#and they had blades it wouldn't have been too hard to strap them to shoes
fingolfins followers probably know how to ice skate
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godzexperiment · 1 year
dadada dum
Twirling, spin around- light on their feet and at times not even grazing the ground beneath. Of all the human things; music was up there in wonderful creations that existed. Staples of the art form, and experimental chaos all had it's charm. Arguably the more erratic, what could construed as noisy- the better. Less space for thinking, to just sit around sulking. With the music blaring could forget about all of creation. Bouncing around energy radiating off every little movement. It was far more natural than lots of other things. And the collapsing with exhaustion after countless hours. Fit of giggles with one wing draped over their face dramatically. One of the best experiences, ways to spend time. ------------ Empty brick wall- talk about such an space to do art upon. Sizing it up, case of colorful chalk pastels balanced in one hand. First line turning into countless others. Sun down didn't change anything. Iron Clad focus, letting the idea come unfurled. Mindlessly using wings to get more upwards reach- every little spot becoming swirled with color. Colorful chalk dust; all over black clothing and hands. Using up every single piece till nothing was left. Little glide backwards to view the whole masterpiece. Beautiful scenery of some garden that was pieced together from real snippets of places seen. Nature left to run rampant. Variety of plant life; all sorts of colors from all sorts of colors. Brushing hands off onto black jeans. Mindful to not get any in the air- onto wings. Proud. It looked as had been hoping, looked downright spectacular and sure it might be washed away with the rain soon. But that wasn't important or worrying. ------------ Settled up on an roof ledge; legs swinging in open air as allowed wings to be fully stretched out. Had been sitting till sunset- just watching the skies colors shift and do it's thing. Tempted to sketch, night shadows were not an problem. However it did mean getting up, retrieving it first and Nix didn't want to bother. Boots knocking against the side of the building every so often. Mindless rhythm, idle movements paired with very soft humming of some tune that chose to form.
And stayed there till watched the sun rise. Very content, lazily getting up afterwards with an yawn. Okay time for some sleep- then to sketch it all down. ------------ Settled with criss crossed legs- on the sidewalk by the plant growing in the crack. The angel was trying to consider if help it get an better home. Or to just merely observe, look after it's growth where it was. Quickly getting back up to his feet as an idea came to mind. One stockpile of possibly strangely gotten collecting objects later. Building an structure that wouldn't impend growth. Yet would protect the flower from major threats namely of the people variety. Feeding it some flower food. Drawing on the side of the structure; what it would look like in full bloom and scrawled do not harm or you'll perish. Would protect the flower, look after and encourage it's survival. Until was only natural for it to fade. That might be quite some time given Nix's desire to care about it however. -------------- Empty space, artificial ice and bladed shoes. Unsure what part of it was the most interesting. Wobbly attempts to stand once had strapped them on. Maybe cheating gravity by using their wings to help balance better. Yet went about trial, error and thus hitting the ice many times getting too ahead of himself. Once felt really confident- getting bored with just gliding around and messing around. Decided to actually add wings into the equation. Could have gone on forever. Or until got bored enough to abandon the activity. Except in an attempt to do something that seemed like it would be cool. Back flipped with a little too much of that extra angelic speed unique to them... Nix immediately thudding from plexiglass onto the hard ground. One skate having ended up- up in the ceiling somehow. Erupting into confused laughter. Okay maybe that was an sign to stop. Little flight up to retrieve it, take the other off and then soar to where had left much less dangerous boots. However couldn't help tie the skates together; sheath their blades and take them with.
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mr-jokepasta-blog · 5 years
Barbara (creepy pasta)
About in year ago 1980s there was a family. Well not your typical family who gives you just regular life and prevent you from danger. These family are way odd than unusual.
These family love 1940s style ever since the first generation family moved in the country of United States in the year 1940. It's been hard since to try to lived in America, luckily they found somewhere in Ohio from this nice female who helped them to have a home.
Few years later around 1940s a female who gave three members of the family whose name is Barbara that she is 36 year old and the one of the family member is the youngest and name Nathan that is 16 year old. They fall in love with each other and more family members ever since that they make an oath for keep their 1940s style to remember that great grandma Barbara who've help their family members.
Now in the mid late 1980s there's new child has noborn into our world that turned out to be a female and right after her mother has passed away while she gave birth. The father was quite an upset for a while to see his own daughter that killed his wife. Then came the nurse take his child away from him for putting baby girl in a nursing room.
The doctor asked the father what is going to name her. He answered, “ Barbara”.
In a couple years later Barbara has grew into a age of becoming a woman. Her dad is very surprised that she kinda look similarity to passed away mother. The grandma was gathering items for Barbara's sixteen birthday party.
Barbara like birthday parties. She always decorate the house like it from the 40s. Her dad loves of how it looks. He complement his own daughter like it was a flirting way.
In a few three hours later her party starts. The ones is at her party is her grandma and the dad. They were listening to music from the 40s, eating steak and milk, plus watching couple of episode Hopalong Cassidy reruns. Then when the time comes birthday present comes in. There couples of few birthday presents is at the table. It makes Barbara happy that is from her.
One of the birthday present design has a baby angels around the wrapper. It makes her smile that she loves babies. She thinks that they were cute.
Barbara always loves babies ever since she plays with baby dolls at the age of eight. Somehow Barbara always spend more time with a baby doll in the morning through night. Barbara wants more baby doll as a collection.
