#and there's a little moment where a losing program was going to get derezzed on clu's orders and that's just. like the moment tron is like.
krytus · 2 years
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anorptron · 8 years
Never Again-Chapter Three
Okay, so this has been sitting in my drafts since I posted the first to chapters like a year ago. Whoops.
You can read Chapter One Here. And Chapter Two Here.
Note, I haven’t read this, cause if I did I wouldn't posted. Also I haven’t touched it in a year.
Bullying, Abuse, Self-harm, Suicide, depressing thoughts, Violence, Self loathing.
Meanwhile with Abel
Abel was exhausted; he had to deal with the occupation earlier this cycle about fixing their tanks. He of course couldn’t say no without being derezzed, so he made some far-fetched excuse that they actually believed --the idiots. He just wanted to go into sleep mode. Just when he was about to head off to his room there was a knock at his office door.
“Come in,” he groaned after a nanocycle of self pity. He was honestly expecting Beck, or even Mara and Zed, not Link. Link never came to his office so he was somewhat surprised, and it probably would have shown on his face if he wasn't so tired.
“What do you need, Link?” Best to get this over with quickly.
“I--uh need to show you something, Abel.” He couldn't understand why, but when Link said that he sounded ashamed. Abel waved him over to his desk and motioned him to get on with it.  Link disengaged his disk and selected a memory file after he keyed in his passcode .
Earlier from Link’s Point of view
Link might seem as if he didn't do anything to stop the daily fights, but he did; Beck didn't deserve what Mara and Zed were doing to him. So he tried doing some of his own and Beck's work as well as trying to keep Abel in the room at all times, but today Abel was dealing with the occupation so he could do nothing.
He was off to the side when it started.
Mara and the others were in a worse than usual mood, the rest of the mechanics would step in, but they were scared of what would happen to them if they did. So he just watched as Beck flinched when Mara yelled his name. He just watched as they electrocuted him, he just watched as they shoved him, taunted him and called him worthless. He just watched as they blamed him for Bodhi’s death, but it was when they started beating on Beck that he ran. He couldn’t just watch anymore.
Back in Abel’s office
Abel lips were pressed into a tight line, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes were alight with anger, and shock.
Mara and Zed were Beck’s closest friends; how could they do this to him?
The incredulousness showed in his voice. “How long has this been happening?”
Link started to fidget when he answered, “About a hilocycle after Bodhi’s death.” This did nothing to quench the dread in Abel’s core.
“Why was I not aware of this when it first started?” The young mechanic looked away and blushed ashamedly.
“We didn't think it was as bad at the time. They only taunted him at first. We thought it was fair, he had been skipping out at work, why should he be free on the consequences.  But a couple of Myla Cycles in they started pushing him around. I think Dash tried to talk them out of it, but that only made it worse. But nothing ever happened like this before. I couldn't stand around anymore.”
Abel didn't know if he could speak and he wasn’t to keen to find out, so he just shooed Link out and let his head fall into his hands.
How could he let this happen in his own garage? How could he not see what hey had done to Beck? Why didn’t Beck come to him when this started? Why would Mara and Zed do this?
Standing, he walked over to where he kept Tron’s energy capsules, Tron should be running low, it would make for a good excuse if he was stopped too.
Back with Tron
Tron groaned as he rubbed a hand over his face. He was silently seething; Beck’s mental state was worse than he thought. He never felt this type of anger even when he tried to kill Dyson, and he didn't know who to blame for this. He did know one thing though, someone would pay for this. The only problem would be how. Tron could always derez them, which he was seriously considering. Or he could torture them, maybe blackmail them. They all sounded fair to him.
Sighing, Tron allowed himself to investigate the nagging feeling in the forefront of his mind. Though Tron was also aware that at least a little of his anger was from guilt. Guilt that he didn't notice Beck becoming more and more closed off, Beck’s eyes becoming duller.
“I'm so sorry Beck,” he whispered, darkness shadowing his eyes. In his mind he made a promise. A promise that Beck would never feel alone again, never feel worthless again.
A little while later
Tron was emotionally and physically exhausted. He was drifting off into sleep mode when Beck’s face scrunched up in anguish. The young program kicked his blanket off to the floor in his dream induced panic. His head thumped against the bed as he thrashed around like he was fighting an invisible enemy, which he probably was. Shaking off the temptation of sleep, Tron reached out to calm the younger program; the moment his hand touched Beck’s shoulder a fist connected to his jaw. Rubbing his cheek, Tron opted to refrain from touching the young program.  
“Beck, come on, it’s alright, it’s just a nightmare.” If Beck didn’t stop thrashing he would tear his wounds open himself, and that was the last thing either of them needed; the scar on his wrist was already pulsing blue in agitation. He had to calm Beck, and fast. Coming up with an idea that might work, but that he was thoroughly against, but with a glance at Beck’s thrashing form, he quickly complied.
Grumbling under his breath, Tron got up and sat beside Beck on the bed. If Flynn could see him now, he thought as he shook his head fondly. “I can’t believe I’m doing this, Beck. If you remember this I’ll dye your hair pink for an entire hilocycle, and I’d like to note I’m doing this under protest.” He declared regretfully as he ran a hand through Beck’s hair.
A low, rough baritone voice resounded around the room, covering any sounds that Beck could have made.
“Wandering child of the earth Do you know just how much you're worth? You have walked this path since your birth You were destined for more.“
It was a song that Flynn sang to Yori one time when she had trouble sleeping on the old server. They never knew Tron overheard them, or maybe they did and just didn't confront him. Either way, it seemed to be calming Beck.
“There are those who'll tell you you're wrong
They will try to to silence your song
But right here is where you belong
So don't search anymore”
“You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
You'll look back and you'll realize one day”
“In your eyes there is doubt
As you try to figure it out
But that's not what life is about
So have faith there's a way”
“Though the world may try to define you
It can't take the light that's inside you
So don't you dare try to hide
Let your fears fade away”
For user’s sakes, Tron thought as he wiped the mist that had started to glaze his eyes; he glanced away from Beck for a nanocycle and saw his reflection in a nearby piece of metal . Bloodshot eyes with dark rings orbiting them, hair in all directions from running his hands worriedly through it, the faint glow of his circuits reminded him that he needed some energy soon, as well as a trip to the healing chamber. Tron looked almost as bad as he felt. The grid’s protector was getting so emotional lately; he wasn't even like this when he realized Flynn had died, but this wasn’t Flynn, this was Beck.
“You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
You'll look back and you'll realize one day”
“You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
Soon you'll finally find your own way”
It had been so long since he had even hummed, let alone sung. The last time he could remember was on the old server when Tron lost a bet to Flynn, he had had to serenade Yori. Wasn’t that one of the most embarrassing things Tron had ever done. If Beck remembered this he would lose his reputation forever, though at this point Beck probably wouldn’t notice let alone care.
It seemed to do the trick as Beck’s breathing evened out and Beck tucked himself against Tron with an iron grip. Tron immediately tensed and his instinct was to pull away, but he couldn’t bear to take away any comfort from Beck. So he relaxed his body and got both of them into a better position. Resulting in Tron flat on his back with an arm wrapped protectively around Beck and the latter's head on his chest with his body curled inward to try to make himself seem smaller. Pushing away the sorrow, Tron leaned over Beck and caressed his hair like a father would a son and left a kiss on his forehead before laying back down before ultimately surrendering to sleep mode.
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