can know which ones will age well but you have to or else!”
and my posts now end up overthought and underwritten, second-guessed to the point where my original intent is completely obscured by irony and regurgitating other people’s phrases just to fit it. just to seem like i don’t care.
except i know. i remember how much Past Me cared about the topic. i can feel their restraint in the way it’s written. i can hear the dishonesty. the person who wrote that post desperately wants to fit in, but they think there’s no room for their feelings, they have too many, so they leave them at home. and so something is missing.
the thing is, the truth of the matter is, that Past Me is not a separate person. i look back on what i’ve said and i think i can see Past Me as another human being, but that has the disadvantage of being, well, false. Past Me is another human being in a few ways, but they were ALSO me. they ARE me. that love they felt, i felt. when they express their excitement openly and without restraint—that was me feeling that way.
but god, why am i so ashamed of it? how do i stop being ashamed of it? how do i let myself be honest when i write something? how do i let my love come through in a true and beautiful way? i don’t know. but i’m trying to find out.
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Heyo Dove! 💖💖💖💖💖💖Thank you for the tag! I'm super excited for this lol🤣
Here are the stuffs:
I'll go by Tabi for the matchup, romantic please, and she/her pronouns.
Describing my personality: ( lol this is from my sis cause idk) Funny, Caring, and concerned for people safety and happiness and a sunshine.
Hobbies and interests: I love drawing and anything to do with art, I love reading and line to collect books. I love anime and manga but rant like manga more lol. I love Asian cultures. I absolutely love learning about skincare ( specifically korean ) and collect lip products 😭. And I like gaming however I'm not very good at it lol
What I'm looking for in a relationship: I want someone that I can feel comfortable around. Someone who doesn't look down on me for my interests and maybe even tries to learn about them. I really want someone who is loyal and hopefully funny ( I even like dry humor) And that it is a equal relationship no partner over partner but just equal.
What I can't stand: Controlling and obsession as well as ignorance or laziness, I can't feel like I'm the only one working for the relationship
Affection showing: does pet names count? Even for platonic relationships I love pet names, physical touch and gift giving
Affection receiving: physical touch, quality time and gift giving
Other random info: enfp, Virgo, toxic trait is that if there is something about my appearance that someone I'm interested likes I change it just to see if they like me afterwards, love the friends to lovers trope and the going to another place and fall in love, andddddddd I like spicy foods but I eat so so so much candy lol.
I hope these all work! Again thank you so much Dove! I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night💕💕💕💕💕💕
'ello, 'ello! Oh! Look who it is, and looks like he has a gift for you!
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Lilia Vanrouge
The two of you met in the chat room of a game you both play. And of course you would also see him around campus, until the both of you put two and two together. Kinda like the Spider-Man meme that’s pointing back and forth really.
Lilia would never look down on your interests, and would join in! You were talking about the special edition of a manga that is super difficult to get your hands on? Boom, it’s wrapped in a semi-pleasing way and left on your desk with a little handwritten note. You said you adored this artist, so here! Enjoy, Tabi-cat!~
Be prepared for a mix of pranks, good jokes, and downright awful dad jokes. Also uses interwebs jokes to “fit in with the cool kids” but they’re super cringey, but in a charming way???
GIVE HIM ALL THE PET NAMES! Lilia would ADORE any and all pet names, and he has a few for you as well! Tabi-cat is probably his favourite though. But he also calls you Sunshine, due to your personality; which he finds adorable.
This is a super cuddly relationship, and Lilia really enjoys that he can let out his cuddle-bug on you. Also appreciates any gifts that you get, or make, him. He’ll get you some cool trinkets that he saw on one of his trips… and his cooking. Do. Not. Accept. The. Food. Gifts.
Dates will either be gaming sessions while taking turns sitting in each other’s laps, or going on little outings. Lilia did see that skincare store that he knew you would be interested in. skincare dates are also a thing, but please don’t do the homemade kind… or just make them by yourself so nothing catastrophic happens.
You are above else, equal to Lilia. He wants the relationship to be equal. He is not above you, and you are not above him. That doesn’t stop him from cherishing the loving daylight out of you though.
He would dye a few streaks of his hair to your favourite colour and/or to match your hair. He would also fully support you in any changes you want to make, but reminds you that he likes you for you.
