#and they notice Yata and Fushimi looking a lot happier afterwards
ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
The "Misaki can't understand Scepter 4 joke and get upset for it" make me think, it's not easy to date someone on different clan, right? What if Misaki and Saru encounter some problem like that and they asked Izuseri for advice? For example, Misaki complains to Izumo about Fushimi can't date with him because of his job, or Fushimi asks Seri about how to prioritize his job when his boyfriend do something stupid that can hinder his job
This would be cute, I could definitely see this being something that Yata and Fushimi don't really consider when they start dating. Like post-ROK when they finally hook up there's this feeling between the two of them that everything's going to go back to just how it used to be, spending lots of time together and all that, but they are still in separate clans and Fushimi in particular is very often swamped with work and it makes things difficult. Yata also finds himself feeling a little self conscious, like of course he's proud of Homra and how cool they are but they're not exactly working with the law and knowing that even with the clans being more-or-less allied now there are still going to be times when Scepter 4's mission goes against Homra's wishes. And maybe he gets annoyed about it sometimes too, because they'll be on a date and Fushimi suddenly gets a call and needs to bail because his work needs him, or Yata will be meeting him at Scepter 4 and still hearing rank and file members gossiping about how is Fushimi really on their side when he's dating a Homra member.
One day Yata's hanging around the bar in a slightly down mood because Fushimi had to miss their date again for work stuff and he's starting to wonder if the Blue King is just screwing with them. Kusanagi notices that Yata looks a little depressed and Yata says it's nothing he just didn't realize how hard it is to date someone from another clan. Kusanagi gives this little chuckle like well there can be difficulties and Yata gets this sudden realization, looking a little embarrassed as he asks how Kusanagi does it. Kusanagi admits he's had the same frustrations as Yata at times, having Seri pulled away for work and knowing the possible stigma that could come from dating a Homra member but he thinks they've managed to work it out.
He tells Yata that what's important is to trust that Fushimi cares for him and to make room for the things that Fushimi finds important, like just as Homra is important to Yata Scepter 4 is important to Fushimi, and Yata would definitely come running if Homra called him for help even if Yata was on a date right. Yata's like 'well...if it was important, yeah,' Kusanagi smiles and says Scepter 4 has a lot of critical situations happening and Fushimi's an important member at times like that, and that something Yata can do is be a support when Fushimi's done with his job, be the guy he's happy to go home to. It's difficult dating people on opposite sides but it doesn't have to be, and Yata will get used to Fushimi's new rhythm if he gives it time.
Meanwhile over at Scepter 4 Fushimi's also having issues, like he's probably got his own insecurities over how Yata must feel when Fushimi has to run off all the time, or how sometimes when Homra and Scepter 4 are at odds Fushimi has to choose Scepter 4. He's probably just quietly stewing in his indecision, worrying that Misaki will think it's too much of a problem dating a Blue and leave him or whatever. Maybe Kusanagi takes this time to send Awashima a quick text about the issues Yata was having and suggests Awashima have a talk with Fushimi, who is surely suffering some of the same problems. Awashima takes one look at Fushimi, who's super focused on his computer but biting his lip and scratching at his chest, and she gives this fond sigh as she's like yes, it looks like there is a problem. Awashima decides to make them both some nice anko and tea and have a private discussion about any issues Fushimi may have been having lately.
