#and this isn’t even counting the chief dude from the season 6 finale that we know is coming back
mayasdeluca · 2 months
Not Station 19 adding another random male character to this already shortened final season that is going to be in multiple episodes and take away from the already several storylines that are going on and need more time than they are getting to be wrapped up to begin with?? And it seems like he’s going to be Theo’s partner for his new independent thing. What the hell is the point of showing that? If you’re going to have Theo quit, let him go!! He’s already been unnecessary since he joined as an extra lieutenant. We absolutely do not need to still see him doing his little side job. And to see this new dude probably hook up with someone else since they’re putting emphasis on him being ‘recently single’
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rieshon · 6 years
Spring 2018 Preview
I can’t believe a new season starts in a week already... heres the shows.
1. Comic Girls: KIRARA ANIME BOIS. Do I even need to say more than that? The girls look absolutely adorable, the animation looks on point, and although the director is a debutante he's being backed up by an impressive quartet of writers including Takahashi Natsuko, Yokote Michiko, Hanada Jukki and Machida Touko. Oh yeah, it's also got a bunch of hot channees in addition to the cute schoolgirls. You can't go wrong with this one.
2. Amanchu! ~Advance~: Satojun is back at it again with the silly hiragana subtitles for sequels. The masters of healing are back again for a sequel to what was one of my favorite shows of 2016. More Teko, more of that sexy Itou Shizuka-voiced teacher, and more relaxing feels. This is exactly what we need to fill the Yurucamp-shaped holes in our hearts.
3. Alice or Alice: There are a lot of things that make me excited about this show. Obviously the cast is one: Ayaneru plays the main character, and we got Natsunee and Oonishi in there too. The director is Kobayashi Kousuke, an alumnus of the Pretty Rhythm series who was very heavily involved in Pripara, which you may know is the best anime ever made. And then there's the aesthetic: everything from the character designs to the title logo make this look and feel like a harem anime from 15 or so years ago, which is absolutely my jam. Pretty hyped for this one.
4. Sword Art Online Alternative Gungale Online: One of the weirder things to happen over the past year-ish is that I've become an unabashed SAO fanboy. The shows are just good, y'all. So you can imagine how I feel about a new show set in the SAO universe written by the author of Kino no Tabi, a show I just put in my top five of the last year, and with characters by Kuroboshi Kouhaku (also of Kino) who is the utmost hotness right now. Hopefully this will be more than enough to tide us over while we wait for SAO3 to arrive.
5. Waka-Okami wa Shougakusei: This looks like a kids anime at first glance, and, well, it is. It's based on a series of popular children's books, but they've really gone all out with the production values based on the PVs (Madhouse producing) and it looks immensely charming. Some of the best anime are childrens' stories, so I'm quietly excited about this one.
6. Hinamatsuri: This is shaping up to be one of the weirder shows of the coming season, and it looks great. From the look of the PVs, feel. are going even more all-out than they usually do with the visuals, and it also looks genuinely funny. Plus it's got a cute loli. Should be good.
7. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Die Neue These: It's finally here. Obviously I've heard nothing but good things about the original series, but I'm never going to have the motivation to go back and watch something so old, long and difficult, so hopefully this new anime has got me covered. I'm sure there will be plenty of discourse about it; I just hope it's decent.
8. Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai: Somehow, we've still never gotten a sequel to the wonderful Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, but this show brings together the chief staff of that show for a new romantic comedy anime at Douga Koubou. With that pedigree (they even got the same guy who did the OP song for Nozaki) there's definitely reason to be optimistic about this one. Not to mention it's got cute gaijin girls and an imouto voiced by Inosuke.
9. PERSONA5 the Animation: I think I'm going to give up any ridiculous illusions I have of actually playing the game any time soon and just watch this. It's the only realistic way I'll get to see dat Kawakami-sensei and Takemi-sensei. You know I'm all about the channees right now, and man, does P5 have some good ass channees. The anime is actually being directed by Ishihama Masashi, the man who did Shinsekai Yori and literally hasn't done another TV anime since, so that's pretty exciting. Obviously, a lot Shinsekai Yori's success is because of the material adapted, but if you can make a masterpiece like that you've got to have some kind of talent.
10. Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii: CUTE CHANNEE ALERT WEEWOO WEEWOO WEEWOO. I'm all up ons this. Is there anything better than cute OLs? ...Man, things sure have changed around here. Also, that title is just mean when it's literally an anime about otaku having romances. SOME OF US OUT HERE ARE LONELY
11. Last Period -Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari-: Has there been a good social game anime yet? I guess Schoolgirl Strikers was alright, in that I actually managed to finish that one, but most of these turn out to be bad. I hope Last Period can be the one to buck the trend and be truly good, because I love the silly light-fantasy tone that it looks like it's going for. Wisemen for best girls. There's tons of cute girls with great designs (the one thing you can always count on social games for) and it'd be a shame for them to go to waste like so many before them.
