#and there’s this one YouTuber who made hilarious animatics of him and that’s just it
mrmistopher · 2 months
Second year of ArtFight and the first year I went all in on it. As opposed to my 4 attacks from 2023, this year I submitted 13! Before that, though, I gotta share others' attacks against me.
First, of course, is the lovely @pixel-exchange of Team Stardust who somehow managed to pump out *4* banger attacks against me this year! We were in a heated revenge war, which he ultimately beat me at, but I don't mind much, with how awesome his stuff was. I love how each turned out. I think my favorite may have been "Alone on the Moon", featuring my astronaut dog gal, Laika.
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Second person to attack was @headphones-lifeform of Team Stardust who made this adorable bust of my Star Trek OC, Nurse Telos! He just looks wonderful, mad shoutouts to them!
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Third is from a mutual of mine who actually attacked me in 2023; Croconiles from Stardust! (Twitter/Insta) He drew my skunk OC, Stripes, and she turned out heckin' excellent! Love that eyeshadow and the big nose.
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Fourth is this hilarious little piece for my boy Werner by fellow Trekkie, @lyroart of Stardust! Love how goofy and weird his expression here is. Perfect for him with how wacky he is.
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And lastly, we got this cute wittle pixel art profile for Laika from RevlisFox on Team Stardust. (CharHub) Looks super cute and I could totally imagine having something like this for a little family chart or the like.
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Now, to move onto my attacks, firstly I have my revenge war with Pixel-Exchange. Big fan of how the first 2 looked, but the third was admittedly rushed. Still though, mate has some sweet designs.
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Second, I have my attacks against LyRo the goat. Drew some of their Star Trek OCs. Calvin had my favorite design (guess why) but I really enjoyed Ena's personality, so I attacked em both!
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Next we have my revenge against Headphones. I really liked this design for Niph in particular (guess why) and I really liked the concept for a cave-dwelling crewmate. Felt weird drawing props for once lol.
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Next revenge was for Croconiles, with his silly little OC couple, Darby and Animal. Felt like it'd be fun to draw two characters interacting, and I like how they look in my style. Plus I just love the slight texture on his art.
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And, the last of my revenges here is one against RevlisFox with this art of a character whose name I forgot. 😰 SORRY the character page got privated, I gotta wait until it's back up again. In any case, this was my final attack this year, and though a simple one, idk I kinda liked how it turned out.
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So, moving away from revenges, here's my plain ol' attacks against artists I like!
First are my attacks against Keiiphobix (YT/Insta) of Team Stardust! No joke, one of my new favorite artists on AF. Just wicked good, man! I drew his lil guy, Maurice (ISTG HE IS THE CUTEST FUCKING THING EVERRRRR) and Joy, who is the just spikiest fella ever <3
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Next was Callum by PeculiarPossom (Twitter/Etsy) of Team Seafoam! Just a skinny freaky lil possum drummer boy. I can relate to his struggle of being a drummer with no band lol. Fun fact: I was in Canada when I drew this! Shoutout Quebec
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After this is art of le bird boy, Matteo, owned by a YouTuber I watch, RedPanda Master! (YT/DA) I initially fell in love with them for their silly lil WoF shitposts, but I thought Matteo was just adorable, and a must-draw! They have some awesome fantasy designs, but a lotta them were too complex for me, so I naturally settled for the easiest and cutest one.
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And finally, we come to the end of this longass megapost and arrive at my attack of @asrielwithans on Team Stardust, and no joke this may be my favorite attack I did. Aside from not really capturing the eeriness of Hollypaw, I love how this turned out. I first saw their Warriors fan content last year and I have been obsessed ever since. That Christmas Kids animation has been on loop in my brain for MONTHS. Their stuff is metal, seriously, Warriors fans and animatic fans, go watch it NOW.
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Welp.... that's the end of my exhaustive post of my ArtFight activity this year. I definitely shoulda split this up into several smaller posts and I probably shouldn't have rambled so much in between the art but DAMN IT, I love all these artists and I needed to talk about each of em. Seriously, go follow all of them, go comment on their stuff, go share it around. I'm so thankful for the crazy amount of attention I got this year by those who attacked me, and I hope all the artists who I attacked loved seeing art of their characters. Although SeaFoam may have lost this year, I certainly didn't!