It takes a bit of coaxing to get Fushimi to admit it but finally he mumbles out that it's such a pain seeing that idiot Misaki doing stupid things and hindering his job, and making Fushimi think he has to be stupid too in order to keep Yata from being angry. Awashima says that she's sure Yata Misaki understands this though, that even though they're together sometimes clan things can interfere and it's nothing personal. She also suggests he think about letting up on his job a little too – don't neglect it, of course, but Fushimi's worked twice as hard as anyone all this time and he deserves to finally spend some time on his own life too. There are times when he has to be the third in command of Scepter 4 but sometimes he should just let himself be Fushimi Saruhiko spending time with his boyfriend, and forgetting everything about being from separate clans. Awashima has had to deal with this herself, especially since she and Kusanagi were close even back when the clans were more antagonistic, and she thinks having the ability to separate herself from the 'Lieutenant Awashima Seri' was important for her relationship, that sometimes she and Kusanagi could talk to each other more plainly when they weren't acting in their clansmen roles but instead allowing themselves to just be two people in love. Awashima smiles gently at Fushimi and tells him it's fine for him to be happy with someone from another clan, and that no one would be upset if he finally let himself have some personal happiness rather than having to do only work all the time.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
*is heartbroken about the Saru getting worse and being put in an institution post* ;A; what if Muna is able to get him out tho? Like get him to a better place that'll help his little Saru? I wanna see Saruboo get betterrrrrr ;A; or as better as he can I guess >w> Ily Ridia-sannn
*Always in support of giving sadpost a happier ending* So say Fushimi’s in the terrible mentalinstitution where he’s clearly only getting worse, constantly on acocktail of drugs that leave him either entirely dead-eyed or justraving and screaming, trapped in his own hallucinations. Aftervisiting him though there’s no way Munakata or anyone else is leavinghim there, like I imagine Yata and Munakata both returning to theirrespective clans after the visit and everyone wants to know howFushimi’s doing. Anna can tell from the moment Yata walks into thebar that something’s wrong and she runs to Yata as he just collapseson a stool, near tears as he admits that Fushimi’s in a terribleplace and Yata doesn’t even know what to do, he wants to just bustFushimi out and set the entire damn place on fire but can Homra evendo that now. Meanwhile Munakata returns to Scepter 4 to find a veryworried Awashima and the alphabet squad waiting for him, wanting anupdate on Fushimi’s condition, and Munakata manages to keep his voiceeven as he explains everything he saw in that place. The rest of theforce is shocked, Awashima’s voice choking slightly as he asksMunakata if there’s anything they can do. Munakata says that Fushimiwas placed in the mental institution by a completely legal order thateven Scepter 4 can’t override, Hidaka starts to get emotional andyells that they can’t just leave Fushimi there and Munakata gives hima sharp look as he states that at no point did Munakata suggest thatthey are just going to leave Fushimi there.
So then after that Kusanagi reaches out to Awashima and soon Scepter4 and Homra are all ready to work together to save Fushimi. Maybethey even ask for some help from the Silvers too, like Shiro doesstill have some modicum of authority as the former Silver King andthey need all the help they can get. It’s difficult going sinceFushimi’s considered a dangerous patient and say he attacked thePrime Minister while in the grips of a hallucination and the PrimeMinister is determined to not let Fushimi go, Munakata and the otherspretty much have to destroy the Prime Minister personally andpolitically in order to save Fushimi and no one gives any fucks aboutit. In the end they manage to get a court order to have Fushimiremoved from that institution and find one that’s much more humaneand will actually help Fushimi instead of just drugging himand making him suffer. Anna insists on coming along when they takeFushimi out of the institution, Yata’s worried that she’ll be afraidseeing Fushimi so broken but Anna runs right up to him and takes hishand, ignoring the nurses telling her to stay away because he’sdangerous. Fushimi relaxes noticeably when she touches him though andhe quietly says her name, Yata almost starts crying because when heand Munakata visited Fushimi he didn’t even recognize any of them, sothis is as hopeful a sign as any.
Munakata has Fushimi sent to the most highly-regarded institutionmoney can buy, at first Fushimi’s visitors are limited but eventuallyas he starts to heal everyone’s able to come see him and give himlove and encouragement. Fushimi’s initially really disoriented, liketo him it’s almost as if he’s lost all these months of his life thathe can barely recall but he’s also got a lot of trauma not just fromhis mental illness but from all the abuse he suffered at the previousinstitution, he doesn’t remember a lot of it due to being druggedmost of the time but he has vivid nightmares of being tied up andscreaming for someone to let him go. He’s very hesitant with visitorsat first, like he doesn’t even want to see Yata the first time Yatacomes by because Fushimi feels like he’s just this crazy failure of aperson and he doesn’t want Yata seeing him so weak and worthless. Hedoes eventually consent to Munakata showing up though and he andMunakata have a long talk about that, about how no one thinks less ofFushimi and how Yata’s been worried sick on his behalf. The next timeYata comes by Fushimi lets him come in and Yata pretty much juststarts crying right there because he’s so happy to see Fushimilooking better, like yes he’s still looking thin and haggard butthere’s light in his eyes now and just knowing that Fushimi’sstarting to heal is enough for Yata. I think maybe Fushimi is neverentirely better, like he’s on medication afterward and has tohave regular mental health checkups but after the course of a year orso he’s finally allowed out of the new institution and can come home,there’s a huge welcome back party for him at Scepter 4 headquartersthat Homra attends as well and Fushimi doesn’t even know how to dealwith it, all these people being so concerned for him and so happy tohave him back.
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