12. Hisone to Masotan: I got really excited when I saw this because it looked like a cute anime about fighter planes. Instead it looks like it's a cute anime about fighter... dragons. What a ripoff. I wanted the planes. My aviation-nerd pouting aside I'm sure it will still be adorable JSDF propaganda. I just really wanted the planes.
13. Golden Kamuy: It's some kind of weird serendipity that I'm studying the Ainu for school this semester and now we get an anime explicitly about the Ainu. Period anime are pretty cool (the Russo-Japanese War isn't a setting explored in much visual media at all), the premise sounds cool, and I really like the look of the Ainu girl. Plus, how often do we get Ainu culture actually presented in anime? Remains to be seen how well it's done, but it's pretty neat.
14. Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Aw yeah. If only Jug was around to see the horse girls. I have no reason to doubt that this will be great fun, especially since it has the financial backing of Cygames, who have more money than God. Just hopefully we don’t have to see any of the cute girls get put down after breaking a leg.
15. Lostorage conflated WIXOSS: Somehow the WIXOSS anime series is still going. selector is still one of my favorite shows in recent memory, but Lostorage was complete spaghetti compared to it, so there's nowhere to go from here but up, right? This new series promises to bring back the characters from selector, which gives me mixed feelings. I don't want them to just play off nostalgia for the old show, but I'm also kinda excited to see Yuzuki and Tama again. I guess we'll see what happens. Maybe a new director will shake things up for the better.
16. 3D Kanojo Real Girl: Man, who wants a 3D girlfriend? Can your real life girlfriend be considered 3D if you're living in a 2D world? This stuff always leaves me conflicted. I'm down for some Serizawa Yuu-voiced heroine, and the always-capable Akao Deko is writing the screen adaptation, so it might be good.
17. Mahou Shoujo Ore: Oh god. I'm pretty sure I saw clippings from the manga of this a while back. It's a mahou shoujo where the girls transform into buff dudes in magical girl outfits for some reason. It can't be a coincidence that the protagonist is named "Uno" and is voiced by Oohashi Ayaka. If this show is even half as amazing as Fantasista Doll it'll be a great success.
18. A.I.C.O. Incarnation: There are a few Netflix-funded series this season but most of them don't look especially interesting. This one looks alright, but it's using the stupid Netflix bulk release model so I guess I'm waiting until April to start it despite all the episodes being out already. It looks like it could be a cool science fiction show, and I like the Naruko Hanaharu character designs.
19. LOST SONG: So this is that Suzuki Konomi promotional vehicle... From the PV, it doesn't look great, but I am a big fan of Konomin's singing so I guess I'll have to check out at least an episode. I just doubt her ability to act as well as she can sing.
20. Caligula: Strangely, this show does not seem to be about the son of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder who ruled as Roman emperor from 37 to 41. I actually have no idea what it's about. Something about idols. But some of the character designs look pretty good, especially that blonde channee, so it's a maybe from me.
21. High School DxD HERO: It's baaaack. The show I watched three seasons of for Ayaneru that gave me almost no Ayaneru is back to continue to refuse to give me Ayaneru, probably. But hey, I like channees now anyway, so I may as well keep watching out of tradition if nothing else. I just hope Gaspar is like, actually in it this time...
22. Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai: This is an anime to promote Gunma... I guess? It definitely doesn't look like your typical local promotion anime... Apparently Gunma is a totalitarian state in this world. The green-haired girl played by Ucchii looks pretty good so I'll check it out.
23. Akkun to Kanojo: SUPER tsundere love comedy? Even regular tsundere is good. Unfortunately it's the dude who is tsundere in this one which isn't the thing I want. But the girls still look pretty cute so I'll definitely be giving it a look.
24. Mahou Shoujo Site: Uh oh, it's dark magical girls. There's nothing wrong with the concept per se but works like this often end up being grimdark for grimdark's sake (see: Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku) so it makes me worried. This one looks like someone tried to mix Madoka and Jigoku Shoujo. It should be good for a laugh if nothing else.