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chaggle · 4 years
Dear Lord what is DreamSMP
I honestly don't know how to explain it, but its along the lines of an anachist smp with serious roleplay and people fucking around
the main plot right now are 2 sides preparing for a war on the 16th, one side consisting of majority of the people on the server and the other with a god in creative mode, a dictator, and an unknown traitor
this war started when Wilbur Soot joined the smp with the intention of selling drugs with Tommyinnit, soon culminating to them claiming a part of the server as a "seperate" server called L'manberg. Dream and people who aren't British went to war. L'manberg got blown up, Eret betrayed the Lmanberg team because they made a deal with Dream to become king of Dreamsmp
Later on, Wilbur comes up with the idea to run as president with Tomny as his vice to promote democracy in Lmanber, but Quakity joined the race. The day of the election, Wilbur got Schlatt unbanned from the smp to endorse Wilbur's campaign (Schlatt was invited before, without dream's knowledge), only to have Schlatt run for president. Quakity made a deal with Schlatt to pool their votes if neither of them win, which ends up happening the day the results came out. Schlatt and Quality won by 1% against Wilbur and Tommy
The two end up getting exiled, and end up making Pogtopia as a sanctuary. Technoblade joins the server with the intention of dismanatling governments, in this case the newly renamed Manberg, and anarchy. To taunt Wilbur and Tommy, Schlatt takes Tubbo as his right hand man, who then acts as a spy for Wilbur. Tensions soon rise between Wilbur and Schlatt, with Schlatt making the Manberg festival to celebrate democracy, inviting everyone but Wilbur and Tommy. Wilbur snaps, and decides to blow up Mamberg and rigs the whole area with TNT the day of the festival.
The day of the festival, Tubbo gives his speech but it was all a ruse, instead it was a public execution. Schlatt confronts Tubbo on stage for being a traitor and spy, and has Technoblade kill him. Meanwhile, Wilbur can't find the hidden entrance to activate the tnt, by then it was too late. Tubbo was killed and Techno goes on a killing rampage.
The next day, Quakity gets in a fight with Schlatt, with Quakity running away and joining Pogtopia to take down Schlatt. Wilbur joins and attempted to blow up Manberg, but Tommy and Quakity stop him. Putting Tommy in charge for now, and promising that he will return to the room to blow up the area.
In a birthday stream, Wilbur threatens Quakity that he will blow up Manberg, but Q offers a solution by setting up a meeting with Schaltt. The two agree if anythig goes wrong, Wilbur will immediately blow up Manberg.
The day of the meeting went as well as you would expect, aka a shit show. Quakity attempted to mask a contract to get Schlatt to resign as a building permit, but calls him out. Wilbur gets Q out of there and runs to the button. Schlatt chases down Tommy and Quakity, who then tells them he moved all the TNT to Pogtopia. When the three return, the whole base is covered in buttons, likely rigged. Fundy (a former member of Lmanberg and son of Wilbur lore-wise) meets them, he was the one that placed all the buttons, but reveals info to Wilbur, Tommy, and Q. Wilbur soon realizes almost everyone is agaisnt Schlatt and is like ayyyeeee we should just blow the fucker up, tommy says no dude please chill. Dream joins the call tells them he's defending Schlatt and there's a traitor on your team. He and Wilbur agrees to prepare for war. And that's where we are in the story rn
There's several b plots, such as the demon hunting, romances and marrages, wars over pets, the Ninja dude from fortnite marrying one of the vice presidents so Tommy and Wilbur can get a visa, selling some bath water, Schaltt slowly dying because his doctor is using essential oils, and some other stuff. Its a hilarious shitshow with a bunch if lovely animatics on youtube
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dawnlotus1 · 3 years
I should have made this post back in September, buts it’s been over a full year in the DSMP fandom for me now. And. I still love it. You guys are great.
