#and this new hire left saying ‘bye girls!’ super loud to the both of us. like come the fuck on.
shingodzillaa · 7 months
Im tired of having to weigh the pros and cons between reporting someone for misgendering me multiple times (having been corrected multiple times by multiple people) and feeling comfortable and safe at work.
It’s like, as long as I’m the easy going, super nice tranny that doesn’t overly correct others on their pronouns, doesn’t “shove their identity in my face”, then I get treated somewhat decently. People are nice to me, they seek me out to talk to me. No one is on edge around me or uncomfortable. I’m not blacklisted or a trouble maker.
But then that means they get to be disrespectful and misgender me. Constantly. It doesn’t matter how politely or forgiving I am about correcting them, they will still misgender me, because I’ve shown that I won’t really force it down their throat.
As soon as I complain, as soon as it gets to me and I say something, a switch is flipped. Im basically treated like an outsider. “Ooo watch out, don’t talk to Lukas too much because if you mess up once he’ll report you to HR.”
all I wanted was to be treated like everyone else. All I wanted was to not be disrespected and made uncomfortable by the constant barrage of misgendering.
But it doesn’t help when my store manager basically tells the people who are constantly. on purpose. Misgendering me (and telling other people that I am trans when they don’t know and correctly gender me and my other trans male coworker as well!!!) to basically just ignore me if they can’t get it right.
Like on the one hand, not being constantly misgendered. On the other hand, being actively ignored by people you work 40+ hrs a week with.
It’s just feels like I’m losing no matter what right now and I hate it here.
0 notes
every1studio · 5 years
SERIES: “stages of love: everything happens for a reason” [ateez: ???]
ficstyle: bulletpoints + series [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [END]
prompt: inspired by “I Love You 3000″ by Stephanie Poetri + “Lay Me Down” by Sam Smith/John Legend + “All In My Head” by Tori Kelly + “Should’ve Been Us” Tori Kelly + “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran + “Little Do You Know” by Alex & Sierra + “When I Was Your Man” by Bruno Mars 
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your life was finally starting to come together after that party
you cut Yunho away from your life as Wooyoung came into your life 
Wooyoung was the perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for 
although there were times you felt like you weren’t enough for him, he made you feel like you were the only one that mattered in the world
he was your curtain you could hide behind when you were nervous or shy 
and he was someone who hyped you up when you wanted to step out and be adventurous 
he knew your likes and dislikes but always gave you the chance to try something new 
little did you know, so did San 
San knew just about everything that Wooyoung knew about you 
but the only difference was, Wooyoung was the one holding your hand and he wasn’t 
San was quietly cleaning the cups as he watched you and Wooyoung having a lovey-dovey conversation on your break 
it was all of your last year of college; you still worked with San at his cafe, you also signed into a well-known music label as a producer by the end of your sophomore year and you had been dating Wooyoung since the party at the end of your freshman year
you told you only had small strokes of luck but you had been happy for a long time, you could hardly believe it 
Wooyoung caught you staring at him for too long as he was trying to explain to you his plan after college
he couldn’t help but burst into heart-shaped bubbles 
he gently pushes your forehead with his finger, “stop looking at me like that, or I’ll fall in love with you”
you pouted when he interrupted your daydreams with your future with him, “too bad..”
you leaned to squish his face, “you already are”
San couldn’t even look at the sight of you together; he was always “too busy” with the cafe to bother with you guys 
would check up on you and hear about all the perfect things about Wooyoung but since then, he hasn’t been too close with you
because he knew if he did, he would fall for you harder and harder 
San tried dating after you and Wooyoung became official 
he tried to forget about you that way
he tried to give his dates his undivided attention
but the moment he’d see your silhouette, he would fall for you all over again 
for a while, he kept his free time to a minimum to work at the cafe; so that would force him to keep some distance from you
he started to hire more people so that you could focus on school and spend least time with him
but every time you’d see him, you wanted to catch up and make plans with him
how could he say no?
“hey San!” you called over to his table 
“what’s up?” he answered with his signature smile 
“Wooyoung was wondering if you wanted to go to the summer festival with us tonight!” Wooyoung nodded at your suggestion 
San massage the back of his neck, “I don’t know... it’s been pretty busy with the cafe and a lot of workers wanna go so I don’t have anyone to cover tonight’s shifts..”
you sulked at his answer and Wooyoung rubbed your hands to ensure that it was okay
“would you like us to help you out?” Wooyoung asked
San hated Wooyoung
he hated how nice he was 
he hated how well he treated you
he hated how he made you happy
but those were the reasons for your smiles
and he couldn’t hate your smiles
“it’s okay! you two go out and have fun.. if the festival is still going on by the time the shop closes, I’ll let you know,” San tried hard to give you a genuine smile, “besides.. I have a date so maybe we can do a double date..” 
he lied so that you wouldn’t suspect him of anything 
you got super excited to see your best friend go on a date and to have you see him in action got you excited 
Wooyoung smiled as he saw a resemblance between you and a puppy
“he said “maybe,” don’t get your hopes up too high” he laughed
Wooyoung got up, “well I gotta go head over to my last class of the day..”