25. Kiratto Puri Chan: Well, here we are. This is what they killed Pripara for. So who did they get to succeed the comedic savant Moriwaki Makoto? Well, it's a guy without a whole lot of directorial experience: Hiroshi Ikehata. What he has directed have been some incredibly charming shows, including the underrated Akiba's Trip anime and Sore ga Seiyuu. The main writing credit goes to Hyoudou Kazuho, who has worked with Hiroshi on all of his directorial projects but doesn't have any especially interesting work to his name. The biggest chance this has to be even marginally worthy as a successor to Pripara is if they continue to draw on the extended family of Pretty series creators, like Pripara did to a large extent. With Moriwaki's steady hand removed, I don't have high hopes, but if they killed Pripara for a show that's not even decent I am going to be upset.
26. Aikatsu Friends!: So Stars is ending and a new generation of Aikatsu is here as well. I can't let this pass unnoticed because Kido-chan is pegged to be one of the new Aikatsu leads and I'm always thirsty for new Kido-chan anime. I didn't really like Stars, so I hope this new one is more on the silly side, like joji anime really should be.
27. Cutie Honey Universe: Rember Cutie Honey? I mean, I don't, but a lot of people do. Apparently it's the 50th anniversary of Nagai Gou's venerable battle girl series, so they're doing a revival of it. I really dig the neo-retro art style going on here, and the cast is absolutely star-studded (our current darling, Kurosawa Tomoyo, is included among the likes of Hanazawa Kana, Tamura Yukari, Horie Yui and Kugimiya Rie) so I just might check it out.
28. Steins;Gate Zero: I really don't know if I want to watch this. Steins;Gate wasn't the worst of the semicolon anime; in fact, the first half of the series was greatly enjoyable, but I don't think I need to retread the infamous "shooting of the moeblob" that led to the godawful second half. It's got Christina, I guess. I just really don't know if I can subject myself to Okabe again.
29. Megalobox: This looks technically amazing, I just don't know if I'm interested in it. Will probably wait to hear other people's opinions before I check it out, if I ever do.
30. Gegege no Kitarou: I don't think I'll actually watch this, but the latest version of the classic children's anime has been getting some attention because the character designs for the female characters are, how you say, Extremely Good. They're definitely good enough that I'm tempted to check it out. Dat Nekomusume...
31. Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory: It really happened. I'm including this as the highest-profile show I definitely won't be watching. I haven't seen any of the other FMP anime, so it would be stupid to try and jump in here. The subtitle being abbreviated "IV" (for season 4) is very cute though.
I don’t know how to rank shorts so heres those:
Tachibanakan To Lie Anguru: It's time for another Yuri Hime anime! All you need to know about how hype I am for this show is the tagline: 'The harem manga protagonist is a girl!?' Tsuda Minami is once again going to have to be hard gay, this time with five different girls apparently. I'm especially looking forward to the Mikakoshi-voiced blonde. Unfortunately, being a Creators in Pack anime, it's a short...
Fumikiri Jikan: This is a five minute anime but I absolutely love the premise: girls wait at a train crossing. That's it. You gotta love manga and anime sometimes.
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
Sports activities Groups And Cities That Simply Can’t Appear To Catch A Break
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Sports activities Groups And Cities That Simply Can’t Appear To Catch A Break
In sports activities, there are many embellished cities and franchises like Boston or Los Angeles. Groups just like the Celtics and even the Patriots have a wealthy historical past of successful. Even when they had been to lose 10 consecutive seasons in a row, they will at all times fall again on their spectacular championship rely being larger than groups and cities that don’t win. However let’s focus on these nonwinners. From town of Phoenix to the Buffalo Payments, successful doesn’t appear to be within the stars for each metropolis or group. Let’s transfer on and see who else has it had it laborious in terms of successful.
Jason Miller/Getty Photographs
If it weren’t for LeBron James then Cleveland would have continued to be a tragic metropolis for a sports activities fan. After bringing an onslaught of athletic and basketball skill, James, Kyrie Irving, and the Cleveland Cavaliers ended a 52-year drought of not successful a championship.
Outdoors of that, it could be one other 50 plus years till the Browns pull off a Tremendous Bowl win. The Indians got here near successful the World Sequence lately however no cigar. One thing should be within the water in Cleveland that’s stopping them from claiming a title.
The 2016 Tremendous Bowl regarded prefer it was lastly time for Atlanta to interrupt the established order of shedding franchises in that metropolis. The Falcons had a 25-point lead in opposition to the New England Patriots. The image above grasps the sensation of them shedding that result in Tom Brady completely. Nonetheless, nobody is aware of how they allowed that to occur.
This is the reason lots of sports activities followers round Atlanta take delight in being extra of a school fan. However the College of Georgia and Georgia Tech haven’t been hanging any banners both. And since LeBron James introduced that title to Cleveland, Atlanta could be the worst struggling metropolis.