This is a long ramble post about how I joined this fandom so imma put it below a cut :)
My brother first introduced Dream to me, he told me to watch a manhunt and I was so against it at first. This is way back in like August 2020 and I thought “who would ever want to WATCH someone play Minecraft??? Just go play Minecraft? No appeal to someone else playing the game fast??” So I didn’t for a while. Then I kept getting animation meme videos in my YouTube recc with this guy in a green hoodie and these two other people. And they showed up enough I went and found who the characters were. It was the dude from the Minecraft speed running??? What? Why would you draw him? So. I uh. Had to watch the ‘speed running’ I guess. I really liked the first one I saw, so I watched another and liked it too. My brother found it hilarious when he caught me watching one during dinner. But the best decision he made was showing me the SADist animatic. HOLLLY CRAP. literally that one video grabbed my brain, swung it around like a yo-yo and hasn’t let go of me since. I NEEDED TO KNOW. WHAT WAS THIS STORY WHO WERE THESE CHARACTERS. So I searched for videos, it was TERRIBLE no one had put together a playlist with all the parts, videos were several hours long, I didn’t know who any of these people in the corners were, the “country” was a van?? Drugs?? God this blonde kid is soo annoying but why does he radiate main character energy. What is going on. Is this a story? I have no idea how but at some point it all clicked into place and I knew things. Right after I had gotten a hold on wtf I was watching I got twitch. And the first livestream I ever watched was Jschlatt’s election. When Tubbo tore down Wilburs birthday signs at Jschlatt’s command was like the first time I felt actual emotions for this story, I had gotten invested. I watched Wilburs descent, I watched Tubbo prep for the Red festival and watched him be executed live, I watched Technoblade join the server for the first time, it was insane. New lore was being added every minute, everyday, something new had happened. It was incredibly exciting. I talked to kids in my zoom class chat about November 16th Wilburs death and Technoblades “do you want to be a hero” speech to the utter confusion of my teachers. I watched Falsesymmetry win Both September MCCs and my love for MCYTers reignited from my childhood. I feel like the way I’m phrasing this makes it seem like I’m going to follow this up with a “but now” or “it used to” but I still love this fandom. Of course of course that energy has ebbed, lore is slow and honestly mostly dissatisfying, but I still enjoy talking about it, doing art of it, I haven’t gotten sick of these characters yet. I got back into Hermitcraft, I got into the new SMPs, I have plenty of other MCYT content to enjoy between DSMP things and so I’m just taking my time. Less like the exciting sprint of last October and more of a chill walk where you find some shinies on the ground sometimes. I could go on a long rant about how it’s truly the fan creators who make art and songs and stuff is what keeps me here and stuff but this post has already gotten too long. I’ll talk about it later.
TDLR; I’m glad I joined this fandom. Someday this will be an old phase of mine and that will make me nostalgic. I’m enjoying my time here anyway tho. Update me on lore pls.
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skeetlehand · 4 years
HI!!!!! I have been tagged™™™™ by @gheysnakelady and so here are my Hot Opinions!! :D
who is your favourite member on the smp?
I mean, i have SEVERAL faves: awesamdude, eret, wilbur (rip), techno and phil - I’ll watch sometimes, tubbo and tommy, but if you’re going by who I watch th
when did you first start watching the smp and what made you get into it?
Oh, it was thanks to the sudden influx of dream smp animatics all over my youtube home page - and tbh, they were all pretty good! and so, i was like: ???!!! and started watching and now i religiously check the dsmp tag for plot updates so i guess that’s where we’re at rn… haha…
what is your favourite part about watching the smp?
Just watching these creators make these amazing stories+narrative - it’s free tv! i am entertained! even just watching them interact, this large community of a variety of streamers/youtubers, in the most diverse topics (not all of them are really minecraft-centered, but they are all great!). The idea of showcasing underrated creators in a platform where they all have the opporunity to shine, is just a wholesome idea tbh
what piece of cursed lore is your favourite?
…………. the toe…………. 
who is your favourite duo on the smp?
Miss the ol’ tubbo n tommy dynamic! But i do enjoy techno and ranboo - they’re hilarious, too.
… Niki and Jack give me Stress… i try to think about them like: team rocket! it works! almost! i try not to think about them murdering children on purpose and more like a little evil duo who cause problems and miss. please-
who are your comfort streamers?
I like to watch awesamdude (he’s great!!! <3) bbh and tubbo, when I want some nice times where I might play minecraft myself... or just relax
who is your favourite character?
mexican dream, no sweat. tubbo and tommy tie for second second place, and back when elections were a thing, so was Big Q (he still is! he says the most brutal things these days but also ,,,, stream me dude pleas-).
who do you think is the best actor (s) on the smp?
- schlatt. evil president. wilbur. chekov’s gun but tragic. do i need to say more.