you got over to his side to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he purposely move so that you’d kiss his lips instead
you blushed as you looked up at him
“see you later, cutie~” he blooped your nose 
“bye~” you softly mumbled 
he walked backwards as if he couldn’t get his eyes off of you until he made it to the door
he winked before he left the cafe and you could feel butterflies fill up your stomach 
even though you’ve been with him for basically four years now, he still made you feel like everyday was a first date 
just like that, you went back to work
you didn’t think about anything but going to the festival with Wooyoung 
San saw how giddy you were
the way your hair turned and fell back in place when you turned to his call
he wanted to kiss you right then and there but he shook that thought away
one would’ve that after four years, San’s attraction towards you would falter
but it never did, not once 
even after you dated Wooyoung, or dated other girls  
“you can leave early to get ready for tonight.. you have like 30 minutes of your shift left anyways..”
you ran up and hugged him, “you’re the best boss and bestest friend ever!”
you ruffled his hair and grabbed your bag, “see you later!!”
the bell of the door chimed as you dashed out
“yeah.. see you later...” 
you put on an outfit you were planning to wear along with the perfume Wooyoung got you for your one year anniversary 
you couldn’t hide your excitement 
you got a text from Wooyoung saying that he was outside waiting for you 
you were too excited you didn’t see Yunho as you past by him down the staircase 
since the party, Yunho hasn’t tried to talk to you 
the bags under his eyes sunk in and they were always there no matter how much rest he got 
he didn’t want to ruin your mood with him being around; so he did everything he could to stay clear out of your sight 
he constantly looks at the pictures he has of you; especially the one you knew you had the matching one of
but you had that picture frame faced down and replaced with one with Wooyoung
that night, he broke up with Aurora, he told her that she deserved someone that could love her for her and help her to become a better person
to his surprise, she agreed to the breakup and both of them parted ways
Yunho hasn’t dated since 
a lot as happen since then, he told Mingi about the incident during their late night calls
Mingi was so mad with him, he stopped talking to him for a straight month 
Mingi entrusted Yunho to you yet he let some other guy swept you off of your feet 
Mingi yelled at him; saying, that he worked so hard to move back to Korea for you, that he had you in his head while he was dealing his hard times at home, that he thought he was doing the right thing by making you “happy” and for what?
to have him fuck up; Mingi told Yunho that Yunho did make you happy at a point in time yet he was the one that took it away, of course you weren’t going to stay unhappy and miserable 
at that moment after you past Yunho, Mingi called, “I’m coming back to Korea. you better clean up your act and tell her.. it’s been 4 years, man. If you don’t do it, I will..”
Yunho ended the call and ran his cold fingers through his hair, “easier said than done...”
you saw Wooyoung was waiting by his car with a bouquet of sunflowers tied with a beautiful, black satin ribbon that matched your outfit
“you shouldn’t have...” you reached for them
but he pulled them back, “what if I just got them for myself and I wanted to show them off to you?”
you crossed your arms and exhaled as you walked past to the passenger side of the door 
he smiled through his rolled eyes as he wrapped his arms around to give you a back hug as he presented the bouquet
“you honestly can’t throw a little fit like that, princess.. I was just joking around~” 
you were suppose to be pouting; but you couldn’t throw his addicting scent of his go-to cologne through his tight embrace
you grabbed the flowers and turned around to loop your arms through him
“you can’t go all romantic on me like that or I’ll fall in love with you”
Wooyoung smirks as he pulls you in closer to open the door behind you, “too late for that isn’t it, princess?” 
he bloops you on the nose end the conversation and guides you to your seat, “milady?”
“thank you~”
how could this boy fill you up with heart-shaped bubbles inside?
you didn’t know the festival was going to be this crowded; finals were a couple weeks away so you figured everyone wanted to relax before the storm of stress hits 
Wooyoung was already holding your hand as he held out his other one
“what?” you questioned
“your bag,” Wooyoung always held you bag, he didn’t care about what people would think if they saw him alone with your bag 
you tried to hide your smile when he said, “can’t have my princess lifting even a finger now”
“okay. chill, prince charming~”
Wooyoung was listing the things he wanted to do but made sure that the ferris wheel was the last thing you guys would do before leaving 
you were listening attentively to what he was saying until your stomach growled quite loudly despite of the loud festivities 
he chuckles as he pulls you closer to him, “did I just hear your stomach growl?”
“maybe..” your face was growing a light flush of pink
Wooyoung shrugs his shoulders as he nods, “well since you’re not that hungry, we’re just gonna past the frozen custard and churros stand-”
“WAIT I’M ACTUALLY HUNGRY!” you pouted as you swung his arm back and forth 
without another word, Wooyoung makes his way to the stand and has you wait for him by the table area near the water front
right around that time you saw Yeosang
although you haven’t talked to Seonghwa after you two broke up, you frequently talked to Yeosang whenever you saw him when you went to the campus bookstore that he worked in 
but you knew that, where ever Yeosang was, Seonghwa was closeby
those two were inseparable
Yeosang saw how awkward it still was between you and Seonghwa, “I’m gonna go get churros!”
“wait Yeo..sang..” Seonghwa tried to call out to his friend but he already left
Yeosang ran to wait in line with Wooyoung; points back at you and Seonghwa and Wooyoung gives a nod of confirmation
you wondered how Wooyoung knew everyone; trying to ignore the fact that you were standing there with your ex you haven’t spoken to since freshman year 
there was a moment of awkward silence; you were fiddling with the frayed strings of your skirt and Seonghwa was scuffing the ground with the bottom of his shoes
“you.. you look nice today...” Seonghwa tries to break the ice
you nodded without looking at him, “thanks...”