As this checklist continues on, you’ll suppose the earlier group or metropolis had it unhealthy till you learn the following one. The one time the Buffalo Payments obtained one thing proper was throughout the 1991 Tremendous Bowl. They had been favored and down one within the closing seconds. Attending to the 29-yard line they selected to kick a game-winning area purpose.
The one factor is, their kicker, Scott Norwood would find yourself lacking the 47-yard area purpose. He missed it extensive proper. They ended up shedding the following three Tremendous Bowls as nicely. Their final main championship got here in 1965 when the NFL was the AFL.
Perhaps that is the explanation why the group previously often known as the San Diego Chargers made the transfer to Los Angeles. At the very least there’s a sure degree of expectation in Los Angeles. In San Diego, there isn’t a historical past of successful. The Los Angeles Clippers had been as soon as in San Diego as nicely. However we now have seen how that’s understanding for them.
As of 2015, each franchise that’s in San Diego (or has been) mixed for 112 championship-less seasons throughout the previous half-century. That’s the final sports activities wrestle.
The hardest loss for a Washington franchise needed to be the 2012 divisional sport when the Nats misplaced that 6-Zero lead within the deciding sport. Outdoors of that, its been 81 seasons since any group on the market has received a championship. The Redskins might have received the Tremendous Bowl in 1992 however that was ages in the past.
What’s even worse is that the Capitals have turn out to be to be often known as a number of the greatest chokers in all of hockey. The Wizards have received solely 4 playoff collection within the final 30 years. There simply isn’t a successful tradition happening on the market.
Often, it might be straightforward to place the blame on unfastened cannon quarterback Brett Farve. Nevertheless it isn’t his entire fault that town of Minneapolis isn’t used to successful. It’s been 89 seasons since their final title. However their hardest loss does come courtesy of Farve. Within the 2010 N.F.C. title sport, Farve threw his final interception as a Viking throughout extra time.
The Timberwolves have by no means even reached the NBA finals as soon as. Additionally they have the longest drought of any group within the NBA to not attain the playoffs as of the 2017 season.
The final time a franchise regarded like they might have received all of it was when Charles Barkley was on the town for the Phoenix Suns. Sadly, Michael Jordan was working issues again then so he prevented many individuals from successful a championship. NBA followers in Phoenix may additionally always remember the triple-overtime loss to the Celtics within the 1976 finals.
The Cardinals misplaced within the 2009 Tremendous Bowl after main within the closing minute. So heartbreak could be pure as warmth round these components.
When you suppose you’ve seen disappointment you haven’t seen something but. Hold going by and put together your self for some large letdowns.
The Warriors are technically the “Golden State” Warriors so we received’t embody them with Oakland. The final title this metropolis noticed got here again in 1989 because of the Oakland A’s sweeping the Giants within the World Sequence. The Raiders can be in Las Vegas after the 2020 season however they’ve introduced new life to Oakland with quarterback Derek Carr. So we’ll see what they do earlier than the transfer.
Again within the 1970s, enterprise was booming for Oakland because the Raiders and the A’s had been successful. Now it simply appears that they don’t know what a win within the championship appears like.
The one group to know a factor or two about championships in Kansas Metropolis could be the Royals. We nearly didn’t embody Kansas Metropolis on this checklist due to the Royals however previous to that 2015 World Sequence victory, it had been 57 seasons earlier than the final time a franchise out their received.
The Royals really misplaced in 2014 and that needed to be the hardest loss for town. However they got here again the very subsequent 12 months to heal followers hearts. So far as the Chiefs go, they haven’t received the Tremendous Bowl since 1970.
The Houston Astros simply received the World Sequence in 2017. Their metropolis had confronted a significant disaster and their sports activities group introduced them a championship. We guess the remainder of groups in Houston might have introduced that a lot pleasure. As a substitute, we now have the Texans (who’ve by no means been to the Tremendous Bowl) and the Rockets (who haven’t been to the finals since 1995).
As of 2017, the Houston Rockets could possibly be coming near successful an NBA Finals once more. James Harden and firm have been faring fairly nicely and with the addition of Chris Paul within the 2017-18 season, they might discover themselves again in competition. Simply so long as they will get previous Steph Curry.
For the Reds and Bengals, successful isn’t within the stars. Again within the day, town of Cincinnati was successful so much. Oscar Robertson made the Royals a group to look at and the Bengals went to the Tremendous Bowl in 1982 and 1989. Even the Reds received three World Sequence inside 16 seasons.
The town hasn’t seen any of their groups advance int he playoffs in about 20 years. Which means the Bengals nor the Reds have received a playoff sport. Perhaps their fortune will flip round quickly or possibly it received’t.
