#and there is something about this artwork that i love dearly so it'd be a shame to not see it again
hiddencarpet · 1 year
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[ID: Earthsea fanart. A digital artwork depicting Sparrowhawk and Vetch under starry sky. They are both sitting under a warm brown blanket. Exhausted Sparrowhawk sleeps leaning on Vetch and Vetch sings softly as he holds his hand. End ID]
Vetch singing for Sparrowhawk
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decamarks · 12 days
don’t really own any social media anymore, but your art has made such a lasting impact I may or may not have made a tumblr just to stare at it again. Your art is just genuinely something that is unforgettable. The flexibility your work has is really inspiring. Not to mention your style is so fucking coool zro… honest to god Magic to me. You’re super skilled and it shows.
fuck my life zro ur shit is awesome. You can’t die man, you have you save millions with your artworks man. whatever you do don’t let the locust swarm take youuuu. I’m sure you get compliments a lot but you really are deserving of them.
Also this is just build up to me beggging you to add more to your website so I never need to touch the horrors that is social mediaa let me stare at your work forever
This is such a lovely and kind message, thank you so much... It's difficult to express my gratitude, really—I'm so happy you've found meaning in my art! I hope to hone my skills even further so that you can stare at it with continuous fervor.
It's a timely message, too! I've been flipflopping around about wanting to update my website; now that I've started college, I realize it'd be useful to have a more extensive, regularly updated portfolio... I will try to do this in the upcoming days! ^_^
Thank you dearly. I will do my best not to die to the locust plague.
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