#and they used the r slur in the comment as well so tbh there was a lot going on here that was Not Great
lesbiansanemi · 2 years
I don’t know. I just think maybe we shouldn’t compare potential “prejudice” against a fantasy species that literally eats people to actual real life racism
#someone commented on one of my kny fics that it was ‘racism’ that the demon slayers were so intolerant of demons#and within the context of the entire comment the ^^above was kinda what they were implying#and like…. the thing is…. perhaps within the context of that fictional world#there IS a prejudice against demons (as seen with nezuko)#but any ‘metaphor’ in regards to ACTUAL racism I just feel like should not be made there#considering actual real world racism exists for NO reason other than intolerance/hate/systematic power over an oppressed group#and comparing THAT to a fictional scenario where ppl hate x species because they EAT PEOPLE is not it#ANY ‘metaphor’ for actual racism in fantasy that hinges on there being a ‘reason’ for the racism (ie they’re dangerous) is terrible#and should not exist because as I said… the implications that victims of racism ‘deserve’ that racism is there#so uh…. not great I must say maybe that isn’t what we need to be comparing this to#idk they also compared the idea that humans eating livestock was the same as actual cannibalism so 😭#and they used the r slur in the comment as well so tbh there was a lot going on here that was Not Great#idk I just think some critical thinking would be nice on occasion and maybe DONT try and compare these types of things#it’s insensitive and also downright harmful in certain circumstances so like :/#obviously this isn’t a widespread thing I’ve seen it’s just this once but HOLY fuck No no that is Not the point#kaz rambles
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theartistichuman · 6 months
Reasons why I think the Foxes would be controversial on Twitter
Allison: making fun of people for being trashy. When someone points out that the things she’s targeting are generally things impoverished people do to survive, she doubles down
Dan: being a black woman in the public eye who’s well informed and outspoken about politics (basically cannon) but more specifically is targeted for her discussion of sex work as work and is targeted primarily by the #notallmen crowd
Renee: regularly tells people she will pray for them when they did not ask her to. Or maybe for saying that she believes all of her past trauma is god’s plan, and people just assume she means that for all trauma
Neil: first tweet he openly makes fun of Riko on his death anniversary and says that he wishes riko could be resurrected so he could die twice. He tweets nothing else.
Matt: tbh I think Matt would be canceled for saying a slogan or using a hashtag he didn’t know was used for a specific political cause and even tho he apologized he still gets put onto a call out post every 2-3 months.
Aaron: I feel like Aaron would say something absolutely crazy about queer people, like about the gay gene or something, and then when people tell him that wasn’t ok to say he doubles down by being like I have gay family and I’m premed. Or contrarily i feel like he would admit to manslaughter on accident to win an argument with a random guy
Nicky: says something misogynistic and mildly transphobic, plays the gay card to double down. he does later apologize but it takes like 3-4 of the foxes to explain to him publicly why he was wrong
Andrew: tells someone to kms for being annoying
Kevin: Kevin for sure is the guy to comment work out routines under fat people’s selfies
Wymack: r-slur usage (canon)
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dream-critical · 2 years
I watched nickisnotgreen’s video on Streamer controversies and,,, I would like to confront a stance of yours. I don’t watch much gaming outside of mcyt, and seeing how toxic, sexist, and hostile the wider gaming community seems, I don’t think Dream has done more harm than good with his platform as you said.
The Minecraft community has become one of the more welcoming and diverse internet communities since it’s resurgence and a fair amount of people have attributed that to Dream, as he’s, even if he doesn’t want to be, a head figure, who has openly supported the LGBTQ+ community (donating to charities, only selling pride merch bc his LGBTQ+ fans asked for it and he didn’t want to exploit them, etc). Hell, not that I want to get into this, him being openly affection and flirty towards his friends, and a bunch of mcyters being flirty towards their friends, helps because it normalizes that type of affection. It’s become such a big thing that people outside of the community comment on just how gay minecrafters are.
He has not spread hate on his platform. He’s badly addressed allegations, I agree with that, but actions speak louder than words and he has not used his platform to promote racism, sexism, or (ig this is debatable but idk) homophobia. He has not repeated mistakes of using questionable language (I.e. the tommy thing, the use of the word “lynching”, his previously uneducated opinion on the r slur) once called out for it.
While he does have things to work on, I don’t think he should be deplatformed unless he starts promoting a community that doesn’t support acceptance. There’s a reason gaming platforms had the reputation they did for being hostile to women and minorities, and I think Dream has only helped in separating the minecraft community from that reputation.
