#and throw away literally everything on the floors while we were at school including slippers or whatever
dragpinkman · 2 years
thinking about that brings back so many mainly good memories. we were pretty imaginative kids, i remember we would make stop motion short movies with legos once we got a ds. and besides the drama acting we'd also do sherlock holmes type investigations, essentially saw traps, and crazy ass game show plots (hosted by flexible ken). im sure more but thats what i remember most, we had some plot lines that went far like for 2 years.
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
Born To Run: Chapter 1
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Mary-Alice Brandon has just returned to her hometown after an incident causing her to relocate just a year ago. Meanwhile, Jasper has become increasingly frustrated with his home life and decides to uncover just what exactly his brother had been hiding. In 1957 two people, with two drastically different personalities meet for the first time. Will their worlds clash or will they realize the only ones they can truly trust with their secrets are each other.
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Her eyes fluttered open at the prompting chime of her alarm clock currently ringing on the bedside table to her right. Mustering up as much energy as possible when one was just pulled promptly frum slumber, Alice rolled from the comfortable position on her side to lie flat on her back. Despite the powder blue clock still ringing throughout her bedroom, Alice couldn't help but to reflect on the wonderful dream she'd been having.
In the night vision, she'd been back in Paris shopping with her step-sister Kate. Being in France the past year had been like a dream come true, a much-needed break from the reality she'd been forced to return to. Kate was newly engaged and thus had decided to return home to Nevada with Alice and her fiance, Garrett, in tow. 
Alice's stomach grumbled loudly and painfully, pulling her from the reminiscing session. She snapped her eyes shut tightly, attempting to ignore the alarm's offending bell and the painful ache in her stomach.  Of course, it was no use; her vacation was over. It was time to come down from the clouds and return to reality. Needing to focus on one issue at a time and the alarm still prompting to her side currently being the most prominent, Alice took a deep breath accepting her fate. Summing the energy to flick the little tab on top of the clock to the off position effectively silenced the alarm blanketing the room in silence. 
Willing herself to sit up fully, Alice removed the pale pink sleeping mask covering her eyes, finally greeting the day. She pulled the plush comforter away from her small body and swung her left over the mattress, placing her feet in the house slippers kept neatly next to the bed. She pulled the think pink satin robe that hung from her bedpost over her thin shoulders as she crossed the room to the window overlooking the back garden. Pulling open the lace curtains, Alice gazed down at the flowers.
It was just before dawn, her favorite time of the day. Alice reveled in the way the dim twilight touched down on the beautiful flowers and the small white iron bench she had coerced her father into placing in the middle of the lovely space. The scene was peaceful; day had started, although night hadn't quite ended. Nature reflecting how nothing was black and white; there were gray areas in everything, in everyone. Nothing like the reality she would be walking into in only a few hours. 
Turning her attention back to the clock, the small teen accepted that she had been staring out the window, lost in thought for far too long. Something her step-father, whom she was meant to meet for breakfast shortly, was regularly scolding her for.
She didn't remember her biological father, and her mother rarely spoke of the man. The facts she had were that her parents had been wed young in an arranged marriage in 1938, Edgar Brandon had been drafted to join the war just two years after Alice was born. The man had gone missing in action, presumed dead. 
Shortly after Alice's fourth birthday, Lilian had met a charming man by the name of Eleazar Burke. Before the year was out, the happy couple were married. Eleazar was the only father Alice had ever known. The now seventeen-year-old adored her unusual family; Kate was more than she could have ever asked for in an older sibling they, of course, fought at times but very close. While they may not be biologically related, Alice couldn't imagine a kinder, more understanding father in Eleazar. He loved all three of his daughters, including Alice, equally never playing favorites. He didn't play favorites, distributing the wealth and opportunity attached to his name evenly between the three girls.
Once she'd gotten moving, preparing for the day came like second nature. She now stood in front of the mirror with her hair and makeup done. She was fully dressed in her favorite skirt and sweater set, complete with the new petticoat she had picked up shopping with Kate over the summer. She'd been saving it specifically for her first day at school back in her hometown since the incident. The way it flared out the red skirt was both fashionable and made her hips look just a bit thicker. The matching cardigan hung somewhat loose, also in line with the current trends while slightly masking the frailness of her frame. She smoothed down the skirt and straightened out her pan collar perfectly before pinning both sides down with the lucky pearl collar pins inherited from her maternal grandmother. Alice took one final look in the mirror with a deep breath and silent prayer. She plastered a smile on her face, ready to face the day.
Meanwhile, across town, Jasper Whitlock was in for a quite literal rude awakening. "Wake up, sleepyhead. We're gonna' be late for school." With a groan of annoyance, Jasper opened his eyes to the familiar face of his cousin Rosalie. The sassy blonde was simultaneously one of his favorite people yet also the curse of his existence. Jasper frequently shifted between feelings of gratefulness for having such a fun-loving relative living next door and wishing her family had never moved across the country to help out after his mother's passing.
With her presently standing next to his bed, hands on her hips, very likely fully prepared to throw something at him if he didn't get moving. He was currently feeling the latter. "Since when do you care about school?" He groaned, sitting up on the thin mattress lying on the floor. "More importantly, why are you here, and how did you get in my room?"
"The door, your dads passed out again and it was unlocked." Rosalie shrugged, crossing the room to take a seat at the only chair not covered in clothing, sheet music, or records as she examined her nails. "Anyway, I don't care about school, but I don't want to miss the fireworks, so we're at least going to morning classes. Now, get up and get dressed."
"What are you yammering on about?" Jasper responded as he threw the worn, tattered blankets to the side and grabbed a white t-shirt from its place, lazily shoved into an already open dresser drawer directly to the side of his mattress.
"Mary-Alice Brandon is coming back today."
"Yeah," The other teen rolled his eyes. "Well fuck Mary-Alice Brandon."
"Oh, come on, tell me you don't care about the inherent entertainment of watching everyone flock back to following her lead and leaving poor Charlotte in the dust."
"You're demented."
"You know how petty high school politics amuse me so." The tall blonde woman shrugged before she stood straightening out her leather jacket as she crossed the room. "At least come to support your best friend? Charlotte is either going to be elated or upset. If it's the latter, it's going to make Pete upset. Relationships are kind of like dominos that way. Now hurry up, Riley's waiting outside, and we need a ride, oh favorite cousin of mine."
With that, Rosalie confidently strutted out of her cousin's room, down that hallway. In the Whitlock's living room, her mother and uncle were engaged in the same decade-old argument they'd been having from the moment Ruth and Joseph Hale had packed up their family moving from New York to Nevada. Rosalie had only been one at the time, having no memory of what actually happened. The backlash, however, had caused a ripple effect through the lives of everyone in the family. Because of this, it was no secret that Irene Whitlock had passed away shortly after Jasper's birth. That uncle Thomas had fallen into deep despair losing his job and drinking the days away. 
