#and they can say ‘oh Twyla’s autistic she’s sensitive to loud noises’
I wonder if they’ll ever actually say that Twyla is autistic.
We all know she’s autistic, they have autistic voice actors for her, and they have it coded in her first music video, but the brand hasn’t actually said anything about it yet (at least not that I’ve seen).
They’ve acknowledged that Frankie is non-binary multiple times, but they haven’t actually said it. And I think that’s what’s gonna happen with Twyla too, which would break my heart tbh.
Like yeah the representation is still there and people will still see autistic traits shown in a positive light, but the only way you’d know that she’s actually autistic and not just “weird” is if you’re in the fandom like that and up to date with it and not everyone is.
Idk, watching her new music video got me thinking about this.
In her first video they had her stimming and showing autistic traits, but in her new one it’s like they forgot about it. Someone said they saw her stimming with her bracelet still but it must have been a quick moment because I watched it twice and didn’t notice it.
Of course we won’t know until her episode comes out and she’s officially in the show, but I really hope this isn’t just a half another assed attempt at representation from Mattel and they actually acknowledge it in the show at least once.
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