If you mean he’s done more harm with his platform because he responds to smaller accounts, then i guess I agree to a point? Its known now that the people he responds to are never doxxed or seriously harmed, but I agree he should keep that in check or find different ways to address it, as it’s a possibility in the future. A lot of mass harassment and doxxing that occurs by so called “Dream Stans” just happens without his involvement at all, and there’s really nothing he can do about that anymore since denouncing it won’t do anything.
This is just one persons observation though, and, if he has done indefensible harm with his platform that I’m unaware of, then I’ll reconsider.
I watched that video as well and tbh I feel like you made the wrong conclusion here.
Yeah when you look at all the other people nick discussed in the video there's a stark contrast with other ccs in the gaming community.
But you also need to factor in that 1) people can be harmful in different ways and just bc dream isn't calling women slurs and belittling them doesn't mean he does no harm ever and 2) nick did not mention anything except the gay joke. He was constantly stating how he didn't want dream stans to attack him and how he was scared of it. The fact that he couldn't even properly express himself without having to say "please don't kill me for this" should say a lot anon.
This isn't the first time that happened either, a lot of bigger content creators have to be careful when talking about dream or completely avoid it bc the second anything they say can be taken as negative they'll get mass hate.
Nick got told he had to "avoid misinformation" but where lmao. The only misinfo you could say is there is the discourse about his sexuality bc there should be no discourse. Like I've already said before, He's unlabeled. He's not gay he's not straight he has never called himself queer and that's where the conversation should end.
So stans were trying to push him towards a bias by trying to discredit what happened and the people talking about it. Which, are we suprised? Not really they keep doing this every single time anything happens. This is what they call holding dream accountable. Making shit up and discrediting anyone who disagrees with them.
Anyway to actually talk about the harm dream has done, i feel like you're missing the point.
Dream flirting with his friends was and is to get more views. He literally openly talked about it mid 2020. It's a marketing strategy. Even if he isn't straight that doesn't change that fact. It's not a way to "make the community more accepting" it's a way to get more cash. On top of that the way he normalizes and encourages RPF is extremely harmful bc rn the second a cc is added to the dsmp people start writing stuff about them. Gone is the norm of idk. Actually fucking respecting creators and being a decent person and not doing that. Ccs now have to actively say they're uncomfortable with it before people will actually think about doing it twice but even then it doesn't stop the RPF shippers and truthers.
Their whole existence gets sexualised and the fandom gets away with it bc dream said it's ok.
Rpf is a fact in most fandoms but when creators condemn it, it's kept to a minimum. In the dsmp fandom, people keep very close attention to boundaries so they can break them by using loopholes. Do you know how fucking weird and fucked up that is? Dream actively encourages this as well like????
On top of that a lot of people attributing that to dream doesn't mean it's true lmao. It's bc a lot of mcyters came out as queer in the last couple of years, a lot more creators of colour started getting big and all white cishet creators on the dsmp are very accepting etc.
Did dream have a part in it? Sure. It's not all his work though, saying that is just untrue and he couldn't possibly have gotten this big without other creators like Tommy, Wilbur, joining the smp.
Also since you mentioned the r slur stuff, he never apologized for that and instead went on a twitter rant bc of it. He did the same thing with the war cry controversy. He did the same thing with kkk edit as well. There's a pattern here anon and it's obvious to see. He doubles down on his harmful actions and even if he doesn't repeat them, the Twitter rants do leave an impression on his fans that defend him so I would say that the shit he did there was harmful.
No matter if he apologized or if you and me disagree on how acceptable and genuine those apologies were, his tantrums and debate bro outburst have a lot more impact than his short "sorry, love you guys ♥️💖♥️💖" bullshit.
On top of that, there are a lot of ways he could grow as a person and as a content creator yet he refuses all of them. You mention he should work on stuff instead of getting deplatformed but when is that going to happen anon? He refuses to get a pr team, he refuses to listen to other ccs critisizing him, and if he can't handle having this big of a platform why the fuck should he have that platform.
His refusal to change is one of the most harmful things he does. He can't keep going like this and we both know it.
Also and I've literally made this point like three times before, it doesn't fucking matter if the people who got doxxed bc of his stans actually get harmed he shouldn't fucking put them in harm's way.