It was concern for the boys, James and Jasper, that had prompted the move. Her mother so worried for her nephew's well being that they'd relocated their entire lives to be there and help take care of them. It was meant to be temporary until Thomas got back on his feet. Seventeen years later, the siblings were still arguing over it. Her mother pleading for the man to think of his children. 
Unwilling to witness the same fight yet again, Rosalie left the house and headed to the street where her twin brother stood leaning against Jasper's car. "Is he coming?" Riley asked, disinterestedly kicking absently at the pavement, scuffing up his shoes in the process. 
"Yeah, I had to guilt-trip him, but he's coming."
Just as the words had left Rosalie's mouth, the seventeen-year-old in question came shuffling out of the house. Once the door was carefully and quietly shut behind him, Jasper's demeanor shifted, and he confidently stalked down the sidewalk, climbing into his car without uttering a single word. No sooner had the twins piled into the vehicle behind him than Jasper had peeled out of the driveway headed in the direction of the local high school, barely giving Riley enough time to pull the door shut.
Outside the school, Peter, Jasper's best friend, a tall boy with dark hair, was standing in the parking lot talking to Charlotte. The pair had begun dating over the summer, much to Jasper's annoyance. Their relationship had started in the fall when the girl had entered the antique shop owned by Jasper's uncle that Peter worked in part-time. The two had hit it off as instant friends. Despite a plethora of drama involving Charlotte's now ex-boyfriend Demetri and her friend Jane, the pair had entered into a romantic relationship.
While Jasper didn't particularly care for the girl or her crowd, Peter was gone for her. So the teen put up with Charlotte, and more often than he'd like the teenage queens who followed her around like puppies. Over time, though he would die before admitting it to anyone, he'd even begun to almost like her.
So, when he exited his car, Jasper nodded in greeting to the new couple from across the parking lot before turning to his own social circle in the parking space next to his own. The teens were gathered around admiring Benjamin's new car that he'd won in a race just a few weeks prior. Maria, one of his oldest friends having grown up in the same neighborhood, was already stretched out across the hood leaning back against the windshield. A cigarette burned from its place tucked loosely between her fingers as she chatted with Lucy and Nettie about their plans for the afternoon once they'd ditched.
Jasper was well aware that most if any of the assembled teenagers would be ducking out before the end of the school day. Personally, he intended to be long gone as soon as Rosalie's attention was elsewhere. Which, judging by how engaged she seemed to be in her conversation with Benjamin and Randall on the mechanical details of the new car, wouldn't be long. However, he was already here, and it wouldn't hurt to at least stay for first period. So he elected to join in on Riley, Makenna, and Charles's conversation about the new Buddy Holly single.
Jasper had just made plans with the latter two to head to the local diner later and play the song on the jukebox when Peter, followed closely by Charlotte, headed over to collect his best friend for homeroom. Bidding his friends goodbye, Jasper followed the other boy, his girlfriends, and the group of students she associated with into the building where their lockers were located. As always, because lockers were assigned alphabetically by surname, Peter and Jasper's lockers were right next to each other. 
Not planning on being an active student, let alone showing up at school more often than necessary, Jasper hadn't brought alone anything to warrant keeping in a locker. So, he took a seat on a bench located under a window next to the set of lockers letting the other teens chat as they placed their belonging in the metal storage structures. 
"Is that Mary-Alice?" Eric Yorke, a rather talkative and, in Jasper's opinion, annoying boy gasped out capturing his and Charlotte's attention. The latter turned away from her conversation with Bella and Jane to look at the boy in confusion. 
Charlotte had known her best friend was back in town, but when they'd spoken earlier Alice, as she'd decided to begin going by dropping the first half of her name, had stated her parents would allow the tiny teen to skip the first week of classes. Being an exceptional student well on the way to becoming valedictorian, and taking the incident into consideration, the school had happily accommodated.
"I thought you said she wasn't coming back until next week Char?" Bella spoke quietly, her eyes now following the same trajectory of Eric's
"Looks like the reign of Charlotte is over." Mike snickered, also staring at the top of the stairwell. Following her friends' gaze, Charlotte's expression quickly morphed from one of confusion to that of utter delight. 
Jasper didn't care much for the particulars of high school politics. Prior to Peter's entanglement with Charlotte, the name Mary-Alice had been nothing more than a blip on his radar. The two ran in vastly different circles, he being a proud greaser surrounding himself with like-minded truants who cared more about races and the newest records than anything else. She, a spoiled overachiever. The goody-two-shoes type who headed every committee whose word the majority of student's hung on. Still, even he'd noticed when the girl had disappeared a year ago. So, he turned his attention to the sight that had captured everyone's attention, curious as to what the commotion was about.
 He was met with the sight of a girl who's smile was so pure she almost seemed to glow. Short despite her blatant attempt to make up the difference with the kitten heels she wore. Her slightly curly hair was a chocolate-colored brown rested just short of her chin. Based on the perfect angles of her collar and the way she kept nervously smoothing out her skirt, it was apparent that she'd taken great care to ensure every aspect of her appearance was perfect. His dislike for the teen was instant; he hardly tried to hide the scowl from his face as he watched her scan the hallway. Once her blue eyes landed upon the small group, she burst into a bright smile and a somehow graceful run down the stairwell.
"Charlotte!" Alice exclaimed in a melodic chirp as she reached the gathering. 
"Alice!" The taller girl responded with equal enthusiasm throwing her arms around her friend. "What are you doing at school?" She questioned the smile never leaving her face as she released her friend.
"Papa thought it might be best to just jump right in if I was up for it since I'm home already." Her smile faltered at the statement but returned quickly. "Who are our new friends?" She asked catching sight of Jasper and Peter eyeing the two with curiosity. The former of whom rolled his eyes at the assumption, he was not nor would her ever be her friend.
Jasper opened his mouth to inform this 'Mary-Alice' of as much, but Charlotte responded before he could get the words out. "Alice," She stated grabbing Peter's hand. "This is Peter, my boyfriend. And that's his best friend Jasper."
"Wow," Alice's eyes widened. "I have missed a lot. It's lovely to meet you both." She smiled once again as she took a seat on the bench next to Jasper, expertly tucking her skirt underneath her slim legs as she descended. "The four of us should go bowling after school; I'd love to get to know the both of you better."
Jasper's annoyance grew at the suggestion, unable to put up with anymore he stood in a haste. "That's never going to happen." He shot the small girl a glare and stormed down the hall out of the building. Forget Rosalie, he thought approaching his vehicle in the parking lot. Forget school, and most of all forget Mary-Alice Brandon.
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queensdivas · 5 years
That Silly Wig!
I’ve never written a short so fast in my entire life of my God! Not a super long one because I have other stuff to do sadly! 
I was deeply inspired by the recent drawing of @eileen-crys​ with her comic and I literally threw everything aside to write this! I gotta stop doing this kind of crap so much so I can focus on my remaining school work! But anyway. Hope you enjoy! 
