#and they’re both a little wrong
ropes3amthoughts · 27 days
This is such a mess but do you guys get my vision
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go-see-a-starwar · 1 year
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Hayden Christensen + Natalie Portman
Star Wars Episode II Love Featurette
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lavender-rroses · 1 year
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talk to us
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legendoftherisingtide · 11 months
Bakugou is a prideful, arrogant person. He holds himself to the highest standard; he is the best and everyone else is simply below him. Everything he has ever done was in pursuit of being number one, shining above the rest. He has to have a perfect victory, he has to be a perfect student, he has to win to save.
He pushes and pushes and won’t let anyone see his weaknesses or his insecurities. He can never lose, he can never fail, he can never show that he regrets or hesitates or that he hasn’t thought everything through. He must never be vulnerable in every sense of the word.
Then why is he standing in the rain.
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To apologize shouldn’t be a sacrifice, but it is for Bakugou. To pour his feelings, to admit his wrong, to let down all of the walls he has built and be vulnerable. And in front of his whole class.
He is willing to sacrifice his pride, to fully sacrifice any superiority he could have, to bare his soul and even risk rejection. Because he knows Midoriya is more important. Because he wants him to come home, he wants him to know his true feelings, because he wants things to change. 
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Because Midoriya has changed him. Midoriya has opened his eyes; by showing him he’s allowed to be open, that his feelings should be expressed, that he has so much to learn, and so much of that was learned through Midoriya just existing.
He isn’t sacrificing his safety frivolously because he’s expected to as a hero; he is doing it because he has grown. He is doing it because he has finally admitted to himself that he wants Midoriya to be with him and safe.
So I will sacrifice this for you. Not because it will change anything, as much as I want that I know that I can’t just fix all the wrong with just this. And I am willing to do as much as it takes to earn your forgiveness. But I don’t need that from you, not now and not ever if you don’t want that, I just need you to rest. I did so much wrong. And I am sorry for everything. You don’t have to do this alone. Lean on us. You are so strong and being supported doesn’t discount that. You’ve taught me that. 
I hate the rain. But I will brave it for you. 
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He would do everything in his power, admit so many things, just to get Midoriya to take care of himself. We see him being the most vulnerable he has ever been in front of people that aren’t Midoriya. He does so much completely out of character, all in pursuit of being there for Midoriya. 
For Izuku.
He finally gets over himself and finally tells Midoriya the feelings he has felt for so long.
He lets go of this idea he is inherently better and finally acknowledges that his hatred for Midoriya has always been about his own shortcomings and insecurities. But he still wants to be better, they are still rivals. He isn’t going to sacrifice that part of him because that is just who he is; he is still going to push to number one.
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But now it’s different.
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There is verbal and vocal acceptance and respect. Before it was unspoken; their relationship had changed ever since Ground Beta. They were proper rivals, with mutual respect and care, they were actively making each other better.
But Bakugo finally verbalizes it and tells Midoriya, not only is he sorry, but he wants to actually have a proper friendship; he wants to continue to become better and earn his forgiveness. He wants them to push each other to be better, he wants to continue to fight for the top spot, he still wants to be the best.
But when did it become something else? 
When was the turning point when it started to shift from wanting to surpass Midoriya and be the best, to wanting to keep up with Midoriya and stay by his side?
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Bakugou has already sacrificed himself for Midoriya before. His body moved on its own; with no hesitation, he would save Midoriya. He has already risked his life for him. But there is a layer to it that I don’t think people talk about. 
He tells Midoriya he shouldn’t try to win this on his own. 
He disguises his concern with an insistence that he’s in it to fight for himself when he initially joins the battle. But it is to fight by Midoriya’s side and support him.
But taking the hit for Midoriya, jumping in the way isn’t just support. This is sacrifice. This is giving yourself to ensure the safety of someone. And it was second nature. 
There are two reasons and both are a sacrifice of something in the moment.