Also "not seriously harmed"??? Are you fucking hearing yourself. Doxxing is serious and you trying to play it down to defend your fave is not appreciated like at all just saying.
Dream needs to grow the fuck up and the people defending him need to stop being in denial.
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toadygoblin · 3 years
TW: racism, antisemitism, transphobia, ableism
Okay, it's been a really long week, but I figured I might as well put my two cents in about the Schlatt situation. Sorry if this post is all over the place, and I use WAY too many parentheses, (just apologizing in advance). Also, sorry if my spelling is off, trying to type on mobile is horrible.
Okay, here goes.
First, I wanna talk about my relationship with Schlatt's content overall. I first found out about Schlatt through Soothouse, and then CallmeCarson (who I'm not a fan of anymore, for obvious reasons), and back when quarantine started here in the US, I started watching Lunch Club videos. From there I started watching Schlatt's main channel content, and I really enjoyed it for the most part (his Wii videos were always my favorites), and the stuff he posted on Theweeklyslap always made me feel better when I was feeling really sad about life. His iconic video about his mutton chops made me hate my appearance a little less, and his Weeklyslap video about parasocial relationships brings up very important points that every content creator and fan should listen to and learn from.
I will say, though, I was still pretty on the fence about Schlatt as a person, because I always heard about how frequently he was cancelled for stuff he did in the past that he hadn't apologized for. But at the time I just thought it was just Twitter being a hellscape and cancelling content creators for stupid reasons (for example, Quackity , for speaking Spanish, which is HIS FIRST LANGUAGE). And, to be fair, I didn't particularly hate the Jackbox content he's made in the past (though recently, Iv'e gotten kinda tired of getting a notification and it's ANOTHER Jackbox video), but when first saw the original thumbnail... I literally had no words.
I really should have not clicked on the video in the first place, but I did anyway, because part of me was hoping that it was going to be making fun of racist people who do blackface and stuff, but that's not what I saw. Instead, I saw "jokes" about h*tler and the holocaust, making fun of people who put their pronouns in thier bios( which was a slap in the face for me), and all sorts of other horrible shit. I went on Tik Tok afterwards and saw SO MANY people that were upset about the video as well, and then I checked Twitter and Tumblr to see what people had to say, and the general consensus seems to be that everyone was upset with Schlatt for one reason or another.
I'm POC, but I'm not black,so I won't speak on behalf of the the black community, but the video's old thumbnail (yes, he changed it), was really the cherry on top of the rat poison sundae that was this video. I'm also not Jewish, but I think everyone can agree that it is NEVER okay to joke about the genocide of millions of Jews. Niether is it okay to use ableist slurs like the R word, or condone and defend people who do.
I think the fact that a few of Schlatts friends (Justaminx, Iamty, Connoreatspants) were upset with him speaks volumes. In Iamty's recent stream, he explained why he was personally hurt by the video. I recently reblogged a post that includes the part of the stream where he talks about it, if you wanna check it out. Fitz and Swaggersouls, of course, brushed it off, which is super frustrating. I swear, it's like trying to explain to middle school boys why saying slurs is wrong, and them just ignoring you because they don't care. I never really liked either of them, but this seals the deal for me.
Because I lack good judgment when I'm curious about something, I went back to the video to check the comments, and I was disgusted by the stuff I saw. And, of course, there were commentary channels run by 16 year old white boys defending Schlatt, using the classic excuse "ItS JUst A jOke!" and "iTs daRk HumOr!". But I saw a few channels (that usually defend Schlatt when he gets cancelled), weren't covering the situation, and I even saw one video where the commentator mentioned that they were a fan of his content, but that they were extremely disappointed in schlatts recent video. It was kind of refreshing to see, tbh. But also a little sad.
Another thing, I REALLY hate the fact that he's profiting off of the video, complete with a sponsor and everything. He also HAD to have known what kind of trouble he would land in when he A: edited the video, and B: posted it with the original thumbnail. I have heard, though, that he doesn't edit his own videos (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Closing thoughts and statements:
First of all, to the person/people that are doxxing Schlatt: what the actual hell is wrong with you? I have family members that are horrible people, and are racist and stuff, but I would never, in a million years think of doxxing them as a form of revenge. Also, DO NOT attack his innocent fans that still enjoy his content. Obviously the fans that are defending him in this entire mess are not innocent, but still don't attack them. DO NOT send death threats to Schlatt, his friends, or his fans, because that's generally a messed up thing to do.