Hope you enjoy your match-up! Mutuals get all da privleges ^v^
I do hope that you know how to cook though... for your own well-being. If not, well, boi howdy. At least Lilia makes up for it by being a great partner!
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' When I cannot find my words, I can always find you, and there they are. '
- JS Parker. Fluff :)
(a/n) for niki im doing completely platonic! so its more of a niki as ur bestfriend:)  ( not requested lolz) also stream bad dog by hyunA
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 - you will definitely get sunghooned. like all the time. HELP. - counting his moles :,) - trying ( and failing ) to teach you how to ice skate - sends you edits of himself that he found on his fyp 😈 - the only time he tries to speak english is when he tells a dad joke :,) - ^ expects you to laugh at EVERY single one of his jokes - always calls you before he goes on as a mc so you can calm his nerves
𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 - saying slay after everything you do - "pAsS mE a ForK." "what?..." - giving you fashion advice because "he's a pro!" - making 😐 face when you tell a bad joke (won't even fake laugh) - making eachother playlists 😫 - " sTrEaM pAsS tHe mIc" - holding on to your waist any time your in a 2 foot radius 💀
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐎 - OUTDOOR DATES!! amusement parks, zoos, river walks literally anything - ^ hold ur waist or hand so other ppl know ur dating 😭 - smushing his cheeks so he looks like a squirrel :,) - kiss attacks when either one of you are being stubborn - tries to cook for you but doesn't do very well (its the thought that counts...) - will help you with literally anything you ask (chores, work, cooking) - randomly hugging you and telling you how much he loves you
𝐉𝐀𝐘 - kisses every single stretch mark, scar or mole you have, telling you how perfect you are the whole time - krisses you💀 (getcha getcha ya ya ta ta 😋🕺💃) - making breakfast for you every morning and waking you up by bringing it to you in bed - can't fall asleep without you - showering together to "save water" - gets food delivered to you when he's on tour or at the studio :) - gets ready for the day with you (brushing your teeth, getting dressed)
𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 - asking to help you do your makeup (ends up making you look like even more of a clown (I'm sorry)) - combing your fingers through his hair and closing his eyes and jus enjoying it - introducing you to his family really early on - nervous laughing when you say I love you or show affection (ends up loving it and reciprocating.) - ft-ing when he's on tour so you can just see eachothers faces - helping you through any insecurities you have :) - playing Mario kart together:,) (DEFINITELY let's you win its NOT because he's bad... ;)
𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍 - ft-ing you everytime he eats so you can make sure he finishes his food - likes ranting to you since he's the leader he feels like he has a lot of pressure on him - ni-ki calling you guys his parents 😭 - ^ the members definitely shipped you guys before you started dating - LOVES picnics with you ! trying to be romantic and feed you but end up choking on ur food from laughter 💀 - taking cringey ass couple pictures - album recommendations! albums he think you'd like or that remind him of you
𝐍𝐈-𝐊𝐈 - switching between languages to talk shit💀 - sending reaction memes to break awkward silence - teaches you kpop dances and then goes '😐' when you mess up - "I'm famous 😩💅" "no one asked" - being brutally honest about everything - gives you his photocard and tells you "to treasure it or else" - having the absolute STUPIDEST nicknames for eachother 😭 (Nicki Minaj 💀)
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ginga-snappd-offical · 4 months
I only found out about Cringetober AFTER October was over. What's more cringey than doing it three months later and also using my own list? Credits of the OG trend to @sleeprann on Deviantart, and Awestin Martinez.
Day 1: Heterochromia
I kept the heterochromia itself pretty basic and went all in on the 2000's aesthetic that was hyper cringey and self aware but also unapologetic and fun.
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Day 2: Self Insert
I'll explain this one a little bit: I had exactly one self insert OC when I was a kid and it was for a short lived nuzelock comic. She would find the person I've become so cringey.
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Day 3: Gary Stu
This started as a joke that no one knows what a Gary Stu is. When looking up examples, fucking SPENCER FROM ICARLY WAS LISTED. WHAT MALE POWER FANTASY DOES SPENCER REPRESENT??? SETTING RANDOM OBJECTS ON FIRE AND ONLY HAVING TEENAGE FRIENDS WTF? Anyways here's the Iconic Gary Stu Kirito from SAO doing that one spencer shay meme. Gary Stu and Mary Sue aren't valid terms, I'll get into this another time.