“um.. so I know it’s been a while.. but I want to apologize..” 
that got your attention; so you looked up to hear him out 
he missed those eyes, that face.. you
“I was a stupid, selfish freshman.. I know that I shouldn’t have done the things that I did and I know you deserve the world.. and I can see that you’re so much more happier now and it makes me happy to see you being with someone who can treat you better than I ever could and I want to say sorry for all the pain I caused and-”
you started to chuckle, “do you even breath? that’s a lot of “and’s” in one sentence”
he gives you a small smile, “will I ever be forgiven?”
“I never loathed you, Seonghwa. I just wanted to hear your side after all these years. honestly, if you apologized to me our freshman year, probably wouldn’t hear anything you had to say.. but I had a lot of time to think and reflect on what happened. I want to believe that everything happens for a reason.. the reason might not be the one we want it to be. but here we are..”
Seonghwa started to get nervous, for what reason, even he didn’t know what he was feeling inside, “so.. we’re good? we can move on from this, as friends?”
you stuck out your hand for him to take, “as friends”
he’ll take that offer over the selfish ex-boyfriend as he takes your hand
you both stood there for a moment until you felt a heavy arm on your shoulders; the familiar scent of Versace Dylan Blue cologne
Wooyoung gently pulled you hand back from Seonghwa’s, “holding on a little too long there, buddy..”
Yeosang comes back and nudges the cup of frozen custard topped with bite-sized churros to him, “everything good?”
Seonghwa nods as he takes a bite, “got everything off of my chest.. well, we’ll see you two around!”
Seonghwa pushes Yeosang in a different direction; the boys wave goodbye to you and you wave back, happy knowing that you got some closure from that old relationship
“did you get everything off of your chest too?” Wooyoung knew all about your previous boy problems; he was a good listener and a better advice giver
you nodded; re-latching yourself onto his arm
Wooyoung heard the sound of some guitar tuning and tugged you along, “I think there’s a performance going on!”
you quickly saw who was on stage, it was Jongho
“this is my first public performance and I’m really nervous. so before I start, I just want to give a special thanks..” it was like Jongho sensed that you were there when he made eye contact with you 
“a special thanks to my role model and my senior, you all probably know her, Miss. Y/N,” he formally gestures his hands over to you and everyone just looks at you 
although you were slightly shy, you didn’t look at anyone else but Jongho as you gave him a thumbs up
“Y/N, really helped me write my first song and it is my first time performing it, she also taught me a lot about singing techniques and music producing.. so I want to dedicate this song to her..”
to make his statement less of a confession, he adds in, “her and her boyfriend because they are such a power couple and I aspire to have a relationship like them one day..”
people started giggling at his statement; saying stuff like how cute he was and how thoughtful he was 
Wooyoung chimes in with the crowd, “he’s a good kid”
Jongho sings his song as he thinks about how lucky he was to be signed into the same label as you, without any prior knowledge of you signing with any company
he wanted to be a singer as you wanted to be a producer; so he didn’t see you as often as he saw the other trainees
but every time that he did see you, he took every chance he got to talk to you about composing and lyric writing and just everything about producing makeup 
his love for you is a love of respect; not in anyway romantic 
you could feel his love through his song and you nearly cried
“he’s gotten so good at singing...” you mumbled as you were about to have tears fall from your eyes 
Wooyoung holds onto your hands a little tighter, “thanks to the best teacher anyone could ask for~” 
you smiled even after he finished the performance and disappeared backstage 
Wooyoung saw a Shoot-The-Duck booth as you were gushing about Jongho’s performance 
before he could say anything about going over to the booth, you saw a HUGE Gudetama plushie that had a crown on it’s head that you REALLY wanted and pointed to it
“I gotchu..” you both walk over to it when you notice that person in charge of the booth was Hongjoong
he was flirting with a girl that was trying to get a plushy without playing the game; but he was being stern at the same time 
“sorry, sweetheart.. I wouldn’t get paid if I did that..”
Hongjoong was still as beautiful as ever; even though he was probably just eye candy from the start 
when the girl walks away, Hongjoong’s fell onto you 
“trying to win the lady over here some plushies?” he hugs a Sanrio plushy, “I got some pretty good ones but because it’s sucha high quality set on display.. it’s gonna be pretty hard to score even the little one”
Wooyoung just nods as he hands a ticket over to Hongjoong, “I’ll try anyways..”
Hongjoong loads the toy rifle with 10 tiny rubber bullets, “shoot away~”
you stand back with Hongjoong to let Wooyoung do this thing
“how are things going lately?” you asked him; you both were classmates in a lot of classes through the four years of college, so small talk was normal
“I got a girl now. she’s not as amazing as you, but you could say I’m pretty lucky to have her,” he showcases that oh-so-lovely smile at you,“she’s got flaws but it’s only been a month now.. I can say she’s a pretty hairy gal..”
you gave him a jokingly-extra surprised face, “way to call out a flaw on a girl, what’s her name?”
