#and virga uses xe/xem pronouns and is generally fine with any forms of address (though defaults to neutral ones)
void-kissed · 2 years
Ah!! Suddenly more sparkles!! Thank you for these, friend!~
(source: this post by dragonsmooch)
Send me ✨ for a random thing about one of my OCs! (Optional: You can specify one!) - ..Okay, there are three of these, so.. may I use one for each of my trio of KH OCs (who also happen to be fankids for my selfship with Aqua)?
Virga's name refers to a streak of rain or snow that can be seen falling from a cloud, but that never actually reaches the ground; this was what inspired xyr tag. Xe has the most stamina out of the three apprentices, generally being able to outlast the other two in fights pretty well as long as xe doesn't get hit too much. The default form of xyr Keyblade is called Sun Pillar. In terms of xyr personality, I tend to think of Virga as the most level-headed of the trio, calm without being cold (which likely stems from xem being the oldest of the three), but at the same time xe's very imaginative and creative.
Rime's name comes from a type of ice formed when supercooled water freezes onto surfaces. It often looks very feathery and crystalline, hence their tag. Their Keyblade's default form is called Glacialis, and their style of combat focuses a lot on buffs and debuffs rather than direct physical damage - however, their natural light seems strongest out of the three so far. I've been thinking of their personality as quite timid and more cautious compared to the other two, possibly because they're the shortest and maybe therefore also youngest?
Mistral's name is the name of the northwesterly wind of the Mediterranean. It's maestrale in Italian, which links it more directly to its meaning of "masterly", hence his tag. Mistral has the strongest magic out of the three apprentices, and his default Keyblade is called Winterspring. At the moment, I'm thinking of her as the most leader-like of the three (maybe because of his name?) - he's not afraid to stand up for himself or the people she cares about, and is overall decidedly less glum than he tends to look on the outside to those who don’t know him well.
I hope that those responses were alright!! Thank you very much for sending in the sparkles, friend ^-^
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