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Day 4: Glomping
Thank god these days are behind us. Never hug a stranger at mach speed ever again.
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Day 5: Furry OC
I do draw furries sometimes! I just don't do it often because I have a strict NSFW policy while living with others as a form of respect for our shared spaces, and every time I've accepted a furry commission or request I've been tricked into doing something fetishized or NSFW. Which has made me more than disappointed and frustrated. I like furry designs, I love playing with textiles and color pallets. So it's not off the table, I just need the NSFW rule to be taken seriously in the future. the last time was an obvious kink and it was a minor who requested it, off topic, but SUPER DON'T PUT ME IN THAT POSITION. You're way too young to be interacting with people in that way and I'm never going to enable that ever. I will find your mom and let her know. Anyways,
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Day 6: Big Ass Sword
Big sword. Little baby.
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Day 7: Crackship.
Does anyone here who likes the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series remember Jason X Brick? Or are you too young to know what I'm talking about? Or maybe I hallucinated that micro chasm of the internet. Anyways,
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Day 8: Deviantart Base.
I didn't know how to interpret this one, so I did both things I figured it'd be. I found a base on DA and drew over it (base credit linked here,) And drew a base for people to use, I just did a similar style to the base I found. The OG artist does a mix of sfw and nsfw but the filter is turned on by default so you shouldn't see anything you aren't prepared to just opening the link passively.
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Day 9: Nicktoons
Every actually good cartoon seemed to get banished to Nicktoonz, and it made me incredibly sad when it happened, but happy that I could expect something good to be playing during the block that something else I didn't like was going on the main channel. I decided to feature the ones that were my faves growing up, My Life as a Teenage Robot, El Tigre, and Danny Phantom (Butch Hartman DO NOT INTERACT)
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Those are all the prompts that I've done so far! I'm keeping the styles simple and quick so I don't stress too much with other things on my plate. Here's the next items on the list:
10- Musical Animatics
11- Flower Crowns
12- Childhood OCs
13- Pokemon Gijinkas
14- Ponysona
15- Song Lyrics
16- Self-Shipping
17- Angel/Demon OC
18- Tumblr Sexy Man
19- Object Head
20- Lisa Frankification
21- Candy Gore
22- Impractical Outfits
23- Vine Animatics
24- MS Paint
25- Nyan Cat
26- Cyberpunk
27- Lolita Fashion
28- Rainbow/Black OC
29- Vocaloids
30- Warrior Cats
31- Cookie Run Gijinkas
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waterspinachdith · 1 year
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Fandom can provide a safe haven for us to express ourselves, have fun, and participate in activism. However, fandom is not always amusing. It can also be harmful at times. One of the toxic fandom cultures that we may have heard about recently is the "duty" to stream songs or music videos by idols in order to meet particular screening targets. Of course, this is done to both respect and encourage idols' work and hard work.
This behaviour, however, can become toxic if one fan or group of fans forces other fans to stream as well. Fans who do not stream militantly have been abused and dubbed "disloyal" to their idols on countless instances. Bullying is nothing new in the fandom. According to the BBC, in 2018, Canadian writer Wanna Thompson was bullied by Barbz, as fans of rap superstar Nicky Minaj were known. Wanna, who is also a fan of Nicki Minaj, questioned Nicky's work at the moment. He believes that the performer should write more mature songs.
Wanna began receiving threats and insults from the Barbz shortly after tweeting. They even found a photo of Wanna's four-year-old son and made fun of him. Gayle S. Stever writes in his article "Parasocial and Social Interaction with Celebrities: Classification of Media Fans," which was published in the journal Psychology Theories Methods and Applications, that a person can love or like his idol based on feelings such as "celebrity idols are similar to him," "he wants to be like a celebrity," "romantic attachment," and "considering idols to be holy heroes."
It's no secret that all fandoms can be awful, and I've certainly known this, but for those who prefer to use fiction to inspire and distract themselves from reality for a while, groups within a certain fandom might feel like a safe place to create relationships and not feel alone. For the longest time, I was only interested in one fandom, which I adored. There were some negative portions, but not nearly as horrible as some other fandoms I wanted to join. I'm getting into the practise of ignoring fandoms that I find offensive or obnoxious, but it makes me feel more alone in my enjoyment of a series; also, depending on the fandom, it can cause me to see a character or series as just one big cringey meme.