My thoughts about this whole dumpster fire is that since this video upset me, Schlatt's fans, and his friends, he should apologize for the things that were said and done. I understand that he was probably trying to distance himself from the Dreamsmp stans, but in doing so he lost a lot of long-term fans of his content, which is actually super heartbreaking. Iv'e already unsubscribed from his main channel, but I'm still subscribed to Theweeklyslap, just to see if he'll post an apology and address the problem as a whole, but with his track record, that probably won't happen.
And if that's the case, then I'm done with his content for good.
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spooks-can-write · 5 years
The Babysitter
Nestor x Reader
Summary: Emily hires you to babysit Cristobal (this is apart from the actual tv series events) and you and Nestor have some...tension. im bad at summaries ok.
Warnings: no smut just tension lmao. Cursing. Some predatory behavior, nothing beyond that.
Word count: idk tbh its longER tho bc i cant be short im s o r r y.
Hope yall enjoy 💞
The door chimed as you walked into the coffee shop, immediatley seeing Emily beam as she saw you made you loose a tension you didnt know you were holding. After leaving your last job abruptly you had been busy trying to get your shit together and through the struggle you were glad to take a break to see your old babysitter and childhood friend Emily.
"Hey (y/n)!" She stood up, you noted motherhood suited her well. She seemed more at peace now.
"Hey Em!" You looked down to see Cristobal sweetly sleeping in his noteably expensive stroller.
"So..." she seemed eager "I was talking with Miguel and we know you're...well...looking for a new job and place to stay so we thought it'd be perfect if you stayed with us as Cristobals full time nanny."
You were caught off gaurd to say the least "Oh, uh that does sounds great but i dont have any experience really."
"Dont worry well figure it out and ill be there in the beginning till you settle in. Trust me."
You thought you didnt have many other places to go either way and being in a stable enviornment would be good for a change. Fuck it.
"When can i start?"
Nannying was going better than you thought. It helped that Cristobal was more than well behaved but also you kind of had a knack for it. Not to mention the mansion Emily lived in. The only problem from time to time was that asshole with the cornrows. He always blatantly ignored you or just stared at you until you left the room. You thought long and hard about what you did to piss him off and couldnt think of a single thing, so you decided he was just an asshole.
You needed to check with Miguel about taking Cristobal to the park, going to his office you just found Nestor standing next to an empty desk.
"Where is Miguel?"
He didnt respond.
"Where.Is.Miguel?" You ask with more attitude than you meant.
He blinked like he didnt understand.
"Nestor!" You raised your voice
"He stepped out. He'll be back in 10." His calm tone didnt match yours. You instantly felt embaressed to have been rude. Shit.
"Thanks" you walked out wishing you had been more calm
When you walked in he looked up, thinking it was miguel, to see you. You were wearing that new top he liked. It hugged your curves. The sun was hitting your face making you glow.
Fuck you were beautiful. He wanted to shove the chair out of the way and grab you and kiss you more than he ever wanted anything he knew he couldnt have.
Shit. You looked mad.
He gathered his thoughts
He watched you walk out. His stomach twisted that you seemed mad at him. Fuck.
They were supposed to be gone all day so you were walking around the house, bouncing and humming a hymn to Cristobal in your pjs. He slowly fell asleep as you walked around the stairs to the den, you stopped dead.
You were met with the eyes of Miguel, Devante, Nestor, and a fair skinned man with a lot of jewlery and a shit eating grin as his eyes obviosuly roamed your body. You were just wearing a little bit too short of shorts and a tank top that cristobals sleepy hand was tugging down. You felt your stomach twist and cheeks flush.
"Sorry-I I didnt know anyone was home, he was getting fussy so.." you trailed off as Miguel stood up giving you a look you couldnt read. You looked over to Nestor and he looked upset.
"Dont worry mija we were just finishing up." Miguel said, like he meant it.
"Actually" the strange man stood, still undressing you with his eyes. It was starting to piss you off.
"Miguelito i think we should wait till my party next saturday to...finalize this deal huh?" He said with that same grin.
"Por supuesto" miguel said as he ushered the man to the other side of the room, talking to each other in spanish too quiet for you to decipher.
You felt stuck in your place. You focused on Cristobals breath against your chest. Trying to let it calm you. You noted more of the man. He looked dangerous. Emily told you Miguel was a international businessman and you believed her till you came here. You werent stupid enough to ask exactly what he did but you also werent stupid enough to believe he was just a businessman either.