That lovely artwork of hers!
@filmslutt​ @mexifangorl​ @leah-halliwell92​ @i-live-for-queen​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @brianmydear​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​ @painkiller80​ @seven-seeds-of-rhye​ @seven-seas-of-fuck-you​ @sevenseasofky​
@yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @minigirl87​ @natalijalucreziah​ @crayonwriting​ @owensgrxdy​ @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie​ @darlingyourebeingabore​ @queenwouldyourathers​
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Rounding up what Freddie calls the Deaklings was a lot more difficult than you could ever imagine. Have to make sure that Laura has her favorite stuffed animal, making sure Michael wasn’t annoying Robert too badly, then packing the diaper bag for Josh and his favorite toys. And all without a nanny! Super Mom right here! Though Chrissy has made it very appealing to finally get one but Robert and Michael are basically grown children so it’s a little easier now in a sense. 
But today is meant to a very good day for the six of us which includes Deaky. We’re finally spending some family time by taking them out for a picnic in Bushy Park! We’ve been wanting to take the kids there for a while, yet our timing has been non existent. He has to do some filming for a new music video then on lunch he plans on taking a longer one for us to go. 
“Alright kids! We’re moving in t-minus five minutes!” Yelling up the stairs for the thunder of children to start running down the stairs. Robert and Michael were the first ones down as Laura was slowly making her way down with her stuffed Fox Brian gave her when she was born. 
Grabbing Josh's diaper bag from the floor to throw on my shoulder to then pick him up from his play crib. He wrapped himself around me as I picked him up. Kissing the top of his forehead as I walked out of the house, locking the door to see the kids are already in the car ready to go. Man did we raise some very well behaved kids! Until Robert and Michael start fighting over their toys. 
We arrived to the set where they were filming their new music video as the kids beginning to bounce around in the backseat. I pulled into the parking spot to see Brian coming out with his hairs all in plastic curls in his hair and in his regular clothes. 
“Uncle Brian!” Laura screamed as they all rushed out of the car to hug their Uncle. I got out to unbuckle Josh for him to cling himself on me again. Ever since Josh was born he’s always just kept himself attached to me and for a reason he hasn’t really had much interest in John which is very concerning. Maybe it’s just a very long phase. 
“Well hello there Daisy! What brings you to our neck of the woods?” Brian picked up Laura who gave him a huge hug. 
“We’re going on a picnic to Bushy Park!” Richard yelled as we began walking into the set for the hustling and bustling of the crew. 
“Say. Where’s Chrissy anyhow?” Asking Brian as he put down Laura. 
“She’s got work and the kids are off with my parents for the week so Chrissy and I could have some us time.” Nodding as we turned the corner for Roger to come strutting out in a school girl outfit! Trying to not laugh but Robert was already losing it. 
“Uncle Roger is dressed like a girl!” He began strutting himself towards us to make Laura and even Josh giggle a little bit. 
“Can’t believe you managed to round up all Dealings in such a fashion!” Roger commented as Robert finally stopped laughing at Roger’s getup. I’m guessing that this was either his idea or Freddie’s idea. But I’m definitely leaning towards Roger at this point because he’s really enjoying himself. 
“Let me guess Roger. This was all you?” Asking as he took off his sunglasses to wink at me. Oh goodness it was! Well he looks fantastic! Brian took off his robe to appear in a pink nightgown and to slip on his pinky bunny slippers. Oh dear God! Wait. ARE THOSE JOHNS PINK BUNNY SLIPPERS!? I got John those slippers back in college because he always complained about his feet getting cold whenever he would come over for homework! He still kept them? 
“Love the slippers.” Even one of the buttons is missing when Robert pulled them out when he was a baby. I know it seems stupid to be happy about a old pair of bunny slippers but ya know. We’ve been together for so long and with all our children, it's easy to forget the times when we would do silly stuff like that all the time. 
“Mommy where’s Dad?” Laura asked as we could hear John and Freddie laughing down the hallway as Paul came out of the dressing room. He looked at us to roll his eyes and continue on his way to wherever he was going. Paul says that bringing our kids to the studio or the set isn’t a good idea, so John always makes sure we stop by to say hello. 
“Dad is probably getting ready so we shouldn’t disturb him okay.” I told her as she held onto her toy fox a little tighter. She is definitely daddy’s little girl and at this age feels kind of empty without him. Trust me it’s difficult when he’s at the studio for ungodly hours and she wants John to read her a bedtime story. She doesn’t throw temper tantrums or anything, just gets all quiet and holds onto her fox a little tighter. Such as she’s doing now. Brian bought that for her on her first birthday and she loved it ever since. Trust me she will never let go of it even if her life depended on it. But it is pretty cute so who could blame her. 
Roger began walking us to where they were getting ready with Michael riding on his shoulders and Robert walking ahead of us. Not sure why but Michael has always found Roger to be his favorite out of the three of them with Robert being close to Freddie since he spoils the living hell out of them for birthdays and holidays. 
“How’s the music going Rog?” I asked him as we rounded the corner to hear Freddie laughing. 
“It’s going great! Freddie’s got another hit in the works so it should be something pretty good as always.” 
“Awesome! And how's Dom?” 
“She’s doing fantastic! Plan on taking her to Switzerland for the week to celebrate our anniversary.” Oh my god when John and I went to Switzerland before Michael was born was such a wonderful time! 
“That’s awesome! Tell her I said hello obviously.” Smiling to see Freddie coming out of their dressing room in their costume. Oh my god they look terrific! Freddie wearing a beautiful black wig with huge pink earrings and pink lipstick. He wore a pink sleeveless top and a black leather skirt. 
“The Deaklings!” He laughed as Robert ran towards him and gave him a big hug. Like I said Robert was his favorite and Freddie loved Robert. Hell I think Freddie would want to be his godfather. 
“Uncle Freddie! Did Dad tell you we finally got a cat!? She’s super fat, super furry, and the biggest green eyes!” Robert told him which made me smile. 
“Never thought she would let you! What’s its name!?” Robert dug into his coat pocket to pull out his Polaroid of the new cat. 
“Her name is Matilda!” He handed Freddie the pic as he smiled for the fuzzy cat on the picture. Yes we finally got a cat for the family because they’re easy to take care of, and hello! It’s a cat! 
“She absolutely gorgeous. Oh my goodness she’s humongous! Can’t wait to meet her whenever I come over for tea!” Him and Robert began going off as John came out of the dressing room looking like an old lady with puffy grey wig. I couldn't help myself to start laughing for my husband to be looking like my own mother! What on earth is Roger doing to my husband! 
“My dear husband what has Roger done to you?” Walking over to him as he placed his hand on top of Josh's head to kiss him. Josh turned himself to start reaching for John to scoop him up and give him another forehead kiss to leave a lipstick mark on his head. 
“He’s brought me to misery.” He groaned as he leaned in to kiss me. Giving each other peck to see Robert giggling again at John with Michael just smiling. 