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From my personal record, When I was in highschool, I was part of the Beliebers (Justin Bieber's) fandom. I remember creating a twitter account just to make friends with other beliebers. I used to post edits and tagged Justin's official account on every post I made. I believe I made quite a few friends on the acc even though none of us actually know each other personally. The fact that we're all gathered under the same interest. I used to get mad at people who make stupid jokes about him. I made a mistake and allowed it to impair my enjoyment of the series, something I'm trying not to repeat. It bothers me to see something that I find uplifting and reassuring portrayed as filthy and cringeworthy. Apart from meeting friends online, I remember that I used to skip school lunches just to save my pocket money for Justin Bieber's merch. The fact that this might be seen as cringe or childish to others, I was really enjoying those moments as a fangirl.
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blorbuscon · 2 years
hi there - i'm currently doing an ma in classics and for an upcoming presentation i've been talking about fanmade (and kind of specifically ao3 and tumblr) adaptation of mythology, so of course mesperyian came up on my list, and i just stumbled upon this blog which looks amazing??? i was wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about what happens here and how this came to be - thanks so much!
your presentation sounds fascinating! i know a couple people here have presented about tumblr's classics reception before, so y'all may want to connect.
blorbuscon is an event that i (tumblr user nathanielthecurious) originally organized almost a year ago, when i was an MA student in classics and followed a lot of other classics grad students on tumblr.
shortly after the word "blorbo" first became a tumblr meme, a few people (originally tumblr user catilinas) in my tumblr circle had started an in-joke in which they made up detailed backstories for 2 nonexistent fictional consuls named titus blorbus plinkonensis and quintus aemilius tumblrinus. (if you search through the right people's blog archives from the time, you can find fake inscriptions, analysis of fake sallust passages, and all sorts of other stuff about these guys.)
i thought it would be funny to put out an extremely serious-sounding call for papers for a conference on blorbus. was i disillusioned and mocking classics academia? was i showing off that i was in-the-know about it? was i treading dangerously close to connecting my professional persona and my online persona? did i just want an excuse to zoom with the people i'd known on tumblr for years (a couple of whom i'd already run into at real conferences!)? yes to all of it. everybody liked the idea and submitted a bunch of abstracts so i was like, well i guess this is actually happening.
we held the conference over zoom. if i remember correctly there were about 75 people on the call and 9 people gave papers (which mostly consisted of a combination of made-up ancient rome content and memes); the structure was like an academic conference but with a lively audience that had the vibe of a twitch chat. after a few hours, when all the papers were done, it evolved into a less structured discussion about everything from fandom stuff to the reception of the classics on tumblr. it was all incredibly cringey and hilarious and fun, and a really bizarre time. people's classics knowledge ranged from phd candidates to "wait, is cicero one of your fictional romans?" people's appearances ranged from business casual to history-inspired high fashion to camera off with a homestuck profile picture.
some people wanted to organize a second blorbuscon, so a few months later we had one focused on mesperyian. it was similar, though not quite as well attended. currently, blorbuscon lives on as a discord server in which tumblr classics bloggers mostly discuss classics stuff.
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eeveedel · 2 years
hello! i haven't been able to follow harry as much and i have no idea who britanny broski is hahahaha can you give me a brief summary? thank you!
Brittany is a pretty popular comedian on tik tok (Brittany Broski is just her username, her real name is Brittany Tomlinson). If anything you probably know her from the kombucha girl meme. She's a very vocal Harry fan and she got invited by HSHQ to host the pre-show for ONO LA. After the show she got to meet Harry; there were several videos of it and she also posted a vlog about meeting him on her youtube channel, and posted about Harry's team giving her flowers, a gift, and a thank you note after she met him.