Luckily for Barbara, her dad knows a guy who gave away really old 1940s baby doll at the antique stores. The store owner knows Barbara's family since in 1950s. They kept old junk in the back. Also they keep it fresh and clean to look like they were new.
So ford,when Barbara opens up her birthday gift that has a baby angel on it, Barbara was excited that what she saw of the gifts. It's another baby doll that she always wanted. She hugs her dad while gave him a kiss on his cheek.
In a couple minutes later after the gifts were open, it is time for the birthday candles to blew on top of the cake. Barbara close her eyes and wish of what she really wants in her life. She wishes for a real baby.
Barbara told her dad that she wants a real baby after the party was over by cleaning up the mess. Her dad always give it of what she wants. What matters what the price is going to pay.
He can't adopted orphanage because he got some secret that no one can't find about. Plus he knows that Barbara don't know any boys at school because she's at home school. Only one thing he can do is find sixteen year old male to impregnate his daughter.
He went out for a bit on the next day at noon to drive around to find random sixteen year old boy at hangout area. The farther still driving at the city but now it's night instead. While he's driving he found sixteen year old boy is walking alone on a sidewalk.
The father stop his car and offered to the teen for a ride. The teen thinks offered him a ride home.in reality the teenager male notice something different while Barbara's dad is driving. The teenager always knows where the location to his home is. Also he told Barbara's dad the location of where's the teenager live.
The teen was really scared from the start when Barbara's dad go to different area. So the teen take his shoe off to hit Barbara's dad for forcing him to stop the car and car were swerving crazy then hit an oak tree. Luckily the teen survive from crash including Barbara's dad. But he's unconscious.
Then teenager take off his seat belt, unlock the door to flee away from Barbara's dad. But Barbara's was woke up immediately and saw the boy running towards into the wood. And so Barbara's dad get out of his car and chasing after him. He caught up if tackle the boy down to the ground and punched until Barbara's dad has to catch his breath.
“Oh look at you.” Said Barbara's dad. “You ain't perfect anymore. My daughter wouldn't like this now. Well.” Barbara's dad took out his pocket knife from right side pocket and flip out the little blade. “Now we not going to waste unperfect body.”
“Wait what are you doing?” Whimpering the boy. As he seen Barbara's dad is getting to something with a pocket knife. The boy can't do anything now while he's legs and arms is total damage that won't move to protect himself. “Please don't please don't PLEASE.”Barbara's has dad closed his eyes and stabbed the boy into his chest.
In three hours later Barbara's dad had finally come home. The grandma and Barbara the both of them have worried of where's the dad been all this time. “Daddy where have you been?”. Asked Barbara.
“Nowhere special I just driving around that's all sweetie.” Said dad after he closed the door. But Barbara look down at the dad's pants.
“Daddy, what happened to your pants it got dirt on them”. And then she looks up at his button white checkered  shirt. “Who's blood is that dad?”
He looked down on a shocking face on him. “ Oh it's a deer honey. I accidentally ran over the creature.” He put on his hand on her right shoulder while he's talking.And look right into her eyes few seconds. “ Barbara I got to tell something private in my room about your gift. Stacey.” The Grandma. “Can you be a deer go start finishing the kitchen?” So she did.
It's very suspicious about the farther why he stared to Barbara's eyes. Maybe something about he told a lied to her and felt guilty about it. Or why he asked his mom to clean up the kitchen, he should told everyone the truth of what's really going on.
He might go for telling the truth only to Barbara alone in his room. And keep a secret between him and Barbara. He was actually nervous for bringing his daughter in his room. But Barbara don't know what's going on in her dad's mind.
“ Barbara.” The dad said her name after they both enter the room and she sat down the dad's bed. “ Do you remember what's your birthday wish was?” Then he closed the door and lock it.
“Yeah. It was I really want a baby.” Now her dad sat down right next to her.
“ Well about that wish, my mission was to make that happen.”
“What do you mean daddy?”
“It means that I go find a male is a same age than you to make a baby.”
“Is really simple. He just put a seed in you then poof you're the mommy.”
“So wha- what happened to the boy?”
“I'm going to explain to you honey. So I met this boy explained to him that I'm going to show my beautiful daughter and told him with a nice question about him helping you to make a baby. He said no.”
“He told me you look gross and don't want to be near you.”
“What? But he never met me yet?”
“That's what I said to him. I show him the picture of you but he snatched away from my hand ripped the picture.” Then he showed it the ripped up picture to Barb. “I'm sorry honey I think you'll never going to be a mom.” Barbara started to cry. “It's okay honey it's okay. Everytime you wanted something, I give to you want you want. And that's why I'm here for to help making a baby.”
In the late August, Barb's dad was living in life sentence in prison for murdered the kid.As the grandma, well little miss innocent has passed away. And for Barb, was an orphan and pregnant also. She tries to give birth her first born at hospital church but it was too late, her baby dies inside of Barb, she started to cry constantly. As she's crying, she started to laugh over and over again.
No one knows what happened to Barb in the late mid 90s, some people know the kids were missing in a few month. But luckily cops founded the kids with Barbara at a abandon house at night. The cops wouldn't believe what they've witness it; they have seen kids were on strap on a wooden chair and having a birthday hat on top of their heads, Barb is also wearing 1940s style with too much makeup with a creepy grin on her face, plus serving some discussing cake to the children, while the 1940s music were playing in the background.
Barbara was sent to mental asylum of what she has become. She smiled in her room she spoke to herself about nursery rhymes that her grandma said it to her. “Children children where do you go. Mommy mommy is worry about you. Please come please your birthday party is here waiting for you.”
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