#and to the antisemitic leftists out there- you are the scum of the earth
apocalypselog · 9 months
nngh ran into more I/p discourse. Why does everybody make it so hard. I read this stuff and can’t tell fact from fiction. At least until I step back and remember 18000 murdered civilians
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bademjanbitch · 7 years
I had a more serious response prepared here but then it struck me you're just gonna write off any Jew who doesn't agree with you as Zionist Scum and go back to your Tumblr/campus echo chamber so w/e. Maybe just be aware though that this is the overwhelming majority of Jews on planet Earth while you're busy tokenizing your Jewish identity to present as one of the Good Ones and helping silence Jews who bring up left-wing antisemitism.
i like how you’re accusing me of being close-minded and silencing other jews who bring up left-wing antisemitism by using a term coined and used by far-right antisemites. anyway, i’m painfully aware that an overwhelming majority of jews are zionists (almost like i’ve grown up around jews/jewish spaces my whole life? weird?) but instead of relying on what other people think to form my own opinions i’ve chosen instead to engage critically with the world around me and come to my own conclusion that the judaism and jewishness i believe in cannot allow any form of violent colonialism to exist in the world, especially one in its name. and consider for a moment, that by making all these assumptions about my politics instead of seeing me for who i am, an individual who happens to be jewish and also an anti-zionist, who spends a lot more time in leftist spaces than you do, and who makes it a point to call out antisemitism when i’m in those spaces, you’ve instead projected whatever stereotype you’ve conjured in your head about leftist jews onto me and therefore tokenized me :-) 
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