Seattle is fortunate to have Russell Wilson and the Seahawks. The town ought to eternally be grateful for them. As a result of if it weren’t for the soccer group, the baseball group has been a disappointment since their conception. The Mariners simply can’t win a title.
The franchise started in 1977 and haven’t received a World Sequence. Even after they had Ken Griffy Jr. it simply wasn’t meant to be. They misplaced their basketball group to Oklahoma Metropolis and paradoxically sufficient Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook led them to the finals not an excessive amount of later.
The Philadelphia Eagles simply broke a 28 winless season streak by successful Tremendous Bowl 52! All reward to Nick Foles for successful even with everybody counting him out in opposition to large unhealthy Tom Brady. However what concerning the 76ers? They’ve been counted out for a very long time now whereas followers had been urged to “Belief the Course of”.
The method appears to have come alongside fairly properly. With Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons wanting like the brand new and improved Shaq and Penny, they might do some injury within the NBA sooner slightly than later. The 76ers final championship got here in 1983.
Within the final seven seasons, the Giants have received the World Sequence 3 times. They need to be nowhere close to this checklist. And for argument’s sake, the Warriors are transferring to San Fransico to play in a brand new area so they are going to be thought of a San Francisco group as nicely. However what about these 49ers?
There was a time after they had been the one group successful by the bay. That they had received 5 Tremendous Bowls in a decade and Joe Montana was the person with the plan. Due to Colin Kaepernick, they returned to the Tremendous Bowl however had been nonetheless defeated. Soccer followers simply have little to rejoice over lately.
Typically you need to really feel unhealthy for these groups. However there may be hope for the Bucks thank,s to their younger stud Giannis Antetokounmpo, in accordance with Magic Johnson. The previous NBA champion mentioned, “And he’s going to be like an MVP, a champion, this dude he’s going to place Milwaukee on the map. And I feel he’s going to carry them a championship at some point.”
We’ll see if that occurs. And so far as baseball goes, the Brewers have solely received one championship since they’ve been in Milwaukee. It appears like their possibilities of successful will come from the NBA world earlier than MLB.
For the Carolina Panthers, issues might go nicely any season so long as former MVP Cam Newton is on his sport. They simply went to the Tremendous Bowl however sadly, they misplaced. So far as the Charlotte Hornets go, it could possibly be a protracted whereas earlier than they style a championship.
Even with the best Michael Jordan in cost, issues are wanting bleak for the Hornets. They had been created in 2004 and solely have had a handful of playoff appearances. Jordan had higher provide you with an answer quickly earlier than their fan base loses curiosity fully.
Although Canada is thought to be a hockey nation, the Maple Leafs aren’t getting the job executed. As of 2016, they’ve solely had one playoff look within the earlier 12 years. Speak about shedding. Their final championship got here in 1967. For the Toronto Blue Jays, not less than they’ve received extra lately bringing dwelling a championship within the early ’90s.
Then we change gears to the NBA and the Raptors. The Raptors simply can’t appear to get previous LeBron James. They’ve all of the expertise however they haven’t even been to the finals. Your guess is nearly as good as ours when attempting to determine when they’ll win.
The shot you see above could be the greatest shot in Kings historical past. Although it was a Lakers participant that made the shot, the Kings ended up lacking the NBA Finals because of that shot by Robert Horry of the Lakers. If that they had received that sport, they’d have been up on the Lakers Three-1 within the Western Convention Finals. And in accordance with statistics, it’s nearly unimaginable to beat a Three-1 deficit.
There is no such thing as a clear timetable of when the Sacremento Kings will win a championship. their finest likelihood was throughout these days after they would battle the Lakers. Now, they’re in a continuing rebuilding part.
We really feel your ache, random Jacksonville Jaguar fan. Your group is without doubt one of the solely 4 groups within the NFL to not have received or performed in a Tremendous Bowl. So a few years of not successful simply can’t sit nicely with a fan base. Fortunately, their 2017-18 season regarded promising as they had been only some steps away from enjoying within the Tremendous Bowl.
The group has an excellent fan base over their in Florida nevertheless it looks like the franchise isn’t too involved with successful. Since 1993, they’ve simply been a group that different groups can get to enhance their report. Let’s hope issues change.
Due to Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos, town of Denver has tasted successful lately. However so far as the Denver Nuggets are involved, they haven’t received something since they began. Even when the group had the likes of Carmelo Anthony and Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant was nonetheless round making it laborious for these younger gifted groups.
As of 2018, the Nuggets have a pleasant roster and could possibly be executed with the rebuilding part. However that doesn’t imply they’ll have the ability to cease the Warriors or every other prime tier group within the west anytime quickly.
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