“Dad why are you dressed up like grandma!?” Robert laughed with made Freddie laugh. Robert definitely gets Deakys witty comments and his ability to make everyone laugh. 
“I think you look cool Dad!” Michael cheered. 
“Thank you Michael!” John smiled at the children as Freddie grabbed their hands to start walking them to the set for the free food. 
“I’m assuming you’re having loads of fun.” Keeping my eye on Josh for him to latch himself around John as I was hoping in the end. Phew. 
“Darling of course.” He kissed my lips again as Laura was still hiding behind me. She squeezed her stuffed Fox trying to hold back her sniffling. Her eyes began to water as her sniffling continued to grow a little more louder. 
“That’s not my dad, that old lady doesn’t look like dad..where’s dad..” Wait what? We looked down to see her starting to cry. 
“THAT’S NOT MY DAD! WHERE IS PAPA!” Laura exploded in tears as we both looked down at her in confusion. She hid her face behind her stuffed Fox for not knowing her own father before her. 
“Laura that’s papa! He’s just wearing a silly costume.” Trying to make her smile but it was not working whatsoever. She was still sobbing as John kneeled down to me to hand me Josh. He moved her in front of her so he could face her and try to calm her down. 
“Laura, my princess it’s me! It’s just a costume and a little makeup.” He whipped her tears away so she could see John in all his makeup. She still wasn’t convinced so he ripped off his wig for his poofy hair to expand!
“See? A silly wig and makeup!” He smiled to toss the wig on the ground for her to stop crying. She moved the fox away from her face as she jumped into his arms. 
“You scared me Papa!” He got up with her in his arms as her fox dangled behind his neck. 
“I’m sorry Princess! Papa wouldn’t scare you on purpose!” John held her tightly as he was so upset he made Laura cry. Even though he’s busy with his work, he loves our little Deaklings with all his soul and hates it when they’re upset. Especially his princess. 
“Mr. Hamish doesn’t want you to cry now does he.” He grabbed her fox to place in front of her so she could hold it again. 
“No Mr. Hamish doesn’t want me to cry Papa.” She giggled as he put her down on the ground to hold her hand. He even went so far to scoop Josh from me so he could walk with his kids to the set. Grabbing his wig from the floor to watch as he walked away with our children laughing with them. 
How is it even possible to love someone so much? I feel like my love for him could explode as he’s such a wonderful father, a loving husband, and one cheeky devil. 
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quinlin-blog1 · 6 years
The Lost Island ~ Chapter Two
And as I suspected, it wasn't. I was stuck in between Catherine who was dressed and Crystal, who was scrambling to find her pink shoes that matched her dress. Catherine and I were seated on my bed, Catherine reading a book she had found on my bedroom floor while I was playing with an old Yoyo, let me tell you, I wasn’t very good.
“I knew there was a reason I never used that thing” I grumbled to myself.
“It’s all about practice Delly, my Mom can yoyo really well” Crystal stated as she found her shoes.
When Crystal was finally ready, I ran down stairs to be greeted by a rampaging Alex who knocked me down.
“Addy!” Alex both yelled and signed “You've been gone for ages! I haven't seen you in like forever!” She said dramatically
“I know! Crys trapped me in her fluffy pink dungeon! It was torture Al! Torture!” I said crying out, dropping to my knees for effect.
Alex fake gasped “Crys! How could you?! Come on Addy! I'll save you!” Alex pulled me into the living room. Where Logan and Keira were deciding on a movie to watch.
“Alex! Come on! We're going to watch a movie!” Lily told Alex
“What about the magic show?” I asked
“Oh! Uriah’s got the chicken pox so we have to wait until he's over them to do it” Lily said
“Alright then”
 So now we were watching Toy Story. Crystal’s mum, Elena, was going to be here any moment.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Right on que! I went to go open the door and I was surprised by what I saw.
Not only was Elena there, but Catherine’s mother Dalilah was right next to her. Though she preferred to be called Ms. Towle.
“M-Ms. Towle! I didn't expect to see you” I said.
I turned sideways, gently pulling a frozen Catherine out of the way. She mostly went to my house to escape from her mother, not that she didn't love her, but because she was so overbearing.  
“Hello Adriana” She greeted in the finger language so that Catherine could understand us, but also out loud, so that Alex may hear us as she appeared on my other side. Ms. Towle dragged in seven extremely large suitcases and four smaller ones. My head finally clicked around what was happening.
“Mother?! What are these for?” Catherine asked, for the leader and smartest of the group, she did have her moments.
“You, Catherine and Alexandria are going to go to that boarding school. I-” Alex interrupted her mother.
“I thought I was too young?”
“They have a special program for younger children, I have registered you both already” Her mother replied irritably.
“What about our- Er- Disabilities?” Catherine questioned, her fingers shaking slightly.
“They are perfectly fine with taking you both in, they are going to help with it. So, as I was saying before. I have arranged with Adriana's mother, that you two will be staying here for the remaining how ever-many days until you leave for your school. You will be coming back here for both Christmas and spring breaks. I will be in contact girls.”
And with that, Ms. Towle kissed both Catherine and Alex's heads and left out the other door, giving Bets and I slight nods.
I looked over at Alex to see that she was elated. But when I looked to Catherine, she was pooling with emotions. Joy, Happiness, Sadness, Anger. Like she didn't even know how to feel.
“Well girls! Let's get going!” Elena said cheerfully. The apple never falls far from the tree. This was going to be a long night.
 I threw myself on my bed. I had been correct. It had not been a rough night, just tiring. Fun none the less.
“You know one of these days you're going to do that and break your bed, it’s only wood after all” Catherine pointed out to me, not even looking up from her book. Nerd.
“Nah! It's just metal painted really well to look like wood” I knocked my fist against the base of my bed, causing several clanking noises. “See?” I said to her
Catherine merely rolled her eyes.
“Dell?” Crystal asked in an extremely sweet voice. Uh Oh...
“Yes?” I said cautiously
“Can you draw me an otter?” She said using the same tone.
“Why?” I asked
“Because you draw best out of us. And I NEED one”
I sighed, but nodded anyway, making Crystal squeal with joy.
So, a grabbed my large art bag and opened it to grab out my stuff, I had a lot of art supplies. Art was one of my major hobbies, I had everything from water-color pencils to oil pastels.
Soon enough Catherine and Crystal were on the bean bags watching a movie.
A loud thump knocked me out of my concentrated drawing. I looked over my sketchpad, to see Catherine on the floor, asleep.
“Can he be pink?” Crystal asked from where she was playing (Or as I like to call it “Babying”) with Lee.
“I didn't know otters could be pink” I stated.
“Well this one can.”
I watched as Crystal babied Lee and I rolled my eyes.
“You guys baby her too much.” I mused.
“You tell me every time, but she loves it” Bets said airily
“What?” I asked incredulously.