I've seen a handful of people express annoyance at how she talks about Harry (very obsessive het girl vibes), and generally find her sense of humor cringey. I will say her experience with meeting Harry felt super awkward to me bc while Harry was as always very lovely and polite, towards the end of their conversation it was very obvious he was ready to leave but she kept asking him questions and trying to make jokes. Also it's come out now that the flowers HSHQ gave her were just flowers a fan had sent Harry earlier that day that they had laying around, and the gift they gave her (a necklace) seems like a spare one that they threw into a random box. Brittany obviously adores him and had a great time but to me the situation reads like Harry and his team didn't really know much about her, just that she was popular on tik tok so they invited her and then panicked at the last minute to give her a gift and get Harry to meet her
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sleepydrabbles · 9 months
I am irritating, and I’ve learned that the reason is this simple:
I am the kind of person who shrugs at most things.
Call it a defense mechanism, call it being boring, a basic bitch, whatever.
I have plenty strong opinons, and some of them stink like natto left upside down in a hot car, but genuinely most of them revolve around how fun it is to play with both sides and no strings attached. To me, the fun of fiction lies in the fact that it makes no sense. And for a shining half of my life, I thought this was normal.
Why is this not normal?
At first I thought it was just because I’m on the internet all the time, and like, people on the internet have some really strong opinions that are often thrown out there without justification, clarification, or context. I thought maybe once I got out, touched grass, and interacted with people who liked the same things I liked in the real world, that would change. Shocker of shockers, it hasn’t, and people are just as outspoken about all the things they hate in the real world as they are on the internet.
I have also learned that Instagram Reels comments are about 10x as toxic as the average twitter comment section, but that’s a story for another time.
If I had to think about it, I would propose that my total lack of frustration with creators and high levels of frustration with consumers stems from my total lack of energy and my personal background in art. Once you’ve had art block ten times, it’s no longer a funny ha-ha moment or a highly dramatic reason for a shitpost. It’s grating, like hearing the same kid’s song for the 100th time and knowing you’ll hear it again. Once you’ve come home from the umpteenth shift where you’ve worked an extra 15-30 minutes after six hours of classes and a shitton of homework and stared at your tablet, late updates are just one more mosquito buzzing outside the bashed-up sorry excuse for a screen door in your school dorm. Once you’ve used cold water to wrench yourself out of a dysphoria-induced depressive/derealization episode and sat through friends scolding you for being cruel to a body that won’t do what you fucking want, you look at other people in a different light. Once you find the hundredth amazing work dropped for the same reason and look at your own works that haven’t been updated in half a year, you stop checking for updates until they show up like magical little presents on your doorstep.
And like, I love what I have right now, for the most part. Parts of my life suck and parts of my life rock and parts of my life are just boring and endless transitional periods that I can’t explain to people outside of my own head. I just genuinely don’t have the energy anymore, and while I read posts about attitudes like mine and read a triumphant, vengeful mood from them, I can’t be bothered. I exist within my own body and recognize the fucking miracle that is, after not having had a connection with it for a solid decade. Things that bring about wild, angry posts from other people are just part of the deal for me. Every time I try to rise to the energy levels of other people they get intimidated, and that’s a pain. I can do some goddamn amazing things and some goddamn awful things, and today I sent my friend a meme so bad and out-of-touch she threatened (playfully) to end our friendship. I have a nasty hell of a temper (thank you, scottish and irish ancestors, you goddamn idiots). Two fellow students told me I seemed really aloof and intimidating at first but that I turned out to be adorable and a hell of a lot of fun to talk to, and that seems to be working in my favor.
I listen to cringey songs from tiktok, laugh at jokes that everyone’s laughed at a thousand times. I take on more than I should probably technically be able to handle and come out of the fire with my hair singed and a craving for chiffon cake, my grades are good, my art is good, I get sleep most nights, I’m looking into supports for my body, I have good teachers, I have good friends, I’m overall very lucky.
Lots of people can’t believe I’m not dissatisfied with life and looking for something higher. To be honest, watching them bicker in the clouds isn’t making those clouds look like a fun place to be. Seems kind of noisy up there.
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screechingpulsar · 6 years
Hey just wanna let you know that nonbicanary was previously displacecourse and is an exclusionist who has said biphobic and enbyphobic stuff despite being in those two groups. I can DM you proof if you need.
