#and u know what for an apparent brown lesbian u show the entitlement of a white person
menalez · 2 years
Just read that one anon about me being "subtly racist" because I called you and your mutual desisapphic out for being misogynistic (or in your case defending it) towards bi women and defending/promoting prejudice.
So anon I AM A BROWN LESBIAN MYSELF. Forgive me for making the sin of not stating my race where I thought it would be unnecessary to. I am a brown woman who still lives in her native country and has never even set foot in any Western country.
And that's the exact reason why I was "obsessed with 2 brown lesbians" because I mainly follow people on radblr who are woc. Preferably woc who are SSA. And I came across that bs from those accounts.
This is also where I would like to add in that all the shit lesbians mostly get mad over bi women is based on the batshit assumption that it happens everywhere. Ik because I have interacted within the few lgb circles I could find in my locality after shit load of research searching for them. In my country it doesn't mean matter if you're bi or homo. Everybody here is shamed for their ssa. Heteronormativity is so much more normalized here that only people within the lgb community know what bisexual means. When bi people learn about their sexuality they don't have to make efforts to deal with their osa but with how society looks at their ssa. Very few bi people fake their ssa or take it for granted from my experience with bisexuals in my area. Discovering you're attracted to the opposite sex in such an extremely homophobic environment isn't easy for anyone. Thank the fucking gods lgb people in my country understand this so there's less to no intracommunity issues the way other countries (specifically Western countries) do.
This is why I get so angry when people speak about bisexuals in a condescending way without giving 2 minutes to think about how this would be affecting a person who lives in that kind of environment. There are bi people who grew up in such environments and it would be nice to not throw misogynistic or victim-blaming comments at bi women or defend prejudice against them as "not a major issue" or have them generalized (I mean everybody here does understand generalizing lesbians is wrong so why is it different for bi women?).
"Subtle racism" my ass. I have got the right to discuss intracommunity issues within my own community. At least be sure of whether the person is white or not before throwing accusations.
we aren’t mutuals, she doesn’t even follow me lol but also skimmed the rest bc fr u should stop ranting at me for once and go rant at the ppl u take issue with. but the argument that bi women are only like this in the west 💀💀💀💀 i have met lesbians in bahrain and lemme tell u! i didn’t mention bi women once but the two very normie very bahraini not at all westernised lesbians i met (one hardly even speaks english) told me what they experienced. one of them’s gf left her to marry a man. when she got upset, her gf said “you’re only mad because you wouldn’t be able to get a man with how you look!”. the lesbian in question is butch & a bodybuilder btw. that resulted in the lesbian marrying a man who, lucky for her, died soon after they got married but not before going to her family and complaining that she won’t have sex with him. another lesbian told me about how her girlfriend, a bi woman, told her she’ll leave her for a man and marry a man when she’s ready to. so much for a western phenomena and bi women & lesbians having 0 difference in the east. the idea that the lesbians complaining about bi women being homophobic and prioritising relationships with men are complaining about a purely western phenomena is insane to me. because bi women totally wouldn’t do or say that & have even more motivation in more homophobic environments??? also the idea tht it’s harder to figure out ur OSA when in a homophobic environment is also wild. leave me alone, unfollow me preferably bc i don’t take how you’ve been ranting at me, over things ive literally not said, so kindly
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