“She loves us all very much and loves it when we “Baby” Her” Bets told me
I chose to ignore this, with Crystal, you never know what's going to come out of the girl.
“And- Done!” I said, finishing the shading and coloring on the pink otter.
“I knew you could do it! I hereby make you my official artist!” Crystal exclaimed happily.
“Oh, I thank thee, thy highness. Mine humblest thanks and gratitude!” I said.
Crystal and I looked at each other for a moment then burst out laughing. Yeah, my friends and I were weird, but they were my weirdos and I was theirs. Catherine groaned, sat up, threw a pillow at us, and laid back down again.
After this, Crystal and I continued to pelt each other, and Catherine, with pillows until we collapsed, with the movie playing in the background.
  I jolted up from my sleeping stated, the sound had been muffled by two floors, but me being the light sleeper I am, I woke up. I cautiously slid off the bean bag chair that I had fallen asleep on. Grabbing my slippers and putting them on, while I walked upstairs.
What I saw when I walked into the living room, made me drop to the floor, unable to contain my laughter.
Lily had her lower abdomen and legs tangled in her blankets on the couch, while her upper half was on the floor. While Alex on the other hand, had caused the crash because she literally did fall to the floor. With her blanket covering her.
Once I composed myself, I lifted Lily’s heavy body, fully onto the couch, before turning to Alex and doing the same. I almost fell over because I lifted her up too fast.
After that incident, I went upstairs to check on Lysander, Uriah and Maya.
Uriah had gone into my mother and fathers room, like he did every night, Lysander was sprawled out, all over his bed like normal.
Maya was sitting awake, on her bed, chewing on a plastic teething ring.
“Addy!” She cried out happily as I stood in the doorway.
“Looks like someone’s up early” I said to her, smiling as I did so.
“Duck!” She said. Holding out her favorite rubber duck
“That's right! Duck! And what does the duck say?” I asked
“Quack!” Maya imitated.
“Good job” I praised as I picked her up and carried her down stairs.
I peeled her a banana (Yuck), and peeled myself an orange. I sat myself down on the couch and watched as Maya played with her dolls.
Fifteen minutes later. Maya and Twilight were having an all-out battle. And me being me, I decided it would be a good idea to leave them alone while I went to take a shower. Boy, was I ever wrong.
“OK Maya, I'm going to go shower. Be good, don't destroy anything, make sure that Twilight doesn't tear up the couches, don't go outside and eat anything off the ground, don't go bug your brothers, leave Lily and Alex alone, no playing in Mobius’ and Iggy's litter box, no climbing the curtains, no taking the videos and books off the shelves, no tearing book pages and no messing in the kitchen” I said to Maya who only looked at me “Yes I know that you can't understand me, just bear with me”
Yes, Maya had done all that stuff and much, much more. So, I wandered up the stairs to the bathroom and turned on the hot water and had a quick shower, not really wanting to leave Maya alone for too long.
  Oh, I knew that that was a bad idea. I walked down stairs completely dressed for the day and it was quiet, too quiet.
I walked into the kitchen, where I heard giggling and barking. Bracing myself for the worst, I opened the door and my eyes widened to the size of saucers at what I saw.
Maya was standing on the counter, throwing dog treats and cat nip for both of our cats, Twilight and Lee.
I watched as she threw a hand full, looked over at me, hid the dog treat she had in her hand, behind her back and look at me with her “I'm innocent” look that works on everyone, including myself.
“Promise me you'll only use your powers for good” I told her as I approached.
“Quack!” Maya exclaimed as she threw the last bit of cat nip and dog chews for the dogs and cats.
I carried Maya downstairs to where Catherine and Crystal were sleeping. I put Maya next to Crystal’s ears and told her what to do. I then ran to grab a large bucket of ice water to throw on Catherine.
“One... Two... Three!” I counted and I threw the water onto Catherine, while at the same time Maya stuck her wet fingers into Crystal ears.
They both screamed away and I grabbed Maya and we ran.
  Maya and I were outside, watching the birds in the sky, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk and playing with Twilight.
“Dell!” Catherine called.
I was still a little unsure if Catherine and Crystal wanted to get revenge on me, so I cautiously yet casually walked into the house, where Catherine was dressed and waiting.
“Your mum needs us to go to the store,” Catherine told me
“But I don't want to!” I whined
“Well you have to,” Crystal said
“Is this your form of revenge?” I asked
They looked at each other for a moment. “Yup” They said.
I sighed, went to grab my bag and my mother handed me the list and money, then we left. On the way, I handed Catherine the money and the list.
“You guys do realize that going to the school is going to change things forever” I stated bluntly, bringing up the topic that we were all avoiding.
“I think that's the point Delly,” Crystal pointed out to me
“Is one of them, telling you that?” Catherine asked me
“No. But do you ever get those feelings that something really important is going to happen? That's what I've been feeling for the past four days,” I told them
“I agree. I just wonder what's going to happen,” Catherine asked
Half way to the store, I started to see some very weird people, and if you take that offensively then that's your choice. But these people were down right strange. It was verging on summer weather and some of these people were wearing winter jackets and boots! I swore one of them even had gills!
“Am I the only one seeing this?” I asked
“You mean the strange people, with wooden limbs and lava rock hands?” Crystal asked
“I see them. But it's rude to stare guys!” Catherine scolded as we approached the super market.
We walked in and we were instantly greeted with a wave of coolness that was the store. I sighed in relief and looked to Catherine.
“We need Apples, Oranges, milk, Sugar, Coffee-.”
“Blech!” I exclaimed
“-Chocolate chips, eggs, baking powder and cinnamon,” Catherine said ignoring my comment
“And Ice cream!” I stated
“Yeah!” Crystal agreed
“No! No, ice Cream” But Catherine was interrupted by Crystal and I both running off.
This was how trips to the shop usually went, Catherine would tell us what we needed, Crystal and I would decide on an extra treat, then run off before Catherine could tell us off. Poor Catherine.
“Strawberry, Mint, Raspberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Orange, bubblegum and cookies and cream,” I said as I picked them out.
“Ice cream time, Ice cream time! Time to eat ice cream!” Crystal sang.
We walked back up to the cash register, where Catherine was setting out the things from the list.
“Cookies and cream?” She asked, not even bothering to scold us for running away.
“Yep! We've got enough for an ice cream war,” I stated.
“What's an ice cream war?” Catherine asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The cashier was giving us weird looks for only speaking in sign language.
“It's when each of us get one tub, because these things are huge, and we separate into teams. Then we have a battle, where we throw ice cream at each other, last person standing wins,” I explained briefly.
“Why haven't we thought us this before?” Crystal asked incredulously.
“I know,” Catherine agreed.
We may be fifteen-years-old, but we can still be as childish as seven-year-old. It's not our fault.
We grabbed our bags and walked out the door. Once again, I noticed the strange people. The one with gills had gone, but was replaced with on with a robotic eye. OK... Are we going into a robot war, and why wasn't I told?