The men came back and stood in front of you for a beat.
"Hey listen im really sorry i thought everyone was gone-" you started
"No worries chiquita, but do you have a passport?" Devante asked, eyebrow raised
"Well if im being whored out i mine as well look good right?" You said smoothing down the soft rose gold satin dress as Emily and Dita sang your praises.
"How many times do i have to tell you (y/n) he just told Miguel he wanted to see you at the party, hes not going to do anything and we won't let him anyways." Emily reassured you, doing your hair.
"You're a part of the family now mija, this is our job as the women." You knew that comment was true, you saw it with your own eyes and that made it sting even more.
You were doing it for the sake of Emily and her family you told yourself. Plus you did look amazing in the dress.
You tugged at the zipper of the dress, it wouldn't budge.
"Hey em, can you-" you turned to see nestor at the door.
"I can if you want" his voice was gentle. Not that he was ever callous with you but it felt deliberate.
"Yeah sure" you half whispered, surprised it got caught in your throat.
He walked over. You moved your hair in front as he gently pulled the zipper up. Touching it when he was done. You turned.
"Listo?" He asked
You nodded, following. Feeling a flutter in your chest.
The drive to mexico was beautiful and serene. You mind did wander to Nestor and how sweet he was to you. You wondered if it was a fluke. Maybe he felt sorry for you. You tried not. to feel sorry for yourself.
You arrived to what looked like a castle. It had the guards with machine guns and everything. You found humor in that, as the situation sank in, you weren't scared.
It you were honest with yourself even when Nestor was cold to you, you always felt safe with him.
You all got out of the car, you last, as Nestor helped you onto the uneven stones. It'd been a minute since you wore heels.
"Dont worry." He leaned down to talk close to you, squeezing your hand. You met his smile.
The music was loud as you walked in. People were dancing and the mariachis were amazing. You were thankful to sit next to emily and dita. You felt eyes on you from men and their wives. You tugged your dress up. Definitley not the most revealing at the party but apparently it was enough.
"Its because you are not married" Dita told you, a comforting hand on your shoulder. "They are jealous" She smiled. It didnt make you feel better. You tried to focus on the drink in front of you.
The man from the house yelled joyfully and drunkenly in spanish and started walking toward the table. The men quickly stood up and met him halfway. Ushering him into a private room smoothly. Not before you made eye contact and he winked. You held your shudder.
The night went on and you found yourself almost having fun and forgetting the dangerous people around you.
You went to the bathroom as Devante and Dita danced.
You were looking for the bathroom when you felt a heavy hand on your waist. You jumped and turned. It was the man.
"Hello pretty women" he said with a accent slurred with the smell of strong alcohol that pinched your nose.
You backed up to find yourself against a wall. You started to look for a way out but his hand got harder on your waist, moving to hold your hip.
He leaned in speaking breathy spanish against your ear you couldnt understand on your best day. You took the opportunity to side step, noticing his henchmen about 10 ft away watching, glocks on their hips. The situation sank your stomach. You wouldnt be getting out of here.
"(Y/n) ive been looking everwhere for you." Dita shuffled past the man grabbing your arm and pulling you away. "Miguel needs to talk with you." She said louder than necesarry.
You were at a near jog down the hall. She stopped and turned you when you were safely away but not into the main area.
"Are you okay mija?" She held your hand. You felt tears welling.
"Men like that will ways exist and here, you will find them in abundance. It's important to stay close to us. They prey on the lone wolf okay?" You nodded. She wiped the tear you didnt know you shed.
She stayed with you till you calmed down.
"Brave face mija" she said as you walked back into the room, back to the table. Nestor and miguel were there looking directly at you, worried, trying to read your face. You forced a smile. Understanding what being in this family meant. It wasnt good. It wasnt bad. It was just your life now.
Nestor quickly sat next to you. Emily eyeing you, sympathetically. They were all too smart to not put together what happened. She touched your thigh, you flinched. She removed it. You could see she made a heartbroken face out the corner of your eyr but you couldnt bring yourself to meet her eyes.
"Im okay i promise. Just..shook up" you were honest. She nodded. You knew she felt terrible.
The night continued. Nestor wanted to kill him and he knew how he would do it. He shared looks with Miguel. He shook his head. Not yet. The second you walked out, holding ditas arm like it was the only thing keeping you up his stomach twisted. Rage ran down his back.