“her name is Luna~” he shows you the lockscreen on his phone
it was a picture of him and his husky/corgi puppy 
you couldn’t help but laugh, “she’s a keeper”
“excuse me, sir. could I get my lady her gift now?” Wooyoung shoves himself in between you and Hongjoong 
you both looked over at the shelf with the fallen king Gudetama on the ground
Hongjoong smiles as he collects the gift and gives it to you, “Wooyoung’s a lucky guy~”
you answered back when Wooyoung took the plushy from you, “I’m actually the lucky one here~”
“see you later, man” Wooyoung says to Hongjoong 
you finally got to experience the rest of the festival with a lighter heart 
at the corner of your eye, you swore you saw Mingi and Yunho but you didn’t get a chance to confirm when Wooyoung interrupted you
“babe, lets go to the ferris wheel~”
you smiled back at him to let him lead the way 
you tried to look back to where you thought you saw them, but they weren’t there 
you were waiting in line with Wooyoung when he told you he had to go to the bathroom
Mingi shakes Yunho from behind the pole; he whispers loudly, “HE’S LEAVING TO GO TO THE BATHROOM. GO! I’LL DISTRACT HIM IF HE FINISHES QUICKLY!”
Mingi shoves Yunho towards your direction and awkwardly walks quickly into Wooyoung’s direction
“Yunho?” you called out to him
he looks back at you and then Mingi, “y-yeah..”
“are you here with Mingi? I thought I saw him earlier..” you mumbled as you looked around Yunho; ignoring the fact that this was the first time you were talking to Yunho since the party 
“Mingi had to go to the bathroom,” Yunho mumbled as he shoved his hands into his pockets; slightly upset that you were more interested in seeing Mingi than him
but then again, he wasn’t surprised by your reaction to him
“you two ready to go on?” the ferris wheel operator asked
you looked for Wooyoung but he couldn’t get back into line; Mingi was with him
Mingi yelled, “just go on with Y/N, I’ll go on with my buddy, Wooyoung here!”
Wooyoung really did make friends everywhere he went
you looked at Wooyoung for some indication that he might say no, but just shooed you to go on without him 
you awkwardly went into the carriage with king Gudetama and Yunho 
“I hope this was a good idea,” Wooyoung murmurs to Mingi
Mingi slings his arm around Wooyoung, “Yunho’s got 30 minute to make it up to her.. have a little faith”
the first 5 minutes were just you two breathing the awkward air as the carriage slowly raised up into the air
the whole time Yunho just thought about how he wanted to be the one you went home with every night, the only laying next to you with his arms around you..the one to love you through and through 
you took the time to look around the campus; spotting all the places you’ve been to and all the streets you walked on 
you saw San’s cafe; all the lights were off
you hoped to see him after this awkward carriage ride to tell him all about your day and to see his date 
“Y/N..” Yunho broke the silence 
“hmm..” you didn’t look at him; you couldn’t 
“I don’t want to hear an apology.. I just want to know the truth..” you mumbled 
it was different getting an apology from Seonghwa versus getting one with Yunho
Yunho was a part of your past, a ghost of your present, and a thought of your future 
he told you about how he confronted Aurora and how she was filled with hatred towards you; how she controlled him, how she was going to hurt herself if Yunho ever left her, and how she forbade him to tell you about the situation and to never ever talk to you
you must admit that would’ve been a sticky situation to deal with
but it wasn’t enough to mend the relationship you two used to have
you couldn’t say anything when he finished telling you EVERYTHING about how you two fell apart before the party
all of this took an additional 10 minutes of him rambling trying to get you to understand why he did the things he did 
taking your silence as a sign that wasn’t enough, he continued 
“I miss you..” you could hear his voice breaking apart
you couldn’t help but feel choked up by his voice; you clenched your plushy tighter 
“you don’t get to do that to me..” your voice was breaking even though you forced yourself not to 
but when you looked up at him, tears fell from your face, “you can’t expect me to wait for you throughout my childhood, basically thinking that you were dead.. then coming back into my life only to have it break apart because you thought I deserved better?”
Yunho didn’t know what to say but he wanted to respond to you
you cut him off as you shook your shake 
“I loved you... I didn’t care if it made me happy or anything.. I just wanted to be with you.. that made me happy. didn’t I show you that? was it real or was it all in my head?” 
the awkward air in the carriage became humid with tears and sniffling gasps for air to push away the lumps in your throats 
“you never said-”
“actions speak louder than words, Yunho!”
“but actions without words are confusing! I don’t know everything! I can’t read minds, Y/N!”
he exhaled sharply to calm himself down and you did the same
you were selfish, but you thought that you had the right to be after all that Yunho has done
“nothing I say now can take away what I did to you four years ago, Y/N.. but I really do love you and care for you still to this day.. you’ll always be apart of me even if I’m not in yours..” 
you agreed, nothing he said could take away the pain you felt but hopefully, one day, you both can move on from this 
“I do appreciate Wooyoung being the one caring for you though.. you two look so great together..” you could feel the sincerity in his voice
you wished he could’ve said the same about you two four years ago; that it should’ve been you two instead
and like that the 30 minute ferris wheel ride was over
Wooyoung and Mingi decided not to go on the ferris wheel and waited for you and Yunho instead
Wooyoung came up to you as the operator opened to door for you and Yunho
“you okay, princess?” he notices your slightly puffy eyes
“yeah we had a deep conversation but I think all is well now..” you manage to say
Yunho was so relieved to hear that, he didn’t notice Wooyoung getting on one knee in front of you
your eyes widened as you started to shake in pure astonishment 
“Woo- baby.. you..wha-what are you...” you couldn’t even form a sentence properly
“I was going to do this in the carriage of the ferris wheel so this will have to do,” Wooyoung pulls out a sapphire velvet ringbox and lifts it open
everyone around you could see the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen
it looked like something the Great Gatsby would’ve proposed to Daisy with 
“you mean the world to me.. and I would do anything in the world to have you by my side.. so would you take the chance to rule the world with me as my queen?” Wooyoung looks at you through his slightly long bangs;  you could tell there was none of his usually teasing demeanor in sight
“Y/N.. will you marry me?”