It is knowing someone is so valuable, so great, in all senses of the word, that they must be protected. Bakugou is sacrificing his body and admitting that Midoriya needs to stay alive, for personal reasons and/or for the world. He needs Midoriya to be okay, Midoriya can’t fight alone and Bakugou will do anything to make sure he will be okay. 
But the sacrifice of ideology. 
With every development, he has relinquished parts of himself. When he sacrifices himself he is not only sacrificing his body but is admitting that he can’t do this on his own; he needs Midoriya too. This isn’t him wanting to be better than Midoriya, it’s him wanting to do it together.
Midoriya changed him.
He doesn’t die for Midoriya. He wakes up and just as his last thought was Midoriya, so was his first as he woke up. He runs to his side. People are dragging him back, trying to have him rest, knowing before he even said anything that he would lose his mind over Midoriya’s situation. 
Everyone sees how Bakugou feels about Midoriya.
He sacrifices himself because Midoriya can not die on him. Midoriya has to stay alive. Midoriya has to keep fighting. 
There can not be a world that doesn’t have him in it.
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This is the culmination of what has been developing ever since the final exam where Bakugou finally works with Midoriya; the day that win to save, save to win was noticed. Then furthered after Ground Beta where they finally talked to each other and something changed within them both.
But the final sacrifice is the culmination of Bakugou’s character.
He knows what this decision will mean. Everyone screams for him not to. He knows that he is going to die. He knows he will not win this fight.
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This isn’t dying for the cause. This isn’t just a hero complex. This is because he can help Midoriya and he will. This is for Izuku.
I will sacrifice myself for you. To give you more time, to give you even the slightest chance of winning. I will sacrifice myself for you because you are who can win. I am going to die. I am going to die and in my final thoughts, I will ask if I will still be able to be by your side.
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It is no longer can I beat you. It is no longer can I surpass you. It is can I still catch up to you. It is can I still even be equal to you. He has already sacrificed the idea that he could beat Midoriya, that isn’t what he wants anymore. What he wants is to stay here with him.
I will sacrifice everything I am. I have wanted to be the best. All my life I have wanted to surpass you and everyone around me. But you. I will let that go for you. I let it go in my mind for so long now and I have never wanted to admit it. Is it even possible? Is it even possible for me to catch up to you? Is it even possible for me to stay by your side. I can’t be that anymore. I am sacrificing even that now. I will never be number one now. I will never become the person I always dreamed to be. I will never surpass you. I am forever sacrificing that now. I will die here.  
But can I still be with you?
The sacrifice of his life is him fully relinquishing everything he is, admitting that he can’t keep up, losing all of the progress he has made, letting go of everything that made up his character.
And the last thing on his mind is if he can still be able to be by Midoriya’s side.
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He won’t let him go again. 
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nato-obenkrieger · 24 days
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can these homos get out of my head already i HATE them
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moonshynecybin · 1 month
i think part of why marc is so interesting from a rpf/general fandom perspective as a CHARACTER besides like idk, being the drama, is because yeah he’s a PR master and a frequent liar but he’s also like. so pathologically himself. spotty poker face. yapper. bad at little subtle social cues sometimes. intense. and he likes to be seen and known and understood! so even when he IS lying or doing blah blah pr speak, either there’s some layer of truth hidden near or inside the lie, his actions blatantly contradict said lie, or he will just straight up admit that he was lying later ! like he has to be himself he simply has to
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silvyslayer42 · 7 months
kuusuke as a character is 1 billion times better if you view his words here as genuine (like how i do) . the way you see these scenes is very important to how his character will read to you in my professional opinion
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like 😕😕😕 he literally cares about kusuo so much. that’s his cute brother he couldn’t hate him even if he tried (and he tried) . he literally just wants to play around with his brother and have bonding time but he doesn’t know how to do that normally so he does it in his weird unintentionally destructive way but underlying everything is that familial love.
this post is so gibberish but yeah saiki kuusuke im your biggest fan in the whole wide universe….
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mischief fandom. for science.
answer with whatever is closest to your feelings. also this is just for a bit of fun and no feelings should be hurt because of this poll. cheers 👍
(also if y’all want to include your takes in the tags, pls go ahead)
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comparing the Cat King to Crowley from Good Omens? WRONG. The Cat King should be compared to Crowley from Supernatural.
