#and two wiskers on each cheek
ifindus · 2 years
Oh yeah my bad💀 i probably should've said fossegrimmen instead of nøkken😭 i grew up learning about nøkken as a cryptic monster, but mostly just the version where he is a young, beautiful man with long hair (that he stole from one of his female victims) playing the fiddle luring kids for him to drown😳 I find the duality with Norwegian folklore a bit funny 'cause like
we have the creatures who are haunting beautiful/or creature who plays the fiddle haunting beautiful like; huldra, fossegrimmen, nøkken(only the human version of it), the devil (from the fanitull saga)🥰
and then we have... the big and scary ones like; troll (not all of them), kraken, draugen💀
And then we have the small, unhinged creatures like nisser😭
While we're on the topic about folklore creatures, which creatures do you think Nor would get along with the most?? I think he would get along pretty nicely with fjøsnisse maybe? (Nor hadde sekkert hatt litt beef med nissa siden døm hører itte alltid og kan være ganske stae😭) (og sorry for at je plagger deg sækkelig med dette, er bære at det itte hær dag man finn norske hetalia fans💀)
It's incredible all these forms Nøkken can take - from beautiful man, a great white horse, and the cryptid monster of organic material - all essantially made to ward people off dangerous still inland waters. Nøkken and Fossegrimen often get confused as well, or interchanged.
I loooove Norwegian folklore 😩 cause it's so true what you say about the duality of it, and also how they all have differnt goals and motivations etc. (I can never really get used to Draugen being a sea creature because all my life my dad has always scared me with dodraugen på utedassen so that's all I know😭)
Nor would absolutely befriend fjøsnissen!! I would think he'd have a kind of neighbourly relation to tussan/haugfolket/de underjordiske as well, with all the stories of them asking for help and befriending humans. Though they might have tried to curse him at some point, and he would have had to make it up to them again. I can see him getting those fiddle lessons from the Fossegrim as well 👀 litt spekeskinke tre torsdaga på rad 👌 åsså, null stress 😭 fantastisk å få spørsmål fra nordmenn - bli litt meir kulturell kontekst læll 💖 ælske dialækta di btw
His friend in canon really shouldn't be the troll, as they usually kidnap humans and/or kill them, and they're really someone we have to fight. I remember my dad would tell us stories growing up about a troll living in the mountain behind our cabin -even if it would scare the shit out of us, I loved it
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