San dropped the bouquet of baby’s breath he got for you; the first bouquet he’s ever bought for a girl, his first love
the girl who made him feel what love was for the first time
San was going to confess to you; more so just tell you how much you meant to him, how you were the most important person in the world to him, how you were the one his wishing star told him to meet 
but he was too late.. one year? two years? three years? four? 
he should’ve told you about his feelings for you when he walked you to the train tracks that one sunset four years ago 
he never used those chances that he could’ve had with you; all for the reason that things between you two could never be the same
and now, fate was sealed, you two would never be the same 
San runs past you as you were congratulated by everyone around you
Yunho clenches his jaw as he smiles for you; he saw this coming but not this soon
Mingi swallows the lump in his throat as he ruffles your hair, “she’s all grown up now.. the band would be so happy to see their baby sister in one of her happiest moments of life”
everything was happening so fast; you could feel the world spinning around you
but when San briskly walks past you, the spinning came to a stop
you kisses Wooyoung as you told him you’d be right back
you ran after him as you called out to him
he couldn’t hear you; you tried your best to get as close to him as possible 
San thought he was hearing things when he could hear you call his name louder and louder
he turns and sees you chasing after him
he immediately stops and lets you catch your breath  
“why didn’t you say hi or anything?” you huffed and puffed
San grabbed your hand and placed it on his heart
he was falling out of his usually calm state and started to show more of his real self; he wasn’t okay, he was heartbroken, he’s been heartbroken
“even though you just ran, why does my heart feel like it’s my heart is beating faster than yours?” you were confused at what he was trying to say
“San.. are you oka-”
“NO! I’M NOT!”
you’ve never heard him yell or raise his voice
“I’ve been by your side for so long.. I knew you never saw me the way I saw you. I ignored it. I tried to move on. I thought my actions would be loud enough for you to hear.. but why do you keep on making my heart beat so fast for? why do..”
San looks up at you with his glossy-coated eyes, “why do I love you?”
your mouth opened in shocked; San? you?
you could recall having deja vu when you said the same thing to Yunho
San felt his hand placed around the ring that Wooyoung proposed to you with and let go of it
“I tried to be “just friends,” but you know what? everything happens for a reason right? I’m sorry, pretend this never happened..” San smiles through his visible tears
“San..” you reached for him but he stepped back 
“congratulations Y/N... Wooyoung is one lucky guy...”
San runs as soon as he saw Wooyoung run up behind you, “babe, is everything okay?”
all you wanted to do was cry into his chest
Wooyoung didn’t question anything after he saw you breakdown
Yunho happens to find a bouquet of baby’s breath on the ground near the ferris wheel waiting area, “what’s a perfectly good bouquet doing on the ground?” 
he finds a card written inside
he recognized the handwriting and signature, it was his current roommate’s, San’s
it said everything that San had just told you
he chuckles as he stares up into the setting sun-colored clouds, “there’s really no one in this world like Y/N...” 
it was your wedding day
you never thought that your scrapbook of your ideal wedding from high school would in handy
everything was perfectly the way you would’ve thought royalties would have their weddings 
and your dress?
it was specifically designed for you by Hongjoong who graduated as a fashion designer 
“are you sure you don’t wanna ditch this wedding and runaway with me?” Hongjoong joked as he made the final touches to your dress 
“I think I love my soon-to-be husband too much for that. sorry Hongjoong~” you have him a just-as-joking face of condolence
the hair and makeup crew came in for their final touches as well
Hongjoong dramatically bows, “I’ll see you at the alter, my sweets”
“yeah in your dreams~” you smiled at him 
you chatted with the crew when you saw Yunho walk in baring a little bag
“Yunho!” you slapped him on the arm, “what are you doing in here!?”
everything was how it used to be with Yunho; minus the romantic aspect 
he gave you a sincere smile as he hands you the bag, “thought you’d look better than you already do with these”
you rolled your eyes as you opened them; it was a pair of stunning earrings
“you shouldn’t have..” you pouted at him
he shrugs with his lips curved to the skies, “just putting the cherry on top for your special day~”
you thanked Yunho with a hug; he envelopes you like a teddy bear and kisses your head
he wishes that time would stop right there; hoping that it would be like how it used to be
but time stops for no one and he walks out the door just like that
Mingi comes in shortly after with the band, recording your reaction, “I THOUGHT YOU GUYS COULDN’T MAKE IT!!”
they all came in to give you a group hug; Mingi didn’t even join because 1) he was behind the camera and 2) he was just in awe to see how beautiful you were clad in white 
“thanks for coming.. it means so so much to me..”