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mx-legend-of-faye · 11 months
So I had a thought…
The chain gets sent to Wild’s hyrule for the very time. Like the typical chain meets Wild stuff, but it’s post totk. Not only is it post totk, but the portal doesn’t drop them on the surface, no, it drops them in the depths.
So now you’ve got the chain—minus Wild who they haven’t met just yet—quite literally in the dark about this new hyrule, and they aren’t aware that the depths aren’t all there is to this hyrule because how could they be? So they’re all wondering what in the hell happened there.
Meanwhile, up on the surface, Wild is at lookout landing talking with Josha who heard there was something weird going on in the depths and wants Wild to go check it out. Wild being Wild, she agrees. There’s the thought that maybe the yiga are back to their usual antics of causing trouble, so they may as well go check it out just in case.
…that’s about where my thought ended. I didn’t think too far ahead. I’m basically running on a large iced coffee and a chocolate muffin. Something something the chain meets Wild down in the depths when Wild saves them from gloom hands or a lynel. Cue Wild helping them out of the depths, and then officially joining the chain and whatnot because yeah.
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akkivee · 4 months
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one of the craziest bat bars like actually
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leonardalphachurch · 2 months
sometimes i remember that most north fans don’t write him as an absolute insane person ethical manipulative girlfriend style and i’m like. what is he even then… just a pleasant white man? you know what. more power to you if you need a pleasant white man for a blorbo but god that could not be me
#most ppl write north as just like. a nice person i think.#i know him though. i know him.#like nork is SUCH a popular ship (at least like. historically) and every time i see it i go ‘haha that would never work’#and then i remember. oh right most ppl write these guys as like. just kind of decent dudes.#nork to me is like. worlds first ethical manipulative girlfriend (not actually ethical) x worlds first manic pixie dream Nice Guy#who both have literally no identity of their own and sure aren’t actually giving each other one#they’d be so miserable…#constant battle of ‘can’t you see what a sacrifice i’m making for you’#neither of them would ever admit anything was wrong. they both think they can fix it forever#just slowly falling apart. it’s fine :) they’re fine :)#n\orkington is even more baffling#i genuinely couldn’t even imagine the dynamic there#like i know it’s pfl uwu baby wash but even still#he’d be so miserable they’d treat him like shit ToT#oh god north/wash. wash run. WASH RUN.#noooo wash my little chameleon you can’t stay with him he’s going to make you his baby bird#he wouldn’t even realize ToT he wouldn’t even know why he’s unhappy. oh god. wash RUNNNNNNN#i just don’t think north should be in a relationship basically#‘what about churchnorth’ okay. let’s be real. do we really think church should be being in a relationship???#their toxicity perfectly cancels each other out into like. something that’s actually good for both of them#wraps all the way back around. horseshoe theory.#okay this has turned into pure rambling. it’s 4am
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I know in my heart Sam and Jess bullied each other so hard
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dimitrscu · 7 months
when i see someone put both radahn and malenia in s tier on their boss ranking list
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moghedien · 1 year
I do think that it’s so within Nynaeve’s nature to need to make people better that if she’d have spent anymore time with Moghedien, she would have started trying to fix her in an extremely aggressive manner
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petedavidsonscock · 1 year
Chowder glances at Nursey, who’s broken out into even louder rhapsodies about the night sky and the color of Dex’s eyes, and then back at Dex, who looks tired. “What’s he doing?”
Dex sighs. “Trying to annoy me into making out with him. I told him I was too busy with homework to mess around.”
“Oh.” Chowder looks at Nursey. He hasn’t paused in his recital, but he is now wearing a shit-eating grin. “Is it going to work?”
“No,” Dex snaps.
“Cool,” Chowder says, and ducks out of the room to continue his way to the bathroom.
Five minutes later, when he walks back, there’s a sock on the door handle and some unmistakable noises coming from inside the room. Chowder shudders and hurries to his room to find a pair of headphones.
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