I perused their blog, I see what you mean, I disagree with a lot of their points or think that more nuance should be used when discussing those issues, but also the post i reblogged that had their url in it was a silly meme unrelated to any of these things
If other people don’t want to reblog it because of that, I can respect that, it’s the “scoping out to see if it’s safe to come out to someone” post with the “Gays. Thoughts?” image
personally “discourse”, especially LGBT+ based “discourse” on this site is hellish and exhausting and I want to avoid it whenever possible 
If this made you wonder about my stance on those topics, I’m happy to clarify it for you:
I think ace/aro people experience unique issues that aren’t quite the same as other LGBT+ groups but that shouldn’t exclude them from the community, because our community is FULL of cases like that - sexuality is more than just who you’re attracted to, and ties into gender a lot! Different types of attraction absolutely play a part in that and shouldn’t be left out of the discussion!
I’m also on the ace-spectrum myself and have an aroace friend soooo i aint about to exclude her from the LGBT+ community lol
I know from research projects I’ve done that sexuality used to be defined by action not attraction, so the early definitions of bisexual were someone who has sexual relations with men and women, or regardless of gender - obviously the definition has changed since then
I’m cool with people who IDed as gay or straight switching to bi because their partner came out as some flavour of trans, including nonbinary - as an enby it would mean that they acknowledge and respect my gender for what it is, and not man or woman lite. That being said, if someone said they were attracted to nonbinary people but was disrespectful to them, objectified them, etc. obviously that’s awful - and fetishizing anyone is not a sexual orientation 
maybe there are some people using labels like bi or pan to try and get off scot-free with being transphobic and gross but they’d get shut down by the non-gross people real fast - especially by bi and pan trans folk
I didn’t see any just enbyphobic stuff in my quick perusal, but I know another Hot Topic is whether or not enbies can call themselves gay or lesbian (they can), whether or not they can be both MLM and WLW (yup, multigender and genderfluid people who are bi/pan/etc. exist! I’m one of them), and shit about nonbinary physical transition (like HRT and surgery) - they can do as much or as little as they want, it’s their bodies! Coincidentally, their AGAB and choice vis a vis transition has no impact on the previous points
This has gotten way off-topic (I guess? There’s no real question in your ask, I’m kinda guessing what it is you’re expecting as a response) but fuck it - queer experiences with gender and sexuality are a Big Interest of mine for many, many reasons, and I find it fascinating to see how different people conceptualize it, I really do! 
I also wish people could have these varying ideas and not be world class shitheads to those who disagree with them. 
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audrey-emeralds · 2 years
Dating Sebastian Stan would include...
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Probably meeting thought his fellow actors(being someone's friend or relative)
Having fun and interesting dates
Baking together, then cleaning the kitchen because you made a mess
Cringey jokes
Wear his clothes
Tickling each other
Taking many selfies and videos while hanging out
Besties with Anthony
Piggyback rides around the house
Lazy make out sessions
Bear Hugs
Silly dance moves
" Doll " " Babe "
Anthony accidentally exposing your relationship
Sending memes to each other
Stealing kisses while he is on set or in public
Being his date for movie premieres
Adopting a dog
Going on walks with your dog
Probably having a ship name
Visiting him on set
Being the biggest Stucky shipper
Joking Chris and Sebastian should get married so the ship can be real in real life
Playing with his hair
" OMG he is soo hot! " Sebastian looks at your phone on which is a picture of Bucky
Trying to learn Romanian
Loving when he speaks in Romanian.
His true fans love your relationship
Seb biting his lip around you(cuz you are hot)
Calling him James and him getting confused until he realizes
Having girl time with his mom
Telling everyone how he is a high teddy bear
Grocery shopping together
Talking about future
Seb flirting and teasing you on Romanian, which you find hot
Face timing while away from one another
Bubble baths
Massaging one another
Little surprises of affection
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Hi, sorry if I missed this in your FAQ, but do you have any advice on how to incorporate humor into a story? Also, how do you know when something is funny?
How to Write Humor
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Humor is very hard to pull off for writers. Many aspects of humor depend on a person’s expression and delivery, on the way they say the joke and how they hold themselves while they speak. It relies on the inflection of the voice and certain hand gestures and expressions.
With writing, all you have are words on a page and the reader’s imagination, and it can be especially hard to write humor if you don’t find yourself funny and aren’t quite a comedian.
Here are some tips on how to write funny jokes and humor into a story and make sure that it stays funny. 
1. Don’t Use Memes or Modern “Slang” as the Punchline
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The thing about memes and slang is that they come and go. There’s a new viral meme every week, and trends are born and die faster than you can blink. 