“and you mean so so much to us. of course we would come, silly goose..” the bassist of the band pinches your cheeks and the others laugh
Mingi could’ve had a chance with you if he wasn’t so insecure in himself; he was so love in with you it scared to and made him back away 
but this was fine
because he convinced himself that you wouldn’t be this happy if you were with him a long time ago 
Jongho came in with a big flower sign from the company and gifted you and Wooyoung with a song he wrote; you had invited him as the spotlight singer for your wedding and Jongho couldn’t say no to that
Yeosang and Seonghwa came in to greet you as well, they were your flower boys because honestly you and Wooyoung didn’t think of that until last minute; frankly speaking all the other ladies who attended the wedding probably wouldn’t mind seeing some flower-looking flower boys
everyone had left the room when San was leaning by the door 
he saw you in your element; fiddling with the earrings that got caught in your veil
he doesn’t say anything when he walks over to help you
“San?” you were surprise to even see him
he’s turned into an acquaintance the after day he confessed to you
even when you tried to make conversations with him, he’d answer them bluntly and go back to whatever he was doing
you thought lost your best friend; he never made time for you anymore after that incident 
but something in your heart told you that it was more than just that
you haven’t seen him since you graduated
you sent him an invite but even you were skeptical that he wouldn’t come
he looks different now
he dyed his hair blonde and it was pushed back 
he wore a simple light grey suit; formal enough to be worn at a wedding but it was a pretty casual look compared to everyone else
“I didn’t think you were going to come..”
“why wouldn’t I?” his voice was softer and deeper than you remembered, “my best friend is getting married.. I wouldn’t miss it for the world..”
you knew how hard it must’ve been for him
but since he slowly detached himself from your life, it’s been hard on you too
you truly missed him
you didn’t know what to say; there were so many emotions running through your head and heart 
“I got you something. could you lift up your veil?”
you did as he asked and you could see his face ever so clearly
was he always this handsome?
when San made eye contact with you, he remembers all the feelings he tried to push away since he confessed to you
he places a necklace around your neck; it was dainty and it had yours and Wooyoung’s initials on strung onto the chain with diamonds in between each letter
“think of it as your final paycheck..” 
there it was
his signature smile 
his hands left the clasp of the necklace and you wanted to grab his hands
but you didn’t
“you look beautiful, Y/N.. you truly are one of a kind...” San shoves his hands in his pockets and left the room 
what moments lead up to this?
what feelings did you have bottled up inside?
what lies were you feeding yourself?
what lies were you feeding to others?
you couldn’t help but cry as you frantically get up to run
Wooyoung turned his head as he saw the beautiful sight of you
“Y/N, you know it’s bad luck to see each other before the wed- are you crying? babe what’s wrong?”
how could you tell Wooyoung you loved him when you loved someone else?
you wanted to tell yourself that that person that made you second guess yourself on your wedding day was the same person you thought you told yourself that you could never be interested in them
but Wooyoung saw through you
he knew everything
he knew the moment he met you for the first time; accompanied by San
he knew the moment he saw how you interacted with San
if anything, he was also convincing himself that there wasn’t anything there 
Yunho gave Wooyoung the bouquet of baby’s breath right after your encounter with San; he read the card 
Wooyoung always lived his life honestly but wanted to be selfish for once in his life
Wooyoung reached for your left ring finger and gently took off the ring, “everything happens for a reason, right?”
you felt so sorry towards Wooyoung; he didn’t deserve this
but he wiped your tears as if he could read your mind and kissed your forehead, “I’ll give up the world for you. even if I’m not going to be apart of your world, you’ll always be in mine.. I don’t think I’ll love anyone as much as I love you... but!”
he flips your veil, “you need to be with the one you truly love.. that would make me the happiest man in the world..”
“Wooyoung...” you gave him one last bittersweet kiss
he reaches into his pocket and hands you his card
“people are going to ask a lot of questions about this.. I think you should hide for a while.. I got this..”
he gently pushes you to the door; not giving you time to protest
“go to him... go to San..”
you cried as you looked at Wooyoung who was standing there by him lonesomeness 
you turned and ran; because if you stayed for a second longer, you wouldn’t have the heart to leave him the way you just did
Wooyoung cried for the first time in his life as he clenched the ring he thought would promise you happiness 
you ran
heels tacking against the marbled floor
you didn’t care that guests were coming into the venue; you had to find San
you saw his figure getting into his car
you knew you had no chance to catch up to him in your heels
so you through them away and ran to him 
but you stopped when you saw a silhouette of another woman wiping his tears
he grabs her hands and kisses her forehead
then he kisses her lips
you were seeing things?
the car backed up to exit the venue
that was when everything was as clear as it could’ve got
San was with someone else; he was crying in someone else’s arms 
she was someone that was going to mend his broken heart from you 
he looks out the window one last time; praying that you’ll have a happily ever after
that was when he saw you; face covered in tears dress slightly tattered from the gravel on the ground 
that sight of you like that would be ingrained in his head forever
he wanted to stop the car
he wanted to run to you
but he had no courage to
because if he did, he would never let you go 
so he let the car sped away from the venue, from you
Wooyoung saw all of this happen from the window of his room and ran to where you were
guilt washed over you
how could you ever love someone without feeling like you were the caused of all the misfortune of love around you ever again?
you weren’t mad at anyone but yourself
you felt a warm embrace; the scent of a familiar Versace Dylan Blue cologne
you never thought you smelled this scent ever again
you thought this scent would leave you forever
“I’m sorry.. Wooyoung, I’m so sorry..” you chanted 
you knew he was crying before you felt pellets of tears fall onto your veil
he carried you back into the venue
“we don’t have to do the wedding if you don’t want to... you don’t have to be with me-”
you shook your head to shake out the tears and any other second doubts you had in your mind, “please don’t let me go.. ever again...” 
at this point, neither one of you knew who was the selfish one in this moment
Hongjoong shooed Wooyoung away to fix your dress while the hair and makeup crew dragged him out 
the wedding went on like how it was planned
you and Wooyoung were the only one who knew of what happened and it was slowly pushed to the farther-most corner of your minds
time is foe enemy but time is also a foe
what did you regret?
what would you give to turn the clock back in time?
would you have said those unspoken words?
