#and this is after the work crew damaged all my poor houseplants
eowyntheavenger · 2 years
Okay I’m sorry to complain some more but today was an absolute nightmare. 
Two weeks ago there was a flood in my apartment because a pipe in the wall burst (it’s a very old building). I was told the floor would need to be ripped up and replaced, but there wouldn’t be further demolition, and I could go back to living there after one month when the repairs (handled by my landlord’s insurance) were done. Also, there didn’t seem to be any damage to my furniture, so that was good.
But now things have changed. The demolition/repair crew has finished assessing the damage, and they now think that repairs may last through September. They will be not only ripping up all of the floor, they will be taking out most of the walls, most of the kitchen, and ripping out all the tile in the bathroom, and who even knows what else. They have to demolish pretty much everything but the ceiling and windows. 
I’ve been over there to see it and it’s truly horrifying. I know the demolition has to happen for the repairs to go forward, but it just looks awful! When I’m standing in my apartment I can see through the floorboards into the unit below. Most of the floor has been ripped up and there is debris everywhere. Parts of the walls have caved in or buckled. It was honestly really upsetting to see it like that because this was my home for the past year and I loved living there. The interior was beautiful, and now it’s been totally destroyed.
I also found out today that the flood soaked the walls up to six feet high just from absorption from the floor, and that made me wonder if water got soaked up by my couch or the feet of my bed and got into my mattress. If the feet of a table got wet, it wouldn’t really matter, because wood can dry out more easily. But if my couch or mattress got wet then they could get moldy, and right now I have no way of telling if that has happened. So now I have to think about getting rid of my couch AND bed (my two largest and most expensive pieces of furniture) and getting new ones.
ALSO my landlord has terminated my lease. I’m not upset at her for doing that. Once I found out the repairs would last through September it didn’t surprise me that she’d terminate it. There’s a clause in the lease for cancelling it if there is catastrophic damage to the unit that renders it uninhabitable, which is exactly what has happened. This is just extremely stressful because two weeks ago I was happily living in my apartment thinking everything was fine, getting ready to renew my lease because I loved living there. And now I have to find a new place to live. 
AND because demolition has to go forward as soon as possible, I need to pack all my things and get them out of the apartment and into a storage unit by Sunday, and it’s just the WORST timing, because I start my new job on Tuesday. I’m literally so stressed out.
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