When he didnt see that bastard Diego and didnt see you, his mind raced and he was about to go down the hall to kill that fuck when Dita grabbed him.
"You can't. It has to be me." She didnt have to explain. He knew why. It killed him to turn around and walk away from the situation as his mind let dark thoughts in of what he was doing to you.
He kept looking at you, he could see you trying to be brave but under the table your leg was shaking and you were fidgeting with your hands.
"Come outside with me baby" he leaned over so only you could hear him.
You looked over at him standing with his hand out. You were thankful. Did he just call you baby? It sounded good coming out of his mouth.
You took his hand. It was calloused and strong. It calmed you down almost instantly as he led you outside. When people saw him coming they almost fell over themselves to move out of your way.
The cool air felt good on your flushed cheeks. He let go of your hand and led you to the balcony. You leaned on it, embracing the night air.
"Its really beautiful out here, all things considered." You chuckled.
He looked worringly at you, "Thank you Nestor." You grabbed his arm.
Fuck, his name sounded so good in your mouth.
"You're welcome." He watched as you leaned against the balcony. He wanted to touch you, tell you, youre beautiful but after what happened thats not what you needed and he knew it.
You stayed like that for awhile, in each other's silence. The muffled sound of the mariachis relaxing you.
You felt your eyes getting heavy.
"Dont get tired now its not even 1am yet." You looked over, surprised he noticed.
"Maybe we can just stay out here all night then." You smiled at him.
Fuck he would do just about anything you asked. Crawl on glass in the snow, change your oil, anything as long as you kept smiling at him like that.
"But it's probably best to go inside right?" You sighed.
"I think so."
You grabbed his arm as you walked in, holding onto him and keeping your eyes on the table.
Time passed and you struggled to stay awake, you leaned on Nestor's shoulder without thinking, you froze. He moved over to make you more comfortable, moving his arm around you but not too much. You snuggled in. Damn he smelled good too. You closed your eyes, feeling people looking. Fuck em.
You were stirred up by Nestor rubbing your upper arm "hey, hey, time to go."
You stirred, never really falling asleep but not present for the end. Everyone was filing out slowly.
Nestor was looking over to Miguel and Diego. He shook Miguel's hand. He didn't look away as he put his coat over your shoulders and walked you all out.
You noticed Emily smirking at you, making eyes at Nestor's jacket around you.
You tried to open your mouth
"-Ah." She cut you off. "You don't need to tell me anything." She smiled.
You smiled back, happily getting in the warm car and doozing on and off on the way home, catching Nestor look at you in the rearview mirror made you blush.
You all made your way inside as you felt the emotional fatigue of the day in your legs.
Nestor was waiting by the front door. Not for you it seemed. Just taking a moment.
"Can i be out here with you for awhile?" You asked, ready for him to say anything.
"Thanks for tonight, for taking care of me."
"I know you can take care of yourself (y/n). I just didn't want you to feel alone out there." He spoke softly, sitting next to you.
You stared at his face for the first time it seemed. He was beautiful. You dared to glance down at his lips.
He followed your eyes. He wouldn't move qn inch on you tonight. He didnt want to chance pushing you but fuck did he want you so bad.
You weren't used to initiating, you could see he wanted you but wouldnt move. You closed the distance, stopping just short to see if he'd react.
His head just barely titled up towards you, you took it and kissed him, you being the one to take control felt good. You wondered if he was usually like this.
He was gentle and sweet and you found yourself appreciating it tonight. You grabbed his face and you deepened the kiss.
You felt brave and stood up and sat down to straddle him. He grunted in the back of his throat as you grabbed his braid he moved his hands to hold your thigh and ass.
The kiss slowed down and he smiled into it. You laughed, dropping your head into his shoulder, touching your lips.
"Wow uh-" you got off him, laughing with him.
"Yeah" he laughed, grabbing your hand. "Let's go inside."
He dropped you off at your room which felt cute and a little ridiculous. It was fitting.
Words failed you and it seemed to him, as well.
"Goodnight." He said softly again.
"Good night Nestor." You replied closing your door, silently congratulating yourself for not dragging him into your room.
Whatever, give it a week. You smiled.