Hongjoong would’ve
Yunho would’ve
Mingi would’ve
even Wooyoung? 
everything happens for a reason; you knew that
but not everyone knows what the reason is
the reason could be happiness
the reason could be anger 
the reason could be guilt
the reason could be an answer
but the reason could be a question
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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MORNING 1 "It doesn't really matter what you do choose because you didn't really get to choose what you get to choose"- anonymous Title card. Overhead shot and slowy zoom into Rachel who is laying on her back in bed. She is visibly stressed out as her eyes are wide open, she ever so slightly twitches, and her breathing is irregular. She is hugging a piece of paper with both of her hands across her chest. We hear auditory flashbacks while this is happening FLASHBACK1 Rachel honey, its okay. If your can't support yourself you can always move back in with me and your father. We'd love to have you around! Its no problem, well its a little ridiculous but you know, I have to offer you. FLASHBACK2 *Knock*Knock*Knock* AY! I know you're in their Rachel! Open up! 3 months late on rent! This is ridiculous, just just just crazy! You used to be my favourite tenant but now look at you! Like god! What the heck man. Ugh, I'll just slide this under the door. FLASHBACK 3 *Beep* Hi, uhm yeah this is Kitty from Fantastic Finacial Services. You are super late on your credit card bill.  It’s pretty ridiculous. Anyways, you better pay up soon.
FLASHBACK4 Hi Rachel, this Tanya. Can you come in tommorow to interview for that spot you applied for? An alarm clock rings and Rachel immediately shuts that thing off and hops out of bed immediately. Cut to the paper that she left behind on her bed now face up. *Eviction notice* Cut to a stack of bills on her counter, a bunch of mail in the garbage, email full of bills. In another room, Rachel grabs a bag of dog food, pours all the content into a dog bowl. Its obvious that shes at the bottom of the bag and not even that much came out. She sighs and almost breaks down. She takes a deep breath. RACHEL KitKat! Come here girl! The most absolutely cutest dog in the whole world runs out to Rachel. Rachel pets her then slowly gives Kitkat a hug and holds on dearly. RACHEL I know things are tough right now but we'll get out of it. I promise KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Oh yeah man, you're totally going to get this job, I mean, who wouldn't want to hire you. I'd hire you in a second! RACHEL Aww thanks KitKat, you always know what to say to make me feel better. Love ya KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE I know I know, I'm always here for ya loser. Bork bork RACHEL I'm going to get ready for today, you eat some food KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Aight aight RACHEL After I get this job, I'm going to buy you that super expensive dog food with the boujie dogs on the packaging KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Ahhhhh shit, yeyeyeyeyeye MORNING CHOICE 1 Quick montage of rachel getting ready, toothpaste on brush, shower on, towel grabbed from rack, sleeves pulled,all dressed up. Montage ends and we see her look at herself in a mirror. MONOLOGUE I don't have much choice in what I'm to wear. It’s pretty clear that it’s a formal workplace. But I think I could spice up my outfit with some stylish socks. MORNING CHOICE 1 A SUPER DUPER FUN SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and has a little hop in her step. MORNING CHOICE 1 B PATTERNED SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and checks out her socks and admires them. MORNING CHOICE 1 C PLAIN WHITE SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and fixes her posture, breathes in and walks out all composed like. MORNING 2 Rachel tries to put on her shoes. Her stomach growls. RACHEL Ugh, not now. STOMACH Growls again RACHEL What do you want STOMACH Short growl RACHEL No, we really don't have much okay STOMACH Sad long growl RACHEL Okay time to go work* gets cut off STOMACH LOUD GROWL RACHEL Goddammit okay! Fuck. Rachel heads to the kitchen and opens the cupboard. Inside is revealed to be one granola bar, a rice cake, and a fruit by the foot. MORNING CHOICE 2 A GRANOLA BAR Rachel eats the granola bar. Probably in a silly way. We'll decide when we shoot. MORNING CHOICE 2 B RICE CAKE Rachel eats it MORNING CHOICE 2 C FRUIT-BY-THE-FOOT Rachel eats it MORNING 3 STOMACH Growls* but sounds like a thank you RACHEL Don't mention it. She heads the door and steps out. RACHEL Bye kitkat! KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Get outta here already lol Rachel is now outside and needs to make a choice on how to get to work MONOLOGUE K so I can walk but I might be late. I can bike and get there on time. But what if I cant find somewhere to lock my bike and im late. Oh man. I can bus but I always miss it and that can cause me to be late. Oh man. Choices choices choices. MORNING CHOICE 3 A BUS Rachel waits at bus stop. Bus comes and she gets on. Cut to her getting off. She walks causally into the building. MORNING CHOICE 3 B WALK Rachel walks to the interview. Right before she walks into the building she checks the time. RACHEL Fasionably late, check