- bad is actually really good! and terrifying! surprisingly! because he’s.,,. he’s supposed to be one of my comfort streamers.... you should check out his eggpire!!! egg for the egg god
- tommy is good at subtleties, for someone who isn’t very... subtle... yknow? I was surprised by the AMOUNT of detail that went into the exile arc - and he played it adequately
who on the smp would you like to be best friends with?
ajgLJHGdljhagjJHGJHLGDS you can’t ask me that!!! they all seem like cool people and id like to meet them but also i am a mess so hhhhh
what are your favourite quotes said on the smp?
i have a lot here too but here are just some that I can think of rn haha:
connor’s whole: “you’re not a bad person, and I hope you find what you’re looking for” had me BAWLING aaa
tommy’s dialogue with dream during their battle was good, but when 
a) tommy asks tubbo: “but what am I with out you?” and tubbo responds: “yourself.” I CRIED AAAA
b) tommy said: “Hey Dream, Dream, kill me.” because he knew dream wouldn’t, because he knew why dream wouldn’t - CHILLS
which part of the smp made you feel the saddest?
- ... pogtopia...
- Wilbur/ghostbur (out of character? in character? i don’t know which’d be worse, actually) admitting that he only wanted to make tommy president so he could blow it up seconds later
- .... tommy’s exile....
- A lot of tommy’s interactions with Techno have me kinda... :( ... you know? Like, the pit, the manberg vs. pogtopia war, doomsday - it feels like they keep shouting the same lines at each other, but neither of them really hear nor understand what the other is saying. Expecially doomsday - techno siding with dream, predictable but also hurtful, kind of. I can see why - but also techno was the closest to learning what had happened over the exile, and yet, the farthest from understanding it.
- doomsday was equally frustrating, hopeless, and depressing tbh
which part of the smp made you feel the happiest?
A LOT OF THINGS: but here are just the ones on the top of my head
- Quackity killing Schlatt and leaving manberg like: ✌️😠✌️
- When Tommy finally realized that dream was just. manipulating him. YOU GO funky exile child, LEAVE!!! 
- PUNZ coming in to save the day with: “you should’ve paid me more”???? YES YES YES
- Sam giving tommy little tasks to build the hotel?? wholesome. Acknowledging tommy’s been through a lot, abnd being one of the few people to know most of the exile story that tommy still won’t tell anyone about outright? 😭 (and i am looking AWAY from the possibility that this is just for profit, nonononono, not in MY line of sight-)
be honest, who do you simp for? (ayo if anyone says tommy or tubbo i will 🔪)
....schlatt (who ironically, was somewhat my introduction into the smp), but only cause he was a TERRIFYINGLY good actor, and he sounds EXACTLY like what id imagine an evil president would sound like 😳 what can i say, i like my voices...? jkashdlhfgal closest ill get to simping anyway so all of you can just take this and go, go elsewhere-
what’s your favorite stream?
Hmm... one of the chaos ones? kjahdlkg i can’t decide...
what’s your least favorite stream?
The butcher army stream. I mean, it was good I loved the dialogue and set up... but like... story-wise, butcher army didn’t accomplish anything in the end, their existence was as volatile as the person they hunted and tbh nothing was gained from it, just lost and made worse. Hot opinion though, so take it with caution.
what’s something about the smp fandom that makes you sad?
Hmm... A somewhat common point: sometimes people can be really critical about characters, but like, not in a good way - just straight up bashing. I get disliking a character but it makes me :( when i don’t see reason for it. Or bashing someone’s opinion of a character. Look, we’re all interpreters here, but like.... cmon.... someone might just have a different view of a character and that’s fine! 
for example: not a big fan of c!phil as a father. Some interpretations say he’s not a father because phil never said he was. Some might say he was an okay dad, and some might say tommy was never his son. all of these opinions are valid. another one of my opinions: tommy’s “punishments” were injust, some might agree with the idea that they were blown out of proportion and he didn’t really learn anything from them, some might disagree and say he got what he deserved. all of these opinions are valid -but on my end, maybe not the ones where people go: “aww man, c!tommy should’ve died cause he’s so annoying, and he totally deserved it.” did we watch the same arcs, buddies on that end???? are you okay????
Just, i get hating a character, but it bums me out when i see someone just straight up say “this character should die. cause they suck” - why though? story-wise, how would that play out? what
what’s something about the smp fandom that makes you happy?
Yall are great!! I love how much we’ve created - art, animatics, writing -all of you <3 <3 <3 and also all the discussion about the story, the characters, the interactions - I’ve found a community in some groups and honestly it’s just *chef kiss* great!!! yall are super cool and awesome and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!!
anyway, for the spread: i tag - @territorialufo, @an-inspired-eternity and @n-ugg... don’t feel pressured to do this but if you guys want 😳 
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