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henryheartss · 3 years
i saw a video titled "the commentary community it dying" and tbh i dont see why thats a bad thing
a lot of commentators ive seen are just flat out pieces of shit. making videos on some really harmless stuff because they simply dont like it, and it attracts other people who just hate on most things because it doesnt align perfectly with how they see things.
like mental illness and the fact not everyone acts the same exact way is something a lot of them fail to grasp. "how can you be so happy all the time, you must be on drugs" dude what are you on about?? plus its funny to go from a well made video on bad reaction channels to go to one where the girl literally is actually reacting and talking and this guy sees it as a bad thing.
not to mention most of the community are white cishet guys who think saying the f-slur and r-word and autistic are fine because they cant see how it actually affects us who are in those communities. (of which im in all three categories, i say for the r-word because ive been called it before many times because people see it and autistic as the same thing) (not to mention why would you want to normalize words you are using as insults anyways?? what good does it do besides make you not look bad when you say them and get crickets) its funny that we apparently cant speak for ourselves and the people with literally the most power are just allowed to dictate what can and cannot be said. (reminds me of y33nshuman (spelt with e's not 3's) that i used to be in his discord and he told my transgf that she is just a cloutchaser and that everyone should have a say in things when my TRANSGF didnt want a dude talking over her about trans rights just because hes gay. yall got the fucking power and you dont want to give it up)
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blue-shaded · 3 years
Dream Team merch anon back to give more context because I’m an idiot 💀 Going to list out past controversies for better context. All of these things are things they have addressed and apologized for, but as I’m not a part of the communities offended, I can’t really speak on their apologies.
The Dream Team as a whole got called out for doing war cries on stream around the summer of last year. They got called out for disrespecting Native American culture and Dream initially lashed out, saying he was mimicking the war cries seen on Spongebob, but later deleted this and then did the “Serious Stream” where he apologized for both the initial war cry and how he reacted on Twitter. (note: Dream does have a bad habit of reacting badly on Twitter at first and then actually processing and reacting, a habit which at its core boils down to his RSD bc he has ADHD). The Serious Stream is also where he covers shipping within the Dream Team (said they’re fine w it), doxxing (doesn’t condone it), and being shipped w minors (thinks it’s disgusting and that no one should ship minors or anyone that’s not okay with being shipped)
In addition, though Dream himself has never said the r-word, he has defended his friend’s usage of it in the past (sometime around summer of last year i believe) though he has since apologized for it and hasn’t really interacted with that friend publicly since (lot of argument around this one, bc some people argue that people w adhd can use the r-slur so if he’s okay w his friend saying it then that’s fine, but others say that it’s only for people w autism to use so he shouldn’t have spoken on it)
Dream also has the speedrunning and glow squid drama surrounding him, though I feel like that’s a little eh to mention because it doesn’t prove much about his character as anything it’s just about Minecraft and isn’t actual bigotry
GeorgeNotFound has been called out for using the b slur when he was around 13 and when the clip resurfaced earlier this year, he apologized for it, saying that though it was a long time ago, it was something he’s still ashamed of and once he learned the meaning behind the word, he immediately stopped using it.
To preemptively address this one because it might get brought up by a different anon, around March, someone tried to convince people Dream had said the n-slur by finding a random video of a guy that sounded a little like Dream. This has since been fully debunked by both the person who made the original video and a friend of the person who actually was in the video.
And then as the other anon said, Dream did have a video with Notch up on his channel. Recently, a commentator streamer, Hasanabi, pointed that out, and Dream took the video down and went on Hasan’s stream and he said that he had no clue about what Notch had done until Hasan had talked about it and that he doesn’t support any of his words or actions.
I’m sure there’s some I missed, but I didn’t want to seem biased or like I was just sweeping it under the rug. Since these situations, all three of them have given verbal support for neurodivergent and POC communities on multiple occasions, which is why a lot of people who are a part of these communities chose to forgive them but of course, no one’s obligated to accept their apologies
All of this I agree with. I did know about the whole him being uncomfortable with shipping, and the minecraft stuff but I agree it doesn't really reflect on how he is as a person but more how ugly his fanbase can get. As for George. Okay, he was a literal child and that doesn't excuse it in any way but it does explain immaturity and general unknowing so if he's learned that's okay. Generally he doesn't sound like a bad person, nor does his 'dream team' Even if there's some things he's been involved with, it sounds to me like he all resolved it very well and in a good manner too. Either way I am still kinda new to knowing anything about Dream and I won't ever watch his content tbh. ( I never watch minecraft content I'd rather spend time in a cave myself ) And I wasn't there when it happened so no offense taken, but by all means, if anyone reading this does feel different, you're valid too.
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