“Am I the only on seeing this?”
“If you mean the weird people again then no, I see them too,”” Catherine reassured me.
“What are they?” I asked
“Dell! That's rude! They're a “who” Not a “what,”” Catherine scolded
“Alright then, who are they,” I corrected irritably
“I don't know. But I think it's strange that we've been seeing them now-.”
“And every time we've seen them before we don't remember them and we see them most when we're-“ Crystal continued.
“Together.” I finished.
“Well. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to be caught in some sort of X-Men, mutant war. It's not giving me a good feeling,” I told them, shuddering.
“I don't think we're looking at this the right way Delly. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get caught in an “X-Men mutant war”.   But I'm sure that there's got to be more to this,” Crystal stated
“What do you mean?” Catherine asked
“Well, think about us. What if they’re here looking for people like us?” Crystal pointed out
“Like us?” I asked
“Out of all the people in the world, there has to be more people like us. It's just common logic,” Crystal continued
“I guess. But why would they be looking for us?”  Catherine inquired
“Maybe there not looking for us, but protecting us. There are bad people in the world too”
This made sense to both myself and Catherine. If the world could just be full of good people, where would they learn from if the world was full of people with no mistakes? Some people may wish for the world to have peace and be perfect, but if it was perfect how would we learn to do anything?
“Makes sense,” Catherine spoke
“It does. Since when did you get so wise Bets?” I asked
“I guess I'm just trying to keep an open mind about things,” Crystal shrugged
We walked through the doors and I called out to the kids.
“Ice Cream!”
“Ice cream!”
“Stampede!” I cried out and we ducked for cover. Even Catherine, who couldn't hear us, ducked knowing from experience.
I held up three fingers counting down and when I reached zero we jumped out and ambushed the kids. Pelting them with ice cream. The kids screamed as the frozen treat hit them.
I tossed Alex a tub and we ran outside to where my mother and father had set up the sprinklers and the pool. Ice cream was being flung everywhere, I ducked behind a tree, climbed up it and started tossing ice cream at people from the branches. Catherine had hidden behind a stone wall that separated the top part of the yard from the bottom part.  Crystal and Lysander were using the pool as cover, though when the ice cream hit the water it splashed up and got them wet.
Catherine ducked out from where she was hiding and hit Crystal from where her head was just barely poking out from where she had been hiding. I quickly jumped from my tree and threw a giant glob of ice cream at Catherine, which hit her in the back of the head and sent her tumbling face first into the pool. Only for me to be tackled in by Lily and Lysander. Then for Alex, Crystal and Uriah to jump in after because everyone else was doing it. We stayed in the pool, swimming around, for a good fifteen minutes before Catherine, Crystal and I got out to get change out of our soaking shorts and t-shirts that were now so wet that they were sticking to our skin. So, it was a race to see who could get to one of the two bathrooms to shower first.
 As Catherine and Crystal ran upstairs, pushing each other for the larger bathroom, I went to the basement for another shower. I grabbed warm, dry clothes from my dresser before jumping into a cold shower, and I was in and out within Five minutes.
  It was four hours later, Catherine, Crystal and I had done nothing but sit in the sun chatting. I was sure that Crystal had fallen asleep. Catherine was sitting there talking to me as we discussed the strange people. I know, it's a continuing topic, but it's an important one. I feel like there is something more to it.
“Alphs, I feel like there’s something we’re missing,” I said
“I know what you mean. Think about it, how often do you see these weird people?”
I tried to think for a moment, I knew that we had seen them briefly as we walked by today, I remembered seeing them the other day on the way to school when I saw one of them standing in the middle of the road. I tried harder to think of other times where I had seen them, I wondered if I had ever had a conversation with them, maybe I had once asked them for directions? Maybe Crystal had asked them if they had any baby animals.
But no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t think of any times I had spoken to the unusual people. Not one.
“I mean, I don’t really know. I have seen them around, by school, out front of the store, maybe out by the park. But I can’t remember ever having a conversation with them” I told her
Catherine shook her head “I think- I’m not sure, but I think I’ve talked to them once. When I was younger. It’s blurry, like there’s a fog over the memory. I remember walking down the street, everything seems bigger so I must be younger, I remember seeing one of them, she has a monocle, but her other eye is black, like completely black. For some reason, I found this cool and I wanted to go talk to her. I think we had a conversation, a small one, but then she took out this device, almost like a remote and then. . . I don’t know, that’s all I can remember. It almost hurts to think about it” Catherine explained.
Listening to her talk, hanging on her ever word, I wondered how long they had been watching us for. If they were even watching us at all.
“Do you think they’ve been here since we were kids?”
“Well technically we still are kids. But I get what you mean. It is a possibility. I don’t remember that far back. I don’t think I’ve ever had a proper conversation with one, other than that one time. I’m not too sure that that one time even happened”
“Alphs, how often do you see them? Like more so when all three of us are together?” I asked
Catherine looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed and thought for a moment “I think so. I mean, I remember seeing them more often when we are together. Do you think the voices know?” she questioned
I shook my head “I think that they know something. Arrow kept talking about “The Big Guy” and Cal spoke almost like she was afraid of whoever this big guy is”
“So, if they've been here since we were kids-,” Catherine started
“And have some sort of tech that can erase memories-,” I continued
“And they show up more often when we’re together-,” Catherine pointed out
“And they are possibly somehow connected with the voices in our heads-”
“That have something to do with an even bigger scheme of things, but they won't tell us because-”
“Of the so called “Big Guy” That's controlling them and telling them what to do-”
“Or what to say. So, there's only a limited number of things that they can tell us-”
“So, we have to figure out how to get these people to talk to us-”
“And figure out why they're here and what they're doing with our memories,” Catherine finished
“Well” I same dragging out the word. “We're screwed” I stated
“Definitely,” Catherine agreed.
“So, until the time of such screwing happens, what do you want to do?” Catherine asked after a few moments
“Let us go and see what Alex and Lily are doing, they're being too quiet for their own good” I stated and we went quietly inside to check on the silent children.
And it turned out that I was right. Lily and Alex were not up in Lily's room where they had been staying, but no they couldn't be where they were supposed to be, they were down in my room.
When we found them, they were filling our pillow cases with whipped cream and hiding stink bombs under beds.
“And what do you think you are doing?” I asked using both forms of words.
“Uh- We were just uh- You see we- We got to go,” they said running out of the basement.
“Looks like we're going on a stink bomb hunt and are getting new pillow cases,” I stated to Catherine who only chuckled.
 Over the next twenty minutes, we found five stink bombs underneath of our beds, in our dressers and some even in our suitcases. We had emptied our pillow cases of the whipped cream and were putting new ones on. But we left Crystals’ alone. Who doesn't like surprises?
“Bets isn't going to be happy,” Catherine said to me
“And you don't care?”
“What do you plan on telling her when she finds out?”
