#and tried to protect the package anyway from the rain and wet sidewalk
I want to give a huge shout-out to the FedEx driver who just dropped off our package because it's been raining for hrs and will keep on raining for who knows how long and this driver didn't know anyone was home so they went ahead and wrapped the cardboard box in a giant plastic garbage bag to protect it from all the rain
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krystal-twi · 5 years
Errordream Week: Day Two
Day one,     day three,     day four      day five
ao3 link
Summary: After taking on the role of ‘leader’ for the light Sanses, Dream has to deal with the aftermath of a major desicion and it is too much for him. He runs off to calm down, only to run into Error. 
“When can we-?”
“Can we-?”
Dream had his hand raised, trying to quiet the skeletons around them. Error had started destroying some copies, to make room in the multiverse. Something they all agreed on. Combine many of the au’s and destroy the leftovers.
It was a solid plan, but understandably many of the copies themselves were not happy about losing their homes. Now they were expressing their doubts and fears to Dream…
Dream felt like a deer caught, surrounded by hunters with perfect aim, flashlights blaring and aimed at him.
“Please, one at a time,” Dream pleaded, his soul felt like it beating out of his ribcage. Unused energy shooting through his body, begging to drag him away from the swarm of negative emotions hurled his way. “I can’t-”
They closed him in. Dream was cornered, their voices growing in numbers as more copies teleported to Dreamtale.
Fingers twitching, Dream tried to back away. “I know it’s terrifying but-” Dream’s back hit something, making his body freeze. Dream looked over his shoulder to see a tall, boarding, Underfell Sans. His teeth in a snarl as he was also asking thousands of questions. “But it’s…”
Dream tried to continue, he did. He felt like he was going to break down. He felt like all the air in the multiverse wouldn’t be enough. It was too much.
After taking on the role Ink had originally possessed was confusing and overwhelming. Dream was meant to be a shoulder to lean on. Someone to be able to confide in and trust. Not be able to answer all the multiverses problems.
How did Ink handle all of this? All those eyesockets on him, looking for answers Dream just couldn’t provide? It reminded Dream of when the villagers expected Dream to be their ongoing stream of happiness and not a monster with a soul.
“Stop…” Dream said, but it was drowned out by the onslaught on screams of fear. Fear, so much… “Please…” They were closing in. Were they getting closer? What were they saying? Dream can’t breathe.
Dream looked for an exit. Not seeing one, bodies pressed together. Trying to get to Dream. Dream had to remind himself they weren’t the villagers, they didn’t mean harm. That didn’t stop tears spilling from his eyesockets.
Leave, he needed to leave.
Dream clenched his eyesockets shut, letting a porting appear beneath him. Taking him somewhere far from the mob.
Dream’s legs landed on the pavement of a ruin sidewalk. His back slamming into a wall with graffiti sprayed across it. Dream was clutching his head. Sobs wrecking through his body as he mentally begged for it to stop. For it to go away. It was too much. All too much!
How did Ink do this? Deal with everyone's needs and handle without a problem. Maybe being soulless helped Ink deal with the stress. Dream was the exact opposite of that! He was the guardian of positivity! Happiness, joy and all that bull.
Dream sniffed and tried to rub at the tears away with his sleeve. A hiccup leaving him. Dream was supposed to be there for others.
But he was a fuck up as always. He couldn’t protect his brother, he couldn’t see the truth about Dream and now he couldn’t be there for the Sanses that needed him. What kind of guardian of positivity was he?
Dream laid his head back against the wall, eyesockets opening and staring up at the sky. He must have teleported to a universe above ground. There were rain clouds forming above him. The air chilly and the smell of rain in the air. The ground freshly wet from the rain. Dream must have missed the storm.
Dream wiped his face against, eyelights darting down. Trying to get ahold of his emotions. He slowly slid down the wall, letting himself hit the wet pavement under him. His shoulders slumped and shaking with each sharp intake of breath.
Dream laid his head on his knees, arm coming up and blocking most of his view but it helped stop the flow of tears. Dream couldn’t count how long he had been there. It was peaceful, well as peaceful it could be. He wasn’t quite ready to go back, not yet.
Dream wondered when it would be a good idea to go back when an unopened red and white box laid on the ground just by Dream’s feet. It was a wander he didn’t squish it when he teleported. Sniffling, Dream lowered his arm. His eyesight was slightly blurry.
Dream stared down at the packet of cigarettes. He remembers some of the Sanses and swap!Papyrus tend to smoke. Especially when they are stressed.
Did those really help?
Dream remembers Ink telling him about them. Bad side effects, but if they helped ease the stress. Was it worth it? If they helped, how could Dream say no? Dream huffed, reaching for the package and pulling one out. The smell of tobacco hitting Dream.
Dream stared at the cigarette with a glare, letting the pack fall back to the ground. One couldn’t hurt. If it turned out to help, Dream could help calm those Sanses down. If they didn’t, Dream wouldn’t think about it again.