me out world. WAITING ROOM 1 *Rock your body - saxtribution is playing through a small radio. There will be 2-3 people waiting there in chairs but for the most part the room will be empty and open. The receptionist will be there waiting absentmindly and a strange man with a very strange leg twitch sitting down. Rachel approaches the desk in little panicky hurry RACHEL Hey! I'm here for the 9 am interview PAM (NAME TAG) Yes,Hello, Mr will be right with you. please take a seat over there. Pam elegantly motions towards seating area. Rachel sits alone. The weirdo gets up and sits next to her. WEIRDO Psst WAITING ROOM C1 A TALK TO WEIRDO RACHEL Ugh hi WEIRDO Question RACHEL oh ok WEIRDO What lives when you feed it food but dies when you give it water? WAITING ROOM C1 A A FIRE RACHEL Fire! The answer is Fire! Fuego WEIRDO Oh yeah, that is a very traditional answer. But I also would have accepted: tamogachi RACHEL What how? WEIRDO tamogchi is robot,Cuz water, psssssst RACHEL Hmmmm, very nice WAITING ROOM C1 A B I DON'T KNOW MAN WEIRDO Well basically, the correct answer is fire. But if you want to impress people, say tamogachi RACHEL What how? WEIRDO tamogchi is robot,Cuz water, psssssst RACHEL Hmmmm, very nice WAITING ROOM C1 B IGNORE RACHEL kay, please stop talking to me WEIRDO Ugh fine, I was just trying to help but you know, whatever. INTERVIEW START PAM (NAME TAG) Excuse me miss, he is ready to see you now. Just head over there and take a take a right RACHEL Okay thanks! Wish me luck! She does not wish her luck. Rachel heads into a conference room. There is a table, a man in a suit is sitting there. He has a fancy name tag that says Brad Deebaag that is very visible. BRAD Take a seat miss, Brad looks at his clipboard BRAD Smithe? Rachel got that look on her face, like: is this guy foreal. Rachel sits down INTERVIEW C1 GREET HIM BY FIRST NAME RACHEL Hello, Brad. Nice to meet you. BRAD Actually, if you can refer to me as mr dbag that would be great. INTERVIEW C1 GREET HIM BY LAST NAME RACHEL Hello Mr. Dbag, nice to meet you *burst out laughing* oh my god I am so sorry BRAD Its actually pronounced DeeBog RACHEL Ohhhhh im sorry INTERVIEW QUESTION 1 BRAD Okay, so basically this job is a joke and this interview is just a formality. Honestly were just going to pick some one randomly from the shortlist. So just don't mess up okay, but if you really wow us you're pretty much a shoe-in. That said, this interview will be really short. RACHEL Okay
BRAD THis interview will consist of 3 questions.
RACHEL Oh hey thats pretty easy *gets cut off
BRAD Question 1: what do you care most about. 8.
Ah thats nice Brad makes a note in clipboard INTERVIEW QUESTION 1 CHOICEB MY DOG KITKAT
BRAD Ah thats nice Brad makes a note in clipbaord INTERVIEW QUESTION 2
BRAD QUestion 2! *Trying to set suspence with his voice* What, lives when you feed it food, but dies when you give it water? INTERVEIW QUESTION 2 CHOICEA FIRE
Brad makes a note in his clipboard
RACHEL Tamogachi BRAD Hmm very nice Brad makes a note in his clipboard
BRAD Ok, question number 3 PAM (NAME TAG) Mr. Deebag! We need you for just a moment. It is extremely urgent and important.
BRAD I'm so sorry about this, please, excuse me. 9.
INTERVIEW BRAD LEAVES CHOICE LOOK AT CLIPBOARD Rachel peaks at the clipboard, on it: a beautifully sketched heron with sunglasses drinking a soda.
INTERVIEW BRAD LEAVES CHOICE DO NOT LOOK AT CLIPBOARD Rachel sits there and hums a catchy song. This scene goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time.
INTERVIEW QUESTION 3 REGARDLESS OF OPTION PICKED Brad speaks as he's about to sit down
BRAD Ok, question 3 for real this time He glances at his clipboard, and looks up
BRAD Did you by chance take a look at this clipboard while I was out of the room?
RACHEL No, I did not.
BRAD Are you sure?
Brad does the Larry David staredown to Rachel
BRAD hm, Ok
RACHEL Sigh of relief
BRAD Anyways, back to question 3. If you can be any animal, and I mean any animal. What animal would you be?
RACHEL I would be
Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc. 10.
RACHEL A heron
BRAD You looked at my board didn't you! This is ridiculous! Everytime! I can't trust a snoop, a nosy nelly, a peter peaks a lot. Get up on outta here!
RACHEL Aw shit
ENDING CLIP: 3 months later. Rachel homeless.
RACHEL I would be Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc.
BRAD Ah nice, well you're hired!
RACHEL Ayyyy niceeeeeee
BRAD Yeeee boiiii
RACHEL UH hu, uh huh uhuh uhuh *emporors new groove BRAD Yeyeyeyeyey They celebrate for a while and its cuts to ending Ending CLIP: 3 months later. Rachel is still celebrating albeit exhuastedly. Coworkers keep asking tasks of her ad she passes out on her keyboard.
RACHEL I would be Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc.
RACHEL A narwhal
BRAD Interesting. Well, you're hired. 11.
RACHEL Niceeee
Ending clip: 3 months later. Rachel has been promoted to CEO. Pam enters room and tells her so and so wants to form a stragegic alliance. Rachel answers: niceeee. Brad comes in and calls rachel boss and said the shareprice is up 10%. Rachel answers niceeeee. The waiting room wierdo thanks rachel for the job and says she is going to win a big award. Rachel answers niceeeee. End
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