“It goes like this and I repeat.” I cleared my throat “Alphs did it!” I cried out
“Thanks! Throw me under the bus will you”
“What would you expect from me?” I asked
“Nothing further from that.”
“Well you can't blame me!” I exclaimed
“Yes, we know. You were dropped on your head as an infant” Catherine teased me, with a small smile on her face.
“Hey! I was not dropped on my head, I feel off the swing set!”
“Alright. You fell off a swing set. My point is that you are weird.”
“Weird doesn't even begin to describe it. I have my own category of weird.”
Catherine rolled her eyes at my silliness “But, thinking back to the beginning of the conversation, how do you think Bets will react?” I asked eagerly.
“Oh, there's probably going to be a lot of screaming, yelling, cursing the otters. She may even swear for the first time!” Catherine said.
“That'll be the day Dell. You know we’ve made quite a few memories here in our home town,” Catherine said after a moment.
“I think the best time was Bets trying to climb the tree and her falling off, then cursing the were-rabbits that had put a curse on her. That was when she made her platform,” I recalled.
“Ah yes! That was also the day I fixed my first sprained ankle and the reason the first aid kit is still there.”
“We'll have to go there in the next few day to take all of our stuff out as well,” I said sadly.
“Don't be sad Dell. I read that the school is surrounded by forest. If we wanted we could make a bigger one there that we could live in instead of the school.”
“Think we'd anger the headmistress by doing that,” I pointed out.
“Well she doesn't need to know. But think of all the space we would have if we made it there. We'd have our own homes, kitchens, living spaces, bedrooms. And we won't have to room with anybody we don't know,” Catherine pointed out.
“With our luck, we'll be roomed with our enemies or something”
“How do you get your dorms anyway?” Catherine asked.
“I have no clue. Apparently, they have” I shuddered “Uniforms I think it's like a “Let's judge this kid by the way that he/she dresses and acts and place him/her with the other kids.””
“Well then. Do you think we'll be separated?”  
“I don't think you and I will be. You're just a bit quieter than me, being deaf and all, but I think that either we'll all be together or Bets will go to some place different.”
“I wonder if they even have a place that Bets would qualify to go to.”
“There have to be at least another fifty kids that are like her. We can at least hope I guess.”
“We'll definitely be together though. I have this feeling though.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think we're going to find our Gamma there.”
“Yeah. Our last member. Could you imagine that?!” Alphs asked.
I guess I should explain.
What we mean by our ‘Gamma’ is the last member of our group. They, the Gamma, would be the person whose advice was respected, and they can maintain order during chaos.
It’s kind of silly, referring to ourselves as a pack rather than a group, but the three of us agree that a pack is closer than just a group, a pack is family and they take care of each other. I guess in the beginning we all agreed that we should have nicknames the represent our ‘Ranks’ in the pack, Catherine got the highest one because, even though she wasn’t exactly bold, both Crystal and I knew that she was brave and that she would fit best in the highest leader position.
Crystal got the second highest rank because Catherine thought that she would make the best ‘Second in Command’ even though she may not look or act like it, Crystal is very smart.
And I got a semi-lower rank because I don’t do well as a leader, despite what the others may tell you, I chose to be the one who is the voice for the rest of the pack, and, if necessary, I would lead the others if I needed to.
“I hope it’s a boy. I don’t think I could survive another girl. Especially if they're anything like Bets. She's a handful at the best of times.”
“I have to agree. So, is that the last of them?” Catherine asked referring to the stink bombs and whipped cream pillow cases.
“Yeah I think so. It's hard to believe that after six years of knowing each other and practically living with each other, that we must leave now. It's just so hard to believe you know?” I asked.
“I know. It's just strange to think that after all this time, we'll be going to some new place. New people. New Ways of life. New everything It's just not right,” Catherine stated.
“I agree.” Zell and Arrow chorused.
“Alright. So, do I have your guys' attention?” I asked.
“Yep” They said.
“Good. Do those people have anything to do with the school?” I asked.
“Yup,” Arrow said.
“Are they like me?” I tried.
“Not Bein' exactly like yer-self, but ther' close enough,” Zell stated
“Alright will you stop beating around the bush and tell me!” I snapped
“It's important that you know that we can't tell you everything,” Tori told me
“But we can tell you some things,” Cal Informed me.
“Like the fact that they are in fact protecting you,” Arrow stated.
“And that they be under strict orders not to be goin' near ya' or yer friends,” Zell said.
“So, if I went to talk to them, I'll get more out of them.”
“Most likely,” Zell and Arrow said
“But we could get in trouble!” Cal reminded us.
“Yeah! She isn't supposed to know these things! If master found out we told her-,” Tori started.
“Ye be worryin' too much Tor. We didn' tell Ads anythin' she shoudn' know,” Zell stated.
“Yeah, she figured it out herself,” Arrow pointed out.
“I'm just smart like that,” I smirked.
“I’m not getting into this,” Cal said.
   It was six fifty-four in the evening. How would I know that? You can always count on Tori to know the time. Like to the millisecond. Catherine and I were hiding, waiting for Crystal to come down to bed.
“When is she coming?” I whined to Catherine who was about three meters away from me. She’d been keeping an eye out for Crystal for the past ten minutes.
“Now! So, shush!” She hushed me and I stuck my tongue out at her.
As soon as she did this I heard footsteps coming downstairs, I instantly quieted down like I was instructed to. I saw from where I was hiding, I saw Crystal coming down the stairs. She went to her bed and threw herself down. Releasing the whipped cream that had filled her pillow case and covered her face. She squealed as the foam touched her face. She stumbled over to the cupboard where the stink bombs were hidden. As the light hit them they were set off and they blew up in Crystal’s face. Catherine and I covered our faces as the literal green cloud of stench came over to us. Bets coughed through the stink and stumbled onto her bed and fell into more whipped cream pillows.
Catherine and I were stuck in silent fits of laughter. Laughing was the only time you could hear Catherine. But we were trying to be as silent as humanely possible. Which in this scenario was not easy.
Though no matter how much we laughed, it was drowned out by Crystal screaming.
Due to this, Catherine and I began to laugh and unfortunately, we were not very quiet about it.
“Ah Ha!” Crystal shouted as her whipped cream covered face came into our view.
Catherine and I scrambled to get out of the way of Crystal who was trying to make us give her a hug.
“OH, Come on! You know you want to!” She called out as we ran upstairs and hid up the jungle gym/slide house thingy. We were panting from both running and laughing. Crystal looked through the window of Lily and Alex's room and scowled at us. We could see from out place in the tree that both Alex and Lily were laughing that their prank worked on at least one of us.
“They seem happy that their prank worked on someone,” Catherine told me.
I nodded, trying to catch my breath, while looking around to make sure that Crystal wasn’t approaching us before I slid down the slide, which I was much too big for, Catherine following me closely. I turned to Catherine with a grin.  
“Whelp! It's almost dinner time and I'm craving Soup and Garlic bread”
“Warning! It's going to be an amusing dinner,” Arrow warned.