Once these things go out of date--whether they be turns of phrase or certain words-- society often brushes them off as “cringey” and will often react negatively to seeing it in a story. 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read an older fic and they’d refer to dogs as “doggos” or say something like “it do be like that sometimes” and even though it might’ve been funny during the height of these trends, now they make me make a face and squirm a little in my seat. 
The best way to keep hip is to not keep hip, so to speak. Come up with your own original content and your own original jokes and your writing will remain nice and ageless, withstanding the test of time and the test of cringe culture. 
2. Randomness and Spontaneity Jokes are Best Left for Visual and Auditory Media
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This kind of humor revolves around people blurting out random things and is kind of reminiscent of slapstick comedy. 
Think of this TikTok audio that has been going around recently which involves audio from the Cartoon Network TV show Johnny Test: 
“Why did you resist a police officer?” 
“Why are you police officers?” 
“I blew up Malaysia.”
See how it doesn’t  make much sense in words? The only reason why this audio was funny was because of the way the actors spoke it and the way the punchline was delivered, which readers cannot imagine in their minds if they’ve never heard it before. 
 This kind of humor comes off as childish and low brow, and will make more mature audiences uncomfortable rather than entertained. Having characters blurt out things that make no sense in the middle of a dialogue just interrupts the story and brings it to a grinding halt, and I see this mistake primarily made with fic writers struggling to make their stories more humorous. 
It’s like the dialogue equivalent of dropping an anvil on your character; although it’s funny when it happens to Wile E. Coyote, it’s not funny when it comes to written word. 
3. Dry Humor is the Easiest Humor!
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Dry humor, also known as deadpan, is the deliberate display of emotional neutrality that’s meant to be blunt, ironic, laconic or apparently unintentional. 
It’s not a “joke” or a “pun” that’s told specifically to make people laugh (i.e. “Where do cows go on dates?” etc.), it’s just something that people say the just so happens to be funny. 
In my personal opinion, dry humor is the easiest way to bring humor into your story. It doesn’t require any characters to be “jokesters” and it doesn’t require a lighthearted situation. It’s just a remark--perhaps about a certain situation--that readers can interpret as humorous.
Some Examples of dry humor:
“You smell of death and destiny, of heroics and heartbreak!”
“It’s onion.”
--Jaksier and Geralt, The Witcher
(Drilling sword stances...rather poorly)
“What the hell are you doing?”
“What, ways to die?”
--The Hound and Arya, Game of Thrones
“My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
“That’s rough, buddy.”
--Sokka and Zuko, Avatar: The Last Airbender
“And what could be better than serving up smiles?”
“Being dead.”
--Spongebob and Squidward, Spongebob
4. Situations Can Be Funny, too, Not Just Dialogue!
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Sometimes characters can get themselves into trouble in ways that may not be funny to them but can definitely be funny to a reader.
Tripping, hitting their head, stubbing their toe--especially during times of high tension--can be an excellent way to incorporate humor into your story. “This can’t get any worse” situations that get worse, a character being put completely out of their element, and other such things are all great examples of this
Just make sure to do it within reason, though, as to make sure you’re not falling into the random/spontaneous joke category!
5. Write What You Think Is Funny, But Make Sure Others Check It!
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I know some people may be insecure in their ability to write jokes, but the easiest way to make sure your story is funny is to write what YOU think is funny. There’s a pretty good chance that you’re just your own worst critic!
I know for me personally, I found that when my friends were reading the earlier drafts of my books, they would find things that they thought were funny without me even intending for them to be a joke! Everyone’s sense of humor is different, and everyone will interpret your writing, in various ways. 
So write your story how you want to write it, and have someone read it over to make sure the jokes are funny! They don’t have to be laughing out loud--it’s possible for jokes to be hilarious without warranting an outward reaction--but as long as it makes them smirk at their book or perhaps let out a puff of air through their nose, it’s all worth it!
6. Read, Watch, and Listen!
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The best way to learn how to write humor is to read, watch, and listen to humor. Look at comedians, at jokes in your favorite novels and TV shows:
What do they all have in common? What is it about them that really makes you laugh? How can you embody that in your story?
A little research never hurt anyone, and hey, maybe you might be able to improve your own sense of humor while you’re at it!
Hope this helped, and good luck!
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