Dream was about to find a way to light the cigarette when-
“What are you doing here?” Dream all but jumped in the air. Turning his head to meet tear streaked skull. It was Error. Error brilliant eyelights held concern in them. Watching Dream like he was a ticking time bomb. “You know those are bad for your magic, right?”
Dream waved the unlit cigarette. “Just a thought,” His voice was raspy and raw from crying.
Why did Error care anyways? Dream didn’t know if he liked Error caring or not. In one hand, it made him feel better, happier, warmer to know he did. On the other hand, it made Dream feel weird. Dream didn’t know if it was a good weird or not.
Error shrugged his shoulders. “Thoughts can turn to actions, actions can turn to habits,” Error stated simply, making his way to Dream. Error pointed to the cigarette, a curious frown on his face. “How would your magic react to those?”
Dream frowned, haven't thought about that. Dream had only thought about the good side effects of a stress-free life. Not the effects could have on his magic. What would happen? If his positive magic became tainted...
Dream sighed and threw the cigarette to the side. “Didn’t truly think that far,” Error walked a little closer. Hands put in his pockets.
Error leaned his head to the side. An almost amused smirk flirting with his mouth.  “They really have you stressed, huh?”
Dream frowned, shrugging his shoulders as he looked away. “They are scared,” Dream dismissed Error. Error made a noise, holding back a snort. Dream looked over his shoulders.
“I apologize,” Error said, “But avoiding my question by defending them isn’t a tactic I see most of the time,” Error ran his eyelights over Dream’s body. It caused Dream to flush. “It’s usually the tactic of blaming the other party…” Error bopped his head in thought. “Also, a little threatening.”
Dream sighed, hoping the blush on his face wasn’t as strong as he felt it was. He ran his hand over his skull. “That’s not who I am.” Dream stated.
Error shook his head. “No, you are the guardian of positivity. Your tactic is too blame yourself for other’s mistakes and deal with it on your own,” Dream blinked up at the other. Error kept his smirk on his face. “Am I wrong?”
Dream wanted to let out a frustrated scream. How? “Yes, I am stressed. However, I-”
“You have thousands, if not millions, of monsters turning to you for help.” Error cut him off. A knowing look in his eyelights. “No need to be ashamed with it being a lot.” Error leaned against the wall, clasping his hands together. “Besides, you’re not the only one hiding from it,”
Dream shook his head in confusion. Raising a hand as he tried to get what was just said processed. “The Dark Sanses are turning to you? I thought Nightmare-”
“Your brother is a powerful figure for the dark Sanses,” Okay, what is with Error cutting Dream off? Dream pouted up at the other, a half glare on his face as Error continued on. “-but the only part of the balance he can control is negativity.”
Error smacked his nonexistent lips. Remorse in those beautiful multicolored eyelights that still haunt his dreams. “They are worried but they don’t want anyone else to know. They don’t want to appear weak,” Dream blinked up at him, eyesockets wide.
Shock washed over Dream, though he didn’t know why. “You’re destroying dark au’s as well?” Dream doesn’t recount seeing any of the dark Sanses flooding him with questions. Then again, why would they go to him? Nightmare and Error were the ones they trusted.
“Both Dark and Light need destruction.” Error said simply. “It shouldn’t be so surprising.”
“You already… did it?” Dream wasn’t sure on how to go about it. Looking up at the towering monster. How does one talk about destroying universes? It was hard for Dream to comprehend this being an easy conversation for Error.
Error shrugged his shoulders. Focusing in on the far distances. “A lot of au’s need to be destroyed before all is well. I’m nowhere close to being even a tenth way done.” It amazed Dream when he saw the unfazed look in Error’s eyelights.
Error just shrugged his shoulders. Error slid down so he was sitting next ton Dream. The shoulders brushed together for a split second, glitches spreading across the others shoulder.
For the first time in forever, Dream saw the circles under Error’s eyesockets. The smile on his face looking a bit strained, genuine but not quite as real as it could be.
Dream squeezed his legs around his arms. Looking to his left as a blush spread across his cheeks. The words flew out of his mouth before he knew what he was doing. “Do you like hot chocolate?”
Silence followed the question, quickly accompanied by an onslaught of rays of excitement and pure hope. Dream turned to look back to Error. Almost knocked over by the enthusiasm from Error.
“I love chocolate!” Dream’s eyesockets wide as he stared at Error, a breathless laugh escaping him. “You got some?”
Powerless to keep the giggles contained, Dream smiled and shook his head. Error’s face fell instantly, looking heartbroken and betrayed. It made the giggling from Dream worse. He covered his mouth to try and restrain them.
“But I do have some back home,” Hope struck Error’s face like lightning. It reminded Dream almost of a child.  “Want some?” Dream asked breathlessly. Error’s eyesockets widened.
“I could use the break,” Error said, the smile on his face was big. Reaching both his eyesockets, making Dream’s soul soar.
Dream stood and reached his hand down to Error. Error quirked a smirk, head tilted to the side. He reached up and grabbed Dream’s hand. Dream ignored the electric from the mere touch of hands.
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