   Thank The Epic Arrow for that warning because he was right.
About five minutes into the nice peaceful dinner I started to think that he was lying.
But Then My dad started cracking Star Wars toilet jokes that included but were not limited to “Luke Pull up Your Shorts” in a Ben Kenobi voice.
I was extremely disturbed.
It was currently nine forty-three in the morning. The next day if anyone is confused and I had pulled an all-nighter.
Reason being? I spent the entire time listening to music on my radio while sorting through all my stuff. I didn't realize that I had so much stuff until I had collected it all from around the house. Out of the toy bins, my stuffed animals, my aquarium, my novels, my action figures that I had collected, my old laptop, my old clothes, my art supplies, jewelry, my old kids camera, any old notebooks or paper related things that I had.
Considering that I was leaving in two days I figured that I would go through my stuff figure out what was going to charity, what I would give to the Kids and what I would take with me. I didn't intend for it to take all night. I only had intended for it to take an hour. But an hour turned into the entire night when I looked at my bed and floor stacked high with all my stuff on it.
I was sitting on my bed and I was almost passing out from exhaustion Catherine was in the half awake, half asleep state. While Crystal was completely snoring.
I had seven boxes that were going to charity.
Twelve that were going to the kids, each kid getting different things.
My two suitcases that were going with me were completely stuffed. I had three carry-ons as well. It was going to be a heavy load.
All of Catherine’s stuff fit into six suit cases and one carry-on.
All of Crystal’s stuff didn't even fit into my two and three plus Catherine's six and one. She had so much stuff that her mother was shipping half of it to the school itself! I don't know how one person could have as much stuff as Crystal did.
I knew one thing. This trip was going to take it out of me. The same was going to Catherine, Crystal and Alex.
    That evening Catherine, Crystal and I set out to go find one of those people that Zell, Cal, Arrow and Tori told me about. Honestly, I didn’t think that we’d find anyone, but that might have been my sleep deprived brain.
“I don't think that we'll find just one of them. From what I've seen they travel in groups of four of three. On occasions, I'll see them in pairs of two but never one,” Catherine said.
“Maybe we'll get lucky!” Crystal chirped. Yeah . . . I highly doubt that.
It seemed to me that Catherine was having the same thoughts.
“Hey look! There's two there! Come one!” Crystal shouted as she ran.
“Bets! No-” Catherine didn't even finish her signing before Crystal was half way to them.
“Don't you find it a bit curious that we're out here for not even five minutes and there's already two of them there like they're waiting for us?” Catherine asked.
“Or the fact that they look extremely familiar?” I added.
But out thoughts were useless to the fact that Crystal had already cornered them.
“Excuse me? We have some questions if you wouldn't mind,” Crystal was saying as we approached.
“Um . . . Sure,” One said.
“You've been here since we were little, and show up most when we're together,” Crystal started.
“Not to mention that you have some sort of ability to take our memory of you” Catherine continued by signing, but they seemed to understand, this made me a bit more suspicious and cautious.
“But let's forget that for now and start with introductions. My name is Adriana, that is Catherine, and that Is Crystal. So, what do you have to say for yourselves?” I asked.
“Carter, Conner.”  They introduced themselves. Carter had skin made of lava rocks, Conner seemed to be completely made of glass.
“So back to our questions. You have technology that can erase or block memories?” I asked.
“You - you aren't supposed to know all this,” Conner stuttered.
“Well for fun and giggles, let’s say we do. Is it true?” I asked.
“Yes,” Carter admitted.
“So, you have been taking them?” Crystal said.
“And you’re here protecting us?” Catherine stated.
“Yes.” Came the same answer.
“But you're not allowed to show yourselves?” Crystal said.
“And now you'll be in a lot of trouble for speaking with us”
“Yes but-”
“And you can't take our memories again. It won't work anymore” Catherine reasoned.
Without even a second glance at us Carter lifted his hand, revealing a strange metal object that fit in his palm, connected with long, spiked cords that looked to be implanted into his fingers. Catherine was right, it did look slightly like a television remote, but it was smaller.
“No!” The others shouted. “Don't let him. It'll cause severe brain damage,” they told me.
Something clicked in my mind. Once I knew the danger, my mind took over. I lifted my hand and my eyes turned a deep golden that clouded over my vision as my fingertips turned that same color. Carter and Conner's eyes soon turned the same and Carter lowered his hand.
I didn't realize the effort that small little gesture took until I felt like I was in a dream, unable to feel my body and my vision clouded.
  Catherine’s point of view.
   I watched as Adriana fell and Crystal caught her, though Crystal struggled to hold Adriana up. Suddenly I didn't feel so safe around these people, but I pushed those thoughts away. I turned to them, faster than ever.
“Did you ever think, with those tiny little brains of yours, that stealing memories could cause brain damage!? You’re completely irresponsible!” I shouted. Suddenly something shot out of my chest, something like a shock wave that sent them flying. Crystal stared in shock as I panted. What did I just do? I looked down at myself, looking for something that could have caused the shock-wave thing, but I couldn’t see anything, which made me more confused.
We had to half carry-half drag Adriana l home. She didn't weigh much, but she was taller than us so it was a bit awkward. I was glad that Adriana’s family and Alex had gone out for Lily and Alex's choir practice. We walked through the door and had to throw Adriana on the couch. The breeze that was coming through the windows was not warm and I realized that Adriana was shivering.
I ran to the closet with spare blankets and grabbed a fleece one and threw it on Adriana.
“How did you do that Alphs?” Crystal asked me with a look of wonder on her face.
“I don't know. I just acted on instinct. I think that Dell did too.”
“What can I do?” Crystal wondered.
“I don't know try,” I urged.
Crystal screwed up her face slightly, something she did often and I burst out laughing. I didn't understand what I was laughing at, or what was so funny, I was just laughing. Crystal looked at me, slightly offended.
“What's so funny?” She asked.
“I really don't know” I said once I had calmed down. Crystal pouted slightly and that alone sent me into another rib breaking fit of laughter.
“What!” Crystal asked offended.
“I- Don't- Know!” My fingers faltered to get the words out properly.
“Meanie,” Crystal said.
Once I had calmed down I looked curiously at Crystal.
“OK what now,” Crystal asked, irritated.
“I don't understand why I was laughing. Nothing funny happened. But I was laughing like Dell had just taken a pie to the face,” I told her.
“I don't get it either!” Crystal pouted.
I heard Adriana groan and I looked to see her trying to sit up. Crystal ran and grabbed her a glass of water while I sat down in front of her, helping her sit up.
“Well that sure was f-,” Adriana started,
“Delly!” Crystal warned.
“Fun! I was going to say fun!”
“You alright?” I asked.
“Yeah. What the hell happened?” she asked.
“We don't know” I said.
“Well. When in doubt, jump about! Pizza party!” Adriana exclaimed and the fun was back.
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