#and this blog has always been a ppg/selfship blog
miutonium · 2 years
I have to change so many things to this blog later because of my recent SJ fixation ;w; this is so tragic
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sp00kyp00kie · 1 year
About Me
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Pookie. I am 33 years old and genderfluid. My pronouns are she/he/they. Please read ahead and feel free to ask me any and all questions.
This blog is pro ship and pro selfship! To me, this means that I will produce and interact with content that I like and avoid content that I do not like. Simple as that. If you do not like that, then please block me and/or move along. I have been on Tumblr for many, MANY years but I left for a while to move to Twitter. After Twitter started going to shit, I decided to come on back! I hope to regain some of the following here that I used to have in the past and to get back into drawing my selfships and interacting with other selfshippers! I do not care what people ship. Everyone has their reasons for doing so and everyone has character types that they enjoy. I'll be tagging everything appropriately (as much as I can, anyway), so if you like some of my blog but not all of the content I post, feel free to block certain tags.
My F/Os
Here is a list of characters I consider my f/os! I am always up for talking about them or answering any questions about them. The level of development my self insert has with each relationship varies. Some are just more in depth than others.
Specter - Ape Escape Bendy - BatiM/BatDR Snatcher - AHIT Karamatsu - Osomatsu-san Osomatsu - Osomatsu-san G'raha Tia - FFXIV Saeran Choi - Mystic Messenger Present Mic - MHA Twice - MHA Tabitha - Pokémon Sanji - One Piece Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel Ace - PPG/Gorillaz Nagito - Danganronpa Miu - Danganronpa Keebo - Danganronpa Wrathion - WoW Polnareff - JJBA Sharing
I have seen that some people do not like sharing certain F/Os and choose to not interact with others that have that same F/O. I understand this completely! Some characters are extremely special to me and it can be a little uncomfortable when others have the same fave. It can honestly depend for me, but the only one I feel that deep of a connection to all the time is Specter. I may be less inclined to talk about your relationship with a character we both have as a fictional other, but I don't mind interaction. Again, this goes for some of them, but not all of them. I'm pretty chill, tbh. I think that's it for now. I'll definitely be making this post a lot nicer to look at in the future, maybe make a caard or something, but thank you for reading!
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miutonium · 2 years
2021 is not entirely a good year for me, but I can't deny that I have been going through a lot of changes, I have new friends, I lost a few. I went to work for a while and then able to go back studying. And since this is a selfship-centric account, it's lowkey embarassing for me to say this but like it feels quite refreshing and also odd that I get the chance to love an f/o again after being head over heels for my previous f/o for the past 4 years. I am honestly not the kind of person that has multiple f/os at one time, I usually focus my whole emotion to only one f/o at a time. I don't really expect myself to fall for Utonium so hard tbh, I decided to watch ppg for nostalgic values and out of spite for the CW script leak but here I am 6 months later being helplessly in love with this nerdy dorky dad lol. I am unsure how long will I ever stay with him this time, my friends are putting bets on it (and I want to win I ain't gonna pay 100 bucks for it smh) but for now I'm just gonna pour all my love for this fictional man because sure as hell he deserves that and I am going to keep dominating his tags until I know at least someone will love him just as much as I love him ;w;
Before I forget one more thing, I want to thank everybody for encouraging me to post about my selfship wuth Utonium in the first place. I am always an anxious person and I still am, it was really nerve wrecking when I posted them for the first time here months ago because I am honestly not always very open about my selfship and I always avoid talking about my self-inserts and selfship in general because I was afraid of being ridiculed but I am very glad that you guys encouraged me to do so. I still have that feeling when I post but knowing that some are still interested in my selfship really helps putting me at ease and I cant thank you guys enough. I am sorry I dont interact with you guys as well, I usually only talk when other talks to me first and starting up comvo is an issue to me from my prev blog up until this blog. I hope I can overcome that one day but for now, I hope everyone is patient with me and also I really appreciate and encourage dms or ask about anything 💕💕💕
Happy New Year to everyone reading this post! I wish this year will treat us better than any other years ✨✨✨
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